On the theoretical impossibility of democracy. Democracy, the true meaning of the term The meaning of the electoral system

Comrades, frankly speaking, I’m tired of the arguments on my blog in the comments about all sorts of different democracies. About electoral systems, falsifications, and so on and so forth. And the most important thing is that the authorities, no matter what they are, must respect the freedoms of their citizens and listen to the opinion of some kind of “civil society”.

In this regard, I am writing an article for the future, so that every time a debate on this topic arises again, I can provide a reference to this article, so that in the future I do not have to explain my position anew each time. So, about dictatorship.

Let’s leave the issues of electing power for a couple of minutes and return to them a little later, but first of all we will directly consider the issue of dictatorship. Let's start with the banal

From definition:

Dictatorship (Latin dictatura - unlimited power), a concept that characterizes the system of exercising power in the state. It is used in 2 main meanings: 1) the essence of state power, providing political power to the economically dominant class; 2) the method of exercising power (dictatorial regime, dictatorial methods, etc.). Both of these meanings of D. are closely related. The dictatorship of one class (in the first meaning) is necessary for any class society (see V.I. Lenin, Complete collection of works, 5th ed., vol. 33, p. 35). It cannot be associated with any one specific form of state; both in the monarchy and in the republic it expresses the essence of the organization of power: the political dominance of the class, based on force, which occupies key economic positions in society; the expression of the will of this class (through the monarch or parliament, president or government) depends on specific historical conditions. In relation to bourgeois society, V.I. Lenin wrote: “The forms of bourgeois states are extremely diverse, but their essence is the same: all of these states are one way or another, but in the final analysis they are necessarily a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie” (ibid.). See also Dictatorship of the Proletariat, State.

Under dictatorial political regime(second meaning of D.) there is a concentration of power in the hands of one - a dictator, or several persons; violence and terror come to the fore in politics. In these cases, democracy is characterized by unlimited and uncontrolled dictatorial power, an attack on the democratic rights and freedoms proclaimed by the constitution, restrictions on the rights of representative bodies, etc. Power rests directly on violence. The bearers of democracy are, as a rule, large social groups (classes, estates), but it is embodied in one person or in a group of persons (the government of military leaders and triumvirates in Ancient Rome, absolute monarchs, modern authoritarian regimes, juntas, etc. .). The establishment of dictatorial regimes is usually historically associated with periods of sharp intensification of class struggle (for example, Franco's regime in Spain, fascist democracy in Nazi Germany)..

Now let's look at this definition in a modern context.

First about the first part, about the dictatorship in class society. We can say with complete confidence that in the vast majority of modern countries, society is still class-based. But if in the Middle Ages or, say, in the 19th century, class stratification was gradual and was most directly determined by the economic division of labor - now everything is completely different.

One and a half two centuries ago there was a completely classical hierarchical ladder within which there were several classes that had different rights, different freedoms and, accordingly, different wealth. At the very top, of course, is the government, at a lower level is the aristocracy, at an even lower level is the trade-bourgeoisie, at an even lower level is the army, at the very bottom are artisans, and at the very bottom are the workers and peasants, on whose labor all those named above depended.

And then it was absolutely clear that there was a dictatorship of the aristocracy, which was beneficial in maintaining the current state of affairs and the notorious stability. Soon, industrialization and urbanization began. Craftsmen within the city switched to workshop production, as it was more profitable. The bourgeoisie, having accumulated capital, began to invest in production and so on.

There was a redistribution of the division of labor. Previously, the owner of the goods produced was mostly the aristocracy, since it was they who owned the land on which the peasants worked, who produced the bulk of the products.

Now the main owner was the bourgeoisie, which owned workshops and factory production. Having become the direct owner, the bourgeoisie declared its rights to power and in most countries, one way or another defeated the aristocracy. The dictatorship of the aristocracy was replaced by the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

The aristocracy and artisan classes were abolished. But on the other hand, the so-called intelligentsia turned into a separate class, which mainly consisted of people of such professions as doctors, teachers - who were not in a state of poverty, but at the same time were not owners of industries. As a result, the class hierarchy began to look much simpler.

A little more time passed and the world's first socialist country appeared - the USSR. In which, to the horror of the capitalists, an 8-hour working day was introduced. Workers now have pensions. Free education for all and free healthcare for all were implemented. While previously, only wealthy people could afford to have proper education and medical care. What can we say about the fact that in 1900, when a man ceased to be able to work and lost his job due to his age, if he did not have children who could support him, all he could do was beg for alms and die of hunger?

Let us not be horrified by how the revolution took place in the Republic of Ingushetia. Let us only note that at first there was a dictatorship in the existence of the USSR, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the dictatorship of workers and peasants - and this was absolutely correct. The authorities in the early USSR represented the interests of precisely this social class and it has already been described above exactly how she acted in his interests.

Communist ideology became extremely popular directly during the years of economic, political and military success of the USSR, and this, first of all, was the era of the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

In order for the world revolution to really not occur, the Western bourgeoisie had to socialize its state system. Introduce pensions, affordable education, and so on. But then we return again to issues of labor distribution and dictatorship.

After the death of Stalin, in the USSR, the dictatorship of the proletariat was very quickly replaced by the dictatorship of the communist party elite. The party elite essentially degenerated into a separate class of nomenklatura, which, according to the Stalinist Constitution, was neither de jure nor de facto the owner of the means of production. And because of this, as productive capacity grew, as GDP increased, and so on, the nomenklatura, in accordance with the constitution, was engaged in the development social sphere. So that every person can benefit from the state system.

But it was the party elite that controlled these very means of production, factories, collective farms, etc. And the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of communist ideology was needed by the nomenklatura precisely in order to become not just managers but also legal owners.

It is important to note a simple thing here; it is now popular to say that the spirit was lost. No, the problem is not in the spirit, but in the notorious distribution of labor, all according to the same Marx. The reason for the establishment of the dictatorship of the aristocracy was the division of labor in medieval society. The reason for the establishment of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie was the division of labor in capitalist society. The reason for the establishment of the dictatorship of the nomeklatura was, again, the division of labor in a socialist society.

That is, the destruction of production, which the democratic dictatorship deliberately carried out at the beginning of the 2000s, was primarily not because of the “occupation”, but because it was necessary to destroy the distribution of labor, it was necessary to destroy production relations and chains of production connections. In this case, a rollback is impossible, but revenge is possible. And it was not the metaphysical backbone that was torn apart by the people in the first place - but the relations of production!!!

What did we and the Western world ultimately come to? To the dictatorship of the oligarchy. Now, in essence, there are only two social classes.

1) Oligarchy and large capitals (5% of the population - 95% of property)
2) Cognetariat - hired workers. (95% population - 5% property)

Moreover, since the state expresses the interests of the ruling class, which undoubtedly is an oligarchy, for an ordinary person there is absolutely no difference between being a hired worker in a private factory or being a hired worker in a state educational institution.

The essence of the division of labor and production relations is the same. Both private owners and the state use the labor of hired workers.

And as a result, in modern society there can only be two types of dictatorship:
1) Or, this is the dictatorship of the financial majority in relation to the financial minority.
2) Or, it is a dictatorship of the people's majority in relation to the people's minority.

There are no other options.

Now about why dictatorship and not democracy. Because society must live by the rules, otherwise both society and the state will become mired in anarchy and fratricidal war. Let us take for consideration a simple example of the manifestation of dictatorship in the modern world.

Let us assume that the popular majority has taken power. At the same time, the absolute majority of citizens adhere to a heterosexual orientation, and an absolute minority adhere to a homosexual orientation. As a result, the hetero majority imposes dictatorships of varying degrees of severity over the homo minority. From bans on gay parades and promotion of homosexual relationships. Up to the article for sodomy (under which all homo representatives are brought to one city, in which they work in the mines for the benefit of the fatherland, and in their free time they do whatever they want with each other). This is an example of a correct and useful dictatorship.

And here is an example of a modern useful dictatorship, part of society are Westerners who believe that Russia should join the European Union and integrate into world economy. But instead, our dictatorial government (no joke) is pursuing a policy of integration in the post-Soviet space, thereby implementing a dictatorship in relation to the Westerners.

On the other hand, the same modern government is conducting a dictatorship in relation to left-wing forces, carrying out privatization and joining the WTO, despite the fact that these same “left-wing” forces are categorically against this. Power is always a dictatorship.

And most recently, about elections as a procedure for changing one dictatorship to another. Elections can work, and the example of Venezuela clearly shows this. A popular dictatorship can come to power through this procedure, so this is precisely where Marx was wrong. Which does not at all negate the fact that this is possible only under certain conditions. That is, this could happen in Venezuela or Belarus.

But can't happen in the US or UK. Why? The answer is extremely simple and Marx already answered it - because of the distribution of labor. When most of the means of production are in the private hands of the local elite, this is not possible. But when not all production is in the hands of the local elite. And when part of the production is in foreign ownership, and the other part in the state, when the local elite is fragmented into clans that oppose each other, such an outcome becomes more likely.

We are experiencing the latest case where the elite is fragmented and squabble among themselves. Therefore, theoretically, there is a chance to win the elections.

But whoever wins the elections will still create a dictatorship, imposing his opinion and the opinion of his “electoral group” on the rest of the country’s population.

What conclusions should we draw from this? Very simple!

No need to look for the lost spirit! We need to think about how to build a political system in such a way that under socialism, stratification into cognetariat and nomenklatura does not occur again! This is the most pressing question if we want to work on mistakes.

And if we want to take power, we must engage in the comprehensive unification of the disadvantaged social class under one structure, which can be councils!

Karl Popper

Karl Popper(Karl Popper) (1902-1994) - one of the outstanding philosophers of the twentieth century. Born in Vienna, then lived in London, where he taught logic from 1949-1969. He wrote this article in August 1987 for the German weekly Der Spiegel and the Italian newspaper La Stampa.

The problem of democracy

My focus is nature, science and in particular cosmology. Since I broke with Marxism in July 1919, I have been interested in politics and its theory - as a citizen and as a democrat. However, the establishment of harsh totalitarian regimes, right or left, in some countries in the 20s and early 30s, and the rise to power of Hitler in Germany, made me think seriously about the nature of democracy.

And although my book The Open Society and Its Enemies does not contain a single word about Hitler and Nazism, it was perceived as my contribution to the war against Hitler. This book is devoted to the theory of democracy and the defense of democracy against its old and new enemies. It was first published in 1945 and then reprinted many times. Its main characteristic, it seems to me, is the fact that only a few have been able to understand it correctly.

As everyone knows, democracy means popular rule or the rule of the people as opposed to aristocracy (rule by nobles) and monarchy (rule by one). However, this literal meaning explains little, since the people as such do not rule anywhere. Governments rule everywhere, and also, unfortunately, bureaucracies - in other words, functionaries who never bear any responsibility or do so very rarely.

Moreover, although Great Britain, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are monarchies, they are also exemplary democracies (with the possible exception of Sweden, where the bureaucracy has now acquired almost dictatorial power). In contrast, East Germany, which calls itself a democracy, has nothing in common with this model.

Two forms of state

So what is the basis of democracy? De facto there are only two forms government system: one in which a bloodless change of government through elections is possible, and one where this is impossible. Usually the first form is called democracy, and the second - dictatorship or tyranny. And there is no need to play with words (as in the case of the German Democratic Republic). The criterion is the possibility of a bloodless overthrow of the government.

The only way to overthrow a government is by voting

There are various methods to overthrow a government. The best are elections: new elections or voting in a freely elected parliament. Here's the basics.

Therefore, in principle, the question is incorrect: who should rule? The people (plebs) or the best? “Good” workers or “bad” capitalists, as they were contrasted from the era of Plato to the era of Marx and beyond? Majority or minority? Left, right or center? All these questions are incorrect. Because where a bloodless change of government is possible, it no longer matters who rules. Any government that knows that it can be removed at any moment strives to please voters. However, this trend does not exist where changing governments is difficult.


To demonstrate how important this theory of democracy is in practice, I would like to apply it to the problem of proportional elections. If I criticize here the form of voting established by the German constitution, it is only in order to start a debate on an issue that, as far as I know, is hardly discussed. The Constitution should not be changed for any reason at any moment, but critical discussion with a view to better understanding its contents will not hurt it. Most Western European democracies have different electoral systems from the UK and US, which are based on the idea of ​​local representation. In the UK, each constituency sends one representative to parliament: the one who receives the most votes, regardless of party affiliation. He must represent the interests of the residents of the district that elected him, regardless of their party affiliation. Of course, parties continue to exist and play an important role in the formation of government, but when a member of a constituency sees that in the interests of his constituency or even the whole people he needs to vote against his party or even leave its ranks, he must do so. One of the greatest statesmen of our century, Winston Churchill changed parties twice and was never an obedient party activist.

The role of parties

In continental Europe the situation is completely different. Under a proportional system, each party sends a certain number of its representatives to parliament, who are obliged to work out the votes they receive in the most devoted manner. To this end, the role of parties is recognized by the Constitution, and the right to create them is considered one of the fundamental rights. A deputy is elected as a representative of a particular party. He is not allowed to vote against his party. He is morally bound to it, since he was elected only as a representative of this party (if he leaves for the opposition, his moral duty is considered to resign, even if the constitution does not oblige him to do so).

Of course, I understand the need for parties to exist. Until now, no one has managed to create a democratic system that can do without parties altogether. Political parties are not the most “pleasant” phenomenon. At the same time, without them, political life stops: our democracies are not people's democracies, but party democracies, in other words, the rule of party leaders. Because the larger a party, the less democratic it is, as a result those who vote for it have less and less influence over its leader and program.

The belief that a parliament elected through a proportional system best represents the interests of the people is incorrect. Such a parliament does not represent either the people or their interests, but only reflects the propaganda influence of parties on the population at the time of elections. Moreover, it makes it difficult to turn Election Day into what it should be: a day of popular assessment of the government's performance.

There is no theory of democracy

Thus, there is neither an acceptable theory of democracy nor a theory that recognizes the need for proportional elections. Therefore, we must ask ourselves how, in practice, does the proportional system affect the formation of a government (which also includes the question of the possibility of the resignation of that government)?

Criticism of the proportional system

The more parties there are, the more difficult it is to form a government. This is an undeniable reality. In a two-party system, forming a government is very easy. But under a proportional system, even tiny parties can have a large (and often decisive) influence on the formation of the government and, therefore, on political decisions.

No one will argue with this statement. And everyone knows that the proportional system leads to an increase in the number of parties. But as long as we believe that the “essence” of democracy is popular rule, as democrats we are forced to accept such difficulties, since the proportional system seems to many to be most consistent with this “essence”.

However, the proportional system and multi-party system have another huge drawback when the question arises of changing the government through the expression of the people's will, for example, through parliamentary elections. With a large number of parties, it is difficult to ensure that one of the parties has an absolute majority. And even the most marginal parties cannot be “dismissed”, regardless of the number of votes they receive.

Secondly, election day under this system does not become the day of popular assessment of the government’s activities. Sometimes a government turns out to be a minority government. And for this reason, he cannot do what he considers necessary to do. It is forced to make concessions. Or it becomes a coalition government in which none of the participating parties bears any responsibility.

Thus, people get used to the fact that neither the government nor political parties and their leaders bear no responsibility. And no one perceives a party losing 5 or 10 percent of the vote as a damning verdict. In this regard, they think only about a temporary drop in popularity.

Therefore, even if the majority of voters want the government to resign, this does not mean that the resignation will occur. Because even if the party that until now had an absolute majority (and seemingly the greatest responsibility) loses this majority, under a proportional system it still remains the most influential force. It can form a government coalition based on a small party. And even if it loses the elections, its leader continues to rule against the will of the majority, relying on the decisions of a small party that is far from representing the “will of the people.”

In addition, a small party could lead to the fall of the government without holding new elections and form a new government with opposition parties. But this contradicts the very idea behind the proportional system: the idea that a party's influence should be proportionate to the number of its voters.

Very often we see situations like this. Both where there are a large number of parties and where they form coalitions, such situations are more than common.

Two party system

Of course, similar situations may arise in countries where there is no proportional system. But in countries like the UK and the US, there is a tendency for two competing parties to fight. In this regard, Winston Churchill said: “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others.” By this he wanted to emphasize that none of the forms of government is ideal and free from corruption. And yet, democracy is the optimal of all forms of government found so far.

Based on this logic, I would say that the two-party system is best shape democracy. Because it leads parties to self-criticism. When one of the two big parties is defeated, it usually hosts its own radical internal reforms. This is a consequence of competition and the unequivocal position of the electorate, which cannot be ignored. Thanks to this system, parties are forced to learn from their mistakes. Otherwise, they're finished.

In criticizing the proportional system, I do not at all seek to advise all democracies to abandon this formula. I would just like to start a debate on this issue. The belief that the moral superiority of the proportional system can be logically proven is naive and does not withstand deep analysis.

Morally Flawed Theory

In conclusion, I would like to say that I do not agree with the idea that the proportional system is more democratic than the Anglo-American system, since it is based on an outdated theory of understanding democracy as the rule of the people (which refers us in turn to the so-called theory of sovereignty states). This theory is morally wrong and outdated, since it was replaced by the theory of the possibility of displacement, which leads to the creation of a new majority.

The moral argument, I think, is even more important than the practical argument that it is not necessary for there to be more than two parties, responsible and competing with each other, to enable the voters to pass judgment on the government by their votes. A proportional system carries with it the danger that the decision of the majority will be minimized and that a party that is defeated in an election will not learn from it the necessary lessons that are necessary for the existence of democracy. In order for the majority to be able to make decisions, it is important to have a strong and skillful political opposition. Otherwise, voters are often forced to maintain bad government simply because there is no better alternative.

The True Function of Political Parties

But isn't advocating a two-party system counterintuitive to the idea of ​​an open society? Isn't tolerance for different opinions and theories, called pluralism, a characteristic of a free society striving to find the truth? And isn’t this pluralism manifested in the existence of a multi-party system?

I will answer as follows. The function of a political party is to form a government or, as an opposition, to exercise critical control over the government. To critically monitor means to monitor the government's tolerance towards different opinions, ideologies, religions.

Some ideologies will try - successfully or unsuccessfully - to dominate or change the party. Thus, there is an alternation of opinions, ideologies, religions, and, on the other hand, competition between major parties.

But the idea that pluralism of opinions must necessarily lead to a multi-party system seems to me politically incorrect. And not only politically, but also philosophically. Because too close a connection with party politics does not fit well with the purity of doctrine.

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Write down the word missing in the table.

Characteristics of a person


In the given series, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Capabilities; worldview; character; interests; personality.


Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the sphere of activity of commercial banks.

1) setting the discount rate; 2) purchase and sale of currency; 3) sale of traveler's checks; 4) servicing company accounts; 5) carrying out a monopoly issue of money; 6) opening and servicing of citizens’ deposits.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Select the correct judgments about cognition and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The forms of rational knowledge are sensation, perception, and representation.

2. Forms of sensory knowledge include concepts and judgments.

3. Rational knowledge allows us to identify essential features, connections, patterns, laws.

4. The sensory stage (stage) of cognition is characterized by the reproduction of external features and properties of objects.

5. Sensory cognition involves the direct impact of cognizable objects on the senses.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types (types) of culture: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


Scientists study social structure modern society. What methods that distinguish scientific knowledge from other types of cognitive activity can they use? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. modeling processes of social differentiation in conditions of economic crisis

2. putting forward and testing hypotheses about the directions of social policy to mitigate income inequality

3. theoretical justification of the data obtained

4. development and implementation of a set of measures of state support for low-income families

5. description of cases of social differentiation of the population

6. assessment of the facts of social stratification of society from the standpoint of the ideals of equality and justice


Select the correct judgments about costs in the short run and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Variable costs in the short term directly depend on the volume of products produced.

2. Fixed costs do not depend on the volume of production.

3. Variable costs in the short term include payments on a previously taken out loan.

4. Product cost is also called fixed costs.

5. Fixed costs in the short term include insurance premiums and security payments.


Establish a correspondence between factors and types of economic growth: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Anna Nikolaevna, a pensioner, works in a library. She received an inheritance. She placed one part of these funds on a bank deposit, and spent the other on drawing up a property insurance contract. Anna Nikolaevna also took out a loan to purchase a plot of land. Which of the following refers to Anna Nikolaevna’s income? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

2. salary

3. land tax

4. interest on loan

5. insurance premiums

6. interest on deposit


The figure shows the change in the supply of dairy products in the corresponding market: the supply line S has moved to a new position - S 1. (P – price; Q – quantity.)

Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. reducing the cost of feed for cows

2. expectations of increased consumption of dairy products

3. bankruptcy of several dairy farms

4. increase in energy prices

5. construction of new dairy factories


Choose the correct judgments about interethnic relations and write down the numbers. under which they are indicated.

1. Any interethnic relations are legally established.

2. One of the ways to harmonize interethnic relations is the development of cultural ties between peoples.

3. Ethnosocial conflict is characterized by a state of mutual claims, open confrontation between ethnic groups, peoples and nations.

4. Expanding contacts between peoples in all areas public life promotes the development of interethnic relations.

5. Ethnic assimilation is a conflict between representatives of different nations and nationalities.


Scientists surveyed a group of 45-year-old residents of country Z. Women and men were asked the question: “Why is the educational potential of the family declining?” The survey results are presented in a histogram.

What conclusions can be drawn from the results obtained? Select the required items from the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Men and women are unanimous in identifying the main factor that reduces the educational potential of the family.

2. Men, to a greater extent than women, feel a lack of knowledge necessary for raising children.

3. Poor relationships between parents as a reason for the decline in the educational potential of the family are underestimated by those surveyed.

4. Women evaluate the interference of relatives in raising children more negatively than men.

5. When assessing various factors influencing the upbringing of children, men attach importance to family composition to a lesser extent than women.


Select the correct judgments about the political elite and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The political elite is a group of people that is a constitutionally approved source of power in any state.

2. The political elite puts forward political leaders.

3. The main functions of the political elite include the production and consumption of material goods.

4. In relation to power, the political elite is divided into the ruling and counter-elite.

5. The political elite is a relatively small independent group capable of making political decisions.


Establish a correspondence between the powers and the subjects of government exercising these powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Political reforms were carried out in State Z. Which of the above facts indicate that the state has become legal? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The basic law of the state reflects and implements in practice guarantees of individual rights and freedoms.

2. The republican form of government was approved.

3. The autonomy and independence of the branches of government has been legislatively introduced.

4. Citizens support the reforms carried out.

5. The Conservative Party won the elections.

6. The rule of law has been proclaimed in all spheres of life.


Which of the following applies to the personal (civil) rights (freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. the right to participate in the administration of justice

2. right to life

3. the right to defend one’s honor and good name

4. the right to be elected to government bodies

5. right to privacy of correspondence and telephone conversations


Establish a correspondence between the feature (indicated by letters) and the type (indicated by numbers) of the electoral system.


Sergei is 44 years old and successfully passed the job interview. But the employer gave preference to another applicant who passed the interview less successfully, only because he was five years younger than Sergei. Find in the list the items that correspond to the legal context of the situation described, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. discrimination

2. criminal law

3. victim

4. application to the police department

5. lawsuit

6. labor law


Choose the correct judgments about the rights and responsibilities of spouses and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The personal rights of spouses include the right to common, joint property.

2. When entering into marriage, spouses may add the spouse’s surname to their surname if the premarital surname was not double.

3. Common property, in particular, includes dishes, furniture, household electrical appliances, a car, housing, as well as the income of each spouse from labor activity.

4. Upon divorce, the question of division of all property of the spouses is raised.

5. Items acquired to meet the needs of minor children are not subject to division.

Read the text below, which contains a number of missing words. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.


“According to the classical definition, ________(A) is a community of people based on marriage, joint housekeeping, moral ________(B) and spiritual attachment. It performs a whole range of functions that are essential for the existence of society: ________ (B) people; transfer from generation to generation of the most important social ________ (G), attitudes, knowledge. Its main functions also include organizing the household. The family carries out social ________(D). Family members provide each other with emotional support. The basis of the nuclear family is ________(E) - a state-sanctioned and regulated form of relationship between a man and a woman, defining their rights and responsibilities.”

The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

2. control

3. institute

4. mutual responsibility

7. mobility

8. marriage

9. reproduction

Part 2.

First write down the number of the task (28, 29, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

Not all democracies are the same. True democracies are political systems in which certain people gain access to power and the right to make decisions through free general elections. However, the mechanisms for electing parliament and forming a government differ depending on the national form of government...

In a presidential republic, power is transferred through direct elections, and not as a result of promotion to a leading position in one or another influential party, as in a parliamentary republic. Parliamentary systems, unlike presidential systems, support and protect strong parties. Thus, when choosing a presidential or parliamentary model, one must proceed from what is preferable: focusing on parties or on individual candidates who won direct elections.

Another difference between political systems is the method of voting to elect candidates to the highest bodies of power: proportional or majoritarian (majority principle). In a majoritarian system, one deputy is elected from each electoral district. The winner of the election is the candidate who receives the most votes. Systems of proportional representation involve the distribution of seats in parliament in accordance with the number of votes received in elections (according to party lists) ...

Often, when deciding whom to vote for, a voter is guided by the following considerations. Citizens vote often based on generally accepted opinions and ideologies rather than on a careful comparison of different options. political decision problems facing the country. In addition, voters willingly listen to the opinions of others, including the calls of the candidates themselves. The outcome of the elections is determined not only by the course of the election campaign, but no less by the personal circumstances, beliefs and preferences of each voter.

Show answer


2) Two types of republican form of government are named: Presidential and parliamentary republics

3) In a presidential republic, power is transferred through direct elections, and in a parliamentary republic - as a result of promotion to leading positions in one or another influential party.

The text mentions “considerations” that influence voter behavior. Name any of these “considerations.” Using your social science knowledge, identify one positive and one negative consequence of a voter's choice influenced by this “consideration.”

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1. One of the “considerations” is named:

2. One negative and one positive consequence are named:

Negative consequence: there is a possibility that a leader who is unable to solve the acute political problems of the state will come to power. Positive consequence: people who make a choice using this method already feel sympathy for this government and support it, which means there will be no discontent, revolutionary outbreaks, etc.

Other positive and negative consequences may be written.

Which of the electoral systems examined by the author most protects strong political parties? Using the text and social studies knowledge, explain how this defense manifests itself. Name and illustrate with an example any function of political parties that is manifested in the electoral process.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1. Answer to the first question: Proportional.

2. An explanation is given of how the protection of parties is manifested: This protection is manifested in the fact that with a proportional electoral system, each party receives a number of mandates in a representative body in proportion to the number of votes cast for its candidates in the elections. Consequently, strong political parties receive more votes.

3. The function of political parties, which is manifested in the electoral process, is named and illustrated with an example: In the electoral process, the electoral function of political parties is manifested (for example, Party D made an election program on TV).

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.

Based on social science knowledge and facts of public life, give three arguments confirming the need for elections for the functioning and development of a democratic state.

Show answer

The following can be given arguments:

1) a democratic state is based on democracy, and elections are one of the channels that allows citizens to directly participate in political life;

2) elections guarantee the replacement of outdated personnel with newer ones interested in solving pressing problems of the state;

3) democratic elections are publicly available, which means every citizen has the opportunity to get into supreme power.

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “globalization”? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about any one manifestation of globalization in the economic sphere, and one sentence revealing any one negative manifestation of globalization.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) meaning of the concept, for example: Globalization is the process of integration of states and peoples in different fields of activity; (Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about one of the manifestations of globalization in the economic sphere: One of the manifestations of the development of globalization trends is the dominance of transnational corporations in the world economy;

(Another sentence may be written containing information about one of the manifestations of globalization in the economic sphere.)

3) one sentence, which, based on course knowledge, reveals one of the negative manifestations of globalization, for example: Negative manifestations of globalization include the increase in the number of armed conflicts; manifestation of separatism and terrorism.

(Another sentence can be made that, based on knowledge of the course, reveals one of the negative manifestations of globalization.)

Name any three positive formal social sanctions and illustrate each with an example.

Show answer

The correct answer can name and illustrate the following positive formal social sanctions:

1. Awards (For example, novice marketer R. was awarded a prize for developing a promising sales strategy).

2. State awards (For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announced an award to FSB officers (letters of gratitude, certificates and watches) for solving the murder of a policeman’s family near Syzran).

3. Admission to high positions and honorary functions (For example, the General Director of a large company T.Sh. was elected Chairman of the Board of the Association of European Businesses (AEB).

Other positive formal social sanctions can be named and other examples given.

Nikolai Petrovich decided to open a store selling spare parts for cars. He sought advice from the tax authorities at his place of registration to find out what taxes and in what amount he would have to pay. Are tax authorities obliged to provide him with such information? Justify your answer. Name any two responsibilities of a taxpayer.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the answer to the first question is given, the rationale for the answer:

Yes, tax authorities are required to provide taxpayers with information about the taxes they pay. According to Article 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers have the right to complete and accurate information about tax legislation, the rights granted to them by law and the amount of taxes.

2) Names of any two obligations of the taxpayer:

1. the taxpayer is obliged to pay legally established taxes in full and within the specified period;

2. is obliged to keep records of income, expenses, and taxable items in accordance with the established procedure;

3. is obliged to eliminate violations identified by the tax authorities.

Other responsibilities of the taxpayer may be mentioned.

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Competition and its functions in a market economy.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

Show answer

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The concept of competition as a mechanism of self-regulation of a market economy.

2. Main types of competition:

a) competition among sellers; buyer competition;

b) perfect (pure) and imperfect competition;

c) intra-industry and inter-industry competition;

d) price (explicit and hidden) and non-price competition.

3. Functions of competition in a market economy:

a) stimulating growth in production efficiency; 

b) reducing prices and improving quality;

c) ensuring focus on consumer needs.

4. Positive aspects:

a) promotes development Scientific and technological progress;

b) is sensitive to changes in demand.

5. Negative aspects:

a) leads to income differentiation;

b) creates conditions for unemployment and inflation.

6. Protection of competition by the state from monopolization in a market economy (Antimonopoly legislation). 

The answer may contain a different number and other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms. 
 The absence of any two of the 3, 4 and 5 points of the plan (presented in the form of points or sub-points) in this or similar formulation will not allow the content of this topic to be revealed in essence.

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

Choose one of the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from different sources for factual argumentation.)

29.1. Philosophy"Revolution is a barbaric form of progress." (J. Jaurès)

29.2. Economy“Businesses can get stuck if they focus on competitors instead of customers.” (D. Bezos)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology“Youth is the spring time of a person, in which seeds are sown for future years of life.” (Ya. Knyazhnin)

29.4. Political science“Political culture is a manifestation of how people perceive politics and how they interpret what they see.” (S. Verba)

29.5. Jurisprudence“The law cannot make people free: the people themselves must make the law free.” (G. Thoreau)

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

Not all democracies are the same. True democracies are political systems in which certain people gain access to power and the right to make decisions through free general elections. However, the mechanisms for electing parliament and forming a government differ depending on the national form of government...

In a presidential republic, power is transferred through direct elections, and not as a result of promotion to a leading position in one or another influential party, as in a parliamentary republic. Parliamentary systems, unlike presidential systems, support and protect strong parties. Thus, when choosing a presidential or parliamentary model, one must proceed from what is preferable: focusing on parties or on individual candidates who won direct elections.

Another difference between political systems is the method of voting to elect candidates to the highest bodies of power: proportional or majoritarian (majority principle). In a majoritarian system, one deputy is elected from each electoral district. The winner of the election is the candidate who receives the most votes. Systems of proportional representation involve the distribution of seats in parliament in accordance with the number of votes received in elections (according to party lists) ...

Often, when deciding whom to vote for, a voter is guided by the following considerations. Citizens vote often based on generally accepted opinions and ideologies, rather than on a careful comparison of different policy options for the problems facing the country. In addition, voters willingly listen to the opinions of others, including the calls of the candidates themselves. The outcome of the elections is determined not only by the course of the election campaign, but no less by the personal circumstances, beliefs and preferences of each voter.

(M. Wallerstein)

The text mentions “considerations” that influence voter behavior. Name any of these “considerations.” Using your social science knowledge, identify one positive and one negative consequence of a voter's choice influenced by this “consideration.”


1) Answer to the first question:

Generally accepted opinions and ideologies;

Opinions of others, including calls from the candidates themselves.

2) Answer to the second question (indicating as a “consideration” the opinions of others, including the calls of the candidates themselves):

Positive: Most people rarely make mistakes.

Negative: parties can deceive in their promises.

Which of the electoral systems examined by the author most protects strong political parties? Using the text and social studies knowledge, explain how this defense manifests itself. Name and illustrate with an example any function of political parties that is manifested in the electoral process.


The correct answer must include the following elements:

1) Answer to the first question:


2) Answer to the second question:

Under this system, a strong party is guaranteed to enter parliament, receiving a majority of seats.

3) Indication of the function and its illustration with an example:

Electoral. On the eve of the elections in State Duma, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation conducted pre-election campaign, which secured the support of 20% of voters.

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.

Source: Unified State Exam in Social Studies 03/30/2016. Early wave

3. Civil society, based on pluralism of opinions and interests of people, is not able to ensure the voluntary obedience of the law by citizens, to avoid acute social explosions, and perhaps even bloody clashes, if public authorities are not formed on a fair electoral basis with the participation of the citizens themselves.

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.

Option 107
Single state exam in SOCIAL STUDIES
Part 1
The answers to tasks 1–20 are a word (phrase) or
sequence of numbers. Write your answers in the answer fields in the text
work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of
numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without
spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each character
write in a separate box in accordance with those given in the form
Instructions for performing the work
The examination paper consists of two parts, including
29 tasks. Part 1 contains 20 short answer questions. Part 2
contains 9 tasks with detailed answers.
For execution exam paper in social studies
Allotted 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).
The answers to the tasks in Part 1 are a word (phrase) or
sequence of numbers. Write your answer using the examples below.
in the answer field in the text of the work without spaces, commas and others
additional characters, and then transfer to answer form No. 1.
Characteristics of a person
2 3
Answer: 125.
Write down the word missing in the table.
Individual representative of the human race
Man as a subject social relations

In the row below, find the concept that generalizes
for all other concepts presented. Write down this phrase.
Production cooperative, economic society, lawyer
chamber, legal entity, public foundation.
3 2 3 1 1
Answer: ___________________________.
Part 2 tasks (21–29) require a complete answer (give an explanation,
description or rationale; express and argue your own
opinion). In answer form No. 2, indicate the task number and write it down
complete solution. By completing the last task of your work, you can demonstrate
your knowledge and skills on the content that is more important to you
All Unified State Exam forms are filled out in bright black ink.
You can use a gel, capillary, or fountain pen.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Posts
in the draft are not taken into account when evaluating work.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up.
Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the highest
number of points.
We wish you success!

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Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them
with the exception of two, they belong to the sphere of activity of commercial banks.
1) setting the discount rate; 2) purchase and sale of currency; 3) sale
traveler's checks; 4) servicing company accounts; 5) implementation
monopoly issue of money; 6) opening and servicing deposits
Find two functions that “fall out” from the general series and write them in the table


Unified State Exam
Option 107
Choose the correct judgments about cognition and write down the numbers under which
they are indicated.
1) The forms of rational knowledge are sensation, perception,
2) Forms of sensory knowledge include concepts and judgments.
3) Rational cognition allows us to identify essential features,
connections, patterns, laws.
4) The sensory stage (stage) of cognition is characterized by reproduction
external features and properties of objects.
5) Sensory cognition involves direct influence
cognizable objects to the senses.
In country Z there is a widespread introduction of computer technology
into various areas of life. What other signs are listed?
indicate that country Z is developing as a post-industrial
society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Natural factors influence the development of society.
2) Extensive farming methods predominate.
3) A significant portion of workers are switching to remote work
4) In order to regulate social relations, legal acts are issued.
the most important
5) Information
6) Science-intensive, resource-saving technologies are developing the most
Answer: ___________________________.
Answer: ___________________________.
Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types (types) of culture:
for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding
element from the second column.
A) influence on the socialization of the individual
B) variety of means used
B) absence of pronounced
commercial orientation
D) complexity of content
D) entertaining character
1) only mass culture
2) only elite culture
3) and massive,
and elite culture

© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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Select the correct judgments about costs in the short run
and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Variable costs in the short term directly depend
on the volume of products produced.
2) Fixed costs do not depend on the volume of production.
3) Variable costs in the short term include payments for
previously taken loan.
4) The cost of production is also called fixed costs.
5) Fixed costs in the short term include insurance
fees and security payments.
Answer: ___________________________.

Unified State Exam
Establish a correspondence between factors and types of economic growth:
For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding
position from the second column.
introduction of new technologies
retraining of workers
increasing the area of ​​enterprises
increase in numbers
service personnel
D) additional investment
in the purchase of raw materials
Option 107
1) intense
2) extensive
Which of the following factors can cause
such a change? Write down the numbers under which
they are indicated.
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.
land tax
interest on loan
insurance premiums
interest on deposit
Answer: ___________________________.
© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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reducing the cost of feed for cows
expectations for increased consumption of dairy products
bankruptcy of several dairy farms
increase in energy prices
construction of new dairy factories
Answer: ___________________________.
Anna Nikolaevna, a pensioner, works in a library. She got
inheritance. She placed one part of these funds on a bank deposit,
the other was spent on drawing up a property insurance contract. Anna
Nikolaevna also took out a loan to purchase a plot of land. Which of
does the following relate to Anna Nikolaevna’s income? Write down the numbers
under which they are indicated.
The figure shows the change in supply
dairy products on the relevant market:
the supply line S has moved to the new
position – S1. (P – price; Q – quantity.)
Choose the correct judgments about social groups and their types and write down
the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Social groups are stable collections of people who have
excellent, characteristics inherent only to them (social status,
interests, value orientations).
2) Demographic groups are distinguished by ethnosocial composition.
3) In a formal group, interpersonal interactions tend to be
based on mutual sympathy, common interest or habit.
4) Belonging to different social groups determines
a person's position in society.
5) Groups and organizations influence human behavior.
Answer: ___________________________.

Unified State Exam
Option 107
During sociological surveys of adult residents of countries Z and Y, they
proposed to compare the number of domestic and imported products
in their stores populated areas. Survey results (% of the number
respondents) are shown in the diagram.
Choose the correct judgments about the political elite and write down the numbers under
by which they are indicated.
1) The political elite is a group of people who are constitutionally
an approved source of power in any state.
2) The political elite nominates political leaders.
3) The main functions of the political elite include production
and consumption of material goods.
4) In relation to power, the political elite is divided into the ruling
and the counter-elite.
5) The political elite is relatively small
an independent group capable of making political decisions.
Answer: ___________________________.
Find in the list below conclusions that can be drawn based on
charts, and write down the numbers they appear under.
1) The share of those who believe that the store has approximately the same amount
There are more domestic and imported products in country Z than
in country Y.
2) Equal shares of respondents in each country noted that in the store
more imported products.
those who found it difficult to answer the question in country Z
more than in country Y.
4) In country Z, the opinion is that the store has more imported products, less
is more popular than the opinion that the store has more domestic products.
5) In country Y, the opinion is that the store has more domestic products,
The more popular opinion is that the store has more imported products.
Answer: ___________________________.
state authorities exercising these powers: to each position,
given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second
A) announces an amnesty
B) manages the federal
B) passes federal laws
D) resolves disputes about competence between
subjects of state power of the Russian Federation
and constituent entities of the Russian Federation
D) exercises executive power
in the Russian Federation
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.
© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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1) Government of the Russian Federation
2) State Duma
3) Constitutional Court RF

Unified State Exam
Option 107
Political reforms were carried out in State Z. Which of
The above facts indicate that the state has become
legal? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of social
norms: for each position given in the first column, select
the corresponding position from the second column.
1) The basic law of the state reflects and implements in practice
guarantees of individual rights and freedoms.
2) The republican form of government was approved.
3) The autonomy and independence of the branches was legislatively introduced
4) Citizens support the reforms carried out.
5) The conservative party won the elections.
6) The rule of law was proclaimed in all spheres of life.
A) protection solely by force
public opinion and (or)
a person's inner beliefs
B) a measure of socially significant behavior
B) formal certainty
D) universally binding for the entire population,
living on the territory
a certain state
D) regulation of social relations
Answer: ___________________________.
1) both legal and moral
2) only legal norms
3) only moral standards
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.
Which of the following applies to personal (civil) rights?
(freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
right to participate in the administration of justice
right to life
the right to defend one's honor and good name
the right to be elected to government bodies
right to privacy of correspondence and telephone conversations
Answer: ___________________________.
Sergei is 44 years old and successfully passed the job interview.
But the employer gave preference to another applicant who was less successful
passed the interview, only because he is five years younger than Sergei
years. Find in the list below the positions that correspond to the legal
context of the situation described, and write down the numbers under which they
criminal law
statement to the police department
labor law
Answer: ___________________________.
© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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Unified State Exam
Read the below
indicated by a specific letter.
(A) The concept of “political system of society” has entered into scientific circulation
in the second half of the twentieth century. (B) The political system regulates
production and distribution of goods between social communities
based on the use of state power, participation in it, struggle for
her. (B) System-forming category that integrates these elements
into a single political system - the category “political power”.
(D) Political power is the ability of one person or group of persons
control the behavior and actions of citizens and society based on
national or statewide tasks. (D) Essence
the political system of society is most clearly manifested in its functions.
Determine which text provisions have
1) factual nature
2) the nature of value judgments
3) the nature of theoretical statements
Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position, the number,
expressing his character.
Option 107
Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
Select from the list of words you want to insert into the
place of passes.
“According to the classical definition, ________(A) is a community of people
based on marriage, joint housekeeping, moral
________(B) and spiritual attachment. She performs the whole complex
the most important functions for the existence of society: ________ (B) people;
transmission from generation to generation of the most important social ________(D),
attitudes, knowledge. Its main functions also include organizing
household. The family carries out social ________(D). Members
families provide each other with emotional support. The basis of nuclear
family is ________(E) – authorized and regulated
state form of relationship between a man and a woman,
defining their rights and obligations."
The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Every word can be
used only once.
Select one word after another, mentally filling in
every pass. Please note that there are more words in the list than
You will need to fill in the blanks.
List of terms:
1) marriage
2) control
3) institute
4) mutual responsibility
5) norm
6) family
7) mobility
8) marriage
9) reproduction
The table below shows the letters indicating the missing
words. Write down in the table under each letter the number of your choice
Do not forget to transfer all answers to answer form No. 1
in accordance with the instructions for performing the work.
© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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Unified State Exam
Option 107
Part 2
To record answers to tasks in this part (21–29), use the FORM
ANSWERS No. 2. First write down the number of the task (21, 22, etc.), and then
a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.
What, according to the author, distinguishes true democracy? Based on text
Name two types of republican form of government. Which
Does the author note the difference between them?
The text mentions “considerations” that influence behavior
voter. Name any of these “considerations.” Using
social science knowledge, indicate one positive and one negative
the consequences of the voter's choice under the influence of this “consideration”.
Which of the electoral systems examined by the author has the greatest
to what extent does it protect strong political parties? Using text
and social science knowledge, explain how this defense manifests itself.
Name and illustrate with an example any one function
political parties, which manifests itself in the electoral process.
Based on social science knowledge and facts of social life,
give three arguments confirming the need for elections for
functioning and development of a democratic state.
Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.
Not all democracies are the same. True democracies represent
are political systems in which certain people receive
access to power and the right to make decisions as a result of free
general elections. However, the mechanisms for electing parliament and
government formations differ from each other depending on
national form of government...
In a presidential republic, power is transferred through direct
elections, and not as a result of promotion to leading positions in that
or another influential party, as in a parliamentary republic.
Parliamentary systems, unlike presidential systems, support
and protect strong parties. Thus, when choosing a presidential
or the parliamentary model must proceed from what is preferable:
focus on parties or individual candidates who won the
direct elections.
Another difference between political systems is the way
voting to elect candidates to the highest bodies of power:
proportional or majoritarian (majority principle). At
In the majoritarian system, one is elected from each electoral district
deputy The winner of the election is the candidate who scores
representation involves the distribution of seats in parliament
in accordance with the number received in the elections (by party
lists) of votes...
Often, when deciding who to vote for, a voter
is guided by the following considerations. Citizens vote
often guided by generally accepted opinions and ideologies, rather than
careful comparison of different policy options
problems facing the country. In addition, voters are willing
listen to the opinions of others, including the calls of themselves
candidates. The outcome of the elections is determined not only by the course of the pre-election
struggle, but no less due to personal circumstances, beliefs
and the preferences of each voter.
(M. Wallerstein)
© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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Unified State Exam
What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “globalization”?
Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences:
one sentence containing information about any one manifestation
globalization in the economic sphere, and one sentence revealing
any one negative manifestation of globalization.
Name any three positive formal
and illustrate each with an example.
Nikolai Petrovich decided to open a store selling spare parts for
cars. He sought advice from the local tax authorities
his accounting to find out what taxes and in what amount he will have to
pay. Are tax authorities obliged to provide him with such
information? Justify your answer. Name any two responsibilities
Option 107
You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Competition and its
functions in a market economy." Make a plan according to which
You will be covering this topic. The plan must contain at least three points,
of which two or more are detailed in sub-clauses.
© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation
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By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on
content that is more attractive to you. To this end
choose only ONE of the statements below
Choose one of the statements below and reveal its meaning
in the form of a mini-essay, highlighting different aspects if necessary
the problem posed by the author (the topic touched upon).
When expressing your thoughts about the problem raised (indicated
topics), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge
received while studying a social studies course, corresponding
concepts, as well as facts of social life and one’s own life
experience. (Cite at least two factual arguments
examples from various sources.)
(J. Jaurès)

“A business can reach a dead end if it concentrates
not on customers, but on competitors.” (D. Bezos)
“Youth is the spring time of man, in which
seeds are sown for future years of life.”
(Ya. Knyazhnin)
Political science
“Political culture is a manifestation of how
people perceive politics and how they
interpret what they see." (S. Verba)
“The law cannot make people free: they themselves
people must make the law free." (G. Thoreau)