Aboriginal Australians are the population of Australia. Aborigines of Australia: history, life and customs of the indigenous population

Residents of each country have their own mentality. Different habits, different characters and different rules of behavior... This is what distinguishes the Japanese from the Chinese, Americans from the British, Ukrainians from Russians. Every nation has its own rich history, which has its roots in the depths of time and shapes the appearance modern man. Who were the indigenous people of Australia and who lives in the country now? More about this.

The first mentions of the Australian continent date back to XVII century, but it was explored only a hundred years later - in 1770, James Cook landed on shore with an expedition. It is from this moment that the European history of the state begins. 18 years later, on January 26, 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip set foot on the shores of the continent and founded the first settlement - Sydney Cove. This date is still a big holiday in the country and is celebrated as Australia Day.

The history of the settlement of the continent cannot be called romantic: the first settlers were English prisoners, for whom there was simply no place in prison. They, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, began the exploration of Australia at the end of the 18th century.

After 100 years, the group of prisoners had grown into a fully mature society. Immigration was in full swing, with those wishing to live on the “new continent” flocking from all over the world. Australia became a full participant economic life Great Britain, even meat and wool were exported from there.

The authorities tried to introduce restrictions on those entering on the basis of race: for example, at one time, Asians were prohibited from immigrating here. But the restrictions did not bring results, so the audience was motley. Most visitors are of Asian, New Zealand, and English origin.

Of course, it is impossible to summarize the history of the formation of an entire nation in one short article. If you are interested in how the continent was explored by the British, we recommend watching this documentary, made by Australians about Australians.

Since the settlement of the British, the problems of the indigenous people of Australia began. Initially, the number ranged, according to various sources, from 300 thousand to 4 million people, but with the appearance on the mainland of not the most intelligent Englishmen with a criminal record, the number of aborigines began to decline sharply.

Indigenous people of Australia: how did the oldest civilization fall?

So who were the owners of the continent before Arthur Phillip appeared on it? The indigenous people of Australia are also called Bushmen. There is a theory according to which it was the Bushmen who ancient people on Earth. Civilization dates back more than 70 thousand years! The indigenous people of Australia are divided into three distinct types, and more than 500 languages ​​were spoken on the continent when Europeans landed. The main occupations of the Australians were hunting, gathering, and construction.

The indigenous inhabitants of Australia belong to the race of the same name - Australoids, their facial features are appropriate: dark skin (but lighter than that of Negroids), a wide nose, lush hair, very dark and curly

The aborigines also had a religion, according to which God is nature and all the phenomena that surround man. Mountains, trees, water are sacred things in which the spirit of powerful gods is hidden.

How do the indigenous people of Australia live today?

The paradox is that Aboriginal descendants could not become Australian citizens until 1967. Until this time, they lived in special reservations - villages where access to outsiders was closed. They were not taken into account even in the population census. Only half a century ago, the indigenous people of Australia received the right to choose their place of residence and move around the country. Not everyone, however, left the reservation. Moreover, some of them never reached civilization. About ten thousand descendants of the ancient Australoids still live without knowing writing, English, or modern technology.

Most of the aborigines have dispersed throughout the country; you can meet them in any city. Some work in the tourism industry: they entertain tourists with excursions to fake tribes or real reservations, where the life and way of historical times have been preserved.

As souvenirs you can buy a variety of things supposedly made by the hands of the aborigines. In fact, you rarely come across truly authentic things; usually, under their guise, they are sold in an ordinary village “mass market”. We wrote an article about what souvenirs to buy in the country. Some of them may be no less interesting. Check out the list of the best souvenirs from Australia.

Not far from Australia, in New Zealand there are also aborigines. They are called Maori, which translates as “natural, real.” These tribes are remembered as brave people who defended their rights like no other.

Unfortunately, among the aborigines who moved to large cities, there are many representatives of marginal sections of the population. A large percentage of the crimes committed in the country are attributed to them; Among the descendants of ancient people, alas, drug addicts and drinkers are often found.

Modern inhabitants of Australia: who are they?

Local residents of Australia are full of different types, skin and eye colors. This picture is completely unusual for a tourist from Russia, because in our country we only see people who are similar to us. Everything is mixed up here, so no matter how you look, you will never catch a single sideways glance on yourself. For the same reason, representatives of different faiths coexist peacefully in the country. Religions were distributed as follows: 26% of the local population of Australia are Protestants, 19% are Catholics, the rest are less than 5%.

The country, by local standards, has very cheap food. This played a cruel joke on the residents: obesity is very common on the sunny continent.

The number of local residents in Australia is just over 24 million people. This is data for 2016. By 2030, an increase to 28 million is expected. The birth rate here is the highest in the world: on average there are 1.9 children per woman. The average life expectancy is also one of the highest - more than 80 years. The majority of Australians, of course, come from England. Next come visitors from New Zealand and Italy. There are very few indigenous people in Australia, less than 5%.

The largest city in Australia in terms of population is Sydney, but there are many Asians among them, which is why the city cannot be called prosperous and comfortable for living.

Nevertheless, there is a lot to see in Sydney, you just need to know where to go. To find out what sights to see in the largest city on the continent, so as not to constantly bump into migrant workers, read. In it we have collected the most interesting sights of Sydney

What do Australians do?

The country has a high standard of living: the purchasing power of the average citizen is $3,000 per month. This means that life is not aimed at constantly making money. Local residents of Australia devote a lot of time to self-development, hobbies, active and passive recreation.

There is no excessive desire to look good. They dress “newly” only for work and on important occasions. The rest of the time, due to the hot weather, it is impossible to constantly look chic.

It's not just about the weather, but also about the mentality: the local residents of Australia are approximately equally well off, so they do not seek to prove anything to anyone, but only live for pleasure. Accordingly, no one tries to dress pretentiously and expensively. It is not easy to distinguish an employee from a millionaire.

The hobbies of Australian residents are directly related to environment. Are there a lot of rocks around? Great, let's climb them! Is there an ocean all around? Just great, grab your surfboard! No snow at all, but tons of sand in the desert? What's the problem, let's invent a snowboard on the sand!

This sport is called "snedboard". It proves that the lack of snow is not a hindrance to true extreme sports enthusiasts. The rules are the same as in snowboarding: slide on the board. The only difference is that instead of snow there are dunes, and instead of a warm suit there is a T-shirt and shorts.

Another hobby of Australians is gambling and horse racing. This is understandable: when people do not feel a constant lack of money, it is easy to waste it.

The local people in Australia are called "Ozzy". Or rather, that's what they call themselves. Being an Ozzy means getting confused about the words of the National Anthem, boasting a beer belly, and not giving a damn about what's going on in the rest of the world.

In general, Australians have quite a lot of strange character traits. It is these features that form the rules of conduct for tourists in Australia. So that you know how to behave in this distant country, we have collected all the rules

Roughly speaking, the Universe for Ozzie is limited to the ocean. Where the continent ends, everything that can worry local residents ends. If you suddenly told a resident of Australia that a lot of interesting and interesting things are happening outside the continent important events– most likely, he would have grinned and bluntly stated that he was not interested. Here, as a rule, they do not stand on ceremony and speak directly as it is. But, nevertheless, I don’t want to be offended by the charming, simple-minded Ozzies at all.

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    You can get acquainted with the way of life of the Australian aborigines by going on an excursion to one of the reservations, where to this day the indigenous population of the continent has preserved their usual way of life.

    How do the Aboriginal people of Australia live?

    Australia demonstrates high rates of economic growth. However, it is in this country that numerous tribes still live, whose way of life and level of development have remained unchanged since the Stone Age. The indigenous population of the continent does not know how to mine iron, does not know writing, and the aborigines of Australia do not have a calendar. These people do not enjoy the achievements familiar to modern people. Moreover, it is the Australians who are the most ancient civilization on the planet.

    Their culture is unique and original, it has nothing in common with the heritage of other countries, since the continent was completely isolated for a long time. At the moment, the indigenous population of the mainland is distinguished as an independent race - the Australoid. Each of the numerous local Aboriginal tribes of Australia has its own language, which in melody is not similar to any of the European, African or Asian dialects. There are more than two hundred dialects, and the vast majority of them exist only in oral form, since only a few tribes developed writing.

    Aborigines of Australia
    Period of the conquest of Australia

    According to the 2001 census, Australia's Aboriginal population makes up only 2.7%. This is about half a million people, whereas in the 18th century, at the time of the British landing, there were more than five million natives. The colonial period is one of the most difficult for the aborigines of Australia in history, because during this time the tribes were mercilessly exterminated and persecuted. From the favorable conditions of the southern coast with a comfortable climate, the aborigines had to move to the arid desert areas in the north of the continent and in its central part.
    Modern Australian Aboriginal lifestyle

    Since 1967, when representatives of the Aboriginal people of Australia achieved equal rights with the white population of the country, the situation of the indigenous population began to improve. Many tribes, with government support, assimilated and moved to live in cities. Programs to increase the birth rate and preserve cultural heritage Aboriginals. In 2007, a television channel for the indigenous population even began operating, although due to the wide variety of dialects of Australian languages, broadcasting is conducted in English.

    Aborigines of Australia

    A fairly large percentage of Australian Aboriginal people are currently involved in tourism. Thus, excursions to reservations are very popular among travelers - places where the indigenous population has preserved their usual way of life. The natives also act as guides.

    In addition, colorful performances with songs, dances and performances of ritual ceremonies are organized for tourists. Many Australians are engaged in the manufacture and sale of souvenirs - labor and hunting tools, knitted and wicker clothes, and utensils. About ten thousand Aboriginal people living in the north-west and center are still at the level of development in the Stone Age. Thanks to them, the unique culture of the local population of Australia is preserved.


    Aborigines of Australia

    Any navigator who landed on the shores of Australia discovered the indigenous inhabitants of these lands - aborigines who were not very friendly towards newcomers. Australia is believed to have been discovered in 1606 by the Dutchman Willem Janszoon. Then other Dutchmen explored its shores (H. Brouwer, D. Hartog, A. Tasman, etc.), calling it New Holland. In the 18th century, the eastern coast of Australia was explored by the brave English navigator James Cook. Then Matthew Flinders walked around the entire continent and proposed calling it Australia (from the Latin “australis” - southern). The local indigenous population was called Aborigines. Wandering hunters and gatherers, until the 19th century they lived in a primitive communal system and used stone tools. The most famous tribes are: Kurnai, Narinieri, Kamilaroi (southeast); kabi, wakka (east); Dieri, Arabana, Aranda, Warramunga (centre); nyol-nyol, kariera (northwest). According to the modern racial division, Australian aborigines are classified as the Australoid race, widespread in Australia, South Asia (Veddas, Dravidians, Kuba, etc.) and Oceania. Local Australoids differ from other modern inhabitants of Australia by their dark skin, wide nose, thick lips, wavy hair and their abundant growth on the face and body. In fact, anyone who has seen an Australian aborigine at least once in their life will never again confuse him, for example, with a black African.

    Scientists are still arguing about the origins of the local aborigines. Some scientists believe that people came here about 50,000 years ago from Asia, and from that moment on, the indigenous population of these places began to form - the aborigines, who have been living without any changes for the last 40 thousand years. “Coming from Asia” can be disputed, for example, by the earlier split of the proto-continent Pangea or the gradual divergence of Africa, Australia and the eastern “piece” of Antarctica from each other. What is indisputable is that if the Europeans had not disturbed their pristine existence, it could have continued in such a “preserved” and self-sufficient form indefinitely. However, in some places of this amazing continent it continues today, and primarily in the deserted and magical Outback - the heart of Aboriginal Australia.

    Here is the famous sacred rock of Uluru - the main shrine of all Aboriginal people and one of the most mysterious places on the Australian continent. According to local concepts, Uluru is a door between the world of people and spirits. The natives are convinced that this huge red rock, consisting of sandstone, 348 meters high, appeared here even before the “Eternal Period of Dreams” (according to scientists: about 6 million years ago!) - the main cult concept of the local population. In fact, this is a fairly free translation. In different tribes in different dialects, the number of which in Australia reaches six thousand, this concept can sound differently: Ngarunggami, Dyuguba, Unzud, Bugari, Alderinga and so on. All this nevertheless means the same thing. This is something like a parallel immaterial world of spirits and mythical ancestors, which has always existed and laid the foundations for human behavior. Everything on this earth is filled with spiritual power, and it is connected with man into a single family-mythological knot. And the rock of Uluru, otherwise Ayers Rock or simply Ayres (as the Europeans called it), occupies a key place in this system of the universe, being a door between worlds. Aboriginal people have been performing their rituals next to it for centuries. And today their attitude towards Uluru has not changed at all. Not a single aborigine dares to climb to its peak, since this is considered a terrible sacrilege, capable of bringing upon a person the wrath of spirits or ancestors from that very “Eternal Period of Dreams.” Some mysterious cases of wicked tourists confirm that in many ways the natives are right. Uluru has some kind of power that defies scientific understanding. Perhaps that is why the aborigines, possessing this higher knowledge, did not strive for progress. Everything they needed for life was invented by their ancestors a long time ago and did not require any improvement. To hunt birds and kangaroos, their ancestors invented spears and boomerangs - the main and only technical discovery of the aborigines. Dealing with a boomerang, despite the apparent simplicity of its design, is not so easy. You can verify this from your own experience.

    In the town of Tzhapukai on the east coast, near Cairns, the aborigines have created a kind of traditional park, where every white can try his hand at handling the ancestral weapons of the autochthonous population and, of course, get to know their fantastic culture.

    For example, boomerangs come in two types: heavy ones - for hunting kangaroos and non-returning ones, and light ones - for hunting birds. It is the latter who, having described a cunning arc, return to where they were thrown from. It is they who arouse the greatest interest among the public, because, having described a clever arc, they return to where they were thrown from. Scientifically speaking, in order to accurately calculate the flight path, the boomerang must be thrown at an angle of thirty degrees to the momentarily blowing wind. Only then will you be able to understand where it will fly. Otherwise, he, of course, can return, but his flight will be completely unpredictable. Moreover, an inept throw may well lead to a blow to your own head when the boomerang returns. And since its flight speed can reach up to 80 km/h, the consequences of this blow can be very sad.

    No less interesting are Aboriginal spears, which are thrown not simply by holding the shaft with your hand, but using the principle of leverage. Additional acceleration is given to the spear using a special stick with a hook at the end. This hook just rests on the end part of the spear.

    In Tzhapukai Park you can see how the natives can easily start a fire using friction. For them, this is a common thing, because for centuries they have been able to live where it is impossible to live, to get water where it would seem there is none at all, and to obtain food in conditions in which a white man would not last even a few days.

    The aborigines also have their own means of communication and their own special musical instruments. For example, this is the “balrorer” ratchet, known throughout the world from the film “Dundee, nicknamed the Crocodile” - a small oval plate that produces chirping sounds when rotated, and the didgeridoo, a special musical instrument that sometimes makes an indelible impression on an unprepared tourist. This is due to its special mesmerizing sound. And the sound of the didgeridoo is given by the material from which it is made - eucalyptus wood eaten by termites. The secret of playing the didgeridoo is in the material from which it is made and the special circular, or continuous, breathing of the performer. Although one day one of the aborigines, in front of the surprised tourists, played a classical melody on a piece of an ordinary water pipe. Thus, it turns out that an impressive piece of wood painted with ritual scenes is just a magnificent natural resonator, although it carries a symbolic meaning, and the whole secret is in a special circular or continuous breathing, which is impossible to master without long and persistent training. Trained human lungs are the main tool. For centuries, all ritual dances and ceremonies of the aborigines were accompanied by the magical sounds of the didgeridoo, which perfectly correspond to their totemic worldview. Its essence is that man is an integral part of Nature and has no fundamental differences from its other components.

    The Aborigines, indeed, have existed for centuries in harmony with nature. When Captain Cook landed on the shores of Australia, the number of Aborigines reached half a million people. Today this figure is much smaller, about 1.5% of the total Australian population. Acquaintance with the “benefits” of Western civilization was not in vain, having a detrimental effect on the gene pool of the indigenous inhabitants of this continent. For a long time they were not considered people at all. Surprisingly, representatives of one of the most ancient and isolated civilizations on the planet received citizenship on their land only in 1967, and the right to self-government in 1989. Naturally, without the intervention of modern civilization, the aborigines could continue to live for centuries as they have always lived. But the question is, is this antiquity so important if tomorrow is no different from the same day, but only a thousand years ago? And is there any meaning in such a wretched, almost animal life? We do not undertake to answer this question, especially since it sometimes arises not only for Australian aborigines.

    In conclusion, it would not be amiss to add that only the inhabitants of Australia have been able to observe for centuries an amazing and incredibly fantastic sight in the sky: a huge Star Cloud in the constellation Sagittarius, which is the center of our galaxy - Milky Way. Such a spectacle, even once seen, will be remembered for a lifetime, and for those who saw it over the rock of Uluru, everything is told about the millennia-old faith of the aborigines in its magical power and the “Eternal Period of Dreams” will become strong and indisputable proof of the inextricable connection between man and the cosmos.

    Source magazine "Around the World"

    Aborigines of Australia

    Australian aborigines belong to the Australoid race, whose representatives are characterized by a massive protrusion of the facial part of the skull, dark skin, hair growth on the face and body, a wide nose, and wavy hair. The indigenous population of Australia is (as of 2001) 437 thousand people. Aborigines live in remote areas of Northern, North-Western, North-Eastern and Central Australia, some in cities.

    Aboriginal languages

    By the beginning of European colonization, the number of Australians was about 700 thousand people, united in about 500 tribes who spoke more than 260 languages.

    Australian languages ​​have a large number of dialects, which are very different from each other, mutual understanding between speakers of some of them is impossible. The autochthonous languages ​​(that is, the languages ​​of the indigenous population) of the Australian mainland do not have clear genetic connections with other languages. They can be divided into two main groups: the Pama-Nyunga languages ​​(characteristic of the southern part of Australia), and non-Pama-Nyunga (the languages ​​of the north and north-west).

    Presumably, all languages ​​of Australia are related and descended from a single proto-Australian language, but this hypothesis has not yet been proven in detail. Information about the languages ​​of Tasmania is even more fragmentary. There were approximately nine communities there, each speaking its own language.

    aboriginal with didjiridoo

    Indigenous Australians were multilingual; the adult population knew at least three languages. Since the beginning of the colonization of the mainland by Europeans, new languages ​​have developed - the so-called “pidgins”.

    The Australian aborigines were characterized by polygynous marriage; the husband was most often older than his wife.

    Life and culture of the aborigines

    traditional aboriginal painting

    Traditional activities of the Australian Aborigines were hunting, fishing and gathering, and among the people of the Torres Strait Islands - manual farming. Australians hunted animals and birds, fished, dug up roots and plant bulbs, collected berries, leaves, insect larvae, bird eggs, honey from bees and wasps, and caught mollusks and crustaceans. Australians had no pets, with the exception of the dingo.

    All tools were made of stone, shells, bones and wood. Hunting weapons (spears), digging sticks and troughs for carrying plant food, sacks, bags, and ropes were used. The Aboriginal costume included woven belts, bracelets, and feather headdresses. The Aborigines did not use bows and arrows for hunting, nor did they use poison for spears.

    At the same time, they knew poisonous plants, poured them into water bodies to poison fish, emus and other birds. Fire was made by rubbing two sticks against each other. Grain grinders were used to grind hard roots and grains, crack nuts, and crush animal bones. Roots, tubers, and seeds were soaked in water or baked in a fire. The snakes were rolled into a ring and baked in ashes. Small animals, birds, caterpillars and snails were fried on coals. Large game was cut into pieces and fried on hot stones.

    The Aborigines led a semi-nomadic lifestyle. During long stops, huts were built from poles, branches, stones, and earth. Women were engaged in gathering, men hunted big game. Women shared the food they collected only within their family. A large animal brought by a man was divided among all members of the production group from several families, thus a wide circle of relatives received meat food. When food resources within a radius of 10-13 km from the site were depleted, the group moved to a new location.

    Australian Aboriginal Beliefs

    Australian Aboriginal flag

    Aboriginal religion of Australia is associated with the ritual life of tribes and reflects totemic cults, initiation rites, inticium (magical reproduction of animals of their totem) and calendar rituals. Ideas about space are poorly developed. The most common myths explain the origin of natural objects - lakes, hills, trees, etc. In mythology, there is a “time of dreams”, when mythical heroes made their life cycle, brought to life people, animals, plants. Then they turned into sacred objects - rocks, trees.

    Mythical heroes are totemic ancestors, progenitors of a certain breed of animals or plants and, at the same time, of a certain human group; in totemic myths there are kangaroos, dogs, snakes, crabs, emus, and opossums. In myths, totemic ancestors introduce various customs and rituals, teach people to use a stone ax, and make fire. The northern tribes have the image of a matriarchal ancestor, symbolizing the fertile earth; the tribes of the southeast have the patriarchal universal father living in the sky.

    Government policy towards Aboriginal people -

    Colonization, accompanied by the extermination of Australians, their displacement into environmentally unfavorable areas, and epidemics, led to a decrease in their numbers - to 60 thousand in 1921. Since the 19th century Until the 1960s, the Australian government took half-breed children from Aboriginal families and sent them to assimilation camps. There they had to learn to live in white society. During this government campaign, approximately 50 thousand children were sent to assimilation camps. The situation of the Aborigines began to improve in the second half of the 20th century.

    In 1967, the civil rights previously granted to Aboriginal people were legally enshrined. Since the late 1960s. A movement is developing for the revival of cultural identity and the acquisition of rights to traditional lands. Many states have enacted laws that provide Australians with collective ownership of reserve lands under self-government, protecting their cultural heritage.

    photograph from 1906

    In 2010, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd formally apologized to the indigenous people of Australia for the actions that white colonialists committed against the aborigines.

    Official apology from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

    Currently, the growth rate of the Aboriginal population exceeds the Australian average. Aborigines live in remote areas and often make up the majority of the population there. Thus, over 27% of the population of the Northern Territory are Aboriginal. However, their standard of living is below the Australian average. Few aborigines retain the way of life of their ancestors. Traditional hunting, fishing and gathering have been lost.

    Aboriginal Australian stamp

    Watch the video Aboriginal Australia:

    “The liberals were and remain the ideologists of the bourgeoisie, which cannot tolerate serfdom, but which is afraid of revolution, afraid of a mass movement capable of overthrowing the monarchy and destroying the power of the landowners. Liberals therefore limit themselves to the “struggle for reforms”, “struggle for rights”, i.e. division of power between serf owners and the bourgeoisie" Lenin, 1911.

    In Australia, there has long been a debate about who is considered the indigenous people: the Australian Aborigines or the first settlers from Holland. The indigenous tribes of Australia are representatives of the most ancient and little-studied civilization on earth. Their way of life is so unique, and the history of the settlement of Australia is so mysterious that, to this day, the aborigines of this continent are considered the descendants of the first inhabitants of the planet.

    Aborigines of Australia. Who are they?

    It is believed that the indigenous tribes of the Australian continent sailed there across the sea about 50 thousand years ago. The very word “aboriginal” began to be used in relation to representatives of the tribes by the British, who, like the Dutch, set foot on the lands of Australia in order to gain a foothold on them forever.

    An aborigine is an indigenous inhabitant of a territory who lives in a communal tribal system and has preserved the primitive way of life.

    The Aborigines of Australia are considered the first seafarers. After all, they were able to get to the new continent by sea. If Europeans had not set foot on new lands, the way of life of the aborigines would still remain unchanged.

    Australia's largest tribal settlement is located in the arid Outback region. About 2,500 people live there. The aborigines today teach their children using radios; there are still no schools in the settlements. Medicine came to the tribes only in 1928.

    What do Australian Aborigines look like?

    From photographs taken by Europeans, one can judge the appearance of the indigenous peoples of the mainland as dark-skinned and dark-haired people, rather tall and thin in build.

    The natives of the Solomon Islands are dark-skinned people with blond hair and a wide nose. For a long time it was believed that blond hair among the tribes appeared due to connections with the first Europeans on the continent, but genetic analysis has refuted this assumption.

    All indigenous peoples of Australia can be divided into three types:

    • Barinean type tribes with the darkest hair;
    • Murray type tribesmen are of medium height with a lot of body hair;
    • Northern tribes with tall stature and very dark skin.

    Scientists think that the continent was inhabited by Aborigines three times in total: there were three waves of seafaring migrants.

    Aboriginal dialects and languages ​​of Australia

    At the time of the arrival of the Dutch and English, more than 500 different dialects existed on the mainland. Today, each tribal community has its own languages. They can be counted at least 200, and writing exists only among a few tribes.

    It is known that at present almost all the indigenous peoples of Australia have mastered English. Therefore, in 2007, a separate television channel was launched for them, where broadcasting is carried out exclusively on native language Shakespeare.

    Australian Aboriginal traditions

    Mount Uluru is a door between worlds for indigenous peoples. This place is considered sacred. Today, excursions to the red sandstone mountain are a popular attraction for tourists. In European language, the mountain, sacred to the tribes, is called Aires; its age is impressive - the mountain is more than 6 million years old.

    Representatives of indigenous tribes never climb the sacred mountain. Such an action is a terrible sacrilege for them. They perform rituals at the foot of the mountain. According to the aborigines, the spirits of ancestors live on this mountain formation, and the Gods descend there.

    Local warriors from different tribes are trained to use a boomerang from an early age. Ancient art Only at first glance it seems simple, but in fact it requires a certain skill.

    Tribal music is played on primitive instruments. There is quite a bit of everyday music; mainly, the aborigines hold ritual songs and melodies in high esteem.

    The discovery of the Australian Stonehenge confirmed the version that the Aborigines have long been versed in astronomy. The structure accurately reflects the movements of some stars, as well as the days of the equinoxes.

    If anyone still has doubts about classifying Aborigines as the indigenous inhabitants of Australia, then they should remember that the first European navigator set foot on the continent only in the 17th century.