Quotes about envy, aphorisms and proverbs about envy and envious people. Aphorisms, quotes, statements on the topic of envy Quotes about evil and envious people

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.
O. de Balzac

Envy is part of the protesting nature, a signal that sensitive souls must catch. But there are no more unhappy people who are stricken with envy.
Yu. Trifonov

Envy is a plague on the truth.

Envy is the ax of the soul.

Just as rust eats up iron, so envious people eat up their own character.

Envious people and stupid people can never understand the motives by which outstanding minds act; therefore, as soon as they notice a few superficial contradictions, they immediately seize on them.
O. Balzac

Envy loosens tongues, while admiration binds them.
O. Balzac

Envy knows no days off.
F. Bacon

Envy never knows a holiday.
F. Bacon

He who knows only his own affairs finds little food for envy.
F. Bacon

Those who, out of whim and vanity, want to succeed in everything at once, are invariably envious. They will always have someone to envy, for it is impossible for many not to be superior to them in at least some way.
F. Bacon

Envy does not know how to hide: it accuses and condemns without evidence, magnifies shortcomings, and elevates a minor mistake into a crime. She attacks the most undeniable advantages with dull rage.
L. Vauvenargues

Nothing can calm an envious person.
L. Vauvenargues

A person is ready to do a lot to awaken love, but will decide to do anything to arouse envy.

Our envy is always more durable than the happiness of others that we envy.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

It is better to be the subject of envy than compassion.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
English proverb

People are ready to envy even a beautiful funeral.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Congratulations are the most refined form of envy.
Julian Tuwim

Popular writers are usually unpopular among writers.
Miglior Fernandes

When everyone loves you, many people don’t like it.
Anatoly Ras

The hardest thing for an envious person is that no one envies him.
Roger Martin du Gard

It is better to arouse envy than regret.

Sympathy is free, envy must be earned.
Robert Lembke

No passion bewitches a person like love and envy.
Francis Bacon

A man envies everyone except his son and his student.
Talmud, Sanhedrin, 104

Compassion is grief over someone else's misfortune, envy is grief over someone else's happiness.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Is there a mortal sin worse than envy? The joy of causing envy.
Richard Armour

A person who envies a few does not see behind his own back the huge accumulation of envy of all those who are far from him.

The one who is envied is also envious.

Beggars don't envy millionaires - they envy beggars who get more money.
Bertrand Russell

The envy of a stupid person towards extraordinary people is always softened by the suspicion that they will end badly.
Max Beerbohm

Envy is the foundation of democracy.
Bertrand Russell

It's a shame to live poorly if people envy you.
Gennady Malkin

Only those who do not envy anyone should be envious.
Unknown author

The most painful sin is envy. Resentment, condemnation, and anger immediately appear. All this gnaws at a person from the inside and deprives him of the most important feeling. Deprives the ability to love.

If you want people to envy you, then shout about your success, put your life on display. If you particularly enjoy shocking people like this, chances are you're just like them.

I no longer share my experiences with my best friend. I protect my love from unnecessary glances. I just learned what envy is.

Envy is dislike. This is when you hate your neighbor's happiness. This is when you expect him to fail.

Best status:
To overcome envy in yourself, do not compare your successes with the successes of other people. Observe yourself in the present compared to yourself in the past. Enjoy your own movement.

It is impossible to fight an envious person. No matter how things work out for him, he will assume that others have it better.

All envious people must be fed with the toad that strangles them. Cut into pieces and fry. Serve the skin separately.

Walk the road of success confidently. But know that there will be a lot of envious people.

There are two kingdoms in the world. Where Love rules, there is my place. Where Hatred rules, let the envious be roasted.

There is no need to look with envy at happy people... it won’t make them any less happy... but at such a moment you can overlook your happiness...

Envy finds justification if only the malice relates to the distribution of goods, and not to those who possess them or distribute them. – R. Descartes

Envy is proof of one's own insignificance.

...human envy is, first of all, a desire to change places in life...

A beautiful girl, who has had enough of her parents' love and is so spoiled that the consequences are irreversible, has a special talent for spoiling the mood of other people.

Envy is the sister of competition, and therefore comes from a good family.

Envy doesn't only make the heart ugly.

Envy attacks the highest virtues and spares only mediocrity. – Gaston de Levis

Many people perceive every shilling in someone else's pocket as a personal insult.

Discuss, hate quietly, you will still smile in my face, don’t get burned, I will know your weakness - envy.

People always hate those who are better than them.

Envious people and stupid people can never understand the motives by which outstanding minds act; therefore, as soon as they notice a few superficial contradictions, they immediately seize on them. – O. Balzac

Where there is unfounded hatred, there is always well-founded envy.

People often boast of the most criminal passions, but no one dares to admit to envy, a timid and bashful passion. - Francois La Rochefoucauld.

Nothing can calm an envious person. – L. Vauvenargues

Those who, out of whim and vanity, want to succeed in everything at once, are invariably envious. They will always have someone to envy, for it is impossible for many not to be superior to them in at least some way. – F. Bacon

Let us enjoy what we have without going into comparisons; The one who is annoyed with the happier one will never be happy.

Envy is jealousy of self-love.

Envy, so to speak, is devoid of self-interest. It does not arise from the desire to possess. On the contrary, it is a desire for someone else not to have something. Its goal is to take away this something and destroy or at least reduce its value or significance.

What in the world won’t a woman say and do, especially when it comes to the beauty of another woman!

Envy never knows a holiday. – F. Bacon

The size of a tower is measured by the length of the shadow it casts, and the greatness of a person is measured by the number of his envious people.

There is not a single vice that would be so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others. – R. Descartes

The mind can go blind from envy. – A. Jami

She gave the impression to her acquaintances of a person whom everyone should envy, and at the same time she wasted her energy on trying to live up to the image that she created for herself.

Envy loosens tongues, while admiration binds them. – O. Balzac

If envy were accompanied by fever, the whole world would shake.

Envy creates discord among people. – Democritus

Elbows get bitten when the arms are short.

Nothing stresses others out more than the ability of others to relax!

A person is ready to do a lot to awaken love, but will decide to do anything to arouse envy.

The envious person is sad either because he himself has suffered misfortune, or because someone else has been lucky. – Bion

I bring to the attention of every envious person tracking my life: Yesterday I was given 33 roses, justooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo5:19:18 And hello to the toad who will very soon show up to crush each of you in turn)

Envy is to the mind what pain is to the eye.

If you don't want to suffer, don't be envious. (Unsur al Maali)

An envious person causes grief to himself, as if to his enemy. – Democritus

When malice is delighted, it is called envy.

Those who talk in the back have always been there, and will remain there.

The human body is covered with clothes, and selfishness and envy are covered with chatter about wonderful feelings. Manage to tear off the rags and here they are in front of you, naked and obedient.

He who knows only his own affairs finds little food for envy. – F. Bacon

envy, my dears, is when you visit my page more often than yours...

Envy is enthusiastic malice.

The purest joy is the schadenfreude we feel when observing the misfortune of those we envy.

Envious people die, but envy never does.

She is not alone in her illness. If envy were accompanied by fever, the whole world would shake.

Our envy is much larger in size than other people's money.

Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy. – C. Helvetius

And they amuse me. I like to see their pouting faces, green with envy and anger. Don't take my fun away from me, Rosalyn...

Envy usually seeks to destroy what another has.

The main reason for hostility between people... is envy.

The neighbors have new furniture. Today I will come to strangle you. Signed: Toad.

Nijo Castle in Kyoto - it was not built by the shogun because the shogun lived or was going to live in Kyoto. The emperor lived in Kyoto, exactly opposite the shogun's new palace, and was very jealous. That's the whole purpose.

I was always happy to sympathize with the joys of my neighbor.

Other people's envy is the best consolation.

Envy knows no days off. – F. Bacon

Envy is such a special sense of justice. There are two types: selfish and selfless. Selfish - I want me to have this too!, selfless - I want him not to have this either!

Curiosity is the most reliable cure for envy: having penetrated the veil of the external, you always discover that there is nothing to envy.

Envy is poison for the heart. – Voltaire

By envying good things, you can become good yourself.

Those people jump at you and, seeing you have a bucket of shit, demand that you give them half of it.

Envy does not know how to hide: it accuses and condemns without evidence, magnifies shortcomings, and elevates a minor mistake into a crime. She attacks the most undeniable advantages with dull rage. – L. Vauvenargues

The feeling of envy doesn’t let you relax, don’t you like that I got up and you’re in the ass?!

Hatred is an active feeling of discontent, envy is a passive feeling. It is not surprising that envy quickly turns into hatred.

Those who loved you before your success will not love you after success. People do not forgive fame and success.

Its [envy's] goal is to take something away and destroy it, or at least reduce its value and significance. Filled with envy, our greatest desire is for someone to lose something.

At heart, people are the same animals. Only they cannot be tamed. They often do rash things... and regret it all their lives. People are overcome by dangerous emotions: greed, anger, lust... and the worst of them is ENVY.

« Envy of peopleshows how unhappy they feel." Seneca

« Don't envy what you can't change.» Khayyam O.

“Due to the envy of opponents, it is possible, to a certain extent, judge the extent of your own success." Helmholtz G.

« Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun." Catherine II

« Envy issadness because of the well-being of one's neighbor, which ... seeks not good for oneself, but evil for one's neighbor. The envious would like to see the glorious dishonest, the rich poor, the happy unhappy. This is the purpose of envy - to see how the envied person falls from happiness into disaster.» Minyatiy I.

« The size of a tower is measured by the length of the shadow it casts, and the greatness of a man is measured by the number of his envious people.." Chinese proverb

« An envious person causes grief to himself, as if to his enemy." Democritus

« The envy of other artists has always served as my thermometer of success.." Dali S.

« Let it be known to you: everyone feels sorry for the weak, but envy must be earnedArnold Schwarzenegger

“People often boast of the most criminal passions,
but no one dares to admit to envy, a timid and bashful passion.”
La Rochefoucauld F.

« No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people." Spinoza

« Envy, so to speak, is devoid of self-interest. It does not arise from the desire to possess. On the contrary, it is a desire for someone else not to have something. Its goal is to take away this “something” and destroy or at least reduce its value or meaning." Vishnevsky Ya.

« Look,” said the count, grabbing the young people by the hands, “look, for I swear to you, this is worth looking at: here is a man who submitted to fate, who went to the scaffold, who was ready to die like a coward, it’s true, but without resistance and complaints. Do you know what gave him strength? What consoled him? Do you know why he obediently awaited execution? Because the other was also tormented; because the other also had to die; because the other had to die before him!» Dumas A. Count of Monte Cristo

« Envy is the sister of competition, and therefore comes from a good family.» Pushkin A.

« Envy devours the envious person just as fire devours dry branches.» Imam Sadiq

« Do not envy the glory of a sinner, for you do not know what his end will be." Bible. Old Testament

« We canget rid of envy , if from human things we do not consider great and extraordinary either what people call wealth, or fading glory, or bodily health, but we will strive to acquire eternal and true blessings Saint Basil the Great

« An envious person has three signs: 1) he will slander and defame a person when he is not around; 2) he will flatter and ingratiate himself when he sees this person; 3) he will rejoice at the misfortune of this person.» Hakim L.

« No passion bewitches a person like love and envy.» Bacon F.

« People are divided into two categories: those who enjoy life, and those who look at them. And they envy.» Sobchak K.


« And no matter how the toad strangles, but becomesthe princess couldn't." Mamchich M.

« Envy is such a special sense of justice. There are two types: selfish and selfless. Selfish - “I want me to have this too!”, selfless - “I want him not to have this either.”! Yankovsky S.

« All my friends want to marry me, well, because people can’t stand it when someone feels good

« What is most difficult for a person is what is not given to him." Zhvanetsky M.

« In someone else's hands, the crumbs of bread seem like a big chunk." Kantemir A.

« Washing new things is nothing more than a meansagainst envy

« Envy is immortal! And this is the first thing that kills an envious person

« Live without letting your envious people get bored

« The worst gift for an envious person is a luxurious palace!.. With a view of an even better one.” Sukhorukov A.

« Do you see how unhappy I am?a person, if the one who is envied is also envious." Seneca

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We should not envy the wealth of other people: they acquire it at a price that we cannot afford; they sacrificed peace, health, honor, and conscience for it. This is too expensive - the deal would only bring us losses.

People's envy shows how unhappy they feel; their constant attention to other people's behavior - how bored they are. Solomon: Do not eat food from an envious person and do not be tempted by his tasty dishes.

When I think, for some I simply do not exist.

It's not easy to get rid of envy. It can be quelled with difficulty, but it cannot be completely eradicated.

Everyone pities the weak, but envy must be earned.

Our callousness, our selfishness prompt us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses.

Envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those who are envied.

ENVY - admitting oneself is defeated.

Sympathy is easy enough to get, but envy has to be earned.

Hatred is an active feeling of discontent; envy - passive. It is not surprising that envy quickly turns into hatred.

A curious and annoying person is usually also envious; for it is unlikely that he delves into other people's affairs because it concerns himself; no, he marvels at other people's happiness.

Indeed, in our damned age - I myself am a witness to this - a lot of envy gives rise to virtue.

What is the greatest happiness for one is a reason for envy for another!

Envy is to the mind what pain is to the eye. The mind can go crazy with envy.

The better others do, the higher the quality of our envy.

A meek heart is life for the body, but envy is rottenness for the bones.

Even now I do not envy the strength of the young any more than I previously envied the strength of a bull or an elephant.

Envy and jealousy are shameful parts of the human soul.

They envy only those with whom they do not hope to be equal.

After those people who occupy the highest positions, I do not know more unhappy people than those who envy them.

It is better to be the subject of envy than compassion.

How many people want to tarnish the sun just because it shines for us all!

All sins are associated with pleasure and admit their guilt, only envy knows neither guilt nor pleasure.

The one who is not envied is worth nothing.

Schadenfreude... is an unprovoked desire to cause harm to another person in order to experience pleasure through comparison with one’s own situation.

Envy is a restlessness (displeasure) of the soul arising from the fact that another person has a good we desire, whom we no longer consider worthy of owning it.

And envy drives progress if it is within the framework of conscience.

Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

If you don't want to suffer, don't be envious.

There can be no envy between people who barely know each other.

Of all that exists today, only mediocrity knows no envy.

Envy, among other things, also contains a love of justice.

The few who do are envied by the many who simply watch.

The hardest thing for an envious person is that no one envies him.

Don't be so quick to envy someone who has achieved success; maybe success will reach him soon.

Of all the abominations, the first thing you need to do is drive away envy. It penetrates you unnoticed and very quickly eats away from the inside.

Envious people die, but envy never does.

shows how unhappy they feel." Seneca

« Don't envy what you can't change.» Khayyam O.

“Due to the envy of opponents, it is possible, to a certain extent, judge the extent of your own success." Helmholtz G.

« Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun." Catherine II

“People often boast of the most criminal passions,

but no one dares to admit to envy, a timid and bashful passion.”

La Rochefoucauld F.

« No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people." Spinoza

« Envy, so to speak, is devoid of self-interest. It does not arise from the desire to possess. On the contrary, it is a desire for someone else not to have something. Its goal is to take away this “something” and destroy or at least reduce its value or meaning." Vishnevsky Ya.

« Look,” said the count, grabbing the young people by the hands, “look, for I swear to you, this is worth looking at: here is a man who submitted to fate, who went to the scaffold, who was ready to die like a coward, it’s true, but without resistance and complaints. Do you know what gave him strength? What consoled him? Do you know why he obediently awaited execution? Because the other was also tormented; because the other also had to die; because the other had to die before him!» Dumas A. Count of Monte Cristo

« Envy is the sister of competition, and therefore comes from a good family.» Pushkin A.

« Envy devours the envious person just as fire devours dry branches.» Imam Sadiq

« Do not envy the glory of a sinner, for you do not know what his end will be." Bible. Old Testament