Innovations in pediatrics and pediatric surgery. Modernization and innovative technologies in pediatrics

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For the period 2005-2010. maternal mortality in Russian Federation decreased by 27.6% (from 25.4 to 18.4 per 100,000 live births), infant mortality - by 31.8% (from 11.0 to 7.5 per 1000 live births). The maximum rate of decline in indicators has been observed over the last 5 years (6-7% annually). Innovative organizational technologies for organizing medical care for children : - development of procedures (9 children’s procedures have been introduced) and standards for the provision of medical care; - creation of a system for monitoring the health of newborns and infants; - creation of a three-level system, coordination of its activities, including telemedicine; In 2010 in 30 regions where a three-level system of providing medical care to pregnant women and newborns is fully functioning, maternal and infant mortality in 2010 were 15.7% and 11.25, respectively, lower than in regions where such technologies have not been introduced.

Diagnostic (including population) technologies:

- prenatal diagnosis Since 2010, a pilot project has been implemented in 29 regions for prenatal diagnosis at 3 months of pregnancy. Prenatal diagnosis includes ultrasound and biochemical screening. Biochemical screening is carried out using test systems, partially produced by the domestic enterprise “Immunoskrin” (founder of the Research Institute of Biological Instrument Making, FMBA). It is necessary to develop and launch the production of modern test systems for biochemical screening of pregnant women for hereditary diseases in the first trimester of pregnancy. - neonatal screening The development of neonatal screening with total coverage of newborns will reduce the disability and mortality of children from hereditary and congenital diseases: phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism, galactosemia, adrenogenital syndrome. Taking into account the increase in the birth rate, the number of newborns examined will increase. Currently, the development of production of domestic test systems for the diagnosis of adrenogenital syndrome and cystic fibrosis, which was started by the Immunoscreen enterprise, requires support. It is necessary to develop recipes for specialized dry mixtures intended for the pathogenetic treatment of children with disorders of protein and amino acid metabolism. In the Russian Federation Currently, medicinal mixtures are produced by Nutritek JSC in a limited range (phenylketonuria, galactosemia). - audiological screening In 2008-2010, audiological screening covered more than 2 million newborns and children in the first year of life, and more than 7 thousand children with hearing impairment were identified. Conducting audiological screening of newborns, early detection of sensorineural deafness with subsequent surgical treatment made it possible to restore hearing to more than 1,700 children in 2009–2010. Full coverage of all children in need with this high-tech type of assistance will require additional funding. Since 2010, a pilot project has been implemented to remotely configure the speech processor of a cochlear implant using telecommunication technologies; it has been implemented in 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk region, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk territories, etc.) The widespread introduction of a system for remote adjustment of the speech processor of a cochlear implant will provide timely and accessible rehabilitation assistance to children after they have undergone cochlear implantation surgery. - diagnosis of tuberculosis in children using DIASKINTEST. Implemented new technique identifying tuberculosis in risk groups through the use of a new skin test “DIASKINTEST” in a comprehensive examination ( produced by JSC "Generium"). As a result of the studies, it was established that the drug is safe and does not cause unusual reactions in children, adolescents and adults. The use of Diaskintest makes it possible to identify a group of children with allergic reactions to tuberculin and almost halve the number of children who are prescribed chemotherapy. High-tech (innovative) treatment and prophylactic technologies - fetal surgery Carrying out surgical correction of developmental defects and diseases of the fetus during pregnancy. So far, these operations are carried out only in a few centers, and the system of timely diagnosis and transfer of pregnant women for this type of treatment needs to be improved. - neonatal surgery(abdominal, thoracic, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics) Development of new methods for correcting congenital malformations on the basis of organized neonatal surgery departments. - X-ray endovascular cardiac surgery of congenital heart defects - endoprosthetics for malignant bone tumors in children, for rheumatic diseases Every year, 250-300 children are diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm of the skeletal system for the first time, of which 150-200 children require organ-preserving operations. It is necessary to develop and produce domestic telescopic endoprostheses. - new surgical medical technologies New methods of early surgical treatment (in the first hours and days from the moment of injury) for unstable thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries have been developed. Endovideosurgical technologies have been introduced for spinal pathologies, which significantly reduces surgical trauma, reduces blood loss by 50%, and reduces hospitalization and rehabilitation time by 30%. A comprehensive orthopedic and neurosurgical treatment of orthopedic deformities and contractures of the limbs and joints in children with cerebral palsy using dorsal rhizotomies has been developed. Surgical treatment of congenital kyphoscoliosis at an early age. It is necessary to establish the production of endocorrectors for children younger age(produced by JSC "Conmed" Moscow, Krasnoyarsk). Innovative technologies for caring for children with extremely low body weight: Since 2012, the Russian Federation has planned a full-scale transition to a new mechanism for registering newborns, taking into account children with extremely low birth weight (less than 1000 grams). In the population, children with extremely low body weight (ELBW) make up no more than 1% of newborns (on average, 0.4 - 0.5%), but neonatal morbidity and mortality in this group are extremely high. Almost all equipment for caring for premature babies is extremely expensive. 90% of this equipment is imported. It is advisable to intensify work on the creation of domestic equipment. Improving drug therapy for newborns and young children, children and adolescents: - creation of dosage forms in small dosages for young children; - creation of domestic medicines for children; - creation of domestic drugs for parenteral nutrition; - creation of modern new domestic vaccines. Within 2 recent years production of domestic drugs is being established. For example: JSC Generium produces growth hormone, interferons, and blood clotting factors. The production of improved dosage forms of the domestic growth hormone “Rastan” has been successfully introduced. The development and production of domestic genetically engineered drugs for the treatment of “orphan” diseases (mucopolysaccharidosis, Fabry disease, etc.) is extremely relevant. From single cases to 200 patients with various rare hereditary diseases are registered in the country. Development of domestic high-tech equipment and medical products: It is extremely important to develop and begin production of so-called “artificial skin” for premature babies - transparent, moisture- and breathable films that do not irritate the skin, which serve to protect against irritation with adhesive tape when fixing tubes and catheters. Development of domestic baby food products, including specialized formulas for very premature babies, breast milk fortifiers, dietary food products: It is necessary to develop a wider range of domestic high-quality products for baby food. Partial formulas for children under one year of age are produced by Nutritek JSC. Domestic vaccines for children without preservatives against influenza and hepatitis B have been created. Creation of vaccines against “new” socially significant infections 1.1. Pneumococcus 1.2. Human papillomavirus Improvement of technology to increase the safety and effectiveness of vaccines against infections included in the National Calendar. 2.1. Tuberculosis 2.1.1. Development of a subunit tuberculosis vaccine 2.1.2. Improving BCG vaccine technology 2.2. Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus 2.2.1 Acellular pertussis component 2.2.2 Genetically engineered diphtheria toxoid 2.2.3 Tetra- and penta-vaccines 2.3. Measles-rubella-mumps

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It is often not easy to see children in clinics. One is restless, while the other may simply be afraid of doctors. And examination and diagnosis of small patients must be carried out quickly. Technology helps the doctor with this.

Over the past years, new types of medical diagnostic equipment have been developed and produced in our country with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In September 2017, the “Healthy Child” diagnostic complex appeared in the diagnostic and treatment department of the University Children’s Clinical Hospital.

This computerized installation was created by specialists from the Tulinovsky Instrument-Making Plant. With its help, the doctor can not only measure the height and weight of a child of any age - the kit includes electronic scales for newborns. The complex also includes a blood pressure meter, a hand-held dynamometer, an electronic caliper (measures the fat content in the body), an electronic tape measure, an electronic thermometer, an electrocardiograph, a spirotest, a computer plantograph (for foot diagnostics), and a visual-motor reaction remote control. All measurements are included in a general report, which can be printed, archived and sent to other departments of the clinic or medical institutions.

Chief physician of the University Children's Clinical Hospital Ekaterina Pronina noted:

“This equipment has a number of advantages, especially considering the possibility of its use in the actively developing area of ​​Personalized Medicine. It is easy to use, multifunctional, saves time for doctors examining and diagnosing patients, and allows data exchange, which is important when introducing electronic medical records. This expands the doctor’s capabilities and makes his work easier, especially since modern children love all kinds of technical devices. But in general, it will improve the quality of medical services in our clinic.”

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On October 22-24, 2013, the XII RUSSIAN CONGRESS will be held in Moscow.


Hotel complex "COSMOS"

(129366, Moscow, Mira Avenue, 150)






them. N.I. PIROGOV





Research Institute of Children's Oncology Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N.N. BLOKHINA









"Innovative technologies in pediatrics and pediatric surgery"







in pediatric nephrology under the auspices of IPNA and ESPN



"Current issues of surgery, traumatology and orthopedics of childhood"


"Genetic health of children and modern possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases of childhood"


in pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition


"Pediatric aspects of connective tissue dysplasia. Achievements and prospects"

"ENT pathology in the practice of a pediatrician"


"Child's dental health"


young scientists in the field of pediatrics, pediatric surgery and dentistry


"Modern diagnostic, medicinal

and nutritional technologies

in pediatrics and pediatric surgery"


· Licensing medical activities in children's healthcare, organization of medical care for children in emergency situations, new forms of organization and provision of outpatient and specialized pediatric and surgical care for children, prevention of diseases in children of different age groups, immunoprophylaxis in pediatrics, media and children's health, issues of preclinical and clinical trials of drugs, methodological (GCP) and ethical features in testing new drugs in children, disability in children: problems of providing medical and social assistance, modern aspects of solving demographic and epidemiological problems, modern problems rehabilitation of children with chronic diseases, family problems in modern conditions X.

· Intelligent medical systems, information systems and registers, comprehensive informatization of medical institutions, telemedicine technologies in healthcare.

· Modern technologies in the diagnosis of childhood diseases: achievements and problems of laboratory analytics, morphological and morphometric analysis, functional diagnostics, radiation methods for studying childhood diseases, advances in modern diagnosis of metabolic diseases, internal organs, cardiovascular and nervous systems, infectious, immune and allergic diseases in children, diseases of the neonatal period and infancy.

· Approaches to assessing the concept of “health” in children, physical and psycho-motor development, nutrition of a healthy and sick child.

· A modern vaccination calendar and new drugs for vaccine prophylaxis in pediatrics, new technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in children, immunomodulatory and immunocorrective therapy in the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases in children, treatment of respiratory viral infections in children, organization and conduct of diagnostic measures in for the purpose of preventing diseases in children. Viral hepatitis: new technologies in diagnosis and treatment.

· Epidemiology of allergic diseases in children, modern methods diagnosis of allergic diseases in children, pathogenesis and prevention of allergic diseases in children, diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis, food allergies and the possibilities of diet therapy, allergic rhinitis, drug allergies, urticaria and Quincke's edema, specific immunotherapy and pharmacotherapy of allergic diseases, pharmacoeconomics of allergic diseases in children.

· Primary and secondary immunodeficiency states, problems of immunological reactions in the pathogenesis of childhood diseases, immunopharmacology in treatment and rehabilitation.

· Perinatal cardiology, heart rhythm and conduction disorders, congenital heart defects, interventional cardiology, hypertension, adolescent cardiology, various aspects of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in childhood modern stage, genetic aspects of cardiovascular pathology, problems of disability of children with pathology of the cardiovascular system.

· The state of health of the children's population and the correction of its disorders in environmentally unfavorable regions, medical and biological effects of prolonged and chronic radiation exposure.

· New methods for diagnosing hereditary and acquired kidney diseases, treatment of urinary system infections in children, glomerulonephritis in children: etiology, pathogenesis, rational pharmacotherapy, treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction and enuresis, reflux nephropathy and vesicoureteral reflux: diagnosis, treatment, prevention, pathology of the urinary system in children in the first months of life - new diagnostic and treatment technologies, modern methods of managing children with acute and chronic renal failure, kidney transplantation in children: modern technologies transplantation and postoperative management, clinical observation and rehabilitation of children with diseases of the urinary system.

· Modern principles of external glucocorticoid therapy for allergic dermatoses in children.

· Problems of improving the provision of medical and genetic care to children. Modern molecular and cytogenetic methods for verification of congenital and hereditary diseases in children. Relevance and ways to solve the problem of rare (orphan) hereditary diseases of childhood in Russia. Early diagnosis and pathogenetic treatment of hereditary diseases of childhood. Unsolved problems of dietary correction of metabolic disorders in children with hereditary pathologies. Methods for the prevention of congenital and hereditary pathologies in children

· Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases nervous system in children, cerebral palsy and their comprehensive rehabilitation. Modern technologies for the treatment of epilepsy and side effects of anticonvulsants. Progressive muscular dystrophy - what's new?

· Congenital and postnatal infections in newborns and young children, modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of perinatal infections, perinatal pathology and its impact on the neuropsychic development of children at different ages, new methods for assessing the mental and physical development of newborns, development and rehabilitation of children with low body weight, modern methods of prevention and treatment of respiratory distress syndrome, features of pharmacotherapy in the neonatal period, development of children with impaired sensory organs (vision and hearing).

· Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, cystic fibrosis in children: modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment, pulmonary tuberculosis - epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment.

· Drug addiction, toxicomania, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, sexually transmitted diseases.

· Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of functional pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption and digestion, diseases of the pancreas and hepatobiliary system, chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon.

· Features of nutritional support in perinatology and neonatology. Nutritional support for somatic and surgical diseases in children. The role of nutritional support in infectious diseases and emergency conditions in children.

· Growth problems in children: diagnosis and new approaches to therapy.

· Modern technologies in neonatal surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery, thoracic and abdominal surgery, trauma surgery, neurosurgery, urology-andrology, pediatric oncology. Endoscopic surgery.

· Anesthetic care for hospital-replacement technologies in pediatrics and pediatric surgery, efferent techniques in intensive care for children.

· Acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children, antibacterial therapy, herbal remedies and homeopathy in pediatric otorhinolaryngology, modern technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss in children.

· The state of dental care for children in modern conditions, treatment and prevention of caries in children and adolescents, dental manifestations of hereditary diseases in children, prevention of dental anomalies in children, etc.


"Innovative technologies in pediatrics and pediatric surgery"

The XVI Russian Congress “Innovative Technologies in Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery” will be held on October 24–26, 2017 at the Cosmos Hotel. This is one of major events year for specialists in the field of pediatrics. The Congress makes a worthy contribution to solving the problem of improving the qualifications of pediatric doctors and other specialists working in the field of children's health.

Scientific and practical symposia, seminars, schools, round tables and discussions will be devoted to current problems and the latest achievements in diagnosis and treatment in various sections of pediatrics: allergology and immunology, gastroenterology, hematology, vaccine prevention, endocrinology, cardiology, genetic diseases, neurology, nephrology, neonatology, nutrition, pulmonology, ecopathology.

Within the framework of the congress, events for young scientists will be held: the Tabolin Readings conference and a competition for young scientists in the specialties of pediatrics and dentistry with the presentation of diplomas.

The Russian Congress "Innovative Technologies in Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery" participates in the program of continuous medical education. To achieve educational goals, the program is balanced in time and contains multimedia presentations, interactive lectures, discussions, round tables, question-answer sessions and clinical reviews.

Upon completion, testing is carried out, based on the results of which CME certificates will be issued.

The congress will feature a thematic exhibition, in which leading Russian and foreign companies operating in the pharmaceutical market, in the field of medical equipment and baby food will take part, new drugs, biological active additives, modern nutritional products, the latest laboratory, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.

Congress organizers: Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics.

The following took part in the preparation of the congress:

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  • Russian national research university them. N.I. Pirogov.
  • Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics named after. Academician Yu.E. Veltishcheva.
  • Russian Association of Pediatric Centers.
  • Association of Pediatric Cardiologists of Russia.
  • Creative association of pediatric nephrologists.
  • National Pediatric Academy of Science and Innovation.
  • National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists.
  • Society of Pediatric Gastroenterologists.
  • Union of Children's Allergists.
  • Russian Association of ENT Pediatricians.
  • Russian medical academy postgraduate education.
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University.
  • Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

with international participation

February 16 - 18, 2018

Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 12
World Trade Center

Dear colleagues!

On February 16-18, 2018 took place XX Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation “Current problems of pediatrics”, within the framework of which also took place VI All-Russian Conference"Emergency pediatric surgery and traumatology", VII Eurasian Forum on Rare Diseases, VIII Forum of Children's Nurses And XI International Forum of Pediatric Surgeons.

Press release and Congressional resolution (pdf)>>>

Congress program (pdf)>>>

Collection of Congress materials (pdf) (Abstracts!)>>>

Information letter >>>

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 16 of January 18, 2018 “On holding the XX Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation “Current problems of pediatrics” >>>


Greetings from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Skvortsova (pdf)>>>

Greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' (pdf)>>>


  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare
  • Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
  • Union of Pediatricians of Russia
  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • European Pediatric Association EPA/UNEPSA
  • National Medical Research Center for Children's Health of the Russian Ministry of Health
  • Moscow City Health Department
  • First Moscow State medical university named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia
  • Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia
  • Russian Academy of Pediatrics
  • Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of the Moscow Department of Health
  • LLC "New Information Technologies"


  • On the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2017 No. 240 “On the announcement of the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation”;
  • Scientific and practical problems of pediatric development
  • Audit of the quality of medical care for children
  • Medical care for children in educational organizations: school medicine
  • Nutrition for a healthy and sick child
  • Vaccinal prevention in pediatrics, family vaccination prevention
  • Perinatal medicine. Neonatal surgery
  • Emergency conditions in pediatrics and pediatric surgery
  • Problems of childhood disability
  • Pediatric education: problems and solutions
  • The role of nurses in medical care for children
  • International cooperation in the field of children's health
  • History of Russian pediatrics
  • competition "Children's Doctor 2017";
  • competition "Children's Nurse 2017";
  • competition “Pediatric medical organization 2017”;
  • competition for the best artistic and historical essay on the history of Russian pediatrics.

At the closing ceremony of the Congress - February 18, 2018 - the results of the Competition were summed up scientific works young scientists.

Address of the Congress Organizing Committee: 119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect, 2, building 1, National Medical Research Center for Children's Health of the Russian Ministry of Health; e-mail: