Why are Jews treated poorly? Why don't they like Jews?

The Jewish people are generously endowed with intelligence, talents and from time immemorial have owned a significant share of the world's financial capital. Having a national idea of ​​world domination, the Jews, although not the most numerous nation on the scale of humanity, succeeded, occupying key positions not only in the banking sector, but also in the ruling elite, and occupied the pinnacles of science and culture.

Since ancient times, Jews have enriched themselves through immoral activities - usury, speculation, slave trade, financing military and political conflicts, revolutions and coups, sponsoring ideological opponents of the country in which they live.

But the secret of humanity’s hostility towards the Jews lies, first of all, in their attitude towards the non-Jewish world. Positioning only themselves as full-fledged people, and considering non-Jews as goyim (cattle), and treating them accordingly, they isolated and opposed themselves to the whole world. The main religious book of the Jews is not the Old Testament, as many believe, but the Talmud - the true morality of Jewish teaching. It is a set of laws that must be followed both in our relationships with each other and in our relationships with non-Jews. The Talmud was written by Jewish teachers of the law within several hundred years after the birth of Christ, contains 63 books, and is usually published in 18 volumes. Rabbis study this law to this day. You will not find it on the shelves of bookstores or in most libraries - and this is not surprising, because the contents may shock the unprepared reader.

The book itself contains a warning that a goy (non-Jew) who read the Talmud should be killed. Telling goyim about religious views is like killing Jews - everyone will kill Jews openly if they find out about their teachings. Everything that is not allowed to be done to a Jew is approved in relation to the goyim. It is allowed to deceive, steal the belongings of goyim, rape their daughters from the age of 3, and lend money at interest. It is prohibited to provide assistance to goyim in the event of a threat of death, or to show any mercy towards them. There is no guilt for killing a goy - it’s like killing an animal. Those who accuse Jews must be killed, preferably even before they begin to do so. If you need to explain something from the Talmud to a goy, you need to lie. Goyim are animals in human form, they are created to serve the Jew around the clock. You can use the property of other nations without hesitation, because it still belongs to the Jews. With the coming of the Messiah (in Christianity - the Antichrist), each Jew will receive 2800 slaves.

This is a small part of the misanthropic rules of the Talmud. It also contains many malicious and offensive attacks against Christ and the Virgin Mary. Considering that 33% of all people on the globe profess Christianity, one should not be surprised at the persistence of anti-Semitic sentiments in the world.

You can also recall the blood libel - for centuries, Jews were accused of ritually killing Christian children to obtain blood, which they used in the preparation of Passover matzah and mixed into traditional dishes served on the holiday of Purim. It sounds fantastic, but similar accusations have been brought against them to this day, including by officials of Muslim states. There are cases of Israeli doctors being accused of removing donor organs from Palestinian children.

The essence of Judaism and its political expression, Zionism, was felt by most of the peoples with whom Jews came into contact. Catholics and Protestants categorically condemned the Talmud and Kabbalah and called for them to be burned. In our time, Zionism has been condemned by the UN General Assembly as a form of racism, but is still widespread.

Why Hitler didn't like Jews

This question is especially interesting since Hitler himself has an admixture of Jewish blood. His grandmother, working as a servant for a rich Jew, had a child with him. This left such an imprint on Hitler that, upon coming to power, he issued a decree banning German women under 45 from being hired as maids in Jewish families.

He describes in detail the formation of his hostility towards this nation in the book “Mein Kampf”. According to him, at first he did not share the anti-Semitic sentiment that reigned at that time, considering Jews simply Germans of a different faith. But upon closer attention, I began to understand that they were sharply different from other Germans. First of all, he began to notice their physical, and especially moral, uncleanliness, discovering for himself that a Jew would certainly be involved in any dirty or immoral matter.

Hitler's hatred was caused by the fact that the most obscene and disgusting plays, books, works of art that corrupt the spiritual purity of people were written by Jews. He even began to track these facts, and came to the conclusion that there was an overwhelming majority of them, since the Jews consciously tried to violate the culture and morality of foreign peoples. Physical uncleanliness, which irritated the neat Hitler, was associated not only with a stale smell, but also with a breeding ground for venereal diseases. With a tendency to enter into fictitious marriages of convenience, Jews did not strive to remain faithful and were regulars at brothels.

The Holocaust - a tragedy of the Jewish people or a grandiose deception?

Many historians now agree that Hitler, like Lenin before him, was a "project" on a global scale, designed to concentrate Jews from all over Europe into ghettos so that they could later be more easily collected into single state, the creation of which has been planned for a long time. However, a significant part of the Jews became deeply assimilated with the European peoples, becoming unsuitable for populating the future Jewish state, and therefore were rejected and exterminated.

It is stated that the Nazis exterminated 6 million Jews. At the same time, many things make scientists wonder whether the Holocaust was a grandiose historical hoax? At the turn of 1941, there were only 3.3 million Jews in occupied Europe. The question arose, where did Hitler find another 2.7 million to exterminate? Not a single written order from Hitler on the extermination of Jews has been found. So far, not a single mass grave of Jews has been found.

The basic idea behind the fueled Holocaust hysteria we are being fed is this:

  • Jews are forever persecuted and suffer innocently;
  • the apotheosis of their suffering occurred in the Second World War;
  • all nations are guilty of the destruction of innocent Jews because they watched it in cold blood;
  • since these peoples belong to Christian civilization, it means that Christianity is to blame for the extermination of the Jews;
  • The suffering of the Jews is unbearable, nothing can measure it - in scale and its historical significance it surpasses all the tragedies of mankind.

The fact that the Nazis also exterminated other nations pales in comparison to this universal drama. It is often generally kept silent about the fact that the Slavs alone were exterminated 6 times more than the Jews - more than 30 million, and the Gypsies - 1.5 million. In addition, researchers believe that the number of injured Jews was tens or even hundreds of times less than stated.

Due to this deliberate exaggeration of Jewish suffering, in comparison with which the tragedy of other peoples is devalued, many legal scholars and politicians consider the topic of the Holocaust to be a manifestation of racism.

It is noteworthy that the Jews also made good money from the deaths of their fellow tribesmen. As a result of the reparations agreement, Israel received approximately 3.5 billion marks from Germany in compensation for the use of Jewish labor and the loss of their property. An invention such as the Holocaust continues to bring enormous profits - thousands of books are written, films are made, museums are opened. There is a whole industry at work.

According to European laws, freethinkers who deny the Holocaust face punishment. And only recently in Spain it was legislated that not believing in the myth of the Holocaust is not a crime at all.

I will add on my own behalf that, contrary to many Bible scholars, Jews are a very peace-loving nation. What is happening in Israel is the sad results of extremist aggression. In the end, this is THEIR country (the Israelis) and they have the right to defend it. I mean Jews in exile in general and how life turned out after the destruction of the temple.

Karlik Sergey Grigorievich (c) 2004

Superiority of nations. Jews.

An ancient nation that outlived dozens of other tribes, preserving its religion and language. Which spread throughout the world and was able to revive its state again on a piece of desert where there was nothing. Now on the territory of Russia there are about 150,000 descendants of this nation.

Jews are a persecuted people. It is not surprising that they are characterized by increased survivability and adaptability. Moreover, often copying the psychology of the environment, Jews, nevertheless, go their own way. It is not true that Jews are a non-drinking nation; just look into any synagogue on Friday evening to be convinced of this. You will see how Jews consume vodka for their sweet souls. Shabbat is a holiday, no one forbids consuming during the holidays. It is not true that Jews do not like Russia and give in to brute force, sitting in the rear. My grandfather, a purebred Jew, fought and spent three days in Poland, in the winter, with a broken head, in the forest. By the way, the Germans did not take Jews prisoner; they shot them on the spot. It is not true that Jews do not know how to fight. The Romans could not cope with the Masada fortress for three years. 900 people lived in the fortress, and only a third of them were warriors, and the fortress was besieged by 15,000 Romans. Now the state of Israel lives surrounded by hostile Arab states.

Let's speculate. In my opinion, Jews are a certain subspecies of man who was specially bred by certain forces. This is not mysticism, it’s just how the circumstances developed. There were 12 tribes of Jews. However, the Egyptians took 10 tribes into captivity. And these knees perished. To put it simply, they disappeared into the local population. Those were the times then, slaves were raped and sold. Their descendants lost their Jewish identity and forgot their ancestors. But the other two have not been forgotten. At the same time, Jews do not care at all about the purity of the nation. Ask any rabbi who can be considered a Jew and he will answer you, the one who has a Jewish mother, or the one who accepted the Jewish faith. And even if so, my mother is Russian and my father is Jewish, guess whose traits I inherited more? That's right, Jewish. There is a strong influence of genes. This happens in nature too. For example, wolf genes predominate over dog genes. Thus, the two tribes are the two most powerful types of the 12. But that's not all. Moses drove the Jews through the desert for 40 years, deliberately destroying the weak and weak-willed. He drove people with a slave mentality through the desert and they survived only due to increased endurance and organization. But that's not all. After the unfortunate Jews were dispersed throughout the world, they continued to be persecuted by those on whose territory they lived. In Europe, they were generally prohibited from living within city walls. Jews settled outside, and often became the first victims of the invaders. In Russia at the end of the 19th century, Jews were actively evicted to the territory of Ukraine. Hitler generally declared that all Jews should be destroyed, under this pretext he unleashed the Second World War. Millions of Jews were exterminated in concentration camps. And yet....

They live. Due to what?

Initially, the Jews are remembered as a certain people who were enslaved by the Egyptians. It is very difficult for a slave to survive and preserve his face and his faith. After all, EVERYTHING is decided for him. So they had to stand out. Become useful and indispensable. And here we encounter one nuance. Jews are a very talented nation. No one will deny that in America, and in Europe and in Russia, there are much more Jews among artists and musicians than, say, among sleeper workers or prisoners. However, there is high competition among them, but there are still more Jews. Why? But because, along with talent, most Jews have an active life position. If you want to be successful, don't be like everyone else. This is very good and very dangerous at the same time. Firstly, they don’t like upstarts anywhere, and especially in Russia. And among the Jews there are plenty of them. Secondly, an active life position often denies compromise. This is dangerous not only for Jews, but also for those around them. The Jew expressed an idea, and around him people butt heads because of it. Dig any political party and you find a Jew in the management, go to any law agency, it’s the same thing there. I’m not even talking about the heads of institutes. It's simple, this nation survived through talent, through perseverance and through intelligence.

However, Jews settled all over the world. Why did they survive, not disappear into the local population, and not die out?

After all, for example, the Chinese are spreading very widely all over the world. Up to 30,000 people emigrate to Canada alone every year. They have been emigrating to the USA for 300 years, they even have Chinatowns in large cities. But this is taken calmly. Calm down, because most of these people dissolve into the local population, forget their roots, accept another faith, their gene pool quickly gives way to black, white and all other blood.

But the Jews don’t have this!

But because they are not allowed to dissolve! Even moreover! Everything is being done to ensure that Jews are on their own for as long as possible. Everywhere, anywhere in the world, there is a person who likes or doesn’t like Jews. And he will actively express this position of his to every Jew. And the Jews, feeling their exclusivity, try to unite against the aggression common to them all. And they turn to a religion that is older than Christian and Muslim, and they set tasks for themselves, knowing in advance that they will have to make more efforts than people of another race, and when they bring children into the world, they circumcise them in infancy, in advance prepare them for a difficult and dangerous life. And, by the way, it is rare among Jews for parents to abandon a child. In Russian orphanages you won’t find a Jewish street child during the day.

And what is the result of such selection?

Well, I was here in Israel...

On a piece of desert, where the grass burns into dust in the summer, Jews live and thrive, close to their former Egyptian masters. They planted gardens and built cities. For four and a half million people, three million cars. This despite the fact that you have to pay 120 percent tax for a used foreign car. Prices for cars and housing are prohibitive.

The favorite hobby of a free Jew in his country is his work. It’s advisable to work one job and have two extra extras. Culture is a bit in a rut, the country is in a mode of constant capital accumulation. All Jews are fans of their country and are always ready for battle; everyone serves in the army. Women for two years, and men for three. I saw their army, and I saw the army of Egypt. The Jews will roll the Egyptians like a pancake, if, of course, they are allowed to do this. The world public is still against it. A Russian man cannot survive among Jews! Jews do not like slackers, drunkards, and generally do not like to relax to the fullest. The competition among Jews is incredible. A nation that has gone through a harsh unnatural selection also makes a selection among its own, and this selection is very cruel.

I can imagine how events will develop in the future.

If the Jews hold out long enough for Muslims to get used to the idea that Jews are not their enemies at all, and also admit their crimes against the Jewish religion, then after some time the Jews will restore their temple and live quietly peacefully, strengthening their economy . For those who don't know, I'll explain. Muslims built a mosque on the territory of a Jewish temple. On the territory of the ONLY Jewish temple, the same one from which the Western Wall remains. And this mosque is the third most important in the Muslim religion.

However, at least 300-400 years must pass.

It may be different. Now, under pressure from the world community, Israel is withdrawing from the land it captured during the last conflict. And this did not lead to anything good. The local Muslim people behave like our Chechens. One can understand them; Jews are their enemies not only because of religion, but their behavior is short-sighted and unjustified from an economic point of view. War is bad in any case. Instead of strengthening its economy, Palestine is waging war with Israel. Ultimately, if Muslims unite, there may be a global conflict between Muslims and Israel. Based on past conflicts, Israel is likely to win. And then there will be calm. But not for long.

This conflict can smolder for many years. This will give another type of selection for the Jews.

In this difficult article we will try to answer a difficult question related to why don't they like Jews and believe that they do not deserve to rightfully be called the chosen nation.

From the very first lines I would like to say that this article is not propaganda against Jewish society and should not be interpreted as training manual on the “Jewish Question”.

Hatred of Jews is a centuries-old stereotype that has developed over the years, which once again demonstrates the national intolerance of certain masses.
The fact that Jews are smart has been proven not only by time, but also by historical reality.

Despite all this, dislike for Jews is most often explained by the fact that they go to places where there is comfort, coziness and grace.

I will write all subsequent lines on behalf of my old Jewish acquaintance, who, out of his own conviction, agreed to lift the veil of secrecy and explain to readers why Jews are not loved all over the world.

A Jew is hated primarily because he is a Jew. As a purebred Jew, I often notice how in kilometer-long queues or public transport Only by external resemblance does inhuman hatred begin to manifest itself towards someone who accidentally steps on one’s foot. If the “malicious offender” had not been a Jew, then such a resonance could have been avoided.

Jews are not liked for their manner of defending their views to the end and zealously indignant when protest is inevitable. By accusing the Jews of loud shrillness, many opponents try to once again emphasize their persistence and unceremonious impudence.
In Russia, Jews are not loved from the heart, and they are simply not noticed abroad.

Smart Jews most often look to the West and leave their historical homeland to where they can live happily.

Jews are not liked because of their flexible ability to adapt to any power and the ability to “change the repertoire to a new song.” Hatred of Jews is due to the inability of many people to respect their own dignity and to look for a place in this world where they can still breathe. We Jews try to avoid the cold in the harsh winter and the sultry heat in the July summer.

Jews go abroad, not afraid to change not only their passports, but also their destiny, firmly believing that they can resist. Jews are hated for this only because spiteful critics are forced to hunch over a “bowl of soup.”

The tolerance of the Russian nation and the ability to adapt of the Jewish nation cannot get along with each other.

Dislike for Jews is often caused by ordinary envy and the inability to take their place in the sun.
Jews are often accused of betraying their Motherland, but in our understanding, the Motherland is not just a place of birth, but a Land on which you can walk barefoot.
Smart Jews, for the most part, are scientists, cultural and educational workers who are currently expelled and forgotten.

From early childhood, Jews study hard so that they can then skillfully sell their knowledge not only in Russia, but also abroad. While today's youth drinks beer and looks back, the Jew will move forward. And not just go, but impudently break in. Because it is simply impossible to exist in Russia any other way.
Jews are not liked because they try to survive at the expense of those who do not want to tirelessly spin around in search of “easy bread.”

Hatred of Jews leaving the cordon is manifested in vicious curses associated with their diligent ability to “get out when something falls down.”
Jews are often accused of hateful cowardice, being afraid to change their lives for the better, enduring the bullying of those who take advantage of this.

The issue of nationalities and nationalities will always be relevant. And despite the fact that many laws are aimed at regulating these relations, in practice we see something completely different. Some peoples oppress others and put themselves above. One of the questions that many people think about is why are Jews so disliked in almost all countries? It would seem that they did something wrong?

Why the whole world doesn't like Jews: answers

This people is disliked by many and for many centuries their rights have been infringed upon in every possible way. Today this is not the case, since all people are considered equal, regardless of nationality. But even despite the legal regulation, many people subconsciously have a negative attitude towards Jews. This phenomenon is called anti-Semitism and it is widespread throughout the world, in a hidden form.

In order to have a general idea of ​​why Jews are not loved all over the world, let's look at some historical facts.

Christianity. As is known, the Jewish nation has existed since ancient times ( Ancient Egypt). And already at that time it was subject to persecution, which is why the Jews did not have individual country. The reason for this is faith. At that time, people believed in God in accordance with the norms of the New Testament, but the Jews were an exception - they adhered to Judaism according to the Old Testament. They denied Jesus Christ in every possible way, because of this, Christians took up arms against them and drove them out of their state.

Moreover, according to the Bible, it was the Jews who were to blame for the fact that Jesus was crucified, since they did not believe in him. These theories explain why believers are not very kind to the Jewish people even today.

Hitler's reign- the most terrible and tragic period for the Jewish people, since several million Jews were killed in just a few years. It is actually unknown why Hitler hated them so much. In some sources you can find information that because of a girl of easy virtue, he was infected with a disease such as syphilis (by the way, Hitler himself wrote about this in his book).

According to information from other sources, Hitler did not like Jews for their views on faith and God. In his opinion, their commandments did not correspond to reality and Hitler’s views. It is also possible that he simply did not like them for their high level of intelligence, since in his native Germany many good positions were occupied by Jews.


Despite the development of progress and legislation, some people, even today, continue to dislike representatives of the Jewish people. This is explained by the fact that Jews most often show themselves to be cunning and liars; they try to deceive for their own benefit. Of course, not all Jews are like this, but still many of them are distinguished by these traits. How else can one explain the fact that it was the Jews who were moneylenders, worked in the financial sector, in trade and profited from others in any way? That is why the Slavs and other nationalities disliked them so much.

Another reason is that they consider themselves superior to others and claim that God has chosen them to sow wisdom. It turns out that in this way they insult other people who choose other faiths and belong to other nations.

If you find out that your interlocutor is a Jew, you should not immediately stigmatize him and consider him an enemy. All people are different, so focus on the person’s personal qualities, and not on his nationality.

Vadim Kozhinov in his book “Russia Century XX (1901 - 1939)” in the chapter “The Truth about Pogroms” gives the following explanation of the problem of oppression of Jews, I quote a small fragment, but I highly recommend reading the entire chapter so that you do not suddenly get the wrong impression that the author is justifying oppression of Jews, it only conveys the historical situation and background from which traditional dislike for Jews stems.

As reported in the 16-volume Jewish Encyclopedia (published in 1913), for a long time, from the first centuries of our era, Jews living in Western European countries only occasionally came into conflict with the main population of these countries, and besides, the persecution against them was not any severe consequences. However, starting from the 12th century, the situation changed dramatically, and ultimately the Jews Western Europe experienced a real “catastrophe,” or rather, a whole series (I quote EE) of “catastrophes that broke out over them in the era crusades. During the first campaign, the flourishing communities on the Rhine and Danube were completely destroyed; in the second campaign (1147), the Jews of France especially suffered... in... the third campaign (1188)... a terrible martyrology of English Jews took place... Since then The time of persecution and oppression began for the peacefully developing - until the end of the 12th century - English Jewry. The end of this difficult period was the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290, 365 years passed before they were again allowed to settle in this country... Everywhere in the Christian West we see the same gloomy picture. Jews expelled from England (1290); France (1394), from many regions of Germany, Italy and the Balkan Peninsula in the period 1350-1450. ... fled mainly to Slavic possessions... Here the Jews found a safe refuge... and achieved a certain prosperity." And also about the fate of the Jews in Spain: “In 1391, in Seville alone, the mob killed 30,000 Jews... Thousands of people were thrown into prison, tortured and burned at the stake.” And in 1492, “several hundred thousand Jews (that is, everyone living in Spain at that time) had to leave the country.”

Here it is necessary to think about the course of the matter, which is covered in many different articles of the EE. Jews, wherever they lived, “concentrated” trade and financial activities in their hands, and until a certain historical moment this was, so to speak, in the order of things. But as economic “progress” progressed, an increasingly significant part of the general population of any country where there were Jews - a part that had previously lived entirely within the framework of a subsistence economy - began to become more and more intensively involved in the trade and financial sphere and thus eventually inevitably came into conflict with the Jews. Thus, if in the 15th-16th centuries Polish Jews were in undisturbed “welfare,” then in the 17th century, “when the gentry (that is, the Polish nobility) became stronger (more precisely, developed) economically, they began to pursue an anti-Jewish policy,” which led to the most grave consequences for the Jews of Poland.

In Western European countries this happened much earlier; there, “before 1500, about 380,000 (!) Jews died; it must be assumed that there were 1,000,000 of them in total at that time globe"; Consequently, in Western Europe about 40 percent of the Jews of the whole world were then exterminated...

In general, it is hardly possible to dispute the fact that religious and other ideological “arguments” always acted as a means of “justifying” pogroms, and not as their cause. This was unequivocally shown by the prominent Jewish scholar D.S. Pasmanik in the article “Pogroms in Russia,” arguing that the pogrom makers did not have “explicit racial hostility... More than once the same peasants who robbed Jewish goods sheltered fleeing Jews " By the way, then, during the Russian pogroms, EE states, “only a few spoke about tribal and racial hatred: the rest believed that the pogrom movement arose on economic grounds.”

In the 1880s in Russia, what happened in the countries of Western Europe (which had embarked on the path of “progress” much earlier) on the eve of the Renaissance and directly during this era was repeated. But it happened again, it must be said frankly, in a disproportionately less cruel and large-scale form. Let us also remember that in the 19th century pogroms (earlier than in Russia) occurred in Austria and Germany. And the first truly terrible bloody pogrom broke out in the territory Russian Empire from April 7 to April 8, 1903 in Chisinau. 43 people died here then, 39 of whom were Jews.

V.V. Rozanov, who later spent the summer in Bessarabia, outlined the views of local residents about the situation that had arisen in the Bessarabia province:

“Its strength (we are talking about the economic strength of Jewry) is always greater than the strength of the surrounding population, even if there are only a handful of Jews, and even only five or six families, for these five or six families have family, social, trade, and monetary ties with Berdichev and Warsaw , and with Hungary, with Austria; in fact, with all the light. And this “entire Jewish world” supports every Shmul from Saharna (the Bessarabian region where Rozanov lived), and “Shmul in Saharna” takes the entire Saharna into his own hands, this time for the benefit not of his own, but of the entire collective Jewry, for, having strengthened himself here, he immediately calls his relatives, relatives, and fellow believers here to help him (it is worth mentioning that in 1847, 20,232 Jews lived in the Bessarabia province, and just 50 years later, in 1897, 11 times more - 228,528 (!)), in company with themselves, essentially at the same dinner table with themselves, where they eat the dark Moldavian Saharna, eat its crops, its poultry, its cattle, buying all this for next to nothing through instantly formed syndicates and not allowing any foreign buyer to access any product, raw materials, fresh. Saharna plows, works, sweats, and the Jews turn her sweat into gold and put it in their pockets. They have endless credit from “their own people” for their abilities, for their liveliness, for their resourcefulness. What kind of competition is there with them, when at every point they are “everyone”, and every Russian, crest, Vlach is “one” ... "

However, from the very beginning, Rozanov presented his story as a generalization of what he heard from the Bessarabians: they perceived the activities of the Jews as a kind of sucking the juices out of their land and from themselves. And in the destruction and plunder of Jewish property they saw some kind of “restoration of justice.”

However, an impartial observer will rightfully object that the Jews did not commit any violence or at least lawlessness against the Bessarabians: they only skillfully and unitedly engaged in financial and trading activities. And no one stopped the “natives” from uniting and ousting the Jews in fair economic competition. And the fact that they carried out a pogrom instead only testifies to their business failure, which forced them to resort to brute force. Finally, this is especially immoral because, overall, Jews constituted a minority of the population of Bessarabia (only about 12%); It is natural to assume that, given numerical equality, the “natives” would not have decided to commit a pogrom...

All this is essentially undeniable; but if we return to the review of the history of the conflict between Jews and the general population, based on the materials of EE, it is not difficult to see that things, as a rule, at some point came to pogroms, be it in England, France, Germany or Austria. That is, all the “natives” turned out to be insolvent...

This, presumably, means that the economic conflict was insoluble on economic grounds. And in fact: Jews at the beginning of the 20th century made up 4 and a half percent of the population of the Russian Empire, but if we talk about people engaged in trade, then according to the 1897 census there were 618,926 of them in the cities of the empire, and 450,427 of them were Jews, that is There were 168,499 traders of all other nationalities, almost three times (exactly 2.7) less!

At the same time, it is also necessary to keep in mind that the conflict at that time was completely obvious, visual: any resident of the Bessarabian province, being involved in trade and financial relations by “progress,” inevitably came into direct contact in his everyday life with Jews who almost entirely held in their hands of the trade sphere. This is important to take into account because for the later, even more “progressive” structure of society, such a direct and constant clash is no longer characteristic: the people in whose hands financial and commercial dominion is, in essence, are “invisible”; they do not come into contact at the everyday level with the majority of the population.