Didactic game “Funny traffic light. "Visiting the Traffic Light"

Nadezhda Parashchenko
Scenario of the holiday according to the traffic rules “Jolly traffic light”

(to the music from the film “Beware of the Car,” the children sit down in the hall. The presenter comes out in the uniform of a traffic police officer)

IN: Guys, you all live in big, beautiful cities, with wide streets and avenues along which many trucks and cars move, trams, trolleybuses, buses travel, and no one bothers anyone. And all because they follow the rules for pedestrians and drivers.

And before, a long time ago, when there were no cars and no rules traffic,people moved on foot or on horseback. And if someone met on the way, then one stepped back to the right to give way to the other, But time does not stand still, and cars began to appear, And then we had to come up with rules for those who walk and for those who drive.

Then they came up with a “three-eyed” robot and called it “ TRAFFIC LIGHT", and then the traffic controller and signs also appeared.

(a traffic police officer and " Traffic light" and read the poem)

"Nobody on the world can't do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass."

"Here, at the post, at any time

A deft guard is on duty

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

"Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian."

"So that at noisy intersections

Never know trouble

Must have traffic rules

Everyone know and comply!"

(Pinocchio enters and cries)

IN: What happened, Pinocchio, why are you crying?

B:Oh, I almost got into trouble, I almost got hit by a car.

IN: Ay-yay-ayy, Pinocchio, don’t you know the rules of the road?

B:Rules?What other rules?

IN: Well, in order to avoid trouble on the road, you need to know the special, main rules of behavior on the roadway.

Well, don’t worry, our guys will help you and teach you everything.

(a child comes out and reads a poem. Ya. Pishumov “ABC of the City”)

"The city in which you and I live

It can rightfully be called a primer.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head -

Signs are hung over the pavement.

The ABC of streets, avenues, roads, The city always gives us a lesson,

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no harm happens to you."

IN: And now the guys and I will play the game “Traffic Experts”, and you, Pinocchio, don’t get lost and remember.

(choose two teams " Traffic light" and "Zebra". All competitions are monitored and evaluated by a jury. There is an envelope with questions for the teams on the table)

IN: "To help you

the path is dangerous

Burns both day and night

Green, yellow, red"

IN: Who is it that burns day and night? Pinocchio, maybe you know?

(Pinocchio thought)

D:Signals traffic light

IN: And which one? traffic light Guys, should we move on?

D: On Green

IN: And under no circumstances should you go or run across (on red,

Well, Pinocchio, I remember which one the light must be crossed.

B:Yes, to green

IN: Well then we continue.

Questions for the team" Traffic light":

How to cross the street correctly if you got off a bus, tram, or trolleybus?

How to properly cross the street at a ground crossing?

What is a signalized intersection?

Questions for the Zebra team.

What is it for? traffic light?

What does the green signal mean? traffic light?

Turned green light, is it possible to move on right away?

What are the transitions?

And now questions for both teams, who is faster? will answer:

Where and how should I wait for the bus?

What kind of sign is shown on the card?

How is the footpath marked?

(teams sit down)

Now let's hold a relay race "Collect a sign"

(3 people each. Quickly and correctly assemble the model traffic lights and zebra crossings).

The next competition is called "Magic Transport"

(the presenter reads excerpts from the fairy tales "Thumbelina", "Swan Geese", "Frog Traveler", "Baron Munchausen")

IN:What vehicle did the heroes of fairy tales go on their journey?

Game "Traffic Experts"

(Children are a driving school student, the leader is a teacher. At each stop there is a sign, when stopping near which you must name).

Game for attention (answer “it’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends, or remain silent).

Now I'll check on you

I'll start a game for you

I will ask questions

The answer is not at all easy.

Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? (children's answer)

Who flies forward so quickly that he cannot see traffic light?

How many of you walk home along the pavement?

Who knows what's red light

this means there is no move (children's answers).

Relay "Road Signs" (signs for pedestrians and motorists are scattered on the floor. Team " Traffic light"collects for pedestrians, and "Zebra" for motorists).

IN: Well, Pinocchio, did you see everything, remember everything? won't you break the rules anymore?

B: No, I won’t. Thanks guys for helping me figure everything out.

IN: Well, now the jury speaks.

Bottom line: Well, here comes our holiday to end. All team members, well done, tried very hard. Everyone completed the tasks and showed that they know the strict traffic rules. We hope that you will not forget these rules and will not become participants in an accident.

(diplomas of the participants “Traffic Experts” are awarded to music).

Goals: expand children’s knowledge about the roadway, sidewalk, rules for crossing the street, pedestrian crossing, traffic lights; understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights.


To form in children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the roadway, on the sidewalk, to bring to the children’s consciousness what violation of traffic rules can lead to;



"Fun traffic light"

Entertainment according to traffic rules in the middle group

Goals : expand children’s knowledge about the roadway, sidewalk, rules for crossing the street, pedestrian crossing, traffic lights; understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights.


To form in children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the roadway, on the sidewalk, to bring to the consciousness of children what violation of traffic rules can lead to;

Develop attention, spatial orientation, ability to act on a signal;

Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary words: “Traffic light”, "Pedestrian crossing", "Pedestrian" , "Sidewalk" ;

Bring up competent pedestrian.

Material : traffic light layout, 2 yellow, 2 red, 2 green circles, visual road signs, white zebra stripes, illustrations on the topic.

Methodical techniques: game situation, examination of illustrations, conversation-dialogue, analysis, surprise moment, summing up.

Progress of entertainment

1. Organizational moment.

V.: Guys, today we are going to the streets of a big city, where cars and pedestrians flash by. One, two, three let's go (children enter the hall one after another, march, then perform physical exercises behind the teacher). Let's say hello and smile at each other.

There's a knock on the door.

Q: Are we having guests? Who is this?

Wolf: Hello, guys!

D.: Hello, Little Wolf!

Wolf: “Going to your kindergarten,

I was confused, I was lost...

Without knowing the traffic lights,

Almost got hit by a car!

Guys, can you help me?

And, if possible, tell me,

How to cross the road

So as not to get hit by a car!”

V.: Guys, let's help the Wolf Cub!

D.: Yes!

V.: Of course, we will be happy to help you, stay with us. Today the guys and I will talk about traffic rules, traffic lights, and pedestrian crossings.

V.: Guys, guess riddle:

"Day and night I burn,

I give signals to everyone,

I have three colors.

What is my name, friends?

D.: Traffic light. (The teacher shows the layout of the traffic light)

V.: Little wolf, tell us what a traffic light is for?

Ch.: Tell me what? It looks like a Christmas tree, colorful lights are on, you can dance around it.

Q: Guys, is Little Wolf speaking correctly?

D.: No.

Q: Children, what do traffic lights mean?

D.: Red - stop,

Yellow - wait

And green - come on in!

V.: Little Wolf, at what traffic light will you cross the road?

Wolf: I forgot.

V.: AH! AY! AY! Children, at what traffic light do we cross the road?

D.: Green.

V.: Little wolf, crossing the road is very difficult, but we have an assistant traffic controller - this is a traffic light!

Game "Traffic Light"

When I say red light, we press our arms along the body, yellow light, our arms are bent at the elbows, green light, we march around the hall. Your task is to carry out the commands that I will show, and not tell. Be very careful.

V.: Little wolf, we introduced you to the traffic light rules.

Wolf: Yes, yes, yes! Now I know! Red - stop, yellow - wait, and green - go!

V.: Now we will assemble the traffic light ourselves.

Wolf : Oh, how to do this!

Game "Real traffic light"

Children form two teams, when given a signal, run as a team and assemble the traffic light in the correct order.(k., g., h.) .

V.: We have a traffic light, but we lack a path along which you can cross the road. Little wolf, do you know where you can cross the road?

Wolf: No! Don't know.

Q: Guys, do you know what it’s called?

Children : "Pedestrian crossing"

Relay "Pedestrian crossing"

Children remain in teams in a column. In the first race, children lay out a pedestrian crossing (from white stripes, passing the baton by touching their hand. In the second race, children assemble a pedestrian crossing, passing the baton by touching their hand. At the end of the game, the leader raises his hand.

Wolf : Wow! Wow, how interesting! Now I know where and how to cross the road.

V.: Little wolf, you can cross the road not only on the ground, but also under it.

Wolf: How is that?

Q: In big cities there are underground tunnels(show a picture of a tunnel).

Wolf : I didn't know we could walk on the ground.

V.: We can, and this passage is called"underground passage".

Wolf : Show me, please!

V.: Guys, we’ll show you!

Children: Yes!

Game exercise"Tunnel"

Children go through the tunnel in a flowing manner.

Q: Little wolf, have we taught you the rules of the road?

Wolf : Yes, now I know everything and I won’t break the rules anymore! Thanks a lot guys! Yes, I completely forgot, I brought you a basket of treats!(Gives treats to children)

Children : Thank you! Come visit us again! Goodbye!

Wolf : Goodbye, friends!(leaves)

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Rudnyansky kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Rudnyansky municipal district of Volgograd region


The scenario is educational

entertainment program

Developed by:

Teacher gr. "Snow White"

Lukina I.A.



Entertainment scenario based on traffic rules

Target: consolidate the rules of the road, rules of behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, their meaning, as well as the designation of road signs. To cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others.

Attributes: 3 cubes: red, green, yellow, 3 puzzles, and sports. inventory

Preliminary work:

        • Conversation on the topic “Road Rules”,

          Application "Traffic light",

          Drawing “Funny traffic light”,

          Learning poems,

          Board games according to traffic rules,

          Reading literature about traffic rules.


Make yourself more comfortable

Take your seats quickly

For our merry holiday

We invited friends.

And to make it more fun for you and me, today we will play games, solve riddles and, of course, participate in relay races led by Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Guys, what do you think we will talk about today? Correct about the rules of the road.

I hope you haven't forgotten what a traffic light is. A? what is it for?

So let's begin. I will show you different colors on our funny traffic light, and you will remind me what they mean.

You need to obey without arguing

Traffic light instructions.

Need traffic rules

Carry out without objection.

    Red light - no road

    Yellow - wait!

    When the light turns green - have a nice trip!

We began to clearly distinguish the colors green, yellow, red!

Guys, remember that during music lessons you and Taisiya Vladimirovna played the game “Cars and Traffic Lights”. You were driving cars at a green light. When you saw the color red, you stopped.

And now, since we have become well versed in traffic signals, I suggest you play!

Game with the “Traffic Light” hall (3 cubes of traffic light colors)

I show you the color red - you sit quietly in place, on the chairs.

If I show yellow, you stand up

And I’ll show you green - you start marching and steering as if you were driving.

Well done! You know very well what the colors of the traffic lights mean.

Guys, who really needs to know about traffic lights and traffic rules? That's right, drivers. I know that you like to play cars and I invite you to play the game"Driver-passenger" "and ask you to help L.A. hold the game.

Game 1. “Driver-passenger (with hoop)

Guys, do you loveriddles? Then listen carefully and respond.

I really need to tell you some riddles, guys!

Because you guys should know the rules!

1. Black and white stripes

The pedestrian walks boldly...

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride - ... (pedestrian crossing).

2. You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

The eyes have a certain color:

Red, yellow and green.

When the light turns red, it is dangerous to move.

For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition. (Traffic light)

3. In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful

On the road... (children).

4. What kind of horse is it, all striped?

Sunbathing on the road?

People go and go

But she doesn’t run away. (Zebra).

Well done!

Game 2. Relay race "Who can get there faster by car" (children in two teams attach themselves to each other like a train and run around a landmark on command)

We played great! Children, always be CAREFUL on the road!

Game “This is possible, this is not”

    Play near the roadway(No)

    Follow the road rules(Yes)

    Play and jump at the stop(No)

    And stand quietly(Can)

    You will cross the road(No)

    Distract the driver(No)

    We'll walk on the sidewalk(Can)

    Rollerblading on the road(No)

    You need to have reflective elements on clothes(Yes)

    And also grab onto the car and take it for a spin(No)

"Who can complete the puzzles faster"

I invite 5 people from 3 groups. “Snow White”, “Seven Flowers” ​​and “Sunshine”.

Your task is to be the first to complete the puzzle. This time I also invite teachers to help my children for control and assistance.

Well done! We did it. And we continue.

Now answer? Whichtypes of transport You know?

Children: - air, land, water. Let's repeat in groups.

"Solnyshko" - water transport.

"Semitsvetik" - terrestrial.

“Chamomile” is airy.

Right! And also fabulous transport.

    What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar's palace?(on the stove)

    What did Old Man Hottabych fly on?(Carpet - airplane)

    Baba Yaga's personal transport(Mortar)

    What was Kai riding?(on a sled)

    What did Baron Munchausen fly on?(On the core) .

Absolutely right! So we are now flying on the cannonball.

Game4. "Baron Munchausen's Core"

(The cannonball is a large jumping ball. Participants must ride the cannonball, holding it between their knees. At the signal, in this position they must make their way to the landmark and back. Pass the cannonball to another player.)

"Permitted - prohibited."

The rules are quite simple. For example, I say: “Crossing the street when the light is green...”, then you answer: “It’s allowed!” And if I say what you can’t do, you answer me: “It’s prohibited!”

We think, we remember, we respond quickly!

1. Cross the street in front of nearby traffic...

2. Walk along the sidewalk...

3. Cross the street at a red traffic light...

4. Helping older people cross the street...

5. Run out onto the roadway...

6. Ride a bike without holding the handlebars...

7. Cross the street when the traffic light is yellow...

8 . Respect traffic rules...

I will ask you questions, and you will answer! If you agree, you will say in unison: “ “Well, if you don’t agree, then just remain silent. Agreed? Then attention!

How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?

Children: It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!

Who flies ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic lights?

Children: They are silent.

Does anyone know that a red light means no movement?

Children: It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!

Well done guys! They answered unanimously and correctly!

Well done! Well, our holiday has come to an end.

Let the years fly by and life meander around you,

There will always be rules for us best friend!

Here's to the holidayend , and who knows the rules and follows them -Well done!

The game at the stations "Fun Traffic Light" allows you to introduce children to the rules of the road in a playful way; teach you to quickly react to a traffic situation; consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes.



Game of stations "Funny traffic light"

Knowledge of traffic rules in our age of a real automobile boom is very important, and sometimes this knowledge saves lives. And we are talking not only about drivers of all kinds of vehicles, but, first of all, about pedestrians! After all, often terrible, tragic accidents occur due to the fault of a careless or simply inattentive pedestrian...

For mischievous and active children, such knowledge is even more important. On holidays, weekends and holidays, children play outside, but parents do not always monitor their children. And children are children. And if a child gets too playful, playing “catch up” or chasing a rolled ball, he may well end up on the pavement.

It is in our power to make sure that no game leads to tragedy. And it's very easy to do! First of all, teach your child to follow traffic rules by your own example! Remind your child often traffic rules. And when you see a child about to run across the road at a red light, don’t be lazy and stop him.

Road accident statistics

Road traffic accidents most often occur due to the fault of road users - drivers and pedestrians. The most common types of road accidents are:

  • Colliding with a pedestrian
  • Car collision
  • Rollover
  • Hitting a cyclist
  • Colliding with an obstacle

Based on the population per 100 thousand annually:

  • There are 26 people in Russia
  • 17 people die in the Republic of Belarus
  • There are 24 people in Ukraine
  • There are 25 people in Lithuania

For example, in Norway, Sweden - a total of 6 people, Germany and France - 10

Drivers, receiving the right to drive a car, undergo special training and pass exams. Pedestrians are also road users, but they do not take exams. What are the main causes of accidents caused by pedestrians? These are:

  • crossing the street in front of nearby cars -27%
  • crossing the street at a red traffic light and in places where it is not allowed to cross the pedestrian area - 27%
  • inattention when crossing the street - 17%
  • unexpected exit due to vehicles – 9%
  • other reasons-6%

The number of road accidents by month is distributed as follows:

With the onset of spring, especially in May, the number of cases of child transport injuries increases, then in June, from the beginning summer holidays, decreases, and as soon as the holidays end, the accident curve begins to creep up again. September and October produce a higher number of accidents.

A survey of children injured on the roads shows that they all know the rules for crossing the street and the dangers the road poses. One was in a hurry, the other was too lazy to cross the pedestrian crossing, the third thought he would make it in time, but slipped!

Target: introduce children to the rules of the road in a playful way; teach you to quickly react to a traffic situation; consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes.

Conditions: TsVR, teams of students in grades 1-6.

Time and place: TsVR, October 6, 2009 at 10.00, 15.00.

Props: guidebooks for teams, bicycles, skittles - 20 pieces, forms for crossword puzzles - 14 pieces, puzzles, riddles, questions on traffic rules, road signs, felt-tip pens, landscape paper.

The results of the entire competition will be announced on October 6, 2009. in the assembly hall of the TsVR. Participants will be awarded certificates for participating in the game.

Progress of the event:

  1. organizational gathering in the TsVR assembly hall
  2. drawing of lots for team members
  3. choosing captains, coming up with a team name
  4. the game itself
  5. summing up

1 station "Crossword"

A) The team is offered questions, the answers to which they must write in the crossword puzzle form.

B) encrypted tasks.

Competition results: Answer forms are given to the presenter, who checks the correctness of the answers and gives points, 10 points for correctly guessing the entire crossword puzzle.

Station 2 "Pedestrian ABC"

The presenter reads questions about traffic rules, participants must give the correct answer from the options. For each correct answer 1 point.

Station 3 “Talking Signs”

Participants are asked to guess riddles about road signs. For each correct answer 1 point.

4 station "Bicyclists"

Participants must complete exercises on a bicycle: ride a figure eight, do not knock over the pins, ride a snake.

Station 5 “Be wise and dexterous, pedestrian!”

running in compliance with the signs. There are signs along the distance:

*driving without stopping is prohibited.

* detour on the right (left).

* No entry

* sign "Tunnel"

*sign “Overground crossing”

*sign “low-flying aircraft”

It is necessary to run the distance, observing the requirements of the signs: stop, run around the sign to the right or left, do not run behind the end of the course, at the “Tunnel” sign you need to crawl through the hoop, at the “Overpass” sign you need to run over the stools, at the “low-flying aircraft” sign - bend over.

Station 6 “Remove the extra sign”

In this relay race, there are several pairs of mutually exclusive signs at a distance, and in some pairs the signs are not mutually exclusive; it is better if these pairs correspond to the number of participants in the team. The extra sign needs to be removed. Each participant removes only one sign in any pair. Possible pairs of characters:

* “Parking location” and “Parking prohibited”

* “Railway crossing” and “Driving without stopping is prohibited.”

* “Turn direction” and “No turning”.

* “Pedestrian traffic prohibited” and “Pedestrian path”.

* “Children” and “Speed ​​limit up to 70 km/h”

* "Motorway" and "Speed ​​limit up to 40 km/h"

* “No traffic” and “Car traffic”

* “No stopping” and “Bus stop location”

Station 7 “Draw the signs”

The players are asked to draw traffic signs with felt-tip pens within a certain time.

The team that draws the most symbols correctly within the specified time wins.

You can invite the children to draw signs from one, or even better from two groups (for example, warning and prohibiting or prescriptive and informational) within a certain time.

Appendix No. 1

Crossword "Passenger"

  1. striped path,

Her name is zebra.

But not the one at the zoo,

People keep walking along it. (pedestrian crossing).

  1. I loaded the sand

He drove it himself and left it himself.

Helped me with my work

This miracle is..(dump truck)

  1. Amazing carriage!

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he

He holds them with his hands. (trolleybus)

  1. What a miracle this house is!

There are a lot of kids in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (bus)

  1. The house is wonderful - a runner.

On my eight legs

Day after day on the road!

Runs along the alley

Along two steel snakes. (tram)

  1. I'm walking in a blue circle,

And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood,

If you think about it a little,

Here..(pedestrian path)

  1. The houses stand in two rows.

10, 20, 100 in a row,

And square eyes

Everyone is looking at each other. (street)

  1. I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

And I want to help you. (traffic light)


Exercise: read the rule that every pedestrian must follow. (read the syllables clockwise, skipping one syllable all the time. The first syllable is indicated by a star)

Appendix No. 2

Pedestrian ABC

1. A pedestrian is:

A). a person doing work on the road;

B). a person walking along the sidewalk;

IN). person outside vehicle on the road and not performing work on it.

2. Which of the following situations can cause road accidents?

A). crossing the road in an unspecified place;

B) games on the pavement;

IN). walking along the roadway.

3. What does the combination of red and yellow traffic lights mean?

A). the transition can begin.

B) the green signal will soon turn on.

4. What does a flashing green traffic light mean?

A) the traffic light is faulty;

B) green signal time has expired;

B) movement is prohibited.

5.How should a pedestrian column move along the roadway?

A) along the left edge of the road, towards moving traffic;

B). on the right edge of the road in the direction of traffic.

6 . What should a pedestrian be guided by if the traffic controller’s gesture contradicts the traffic light requirement?

A). traffic controller gesture.

B) a traffic light signal.

B) act at your own discretion

7. Where is sledding and skiing allowed?

A). on a road intended for pedestrians.

B). By right side roadway

IN). in parks, squares, stadiums, that is, where there is no danger of leaving the roadway.

8. What requirements of the traffic rules must a pedestrian comply with when crossing the road?

A) cross at a right angle.

B) do not stop on the road unnecessarily

C) don't eat ice cream

9. What is a sidewalk?

A). road for cyclists;

B) road for pedestrians;

B) road for transport.

10. Is it dangerous to walk along the edge of the sidewalk?

A). not dangerous since the sidewalk is intended for pedestrians.

B). not dangerous, since vehicles should not drive close to the sidewalk.

C) dangerous, since there is a danger of being hit by nearby vehicles.

Traffic Laws.

Testing knowledge of the basics of traffic rules in the form of solving tickets “Young cyclist”

  1. Is a bicycle a vehicle?
  1. Is
  2. is not.

2. Should the bicycle driver present any documents to the police officers:

1. driving permit

2. documents confirming the purchase of the bicycle.

3. not obliged

3. The cyclist’s movement is prohibited if there is a malfunction:

1. pedals

2. wheels

3. braking system.

  1. Can a bicycle with an engine be classified as a “bicycle”?
  1. it is forbidden
  2. Can
  1. Are cyclists allowed on the sidewalk?


  1. What kind of malfunction can cause a cyclist to continue moving?
  1. steering wheel
  2. brake system
  3. pedals
  4. all options are incorrect.
  1. Are cyclists allowed on the side of the road?
  1. yes, if it does not interfere with pedestrian traffic.
  1. maximum speed of a modern bicycle:
  1. no more than 100 km/h
  2. more than 100 km/h
  3. more than 80 km/h
  1. How should the movement of cyclists be carried out?

1 in the right lane in one row

2. in the right lane in two rows

3 in the right lane closer to paradise.

10.Is towing of bicycles allowed?

1. not allowed

2. allowed


The host asks the quiz participants questions:

  1. What is the name of the sign that shows running children? (“Children”)

2. Does the “children” sign give any advantage over oncoming traffic? (no, it doesn’t. The sign warns drivers that children may suddenly appear on the roadway near the school or kindergarten where it is placed.)

3. What will you do when you see that the baby is ready to rush onto the pavement after the ball that has rolled out there? (You need to stop the baby and not let him onto the roadway.)

4. What do the traffic lights with the little people on them mean? (the light comes on with a red man, which means stop, with a green man, go.)

5. How should pedestrians cross the street at intersections where traffic is not regulated by a traffic light? (pedestrians must first let traffic pass, and then, after making sure that the crossing is safe, begin moving. Strictly observing the rules of the crossing.)

6. In what places are pedestrians allowed to cross the street? (only at intersections, along pedestrian crossings, in places marked with a “pedestrian crossing” road sign)

7. To cross a country road, you often need to go around a bus that has stopped at a stop. How to safely bypass it? (You cannot go around a stationary bus either from behind or in front to cross the carriageway of a street or road. You must wait until it moves away from the stop and the carriageway is clearly visible in both directions)

8. Why are longitudinal marking lines (center line) drawn along the road? (the center line divides the street or road into two parts, into two lanes: on one side cars go in one direction, and on the other in the opposite direction)

9. What danger does it warn drivers and pedestrians about? road sign“a railway crossing without a barrier”? (The sign “railroad crossing without a barrier” warns that this crossing is not equipped with a barrier, an alarm system, and is not guarded by a person on duty. Drivers and pedestrians here need to be especially attentive and careful.)

10. At what position of the traffic controller is pedestrian traffic allowed? (Pedestrian traffic is allowed if the traffic controller is facing you sideways, with his arms extended to the side or down)

11. Why is it dangerous to cross the street diagonally? (when a pedestrian walks diagonally, he does not see the car from behind. In addition, the pedestrian’s path becomes longer.)

12. Why are bushes and trees along the street or on the side of the road dangerous? (the danger is that they interfere with a good view of the street and road. Because of them, a pedestrian cannot see moving traffic, and its exit onto the roadway turns out to be unexpected for the driver)

The game “allowed-prohibited”

Play on the pavement...(prohibited!)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is green...(allowed)

Run along the streets when there is nearby traffic..(Z)

Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk..(r)

Crossing the street via an underground passage (p)

Walk along the highway on the side of the road on the right..(h)

Cross the street when the traffic light is yellow..(h)

Cross the street when the traffic light is red..(h)

Help old men and women cross the street (r)

Cyclists should cling to passing cars (h)

Avoid vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front (h)

Walk along the sidewalk on the left (w)

Run out onto the roadway (h)

Ride a bike. without holding the steering wheel (h)

Wait out the flow of traffic on the “safety island” (p)

application No. 3

Talking signs

Participants are asked to guess riddles about road signs.

  1. If you are in a hurry and have to cross the street

Go there, where all the people are, where the sign is... (pedestrian crossing)

  1. The sign hangs at the crossing:

There is no place for carelessness.

A barrier won't help here.

I'll be very careful. (railroad crossing without a barrier).

3. And under this sign for nothing in the world

Don't ride a bike, kids. (cycling is prohibited.)

4All the engines stop,

And the drivers are attentive,

If the signs say:

“School is close! Kindergarten! (Children.)

5.The shape of the sign is strange.

There are no more guys like this!

It is neither a square nor a circle,

And the cars suddenly stopped.

(driving without stopping is prohibited).

6Slow down, driver!

You can crash into a fence!

Who blocked our way

And blocked the road? (railway crossing with barrier)

7.White circle with a red border -

So it's not dangerous to go.

Maybe it’s hanging in vain?

What do you say, friends?

(Movement Prohibition)

8.Attracts all the attention

Sign with punctuation mark.

Maybe he's missing out

Those who are familiar with the alphabet?

(other hazards)

9Soon there will be a vegetable garden-

A sign lets you know about this.

If you have a shovel with you,

You are always welcome there, guys! (Men at work)

10. We're leaving for the skating rink soon,

Park your car here, buddy.

Put on your skates quickly

And run forward boldly.

(slippery road).

Crossroads of mysteries.

The participant is invited to guess riddles on road topics.

1.For this horse, food is gasoline, oil, and water

He doesn’t graze in the meadow, he rushes along the roads. (Automobile)

2. The thread stretches, winding among the fields.

Forest, copses without end and edge.

Neither tear it up nor roll it into a ball (Road)

3Two pairs of legs on the pavement,

And two hands above your head. What is this? (trolleybus)

4.Two brothers run away, but two catch up?

What is this (Wheels)

5. Our friend is right there -

He'll finish everyone off in five minutes.

Hey. sit down, don't yawn,


6.On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

There are legs and two wheels running along the road.

The riddle has an answer, this is my...(bicycle)

7. I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather,

Very often at any hour

I'll take you underground. (metro).

8.What a daring janitor

Did you shovel snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel or a broom.

And with an iron hand? (snow blower).

9. We need the machines,

Call us for help.

On our side door

Written – 03 (ambulance)

10. One-armed giant

Raised my hand to the clouds

Does work:

Helps build a house. (crane)

11. We need the machines,

And if suddenly there is trouble.

On our side door

Written – 02 (police)

12.Does it rain?

Four wheels? Tell me what they are called

Such miracles? (watering machine)

13. We need the machines,

We will defeat the fire.

If the flame breaks out,

Call - 01. (fire truck)

14.For harvesting

I go to the fields

And for a few cars

I work there alone. (harvester)

15.Ruchenka - hands,

What are you looking for in the ground?

I'm not looking for anything

I dig and drag the earth. (Excavator)


The participant is asked to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

  1. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (on the stove)
  2. Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (bike)
  3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (jam)
  4. What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin? (bike)
  5. What the good fairy turned a pumpkin into for Cinderella (into a carriage)
  6. What did old Hottabych fly on? (flying carpet)
  7. Baba Yaga's personal transport? (mortar)
  8. What did the absent-minded man from the pool street go to Leningrad on? (train)
  9. The bears were riding a bicycle, followed by mosquitoes....what did the mosquitoes fly on? (on a balloon)
  10. Who traveled in the cartoon "Chunga-Changa?" (Boat)
  11. What was Kai riding? (on a sled)
  12. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (on core)
  13. What did the queen and her baby wear in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan? (in a barrel)
  14. What kind of transport did the Bremen musicians use? (cart)
  15. What did Vasilisa the Wise use to get to the Tsar’s palace? (in the carriage)

Nina Kolmogorova

Game designed for younger children preschool age (from 2 to 4 years).

Purpose of the game: Formation of children's understanding of basic traffic rules.

Game objectives:

Introduce children to traffic light and form an idea of ​​its purpose and signals, consolidate children’s knowledge about color: red light - STOP(prohibits movement, green light - GO(allows movement, yellow light - WAIT.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Form an idea of ​​spatial relationships (top, bottom, middle) and develop the ability to correctly place circles on the layout traffic light.

To develop children's attention and speech through the ability to listen, understand content and repeat individual words and verbal text.

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary through words: signal, road, pedestrian traffic light, pedestrian crossing; above, below, in the middle or between.

To develop children's pedestrian behavior skills, evoking an emotional response from the game process.

The game consists of a traffic light layout, colorful (red, green, yellow) circles that are attached to the layout in different ways.

Rules and variants of the game:

Option I

Game« Fun traffic light»

The game is attended by from two to six children and an adult - the leader.

The adult invites the children to get to know each other traffic light. Traffic lights are everyone's friend, he is the most important on the road. Traffic light indicates when to cross the road and when to stay put. All pedestrians must obey him. Let's take a look traffic light- he has three signal: red at the top, green at the bottom, and yellow between them or in the middle.

Then the adult offers to repeat everything again, together, pronouncing the main phrases. The teacher accompanies the verbal text by showing it on the layout traffic lights required signals, covering other signals. Then the teacher invites the children to attach circles by color to the corresponding signals traffic light.

Game repeated several times.

Option II

Game"Help find the lights at the traffic light»

The game is attended by two to four children and an adult - the leader.

The traffic light invites children to play with it:

“I got into trouble and lost my lights, please help me!” (children are asked to fix traffic light) .

Children take turns "help" traffic light.

During the game, the adult asks the children questions:

What color is this light?

-Where is it located?: top, bottom or middle?

What does this light mean?

If children are having difficulties, the adult enlists another child to help. In the end traffic light thanks all the children for their help and offers to always be friends and never forget about him.