How to pass a creative competition at an architectural university? Creative competition for teachers and children “Charming Autumn” Procedure for holding the competition.

  • November 17, 2015, 10:53 pm
  • Hello! If you want to stay up to date on upcoming competitions for artists, illustrators and designers, then this is the community for you.

    Participation in competitions gives you the opportunity to express yourself and your creative potential, test your strength, diversify your creative activity, win a nice prize, and in some cases even make good money or become famous.


    Trailhead Wear has always strived to bring together energetic and diverse people. These are athletes, musicians, artists, all those who feel cramped within the confines of an ordinary city. For them there is Saint Ghetto with its own rules of the game. The goal is simple: create the coolest print. It doesn’t matter to us whether you are a designer with Andy Warhol’s experience or a brilliant self-taught Banksy, anyone can take part without any restrictions. The main thing is that your creativity touches Trailhead in particular and the whole of St. Petersburg and Moscow in general. What will the first among the best get? Immortal glory and 100,000 rubles in addition (50k in cash and 50k in a gift certificate). But even if you didn’t make it to the podium, and your print is incredibly good, you definitely won’t go unnoticed. So, the scheme is simple: the coolest work, one hundred thousand rubles, must be completed before September 1st. Repost and wait for the results. Show everyone what you are capable of!

    Submit your work here: [email protected]
    (be sure to include links to your contacts)

    P.S. In order for everything to be fair and your ideas not to be stolen by other participants or other brands, this time prints will only be accepted by mail, after the end of the reception all works will be published in our group in a separate album.

    Third place: publication of the work and the name of the competitor on information resources Hinode festival, a ticket for the first day of the festival on April 23 and a souvenir with the symbols of the festival.
    Second place: publication of the work and the name of the competitor on the information resources of the Hinode festival, 2 tickets to the first day of the festival - April 23 and a memorable souvenir with the symbols of the festival.
    First place: - Wacom Intuos Comic graphics tablet with Clip Studio Paint Pro and Anime Studio Debut programs included.

    • Author
    • 2 February 2016, 16:11

    • Competition “SPACE 1961 - 2016 - 2147”, in honor of the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, celebrated on April 12, 2016 - Yu.A. Gagarin.
      Purpose of the competition: symbolic, progressive, inspiring, to reflect mankind's exploration of space in the past, present and future.
      It is expected that competitive works (posters and other forms of creativity) on the theme “SPACE 1961 - 2016 - 2147” will become symbols of the progressive historical spatio-temporal development of all humanity and will indicate the key role of the culture of the USSR and Russia in this movement.
      Dates and procedure for the competition:
      1. Participants submit works for the competition by March 15, 2016. Preferred work format: posters.
      2. Summing up the results – no more than 45 days from the end of the competition.
      Awarding will take place during 2016.
      3. Works can be completed by one author or several authors.
      4. The number of works from one author (group of authors) is not limited.
      Organizers: Project “Future-2147” (landmark for the 1000th anniversary of Moscow), crowdsourcing platform, Moskovsky state university geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK), Moscow Planetarium
      Partners: Rossotrudnichestvo, Roscosmos, Russian Space magazine, Moscow Library named after. May 1, Moscow Cultural Center "Salute", Central City Public Library. V.V. Mayakovsky (St. Petersburg), platform “Chaos and Space: Extraterrestrial Settlements of the Future 2016-2147”, Lomonosov Publishing House

      • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) will award the authors of selected works with diplomas and prizes.
      • During 2016, selected works of the competition participants will be demonstrated at the representative offices of Rossotrudnichestvo as part of exhibition events dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of human space exploration
      • Rossotrudnichestvo will award diplomas to the authors of selected works and provide information support to the Competition and Exhibitions.
      • The authors of selected works will be rewarded with Roscosmos prizes.
      • The magazine "Russian Space" will publish selected works of the Competition "COSMOS 1961 - 2016 - 2147" on its pages; The magazine's editor-in-chief, USSR pilot-cosmonaut V.P. Savinykh prepared books for the winners (with his authorship or under his editorship) with a personal signature.
      • Selected works in 2016 will be demonstrated as part of exhibition events at the Moscow Library. MAY 1 (Leninsky Prospect, 37A).
      • Selected works in 2016 will be demonstrated as part of exhibition events at the Moscow Cultural Center "Salut".
      • The Moscow Planetarium will award prizes to the authors of selected works.
      • Central City Public Library named after. V.V. Mayakovsky, St. Petersburg will demonstrate selected works of participants in the competition “SPACE 1961-2016-2147” at the “Intellectual Amusement Park” festival or at other events.
      • It is planned to post a number of works on the platform “Chaos and Space: Extraterrestrial Settlements of the Future 2016-2147”:
      • The authors of selected works will be rewarded with books from the Lomonosov publishing house.
      • Works sent to participate in the Competition “SPACE 1961-2016-2147” can be used by everyone for exhibitions, other cultural and educational events dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space - Yu. A. Gagarin, as well as in other cases - with reference to the competition “SPACE 1961-2016-2147”.
      Details and downloading of works


      Will you participate?

        Assignment: you need to draw a vertical avatar in any style and technique (digital, watercolor, etc.). There should be a picture and the inscription “Drawing Lessons”; the author’s processing of an existing one is possible. Upload your work here:

    A creative competition is an exam that allows you to evaluate the applicant’s ability to creative activity in any area.

    Future journalists write essays and articles, artists paint on canvas, actors demonstrate stage speech and acting skills, and vocalists sing passionately.

    Unlike ZNO uniform standard There is no procedure for conducting and evaluation criteria for a creative competition. Programs and assignments are developed by teachers of the same educational institution, they conduct it, and they themselves consider appeals regarding the objectivity of evaluating applicants’ work.

    The creative competition program consists of an explanatory note that describes in detail general provisions competition, requirements for the level of preparation of the applicant, description of the task, criteria for evaluating the work, list of recommended literature.

    According to the rules, universities announce programs for creative competitions no later than four months before the start of their holding, so there is enough time to prepare.

    Preparing for a creative competition

    If you are preparing on your own, find and download the programs of creative competitions from previous years in advance, familiarize yourself with them, read the recommended literature, so to speak, go through the theoretical stage. When the university announces the program of the creative competition for the current year, you have four months for thorough practical preparation for the topics specified in the program.

    You can study with a tutor to prepare for a creative competition, but only if you yourself cannot study the subject in your chosen field. educational institution no preparatory courses.

    If the university has preparatory courses, definitely sign up and attend, they will not bring additional points (additional points are awarded for preparatory courses only for science, mathematics and engineering specialties), but these courses are taught by the same teachers who develop programs and assignments for the creative competition, and check the work of applicants.

    On the one hand, this is an opportunity to “pull up” the level of knowledge to the required level, on the other hand, if you conscientiously attend and complete the course program, you are already “in” for the teacher (perhaps he will personally check your work!), He is interested in continuing to work with smart students , in this case, your talent will not go unnoticed, a high score is guaranteed.

    For example, consider:

    Creative competition for the Faculty of Journalism

    This could be writing a journalistic piece based on the results of a press conference simulated for applicants.

    Previously, the program of the creative competition contains a list of topics for the press conference, usually 15-20 topics. Please note that the program may contain indicative topics, i.e. They leave themselves room for “maneuver”; the topic in the exam may differ from those indicated in the program and you will not make any complaints.

    Communication between applicants and participants (or a participant) in a conversation takes place for a certain time (the duration must be indicated in the competition program); during the process, the progress of the conversation, questions and answers can be recorded on paper; the use of recording equipment is prohibited.

    Based on the collected materials, within one and a half to two hours, the applicant writes a journalistic work in an arbitrarily chosen genre of a given volume, usually up to two sheets of A4 paper.

    Use printed sources of information: textbooks, reference books, etc. when writing written work is also prohibited.

    A creative competition is a competition in the creative execution of a task. “Creative competition” also means that participants do not compete in “whatever” activities, but only in those that have a touch of creativity. The adjective “creative” here should be considered as “non-standard”, “original”, “unparalleled”. Creative competitions are not just entertainment, they help to reveal the creative potential of participants and reveal their hidden talents. Even coming up with such competitions and tasks for them is an exciting and creative process. I hope you enjoy my ideas and have a good time.

    Good manners

    Number of players: any. Props: pens, paper.

    The players' task is to come up with various rules of "good behavior" that explain in detail what can and cannot be done at a party. A prerequisite is that these rules must be fun and original. As an example, here are comic tips on “How to behave at a holiday”:

    • To avoid being considered boring and uninteresting, laugh loudly all the time, and also participate in several conversations at the same time - in this case, you will definitely be noticed and remembered!
    • When putting treats on your plate, be sure to know your quota, otherwise you may inadvertently put less!
    • You can reach the dish you like in a very simple way - you just need to slightly pull the tablecloth towards you.
    • The most important rule: at the end of the holiday, persuade yourself to go home, even if you are overcome by a passionate desire to stay as a guest at least for another day...
    • If the owners glance suspiciously at the clock, sit quietly, but when they take the clock off the wall, shake it and bring it to their ear, then you can slowly get ready to go home.
    • A polite guest is not one who eats a lot, but one who does not notice that there is nothing left to eat.
    • How to cheer up other guests at a party? Shake the soda bottle several times and kindly offer water to your guests - a fountain of foam and enchanting emotions is guaranteed!
    • and so on.

    The winner is the one who came up with the most interesting (cool, unusual) “rules”.

    (IN real life It’s better not to follow these tips!…)

    Comic message board

    Advertisements these days are one of the main sources of information. As soon as a person has a need to buy or sell something, meet someone or go somewhere, he immediately places an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet. Writing a good ad is not easy because you need to convey a lot of information in just a few sentences. And the more unusual this information is, the more difficult it is to express it in a concise form. Try to make sure of this and compose the text of a comic ad...

    • about the sale of a collection of candy wrappers
    • about the loss of a box of matches
    • about renting out your balcony
    • about opening a magic items store
    • about selling a guide to taming naughty children
    • about the loss of conscience
    • about the exchange of rheumatism for radiculitis
    • about offering repair services for slippers
    • about hexing cockroaches
    • about enrollment in 2-week courses on “bewitching” men, etc.

    It is desirable that the title itself be funny, for example: “I strike happiness and iron while it’s hot,” “I teach how to play on nerves.”

    The winner is the one who makes the most intriguing, tempting and at the same time funny ad.

    Prosecutor of the fairy kingdom

    Number of players: any. Props: pre-prepared task cards, pens, paper.

    As a rule, the prosecutor makes an accusatory speech, explaining to the court how dangerous the actions of the criminal are, what material and moral damage he has caused to others and society as a whole. Preparing an indictment is a labor-intensive creative process. Try to see this for yourself: imagine that you are the prosecutor of a fairy-tale kingdom and prepare an accusatory speech that could be delivered if a trial took place over some fairy-tale characters. Make accusations against...

    • Carlson - for living without registration
    • Emelya - for parasitism
    • Koshchei the Immortal - for the illegal abduction of beauties
    • Babu Yaga - for aggressive behavior
    • Karabas-Barabas - for exploitation of minors, etc.

    Players are given a certain time to complete the task. The author of the most cheerful and convincing “indictment” wins.

    Come up with a new road sign

    It is difficult to imagine a modern city without road signs: warning, ordering, prohibiting, etc. Road signs inform about the condition of the road, help regulate traffic, and also warn about possible danger. And, although there are a lot of road signs, there are still situations that are not reflected in the “ABC of the Roads”. Help the traffic police: come up with and draw new road signs that may someday appear on our roads.

    Options for tasks – invent and draw road sign, which means:

    • "Warning: Deaf Old Ladies"
    • "Caution: unpleasant odors"
    • "Warning: Drunk People"
    • "Caution: women of easy virtue"
    • “It is forbidden to argue with employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate” (“It is forbidden to give bribes to employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate”), etc.

    Non-standard solution

    To conduct this competition you need to prepare various items; It would be good to use them as prizes right away. For example: pencil, mirror, lighter, toothpicks, paper napkins, etc. All guests can participate in the competition. Their task is to come up with as many uses for each item as possible. You can think for up to 10 seconds. Those who fail are eliminated. The most persistent and savvy wins, and it is he who takes the item as a prize.

    Funny adjectives

    Participants are divided into small teams of 2-4 people. Each group receives the task of writing a story on some topic in 10-15 minutes (“How I rested,” “My personal life,” etc.), and empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjectives.

    Then the teams get together and take turns writing into their stories adjectives that are randomly told to them by representatives of other teams. It is desirable that the adjectives are funny and original.

    Then the resulting stories are read out and the funniest “work” is determined.

    An old fairy tale in a new way

    You need to print out a small text of any fairy tale in advance - several copies (according to the number of expected commands).

    Guests are divided into 2-4 small teams, and each team receives paper, a pen and a card with the text of the fairy tale. The players’ task is to “translate” the fairy tale into the language of modern youth slang. The team that comes up with the most interesting and funny fairy tale in a new way.

    What kind of creative competition is this?

    To enroll in the Faculty of Design, in addition to the Unified State Exam, you need to pass creative competition. It includes an interview and a review of your creative project. Depending on the chosen profile, the creative competition may differ in what creative project you imagine.
    The minimum score is 60. If you score below, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

    What kind of interview?

    An interview is a dialogue between the applicant and admissions committee. You may be asked about authors, trends, movements of a certain era, for example, Antiquity or the Early or High Middle Ages. Applicants come across questions about trends from the 14th to 20th centuries. You will also be asked to characterize one of the eras. Be prepared that you may be asked additional questions.

    So, what is this creative project?

    A creative project is a series of your works (6–12) that reveals your potential. Work must correspond to the training profile. You can choose the topic yourself.

    There are special evaluation criteria:

    • stylistic unity;
    • conceptual completeness of the series;
    • originality of the author's concept;
    • harmonious color and compositional solution;
    • clear presentation of the project.

    What are some examples of creative projects?

    If you choose the “Communication Design” profile, these can be a series of posters or covers, if “Animation” - a series of characters or frames for a cartoon.

    How can you prepare for a creative competition?

    1) If you decide to study design, you probably already have some work or sketches. Use them. Improve and practice.
    2) Follow the news of the design world and be sure to try to understand art.
    3) If you are a student in grades 10–11, sign up for preparatory courses. You will receive the necessary knowledge and advice for preparing your own project.
    4) Well, if you live somewhere in Novosibirsk and there is no opportunity to come to classes at HSE, then study at an online school.

    In our daily column The Answer, we analyze important issues that we encounter almost every day. To the point, short and in simple language. Your little survival tutorial I don’t want to live in a dorm, what should I do? It is not at all necessary to wait until you finish your bachelor’s or master’s degree to

    In our daily column, The Answer, we examine important questions that we face almost every day. To the point, short and in simple language. Your little survival tutorial What is The Vyshka? This is us! One of the largest student media in Russia. We'll tell you who

    The holidays are over, but the impressions of summer are still so fresh and exciting! We invite you to relive them again in the process of creating a work for a creative competition. Tell us about the most memorable moment of summer with the help of a drawing, craft, or photograph. Depict a shot from a trip or travel, unexpected discoveries or new friends, characters from a book you read in the summer, or the inhabitants of a pond in the park. What interesting things did you see this summer? Share with the whole world!

    Works are judged in the following categories: drawing, crafts, photography.

    The works are evaluated by a professional jury. The work file must be uploaded before last day acceptance of work.

    Work requirements

    • The participant of the competition performs the work independently.
    • Nomination: drawing. The work can be done in any way available to the author, both on paper (pencils, paints, etc.) and using a graphic editor (Paint, PhotoShop, etc.).
    • Nomination: craft. The work can be made from a variety of materials.
    • Nomination: photo. A participant can act as a photographer, author of an idea or a photo model. The work of professional photographers (wedding, staged photo sessions, etc.) is not allowed in the competition. Works containing images of people in underwear, including swimsuits, are not allowed for publication.
    • Only works in electronic form in JPEG format (photos of crafts or drawings, scanned copies of drawings, photographs).
    • Image width and height from 800px to 2000px.
    • The file size should not exceed 15 MB.
    • The work must correspond to the theme of the competition.

    Summarizing procedure

    • Participants who scored the maximum number of points ( 20 points), take 1st place.
    • Participants who scored at least 90% of the maximum points ( 18 - 19 points), take 2nd place.
    • Participants who scored at least 80% of the maximum points ( 16 - 17 points), take 3rd place.

    Diplomas and certificates

    Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available after summing up in the section my diplomas.
    All documents in electronic format are provided free of charge.

    Participant diploma all event participants receive. The document is sent to the user's email within 1 hour after the work is uploaded.

    Winner diploma are received by participants who take 1-3 prizes.

    Certificate of the curator who prepared the participant(s) each teacher whose students took part in the event receives. The document is sent to the user's email within 1 hour after the work is uploaded.

    Certificate of the curator who prepared the winner(s) is awarded to the teacher whose students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

    Gratitude receives a teacher whose at least three students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

    Gratitude educational institution awarded for training ten winners in one event.

    Results of the event

    You can view the evaluations of the work in your applications.
    Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available in the my awards section.

    Maximum score 20
    Participants who scored points were awarded a first degree diploma20
    Participants who scored points were awarded a second degree diploma18 - 19
    A third degree diploma was awarded to participants who scored points16 - 17
    Number of participants who took part in the event 522
    Number of participants awarded a first degree diploma55
    Number of participants awarded a second degree diploma248
    Number of participants awarded a third degree diploma216