Kaliningrad Higher Naval School admission. Baltic Naval Institute (bvmi im.

  • State educational institution of higher professional education "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov", St. Petersburg

    Requirements for candidates

    In accordance with the Instructions on the conditions and procedure for admission to military educational institutions of higher education vocational education Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2006 No. 280, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 396 dated December 26, 2008, citizens of the Russian Federation who have a state document on secondary education can be considered as candidates for enrollment as cadets (complete) general, secondary vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as secondary education), from among:
    • citizens aged 16 to 22 years who have not served in the military;
    • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, until they reach the age of 24 years;
    • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers), until they reach the age of 24 years (for training in higher professional education programs);
    • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (not having officer ranks) until they reach the age of 30 years (for training in secondary vocational education programs).
    The age of the persons entering study specified in this paragraph is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission.

    Candidates are accepted for the first year on a competitive basis.

    Admission conditions

    Preliminary selection of candidates from among military personnel

    Military personnel wishing to enroll at the institute, before April 1 of the year of admission, submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit, which indicates: military rank, last name, first name, patronymic, position held, date of birth, education, specialty and (or) specialization in which they wish to study.

    Attached to the report:

    • a copy of the document (certificate, certificate, certificate, diploma) of secondary education;
    • three certified photographs (without headdress, size 4.5 x 6 cm);
    • autobiography;
    • characteristic;
    • service card;
    • medical examination card;
    • professional psychological selection card, which is drawn up in accordance with the Guide to Professional Psychological Selection in the Armed Forces.
    The preliminary selection of candidates from among the military personnel ends with the formation commander making a decision to send a serviceman to a university to pass entrance examinations (on refusal to send with an indication of the relevant reasons).

    Documents of candidates from among military personnel serving under a contract are sent by the commanders of military units to the headquarters of the formations before April 15 of the year of admission to the university. Military personnel who have passed the preliminary selection for admission to study at military educational institutions are sent by the formation commander to the institute by June 1 to undergo professional selection. Military personnel who have not passed the preliminary selection for admission to study at the institute are sent by the formation commander to the place of passage military service indicating the reasons for refusal.

    Since June 1, the institute has been holding 25-day training camps with military candidates to prepare for entrance examinations.

    Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have and have not served in military service

    Persons from among the citizens who have and have not undergone military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the institute, submit applications to the military commissariat of the district at their place of residence before April 20 of the year of admission. The application shall indicate: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the candidate’s place of residence, name of the institute, specialty and specialization in which he wishes to study. The following are attached to the application:
    • copy of birth certificate,
    • a copy of the document proving identity and citizenship,
    • autobiography,
    • characteristics from the place of work or study,
    • a certified copy of the document on secondary education (students submit a certificate of current academic performance, persons who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education submit an academic certificate),
    • three certified photographs (without headdress, size 4.5 x 6 cm),
    • a certified copy of a document confirming the candidate’s Russian citizenship (passport; for those living outside the Russian Federation - a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation),
    • certified copies of documents confirming the rights of candidates in accordance with current legislation for enrollment outside of competition, their exemption from testing knowledge in general education subjects, or preferential rights for enrollment.
    The listed documents are compiled into the candidate’s educational file for admission.

    Passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original document (certificate or diploma with an extract) of secondary education, as well as original documents giving the right to enroll in universities on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and for military personnel who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education that have state accreditation, in addition, an academic certificate, are presented by the candidate to the admissions committee of the military educational institution upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting admissions committee on the issue of making a decision on enrolling a citizen to study at a university. In the absence of original documents, candidates are sent back.

    Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have not served in military service is carried out by the draft commissions of district military commissariats, and candidates from among citizens who have completed military service are carried out by district military commissars before May 15 of the year of admission to study and includes determining their compliance with the requirements established in section I of these Rules, and suitability for studying at the institute based on the results of a medical examination and professional psychological selection.

    Educational files, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards of these candidates are sent by district military commissars to the institute before May 20 of the year of admission.

    The admissions committee of the institute, based on consideration of the candidates’ documents received, makes a decision on their admission to professional selection. The decision is formalized in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats, Suvorov (Nakhimov) military schools or military units stationed outside the Russian Federation before June 20 of the year of admission to study, indicating the time and place of entrance examinations or reasons for refusal.

    Candidates receive notification of their admission to competitive examinations through military commissariats and, on the basis of this notification, receive travel documents for the right to free travel to St. Petersburg. Candidates are seconded and arrive at the institute from July 1 to July 7.

    The procedure for professional selection of candidates for admission to the institute as cadets

    Professional selection of candidates for admission to study at the institute is carried out from July 1 to July 30 and includes:

    1) determining the suitability of candidates for admission to a university based on health conditions: Upon arrival at the institute, the candidate undergoes a final medical examination by the military medical commission of the institute in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination. The personal file of a candidate entering the institute must include: an electrocardiogram at rest and during physical activity, fluorography of the chest organs, photographs of the paranasal sinuses, blood tests, urine tests, blood tests for RV and HIV infection, information about vaccinations during the period of study at school, for military personnel - during the period of military service.

    Based on the results of a medical examination, the candidate must be fit for military service in the Navy (category A). In some cases, with the permission of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, candidates fit for military service in the Navy with minor restrictions (category B) may be admitted to competitive selection.

    2) entrance examinations, consisting of:

    A) professional psychological selection, which includes determining the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination, in accordance with the Guidelines for Professional Psychological Selection in the Armed Forces. Socio-psychological study involves assessing the conditions for the upbringing and development of an individual, his military-professional orientation, organizational abilities, characteristics of communication and behavior in a team, educational and professional preparedness. Psychological and psychophysiological examination (testing) allows you to evaluate cognitive mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking), attention, psychological characteristics personality (abilities, character, temperament), psychological characteristics of personality (abilities, character, temperament), properties nervous system(strength, mobility, lability, balance, dynamism), psychomotor skills and neuropsychic stability.

    Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (training) in military specialties and military service in specific military positions:

    • It is recommended first of all - first category
    • recommended – second category
    • conditionally recommended - third category
    • not recommended - fourth category
    The conclusions of the subcommittee on professional psychological selection are communicated to the chairman of the selection committee and his deputy, as well as at a meeting of the selection committee.

    Candidates who, as a result of professional psychological selection, received a “not recommended” conclusion are not accepted into the institute.

    B) assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates based on the results of a single state exam(Unified State Examination) in subjects:

    • Russian language;
    • mathematics;
    • physics.
    Faculty of Secondary Military Special Training:
    • Russian language;
    • mathematics.
    When admitted to the first year, the applicant presents the original or a certified photocopy of the certificate of the Unified State Examination results.

    At the same time certificates of Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics are mandatory.

    If the original or a copy of the certificate of Unified State Examination results cannot be presented at the time of submitting the application for admission to objective reasons, the person receiving the application indicates information about passing the Unified State Exam and its results (or about the place passing the Unified State Exam in additional terms conducting the Unified State Exam), as well as the reason for the lack of a certificate of Unified State Examination results.

    The Admissions Committee provides applicants who personally submitted documents for admission and do not have Unified State Exam results with information about the place of registration for taking the Unified State Exam during the additional dates for the Unified State Exam in the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of the university.

    Applicants who do not have Unified State Exam results must register to take the Unified State Exam by July 5 in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    The main form of control is sending to the federal database about the Unified State Exam participants and the Unified State Exam results a corresponding request about the applicant’s participation in the Unified State Exam, as well as confirming the correctness of the information about the Unified State Exam results indicated by the applicant or contained in the certificate of Unified State Exam results presented by him.

    All entrance examinations for admission to the first year are conducted in Russian.

    IN) level assessments physical fitness candidates:

    The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined based on the results of passing standards for the following types of exercises:

    1. Running a distance of 100 meters (an indicator of speed).

    2. Running a distance of 3 kilometers (endurance indicator).

    3. Pull-ups on the bar (indicator of strength).

    Notes: 1. Military candidates perform exercises in military uniform, candidates from among civilian youth - in sports uniform.
    2. When completing all exercises, the candidate is given one attempt.

    The final assessment of the level of physical fitness is taken into account in the competition list.

    Life and accommodation

    All candidates who arrive at the institute during the professional selection period are provided with free barracks-type dormitory and meals.

    Female candidates live in a separate, comfortable, barracks-type dormitory.

    Preparatory courses

    Three and six months.

    Classes start in October and February. Evening course. Open days: March, October (last Saturday of the month).

    Retraining of military personnel being transferred to the reserve

    • Pedagogy high school,
    • Operation management of ship power plants,
    • Ensuring radiation safety,
    • Operation of ship electrical power systems,
    • Management of operation, development and ensuring nuclear safety of facilities nuclear energy civil purpose,
    • Development and production of weapons and military equipment(on issues of economic management of the state defense order, quality control and acceptance of products supplied under the state defense order),
    • Production of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs (on issues of managing the economy of state orders and organizing product quality control),
    • Navigation control on Navy support vessels,
    • Organization of operation and development of marine navigation aids.

    In the Marine Corps of Peter the Great - St. Petersburg Naval Institute

    • Hydrography and navigation support for shipping.

    At the Naval Engineering Institute

    • Operation of ship power plants,
    • Electric power and ship automation systems,
    • Shipbuilding,
    • Ocean engineering,
    • Electrical equipment and automation of ships,
    • Engineering environmental protection.

    At the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A. Popov

    • Psychology,
    • Radio engineering,
    • Electronic warfare equipment,
    • Computers, complexes, systems and networks,
    • Automated information processing and control systems,
    • Computing software,
    • Techniques and automated systems.

    At the Baltic Naval Institute (Kaliningrad)

    • Use, technical and software of PCs,
    • English in professional communication,
    • Radio engineering,
    • Application and operation of ship communications.

    At the Pacific Naval Institute named after S.O. Makarova

    • Navigation,
    • Radioelectronic systems,
    • Radio engineering,
    • Means of communication with moving objects,
    • Technical operation of transport radio equipment,
    • Ship automated complexes and information management systems,
    • Automatic systems management of marine equipment.
    At the Military Training and Research Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet" Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov" there are visiting groups of teachers who conduct classes in the Far Eastern garrisons of Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Babstovo (Jewish Autonomous Okrug), as well as in the city of Sevastopol.

For more than six and a half decades, an outpost of naval education and military science in the Kaliningrad region there remains a branch of the VUNTS Naval Academy "Naval Academy". Its history begins in 1947, when the Baku Naval Preparatory School (BVMPU) was relocated to Kaliningrad.

In August 1948, by decree of the Soviet government, the 2nd Baltic Higher Naval School was created on its basis. The first graduation of officers was made in 1952.

In connection with the development of the ocean-going nuclear missile fleet in 1967, a branch of the Higher Naval School named after. M.V. Frunze. Two faculties were created: navigation and artillery. April 7, 1969 branch of VVMOLKU named after. M.V. Frunze is being transformed into the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School.

In 1993, in connection with the transfer of the Black Sea VVMU under the jurisdiction of Ukraine, the Faculty of Surface Ship Weapons was formed (transferred) to the school, which was subsequently transformed into the Faculty of Missile Weapons of Surface Ships.

In 1998, the Kaliningrad VVMU was transformed into the Baltic Naval Institute. In 2002, he was given an honorary name - named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova. The Institute gave a start in life to more than tens of thousands of naval officers, many of whom became admirals, fleet commanders, commanders of formations and formations, units, ships, flagship specialists, scientists, public figures, domestic industry specialists and major managers.

In 1999, a school of technicians was formed at the institute. The experiment on training midshipmen with secondary vocational education, completed in August 2001, was considered successful. According to its results, from July 1, 2002, technician schools were created in all naval institutes, with the simultaneous disbandment of existing technician schools at the Navy training detachments. With the formation of the VUNTS Naval Academy in 2009, in five of its branches - naval institutes - faculties of secondary vocational education were created, where for two years and 10 months, contract service petty officers with secondary military training are trained in 24 military specialties. special training.

During the training process, cadets annually undergo educational practice on ships visiting foreign ports.

The branch of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (Kaliningrad) operates in close cooperation with the command of the Baltic Fleet. The potential of VVMUZ allows us to conduct fruitful research work. Scientific schools: on Navy tactics; on military training, combat training; for training communications specialists; By military history.

The branch of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (Kaliningrad) occupies a leading position in training specialists in radio communications and missile and artillery weapons of surface ships.

1947 - The Baku Naval School was relocated to Kaliningrad. After a series of transformations and reorganizations, the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School was created in 1969. Since 1998 - Baltic Naval Institute, in 2002 named after F. F. Ushakov, since 2009 - Branch of the VUNTS Navy "Navy Medical Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

- radio communications, artillery and anti-aircraft weapons of surface ships,
- secondary military special training,
- retraining and advanced training.

Form of study- full-time.
Duration of the program higher education with the military rank of “lieutenant” - 5 years.
Duration of study for the secondary professional program. education with the military rank of midshipman - 2 years 10 months.

Admission rules:
Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 16-22 years who have not completed military service, military personnel and those transferred to the reserve - up to 24 years of age are allowed to apply. Submitting an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence (for military personnel - report on command) before March 1 of the year of admission.

Admission conditions:
- passing a medical commission to determine fitness for health reasons,
- passing professional selection with determination of category,
- exam on physical training,
- Unified State Exam results in mathematics, physics, Russian language at least min. level set for images. higher education organizations,
- Unified State Examination results in mathematics and Russian language are not lower than the minimum level established for images. organizations of average professional education.

Address: Sovetsky pr-t, 82
Tel. 935-210, fax 215-478
[email protected]

54.735 , 20.486667
Baltic Naval Institute named after F. F. Ushakov
Motto "Your roads are in the seas"
Year founded
Type State
Location Kaliningrad
Legal address 236036, Kaliningrad, Sovetsky Avenue, 82

Baltic Naval Institute named after Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov (until 1998 - Kaliningrad Higher Naval School)- a state university of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the country's Ministry of Defense and located in Kaliningrad.



The scientific school of the university includes four areas that have received recognition both within the institution and outside it:

  • On issues of applied electrodynamics (supervisor - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, academician, doctor technical sciences, Professor Ivan Fedorovich Pisarevsky),
  • On problems of Navy tactics and international maritime law (Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Vitaly Vasilievich Smyshnikov),
  • On military history (Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Boris Mikhailovich Amusin).
  • In combat training (Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Yuri Grigorievich Sopin).

By the decision of the general academic meeting of May 12, 2000, the Kaliningrad regional branch of the Academy of Military Historical Sciences was formed on the basis of the BVMI.

BVMI trains officers and petty officers for the Navy and law enforcement agencies of Russia at three faculties in three specialties of higher professional military education (qualification “marine engineer”, “engineer”):

  • Ship automated complexes and information management systems,
  • Means of communication with moving objects,
  • Radio engineering.

In addition, one faculty trains specialists with secondary vocational education (qualification “technician”) in three specialties (8 specializations):

  • Electronic instruments and devices,
  • Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television,
  • Automatic control systems.

The duration of study at all faculties of the institute is 5 years, at the faculty of the technical school - 2 years and 10 months. At the same time, due to the reduction in the Russian Navy’s need for officer personnel, associated with the transition of the Russian Armed Forces to a “new look,” the number of cadets at the institute has decreased significantly. In 2011, there was no recruitment of cadets for the first year of higher professional education at all (only 10 people were recruited into the technician school).