Rules of conduct when hijacking an aircraft. If there is “reliable information” about their capture by terrorists

The plane is always hijacked twice: first by the hijackers, then by the special forces. These actions are equally dangerous and the main commandment is to unquestioningly carry out the commands: first of the invaders, then of the counter-terrorist group.

Unless you have special training, do not try to be heroic while you can. You are dealing with a criminal who has already crossed a certain line, and the fear of another crime is unlikely to stop him.

Experience shows that hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock. This is what you should remember first of all when you find yourself on an unhappy plane.

Experts advise remembering “non-resistance to evil through violence,” which will reduce the risk to a minimum. This behavior usually dulls the vigilance of bandits and in any case helps to gain time, which is the most valuable resource for hostages. When flying, it is better to dress discreetly; men should avoid khaki-colored clothes and those with camouflage patterns; women should not overuse “minis” and jewelry. In order to pass the time during the flight, you should not stock up on publications of a political, religious, militaristic or pornographic nature. Accordingly, try to avoid talking to strangers about these topics.

When a plane is hijacked, proceed calmly and don't ask questions. Don't look terrorists in the eyes, obey their orders without arguing. Try not to react to provocative or defiant behavior of bandits. Don't do anything that will attract the attention of invaders. Give up personal belongings if terrorists demand it. Keep a photo of your family and children handy - and terrorists can be sentimental. Try to keep yourself busy: reading, playing, or talking with your neighbors. Don't drink alcohol. Try not to irritate the invaders in any way; you should not cry loudly or express dissatisfaction. Remember: if negotiations with terrorists drag on, first class passengers, as the most important ones, may become the first victims of the invaders as proof that they are ready to do anything.

The attack on a hijacked plane is carried out with lightning speed. The assault team captures the aircraft in a few moments, usually using blinding and stunning hand grenades. The operation is carried out simultaneously from different points. The liberation team, advancing in the smoke, shouts at the passengers to lie down on the floor and shoots at any armed persons or anyone who remains standing.

If when communicating with criminals it is better to sit near the aisle, then when a capture group appears, it is safer to sit near a wall or a porthole. When you hear strong pops outside, gather yourself - most likely the capture group's charges have gone off, after which the hatches will separate. The next pops in the cabin are tear gas bombs, flash grenades, etc.

You must close your eyes and hold your breath, bend down as low as possible. Don't rub your eyes. The safest position is to put your hands behind your head and cover your neck. Elbows - sides and stomach.

While the capture group is working, you cannot run, fall into the arms of the liberators, or stand while the command is given to passengers to fall to the floor. Of course, special forces soldiers do not necessarily shoot at everyone who runs towards them, but we must keep in mind that passengers and terrorists usually do not differ in clothing.

Do not run out of the plane until the order is given, do not fuss; When you are released, get out as quickly as possible, do not waste time looking for your things - the plane can still explode or catch fire.

When a plane is hijacked by terrorists

Under no circumstances should you panic, do not jump up, remain seated in your chair. Do not argue with terrorists, do not provoke them to use weapons, in the absence of special training, do not try to neutralize terrorists yourself, keep your neighbors from doing this.

Accept the humiliation and insults that terrorists may subject you to.

Do not discuss terrorist affiliation with passengers.

Avoid anything that might draw attention to you.

If there are crying children or sick moaning people among the passengers, do not express your dissatisfaction, control yourself. Any outbreak of negative emotions can explode an already tense situation.

Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Whatever happens, do not try to intercede for the crew members. Your intervention can only complicate the situation.

Never be outraged by the actions of pilots. The crew is always right. The flight attendant's order is law for the passenger.

Don't trust terrorists. They can say whatever they want, but they only pursue their own interests.

Behave with dignity. Think not only about yourself, but also about other passengers.

If you see that one of the crew members has left the plane, under no circumstances draw the attention of other passengers to this fact. The crew's actions may be noticed by terrorists.

If possible, be prepared for the moment the special operation to free the plane begins if, based on indirect signs, you feel that negotiations with them have not yielded results.

If a rescue operation is undertaken, try to take a position so that terrorists cannot grab you and use you as a human shield: fall down, or hide behind the back of a chair, clasping your head in your hands and remain there until you are allowed to rise.

Note: Security forces may mistake anyone who moves for a terrorist.

Leave the plane as quickly as possible. Don't stop to look for personal items.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer questions from investigators, and remember the details of what happened in advance. This will help the investigation and save your own time.

Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist act

Always control the situation around you, especially when you are at transport facilities, cultural, entertainment, sports and shopping centers.

If you find forgotten things, without touching them, inform the driver, facility staff, security service, and police. Do not try to look inside a suspicious package, box, or other item.

Don’t pick up ownerless items, no matter how attractive they look.

They may contain camouflaged explosive devices (in beer cans, cell phones, etc.). Do not kick objects lying on the ground in the street.

If the security forces and law enforcement agencies suddenly become more active, do not show curiosity, walk in the other direction, but do not run, so as not to be mistaken for the enemy.

If there is an explosion or shooting starts, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (a curb, a sales tent, a car, etc.). For greater safety, cover your head with your hands.

If you accidentally learn about an impending terrorist attack, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies.

If you become aware of a crime being prepared or committed, immediately report it to the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We must remember that a plane is most often hijacked twice: first by terrorists, then by special forces. Both of these actions are dangerous, and the most important commandment is to unquestioningly follow commands:

Experience shows that hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock.

Here are some tips on how to behave if the plane you were on was hijacked by terrorists:

    first of all, you need to calm down yourself and, if possible, calm down your neighbor;

    carefully inspect the place where you are, mark places where you can hide in the event of a firefight;

    try not to stand out in a group of hostages and not irritate the bandits in any way;

    do not cough loudly, blow your nose, cry or express your dissatisfaction;

    if you want to stand up, move to another seat, or open your purse, ask permission;

    give away personal belongings that the terrorists demand;

    when shooting, take cover behind the seat and cover your head with your hands, but don’t run anywhere;

    The hijacking of an airplane can last for several days, during which time the attitude of the hijackers towards the passengers improves, so do not lose faith in a successful outcome.

Often during negotiations, bandits release children, women and the sick. If you are among this number, you must help the remaining passengers on board the plane as much as possible. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible: the number of hijackers, what part of the plane they are in, how they are dressed, their behavior (aggression, exposure to drugs, alcohol), who is the leader in the group and other signs that you were able to notice.

If when communicating with terrorists it is better to sit near the aisle, then when a capture group appears, it is safer to sit near a wall or a porthole.

When hijacking an aircraft by special forces, you must:

    close your eyes and hold your breath, just as tear gas might be used. Don't rub your eyes. The safest position is to put your hands behind your head and cover your neck. Cover your sides and stomach with your elbows;

    you can't run;

    stand while the command is given to fall to the floor;

    do not run out of the plane until the command is given;

    do not fuss, when released, leave as quickly as possible;

    Don’t waste time looking for your carry-on luggage - the plane could still catch fire or explode.

3. Civil defense and its tasks.

Civil defense- a system of measures to prepare for the defense and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. Organization and management civil defense are one of the most important functions of the state, components of defense construction, ensuring state security.

Civil defense (CD) is one of the most important functions of the state, an integral part of defense construction and ensuring the security of the country's population. The overall management of civil defense is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation. The management of civil defense in the federal districts of the executive branch is provided by their leaders, who are ex officio chiefs of civil defense. Currently, a fairly effective legislative and regulatory framework has been formed aimed at ensuring human safety. Federal laws “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, “On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers” and “On civil defense” were adopted. Protection of the population is achieved through the preparation and use of modern forces and means of defense, and the introduction of advanced technologies. To improve radiation and chemical protection, it is planned to create and timely refresh a reserve of personal protective equipment, medical protective equipment, medicines and medical equipment. In addition, the most important task of civil defense is to increase the sustainability of the functioning of important economic facilities. There is a well-functioning state mechanism for preventing the occurrence and development of emergency situations, reducing losses among the population and material damage in the economy. In connection with the increased threat of the use of chemical, biological and other types of weapons, the civil defense leadership is paying serious attention to the use of civil defense resources to counter terrorism, the development of a surveillance and laboratory control network.

Main tasks

The main tasks solved by civil defense:

    protection of the population from the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and modern means of destruction (fires, explosions, releases of highly toxic substances, epidemics, etc.);

    coordination of the activities of management bodies to forecast, prevent and eliminate the consequences of environmental disasters, accidents and catastrophes;

    creation and maintenance of control, warning, communication systems, organization of observation and control of the radiation, chemical and biological situation;

    increasing the sustainability of economic facilities and industries, and their functioning in emergency conditions;

    carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work;

    search for crashed spaceships, airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft;

    special training of leading personnel and forces, general training of the population in methods of protection and actions in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime;

    accumulation of a fund of protective structures to shelter the population;

    providing the population with personal protective equipment and organizing the production of simple protective equipment by the population themselves;

    evacuation of the population from large cities and adjacent settlements that may fall into the zone of possible severe destruction or catastrophic flooding;

    organizing warnings to the population about the threat of enemy attack from the air, about radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination, and natural disasters;

    training the population to protect themselves from weapons of mass destruction, as well as to conduct rescue and emergency recovery operations.

4. Civil defense signals and actions of the population on them.

Actions on civil defense alerts

Among the protective measures of civil defense carried out

in advance, the organization of notification of authorities is especially important

civil defense, formations and the population about the threat of enemy attack

and about their use of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological)

weapons and other modern means attacks. Special Significance Alert

acquires in the event of a surprise enemy attack, when real time

to warn the population will be extremely limited and counted


According to the foreign press, it is believed that timely notification

population and the possibility of sheltering it 10-15 minutes after notification will allow

reduce casualties in case of sudden use of weapons of mass by the enemy

lesions from 85% to 4-7%. Therefore, protecting the population from

weapons of mass destruction even if there are sufficient shelters and

shelters will depend on a well-organized warning system,

the organization of which is entrusted to the civil defense headquarters.

Modern long-range detection systems make it possible to quickly identify

only the location and direction of the carrier’s movement, but also the time of its approach. This

ensures signal transmission via the warning system to civilian headquarters

defense and facilities.

The notification is organized for timely delivery to civil authorities.

defense, formations and population signals, orders and information

civil defense about evacuation, enemy air attack, radiation

danger, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination, threat

flooding, the beginning of dispersal, etc.

These signals and orders are communicated to the civil defense headquarters of the facilities

centrally. The timing of their completion is of paramount importance. Reduction

notification deadlines are achieved by the extraordinary use of all types of communication,

television and radio broadcasting, the use of special equipment and means for

giving sound and light signals.

All signals are transmitted via communication channels and radio broadcast networks, as well as

through local radio stations. At the same time, instructions are transmitted

the order of actions of the population and formations, the approximate time is indicated

the beginning of radioactive fallout, the time of arrival of contaminated air and

time of arrival of contaminated air and type of toxic substances.

Signals given by a higher headquarters are duplicated by all subordinate headquarters.

For the purpose of timely warning population of cities and rural areas

settlements about the emergence of an immediate danger from the use

opponent of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) or

other weapons and the need to apply protective measures, the following are established

civil defense warning signals: "Air raid warning" "Air alert"

alarms"; "Radiation Hazard"; "Chemical Alert"

Civil defense headquarters of cities can install a variety of

signaling equipment and communication means that allow using the remote control

turn on the public address system and home radio broadcast network,

carry out simultaneous calls to the management of the city and facilities

national economy via circular telephone network, receive orders

higher headquarters and transmit their orders and warning signals to headquarters

civil defense facilities and the population.

Air raid signal served to the entire population. He warns

about the immediate danger of the enemy’s defeat of a given city (district). By

the radio broadcast network transmits the text: “Attention1 Attention! Citizens!

Air raid alert Air alert! At the same time, the signal is duplicated

the sound of sirens, horns of factories and vehicles. At the facilities the signal will be

be duplicated by all means at their disposal. Duration

signal 2-3 minutes.

At this signal, objects stop working, transport stops and everything

the population takes refuge in protective structures. Workers and employees stop

work in accordance with established instructions and instructions from the administration,

eliminating the occurrence of accidents. Where according to the technological process or

safety requirements cannot stop production, those on duty remain,

for which individual shelters are built.

Signal « Air raid alert» can catch people anywhere and in

the most unexpected time. In all cases, you should act quickly, but

calm, confident and without panic. Strict adherence to the rules of conduct for this

signal significantly reduces loss of life.

Air raid clear signal transmitted by civil defense authorities.

The text is transmitted over the radio broadcast network: “Attention! Attention citizens!

Air raid all clear? Air raid warning cleared." According to this signal, the population from

permission of the commandants (seniors) of shelters and shelters leaves them. Workers and

employees return to their workplaces and begin work.

In cities (areas where the enemy struck with weapons of mass destruction)

defeat, information about the current situation is transmitted to those being sheltered

outside shelters, about the measures taken to eliminate the consequences of the attack, “

behavior patterns of the population and other necessary information for subsequent

actions of the sheltered.

Signal "Radiation danger" served in populated areas and regions,

in the direction towards which the radioactive cloud formed during

explosion of a nuclear weapon.

At the “Radiation Hazard” signal, you must put on a respirator,

anti-dust fabric mask or cotton-gauze bandage, and in their absence

Gas mask, take a prepared supply of food, personal equipment

medical protection, first aid items

necessary and go to a shelter, anti-radiation or simple shelter.

The "Chemical Alert" signal is sounded when there is a threat or immediate

detection of chemical or bacteriological attack (contamination). By

This signal requires you to quickly put on a gas mask, and in case

necessary - and means of skin protection and, at the first opportunity, take refuge in

protective structure.

If there is no protective structure nearby, then from damage by aerosols

poisonous substances and bacterial agents can be hidden in residential,

production or utility rooms.

If it is established that the enemy used bacteriological

(biological) weapons, then according to the warning systems the population will receive

It is necessary to be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions

orders of civil defense authorities. That the danger of attack

the enemy has passed, and the order of further actions is ordered

will arrive through the same communication channels as the alert signal.

The main way to notify the population. Content of speech information.

The main way to notify the population about the occurrence of danger and order

action is the transmission of messages via radio and television.

In case of an accident at a chemical facility the content of the information can be

following: “Attention! This is the city's civil defense headquarters speaking. Citizens!

There was an accident at the plant with the release of a potent toxic substance

Ammonia. A cloud of contaminated air spreads towards the village

Zarechny. The population of Novaya, Zelenaya, Sadovaya streets is in the buildings. Carry out

sealing their homes.

The population of Zavodskaya and Kuznechnaya streets should immediately leave residential buildings,

institutions, educational institutions and go to the area of ​​Lake Blishnoe. In the future

act in accordance with our instructions."

In case of an accident at a nuclear power plant: "Attention! Civil headquarters speaking

area defense. Citizens! There was an accident at a nuclear power plant. IN

In the area of ​​the Novospassky village, fallout of radioactive substances is expected.

The population of the village is in residential buildings. Seal the premises and

prepare for evacuation. In the future, act in accordance with

instructions from the Civil Defense headquarters."

In case of flood:"Attention! This is the district civil defense headquarters speaking.

Citizens! Due to a sudden increase in water level in the Serebryanka River

flooding of houses is expected in the area of ​​Nekrasova, Rechnaya, Zheleznodorozhnaya and

Severny village. The population of these streets and the village collect the necessary things,

food for 3 days, water, turn off gas and electricity and go to the area

school No. 7 for registration at the prefabricated evacuation point and sending to safe

Approximately the same messages will be sent in the event of a threat

other accidents, disasters and natural disasters.

When there is a threat of enemy attack local

authorities and civil defense headquarters with the help of the media transmit

resolutions or instructions on the procedure for the population. From now on

radio points, televisions must be constantly turned on to receive new

messages. The population must take the necessary measures as soon as possible

protection and participate in the implementation of activities carried out by civil defense.

It is very important to immediately clarify the location of the nearest shelter(s) and the approach route

to him. If there are no protective structures nearby, you need to start immediately

to the construction of a simple shelter or the adaptation of buried

premises (even the 1st floor of a stone building) under the nuclear reactor. This work actively

High school students must also participate.

It is necessary to bring in. readiness of personal protective equipment,

adapt the means at hand, get a home first aid kit.

In residential premises, windows, doors,

fire prevention measures; take measures to protect food products,

water from possible contamination (contamination).

It is necessary to prepare everything you need in case


Subsequently, in the immediate danger of enemy air strikes

the “Air raid warning!” signal is given - it is preceded by the “Attention” signal

everyone!”, and then the following will be broadcast via radio and television: “Attention!

Attention! This is 101 Civil Defense Headquarters speaking. Citizens! Air raid alert!

Air raid alert! Turn off the electricity, gas, water, extinguish the fire in the stoves.

Take personal protective equipment, documents,

supply of food and water. Warn neighbors and help if necessary

the sick and elderly go outside. Get to the security guard as quickly as possible

structures or take shelter in the area.

Keep calm and order. Be attentive to civilian messages


After the signal “Attention everyone!” other information may follow,

for example, about the impending threat of radioactive or bacteriological

infection. And in these cases a short message about the order will be sent

actions and rules of conduct.

Actions of the population in the zone of radioactive contamination (contamination).

If you are in an area of ​​radioactive contamination (contamination), you must

strictly follow the regime radiation protection, established by the Civil Defense headquarters in

depending on the degree of infection (pollution) of the area. If for any reason

reason the civil defense message will not be received, for some time you can be guided


In a moderately infested area the population is in shelter, as a rule,

several hours, after which it can move to a regular room. From home

You can go out for no more than 4 hours on the first day.

In a heavily infested area people should be in shelters (shelters) until three

days, if absolutely necessary, you can go out for 3-4 hours a day. At the same time

It is necessary to wear respiratory and skin protection.

In the zone of dangerous contamination people should be in shelters and shelters three

days or more, after which you can move to the living quarters and not stay in it

less than four days. You can only leave the premises for short periods of time

period (no more than 4 hours per day).

In an extremely dangerous infection zone stay of the population is possible

only in protective structures with a radiation dose reduction coefficient of about

In all cases, when outside the shelter and buildings, means are used

personal protection. As a prophylactic agent that reduces

harmful effects of radioactive radiation, radiation protective devices are used

tablets from the AI ​​kit.

Typical radiation protection regimes.

The radiation protection regime is the order of actions of the population, the use

means and methods of protection in radioactive contamination zones (as a result of

nuclear explosion), providing for the maximum reduction of possible doses


Radiation protection mode No. 1 mainly used in populated areas

with wooden buildings that provide a 2-fold reduction in radiation, and PRU,

weakening radiation by 50 times (closed cracks, basements).

Radiation protection mode No. 2 is provided for settlements with

stone one-story buildings, providing radiation attenuation of 10

times, and PRU, weakening radiation by 50 times.

Radiation protection mode No. 3 designed for settlements With

multi-story stone buildings that provide attenuation of radiation in

20-30 times, and PRUs that attenuate radiation by 200-400 times (basements of multi-story

Each radiation protection mode defines the time during which

you must constantly be in the control room (stage 1), then alternately in the control room and at home

(stage 2) and, finally, mainly houses with short-term access to the street

for urgent matters in general for no more than 1 hour (stage 3).

In areas of heavy radioactive contamination as a result

accident at a nuclear power plant, the population must be evacuated as soon as possible

deadlines. Residents of adjacent areas where the radiation dose rate does not exceed 5

mR/h (so-called strict control areas), must comply

hygiene requirements, in particular, daily wet cleaning

residential premises, wash your hands with soap as often as possible, follow storage rules

food and water (these rules of life were developed by the headquarters

Civil defense and health authorities. These same bodies carry out full

population prevention.

Action of the population in the zone of chemical contamination.

In a chemical contamination zone, you should stay in a shelter (shelter) until

receiving an order to withdraw from it. Coming out of shelter (shelter)

It is necessary to wear respiratory protection.

The direction of exit from the contaminated zone is indicated by signs, when

In their absence, you need to go out in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

In the contaminated area, you must not take anything from the contaminated area, sit down or

lie down on the ground. Even if you are very tired, you should not remove the products

personal protection. If drops of chemical agent or chemical agent hit open areas of the body or

clothing should be immediately treated with PPI.

After leaving the contaminated area, remove personal protective equipment.

protection, and especially a gas mask, is not allowed without permission, because the surface

clothing, shoes and protective equipment can be contaminated with agents. Those who received defeats

First aid must be provided immediately: administer an antidote

(antidote) treat exposed areas of the body with the contents of the PPI. after

why take them to a medical station. All those who left the infection zone

clothing must undergo complete sanitary treatment and decontamination

special washing points.

Actions of the population in the focus of bacteriological damage.

At the site of bacteriological damage to prevent spread

infectious diseases, a special regime may be introduced - quarantine or


The population located in the focus of bacteriological damage must strictly

comply with the requirements of the civil defense medical service, especially the regime

nutrition. It is allowed to eat only those products that have been stored

in refrigerators or in closed containers. In addition, both food and water for

Sewing must be subjected to heat treatment.

In these conditions, constant keeping clean is of great importance.

dwellings, courtyards, common areas. Must be followed carefully

personal hygiene requirements: wash weekly, change underwear and bedding

underwear, keep hands, hair, etc. clean.

In all cases, being in the focus of bacteriological damage, the population

must be calm and disciplined and strictly implement

established rules.

5. Actions of citizens in case of fire in the house and in transport.

Unfortunately, each of us can become a victim of terrorist hijacking. There are more than 500 terrorist groups in the world, which are in almost every corner globe left their mark. Moreover, a terrorist attack can occur in any public place, be it a station, market, theater or metro, transport, and so on. Of course, we hope that this will not affect us, but capture, as a rule, occurs suddenly, so it is better to play it safe and familiarize yourself with the rules safe behavior hostages.

Let's consider the algorithm of actions

Here are the basic rules for hostage behavior. So:

  1. The first thing to do is to calm down, not to panic and try to soberly assess the current situation.
  2. Instill confidence in yourself about salvation and convince others of this. Remember that in 95% of cases the hostages survived.
  3. Liberation may not happen immediately, so you need to prepare for it mentally and physically.
  4. Try to relax, restore calm and deep breathing.
  5. Be prepared to move around. But do not try to run if you are not 100% sure of the successful completion of the event.
  6. If possible, keep any things with you: pencil, pen, medicine, etc., as well as food and water supplies.
  7. Remember as much information about terrorists as possible. Observe their behavior, track their gestures, facial expressions, if there are no masks, remember their accent, body type, conversation topics, numbers, everything that can later help in catching the criminals.
  8. Try to determine by any signs the place where you are.
  9. If possible, try to position yourself away from windows and doors, because you can get hurt during the assault. Lie down on the floor and cover your head with your hands, do not move.
  10. Under no circumstances should you run towards or away from rescuers; you may be mistaken for criminals.
  11. If another hostage is injured, provide first aid. Arterial bleeding can be stopped by tightening a regular belt above the wound, venous bleeding - vice versa.

Of course, the most difficult thing to cope with is panic, which often leads to trouble. You need to come to your senses and start thinking.

What to do if there is a threat of attack and capture?

  • Always be on guard, especially in crowded places, airports, parks, shopping centers, public transport and so on. Don’t be afraid to look ridiculous in the event of an unconfirmed danger; perhaps with your actions you can prevent a tragedy. That is, if you notice a suspicious box, package, bag, do not approach the object, but inform the driver or the security authorities.
  • Do not lift mobile phones, banks or other things under any circumstances, as there may be an explosive device planted there. Do not kick objects lying under your feet.
  • If security forces become active, walk in the opposite direction, but slowly and remain calm so as not to be mistaken for the enemy.
  • If the capture and shooting begins, immediately lie down on the ground face down, covering your head with your hands. If there is cover, hide behind it, it could be a curb, a car, a sales tent.
  • If you become aware of an upcoming terrorist attack, immediately notify law enforcement agencies.

But under no circumstances should you try to joke with such things, it is punishable by law.

Let's consider the rules of behavior in the event of a threat of hostage-taking.

If there is a threat of a terrorist attack through an explosion

What you should be wary of:

  • Unknown and abandoned cars parked at the entrances of houses.
  • The presence of any antennas, wires, wire, electrical tape, etc. on the car or any other household item.
  • Unattended items, especially if there is a suspicious sound coming from them.
  • Unpleasant and uncharacteristic odor for the area.

These precautions can save your life.

If an explosive device is found

Your actions are as follows:

  • Don't go near him, don't touch him.
  • Report to law enforcement immediately.
  • Remember! The use of any means of radio communication, for example, a mobile phone, can trigger the radio fuse.
  • Wait for law enforcement representatives, but at a safe distance from them, and then show him.

Under no circumstances should you panic.

If you find yourself in a crowded place

Consider the following rules of conduct for hostages. In such situations, people often suffer from their own wrong actions, and not from the hands of terrorists, through the resulting crush. And the reason for this is panic. How to behave:

  1. Look at what is happening around you and determine the safest place.
  2. Try to move away from the center of the crowd, trash cans, boxes, bags, boxes, fences, metal fences, etc.
  3. Calm down and don't draw attention to yourself by shouting.
  4. Stay away from aggressive groups of people and don't get into fights.
  5. Try to leave the dangerous place, freeing yourself from things that hinder your movements.
  6. Keep your hands free, get rid of all objects, fasten buttons and zippers.
  7. You can't go against the crowd! You need to go with the flow to save time and energy. Move with your arms spread out to the sides and your elbows bent, this will protect you from squeezing your chest and ensure even and deep breathing.
  8. Do not allow yourself to be pushed, do not bend, otherwise, if you fall in the crush, you may not get up again.

If you do end up on the floor, don't panic. Quickly group yourself by lying on your side, pressing your bent knees to your chest, covering your head with your hands. And get up at the first opportunity.

The goal is to stay alive!

There are rules of conduct when taking hostages; you need to know them so as not to suffer from criminals. So:

  1. The main rule is not to provoke terrorists to use weapons and kill victims.
  2. Endure humiliation and insults. Do not look closely into the eyes of the criminal, do not attract attention.
  3. Whenever possible, obey the invaders. You cannot contradict them, so as not to endanger your life and those around you. Control emotional state, do not allow hysterics and panic.
  4. Before any action, such as going to the toilet, drinking or accessing food and medicine, ask the offenders for permission.
  5. If you are wounded and there is no one to help, try not to move, this way you will lose less blood.

At the moment of attack by invaders, if there are no criminals with weapons nearby, try to hide or even escape, there may not be another chance. If you have children with you, stay close to them, if possible, hide them in a safe place. Knowing the rules of hostage behavior will help you escape.

Airplane hijacking

There are certain rules behavior in case of hostage taking. Let's look at them:

  • The main thing is to get rid of the panic attack. Any exclamation, crying, cry for help, or hysteria will be regarded by the bandits as disobedience. And all because they themselves are in a nervous state. If possible, reassure your neighbor.
  • Try not to stand out from the crowd, do not irritate or contradict the invaders.
  • Don't make noise or cough or sneeze loudly.
  • If you need to go to the toilet, ask permission.
  • If the invaders demand personal belongings, give them back.
  • Do not defend crew members.
  • Don't complain about airplane pilots.
  • If children are crying nearby, do not get irritated, remain silent and control yourself.
  • If one of the passengers managed to leave the plane, do not draw the attention of other people to this fact.

The rules of conduct in the event of being taken hostage are, in principle, the same everywhere. The main thing is to remain calm. Only then will a person be able to think rationally and make informed and deliberate decisions. Remember, other people may also suffer because of this. Let's look at a few more common ones when taking hostages.

How to behave correctly?

  • Don't disrupt the established order by terrorists. You should not try to contact your family or law enforcement agencies, you need to be patient and wait for the release operation.
  • Do not show your fear under any circumstances.
  • Don't lose your composure. Don't focus on your experiences. Distract yourself, remember the verse from school curriculum, an old joke or a pleasant moment in life, a punning situation, read a prayer for calm.

The main thing when following the rules of conduct for hostages is not to lose self-control. A person overwhelmed by emotions is unable to make informed decisions.

If you are in long-term confinement

The rules of conduct during hostage taking will be as follows:

  • Eliminate feelings of pity, resentment and confusion. Prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming trials.
  • Drive away despair.
  • Do not lose faith in salvation, remember that over time the chances of liberation increase.
  • If conditions allow, make a schedule of classes, set aside a day intellectual pursuits, read, the other is physical exercise.
  • Do not refuse the food offered, even if it is tasteless, eat with force so as not to weaken.
  • If you are injured, the main thing is to bandage the wound and stop the bleeding, and help others.

Don't make the main mistake - you will never become a friend to an action movie. You should not take his side, show any signs of sympathy, firstly, this will become a treacherous act in relation to other hostages, and secondly, this will subsequently lead to mental trauma and personality disintegration.

A little about the psychology of a hostage

Finding himself in such a situation, a person at first cannot believe it, because everything looks like a bad dream. But, despite this, it is necessary to accept the fact and strictly adhere to the rules of conduct for hostages.

Keep your sanity. Many hostages may have a protest reaction to injustice. And then he starts running. This absolutely cannot be done unless there is a 100% guarantee of release. The criminal can shoot, and with the murder of a person, his guilt before the law increases, he feels doomed, as a result of which he becomes even more embittered.

Remember: the bandit will shoot, even if a simple act of capture was planned for the purpose of blackmail and demands that their conditions be fulfilled. It is necessary to train the will, improve oneself, exercise the mind, learn self-control, so that in an emergency it is easier to control oneself and cope with a difficult task.