I found good regional competitions for myself. The Fourth Regional Competition for Geography Teachers for the Prize named after

Latest news from the competition fields

  • The examination of the work has been completed regional competition "Smart lessons in our new school - 2015". Results - on the page registration of participants. Diplomas of winners and laureates can be obtained at the Department of Informatization of Education VIRO after February 5. Electronic certificates of participants are sent upon request (in the subject of the letter - full name of the participant, name of the nomination) by email. address [email protected] .
  • Due to the workload of experts at regional Olympiads in subjects, the examination of the competition “Smart Lessons in Our New School” has been extended until January 30. We apologize. --Polyakova V.A. 23:06, January 24, 2016 (MSK)
  • The examination of the work has been completed regional educational video festival. Results - on the page registration of participants. Diplomas of the winner and laureates can be obtained at the VIRO Department of Informatization of Education after January 30. Electronic certificates of participants are sent upon request (in the subject of the letter - full name of the participant) by email. address [email protected] . We thank all participants))
  • Published. Upon request by email. address [email protected] VIRO confirmation certificates about electronic publication will be sent. --Polyakova V.A. 16:33, January 1, 2016 (MSK)
  • The results of the competitions have been summed up "My school on the Internet - 2015" And "Best Network Activity - 2015". Results - on the competition page and on on another page. Congratulations to all participants: they showed decent results! Laureate diplomas and participant certificates will be ready after January 15. Diplomas can be picked up at the Department of Informatization of Education. Electronic certificates of participants are sent upon request (in the subject of the letter - the participant's full name) by email. address [email protected].
  • The examination of the work has been completed Creative competition of social videos about the benefits of books and reading. Results - on the competition page. Congratulations to all participants and thank you for the pleasure! We invite the winners in the category “Works of Teachers” (1-3 place) on December 9 at VIRO to receive their diplomas. Diplomas for 1-3 places in other nominations can be picked up at the VIRO Department of Informatization of Education. Electronic certificates of participants are sent upon request (in the subject of the letter - the full name of the participant or the name of the team) by email. address [email protected] .
  • Acceptance of works for Creative competition of social videos about the benefits of books and reading. Details - on the competition page. The examination of the work begins. Dear participants, please make corrections: there are incorrect links.
  • To November 1, 2015 You must place a link to the social video in the self-recording table for participants in the social video competition about the benefits of books and reading.

Creative competition of social videos about the benefits of books and reading (completed)

  • The competition is held from July 1, 2015 to December 9, 2015.
  • until November 1, 2015 post a link to the downloaded file in table of self-recordings of participants in the competition of social videos about the benefits of books and reading in the appropriate column.
  • Summing up – December 1, 2015.
  • Creative competition of social videos about the benefits of books and reading

Competition “My School on the Internet - 2015” (completed)



  • First stage ( until November 10, 2015): posting information about the participant in Competition registration table on the WikiVladimir website and posting a link to network activity.
  • Second stage ( November-December 2015): the work of the jury to evaluate the network activities submitted to the Competition.
  • Third stage ( December 31, 2015): summing up the results of the Competition, awarding the winners and laureates.

Regional educational video festival – 2015 (completed)


  • The competition is held from November 30, 2015 to January 20, 2016.
  • To participate in the Competition you must until November 30, 2015 post links to the downloaded video and technological map in table of self-recording of participants of the Regional Educational Video Festival - 2015 in the appropriate columns.
  • Summing up – January 20, 2016.

Smart lessons in our new school - 2015 (completed)


  • The competition is held from December 1, 2015 to January 25, 2016.
    • To December 10 2015 fill out the participant form on the Competition page .
    • To December 25 2015, place a link to the technological map of the training session on the Competition page in the appropriate column.
  • Summing up - January 25, 2016.
  • Regional competition Smart lessons in our new school - 2015

Internet conference "Current aspects of informatization of education" (completed)

As part of a traditional scientific and practical Internet conference "Current aspects of informatization of education" We invite you to discuss an important topic "Caution: children! (prevention of illegal use of the Internet)".

The conference is being held from October 1 to December 31, 2015, reports are posted on conference participant registration page .

Musical Carousel 2016 (completed)


  • The competition is held from December 20, 2015 to May 25, 2016.
  • To participate in the Competition you must:
    • To March 31, 2016
  • Summing up - May 25, 2016.
  • Network competition for music directors of preschool educational institutions and preschool children Musical Carousel - 2016

Competition of didactic materials "Vladimir Land" (foreign language) (completed)


  • The competition is held from February 8, 2016 to April 11, 2016.
  • To participate in the Competition you must:
    • To March 30, 2016 fill out the Competition registration table on the WikiVladimir website and post links to the competition works.
    • Summing up - April 11, 2016.
  • Competition of didactic materials for a workbook in English, German and French (for grades 5-11, students) “Vladimir Land”

Regional competition of lessons “To the 110th anniversary of parliamentarism in Russia”


  • The competition is held from March 20, 2016 to October 2016.
  • To participate in the Competition you must:
    • To April 20, 2016 send an application to the organizing committee [email protected] .
    • To September 20, 2016 inclusive send to the address [email protected] link to the video recording of the lesson presented in the technological map (40 min.), posted freely on the Internet on a file hosting service (Yandex disk, Cloud Mail, Google disk, YouTube, etc.).
    • Summing up - October 2016.

All-Russian competition of New Year's drawings and crafts, master classes and scenarios for teachers and music directors of preschool educational institutions.

New Year's Eve is the hottest time! This holiday leaves no one indifferent! New Year's magic is felt everywhere!

It's time to give free rein to your imagination and make a craft, for example, a cozy snow-covered house in the forest with an elegant Christmas tree in the yard, mold your Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snow Maiden from plasticine, draw a mouse for good luck as a symbol of the coming year. This is the time when you don’t have to go to the store to get a gift, but you can make it yourself! No matter what we list here, we still cannot surpass the imagination of our young participants, their parents and teachers. Therefore, without further ado - the most magical project competition is open and waiting for its participants from all over the country!

Each preschooler can send their own New Year's craft, drawing or Christmas tree toy to the competition. The flight of your imagination is unlimited. The work can be done either independently or with the help of a teacher or parents.

We also invite poetry lovers to the competition - the corresponding nomination “Artistic reading of a New Year's poem” is open to them. We are waiting for your videos and will be glad to hear clear voices!

Teachers can also take part in a crafts and drawings competition along with their students and present their works. A competition for scenarios for New Year's matinees and master classes on creating Christmas tree decorations and New Year's crafts is also open for teachers. In addition to the script, you can always send a video recording of the event.

In total, the competition includes 5 nominations for children and 6 nominations for teachers.

Interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are held weekly on Wednesdays, except January 1.

All details about the competition are on the page and in the regulations.

We invite you to take part in the Regional Internet competition “Promotion”! The competition is held with the aim of improving the quality of education and summarizing the best teaching experience on various educational topics. The competition is ongoing. Acceptance of work, examination of materials, publication of results and sending of final documents are carried out continuously.

Participants of the competition.

Teaching staff and students (up to 16 years old) of educational institutions of all types and types can take part in the competition. Competition works can be completed by children, adults, a creative team or jointly (children and adults).

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 150 rubles for each competitive work.

If the work was completed by a creative team, the registration fee is also 150 rubles; a collective application is submitted indicating the name of the team (in the Full Name field), which will be written in the diploma without listing individual authors.

Each participant can submit an unlimited number of works in each competitive category.

Applications without attached competition entries will not be considered.

You can participate and win our competitions an unlimited number of times.

Nominations for teachers.

    The best methodological development;

    Best pedagogical project;

    Best research paper, article;

    Best pedagogical project;

    Best educational technology;

    The best visual and didactic aid;

    Best lesson notes;

    The best summary of a methodological event;

    The best scenario for a holiday, entertainment, leisure;

    Best parent meeting;

    Best Print Consultation;

    The best office;

    The best development environment of the group;

    Best master class;

    The best literary work (prose, poetry) about pedagogy, children or for children;

    Best Creative Work: Fine and Decorative Arts;

    Best creative work: other types of creativity;

    Best photo album;

    Best video film;

    Best website, blog, internet page (OU, teacher);

    The best presentation for a lesson or event;

    Best presentation of a project, program, etc.;

    The best presentation of an educational institution, group, association;

    The best presentation of the achievements of students;

    Best self-presentation;

    The best teaching portfolio.

Nominations for children.

    fine arts

    Arts and crafts

    Literary creativity

    Vocal performance

    Instrumental performance


    Expressive Reading

    Performing arts

    Artistic photography

    Video creativity

    Technical creativity

    Design and research activities

    Socially significant activities

    Portfolio of achievements

Requirements for competition materials.

Electronic files (text, presentations, photos, videos, audio, etc.) are accepted for the competition in any format;

The work can be attached in a special field when filling out the application. Or you can upload your competition work to any cloud storage or file sharing service (for example, rghost.ru, Yandex.Disk (disk.yandex.ru), [email protected] (files.mail.ru), etc.) and provide a link in a special field.

We recommend uploading files larger than 25 MB (for example, video, audio, photo, etc.) to a file hosting service or cloud storage and providing a link to them in a special field when filling out the application.

Evaluation of competition works and awards.

    The examination of competitive works is carried out as they are received by a competent jury using approved criteria that ensure maximum objectivity of the assessment.

    The grading scale is as follows:

    winners in each category (I, II, III degrees);



    Competition diplomas are sent by mail within 3 working days from the date of submission of the application with competition material and payment of the registration fee.

    Updated on the site every week.