Biorobots are among us. People and biorobots Versions of the origin of biorobots

I.N. The Russian government intends to carry out a total digital revolution and introduce digital technologies in all sectors of the economy. But it does not say that the robots are going to be given the rights of the same personality as the man himself! Such a robot has already received citizenship in Saudi Arabia under the name Sophia. Robots are also going to be given the right to property, and the ability to own other robots.

At the same time, the person himself becomes equated with the rights of robots and even falls into complete submission to them, since all digital manipulations on the Internet necessarily leave certain “traces” of information about each person, which means that a person becomes completely vulnerable to the evil will of some robots that can manipulate people's lives!

These absolutely monstrous realities are being prepared for us by the current government, and V.V. Putin has already declared this news even before the elections practically as a presidential program!

Are people on Earth supposed to become robots, and will not know, for the most part, what role their governments have prepared for them? And in general, WHO needs a person to be equalized in rights with robots, which are not yet perfect in terrestrial robotics, and they are given such preferences by the heads of state of almost all countries of the world? What's the matter here? Who is behind all these rapidly developing events?

Video: Olga Chetverikova. Dmitry Peretolchin. The Secret Doctrine of the Masters of the World

MM The events of the spread of robotic technologies are connected with the practically uncontrolled capture of the Planet by the forces of biorobots from the Federation of Worlds of the comic Bottom of the Solar System and the Galactic Federation. We call them Galafeds, and have referred to them by that name in earlier conversations. Galafeds predominate over the forces of the Federation of Solar System worlds, according to hierarchical influence. But they have very few interests on Earth in particular. Only some visits in consultation with the Feds solar system, as well as consultative meetings to formalize intentions about connections and mutual contacts in the future. We call them GRAY.

Basically, on a planetary scale, there is currently a special group of control over human consciousness, which consists of representatives of an organized force that has the task of forming on Earth sufficient legislative framework, which would allow to bypass the Free Will Con and trap people in the traps of digital technologies without the right to the slightest resistance.

To do this, all events take place within the framework of forcing vigorous activity within the social environments of individuals, from the human environment, who visited the bases of the grays and received strict suggestions - instructions for further actions on Earth in line with the implementation of their goals.

I.N. And what do they want, these gray ones?

MM Grays are already established biorobots. In fact, they are a complete prototype of the form of life towards which unsuspecting people are being rapidly pushed at the present time. The Grays are partly made up of biological tissue, but are generally robotic as their consciousness is entirely digital, subject to programming and manipulation by their masters.

Exactly the same fate is being prepared for the masses of people living on Earth! A biorobot is a kind of creature consisting of technological inclusions that make it possible to greatly enhance MEMORY, and the possibility of containing in it an amount of information unthinkable for ordinary human intelligence. Earlier it was already said that the intellect is the prerogative of the BODY, which means that a physical person, of course, has a smaller amount of such memory than a biorobot.

The biorobot also has an advantage in the formation of bodily parameters that differ from human ones in that they are influenced by technical settings, in a special beam polarity that eliminates the processes of long metabolic phenomena and the accumulation of unnecessary energy in the form of fat deposits, in favor of muscle optimization, which is very little energy consumption, compared with the human.

Biorobots in all respects are former people who could not resist the "technical" invasion of the Grays from the Space Bottom, and became victims of manipulations with their genetic apparatus, plant and animal food. At present, all these processes are taking place right before the eyes of all mankind, and no one can consciously stop this obvious violence against earthly humanity, because it is busy with anything but control over the open intrusion of outsiders into their living space.

I.N. What is it that prevents them - the gray ones - from completely conquering the entire Planet and enslaving the earthlings?

MM They need LEGAL STANDARDS that people will accept on their own, allegedly, according to their own human will. That little perfect robot that is currently being shown on TV as an example of the technological achievement of robotics is a fake that will be shown until all the necessary laws are passed so that, on a full basis, biorobots, from the category of gray ones, do not become full-fledged owners of the Planet, not even on an equal footing, but in a much more advantageous position than the people themselves. It is this side of the aggression of the grays that is trying to be completely covered up by the persons bought and subordinated to the grays, who serve them in the governments of almost all the so-called. civilized countries.

IN It turns out that people at the present time, being drawn into the distracting events of a complex international situation, do not see how all the structures of a digital concentration camp under the control of the grays are unfolding before their eyes?!

MM Digital economy is not management national economy through the use of computer technology. This is a radically different form of energy absorption of all social structures of earthly humanity, the Natural Complex and the Planet itself. The digital industry includes spheres of the Planet's possession by special entities - Sephiroth, who have an unshakable connection with the cosmic Bottom, and do not give the Planet any more chance for progress inside the Solar Tor, and even more so inside the Galaxy and the Universe. It is scary and painful to look at the Planet completely immersed in the jurisdiction of the Sephiroth. Such planets space day- a great many. They are like a fly caught by a spider, which first wrapped it in its web, then killed it, then let its gastric juice into its body, and then slowly sucked out all the insides in liquid form. Exactly the same technology is used during the capture of the Planet by the Grays. They do this capture in the exact sequence given above, but with slight variations depending on which form of intelligent life they are acquiring on Space Day. When the Planet is completely killed and "sucked out", and the population of the Planet receives the forms of biorobots, which, being a slave force, immediately get into spaceships and go in search of new planets - potential victims. Remember how the gray armada arrived in the early 50s. First they explored the Planet, then entered into an alliance with the local infernals. And together they began to master new technologies. Since the 90s, new technologies have become the realities of your life. And now serious legal documents are being prepared that allow real BIOs, but still ROBOTS, to have all the rights that people have! This gives such an advantage over people who are imperfect in their strictly biological structure and not prepared for such a turn of events!

IN Terrible and discouraging information! How to be people? They still have not even dealt with their economic, ethnic and religious strife and turmoil, and then there is such a GRAY attack!

MM Grays are obliged to act according to the Higher Kons of Light. They cannot overcome the FREEDOM of Choice of the people. This is their weak point. Any manipulation of human Free Will can be deplorable for them. Therefore, a conscious appeal to the Forces of Light, prayers, requests for salvation from the forces of Darkness and the Grays will be useful. The Forces of Light, unlike the forces of Darkness, cannot act without a request from people in distress on Earth!

In addition, it is imperative to call on fellow citizens to control the actions of power structures, which, being themselves already completely subordinate to the forces of suggestion from the grays, can no longer pursue any other internal policy in favor of the people themselves. They need to be decoded or completely isolated. A special caste of conscious servants of the interests of the grays currently sits inside many research organizations. Many scientific dissertations have already been written, thanks to the direct intervention of the Grays, who, for their intellectual services, completely subjugate the consciousness of the scientist and make him a puppet. To do this, his Soul is withdrawn and kept in special magnetic storages. This was discussed a little earlier.

Therefore, in the case of choosing life on Earth in line with the System of Light, the competent authorities of national and planetary (we will have to urgently create one) security should already now filter all undertakings in the field of digital technologies, up to the technical defeat of some nodal centers in which the grays are preparing active aggression against human consciousness within the indicated time limits of hour X.

I.N. By whom and to whom indicated? Hour X is the moment when the fate of the Planet is decided?

The MM Forces of Light and the forces of Darkness keep parity for the time being, but at a certain moment there will come an advantage in one direction or another, which will be expressed in the complete advancement of the Planet either in the direction of the Hierarchy of Light Worlds, or become the prey of a huge spider of digital reality.

I.N. Are infernals also victims of this Gray Spider?

MM Of course, and they - in the first place.

I.N. Then it is not profitable for the Infernals to cooperate with the Grays!? Why do they do it?

MM They can't contain the extent of the Grays' influence. Now it seems to them that these are gray men who simply steal people for their experiments, and for this they give them new technologies, which, in turn, give very significant advantages to the rest of humanity.

I.N. So, the call of the forces of Light, and the establishment of the system of Light in one of the states of the earthly civilization can be a salvation for all the others?

The MM of the Power of Light, which will put the Higher Horses of Light at the forefront, will completely stop all attempts by the Grays to gain the right to the same equal role as earthly humanity. They are not related to the Growth of the consciousness of the spirit, because biorobots are BODIES endowed with unlimited memory, but not possessing the HIGHER LIGHT NATURE OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT!

Compared to a bodily bag for storing memory and software, Man is a potential Creator of the Universe. And if he realizes himself as such through all the favorable conditions created for this within the Power of Light, then no technological trash, in the face of the gray ones, will be able to overcome the forces of the Freedom of the light Will. And the gray ones will be forced to leave the Planet on the first order of the Man, endowed with all the rights of the Creator from the Light!

Order - that's what the grays listen to. They do not need persuasion or logical judgments. They are slaves, but slaves who want to become masters of earthly humanity through the trade of their technology.

If you peer into them, it becomes clear that they are all a kind of crutches of an undeveloped consciousness. A person with a developed Consciousness of the spirit prevails over any technologies of the gray ones because he does not need the enticing lures of a digital trap.

An overdeveloped Human, close to the radiant state, is a perfect Super being that possesses the skills of the creative Gods of the Universe. People must go through their physiological evolution, and enter a new level that will make them the owners of all those qualities that they admire when playing computer games, or using the technical possibilities of communication over long distances.

Knowledge of the Theory of Absolute Light and the application of new technologies from this area will make a person stronger in relation to the capabilities of the grays. They are a collective form, controlled from one center, and each Human is the Creator of their own reality. And that's it. Ask the gray what he dreams about? It's like asking a crocodile who always just wants to eat and breed. The grays have no other needs in the same way.

And Man surpasses this primitive form of life in so many parameters that it seems monstrous that the desire of the grays to stand on the same level with Man on Earth.

Save your children from this terrible fate! And make the RIGHT choice in favor of the Power of Light
Thank you

If earlier the word "cyborg" could be heard in science fiction films, today it has become much more widespread. The origin of the term is a fusion of two words (CYBERNETIC ORGANISM), which is used to describe biological organisms equipped with mechanical or electrical components.

The birth of the term occurred more than half a century ago. American Manfred Clynes at a New York hospital was developing medical equipment and pondering how human biostructures could be replaced by artificial materials. The first cyborgs, albeit in fairy tales, were the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, and then Robocop and the Terminator appeared in Hollywood.

Cyborgization implies the process of replacing the body's own organs and tissues with artificial ones: fragmentation of tissues, groups of cells, and even entire organs and limbs.

Implantation of foreign objects can be divided into two broad categories. One allows you to improve the quality of life, and the other performs an aesthetic function.

The first group is represented by insulin pumps, dental implants, pacemakers, heart valves, and the second - breast implants, silicone prostheses of the testicles.

The most widely used dental (tooth) implantation. The missing tooth replaces the implant on which the crown is attached.

But there are also contraindications, which, in particular, include chronic forms of diseases. The service life of an implant is directly related to hygiene. In maxillofacial surgery, plates have found their application, which are used to fasten jaw fragments, as well as for injuries, inflammation of bones, prosthetics of the temporomandibular joint.

Implants imitating bones are used if the skull has been damaged, as well as for congenital malformations.

The use of titanium meshes makes it possible to close extensive bone defects after penetrating wounds or complex brain surgeries.

Metal structures are also actively implanted in case of bone damage. With the help of titanium pins, plates, screws, all major joints are prosthetics: hip, knee, shoulder and elbow. Prostheses connected to the nerve endings of the stump with the help of electrodes are also actively used, which provides a person with the opportunity to make various movements. In this case, the prosthesis is equipped with sensors that are responsible for tactile sensitivity.

The success of sports medicine is most clearly demonstrated by the Paralympic athletes. We see how people handicapped easily solve daily household issues, participate in sports fights, set world records.

It has long been proven that the human heart has an autonomous pacemaker in the right atrium (“pacemaker”). It is a collection of nervous tissue, where the birth of impulses takes place, which diverge along the nerve fibers, providing heart contractions in accordance with all the rules. With age or due to certain diseases, the nerve node responsible for the heartbeat every second loses its suitability. And then instead of it, a pacemaker is implanted in patients.

Today there is the possibility of connecting modern devices to a computer in order to ensure a change in the mode of operation (wave communication).

A patient who has been implanted with a pacemaker should be careful not to be exposed to magnetic or electric fields. That is, it is forbidden to carry a mobile phone near the heart. Such a patient is contraindicated in MRI examination, ECHO of the heart, wrapping in an electric blanket, myostimulation, and microcurrent connection. They should also refrain from using lawn mowers and power drills. Recently, reports began to appear in the media about hackers who "hack" the EX. But experts hastened to assure that the quality of modern devices allows you to provide reliable protection against such unauthorized penetration.

Epilepsy is treated with VNS-therapy, which is an implantation of the device in the armpit, and in the neck area - electrodes connected to the vagus nerve passing there. Periodically, the machine sends out weak electrical impulses that stimulate the vagus nerve. Then the impulses begin to spread through parts of the brain, where the process of birth of pathological foci of activity takes place, which leads to epileptic seizures. VNS therapy can reduce the number of seizures.

One of the most promising areas is called neuroprosthetics and the emergence of NCI (brain-computer interface). Strokes or injuries lead to the death of certain structures of the brain, disruption of connections with the organs responsible for perception (eye, ear, etc., as well as the brain). These devices ensured the transfer of information from the presented sensory structures to the computer. More recently, two-way communication has emerged: now it is possible to send computer-processed information back to the device, after which impulses are transmitted to the motor structures. The function previously performed by the lost brain structure is now transferred to a small chip that is implanted in the head.

In Russia, hearing impairment affects about 10% of the population, some of whom use external hearing aids. Cochlear implantation can help those who suffer from sensorineural hearing loss. The method involves the installation of a device in the patient's body that converts electrical impulses from an external microphone into signals that can be recognized. nervous system person. In this case, the implant body is placed in the temporal region, and an electrode array is passed into the scala tympani through the cochlea tympanic cavity. But in order for a person to have hearing, he needs time to adapt to the built-in device.

Among the implantable devices, insulin pumps have become the most popular, the relevance of which is very high, since about 20% of the world's population suffer from diabetes. In Russia, this figure reaches 6%, and these are only cases that are officially recorded. At the same time, diabetes is a very serious disease, ranking 4th in terms of causes of death.

Among modern methods treatment of diabetes mellitus - pump installation. Insulin pumps are portable devices that deliver fast-acting insulin throughout the day. Pumps are about the same size as a mobile phone or an MP3 player. And for the introduction of insulin, a thin tube and a needle are needed, which are located under the skin (in most cases, this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe anterior abdominal wall). This method of administering insulin is distinguished by the accuracy of the dosage and the continuous process of its administration. Modern pumps can be connected to glucometers, and this makes it much easier to use. The dose is calculated automatically, based on the assessment of blood sugar levels.

Another well-known case was the World Cup, the opening of which was entrusted to paralyzed teenagers: a special exoskeleton helped them to enter the field on their own.

Cemeteries in China arose literally in the middle of the 20th century. Prior to this, the Chinese simply did not have such territories with burials and shrines. There are no burials and graves of the Mongoloid race in the territory of modern settlement. That is, they were NOT there until quite recently!

They appeared quite recently: four or five generations ago, and instantly multiplied, destroying the former population, from which burial grounds and archaeological sites remained.

Now they are creating a legend of their existence and myths about "ancient" to secure the right to TERRITORIES!

All archaeological research by foreigners in China is prohibited after the 2003 break-in, when the mummies found turned out to be Russian burials, and this was firmly established by US archaeologists and scientists!

And the “biorobots-clones” of China are the Chinese, who, while assuring the world of their “ancient” history of tens of thousands of years and incredible intellectual achievements of the past, cannot point to the places of their burials and cemeteries, burial grounds or other material traces of their stay on the planet. There is an opinion that they disassemble their biorobots for spare parts.

About 250 people are killed every day in China for the illegal organ trade. “About 250 people are killed every day in China for their organs. Most of them are prisoners of conscience, there was no trial, no sentence against them. They are simply killed in order to sell their organs and blood to those who can pay huge money for it. They are simply shot like a lobster in a restaurant, and the organs are handed over to a rich client, ”Kilgour’s lawyer said.

As an example, he cited a case related to transplant tourism. “One man went to China to get a kidney. He came to Shanghai, to the most important hospital in the city. They brought him four kidneys, and none of them fit. He returned home for about three months, then came back to China, and they brought him four more kidneys, one of which fit. We contacted this man, he feels good, but eight people had to die for him to get his kidney, ”said Kilgour.

David Kilgour, human rights lawyer David Matas and journalist Ethan Gutman published a new joint book this summer, Blood Harvest/Massacre: Addendum, about organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China.

In their report, they provided data on hundreds of Chinese hospitals that have been harvesting organs since 2000. For 16 years, Chinese surgeons have performed 1.5-2.5 million transplants, that is, 60,000-100,000 transplants per year. And this despite the fact that the system of voluntary organ donation practically does not work in the country, as this contradicts the traditional ideas of the Chinese in relation to the dead.

“The main conclusion of this new report, which in principle we have done before, is that the Communist Party government is involved in large-scale killings of innocent people,” David Matas said at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington on June 22.

The new report reveals more than 700 well-known transplant centers in China, providing details on the number of beds, surgical staff, organ recipients, postoperative consequences of transplants, and more. The waiting time for patients to receive organs ranges from several hours to several days.

A Chinese military doctor spoke about the trade in organs in hospitals. “Yes, I did it, so what? Yes, they were Falun Gong students, so what now?… We have done this many times, you haven't investigated everything yet, so many times,” the doctor says, according to the audio recording.

The second call was also made to the same hospital, but in the evening, 12 hours later. The tube was picked up by another doctor, who also made no secret of his crimes. When asked how many Falun Gong practitioners he cut out organs, he stated, "Countless" and repeated the phrase twice.

The January 2016 WOIPF report states that there are at least 7,402 doctors and 865 medical facilities involved in "black transplantation" in China, and all of their activities are sanctioned by the authorities. In early reports on this issue, it was reported that there is a large bank of living donors in the PRC, which is “Chinese specificity” in the field of transplantation. This is no longer and cannot be in any country.

The killing continues

This is what the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce spoke of in his prophecies when he argued that the leaders and people of China would have to reconsider many of their priorities and views of the world. Like, they will have a tendency to consider themselves not as an exclusive nation, but as part of a common human civilization. This will not happen in 2017, but the processes will gain some momentum. Let's pay attention to the wording: "consider oneself not an exclusive nation, but a part of a common human civilization."

Today China is a civilization of CLONES

"In China, a place in a cemetery is more expensive than an apartment." By law, all land in China belongs to the state. The cemetery plot is leased for 20 years for a one-time payment. A site in the Chanyang Cemetery in Shanghai in the Jiading District costs from 50,000 to 80,000 yuan per 1 square meter, depending on the quality of the site. By comparison, renting a house for 70 years in the same area costs between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan (see figure).

Doesn't this mean that the Chinese, having learned from other peoples, began to create a cult of dead ancestors, quite recently, before that, getting rid of corpses in OTHER ways. And this remains to be explored, unbiased scientists.

And so a logical riddle or justified assumptions arises that the races of clones of China and its environs, having no material traces of their human existence and no history and mythology, arose out of nowhere 150-200 years ago, being in the Stone Age. The Chinese lived and existed with a developed institution of cannibalism-cannibalism, as reported even by the "World History", published under the auspices of UNESCO in the middle of 2000.

All this wild life continued until I. Stalin from the USSR and R. Nixon from the USA began to lead China out of the Stone Age to the detriment of their peoples and countries, playing criminal geopolitical parties.

On February 14, 1950, an agreement on friendship, alliance and mutual assistance between the USSR and the PRC was signed in Moscow for a period of thirty years. And Nixon's historic visit to China took place in 1979, after which technologies and equipment from all over the world flowed into the country of biorobots. At the same time, the peoples and the countries themselves, donors of the exaggerated "Chinese civilization" began to die! Donald Trump strongly opposes such a criminal policy, and he will try to curb and even shut down "open" China!

Nixon Tribunal: China attacks US (see

The "ancient" history of China and its environs began to be hammered into the consciousness of the population of the planet, as an axiom, by paid agents and accomplices of the "Ancient China" project, in an era when there was no Internet yet. And with enthusiasm and amazement, together with the authorities and the media, we are still building the New Silk Road on paper, only considering the “Old Silk Road” on fake Chinese maps.

But on this fabulous route, which is given out as an "ancient" path, there are no traces of the presence of the Chinese and material traces of their "ancient" civilization? These are the old Russian trade routes of our very ancient civilization. And it was not possible to trade with the Chinese, since they simply did not exist. And as scientists have found out, Marco Polo has been to Russian soil. And then this trip, if it was, was transferred to non-existent China, about this in detail at Academician A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky.

To confirm their suspicions of the inhuman and other nature of the Chinese, who must stop "considering themselves not an exclusive nation, but part of a common human civilization."

Europe, being in the grip of biorobots and clones from Africa and Asia, dreams of legislatively curbing electronic robots.

Before some in Europe, the danger of admitting robots and humanoid beings as equals into their lives has become obvious. Legislators of the European Parliament dream of restricting so far only humanoid and "intelligent" electronic creatures, giving them the status of "electronic personality".

It is very strange, moreover, that they cannot find justice for the millions of individuals who, under the guise of refugees, fill the lands of the EU, and many of them clearly do not belong to any of the human species or are biological mutants.

The European Parliament is considering the possibility of giving legal rights and obligations to robots - carriers of artificial intelligence.

The European Parliament, at the suggestion of the MP from Luxembourg Madi Delvaux-Ster, begins discussion of a bill according to which carriers of artificial intelligence (AI) can be legally endowed with rights and obligations. This electrobrain contingent includes robots (androids) and other devices that have the ability to independently make decisions based on the programs and instructions embedded in them.

This bill has already received a positive opinion from the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament. The need for its adoption is explained by a technological breakthrough that is fundamentally changing social relations in countries on all continents.

The author of the bill predicts in the near future the era of superiority of AI over the human with robots gaining almost humanoid self-awareness, and, accordingly, wants to insure by changing the legislation in such a way as to oblige robots to follow universal human requirements, norms and rules.

At the same time, the future law plans to oblige the creators and manufacturers of robots to establish the ability to completely disable AI carriers in order to avoid causing problems to people.

Madi believes the time has come for a European AI institution to explore the relationship between robots and humans.

The author considers it necessary to introduce responsibility right now for incorrect programs and instructions invested in AI by programmers, as a result of which the AI ​​can cause damage to people. Things can go so far that manufacturers and owners of AI carriers will be required to insure the damage that robots can potentially cause to people.

If liberal nonsense about the rights and duties of robots is thrown out of the bill, then it has the right to life, since it touched on really important issues. It remains only to wait for the vote of the European deputies, on which the further legal fate of European robots will depend (see

Robots don't think or feel!
They count and mimic!
<от друга>

For a long time I was going to write this article and, in general, I wrote it for a long time, I practically collected it piece by piece (although not all the puzzles have been completed yet). There were big doubts about whether it should be published. But in the end, I decided to finish it and post it on the blog. And this was necessary for two reasons. Firstly, understanding who exists next to us is useful and important for our own development, and also helps to understand how it is safest to interact with such creatures, since we cannot isolate ourselves from them. Secondly, I was asked to write this article by people who are really interested in this topic. There was also an inner need to present what has been tracked over many years (and not just me). Perhaps, after reading, someone will consider this information an utter nonsense or fantasy of the author, and someone may cause a strong emotional reaction. (an attack of anger, hidden resentment, fear, an attack of aggression or a desire to say nasty things to the author). It's not scary, it happens. Any such reaction to an external or internal stimulus is a signal of a hidden problem, which, of course, is worth dealing with.

In any case, the article may turn out to be useful or timely for someone, and perhaps it will make someone think hard and start analyzing.

Versions of the origin of biorobots.

Our planet is inhabited by several different types of creatures that outwardly all look like ordinary people. They interact with each other, eat, sleep, go to work, have fun, fight, breed, etc. In short, they just live. What are these beings? These are just people, and reptilians, and Grays (a type of aliens), as well as insectoids (like insects, seen several times), biorobots and a bunch of different other biological and not very species. Each at one time arrived on Earth with certain goals and objectives, and some were already created on the planet. In this article, we will focus only on one of the most common types - about biorobots. (not to be confused with robots).

So, biorobots (or in other words bots, creatures). What are they? Where did they come from, who created them, and why do they exist? Oddly enough, but the data on this type of "creatures" is practically absent on the network, and with a deep "digging of the topic" on the Internet, you can find only small crumbs of information that do not give a complete picture. Almost no one mentions or writes about this (unless, and). Only a few people who knew about it almost from birth know about biorobots. (and some before).

Consider several available versions of their origin.

Version 1 (historical).

Some Sumerian manuscripts contain data that can be interpreted as information about the origin of intelligent life on our planet. According to these data, the genus "Homo sapiens" was created artificially (presumably Anunnaki) as a result of the application of genetic engineering about 300 thousand years ago (conditional figure). Left by the Anunnaki on the planet, these "creatures" at first continued to work in the mines / quarries according to the program laid down in them. But over time, mating with earthly humanoids and humanoids, overcoming the resulting painful mutations, they lost many of their basic unearthly habits and programs. Environment, giving rise to cataclysms, reformatted biorobots, making them obedient producers of socio-cults of earthly origin.

Version 2 (computer).

Since the planet Earth is something like a very complex game platform (as in computer games), then here come (embodied, or in other words, loaded) creatures with soul (on the earth - people) in order to gain certain experience, some skills of interaction with other beings. Naturally, the platform itself is already fully equipped by the Highest developers and programmers - there are already very thoughtful and extensive maps of the area (locations), Nature, animals, civilizations, special harsh conditions have been created for incarnated players. And of course, as in any computer game, on the Earth platform there are a huge number of creatures that were previously created as extras (background) - in particular, these are “humans” - biorobots (or creatures). Apparently, in order for the incarnated players to be more interesting and tougher (although not all players appreciated it).

Version 3 (religious).

What is the difference between humans and "humans"? The same as between God/Creator and Lord! Everything is very simply described in the Bible - God / the Creator created people and breathed a soul into them, and the Lord created man “in his own image and likeness” and forbade knowing the tree of life ... Or even simpler - “humans” differ from people in the absence of a soul and ignorance of their origin. Why do both of them live on Earth? What is the meaning of the expressions "to live like a human being" and "to live like a human being"? People here learn to live in harmony with Nature, and "humans" exist in order to prevent people from knowing the true God/Creator (their part of the basic program).

How are biorobots different from real people?

Biorobots in the world are about 90% of the total population of the planet (!), The rest are people (or incarnated players). Externally and internally, these bots are mostly the same as real people. That is, inside them there are organs, blood, tissues, bones, fluids, and so on. They can breed, raise children, work and so on. Some part of these "creature beings" have inorganics in their bodies in the form of chips or electronic systems (you can read and). But there is something that radically distinguishes biorobots from real people.

Here is a description of the main type of bots:

  1. The biorobot does not and cannot be real souls, which initially people have (given by the Creator). They are simply puppets of the System, having no connection with space. In a society of biorobots there can be no spirituality (and sincerity). Accordingly, they do not have real feelings, there is only emulation (cheap imitation).

  1. The intelligence of a biorobot is determined the tasks assigned to him control programs, which were originally included in it. A biorobot, within the framework of the knowledge invested in it, can even be a scientist, but it will never be able to go beyond its program, which determines the meaning of its "wisdom". He is not amenable to learning and self-improvement, has no motivation, since this goes beyond the framework of the basic program laid down in him. He cannot even understand his own device, because this is not included in his program.

  1. Biorobots can't create(to have a hobby). Since they do not have a Soul (item 1.), which is able to see the beautiful and generate creative ideas, they cannot create real objects of creativity with a deep meaning. Biorobots can only partially imitate the actions of people who are engaged in creativity, and this imitation is rather crude and often ugly.

  1. Biorobots are completely subordinate to the System(Matrix) and are controlled either through egregors (e.g. religious), or through certain manipulator creatures. Bots always protect the System, because they are completely dependent on it. Act collectively, consumer-predatory attitude towards everything (strive to always seek their own benefit), at the level of survival instincts. This is a kind of "cannon fodder" for all kinds of revolutions, coups, Maidans, rallies, research, etc.

  1. Biorobots do not think or reason. They only count and calculate, they act within the framework of the program laid down in them. They absolutely cannot sit idle, they absolutely do not understand the phrase “sit in silence”, “be alone”, “meditate”. For them, this is an empty sound, a waste of time. They can either be active, do something (work, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc.), or be in sleep mode (like a computer). I personally witnessed such moments. (I will mention below).

  1. Biorobots can be flashed, i.e. reprogram to expand functions, but not bypass the basic program.

  1. Biorobots can be controlled (more on that below, case 4), although I suspect that not all and not at any time (although this point is still under study).

  1. Biorobots act always strictly according to some scheme embedded in their basic program. Real people have a particle of chaos in their structure (unpredictability factor).

There is another kind of bots - these are embodied players in an unconscious state (such as "hibernation") - blocked or disabled at many levels by the System (Matrix), i.e. temporarily inferior people who can become full-fledged players if they begin to gradually come out of the destructive “hibernation”. But such "sleepers" - no more than 10% (conditionally) of the total number of biorobots. By the way, points 4, 5, 7 are partially applicable to this species. You can wake them up, but this is a rather difficult task. Most often, only a few manage to awaken to a conscious full life.

"Life" of biorobots.

It is easy to recognize a bot by its unchanging standard behavior in the same situations. Study your surroundings carefully. Just don't scare them and don't scare yourself. A "created being" must always behave in the same way, no matter what happens around it. Each stimulus is followed by a specific response. Time after time, the bots, as if on knurled, show the right reaction to what is happening. It is necessary to smile - they smiled, it is necessary to remain silent - they were silent, it is necessary to say - they said. This, in a sense, keeps their relationship with the outside world from being destroyed.

When two biorobots meet, the following can happen:

If their programs are very different, they will simply pass each other by;
- if there are similar parts of the program - they will greet each other, at the same time thinking "Who was that?";
- one of them will try to sell something to another;
- one of them will try to deceive the other;
- one of them will offer the other a drink. Agreeing, they will go looking for a third. Alcohol for some time introduces the consciousness of the biorobot into an altered state, therefore, according to safety precautions, it is necessary to drink at least three together in order to maintain the efficiency of their programs together;
- both will appreciate the possibility of creating a family or just a temporary relationship;
- having considered each other, everyone will decide that he is a "cooler" model;
- seeing each other's features, both will have a desire to upgrade - envy;
- if there are no resources for the upgrade, anger will arise;
- one biorobot must in any case be afraid of another biorobot, so that it is not dismantled for spare parts.

Sometimes some bots make an attempt to go beyond their program if they begin to understand at least in the back of their mind that something is wrong with them. To do this, they accumulate some excess of their already small power in order to shorten themselves. But this, in general, does not affect their program in any way, and they do not cease to be biorobots. They are “turned on” again, and they continue to function further.

If some biorobot (most often from the second category) begins to act bypassing the basic program, then the reaction of the System to such behavior goes through three stages:

1. At first it causes general laughter, as the first reaction of society to the unusual behavior of the bot (bypassing the program). Laughter is designed to distract the biorobot from the situation when its program fails. So the System tries to return the bot to its normal state.

2. Then the society of biorobots tries to destroy the "infected" specimen in order to protect their own kind from the "virus of free behavior". It used to be called the interesting word "sabotage".

3. As a result, having understood that “to fight is only to draw attention to the situation”, smart biorobots begin to show respect for a suspicious bot, observing its unusual behavior. Statistics show that religion gained the greatest popularity during the times of persecution. Biorobots are well aware that the best way to fight is to ignore.

Personal observations.

I have interacted with biorobots many times. It is not surprising, because they are a large part of the world's population, even in my family they are. I will tell you some interesting cases from my life.

I once served one state office for a long period of time. There was one woman in the reception office who periodically called me to update the antivirus, then remove the viruses, then pick up the cartridges for gas station. And in one such call, I sat and dug into their PC. And this woman was talking to someone in the waiting room. I have almost finished the work, I go to the reception to pick up the money and saw that it seemed to be hovering over the table. That is, it sort of went into sleep mode, because apparently there were no current tasks to perform. It's like turning off a robot and it will freeze in one position. My aunt didn't sleep well. As soon as I turned to her, she immediately "came to life" (as if she was powered on) and began to talk to me... I noticed this more than once in the behavior of biorobots.

Here is another interesting moment. In one private company near the radio market, which I also served on the technical side, I once had the imprudence to speak with a biorobot girl on abstract topics, involving her in dialogue and reasoning. But as soon as I started telling her something, she just hung, as if her contacts were shorted inside. And then I looked into her eyes. I was so thoroughly shuddered then! For in the eyes of the bot, I did not see anything, no depth, meaning, space (like real people)...only cold emptiness, as if I were looking into the eyes of an ordinary robot. After that, I stopped communicating with "creature beings" on abstract topics, and even more so I stopped looking into their eyes. (although there is another reason for the eyes).

There was another memorable unusual case related to this topic. Once I was on a bus 77, from our office on a call to customers. Despite the large number of people, there was an empty seat on the bus behind PAZik, where I sat down. I thought about my own, decided to close my eyes and relax a bit. As a result, he entered an altered state of consciousness. And as soon as I closed my eyes, I immediately "saw" the interior of the bus, which was almost empty, except for me and three or four people. It was as if all the other passengers had disappeared somewhere. I opened my eyes - everything is back in place. Closed - again, the almost empty interior of the bus, even the driver was not there. And then I realized that in fact, in this state, I saw only real people, who are very few, and biorobots simply were not reflected (by virtue of clause 1).

By the way, just a couple of months ago, when I was traveling by train to Moscow on business (standing in the vestibule), I decided to conduct a small experiment. I chose one biorobot among those standing in the vestibule (pretty brutal type) and by tuning into part of his brain (specifically - the cerebellum), began to mentally transmit to him completely harmless commands such as “tilt your head”, “scratch your nose”, “fix your hair”. And this person really began to execute these commands, albeit with a slight delay of just over a minute. I didn’t really count on a specific result, and therefore I was a little surprised when everything worked out for me. Subsequently, I repeated such an experiment again and again there was a result. Which again proves point 7.

You can interact with biorobots only for some working moments. Trying to communicate with them like real people is at best a waste of time and effort, and at worst it will just be a hassle.


Do you remember the teams of terrestrial "progressors" whom the science fiction writers the Strugatsky brothers "sent" to planets stuck primarily in social development? It seems that there is nothing fantastic in the fact that such missionaries can be among us, in a familiar or unfamiliar city, on the street, they can be accidentally or deliberately settled in hotels in Omsk or hotels in Vladivostok. Moreover, many who are entrusted with such a lofty mission are sometimes unaware of it. The “alien test”, developed by American specialists and modified by Russian researchers, may be able to lift the thick veil of secrecy that hides this mystery of some Mind, the heights of which we, earthlings, can hardly even imagine.

The testing of the test among various social groups from schoolchildren and students to scientists and psychics gave very interesting preliminary results. This work will be continued and our task is to help everyone in their evolutionary-cosmic development, using the found mechanism for analyzing individuality for "aliens". It is no secret for ufologists and specialists in the field of esotericism and paranormal phenomena that the outer space - galactic and beyond, or local, terrestrial - geo-, bio-, noo-spheral - is inhabited by countless "worlds". It is quite possible that some of these "worlds" are something fantastically improbable for the earthly mind (take, for example, the concept of "astral" or thin-plasma worlds and civilizations).

It is possible that for supercivilizations that are at least a couple of thousand (not to mention millions) years ahead of the Earth, such concepts as "artificial intelligence", biorobots or clone copies of UFO-nauts are a very ordinary thing. This means that the concept of "progressor-missionary" (alien) in the human body (biosuit) is also not a miracle, but the work of their "technology". And not only to an ordinary person, but also to science, the facts of the objective difference of some earthlings from their own kind are becoming more and more obvious. It is precisely these psychological "differences" that the test of the Americans and our modifications are aimed at, contributing to the objective selection of unearthly properties in the individual. Graphic test portraits obtained at the output are the functional advantage of our refinement, and an additional parameter (a group of questions) in each of the basic ones is the key to identifying cosmites and the like, including hybrids.

So questions. For each answer that is closest to your character, soul or mind, give yourself 1 point. Each question (and there are 12 of them) has 4 possible answers, so in some cases you can choose more than one answer (say, "a" and "b").

1. When you meet a stranger at home or at work, then:

A) you almost instantly have an intuitive and relatively stable opinion - who he is;
b) you do not experience anything, except boredom;
c) you are able to guess (and your intuition did not fail you) what this person is thinking;
d) you immediately know whether you need this person or not.

2. Whenever you think about your parents, then:

A) feel a sense of gratitude, love and respect;
b) you always wonder how such down-to-earth people could raise such a unique person like you;
c) experience discomfort, unpleasant memories and feelings;
d) definitely guess or even know that you are not the son or daughter of your parents.

3. When you visit a museum or an exhibition, or just browse through a book about museums and art, do you prefer:

A) painting, landscapes, in general, classical schools and works;
b) abstract plots and compositions, including all kinds of avant-gardism;
c) you are equally attracted by the frenzied whirlpools of colors of Van Gogh, and the surrealism of Salvador Dali or the classics of the Flemish school, the main thing for you is your interest, your searches;
d) most of all you are interested in traces and manuscripts of disappeared cultures and pracivilizations from the Sumerians and Egyptians to the Etruscans and Atlanteans.

4. Some physical marks on your body:

A) freckles;
b) moles and warts;
c) strange spots or marks on the body, face or head, cuts, including very recent ones;
d) you know or guess what kind of signs, "warts" or "cuts" these are and who imprinted them on you.

5. You most often experience a headache when:

A) stay indoors or work with harmful chemicals;
b) you are almost unfamiliar with a headache, except perhaps a general malaise, fatigue;
c) when you are experiencing severe stress, shock, or someone is clearly affecting you telepathically;
d) when you unreasonably feel someone's grief, pain, and this is reflected in your well-being.

6. In the store you feel:

A) revival, desire to push around, look for goods;
b) fatigue and irritation;
c) the desire to get away from here;
d) you generally avoid the hustle and bustle, especially the store.

7. In a dream, you most often see:

a) relatives and friends;
b) you rarely see dreams, almost do not remember them, and if you remember, then only something amazing;
c) dreams are a common occurrence for you, however, in addition to acquaintances or relatives, you see in a dream politicians, rock stars, and artists and talk about something with them or do something;
d) you often dream of completely outlandish creatures and unusual people, landscapes, characters of fairy tales and myths, and you actively interact with them.

8. If a gang of youths has stuck to you and demands money, then you:

A) you give what you ask for, if only you get rid of it;
b) you decide to break through them, hitting one or the other well;
c) you try to calmly neutralize their aggression telepathically, to block their encroachments with your will;
d) hurry to read a protective prayer or appeal to the guardian angel, God, the Higher Mind.

9. What worries you the most:

a) loud or tasteless music when you work;
b) a persistent inner urge for the transformation of humanity, the Earth, civilization, for the salvation of the world;
c) questions from your new friends about the circumstances of your birth, conception, family environment and spiritual orientation;
d) thoughts about the salvation of one's soul and loved ones.

10. When reading or listening to poems on the topic "God", "heaven", "angel" you experience:

A) bewilderment, misunderstanding;
b) fatigue and irritation;
c) try to understand the idea and purpose of the author in his attempts to address the ideal;
d) you experience incomprehensible excitement, a special understanding of what cannot be expressed in words.

11. Your direct physical handicaps include:

A) a tendency to be overweight or vice versa thinness;
b) gray or unnaturally pale skin, early baldness for men and ugly hands for women, early gray hair;
c) a feeling of disproportion of some elements of your figure or facial features, bordering on a desire to change your appearance or at least partially correct your natural body;
d) you know or have a definite guess as to why you have a particular handicap.

12. At school, the following subjects were easiest for you and you most of all loved:

A) literature and native language;
b) mathematics and physics;
c) all subjects were given equally easily, you are an excellent student;
d) history, fundamentals of political science and philosophy.

Now let's decipher the test results.

If the maximum of your preferences falls on point "a", then you are an "earthly" ("dugout"), you still have a monad (soul, consciousness) that is still quite young by cosmic standards, which has an interesting evolutionary path ahead, including the disclosure , in addition to "earthly", as well as cosmic intuition and abilities.

If the maximum falls on point "b", then you are a biorobot (android) of a supercivilization, there is little or no "earthly" in you at all, you have little understanding of "animal joys", you are logical and rational, very capable, because you are clearly programmed and guided by life. In evolutionary terms, you are a key figure in progress. The dry-rational memory of biorobots, their semi-artificial intelligence is dozens of times greater than human capabilities.

If the majority of points are scored on point "c", then you are an intellectual, i.e. a person with a high evolutionary level, outstanding abilities and high spiritual orientations. You have a fairly intense creative exchange with the noosphere, including subconscious (or superconscious) contacts with the galactic mind and, possibly, with your "parallel" entities and higher self. This means that you are not only a real "progressor"-missionary, but also a bearer of the Highest Knowledge. You are an explicit or potential contactee and resident in a creative exchange with super-civilizations, possibly with UFOs and their pilots. You are an extraordinary personality "an apostle of the human spirit."

If most often the most attractive was item "g", then you are a "divine" person, "not of this world." With a low rating of the previous item "c", this gives a true tragedy, even a biorobot bookmark does not save. However, what marked this person is the outstanding ideas of the Cosmos, which are still so high for the Earth that the ordinary mind is not enough to accommodate them. If the rating of your intellect on point "c" is close to its value on point "d", then you can be congratulated: you are not from the category "out of this world", but rather adapted, "earthly" alien.

Now we will give some typical test portraits on real personalities who took part in our research. In contrast to the absolute assessment for the maximum of preferences, they will also evaluate their concomitant properties, including hybrid ones. We present nine such portraits. These are Almaty residents Larisa, 15 years old, Valentina, 33 years old, and Alexei, 16 years old; residents of the region Olga, 35 years old, Kazakpaev, 56 years old; as well as Tashkent residents Vladimir, 19 years old, Tatyana, 42 years old, Gennady, 33 years old and Yuriy, 19 years old. Let's present their test portraits in the form of graphs. On the x-axis we plot our items "a", "b", "c" and "d", and on the y-axis - the preferences of the individual for each of their items.

Of the above portraits, we have three earthlings - Olga, Kazakpaev and Tatyana; one biorobot - Alexey; two intellectuals - Vladimir and Yuri, and three "divine" ones - Valentina, Larisa and Gennady.

Individual portraits-characteristics are as follows. Earthlings: a pronounced Olga has only 1 point each in point "b" as a biorobot and point "d" as a subject "not of this world." Only 1 point of the biorobot is not bad, but the only "divine" mark is not very good. It is very difficult for her to undergo spiritual transformation, for the channels of the Cosmos are silent. Olga is the most evolutionarily loaded personality. Another dugout, Tatyana, has, as can be seen from the graph, a very rare linear structure of features, i.e., the higher the argument (evolutionary features and qualities), the rarer their presence in her essence. And if Olga has at least a small, but still advantage of intelligence over biorobot programs, then Tatiana has an obvious priority of her biorobot installations. What should Tatiana work on? Perhaps over his own consciousness. She should trust the "voice of the Cosmos" in her soul more. The third earthling, Kazakpaev, is a mixed, hybrid type of earthling. The lowest level of his preferences is point "c", and this is intellect, will. At the same time, the indicator on point "d" sharply changes his earthly orientations to something subconsciously mystical and supercosmic. This earthling is actively guided by his astral driver (the spirit of the ancestor, the egregor of the ethnic group, etc.). He is very lucky in life, because he trusts his inner voice, despite the poor development of the intellect. The evolutionary task here is the development of knowledge and professional qualities.

Fifteen-year-old Aleksey is the only one of the biorobots that fell into the category. As if anticipating something in himself, he asked not to be named. The purely human in him, i.e. earthly feelings and intuition, as well as intellect, in total, are half the amount of inherent (programmed and induced) qualities. Surely he is very different from his fellow earthlings. He has nothing to worry about especially - the internal program will successfully lead him out of any life conflicts. Aleksey and similar semi-artificial personalities are entrusted with a special evolutionary task. Do they have personal evolutionary perspectives- unknown. It is possible that the civilizations supplying them or cloning them into the body of earthly women provide for something evolutionary-human, a gradual increase in intelligence and self-awareness. In general, in their far from free, by human standards, life, apparently, there is little joyful and especially creative. But they are living "apostles" of logic and rational principles, a kind of robo-progressors of our civilization.

Pronounced "intellectuals" - Vladimir and Yuri. In terms of higher cosmic qualities and their priorities, they are similar. They put will and intellect above intuition, the standardity of biorobots and the paranormality of subjects "not of the world", but in the dynamics of the starting evolutionary elements they are antipodes. So, Vladimir, having support in the "earthly", is more emotional and free than Yuri. A strong contrast with the "standard", embedded in him either by his own work or by the leaders, brings him into the category of "risky" subjects, since the intellect, apparently, allows him to cope with any troubles. This is an undoubted indicator of an evolutionarily rich personality, but with adventurous inclinations.

The intellectual Yuri is certainly a more harmonious and evolutionarily truly cosmic personality, the only drawback of which (and also of Vladimir) is insufficient trust in his cosmic leaders and his own para abilities. Their intellect and knowledge are too critical and powerful to pay attention to "it is not known what", including the sub- or super-conscious control of their individuality by the leading super-civilization or interested in them. Regarding these individuals, E. Siragusa in the book "Where are you going, humanity?" writes: "We (meaning super-civilizations) carefully and comprehensively study each individual, we are among you all the time, although we cannot be registered by your physical devices."

Now - the category of "phenomena on the verge", "not of the world", designated by us by the term "divine" person or, according to the test, the most probable alien. They are characterized by the following types of cosmo-evolutionary dynamics. In the most harmonious (according to earthly standards - an alien) Gennady, the sum of "super" qualities in points "b" and "d" is ahead of the sum of evolutionary ones with a high rating - which is very important - of his intellect. Valentina has these sums equal (6 versus 6), but intelligence is also high. As for Larisa, her sum of qualities "super" (8 points) is almost three times higher than the value of "earthly" (3 points). We can confidently say that it is very difficult for subjects like Larisa to adapt on Earth, everything earthly and material. It is this category of people (Gennady and Valentina, especially, to a lesser extent Larisa) that is most interesting in terms of space exploration. We are very happy to cooperate with correspondents who have similar test portraits, and we help people like Larisa if necessary. And, finally, in support of our assessments and the adequacy of the test modification in relation to persons with the characteristic "aliens", I will quote the words from Valentina's letter (it was her test portrait that we have just analyzed): "Most often I dream of dead relatives who want or something from me, or do something for me. Huge alien helicopter ships dream. The aliens themselves are divided into black, green and yellow. They fight among themselves in space and on Earth for plots of land and for people. It happens that with UFOs they stretch some kind of hoses for refueling something. And in which house or yard this hose gets, someone really dies there. And I have a lot of such dreams ... "

This is just a crumb of unusual information that comes to us, requiring study, comparison, analysis in order to understand the unknown, invisible to us worlds and civilizations. We are particularly pleased with information of this type, descriptions of various kinds of contacts and photographs. As for your personal answers and the resulting test portrait, it is important to think about the results on your own, maybe rethink your answers to the questions, and finally, outline personal evolutionary tasks. For our destiny is evolution and creation. So let's do exactly this today, in our earthly, but in fact infinite cosmic Life.