How is the name Vitaly translated from Greek? Name for a boy Vitaly: meaning, character and destiny

The origin of the name Vitaly is Latin roots and translated means “vital.” In some countries it may sound like “Vitalis”, but it is most common in the CIS countries.

The meaning of the name Vitaly in a man’s life is quite large, since the nickname directly affects a person’s character traits. In this case, the boy so named is endowed with:

  • reliability,
  • phlegmatic temperament,
  • a positive outlook on the world.

As a child The owner of the name Vitaly is a rather shy and timid, but at the same time affectionate child.

  • He is obedient and easy to train, which will have a good effect on relationships with people in the future.
  • The boy, as a rule, has a strong connection with his mother and treats her not only as a parent, but also as a friend. Over time, this does not go away and warm relationships last a lifetime.
  • As for communication with others, a person named Vitaly knows how to find an approach to anyone.
  • He can be an excellent listener and a devoted friend, so you can safely rely on him.
  • In companies, he strives to become a leader, and such a role suits him well.

As an adult The character remains virtually unchanged.

  • The bearer of the name Vitaly remains kind, sociable and able to compromise.
  • Some may consider him soft-hearted, but in reality he simply does not see the point in conflicts, since he has few principles and things that he is ready to argue about.
  • Most often, the name Vitaly gives a person a phlegmatic temperament, so such a person does not show his strengths unnecessarily.

Love and family

If anything can change the owner of the name Vitaly, it is the creation of a family.

The right woman helps him discover new character traits in himself that previously seemed invisible.

  • For example, determination, passion, willingness to go to great lengths for the sake of the chosen one. However, during adolescence and young adulthood, it may be difficult for him to enter into long-term relationships due to shyness and fear of rejection.
  • The name Vitaly is characteristic of amorous people who can quickly switch from one girl to another. But, having found the ideal woman for himself, Vitaly quickly turns into a diligent family man who will be proud of his wife.
  • He is ready to be a hospitable master of the house and fully provide for a woman if she gives him children. He will love one or more children very much and will do everything for their well-being. He will treat his daughters especially warmly and will protect them in any situation.

For marriage, he chooses a fragile and tender girl who is ready to obey him in everything. He likes to be an authority figure for her. A woman's appearance is very important to him.

The ideal match for him would be:

  • slim,
  • well-groomed,
  • kind girl,
  • which will not give reasons for jealousy.

The wife should consider that a person named Vitaly should be surrounded with warmth and care, otherwise he will look for all this on the side.

  • Your home should always be clean, comfortable, and most importantly, calm.
  • Vitaly loves silence and a pleasant atmosphere, but conflicts drive him crazy.
  • He will not tolerate a woman who regularly starts scandals, even if the complaints are well founded. Such a marriage could easily end in divorce.

Career and hobbies

What the name Vitaly means for a person’s career is quite simple to say. As a rule, such a nickname endows a person with a love of money, but not of work.

We can say for sure that the profession will not become the meaning of life for him, but only a way to earn money.

Vitaly Georgievich Atyushov (Russian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

It can become:

  • engineer,
  • builder,
  • manager and any other specialist.

It all depends on which area seems more profitable for him. There may be some problems with moving up the career ladder, since the owner of the name Vitaly may lack determination.

It is difficult to say whether this will mean complete failure or whether it will somehow be possible to stay afloat.

It all depends on the motivation and goals that the man currently faces.

By the way, the name Vitaly is typical for people who do not have any special hobbies. A hobby may be fishing or hunting, but neither interest will be of great importance in life. Perhaps a man will want to devote himself to his family or close people, but not to his hobby.


Although the characteristics of the name Vitaly are not good in everything, such a man’s health is excellent.

  • He is physically strong and mentally balanced, so he can safely play sports or lead an active life. However, he will become interested in this only if his parents teach him this from childhood. It is advisable to send the boy to one or more sports clubs, otherwise at a young age he may become lazy and passive.
  • A person named Vitaly should eat properly, as there is a risk of kidney problems. The disease lurks in adulthood, and although before that it may seem that everything is fine with health, then the disease will suddenly strike.
  • It is also recommended to give up bad habits, especially alcohol consumption, as this will damage other organs. You should not hope that such weaknesses will pass without consequences.

Vitaly is recommended to pay attention to his health in order to keep himself in good shape. Don't be lazy - regular exercise or long walks will help you maintain good health until old age.

The meaning of the name Vitaly: The boy's name means "life-giving." This affects the character and fate of Vitaly.

Origin of the name Vitaly: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Vitalik, Vitalya, Vitya, Talik, Vitasha, Vityusha.

What does the name Vitaly mean: comes from the Roman family nickname Vitalis. Vitaly is translated as “vital”. Another meaning is “full of vitality.” We can say that fate showers the owner of this name with luck - everything always goes according to plan for Vitalik. The guy Vitaly is an active and energetic person. Life flows out of him.

Patronymic: Vitalievich, Vitalievna; decomposition Vitalich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Vitaly celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 7 (January 25) - Holy Martyr Vitaly, together with his mother and six brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome in 164.
  • May 5 (April 22) - St. Vitaly the monk pleased God with his concerns about the conversion of great sinners to a righteous life; suffered a lot of ridicule and reproach; died in the 7th century. Vitaly bequeathed to us “not to condemn our neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; not to condemn before God’s judgment.”

Signs of the name Vitaly: On February 7, on the martyr Vitaly, they observe the state of the weather during the day: what the day is like from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening - foreshadows the other half of winter.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Vitaly's treasured plant is violet.
  • Patron - tiger
  • Talisman stone - sapphire

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

Positive features: Vitaly gives activity, love of life, gentleness. Vitalik has amazingly kind humor. He loves cheerful people, but not slackers. The child is attached to the mother. He is responsive to love and tenderness. This does not interfere with the manifestation of such qualities as courage, courage and responsibility. Vitaly has many friends who value him for the listed qualities.

Negative features: It brings idealism, fantasy, and excessive gullibility. In adolescence, a child, aware of his natural gentleness, can deliberately behave rudely. You shouldn't pay attention to this. Over time, Vitaly realizes his mistakes and finds agreement with himself.

Character of the name Vitaly: What character traits? Whatever Vitalik wants, he will get in life, because fate is unusually favorable to him. She always throws him winning cards, and the only task is to take advantage of them. This he does with great success. Vitaly is cheerful, witty, kind and friendly, outwardly generous (internally he is rather stingy, but he is ashamed of this trait of his and strives to get rid of it. By the way, he generally knows how to change any trait of his character, get rid of any habit - if he tries very hard, and most importantly, he really wants it). Vitaly loves to eat and drink well, have fun in company, and is a great womanizer; but, like all men whose names begin with Vic and Vit, he is powerless before the power of an intelligent, strong wife (especially if he is in love with her). She can turn Vitaly into a completely different person, or rather, aggravate all his unpleasant traits (vindictiveness, pettiness, stubbornness), so that he will lose his former friends, his former popularity, and ruin his life’s work. However, we must pay tribute - Vitaly is a real “vanka-vstanka” in his ability to start everything over again and come out unscathed from all sorts of troubles. His charm and hard work are always with him, and these are his main means to achieving success in life!

Purposeful, stubborn, diligent, quickly adapts to unfamiliar surroundings, has a flexible mind. By temperament, Vitaly is sanguine, rarely gloomy, but does not have a strong will. Vitaly has a slow reaction speed, intelligence and intuition are moderately developed. As a rule, guys are very lazy and careless, but unpretentious and not vain. A man reaches a standard of living that provides a tolerable existence and stops there.

The guy chooses a woman as his wife who would be both his mother and true friend. Love feelings and passionate experiences are relegated to the background. In marriage, Vitaly is faithful to his wife, values ​​her love, but in public does not show any signs of marital disposition towards her. He has a developed sense of responsibility for raising children.

But if a hobby on the side turns into a strong feeling, he may leave his family, children, and attaches great importance to an established life. Reacts with great anxiety to the slightest changes in his potency. The guy succeeds in business, in the field of exact sciences, design and industrial production.

In childhood, a child is an affectionate, obedient, diligent, shy boy. Vitaly feels more confident with younger children.

Vitaly and his personal life

Compatible with female names: Vitaly's marriage with Anfisa, Vasilina, Evgenia, Kaleria, Larisa, Marietta, Rosalia is favorable. Vitaly is also combined with Elvira. Difficult relationships Vitaliev is likely with Bella, Isolde, Karolina, Mavra, Stefania, Elsa.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vitaly promise happiness in love? Vitalik was created for family life. He is Vitaly, a thrifty and loving husband, a caring father, trying to become a friend for his children.

A guy with this name is popular with women, Don Juanism is in his character, but Vitaly does not consider it necessary to have any moral obligations towards his girlfriends. He doesn’t have many of them, he is picky and chooses a beautiful, stately woman. Her manners are important to him, whether she is well dressed, what perfume she wears. Vitaly is married most often once; as he gets older, he prefers the comfort of home and a calm family environment. For him it has special meaning wife's love, jealous, attached to children.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The guy Vitaly lacks determination and consistency. In all areas of activity, he often misses profitable opportunities, being distracted by insignificant matters.

Adult Vitaly is calculating, reasonable, and somewhat cunning. He has a flexible mind, he gains experience very quickly, but he works according to his mood. He has a penchant for exact sciences; he can be an engineer, designer, mathematics or physics teacher.

Business and career: It is difficult for him to save the accumulated funds. He is always full of ideas in which to invest money. This has a negative impact on his budget.

He Vitaly is witty, sometimes caustically ironic, dissatisfied with the people around him, aggressive, but this is a mask behind which hides a vulnerable person. He has few friends, but they are loyal. Vitaly is outwardly generous, but inwardly stingy and tries to get rid of this trait, realizing its unattractiveness. He has enough will to change any trait of his character. Fate is favorable to Vitaly, he can have everything he really wants.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vitaly: The meaning of the name Vitaly from a medical point of view. He is likely to have weakened functions of the kidneys and other organs of the excretory system. He needs to pay special attention to nutrition.

The influence of the zodiac sign on Vitaly

Horoscope Vitaly-Aries: eccentric nature. Endowed with high intelligence combined with perseverance and resilience. He knows how to give in and listen to other people's opinions. Unfortunately, he trusts people too much, and they shamelessly take advantage of his trust.

Horoscope Vitaliy-Taurus: a realist to the core. He needs communication and understanding, but rarely finds them. He perceives women, first of all, as friends, and often true love passes by.

Horoscope Vitaly-Gemini: a serious person with original views and convictions. He often faces misunderstandings from others, but has no tendency to be offended or angry. He beautifully looks after his chosen one, surrounding her with care and tenderness.

Horoscope Vitaliy-Cancer: romantic, idealistic personality, with a highly developed imagination. He often has difficulty communicating and is not used to waiting for help from others. Vitaly-Cancer is attached to his family, he is monogamous and will easily yield to a woman.

Horoscope Vitaly-Leo: self-confident, ambitious, courageous person. All his thoughts and aspirations are focused on personal gain. Even in love, it is more important for him to conquer a woman than to build a relationship with her.

Horoscope Vitaly-Virgo: He has a keen critical mind and insight. Outwardly he appears reserved, but he is very sensitive to praise and pleasantries. Vitaly-Virgo chooses his partner extremely pickily; he is not a supporter of romance.

Horoscope Vitaly-Libra: a cheerful and decent person. He is open to people and, as a rule, is always surrounded by numerous friends and acquaintances. Girls often fall in love with him, as he gives the impression of a reliable and strong person, but Vitaly-Libra does not intend to flirt - he is waiting for his ideal in order to build strong relationships.

Horoscope Vitaly-Scorpio: personality is contrasting and temperamental. He is quick-tempered and loses control over himself in anger, and can say rude things. The more he likes a woman, the more he tries to distance himself from her, because he is afraid of disappointments and emotional turmoil.

Horoscope Vitaly-Sagittarius: very attractive and sincere person. He is extremely devoted to those he loves, ready to give everything he has. Such noble devotion of Vitaly-Sagittarius is often taken advantage of by those around him, which is why he finds himself in unpleasant situations, but he cannot help himself - altruism is inherent in him.

Horoscope Vitaly-Capricorn: an energetic and persistent person. He is prudent and cautious, and will not take any steps without first thinking things through. Vitaly-Capricorn values ​​intelligence above all else, so only an intelligent, serious woman can captivate him.

Horoscope Vitaly-Aquarius: this sign rules him, so Vitaly-Aquarius is a harmonious person, he will be incredibly lucky in life. He has strong intuition and a sharp mind, knows and understands people well. Women will be very interested in him, because he always knows how to carry on a conversation and give a compliment on time.

Horoscope Vitaliy-Pisces: he is distinguished by extraordinary kindness and mercy. This person is able to overlook shortcomings and love all people equally. However, he himself remains unclear. He needs a woman with a soft character, capable of appreciating his fragile, vulnerable soul.

Numerological horoscope named after Vitaly

Vitaly’s life is ruled by the number 5.

Five endows Vitaly's character with tireless love of life and cheerfulness. He has a passion for knowledge, frequent changes, and striving forward, which is why he is not always able to realistically assess the current situation. Five symbolizes fragility, mobility and a penchant for adventurism. Theory is not enough for Vitaly, he needs to experiment, to be convinced of everything personal experience. Despite the fact that the number 5 deprives Vitaly of stability in life, it will bring him good luck, since eternal searches bring self-improvement to his personality.

About Vitaliy in different languages ​​of the world

The translation in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In Ukrainian it is translated as Vitaliy, in Polish: Vitalis.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Vitaly
  • Genitive case: Vitalia
  • Dative case: Vitaly
  • Accusative case: Vitalia
  • Instrumental case: Vitaly
  • Prepositional case: Vitaly

The fate of the name Vitaly in history:

  1. Vitaly Ilinsky (1814-1864), nicknamed Iskander Bey, was an adventurer who served in the troops of Maria Christina of Spain, then with Don Pedro of Portugal. Participated in the siege of Herat (1836).
  2. Vitaly N. Trotsky (?-1901) - adjutant general, infantry general; took part in the Crimean campaign, distinguishing himself in the battle of the Alma River. In 1860 he was enlisted in the General Staff. In 1867, Trotsky was appointed chief of staff of the troops of the Syr-Darya region.
  3. Vitaly Bianchi (1894-1959) - Russian writer. Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a biologist. He inherited his reverent attitude towards nature from his father, an ornithologist who worked at the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences.
  4. Vitali Klitschko - (born 1971) Ukrainian boxer, currently a politician.
  5. Vitaly Dubinin - (born 1958) Russian musician (bass guitar), member of the group "Aria", author of a large number of musical works written for this group.
  6. Vitaly Shafranov - (1929-2014) Soviet and Russian physicist, studied plasma and thermonuclear fusion.
  7. Vitaly Davydov - (born 1939) Soviet hockey player, became an Olympic champion three times as part of the USSR team.
  8. Vitaly Lazarenko - (1890-1939) Russian circus performer, worked in the genre of clownery, in 1914, for the first time in the world, did a somersault over three elephants, performed in front of soldiers of the Soviet army.
  9. Vitaly Goldansky - (1923-2001) Soviet scientist, physical chemist, worked in the field of nuclear issues, winner of the Lenin and State Russian Prizes.
  10. Vitaly Margulis - (1928-2011) Soviet and Russian pianist, his students became laureates many times international competitions, and many of them are winners.
  11. Vitaly Gromadsky - (born 1928) Soviet singer (bass).
  12. Vitaly Lazhentsev - (born 1940) Soviet and Russian geographer and economist, one of his important results scientific research was the definition of the economic role of the North for Russia.
  13. Vitaly Atyushov - (born 1979) Russian hockey player, world championship medalist.

The owner of the name Vitaly can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is important for us to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it.

The name Vitaly is borrowed from the Latin language and goes back to the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Vitalis, translated - “vital, full of life" Also in Ancient Rome there was a related cognomen Vitalianus, literally meaning "Vitalian, belonging to Vitalius".

This name entered the church calendar in the era of early Christianity. In the 2nd century in Rome, the martyr Vitaly, along with his mother and six brothers, suffered for their faith in Christ. His name day is celebrated on February 7 (January 25, old style). According to popular belief, the day of Vitaly in winter foreshadows the nature of the winter of the next year: what the weather was on that day, such it will be throughout the winter of the next year.

In the 7th century there lived the Monk Vitaly of Alexandria, who pleased God with his concerns about converting sinners to a righteous life. He bequeathed to us “not to judge our neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; not to condemn before God’s judgment.” The church honors his memory on May 5 (April 22).

This name, included in both the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, has become widespread in many European countries, taking the forms Vital and Vio in French, Vitale - in Italian, Vidal - Spanish, Vitalis - in German and Polish. IN Catholic tradition Saint Vitalius of Milan is considered the patron saint of the city of Thibodaux (Louisiana, USA), and Saint Vitalian of Capua is the patron of the Italian city of Catanzaro.

This name came to Rus' along with other Christian names, most likely in the 12th-14th centuries, but initially only clergy, monks and other people close to the church were baptized with it. Until the 19th century, this name existed only in the church environment. In Russian history Orthodox Church famous Vitaly Grechulevich, master of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, spiritual writer, founder and editor of the magazine “Strannik”; Vitaly Stepanovich Serebrenikov, professor of psychology at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and others.

However, over time, many names began to be used “in the world”, which until then were considered almost exclusively ecclesiastical, for example, Gennady, Leonid, Eugene. Among them was the name Vitaly. So, in the nineteenth century this was already a completely stable name, although widespread mainly among the nobles and urban intelligentsia. It was worn, for example, by Vitaly Nikolaevich Troitsky, adjutant general, participant in the Crimean campaign; as well as the famous historian Vitaly Yakovlevich Shulgin, who taught historical and philological courses at Kiev University. In the 20th century, the name Vitaly began to be used in all social strata, but it was not popular. Most often, Russians called boys by this name in the 60s of the 20th century.

Today this ancient noble name is very popular, and parents willingly name their sons with it.

Sources: Kryukov M.V., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Leontyev N.N., What's in my name for you? Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name – through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

The most popular version of the name's meaning is the Roman version. According to this version, the name Vitaly comes from the Roman nickname Vitalis. Its meaning, and therefore The meaning of the name Vitaly is “vital” or “full of life”.

Many popular names today come from Roman nicknames. These are, for example, names such as Victor (Victorinus), Camille (Camillus), Maxim (Maximus), Albina (Albinus), Claudia (Claudius), Emilia (Aemilius) and many others.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child

Little Vitalik is a shy, affectionate and slightly timid child. He is an obedient and well-mannered boy, and his ability to fit into almost any team is characteristic even in adulthood. Vitalik also has a special connection with his mother, who becomes his true friend. Vitalik is rarely the leader of the company, but if circumstances put him in a leadership position, then he copes with it successfully. It can also be noted that Vitaly is a devoted friend and you can rely on him.

Vitaly is an average student, but if he gets interested in something, his success will surprise everyone. He is more inclined to the exact sciences, as he does not have sufficient sensitivity. The boy grows up athletic and achieves certain success in sports. Usually his successes end with interest in this hobby, and not with reaching the growth limit. Has a passion for various martial arts and other “male” sports.

The boy named Vitaly is in fairly good health. He has good immunity and rarely gets sick. Passion for sports makes his health even better. It is also worth noting its balanced nervous system, which allows him to withstand increased nervous stress. Vitaly's weak point is usually the digestive system and he often has to follow a diet.

Short name Vitaly

Vitalik, Vitalka, Vitas, Vitasya, Vitales, Vitakha.

Diminutive pet names

Vitalya, Vitalyushka, Vitalechka, Vitalenka, Vitaska.

Children's middle names

Vitalievich and Vitalievna. There is also a colloquial form of the male patronymic - Vitalich.

Name Vitaly for international passport- VITALII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Vitaly into other languages

in Belarusian - Vital
in Spanish - Vital
in Italian - Vitale
in Latin - Vitalis
in German - Vitalis
in Polish - Vitalis
in Portuguese - Vitálio
in Romanian - Vitalie
in Serbian - Vitalije
in Ukrainian - Vitaliy
in French - Vital

Church name Vitaly(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vitaly. Of course, this does not mean that Vitaly cannot choose a different baptismal name for himself.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

The adult Vitaly is characterized by all the same features as in childhood. He is kind, flexible and friendly. Many people consider Vitaly to be soft, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that there aren’t as many fundamental things for him as there are for many others. One can also say about Vitaly that he is often a follower, although this absolutely suits him. Many people look at this and think that Vitaly does not have leadership qualities. This is not true at all. As soon as fate puts Vitaly in the place of leader, he will successfully cope with this.

Vitaly's professions are usually related to the exact sciences. He may be an engineer or a builder, but this will definitely be a “male” profession. He achieves some success in any of his endeavors, but when he reaches an average level he stops. For Vitaly, job success is not a measure of success. It is just a means of making money, but nothing more.

Starting a family changes Vitaly very much. He exhibits passion and temperament that were completely invisible. He is ready to do anything to win his chosen one. In his life together, he is a diligent family man and a wonderful owner of the house. He wants a certain passion from his wife, and if he doesn’t get it, he can look for it on the side. He loves his children very much, and is especially warm towards his daughters.

The secret of the name Vitaly

The secret of Vitaly may be his many positive traits. He is a rather phlegmatic person and many of his strengths rarely appear unless particularly necessary. Vitaly may be erudite, brave or an excellent speaker, but he has no desire to demonstrate it. Vitaly believes that he does not have to prove anything to anyone.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Tiger.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Sapphire.

The mystery of the name

Vitaly- vital (Latin).
The name is too soft for a man, not very common.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: violet.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Auspicious plant: poplar, violet.
Patron name: tiger.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: prudence, vulnerability.


Vitaly Rimlyanin, martyr, February 7 (January 25). Together with his mother and six brothers, he suffered for Christ in Rome in 164.
Vitaly Kerkyrsky, martyr, May 11 (April 28).
Vitaly Alexandrisky, Rev. May 5 (April 22). Vitaly the monk, who lived in the 7th century, pleased God with his concerns about converting great sinners to a righteous life. He suffered a lot of ridicule and reproaches. He bequeathed not to “condemn our neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; not to condemn before God’s judgment.”


On February 7, on the martyr Vitaly, they observe the state of the weather during the day: what the day is like from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening - foreshadows the other half of winter.


As a child, he was an affectionate, obedient, diligent, shy boy. Feels more confident with younger children.

Adult Vitaly is calculating, reasonable, and somewhat cunning. He has a flexible mind, he gains experience very quickly, but he works according to his mood. He has a penchant for exact sciences; he can be an engineer, designer, mathematics or physics teacher.

Vitaly is witty, sometimes caustically ironic, dissatisfied with the people around him, aggressive, but this is a mask behind which hides a vulnerable person. He has few friends, but they are loyal. Vitaly is outwardly generous, but inwardly stingy and tries to get rid of this trait, realizing its unattractiveness. He has enough will to change any trait of his character. Fate is favorable to him, he can have everything he really wants.

Vitaly enjoys success with women, Don Juanism is in his character, but he does not consider it necessary to have any moral obligations towards his girlfriends. He doesn’t have many of them, he is picky and chooses a beautiful, stately woman. Her manners are important to him, whether she is well dressed, what perfume she wears. Vitaly is married most often once; as he gets older, he prefers the comfort of home and a calm family environment. He values ​​his wife's love, is jealous, and is attached to his children.

Surname: Vitalievich, Vitalievna.


Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki (1894-1959) - Russian writer. Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a biologist. He inherited his reverent attitude towards nature from his father, an ornithologist who worked at the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. “My father called every bird and animal, every grass to me by name and patronymic,” recalled Vitaly Bianki. He himself repeatedly took part in long expeditions to the Urals and Altai.

Since 1922, he began writing stories from the lives of animals “for children and for adults who have kept a child in their soul.” During his life he wrote more than three hundred stories, fairy tales, novellas and articles. Bianchi's fascinating books, revealing the world of nature and helping to comprehend its secrets, still enjoy deserved popularity among readers of all ages. They have been translated into many languages.

Bianchi writes easily and colorfully, appealing directly to the reader's imagination. Animals, birds, insects and even plants in his works seem to acquire a soul. Sometimes they act on their own, but more often they are in a complex relationship with people. In a fascinating and cheerful manner, V. Bianchi presented detailed, sometimes purely scientific information on zoology and biology, interesting personal observations made over many years of nature research. These stories also have pedagogical advantages, when the most complex concepts are easily absorbed and create the prerequisites for a passion for science. Some fairy tales acquire the effectiveness of a symbol, for example, "Lula" (1934) - the story of a bird sacrificing itself. One of Bianchi's stories - "The One" (1927) - tells about an old moose who lives in silent friendship with a wood grouse on a swampy island, and about a student who wants to kill him, but, living among nature, reaches a moral maturity that does not allow him to take the life of an animal that finds itself in a difficult situation.

A special place among Bianchi’s works is occupied by “Forest Newspaper for Every Year” (1923-1958), the impetus for which was given in his time by S. Marshak. This unique encyclopedia of the life of the forest and its inhabitants consists of short stories and laconic notes about nature, fascinatingly telling about the flora and fauna of forests and steppes, mountains and seas in the changing seasons. For the first two years, the "Newspaper" was constantly published in children's magazine"Sparrow" (from 1924 "New Robinson"), from 1928 to 1986 it was reprinted (with additions) 13 times. During the Great Patriotic War Vitaly Bianki lived in evacuation in the Kama region. Despite all the hardships of life at that time, the writer received a powerful creative charge from everyday communication with nature. Directly during these years, he wrote about half a dozen stories, among them “Order in the Snow” (1942), “Grouse in the Holes” (1942), “Mouseball” (1943) and many others. Subsequently, he repeatedly turned to the impressions of village life, believing that his work would not have been possible without the “Altai” in his youth and the “Prikama” in his mature years. The works of Vitaly Bianchi have become classics and are recognized as the best textbooks on nature, because they were written by a kind man who lived with “a passion that strains his soul.”