Presentation on bazaar methods in elementary school. Presentation - Use of health-saving technologies V.F.

Human health is a fairly relevant topic.

The success of schooling is determined by the level of health with which the child came to school, which is the initial background at the start of education.

The peculiarity of schooling is that the child must achieve a certain result. The expectations of teachers, parents and the child himself lead to an increase in mental stress, nervous shock, and school stress. This leads to the fact that the child loses all desire to study and simply live an active, interesting life. And also, over the years of studying at school, health deteriorates: physical, mental. Understanding this led to the use of V. Bazarny’s health-saving technology in UVP.

Its main aspect is the creation of a special training regimen aimed at preventing negative changes in health status.

Principles of technology V.F. Bazarny

Let's consider the basic principles of V. Bazarny's technology.

Firstly, training sessions they are carried out in the mode of changing dynamic poses, for which special stadiometer furniture with an inclined surface is used - desks and desks. The student sits at a desk for part of the lesson, and stands at the desk for the other part. Thus, his bodily vertical, spine, posture are preserved and strengthened - the basis of the energy of the human body.

Secondly, during the lesson, for warm-ups and exercises for muscle-body and visual coordination, as well as for the development of attention and reaction speed, visual trajectories diagrams located on the ceiling and special ophthalmic simulators “Running Lights” are used. The exercises combine movements of the eyes, head and torso, are performed in a free standing position and are based on visual search stimuli, which carry a motivational and activating charge for the whole organism. The results of such exercises are the development of a sense of general and visual coordination and their synchronization, the development of visual-motor reactions, in particular, the speed of orientation in space, including reactions to extreme situations(such as road transport, etc.). All these exercises take no more than 3-4 minutes of the lesson and are carried out on the material of the academic subject.

Thirdly, in order to expand visual horizons, develop creative imagination and holistic (sensory-imaginative and intellectual) perception and knowledge of the world, a specially designed “Ecological Primer” (panel painting) is used in lessons in all subjects, located on one of the walls of the classroom and depicting a terrain stretching into infinity and saturated with natural and man-made visual stimuli, on which the plots of the lesson unfold with the help of special mannequins and cards. This makes it possible to study virtually “bookless” in kindergarten and in elementary school, which excludes the formation of a schizoid mental constitution and early loss of vision in children. Of course, computers at this age are absolutely excluded.

Fourthly, most important feature of all lessons is that they are conducted in the visual movement mode educational material, constantly searching for and performing tasks that activate children. To do this, the teacher uses movable “sensory crosses”, cards with tasks and possible answers, which can, at the will of the teacher, appear anywhere in the class and which children must find and use in their work. As well as special holders that allow children to switch their vision from near to far and form an arbitrary self-controlled step logarithm when reading text, which contributes to the development of their speech-motor function.

Fifthly, in the process of children mastering writing, special artistic-figurative calligraphic writing with a fountain pen is used, forming an artistic sense and developing the psychomotor “eye-hand” system. Only having previously mastered these copybooks do children move on to mastering the actual alphabetic writing.

Sixthly, children, together with teachers and parents, themselves create the living environment around them according to the laws of art and manual labor.

Seventhly, a mandatory and most important educational subject in V. Bazarny’s system is children’s choral singing, based on folk songs and classical music. It carries not only artistic and aesthetic principles, but also serves as a fundamental biogenetic mechanism that forms in a person his human essence

Eighth, in many schools, at Bazarny’s suggestion, separate and parallel education for boys and girls has been introduced. This means that, studying separately in classes, they, as usual, communicate with each other during breaks, in creative circles, on joint evenings and holidays, not counting the yard and street. The positive results of this division are obvious: children have become more disciplined and collected, more serious and responsible in school, and more respectful towards each other, teachers and parents.

An important condition for achieving the goal is that all educational institutions operating “according to Bazarnoy” regularly conduct express diagnostics of children and report to parents on their health status and the ongoing changes in those functional systems of the children’s body that react most acutely to ill-being in the organization of the teaching environment. This is, first of all, creative imagination, posture, visual acuity, neuropsychic sphere. In this case, we are not talking about general statements like “healthy or unhealthy”, but about strictly quantitative measurements that allow us to assess the dynamics of a particular subsystem of the body, as well as its condition and development as a whole. Quantitative rapid tests for all these indicators were developed by Bazarny’s laboratory.

All of the above features of V. Bazarny’s technology became the basis of our Concept for changing the educational process at the primary level in order to solve the problem of deteriorating health over 4 years of study in primary school and creating a development subprogram at school, for “mastering in practical activities of primary school teachers health-saving technology of V.F. Bazarny"


Lack of health-saving technologies in the educational process aimed at preserving the health of students.

The goal is to find optimal means of preserving and strengthening the health of students:

  • organizing work with the greatest effect to preserve and strengthen health;
  • creating conditions for children to feel joy during the learning process
  • teach children to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them
  • fostering a culture of health
  • motivation for a healthy lifestyle
  • teach children to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life

Stages of program implementation.

Preparatory (April May 2005)

  • Determination of priority areas of activity.
  • Accumulation and study of literature on health conservation.
  • Design and diagnostic stage (September 2005 - 2010).
  • Carrying out diagnostic studies.
  • Approbation of technology in 1st grade.

Practical stage 2005-2009

  • Practical implementation of the project in areas.
  • Testing of health-saving technology in the following classes.
  • Annual tracking and recording of the performance results of all students (teachers, medical workers, psychologists, exercise therapy)
  • Studying the structure of a lesson using V. Bazarny’s FTA..

Generalization stage June 2009

  • Analysis of the results obtained.
  • Generalization, conclusions, recommendations
Stages Year Tasks Generalization form
Preparatory stage 2005-2006 Studying literature on the technology of V.F. Bazarny

Testing V. Bazarny's technology

Carrying out initial diagnostics.

Speech at a meeting of the primary school education department, at a meeting with the head teacher
Stages of innovation implementation 2006-2007 Analysis of the results obtained and selection of the next direction..

Selection of forms and contents of physical exercises for relieving fatigue and correcting musculoskeletal system

Application of all principles of technology.

Speech at the creative group council.
2007-2008 1. Development and implementation of scientifically based recommendations in the UVP

2. Development of technology.

3. Conducting health monitoring.

Report at a meeting of the creative group.
Practical generalization stage. 2008-2009 1. Control diagnostics in all areas.

2. Development of technology taking into account the continuity of middle management.

3. Analysis of the results obtained for all activities.

4Diagnostics to improve MTB.

5. Review of available printed materials and the Internet site.

Generalization and description of work experience

Health status of students entering 1st grade.

Physical development

Below normal 12.5%-

Above normal 12.5%


Below normal - 100%

Health group

Group 2-100%

Registered as "D"

6 people-30%


Thought processes


Motivation- in-14%


Thinking- in-23%

Attention- in-23%

Over three years of work using V. Bazarny’s FTA, new results were obtained. Let's look at them in dynamics:

Indicators of physical health of students (application)

From these tables it can be seen that, in general, physical health indicators of students have positive dynamics by almost all criteria. They can be assessed either as acceptable or as optimal:

- decreased number of children having low level of general physical preparation.

The number of children with the level of posture development is below normal.

-decreased number of students included in preparatory and special education physical education groups;

- decreased quantity dispensary sick;

- preservation of vision located at the proper level.

All this speaks in defense the correctness of the chosen path.

Indicators of mental and spiritual-moral health

level of randomness

As can be seen from the table, the low level of arbitrariness decreases (the main new formation at the beginning of school)

A high level of motivation also increases.

The value of health

Quality performance is 66%

interest in subjects 8.8------8.7


Very high 0% 8%

High 17% 50%

Normal 39% 25%

Reduced 33% 13%

Low 11% 6%

Comfort level

High 38%

Average 52%

The value of health

1st place 65% - 85%

Level of education

Curiosity -----4 4.5

Diligence 4 4.5

Attitude towards

  • nature 4- 4
  • my attitude
  • to school 4-4.5
  • beauty in mine
  • life 4 -4

Morbidity index.

2005-20006 2007-2008

Morbidity structure

Missing classes due to illness

Year 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours For a year
2006 - 2007 430 262 221 123 1036
2007 - 2008 199 240 284 258 981
2008-2009 289 -No

All this is a positive result.

What contributed to such positive results?

I. Change in UVP at the initial level

Mastering and putting into practice the activities of V. Bazarny’s free trade zone

Preserving vision

A whole series of classes are conducted using the “visual horizons” method, which, in accordance with the training program, are carried out, as a rule, in near vision mode. Conducting physical exercises for the eyes with the help of landmarks located in space also helps to expand visual-motor activity. What guidelines are used?

1. Various kinds of trajectories (Fig. 1), along which children “run” with their eyes. For example, on a piece of whatman paper some colored figures are depicted (ovals, figures of eight, zigzags, spirals), the line thickness is 1 cm.

2. Ophthalmic simulator. This is a special device that emits light and sound signals (the gray background of a book text, contributing to the accumulation of trace impressions in the cerebral cortex, turns out to be one of the factors supporting fatigue in schoolchildren). The ophthalmic simulator relieves physical and psycho-emotional tension of students, serves as a prevention of myopia, posture disorders, and trains the vestibular apparatus.

3. A special simulator located on the ceiling or on one of the walls of the classroom (Fig. 2).

In addition, exercises are used in the lesson to train the eye muscles. According to psychoanalysts, if this exercise is performed regularly, a person’s vision is completely restored, and he can give up glasses.

Here are some elements of this gymnastics:

Repeat each exercise 10-15 times in order from No. 1 to No. 5.

1. Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your pupils from left to right.

Repeat three times in each direction.

2. Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa. Repeat 3 times.

3. Imagine the rim of a bicycle wheel rotating in front of you and, having marked a certain point on it, watch the rotation of this point. First one way, then the other. Repeat 3 times.

Where does training begin according to the Doctor Bazarny system? First of all, with studying in the “change of dynamic poses” mode. This is done in each lesson at specially selected moments and during any exercises: oral calculation, speech warm-up and others.

Working at a desk while standing is the development of a child’s sense of coordination and balance, the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, as well as myopia. A child tired of studying can leave the table and sit down. minute? According to Bazarny’s method, signs of fatigue appear only at 21-24 minutes!

It is advisable to alternate all these types of these techniques as often as possible. All this suggests that it is possible to teach while maintaining health.

In accordance with the requirements of the technology of Dr. V.F. Bazarny decorated an office for conducting experimental work

: desks were purchased to introduce the “dynamic poses” mode; rugs were made from natural material for the feet of each child, various types of sensory-search motor-coordinating training were developed: a set of pictures that make up a single plot-shaped complex, a selection of poems to form a step logarithm.

Sensory tapes for placing educational material, when taking it out, the student pulls himself up, which helps correct posture.

Walking along health paths made of expanded clay to the sounds of classical music. As well as specially selected complexes for posture correction.

Carrying out medical worker Exercise therapy for children with severe postural disorders.

creating a favorable psychological climate in the educational process conducting non-standard lessons, many game moments, application personally significant ways academic work , individual tasks different types and levels individual pace work and choice educational activities these methods used liberate baby , increase his level of cognitive activities

2. Mandatory medical examination of experimental and control classes is carried out (2 times a year),

3. The educational process is built in the “dynamic poses” mode using desks.

4. During the lessons, various sensory-search motor-coordinating training is used: selections of poems to form a step-by-step logarithm when reading the text in near and far vision mode, a set of pictures that make up a single plot complex.

Students in the class are given physical therapy classes by a medical professional.

Active educational work is being carried out with parents; through a survey, their attitude to the technology of Dr. V.F. is revealed. Bazarny.

Through extracurricular activities, students develop the value of a healthy lifestyle.

The effectiveness of this technique is monitored through clinical examination of students (2 times a year), questioning of class students and their parents.

2. Increasing physical activity and staying in the fresh air not only during lessons, but also during the training process:

  • moving changes (sports equipment in recreation primary classes)
  • morning exercises before classes
  • daily dynamic hour in the fresh air before GPD classes or club activities
  • conducting monthly four-hour great days health in nature.

5. Work on the active involvement of parents in EVP for physical, spiritual and moral recovery.

It has already become a tradition that at the beginning of each academic year (second week of September), we conduct parent meetings, at which we approve the topics of parent meetings and class events and appoint parents responsible for their conduct.

Changes in material and technical base for the physical health of students at the primary level.

  • equipping the classroom, where students study using the Bazarny technology, with measuring furniture (9 desks, 9 measuring desks, 14 measuring chairs).
  • equipping with the Zeus simulator
  • self-made environmental panels.
  • ceiling-mounted ophthalmic simulators were manufactured
  • sensory tapes and special holders for didactic material were manufactured.
  • massage (button) foot mats were manufactured.
  • purchased music and video equipment for the office.
  • Ecological health paths were made from pine cones and expanded clay for foot massage.

III. Activities that promote the growth of teachers’ methodological skills and health issues.

1. Advanced training courses on health conservation: for the 2006-07 and 2007-08 academic years, twice 100% completion of such courses conducted by the scientific director of the school program “School is a territory of health”, Professor V.A. Vasilkov. (Khanty-Mansiysk, IRRO)

2. Participation in district and regional seminars (5 lessons conducted)

IV. Conditions created at school to preserve health.

1. Free hot meals are provided. Enhanced meals for elementary school students.

2. There is a biofeedback room under the guidance of a medical worker, where the health of children with frequent illnesses (frequently ill children) is improved through proper breathing, which helps to reduce the morbidity index of frequently ill children.

3. The speech center works to correct the speech of speech therapists.

4. There is a sensory room where emotional aggressiveness, hyperactivity, and depression of students are corrected under the guidance of a psychologist.

Psychological support is provided by educational psychologist O.A. Karfidova, who conducts diagnostics, monitoring, and correction of mental processes in the emotional sphere through psychological trainings, individual and group consultations and classes with students and parents.

Additional education at school contributes to the health of primary school students; primary school students participate in sports associations. Over the past year, the number of students who are prize-winners and winners of sports competitions has increased.

Conclusion: These are the results of the innovative work to implement V. Bazarny’s free trade zone into practice. All of the above gives grounds to assert that this technology is truly aimed at preserving and improving the health of students.

In this final year, it is necessary to work out the established methods for organizing a lesson using FTA technology. Coordinate efforts to reduce anxiety levels.

And prepare for studying in the 5th grade. The result of the work is the creation of a brochure on the technology of Bazarny, preserving and strengthening the health of students.

The main sources of ill health in children are the following: The main focus is on educational standards rather than prioritizing health. The motor-dynamic image of the child is not taken into account. Adults do not form in preschoolers the functional maturity of those systems that bear the brunt of school loads at school. Classes at preschool educational institutions are held mainly in the near and partly far vision mode. Children spend most of their time indoors, in limited spaces. The game began to have educational purposes and only partially educational ones. Children are overloaded with activities and have no time for free, creative, playful activities.

Bazarny Vladimir Filippovich - scientist, doctor, musician and innovative teacher, doctor medical sciences, full member of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy, Honorary Worker general education Russian Federation. He devoted about 30 years to solving the problem of preventing a demographic catastrophe by preserving and strengthening the health of its younger generations. In his research, he convincingly showed that the existing system of raising and educating children in families, kindergartens and schools is oriented against the nature of the child. He created a system of pedagogical technologies that make it possible to teach children while maintaining and strengthening their health.

Organization of children's choral singing on classical and folk music; Include in the acts of memorization as many senses as possible (vision - models, images; hearing, touch); Rhythmically - pressure writing with a fountain pen is a universal method of forming fine working movements of the hands in children and adolescents; Separately - parallel education for boys and girls (joint clubs, evenings, holidays). Optimal pace, taking into account the performance of children. V.F. Bazarny recommends

Dynamic posture mode: periodic change of postures, transferring children from a traditional sitting training posture to a standing posture. The first method does not require material costs: where possible, change the position of the children (sitting and standing). The second method is to use a desk desk with an inclined surface that is optimal for visual work and a variable height of the working surface.

Methodology of sensory-coordinating training In the four upper corners of the classroom, bright, attention-grabbing figurative and plot images are recorded; Under each picture one of the numbers is placed in the appropriate sequence: ; Under the teacher’s commands “…”, etc. Children begin to quite vividly fix their gaze one by one on the picture corresponding to a given number. The duration of fixation of one image at the very beginning of such exercises averages 0.5 seconds; The counting mode (order) changes to the opposite after 30 seconds: ...; In the final part of the training (lasting seconds), the counting mode is set in a random sequence, for example: , etc.; The total duration of the entire training session takes on average 1.5 minutes.

Methods of teaching children in the “visual horizons” mode Didactic material is placed at the greatest possible distance from the children Constructing many stages of the lesson in the mode of moving objects Organize the movement of visual educational material, constant search and activation of children’s tasks

METHOD OF VISUAL-COORDINATORY TRAINING USING THE SCHEME OF UNIVERSAL SYMBOLS Mode 1 of involuntary visual-motor “sliding” along trajectories. Mode 2 Children periodically stand in the center under the simulator circuit and, following the orienting arrows of the trajectories with their eyes, perform the corresponding exercise. At the same time, they perform involuntary combined movements with their eyes, head and torso.

Mode 3 Children, fixing the trajectories with their gaze (i.e. with their heads constantly raised), first learn to “go around” the trajectory diagrams, and then “run around”. Mode 4 A poster with a diagram is placed on the wall opposite the face. The activity consists of alternately tracing trajectories with the index finger while simultaneously following it with the eyes.

What do V.F. technologies provide? Bazarny: Guaranteed, fixed result of improving the health of pupils; Increased achievement and efficiency educational process; Psychological comfort in educational institution; An effective way to prevent disorders in the development of the spine, myopia, neuropsychic and cardiovascular stress, early osteochondrosis, flat feet.

: The only health-saving technology: recognized scientific discovery Academy of Medical Sciences; protected by patents and copyrights; approved by the institutes of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, RAMS, RAS; approved by the Government as general federal program; passed practical testing for 28 years on the basis of more than a thousand kindergartens and schools; has a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

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Slide captions:

MBOU Bekasovskaya sosh Health-saving technologies in school Health and school. When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, strength does not play, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless. Herodotus

“Taking care of health is the most important job of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence depend on the vital activity and vigor of children...” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The student’s health is normal if: in physical terms – health allows him to cope with the academic load, the child is able to overcome fatigue; socially, he is sociable and sociable; emotionally – the child is balanced, capable of surprise and admiration; Intellectually, the student demonstrates good mental abilities, observation, imagination, and self-learning; morally, he recognizes basic human values.

Health-saving educational technologies. Health-saving educational technologies are systematic approach to training and education, built on the desire of the teacher not to harm the health of students.

Principles of health conservation: “Do no harm!” The priority is to take care of the health of teachers and students. Continuity and continuity. Subject is a subjective relationship. Compliance of content and organization of training age characteristics moustaches. An integrated, interdisciplinary approach. Success breeds success. Activity. Responsibility for your health.

Criteria for health conservation and levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson. Criteria for health-saving Characteristics Rational level Insufficiently rational Irrational Number of types of educational activities Types of educational activities: questioning, writing, reading, listening, telling, answering questions, examining, write-off 4-7 2-3 1-2

Criteria for health conservation and levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson. Health-saving criteria Characteristic Rational level Insufficiently rational Irrational No more than 10 min. 11-15 min. More than 15 min. Average duration and frequency of alternation of activities

Criteria for health conservation and levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson. Health-saving criteria Characteristic Rational level Insufficiently rational Irrational Number of types of teaching Types of teaching: verbal, visual, independent or practical work, audiovisual At least 3 2 1

Criteria for health conservation and levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson. Health-saving criteria Characteristic Rational level Insufficiently rational Irrational Alternation of types of teaching Lesson density Amount of time spent by the student on work No later than 10-15 minutes. Not less than 60% and not more than 75-80% After 15-20 minutes. 85-90% Do not alternate More than 90%

Criteria for health conservation and levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson. Health-saving criteria Characteristic Rational level Insufficiently rational Irrational At 20 and 35 minutes, 1 minute of 3 light exercises with 3-4 repetitions of each 1 physical exercise minute with incorrect content or duration Absent Presence, place, content and duration of health-improving moments in the lesson Physical education sessions, dynamic breaks, eye gymnastics, massage of active points

Performance during the school day, grades 1-6

ophthalmic simulator on the ceiling

the use of special furniture in the educational process - desks and techniques for changing dynamic poses


CHORAL SINGING A very important point in educational system according to V.F. Bazarny is children's choral singing. This is mainly classical music and folk songs. Choral singing not only helps to develop an artistic and aesthetic sense of the world, but is also a solid foundation on which the human personality is formed.


CHILDREN WRITE WITH FOUNTAIN PENS Children write with fountain pens rather than ballpoint pens. In order for schoolchildren to master writing skills, special calligraphic copybooks are used. It is this kind of writing that allows the formation of artistic abilities and the development of the psychomotor system. Only after acquiring such skills do schoolchildren begin to master alphabetic writing.

Physical education and health direction at school

ECOLOGICAL BOOK The “Ecological ABC Book” is made in the following way. A bright scene of nature is drawn on a piece of canvas (at least 2 meters wide). For example, “By the river”, “By the lake”. “In the clearing”, etc. At the same time, various animals, heroes of famous children's fairy tales, are placed in different parts of the landscape, dragging, holding or carrying certain letters. For example, a bear drags the letter “M” to the letter “A” lying alone under a bush, etc. The dimensions of the letters are 5x10 cm. The basis for learning letters, syllables, and words is the sudden need of children for cognitive activity. For example, as experience has shown, in a group of even 4-year-old children there will definitely be several leaders who show interest in letters. It is they who begin to besiege the teacher with constant questions: “What letter is this?” In these conditions, the task of educators or teachers is not edifying, but more precise. It is wise to maintain interest in learning certain letters in other children. The important thing here is that children themselves, at their own discretion, approach the wall, fixing it with their index finger and guessing this or that letter.

Requirements for conducting physical education sessions Complexes are selected depending on the type of lesson and its content. Exercises should be varied, since monotony reduces interest in them, and therefore their effectiveness. Physical education sessions should be held at initial stage fatigue, performing exercises when very tired does not give the desired result. Preference should be given to exercises for tired muscle groups. It is important to ensure a positive emotional mood.

Types of physical education exercises Exercises to relieve general or local fatigue. Exercises for the hands. Gymnastics for the eyes. Gymnastics for hearing. Posture correcting exercises. Breathing exercises

Thanks to this technology, the following is achieved: A guaranteed, fixed result of improving the health of students. Increasing the level of academic performance and efficiency of the educational process. Psychological comfort in an educational institution. Prevention of disorders in the development of the spine, myopia, neuropsychic and cardiovascular stress, early osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis and other purely school pathologies

1 slide

Presentation for preschool teachers
“The effectiveness of the interaction of the complex thematic design principle educational activities and application of health-saving technology
sensory freedom and
psychomotor emancipation
V.F. Bazarny"

Senior teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 2 in Liski
Velikzhanina S.V.
Interaction 2 slide
Complex thematic model of organization educational process
Planning educational work in a preschool educational institution – one of the main functions of managing the process of implementing the main educational program.
One of the provisions of the FGT is the following: “The program should be based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process.”
Health-saving technology “Sensory freedom and psychomotor emancipation” V.F. Bazarny
Children's health is considered a priority area of ​​Russian social policy in the field of education.

General points 3 slide
Common points in the interaction of CTP and the use of Bazarny’s PDT are
- Legislative documents
- Moving away from the training model
- Integration of children's activities
- Personal interest of children
- Maintaining an emotionally positive attitude

Features 4 slide
The technology of liberated development gained recognition already in the 80-90s. As the basis for his methodology, V.F. Bazarny, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor and physician, famous ophthalmologist surgeon, took the principle of human sensory-motor activity.
This technology is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors educational environment aimed at activating the body’s activity and preserving the child’s health.
The peculiarity of the technology is its general accessibility. You can make all the necessary equipment yourself.
Natural conformity
Based on the principle of human sensory-motor activity and the “bodily vertical”.
Accounting individual characteristics
Practical applicability
Preservation and promotion of health
Creates the basis for maintaining health and promotes the normal psychophysical development of children.

Principles of technology 5slide
Providing a “far vision” mode.
Children's eyes will be vigilant only in conditions of visual search in the open air. We try to ensure the “distant vision” mode, for which nature “calculated” the work of the muscles of our eyes, with sufficient spatial visibility, best of all in a natural ecological environment,

Principles of technology 6 slide
and indoors we use sensory-ecological canvases, an ecological primer - paintings with scenes from fairy tales, famous literary works, pictures of nature, where various methodological visual and didactic material, which children are happy to find, recognize and name while completing various tasks. All this introduces sensory diversity, and the effectiveness of visual perception increases in conditions of spatial viewing.

Principles of technology 7 slide
“Don’t make me sit down!” - the commandment of the Bazarny. The forced “sitting” posture, which has become habitual for us, and for many the main one, leads to weakness of all muscle groups, poor posture, which leads to disruption of work internal systems and human organs. Conducting classes with a change of dynamic poses - sitting, standing, lying down - saves children from physical and mental overload, contributes to the emancipation of children, preserving the basis of life - the “bodily vertical”. Thus, the spine is preserved and strengthened, and correct posture is formed. The child’s body itself is drawn to what is desirable for it: an active change in body position.

Principles of technology 8 slide
The groups contain tasks for visual search - diagrams, algorithms, didactic syncwine, mnemonic tracks and mnemonic tables, cards for modeling, letters and numbers. In response to each question, children make dozens of searching movements with their eyes, head, and torso. This increases children's performance and reduces fatigue.
Children get up, walk, search, find and rejoice at their results. At the same time, they learn the material better and easier, visual-motor search activity develops, as well as visual-manual and bodily coordination. Signal marks change depending on the situation and time of year. They can be hung on chandeliers and on special “sensory crosses”. All kinds of cards can appear anywhere in the room. Children look for them, thereby switching their vision from near to long distance and vice versa. The exercises are performed in a free standing position and are based on visual search stimuli. The results of such exercises are the development of a sense of general and visual coordination and their synchronization, the development of visual-motor reactions, in particular, the speed of orientation in space, including reactions to extreme situations (such as road traffic, etc.).

Principles of technology slide 9
The use of visual coordination exercises and signal marks helps to train the muscles of the visual organs. The simplest simulator is a pointer in the hands of a teacher (with a signal mark on the end - a butterfly, a leaf, a bird, etc.) with which he draws any trajectory in the air. Diagrams of visual trajectories can be located on the wall and ceiling, on posters and cards. The frequency of such exercises depends on the length of time children stay in the room, as well as on the nature of visual work. Children spend a lot of time creatively, but with eye strain: drawing, sculpting, gluing, looking at pictures. Therefore, it is important to relieve this tension as much as possible.

Principles of technology 10 slide
To relieve eye fatigue and prevent myopia (myopia), special eye exercises are performed (according to the method of E.S. Avetisov) using signal marks.

Principles of technology 11 slide
Button simulator - a soft fabric mat 40 x 40 cm with buttons sewn on in random order for correctional work over posture, exercising correct positioning foot when walking, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the foot to prevent the development of flat feet, helping to massage the reflex points of the foot. Standing or sitting on such mats, you can perform various visual exercises, look at pictures, listen, and sing. Using choral singing according to the Bazarny method develops the habit of proper breathing– breathe through the nose, deeply, evenly, rhythmically.
So, the main points of technology according to V.F. Bazarny’s system are:
- increase in physical activity,
- prevention of visual fatigue in children,
- ensuring a rational working posture,
- formation of correct posture,
- stimulation intellectual development children and their mental performance.

Moving on to the general points found in the QTP and this TDT, I will note the following:

Legislative documents 12 slide
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
“On approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program preschool education»
(No. 655 dated November 23, 2009);
ZDT is recognized as a scientific discovery by the Academy of Medical Sciences;
protected by patents and copyrights;
approved by the institutes of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, RAMS, RAS;

Moving away from the training model 13 slide
With CTP, training through a system of classes is restructured to work with children on an “event-based” principle, based on seasonality, holidays, anniversaries, traditions, and thematic meetings.
Organized PRS is built with a focus on the zone of proximal development of each child and provides children with the opportunity to choose not only activities, but also the content and level of difficulty of games and tasks.
ZDT The educational model is based on the enslavement of the child’s body - a regime of systematic sitting, “short-sighted” and narrow-format vision; the motor-dynamic image of the child, with its meaning, motives and playful beginnings, is not taken into account.

When using this technology, classes are conducted in a mode of changing dynamic poses (sitting, standing, lying down), children are in socks, massage button rugs are used for the feet and various teaching materials are located throughout the room. With such modes of work in the classroom, children's attention, performance and motivation to study increase.

Integration of children's activities 14 slide
The complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process provides for the unification of a complex of various types of specific children's activities around a single “theme” and provides children with a holistic understanding of the world around them.
This planning system makes it possible to implement the principle of integration of educational areas.
ZDT Stimulating the emotional-imaginative creative right hemisphere in the learning process through novelty and constant change of tasks develops creative imagination, logical thinking, reaction speed, intelligence, motor activity, spatial orientation, promotes the organic development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities through the integration of all types children's activities:
educational and research
musical and artistic

Personal interest of children 15 slide
When implementing a complex thematic model, attention is drawn to the social and personal orientation, motivation of the educational process, and the fullness of life of all its participants.
ZDT The learning process becomes more accessible and exciting. The central point of working with children is voluntary participation, and since the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading type of activity is play, the game motivation of the participants is easily achieved, which contributes to personality-oriented interaction with children

Maintaining an emotionally positive attitude 16 slide
Children's consciousness perfectly retains events that are emotionally significant for them - holidays, exhibitions creative works, games, quizzes.
And for this it is necessary to use a large amount of various visual material: illustrations, paintings, models, household items, crafts, costume elements, which invariably causes joy and surprise in children.
The creation of PRS when using CTP is organically combined with the sensory-enriched environment of premises according to ZDT, contributes to the emergence of cognitive interest, and makes it possible to independently accumulate experience and comprehend it.
Changing dynamic poses and types of children's activities allows them to retain the attention and interest of children, use different channels of perception of the material, makes the activity attractive, and gives it a playful character.

Performance 17 slide
1. Implementation of the principle of constructing a program in a spiral, or from simple to complex
The introduction of similar topics and tasks, with a gradual increase in the complexity of tasks and the degree of participation of children, in different age groups, ensures the achievement of unity of educational goals and continuity in child development throughout the entire preschool age.
2. The fun of the educational process
The life of children in kindergarten is connected with the surrounding reality,
arouses interest, gives new vivid impressions, ideas and concepts.
3. “Accommodation” of the content of preschool education by the child in all types of children’s activities
The child is given the opportunity for self-realization and creative manifestation of his individuality.
4.Maintaining an emotionally positive attitude in children
In an emotional-figurative form, goals and objectives from different educational areas are integrated, which, enriching and complementing one another, contribute to the formation in the child’s mind of a holistic picture of the world, and the day in kindergarten is filled with joyful events and positive emotions.
5. Creating conditions for productive growth and harmonious development of the child
In joint activities with the teacher, the pupil takes a step forward in his development, and the teacher shifts the emphasis in the content of education from the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities to the formation in children of means and ways of acquiring knowledge in the course of specially organized independent activities of children.
6. Consolidation of public and family education
Children, together with teachers and parents, create their own living environment according to the laws of art and manual labor. Relations between children, parents and teachers become more favorable, because these are relations of allies doing one common good deed.

Nature has endowed the child's body with amazing capabilities, with a natural need for movement, and we, as best we can, not only satisfy it, but also develop it. The more actively a child is involved in the world of movements, the richer and more interesting his physical and mental development, the stronger his health, especially since preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health.

18 slide

Slide 19
Thank you for your attention!

Health-saving methodology of Vladimir Bazarny MBDOU TsRR -d/s "Parus" Slavyanka village, Khasansky municipal district Work experience was presented by: Tkachenko A.A. - head Kondrakova Yu.G. - senior. teacher Agapova T.V. - educator According to research from the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, during the period of study in children the frequency of visual impairments increases 5 times, posture disorders 3 times, and the number of children with borderline mental health disorders increases from 20 to 70%. Medicine today cannot cope with the problems of deteriorating children’s health, which is why the question of preventive work in an educational institution, of developing preschoolers from the very beginning early age conscious attitude towards one's health and healthy image life. Outstanding Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children.” Nowadays, all this is especially important, since a significant part of children come to kindergarten with health problems. The kindergarten must take measures aimed at improving the health of weakened children. Physical education work in MBDOU "Parus" Morning gymnastics Hardening of ECD "Physical culture" on the street and in the hall Air regime of premises Physical education minutes during ECD Rational clothing indoors and outdoors Gymnastics after sleep Outdoor games Breathing gymnastics Finger gymnastics Air baths Sports holidays Physical entertainment and games relay races Prevention of flat feet Joint leisure activities with parents Prevention of poor posture Gymnastics for the eyes “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing” Each preschool institution accumulates its own experience in protecting and preserving the health of pupils. For many years, the “red thread” in our kindergarten has been the task of creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the child, for strengthening his health, for physical and psychological safety. By starting this work, we have created a material base. For this purpose, 4 medical rooms were allocated: a treatment room, a senior nurse’s room with an isolation room, a physiotherapy room and a room for taking an oxygen cocktail. The physiotherapy room is equipped with a massage couch (as prescribed by the doctor, the children received qualified assistance from an experienced masseuse), UV, UHF, and electrophoresis devices. Head nurse having additional education procedural nurse, treats children after illness as prescribed by the doctor. All children receive an oxygen cocktail at the request of their parents (every 10 days). “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.” At the same time, the gym was equipped. By participating in the All-Russian competition of innovative school technologies in 2006, as part of the gymnasium, we won 1,000,000. This allowed us to purchase several types of exercise equipment for the gym, trampolines, equipment for sports games (table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton), and small equipment. And at the request of the parents, sports sections were organized. "Health is reserves of strength: immune, protective, physical and spiritual. And they are not given initially, but are cultivated according to the laws of education. And the science of education is pedagogy" V. Bazarny. A well-thought-out system for improving the health of children in groups (breathing exercises, aromatherapy, physical education classes, physical education minutes in class. Daily gymnastics after daytime sleep, which includes barefoot walking in combination with air baths, corrective exercises, massage to prevent flat feet and poor posture). All this work was useful and produced results. Cases of diseases decreased from 178 to 129. And from 2009-2012. there was no outbreak of influenza. Chronic diseases did not decrease. They changed name and slightly quantity. The analysis showed that 2-year-old children with chronic diseases come to kindergarten. In 2013 out of 39 newly arrived 2-year-olds, only 3 were with health group 1, 4 with chronic dermatitis and allergies, and the rest with health group 2. The famous doctor Leonid Roshal said that never before in our country, not counting the period after October Revolution and the Great Patriotic War, there was no such situation with the health of preschoolers as there is now. “A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.” The main problems of illness in children of school and senior preschool age are related to the condition of the spine and vision. Every year, children with vision problems (myopia) leave the walls of our kindergarten for school. It was the problem of deteriorating vision of preschoolers in our kindergarten that became very acute and motivated us to search for new health-saving technologies. Therefore, we were faced with the task of finding a rational combination of technologies that would be aimed at preserving children’s vision and preventing postural disorders in our kindergarten. Having studied the system of health-saving pedagogical technologies of Vladimir Filippovich Bazarny, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, we came to the conclusion that it fully meets our needs. Moreover, the technologies have been tested in schools and kindergartens in Russia and have shown good results in improving children’s health. Bazarny Vladimir Filippovich Scientist, doctor, musician and innovative teacher, head of the Research and Development Laboratory of Physiological and Health Problems of Education of the Administration of the Moscow Region (Sergiev Posad), Doctor of Medical Sciences, full member of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation. The founder of a new direction in science – health-development pedagogy. Together with his students, he created the theory of “Sensory freedom and psychomotor emancipation.” The “dynamic poses” mode by V.F. Bazarny offers two options. The first is the use of a tabletop desk, the second is where it is possible to change the position of the children. At tables - sitting, standing, on the carpet - sitting, standing, lying down. Ideally, in both the first and second cases, children stand on massage mats, wearing socks. The most important thing in the Bazarny system is to remove the immobilized lifestyle of the child during training. The child’s motor activity comes to the fore. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the location of the tables so that everyone has free space to stand on the massage mat. And under no circumstances should you force a child to stand up until he feels the need to do so. The main thing in this technology is not the duration of standing, but the very fact of changing positions. This regime has a beneficial effect on the following factors: - maintaining physical and mental activity of the mental sphere; - has high indicators of physical health development; - the immune system increases; - growth processes improve; - coordination of all organs develops (visual-manual, bodily-coordinating, psycho-emotional); - the degree of low head inclination is reduced. The next technology is to build classes in the mode of “moving objects and visual horizons” “No obstruction to the eye!” - one of the principles of V.F. Bazarny. Methodology of sensory-coordinating training with the help of changing visual-signal plots (pictures, numbers, letters, geometric shapes in the corners) Attractive bright objects - visual marks - are fixed in various areas of the group. They can be toys or colorful pictures. They are located in the corners. Toys (pictures) are selected in such a way that together they form a single visual and playful plot (for example, from famous fairy tales). The plot changes once every 2 weeks. To activate the body, including a general sense of coordination and balance, it is recommended to perform exercises only in a standing position. A mandatory point is that under each picture one of the numbers 1-2-3-4 is placed in the appropriate sequence. For this purpose, all children periodically rise, and counting 1, 2, 3, 4, they quickly alternately fix their gaze on the indicated visual marks, combining movements of the head, eyes and torso. Diagram of visual-motor trajectories (ophthalmic simulator) Methodology for working with the ophthalmic simulator On the simulator, special arrows indicate the main directions in which the gaze should move during the exercise: forward-backward, left-right, clockwise and counterclockwise, in a figure of eight . Each trajectory has its own color. This makes the design bright, colorful and eye-catching. Exercises are performed only under electric lighting. standing, when turned off Ophthalmic simulator “Snail” Ophthalmic simulator “Ship” Ophthalmic simulator “Tumbler and Christmas tree” Ophthalmic simulator “Track” Ophthalmic simulator “Numbers” “Track” “SENSOR CROSSES” “SENSOR CROSSES” “Sensory crosses” are hung from the ceiling in a group. Various objects are attached to them (pictures in accordance with thematic planning and age, flat and voluminous geometric shapes, letters, words, etc.). During OD, the teacher periodically draws the children’s attention to this or that manual, asks them to find something, name it, give a description, etc. Children search with their eyes required material, thereby training your vision, eliminating fatigue and tension from the eyes. Natural and ecological panels are covered with mock-ups, mannequins and cards. Special training visual games “Catch the Bunny” It is advisable to play in those classes where the visual load is the highest. Children stand in columns, hands on their belts, shoulders laid back, back straight, gaze directed upwards. The teacher is located in front on the side. He turns on the electric flashlight and “lets the bunny out” for a walk. The “bunny” runs in different directions along the walls and ceiling of the group. Children, having caught the “bunny” with their eyes, accompany him, trying not to let him out of sight, without turning their heads. The teacher marks the most diligent “hunters”. Special restorative visual games “Colorful Dreams” The game is played in a sitting position after hard work. As instructed by the teacher, children close their eyes, covering them with their palms, and lower their heads. The teacher names the colors, and the players try to “see” a given color in something with their eyes closed (blue sky, green grass, yellow sun, and so on). Having selectively surveyed the children about what they saw, the teacher names another color. When responding to the teacher who approaches the children and touches their shoulder, the children maintain their original position. The duration of one game cycle (each color) is 15–20 seconds, the total duration of the game is 1 minute. Special restorative visual games “Blind Man’s Bluff” Players close their eyes tightly for 3–4 seconds. At this time, the teacher changes the location of the objects on the table, on the board, on the desk. Having opened their eyes at a signal, children strive to look for changes. The teacher selectively asks them what changes they noticed. When closing their eyes, children strain their eyelids as much as possible. The total duration of the game is 1.5 minutes. I would like to wish teachers who will begin to use V.F. Bazarny’s health-saving technology: “Experience is more valuable than any teachers. Don’t worry, if you don’t succeed, don’t give up, try again, and you will succeed.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! SEE YOU AGAIN!