Method of learning English for children. The search for the most effective teaching methods for children

At the age of three, little fidgets with genuine interest learn about the world around them. And the more interesting things there are in this world, the better. So English for children 3 years old will be an exciting adventure. Young "researchers" are keenly interested in the new and unknown, and the unique possibilities of natural knowledge of things will help them perceive a foreign language literally on a subconscious level. We will talk about how to conduct English language training classes with children of three or four years old in today's article.

A similar question is asked by every parent who is worried about the future of his child. Heated discussions and differences of opinion are also not uncommon among teachers: some advocate learning English “from the cradle”, while others believe that it is more rational to get acquainted with a foreign language before entering school.

Without going into the details of this controversy, let us single out its grain. The root of the problem lies in the excessive workload and "depriving children of their childhood." But the secret of success lies precisely in the fact that English lessons for preschool children are conducted exclusively in a playful way. The method of teaching English for the smallest is not memorization, but exciting game, organically fitting into children's fun.

You can start learning English with a one-year-old baby, and with a child of 2 years old, and with children from 3 years old and older. The main thing is to develop students' sincere interest in English classes. Young children are open and very inquisitive in their own right, so it is not difficult to get them excited about a new activity. Moreover, the natural needs of cognition maximally include all the possibilities of the brain in the work. This gives kids ages 2 to 4 the following benefits:

  • easy perception of new information;
  • fast memorization;
  • natural imitation of foreign pronunciation;
  • no fear of speaking.

Learning foreign languages ​​at an older age will no longer be accompanied by these favorable factors. Therefore, strike while the iron is hot. However, in order for English lessons for children of 3-4 years old to be really successful, before starting them, several nuances of child psychology should be taken into account.

How to explain English to children 3 years old - practical recommendations

So, you have decided to teach your child to speak English, but do not yet know where to start the first lessons. It is easy to start teaching children, the main thing is to remember the secret already said - no coercion, only a game!

We instill interest

Toddlers from 1 year and older actively explore the world, being interested in every unexplored part of it. The task of the parent in this case is to pick up this natural interest and develop it into an exciting game “occupation”. Playing toys with your child, tell him about the English language using the names of these items as an example. But do not immediately demand mandatory memorization and repetition: if the baby is interested, then later he himself will demonstrate the acquired knowledge.

Use any everyday situation to teach English. What do three year olds do most often? They ask questions. Answer them by adding English words to the sentences and explaining their meanings visually, i.e. showing items. The child learns the world through the eyes and sensations, so you should not make long verbal explanations that will quickly get bored and confuse the baby.

Let's not get bored

The main principle by which English is taught for children from the age of 3 is no violence. Your classes should not even remotely resemble school lessons. No "sit down and learn". We play English with children, and we play not at any particular time of the day, but in any suitable situation.

For example, invite your child to learn colors in English on a walk. Let the little one shout Green with joy at all objects containing green! Or you can compete with your toddler to find the most green objects around. The reward for the game will again be a green delicacy: an apple, a pear, and a sweet watermelon is also suitable for the summer period.

Such simple games give excitement and positive emotions, develop a craving for new knowledge and make it easy to learn and memorize new vocabulary.

We encourage success

Praise and kind words are pleasant even for serious adults, let alone children who are receptive to affection, who are only 3 or 4 years old.

Notice even small improvements in your child's knowledge. Respond to each correctly spoken phrase, inspiring and motivating the child to use English words more often in his speech and build whole sentences from them.

Other English topics: English tongue twisters for children: learning sounds is interesting!

The expression of praise should not be dry and formal. Show more emotions, hug, kiss, circle, toss the baby, etc. Kids are acutely aware of falsehood, so the manifestation of delight must be sincere. Not bad, in addition to Russian praises, to actively use the vocabulary of the English language. We suggest using the expressions from the table below.

Leading by example

Often parents want to give their child something that they did not have, or to teach something that they themselves could not learn at one time. If in relation to English you have just such a situation, then get ready to start with changing your knowledge first of all.

If we teach a child a foreign language, then we ourselves must know it sufficiently. To do this, you need to allocate time and effort: enroll in a course, take online lessons or independently study materials for classes with a child. Not everyone is ready to take such a step, but remember that the education of your children depends on you. If you yourself do not develop and be interested in English, then the child, looking at the example of his parents, will consider learning foreign languages ​​boring and unnecessary.

We have listed the main principles according to which English is taught to preschool children. Now, taking into account these recommendations, we will select the ways of presenting the material.

Teaching Methods

For modern education to instill in the child an interest in learning is a priority. Therefore, many methods and methods of teaching have been developed for babies who are only one year old, and for children over three years old. The task of the parent is to try different ways of learning and track the reaction of the baby to them.


Card sets provide an opportunity to master thematic vocabulary with the baby. The small cardboard boxes are easy to use and the colorful drawings make them not only attractive and interesting, but also easy to understand for children. In addition, with the cards you can come up with a lot of fun activities that allow you to check how much the baby has learned the information.

The principle of learning with cards is simple: the parent shows the card and says the word, and the child looks at the picture and repeats what was said. It is important to note that this does not teach translation! With the help of a drawing, the child independently understands the meaning of the word, and lays it in his memory. To check what you have learned, use mini-games: guess the card according to the description, name the extra one in the row, find the missing one, etc.

For kids under 3 years old, you can buy or make large cards on your own, so that the child can stand on them. A path is collected from such cards, and the baby is led along it, naming a new card with each step. After the child memorizes the vocabulary, the path, on the contrary, is disassembled into separate “islands”. Now the parent calls the word, and the task of the baby is to quickly jump to the correct card.

Poems and songs

Another universal method that is suitable for kids of any age. Mom will carefully sing songs to one-year-old babies, and by the age of two, children are able to memorize the simplest lines on their own.

Well, English for children 4 and 5 years old is completely inextricably linked with memorizing poems and songs by heart, because. this method helps to replenish vocabulary and improve pronunciation. Also, a definite plus of rhymed lines is that whole phrases and contexts are studied, and not individual words.

It is important to note how to teach poetry in English with children. This should be done in stages.

  1. Pre-select the key words for understanding the poem and learn them with the child.
  2. Expressively read the verse, helping the baby navigate the pronunciation of the lines.
  3. Consider pictures for a poem or draw your own drawings with your child that reveal the content of the poem.
  4. Learning lines by heart.
  5. Periodic repetition of what has been learned.

Naturally, this amount of work is not done in one day. One poem takes several classes.

As for the songs, everything is much simpler here. The main thing is that the child likes the music, and the motive and words of the song will become attached by themselves. Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of educational songs for children, with which kids can quickly and cheerfully learn popular English words and expressions on various topics.

Fairy tales

Learning a language with the help of fairy tales also bears fruit. Of course, if the peanut is only in its second year, then it will be difficult for him to perceive a large amount of information. But children over 3 years old are already able to work in this form.

Other English topics: Present simple for kids: simple explanations and interesting exercises

For classes, it is necessary to select either very short stories or a foreign translation of Russian fairy tales already familiar to children. Working with a foreign version of a Russian fairy tale, the children learn to compare the English names of the characters, their words and actions with Russian counterparts that have settled in children's memory. It is important that the fairy tale is accompanied by interesting illustrations, then the child will better understand the text or simply be able to get a little distracted from working with words.

Do not forget about the possibility of using audio versions of fairy tales. By the age of three, the baby can listen carefully and subconsciously remember the information he hears.

On our site there are several fairy tales, you can listen and watch them:

If you first work with the text, and then start listening to the characters' lines in audio, then the child will probably be able to name the talking character and understand his speech a little. Thus, children develop listening comprehension. In addition, the repetition of the characters' lines improves pronunciation and contributes to the replenishment of the active vocabulary.


In the digital age, it is no longer possible to imagine teaching English to preschoolers without the use of videos. Colorful animation instantly attracts the attention of both kids and adults. Even the songs we have already reviewed learn much faster if they are supplemented with a fascinating video sequence that clearly shows the meaning of sounding words.

It is with simple songs that you should start learning English from video. Here are all the factors contributing to successful learning:

  • visual presentation of the material;
  • work on auditory perception;
  • imitate the correct pronunciation;
  • entertainment part (you can jump to the music, do exercises, dance, play).

In addition, songs for children in English tend to "sink" into memory even against their will, which contributes to the subconscious memorization of words and expressions.

After practicing on songs, start working with educational cartoons and fairy tales. Kids will love to follow the new adventures of their favorite characters, which means that English classes will definitely become desirable and long-awaited.


And although English for children 3 or 4 years old is always a game form, we will single out the description of the games as a separate paragraph.

In fact, learning a foreign language can be combined with any game. If your baby is a fidget, then we advise you to play edible-inedible in English, hide and seek (with an English score), counting rhymes in English, card islands, or simply name the items you meet on a walk.

Calm and measured kids should buy cards and board games in English. Intelligent kids will enjoy games like guessing, bingo, letter swapping and word building.

Separately, we note computer and mobile applications. Educational computer games are carefully thought out: colorful design, clear voice acting, accessible explanations, and automated knowledge testing. In addition, most of the games contain a cross-cutting story, which further motivates children to learn English and complete assignments.

The possibilities of mobile applications are more modest. With them, the child can learn and repeat new words, listening to their pronunciation and matching with pictures. Some programs contain additional mini-games and videos, but these must be purchased separately.

In any case, when working with interactive digital applications, the parent must be close to the child and help him complete the tasks. If you just give your child a laptop or smartphone and leave him to play alone, then you will not achieve an effective result in learning. Remember that the child takes an example from his parents, and it is you who form a responsible attitude to English classes.

So, to sum up all of the above, highlighting the strong points.

  1. Teach children foreign languages from an early age it is possible, and even necessary, if you do not want to miss the chance given by nature to quickly and naturally master new information.
  2. Classes are always held in the form of a game. Only the interest and passion of the child give an effective result and success.
  3. All the nuances of child psychology are taken into account. It is necessary to encourage kids more often, not to focus too much attention on mistakes, to increase motivation to practice by one's own example.
  4. Parents choose the teaching method on their own, but if necessary, correct it, monitoring the reaction of the baby and the success of the task.
  5. Lessons are not fixed in time. The duration of the lesson depends on the mood and abilities of the baby.

By following these tips, you will competently build educational process and instill in your child an interest in foreign languages, without in any way infringing on his rights to a happy and carefree childhood. Good luck in your endeavors and see you soon!

The way English is taught to preschoolers sometimes causes bewilderment in parents - why is it so, after all, we were taught in a completely different way ..? Indeed, the method of teaching English to preschoolers and younger students (7-8 years old) depends on their age characteristics, which adults sometimes do not think about. They remember how they themselves learned a foreign language at an older age. And this is a completely different age group and different teaching methods.

I already wrote about whether it is worth teaching preschoolers, when to start and how to do it. And today about why we teach preschoolers this way.

  • We don't teach, we play

The main difference from adults is that children do not learn English, they play it. That is, they teach, of course, but they themselves do not think so. At this age, it is useless to force something to learn - children predominate involuntary memorization , means positive emotions are necessary. And where to get them, if not in games? Naturally, educational.

One day I accidentally overheard a conversation between my little six-year-old student and her grandmother, who was picking her up from class. The conversation went something like this:

Grandmother: Did your teacher ask you in class today?

Girl: No.

Grandmother: Well, didn't she ask you: Tell me, how would you say "ball" or "train" or "airplane" in English?

Girl: No…

Grandmother: Well, did she ask anyone else?

Girl: Didn't ask...

Grandmother: What did you do in class???

Girl: We played!

At the same time, at the lesson, the girl called all the words listed by her grandmother and many other words and phrases, but all this was in game moments. For example, when it was necessary to name a picture that disappeared from the blackboard or guess what the word was from a small piece of the picture, and it never occurred to her that the teacher was asking her. She played. One of the advantages of early learning is that children learn by playing, easily and naturally..

  • Bright and clear

preschoolers predominate visual-figurative thinking . Children think in images and this allows them to use the English language as much as possible when teaching - children do not need translation. It is enough to correlate the word with its image - the corresponding picture, toy, object, gesture. Hence such a popular (and by the way, extremely effective) method in teaching preschoolers and younger schoolchildren is the method of complete physical response. This is a method in which, when learning new words or phrases, along with each word / phrase, a gesture is invented and memorized to imitate them. For example, with the word apple, children repeat the gesture, as if biting an imaginary apple, etc.

  • No grammar rules

Grammar acquisition in young children is also different. Logical thinking begins to form only closer to school and becomes more or less developed by the beginning of younger adolescence. Respectively, when teaching preschoolers and younger students a foreign language, they do not rely on explaining the rules (rules are an abstraction, they are hard for children) , but for the development of certain structures - grammar patterns (pattern - sample, pattern). That is, explaining to a small child that the verb to be means “to be, to be, to be” and in the present tense changes in faces like this is useless. With children of this age, they simply take the most frequently used patterns and train them properly, ideally to the point of automatism. Therefore, most of my little students of 7-8 years old perfectly use, for example, I am / You are / He is ... etc., without having any the slightest idea that these are forms of the verb to be. Grow up and find out.

  • Translation is not needed!

Since abstract-logical thinking is not developed among preschoolers, and among younger schoolchildren it is still in the process of formation, it is not always necessary to draw parallels with the native language and sometimes it is even harmful. The early start of learning just allows you to form a foreign language separately from your native one. Adults (parents of the student, as well as grandparents) often do not know this feature of the teaching methodology, so sometimes funny situations happen when at home the child begins to ask: “How to say in English this ...? And how will it be in English then ...? Most children, of course, will answer this question. But sometimes the child in such a situation falls into a stupor and is silent in response. They come to see the teacher. The teacher takes out picture cards or toys, shows the child and asks What’s this? And suddenly the child names all-all objects. That is, he, in principle, knows how the “apple” will be in both Russian and English, but these two languages ​​​​exist separately in his head and he cannot yet build parallels between them.

Or vice versa, parents sometimes complain that their child, a preschooler or a first grader, can describe a picture in English, selects sentences in an exercise for pictures correctly, but does not translate. How, they ask, to fix this ... And what is there to fix? If he describes and selects correctly, then he understands what he is talking about. And the fact that he doesn’t translate into Russian means just that his language is formed naturally and in the future, if the training is built correctly, the child will not translate from Russian into English, but immediately build a statement in English.

  • Frequent change of activity

For preschoolers and younger students limited attention span They can't do the same thing for a long time. Frequent change of activities is one of the conditions for successful classes. Calculating everything is simple - we add 5 minutes to the age of the children - this is the maximum concentration time of the child. Those. children 5-6 years old can do the same thing for about 10 minutes. It will not work in another way: when children get bored with what they are doing, it will be difficult to calm them down.

Therefore, in courses for kids, children have time to do a lot of different things in a lesson: read, color, sing, dance, play with cards, watch a cartoon, and sometimes even do crafts. And all this is not a waste of time, as it may seem from the outside, but the elements of the lesson. Dancing is not just dancing, but again using TPR, for better memorization of words and grammar patterns. When coloring or doing crafts, children follow the teacher's commands, which means they develop the skill of listening and repeat the learned vocabulary - colors, names of objects in the picture, etc. Educational cartoons are also not superfluous at all. They are short (2-5 minutes), they also repeat the studied vocabulary and grammar, and they help to relax when children are tired of an active game or a difficult task.

I hope this article was useful for you. If something is missing or you want to ask a question - please write in the comments, I will try to answer.Good luck with your learning English!

Marina Berdnik
"Funny English". Early Childhood Education Program

Program« Funny English»

1. Explanatory note: relevance, problem, goal, tasks, expected results.

2. Structure programs: forms of work, curriculum.

3. Calendar - thematic planning of work with older children preschool age(5-6 years old)

4. Calendar - thematic planning of work with children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

1. Explanatory note

Relevance. At present, due to the strengthening of international relations, interest in early education of children in foreign languages. Studying foreign language at an early age age is especially effective, because it is children preschool age show great interest in people of a different culture. These childhood impressions remain for a long time and contribute to the development of internal motivation to study the first, and later the second. foreign language. Generally, early learning non-native language carries a huge pedagogical potential both in terms of language and general development of children.

Problem. In progress teaching a foreign language at an early age stage showed up own problems, one of which is the need to develop programs which would ensure the implementation of the principle of continuous systematic language education.

Target. The purpose of the modified programs involves the formation of elementary communication skills on English in preschool children.

It is built on the basis of continuity in relation to the goals and content foreign language teaching laid down in kindergarten, taking into account methodological principles.

Tasks English programs language are organically intertwined with the tasks that are solved in kindergarten, supplemented and concretized from stage to stage.

Work on this program is carried out in a friendly atmosphere, against the backdrop of a trusting relationship between the teacher and the children.

In progress programs the following tasks:

teaching English speaking to preschoolers;

Prepares a solid foundation for a successful transition to advanced learning English language in the primary grades of a general education school;

Promotes the development of intellectual abilities, attention and memory, in general, has a positive effect on the development of the individual;

Creation of conditions for communicative and psychological adaptation of students aged 4-7 years to study foreign language;

Expanding the horizons of children through acquaintance with foreign holidays, traditions, foreign words, included in the Russian language, etc.;

The use of materials of a regional orientation in the foreign language activities of children.

Expected results:

As a result of studying foreign language preschooler must:


The main meanings of the studied lexical units (words, phrases);

Intonation of various communicative types of sentences;

Signs of the studied grammatical phenomena (spectacular forms of verbs, modal verbs, articles, nouns, pronouns,

numerals, prepositions);

Basic norms of speech etiquette adopted in the country of the language being studied;

Ownership Role foreign languages ​​in the modern world; features of the way of life, life, culture of the countries of the language being studied (world-famous heroes of artistic children's works; famous sights, similarities and differences in the traditions of their country and

countries of the language being studied.

be able to:


Start, lead / maintain and end a conversation in standard communication situations, observing the norms of speech etiquette;

Question the interlocutor and answer his questions, expressing his opinion, request, respond to the interlocutor's proposal with consent / refusal, based on the studied topics and learned lexical and grammatical material;

Tell about yourself, your family, friends, your interests and plans for the future, provide brief information about your city / village, your country and the country of the language being studied;

Make short reports, describe events/phenomena (within the framework of the topics studied, convey the main content, the main idea of ​​what was heard, express one’s attitude to what was heard, give brief description characters;


Understand the main content of short, uncomplicated authentic pragmatic texts (weather forecast, cartoons) and identify relevant information;

Understand the main content of simple authentic texts related to different communicative types of speech (message, story);

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life For:

Social adaptation; achieving mutual understanding in the process of oral communication with native speakers foreign language, establishing interpersonal and intercultural contacts within the available limits;

Awareness of a holistic picture of a multilingual, multicultural world, awareness of the place and role of the native language and the language being studied foreign language in this world;

Introduction to the values ​​of world culture through foreign language sources of information (including multimedia);

Acquaintance of representatives of other countries with the culture of their people; awareness of oneself as a citizen of one's country and the world.

Structure programs:

Program focused on working with older children preschool age for two years.

Age groups: older (5-6 years old) and preparatory (6-7 years old).

Number of hours: per week - 2h. ; per year - 72 hours.

The duration of the lessons is 20-30 minutes.

Classes are held 2 times a week in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is no more than 30 minutes.

Age Number of lessons

per week per month per year

5 - 7 years old 2 8 72

Long-term planning provides for 8 lessons per month. However, their number and sequence may vary, taking into account the period of diagnosis, holidays, preparation for the holidays, as well as the degree of complexity of the topic.

Advanced lesson planning

Topic No. Sections Number of lessons

1 “Greeting” 4

2 “Commands” Commands 5

3 “Introduction” Introduction 8

4 “Animals” Animals 8

5 “Seasons” Seasons 6

6 “My family” My family 8

7" Count (1- 10) ” Count up to 10 10

8 “Toys” Toys 6

9 “Color” Color 6

10 “Fruits” Fruits 5

11 “Vegetables” Vegetables 6

I t o g o 72

Proposed program designed for 2 years learning and is aimed at the gradual formation and development of elementary skills oral speech in children preschool age, compiled for children 5-7 years old, studying foreign(English) language as first foreign language in kindergarten. Process learning is carried out according to the educational and thematic plan, which determines the number and content educational activities per month (8-9 lessons, according to the developed plots.

Program involves continuous acquaintance with foreign folklore (songs, poems, rhymes, games, sayings, with fabulous and country-specific material.

Suggested topics and forms learning correspond to age characteristics, cognitive needs and interests preschoolers, give scope to children's imagination and the opportunity to show their individuality.

parent meetings;

Individual and collective advice on foreign language;

Open classes on foreign language;

Joint activities for English language;


Help parents to equip pedagogical process and etc.

Forms of work with parents

Directions in work with parents Forms of work with parents

1.Informational Customized (consultation, interviews, questionnaires)

Collective (parent meetings)

Visual and pedagogical information (stand design "Parents' Corner")

2. Joint creativity of parents and children. Joint holidays and entertainment English language

The choice of forms of educational activities for English language, forms and methods learning due to psychological and pedagogical features preschoolers.

Variable forms are actively used learning: frontal, collective, group, individual, pair, game.

Number of children in the subgroup: 10-12 people.

Form of occupation: subgroup

1. Regional studies. 1. Geographical position and climate of Great Britain and America, holidays of the countries, the language being studied

2. World around 1. Pets

2. Wild animals of America.

3. Math 1. Count (1-20, store

4. Literature 1. Fairy tale characters

2. Folklore of Great Britain ("Tales of Mother Goose").

3. Cartoon characters

5. Technology 1. Paper plastic - production of holiday cards (techniques of cutting, gluing, gluing, appliqué)

2. Drawing - a range of colors, various ways of coloring dough products, coloring, etc.

3. Sculpting - making work from dough. ( Animals, "Alphabet", etc.)

7. Physical Culture 1. Games that develop coordination of movements

2. Games that develop reaction

3. Games that develop the ability to navigate in space

4. Games that develop fine motor skills of hands

9. Music 1. Learning songs with movement elements

2. Acquaintance with the music of the countries of the studied language

10. Theater 1. Puppet theater

2. Story and role-playing games.

3. Theatrical songs.

4. Dramatization of small plays

11. Computer Cartoons

Each lesson begins with phonetic exercises to consolidate sounds. Exercises are carried out using a mirror. Also, at the beginning of the lesson, children learn English songs. This allows you to mark the beginning of the lesson and immerse the child in English-speaking environment. The level of complexity and volume of vocabulary of songs depends on the topic and the level of knowledge of children, the principle of movement from simple to more complex is used.

Games, work with cards, picking up mosaics, dominoes, lotto are aimed at memorizing vocabulary on a specific topic.

Creative tasks to consolidate the supporting vocabulary.

After getting acquainted with the basic vocabulary English language, creative tasks are performed on her consolidation:




Paper plastics;

Modeling from plasticine;

Salt dough molding.

As additional material special educational cartoons are involved for preschoolers. This type of work always causes a positive attitude of children and is a means of increasing motivation in learning the language.

In the middle of the lesson, a warm-up is expected in the form of English songs or exercises (physical education minute) using the learned vocabulary, which helps to consolidate it in action.

Learning the basics of grammar English for preschoolers happens in the process of learning vocabulary:


Imperative mood (execution commands: show me, stand up, sit down, give me, jump etc.,

Questions and answers in Present Simple

modal verb can

Speech skills

Subject content of speech

Communication preschoolers in a foreign language language in the following exemplary topics:

1. Me and my family. Interaction with family and friends. Appearance. Score from 1-12. Education of politeness and responsiveness in children towards each other.

2. Domestic and wild animals. Colors. Adjectives. Education of love for animals and emotional responsiveness to personal successes and successes of comrades.

3. Home country and country/countries of the language being studied. Prominent people (English queen and king) . Attractions (monuments, streets, theaters).

4. Seasons. Nature. Weather. verbs of motion. Kinds of sports. Hobbies.

Types of speech activity


Dialogic speech

Etiquette dialogue - start, maintain and end a conversation; congratulate, express wishes and respond to them; express gratitude; ask politely, refuse, agree;

Dialogue - questioning - asking and reporting factual information (Who? What? How? Where, moving from the position of the questioner to the position of the responder; purposefully ask, "to interview";

Dialogue-incitement to action - make a request, invite to action / interaction and agree / disagree to take part in it;

Combining these types of dialogue to solve communication problems.

monologue speech

Speak briefly about facts and events using such communicative types of speech as narration and message;


Listening comprehension and understanding of the heard text or speech of the teacher.

Formation of skills:

Highlight the main information in the text perceived by ear;

Selectively understand the required information.

Language knowledge and skills:

Pronunciation side of speech

Skills of adequate pronunciation and discrimination by ear of all the sounds of the studied foreign language, observance of stress and intonation in words and phrases, rhythmic-intonation skills of pronunciation of various types of sentences, expression of feelings and emotions.

The lexical side of speech

Skills of recognition and use in speech of lexical units serving situations within the subject preschool, the most common set phrases, evaluative vocabulary, cliché remarks of speech etiquette, characteristic of the culture of the countries of the language being studied.

The grammatical side of speech

Signs of verbs in the most common tense forms, modal verbs, nouns, articles, relative, indefinite/indefinite personal pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Speech recognition and use skills

Sociocultural knowledge and skills

Implementation of interpersonal and intercultural communication using knowledge about the national and cultural characteristics of their country and the country / countries of the language being studied, obtained in direct educational activities foreign language and in the process of learning other direct activities.


Values ​​of the studied foreign language in the modern world;

The most common background vocabulary;

Modern socio-cultural portrait of the countries speaking the language being studied;

Cultural heritage of the countries of the studied language.

Skill Mastery:

Represent native culture foreign language;

Find similarities and differences in the traditions of your country and the country / countries of the language being studied;

Educational and cognitive skills

Mastering special educational skills:

To carry out meaningful viewing of cartoons on foreign language;

perform simple tasks

use dictionaries and reference books, including electronic ones. participate in project activities of an integration nature.

Phased perspective thematic planning.

Acquaintance (holidays). "Here I am! Hello!"


1. The development in children of the ethical function of communication (the ability to say hello, say goodbye, get to know (introduce yourself and someone).

2. Development of the ability to understand the replicas addressed to them and respond to them.

3. Development of the ability to communicate about yourself.

4. To form in children ideas about English speaking countries.

Senior group

Where do you live?

Eleven, twelve, to live, he, she. good evening!

I live in Stary Oskol

Nice to meet you!

I'm fine "Interview" London, America, Great Britain.

preparatory group

Samples to be assimilated

Practical activities Country studies material

Where do you live?

Eleven, twelve, to live, he, she. I'm glad to see you.

Happy birthday to you!

That's my name! Playing the Situation "Once Upon a Birthday".

How are birthdays celebrated in English speaking countries.

"My family".


1. Formation in children of the foundations of communication on English language within plot: the ability to make a message about family members, occupations and hobbies.

2. Development of listening skills English speech.

3. Acquaintance of children with authentic information reflecting the peculiarities of life and family traditions in English speaking countries.

Senior group

Listening Lexical content Speech

A family to love. Yes, I have

I have a mother. Creating a family portrait Life and family traditions a England/America.

preparatory group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

Please show me.

What have you got? A doctor, a teacher, verb have, has. That is…

I love my mother.

My friend has… Story english friend about family. English names and surnames.



1. Development of the motivational sphere of study foreign language by children of different ages by means of including various types of practical and play activities.

2. Raising a kind and caring attitude towards animals in children.

3. Development of listening skills for short texts and teacher's remarks.

4. Formation of the ability to freely carry out dialogic communication at an elementary level with adults and peers within the communication situation. The ability to actively include the mastered vocabulary and speech patterns in oral speech. The ability to make a short message about an animal.

5. Expanding children's ideas about the world around them through the inclusion of a variety of regional studies material, acquaintance with fiction about animals English and American authors.

Senior group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

What can you see?

What do you have?

What can a frog do?

a hen, a fish, a cow, a rabbit, a goose, a monkey, a duck, a donkey, a pony

Sets number of nouns I can see a donkey.

The horse can run.

scene "Teremok" « Farm Frenzy» .

Acquaintance with the animals of the British farm, with the benefits they bring to people.

Milk, cheese, butter, meat.

preparatory group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

What does the horse like?

What color is the lion?

What is your favorite animal?

a camel, an elephant, a tiger, a dove, a crocodile, a parrot; corn, grass The horse likes corn.

The crocodile is green.

My favorite animal is a dog.

I like to ride a pony. Contest "My favorite animal" London Zoo.

Acquaintance with the inhabitants of the London Zoo.

A kangaroo, a peacock, a lion.



1. Formation in children the ability to interact in collective activities.

2. Development of the ability at an elementary level to speak about favorite subjects, about what they usually play with.

3. Acquaintance of children with a variety of modes of transport, traffic rules.

4. Expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing lexical units and speech samples on the topic.

5. Raising in children the desire and ability to interact in a team of peers to achieve the final result.

Senior group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

What have you got? a doll, a ball,

a balloon, old, new. I like a doll.

This is a new kite.

This is an old car.

I got a doll. Organization and conduct

different games within the framework of the topic under study. Favorite toys english

sky children.

preparatory group

Listening Lexical content Speech patterns to be learned

research Practical activities Country studies material

Where is the car?

What can you see?

What can you see in the street? near, under, to, from,

traffic lights,

a trolleybus. By car, by bus

to wait, to stop,

The car is under the box.

Take the ball, please.

Put the ball into the box, please.

I can see a trolleybus in the street.

I can see a bus in the street.

I can see traffic lights.

I can see a lot of cars in the street.

Let's go by the trolleybus.

Let's go by the bus.

Let's go by the traffic lights.

The yellow says "wait",

The red says "stop"

The green says go,


tion and conduct

different games within the framework of the topic under study. Folk english

sky games.



1. Increasing the volume of lexical, grammatical and country-specific material on this topic.

2. Generalization of cases of using the indefinite article a.

3. The development of oral speech by means of musical, theatrical activities.

4. Formation of ideas about the ethics of behavior at the table, table setting, about the main meals, food culture in English speaking countries.

Senior group

Listening Lexical content Speech patterns to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

drink for breakfast?

Would you like tea/juice? A cake, milk, a tomato, a potato, tea, juice, butter, sausage, porrige I would like milk.

I have a sausage and bread. Situational games "Away",

"In the shop" What do they like to eat and drink? English and American children.

preparatory group

Listening Lexical content Speech

samples to be assimilated Practical activities Country studies material

eat for dinner/lunch/supper?

What do you have for dinner? Dinner, lunch, supper, a cucumber, meat, salad, macaroni I eat soup for dinner.

I eat potatoes with meat and bread. Situational games "We're setting the table" Favorite

English and American children.

"House. School supplies»


1. Development of oral monologue speech children in situations on this topic.

2. Expansion of lexical and grammatical material on this topic.

3. Acquaintance of children with the features of housing in English speaking countries

4. Formation of a potential vocabulary.

5. The development of the creative abilities of children, the upbringing of a sense of joy and pride in their home.

Senior group

Listening Lexical content Speech

samples to be assimilated Practical activities Country studies material

Is your house big?

What color is the sofa? A table, a chair, a sofa, TV, a lamp, a bed, a clock, a pencil, a rubber, a ruler. This is an armchair. It is a green sofa Making up a story about your home. How they like to furnish their houses English?

preparatory group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

There is a picture on the wall. What are there on the table? A table, a chair, a sofa, TV, my kitchen, a dish, a pot, a toilet, a bathroom, a fireplace, a mirror, a tap. There is a picture on the wall. There are books on the table. Situational games

"Let's clean up the house"

What will I take to school? Why in all English houses have fireplaces?



1. Raising children's interest in language and culture English and the American people.

2. Developing the ability to speak at an elementary level about their favorite time of the year, about what they like to do at different times of the year, how they will relax this summer.

3. Development of skills in listening and speaking according to the situation.

4. Expansion English vocabulary.

Senior group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

What season do you like?

Is it warm in spring?

Is it hot in summer?

Is it cold in autumn?

Is it very cold in winter?

summer, winter, spring, autumn, hot,

Football, volleyball, basketball,

tennis. It`s spring.

It's summer. It's hot.

It's very cold.

Play football, Play volleyball, Play basketball,

play tennis. Organization and holding of various games within the framework of the topic under study. How do British children spend their summer holidays?

preparatory group

Listening Lexical content Speech samples to be mastered Practical activities Country studies material

What season is it now?

What will you do in summer?

Do you like to ride a bike? Summer, winter, spring, autumn.

a bike. It`s spring.

Yes, it is. It's a duck.

It's a flower.

I like to ride a bike. Organization and holding of various games within the framework of the topic under study. How do British children spend their summer holidays?

Control and measuring materials

Speaking diagnostics

You can use art paintings or plot pictures for this purpose. The child usually They say: "Look what our friends from England, they really want to hear you tell what you see here. Any other option is fine too. After that, the child is asked simple questions on English language within the studied material, for example, “Who do you see?”, “How many houses are drawn here?”. Questions are prepared in advance, each question corresponds to the topic covered. Questions 6 will be enough.

Listening Diagnostics

It uses sentences recorded on audio carriers, the meaning of which the child has to understand. You can read sentences. To kid talking: “We got a phone call from our friend from England he wants to tell you something. Listen carefully, and then we will complete the task with you. We use three recorded phrases, For example: “I eat ice cream”, “I have a red ball”, “Give me three pencils”. We listen twice. After that, in Russian, we ask the child from the cards lying on the table to put a picture on a small table, where depicted:

1. What our friend ate.

2. A toy that a friend was talking about.

3. As many pencils as the friend had.

Diagnostics of mastery program vocabulary

We choose 4-5 topics, for example “Food”, “Animals”, “Seasons”, “My family”. Accordingly, for each topic, we select five pictures. The pictures are scattered on the table. To kid talking: “Let's play with you, as if you came to the store and want to buy all this. rule such: if you name a word by - English then you can buy it. Try to buy as much as possible.”

Diagnostics of phonetic skills

To do this, we prepare two A4 cards with the image of six objects on each. Images should be matched so that the corresponding words contain the desired sound. Ask the child to name the objects.

List of used literature.

1. Bibaletova M. Z. English language for little ones / M. Z. Biboletova. - M.; 1994, p. 3-5.

2. Bim I. L. Foreign languages ​​at school / I. L. Beam No. 5 1991, p. 11-14.

3. Bonk N. A. English for toddlers / N. A. Bonk. –M. ; 1996

4. Boeva ​​N. B., Popova N. P. Great Britain. Geography. Story. Culture. Tutorial for English/N. B. Boeva ​​- Rostov n / D: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University 1996, p. 54-59.

5. Vereshchagina I. N. A book for teachers / I. N. Vereshchagin - M .: "Education" 1995, p. 20-23.

6. UK: Linguistic and Cultural Dictionary -M. ; Russian language. 1999

7. Gryzulina I. P. I play and teach English / I. P. Gryzulin - M., 1993, p. 5-8.

8. Epanchintseva N. D. Learning to speak English in first grade elementary school/ N. D. Epanchintseva-Belgorod 2008

9. Epanchintseva N. D. Learning to speak English in kindergarten / N. D. Epanchintseva-Belgorod 2008

10. Epanchintseva N. D. Approximate "Through" English early learning program the language of children in kindergarten and the first grade of elementary school / N. D. Epanchintseva-Belgorod 2008.

11. Galskova N. D. Modern technique teaching foreign languages. / N. D. Galskova - M .: ARKTI, 2004. - 192s.

12. Khimunina T.N. etc. Customs, Traditions and Festal of Great Britain/T.N. Khimunina -M.: Enlightenment, 1984.

13. Vaks A. Play and Learn English / A. Vaks. – St. Petersburg. ; 1997

Teaching English to children can be for you, as a teacher, the most interesting and vivid pedagogical experience, if you approach this issue with maximum efficiency. Being a teacher is not easy, but it is an amazingly enjoyable job that you need to love. You won’t become a good teacher right away, you need experience, desire and knowledge in this area. Including such as . Teacher Education there is no guarantee that you will love teaching, you need to have some vocation and a desire to become the best of the best.

There are a lot of English resources for teachers (tutors) and parents now, but it is impossible to cover everything. You need to choose exactly those that your students and you like. As one of these resources, in my teaching practice, I use the . How to use it, I told in. By the way, there is a special section for English teachers and tutors. As for direct materials for teaching children, they are presented mainly in the form of video and audio materials. According to the search within the site, children's content - 412 files. These are songs, cartoons, texts and so on. If this is an alphabet, then it is voiced, which is also very convenient. Naturally, to work with this portal you need to have a tablet or laptop.

Concerning teaching aids, books and other educational publications, the opinions of different teachers sometimes differ. Again, on personal experience comes out like this. It is rarely possible to work on only one textbook or series, the most correct thing is to create an individual program for each child, generally adhering to one well-established scheme. For example: and video / audio + new words: colors, toys, personal pronouns, family and animal names are taken according to the Happy House system from + we always give 2-4 minutes during the lesson-game for a task that is related to English, but done on purpose taking into account the interests of the child. One of my students loves dinosaurs, for him Additional tasks are worksheets where you need to connect the dots in the correct alphabetical order, and so on. It will be much more effective if you give your child tasks based on their interests and favorite characters. Preschoolers love to play and the best thing is to learn English in a playful way. If you manage to instill a love for English now, you are a great teacher, because most do not know this language like that, only because at school they were beaten off all desire for it.

As a series, Happy House is very popular all over the world. I like how they have audio accompaniment of lessons, very funny and catchy songs, children quickly remember them. And a very successful Activity Book. This is how, for example, the task on the topic Colors looks like. Children are delighted!

For lessons on the topic Colors, I also always use my own and to consolidate the material. Color cards are needed when we get acquainted with colors, memorize them and pronounce the names. I use black and white for games. It all depends on your imagination. You can do this: first we learn 6 colors. We give the child 6 felt-tip pens with the right colors, and give empty cards with balls, where everything is written only in words. You name a color in English, put a card, and the child should put a felt-tip pen of the desired color on top of it. When all 6 felt-tip pens are on the cards, give him 6 colored cards and he checks himself. No matter how many flowers he remembers, always praise and say that next time he will definitely be lucky. In addition, he also begins to visually memorize words and their meaning.

If you yourself cannot study with a child, and he wants to learn English, then you may need to find a suitable tutor. Read how to do it.

You can always find other English tasks for children in the appropriate one on our website.

We have discussed the main distinguishing features of the most common methods teaching English to children, their pros and cons, as well as game options for each method. And today Daria Popova will share her experience of working with children using different methods. English language training. The article presents an analysis of three basic methods:

  • substitution method;
  • communicative method;
  • immersion method.

Substitution Method for Teaching English to Children

When I first started teaching English classes, I felt very insecure. I confess that higher education gave me nothing in terms of my level of language proficiency. It's my second, and you know, the entrance requirements were more than loyal. The only thing that the institute gave me was that it supported my level, did not let me forget English. Well, the "crust", of course.

I learned English with a tutor in high school. My own aunt studied with me, and I still regret very much that I did not continue to study with her after the 11th grade.

Despite the fact that I speak English fluently, I can always find words to express my thoughts (albeit often clumsily and childishly - but they understand me!), I read and watch films in English, grasping the main idea, and turn to dictionaries only if I need to find out all the details of the information, any test shows that my level is upper-intermediate, that is, above average and far from advanced (professional level - the same as a person with a higher language education should have).

Therefore, taking my first 5-year-olds under my English wing, I was very shaking, but would I hurt them with my “bumpy” English?

Working with kids has always been easy for me. I already had experience in conducting developmental classes in Russian, which turned out to be enough for games for English-classes to be invented by themselves. And the structure, organization and methods of teaching preschoolers have already been mastered.

The first textbook that I tried to study with kids was English for the youngest authors Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E.

So I got acquainted with the first method of teaching. I don't know what to call it scientifically. For myself, I called it the “substitution method”.

The first classes I conducted entirely in Russian, entering only 3-6 words in English. In the middle of the year, half of the classes were already held in English, and by the end of the year, I no longer used Russian in the classroom (with the exception of emergency situations).

Thus, English replaced Russian in my classes. How did I achieve this?

Due ritual games, penetrating all 50 minutes of our trip to an English-speaking country.

We start the lesson - we sit exactly at the desks, put things in order at the desks, listen to a short rhyme for attention.

One, two, three

Then a few words about Russia and English-speaking countries. We're going to England. We sit in a rocket, we fasten ourselves, we count from 1 to 5, we learned - they began to count to 10. Or while we are “flying”, we sing a song

And all the night!

We arrive in England say hello to our friends- characters from the textbook. I endowed the cat with a terrible absent-mindedness, so he always forgot what his name was (I asked everyone What’s your name?). Worked out the acquaintance - began to ask how old? How are you? where are you from, etc.

Then we did exercises with the cat so that he would not get fat, and told what we had learned at home with the help of games in "Spoiled TV".

A hole is cut in the bottom of the cardboard box through which only part of the picture can be seen. Children say that shows TV. He said correctly - you get a picture. Let's see who has the most pictures. We congratulate the winner and sing him a song as a reward. During the song we move again.

After - introduction of new words. Friends told us a story from a textbook that happened to them. The story was read in Russian, but there were English words in it. The children had to guess how they are translated into Russian. I prompted them with movements, pantomime or pictures.

Then followed mobile game on the topic. As a rule, associated with a pantomimic image of new words (for example, hare - jump, bear - clubfoot, etc.)

Then we practiced new vocabulary in 2-3 games and scenes. Be sure to move after each "sitting" game.

Saying goodbye to friends, received a gift from the fairy of silence for exemplary behavior, got into a rocket and flew home.

I didn't use the textbook at all. Scanned and printed pictures from it. The children completed tasks from the textbook with their parents at home. As a "homework" it was always - to learn 5-6 new words and - if desired - to complete several tasks from the textbook (colorize, circle the dots, "sort into boxes", etc.). At their core, these developmental activities are not related to English, but in the process of their implementation, children can learn new words.

Due to the fact that the structure remained unchanged from lesson to lesson, English phrases gradually replaced Russian ones - and the meaning of their children remained clear, since they clearly understood what I was saying to them, judging by what is happening now.

During the replacement process, I translated all the time. I will say it loudly in English and then I will quietly explain what it means in Russian. Then I began to ask the children for translation - I see, they understand. I stopped translating completely.

I used this method for a year. The year was very successful, 5-year-olds for 2 hours a week (not without homework with parents, of course):

  • learned about 70 words
  • most easily answered basic questions
  • built statements I like…, I can…, I’ve got…,
  • understood Classroom language (teacher's language)
  • knew by heart a couple of songs and rhymes
  • could translate almost everything that we went through

But I felt that next year I don't want to work like that. Both I and my students (and their parents) were capable of more. And I began to look for other methods of teaching.

A communicative method for teaching English to children

The next textbook that I began to work on - and still work on - is Fairyland by J. Dooley and V. Evans.

The program of this textbook is based on a communicative method, the purpose of which is to teach children to communicate. English is used in it while communication takes place: that is, while the children understand the teacher or each other. If children are “not glorified”, it is permissible to switch to their native language.

Now, from the very beginning of the classes, I began to conduct them almost entirely in English. At first, of course, I made Russian "lyrical digressions" - because not all children adapt so easily to an "unusual" environment. But, as a rule, after 1-2 months, all the children in the group already support the rule "the teacher speaks in the classroom - only in English." Children could speak as they liked, I just created conditions for them when they had to use a foreign language.

How did I do it? First of all, through games. Helped me:

  • competition games in which the use of English brings victory;
  • “guessing” games in which you need to guess something, and you can’t do without English;
  • memory games, where again you need to remember something in English;
  • outdoor games that cannot be played without knowing English;
  • dialogues with characters who speak only English;
  • songs accompanied by dances or finger gymnastics (you definitely won’t sing them in Russian);
  • playing scenes from educational cartoons, songs, stories.

The structure of the lesson itself has not changed. Included new games, homework, songs, skits, dialogues. The rituals remained, but there were more variables in them.

For example, we used to fly to England only on a rocket, but now we traveled by bus (the song The Wheels on the bus), by train (we sat in colored trailers depending on the color of the ticket), by boat (song Row your boat), etc.

The Fairyland textbook, or rather, the educational kit, includes not only audio and video recordings for classes, but also - in my opinion - the best software that is now available for children who begin to learn English as a foreign language. According to it, I gave the children homework, making it easier for parents who do not know the language - the computer pronounces everything correctly for them, spoke, checked and showed how to move to the songs.

So, the main thing that I began to do was to do without the Russian language. I only spoke Russian to the children if there was no way to explain in English. At first it was very difficult, but it turned out to be not so difficult to learn. If I couldn’t understand each other in English, I calmly switched to Russian, if I didn’t succeed, then next time. You can't get hung up on this. Also, of course, many organizational issues(non-educational) I solved in Russian.

What helped me to explain myself without Russian?

  • sign language and pantomime;
  • movements, actions;
  • pointing to objects;
  • puppet theater scenes;
  • Pictures;
  • drawings on the board;
  • textbooks;
  • cartoons and other video recordings.

Acting skills, of course, had to be developed, but it was worth it. A year later, the results were head and shoulders above.

Active vocabulary - about 150 words (2 times more), also increased the number of commands and expressions that children understood (passive vocabulary). Answers - both to basic and general questions (not just yes or no, but short and complete forms of answers). Statements are not only affirmative, but also negative. And most importantly, dialogic speech appeared. The children began to actively engage in a dialogue: ask questions to me and each other, comment on what is happening in English, and exchange phrases on their own. This independence, “detachment” from me and my support - I missed so much last year (both there and there 5-year-olds, 1 year of study, 2 times a week, 50 minutes each).

The only thing that has suffered for us is ... translation. So, some parents “complained” to me with a smile that while listening to a song at home, the baby repeated all the movements-commands, but when they asked him to translate what was being sung about, this turned out to be not an easy task.

A year later, I began to work with 3-year-olds. At first I thought that they needed a program simpler than for 5-year-olds, and I began to work with them according to Shishkova's textbook - but without relying on Russian. The only thing that had to be left in Russian was stories with English words. My experience has shown that I was wrong - 3-year-olds were in no way inferior to their older friends, and we managed to learn the same amount, and somewhere even with a handful.

Here are the conclusions I made for myself:

About the Russian language:

  1. The Russian language helps a lot during the period of adaptation - when you need to introduce children to the rules, rituals, support them in an unusual environment.
  2. After adaptation, the Russian language in the classroom is needed not by a child, but by an adult.
  3. If you use Russian in the classroom, there is nothing “harmful” about it. There are situations when the use of the native language is necessary. But the fewer such situations, the better.
  4. Translation of everything and everything slows down children. Translation is needed only if it is not possible to understand from the context or explain on the fingers.
  5. Using Russian in class takes time away from English.

About children:

  1. Children 3-6 years old do not differ much in language abilities.
  2. Children need to be placed in artificial play conditions, where they have to use English, create a world “as if”, where English is indispensable.
  3. If there is a loophole not to speak in English, they will speak in Russian.

The need to speak English independently arises when a child does not hear his native language for a long time. Basically, children are passive in communication (answers to questions, phrases for games, etc.).

About textbooks:

  1. You can study without textbooks.
  2. Textbooks are needed so as not to think and plan what's next.
  3. Educational-methodical kits unimaginably save time on searching for audio-video and other materials for classes.
  4. The program in all textbooks for preschoolers is quite stereotyped.
  5. The textbook does not choose a methodology, you can work from one textbook in different methods.

Both the substitution method and the communicative method there are several common features:

  • language is acquired artificially by children, that is, through direct copying of adult speech: the adult said - the child repeated. Repeated many times - learned.
  • language material is carefully selected by many years of pedagogical experience and is given in doses: the dictionary consists of basic words - the most used in speech
  • grammar is acquired through speech turns - exemplary phrases (for example, I'm wearing ... for Present Continuous).
  • both methods assume that in preschool childhood the child will learn only elementary knowledge of English, and he will pass more complex material at school age.
  • Classes are held according to the schedule: several hours a week. The duration of classes can vary from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  • both methods can be applied only from the moment when the child becomes able to purposefully repeat after an adult. Different children develop this ability at different times. And the spread here is quite large, in my experience, it is from 2 to 4 years.

All these features distinguish the first two methods from the last - the immersion method.

Immersion Method for Teaching English to Children

The immersion method involves the natural acquisition of the language by the child in direct communication with an adult. This method is possible only if it is possible to immerse the child in the language environment for a sufficiently long time. That is, to "deprive" him of his native language, and force the brain to navigate in a different language space.

The immersion method is possible under the following conditions:

  • when a child speaks English in the family (parents, governesses, relatives)
  • when the child is taken to "English" kindergarten where classes are held in English
  • when the child often visits English-speaking countries

I did not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the immersion method in my professional practice. I did not think to get acquainted with him in the process of raising my daughter. But… how to put it more accurately. He quietly crept up to me by himself.

For so many years of practice, it is natural that countless songs, rhymes, etc. have accumulated in my head. And so, in the first months of my daughter's life, I give her a massage, sing a lullaby, play with my fingers, and I myself do not notice how I switch to English. It's funny, but thanks to my work, it turned out to be easier for me to talk "playfully" with my baby in English than in Russian. I even realized it and printed out the texts of Russian nursery rhymes for myself, began to learn Russian lullabies and listen to the songs of the Zheleznovs, so as not to forget about my native language))

Thanks to Marina's suggestion to keep a column on this site, I forced myself to systematize my classes with my daughter. And it improved our classes in many ways. As it is now fashionable to say, "now I do it consciously." My daughter is almost a year old, and I have already come to a certain system in my head, how to deal with babies using the immersion method.