Chemistry tests inorganic chemistry online. Alternative tests for inorganic chemistry

There are only 26 questions in the tests. The question and the correct answer are given.

Tests for the school curriculum in chemistry

Liquid metal?


What are substances consisting of atoms of the same type called?


Color of phenolphthalein in alkalis?


Combustion gas?


What is the name of the smallest particle of a substance that determines its properties?


Volume of one mole of gas?


Who discovered the law of conservation of mass of substances?


Gas used for cutting and welding metals?


Smallest indivisible particle of elements?


What is the most abundant element on Earth?


What are the salts of sulfuric acid called?


Who discovered the periodic law?


What gas is most abundant in the Earth's atmosphere?


Which acid is saltier, sulfuric acid or carbonic acid?


Composition of a water molecule (water formula)?


What is the valence of oxygen?


Formula of nitric acid?

( HNO-3)

Lightest gas?


What is the name of the number that is written in front of formulas?


Specify the acid-free acid: sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric.


Speed ​​Changing Substances chemical reactions?


How many states of aggregation does water have?


Unit for measuring the amount of substance?


At what temperature does pure water boil?


Gas needed for breathing?


Formula of oxygen?


Chemistry test

I. Reveal the essence of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic law in the light of the theory of atomic structure.

1.Indicate the name of the element forming amphoteric compounds:

c) sodium.

2. Designate the element that is part of the main subgroup:

a) calcium,

b) iron,

3. Determine the number of electrons that can be contained in the f – sublevel of the electron shell:

4. Establish a correspondence between the number of electrons in the external energy level and the name of the chemical element:

a) 1, 1. potassium,

b) 2, 2. chlorine,

c) 3, 3. phosphorus,

d) 5. 4. aluminum,

5. Establish the sequence of increasing charge of the nucleus of the elements:

b) sodium,

c) rubidium,

d) sea anemone.

6. Match the element symbol and its name:

a)Al, 1.magnesium,

b) Na, 2. nitrogen (nitrogen),

c) N, 3. mercury,

d) Hg. 4. aluminum,

5. sodium.

7. Indicate the elements that can exhibit valency II:

a) sodium,

b) calcium,

c) aluminum.

d) magnesium,

d) bagriy,

d) iron.

8. Designate the element of the second group:

b) carbon (carbon),

c) aluminum,

9. Determine the molecular weight of the compound CaCo3:

10. Select a characteristic of the composition of a molecule of a simple substance:

a) consists of atoms of the same type,

b) consists of atoms of different types,

c) contains only two atoms.

d) contains only one atom.

11. Indicate the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom numbered 20:

II Methane. Describe the structure of molecules, properties and applications.

1. Designate the valence of carbon in organic compounds:

c) four,

2. Designate the homological difference in the homologous series of alkanes:

3. Specify the molecular formula of methane:

4. Indicate the possible products of methane combustion:

a) oxygen,

c) carbon dioxide,

5. Indicate the properties characteristic of methane:

a) gaseous,

b) liquid,

c) explosion hazard,

d) lighter than air,

e) good solubility in water.

6. Indicate possible products during the decomposition of methane:

a) molecular hydrogen,

b) atomic hydrogen,

7. The characteristic reaction of methane is:

a) substitutions,

b) accession,

c) exchange.

d) polymerization.

8. According to the molecular structure, methane is:

a) alkyne,

b) an alkene,

c) alkane,

d) cyclans.

9. Indicate the general molecular formula of the homologous series of alkanes:

b) Сu H2n – 2bb

d) Сu H2n – 4.

10. Label the compounds with which methane reacts:

11. Methane is used as a raw material in processes:

a) oxidation,

b) restoration,

c) polymerization,

d) synthesis of new substances,

I. Complex substances and mixtures

1. The composition is heterogeneous.
2. Consists of different substances.
3. They do not have permanent properties.
4. They have permanent properties.
5. Retains the properties of the original components.
6. They do not retain the properties of the original components.
7. Can be separated by physical methods.
8. Cannot be separated by physical methods.
9. The starting components are present in certain proportions.
10. The starting components are present in arbitrary ratios.
11. Rock granite is composed of quartz, mica and feldspar.
12. The iron sulfide molecule consists of iron and sulfur atoms.
13. They can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
14. composition is expressed by a chemical formula.

Complex substances

II. Atom and molecule

1. The smallest particle of a chemical element.
2. The smallest particle of a substance that retains its properties.
3. There are forces of mutual attraction and repulsion.
4. During physical phenomena they are preserved, during chemical phenomena they are destroyed.
5. Particles vary in size and properties.
6. Are in continuous motion.
7. Have a chemical symbol.
8. They have a chemical formula.
9. They have quantitative characteristics: mass, relative mass, valency, oxidation state.
10. Can connect with each other.
11. During chemical reactions they are not destroyed, but rearranged.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Job number


III. Simple substance and chemical element

1. A collection of atoms of the same type.
2. Consists of atoms of the same type.
3. In chemical reactions it cannot decompose to form several other substances.
4. Oxygen is a gas that is slightly soluble in water.
5. Fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water.
6. Iron is a metal that is attracted by a magnet.
7. Iron is part of iron sulfide.
8. An oxygen molecule consists of two oxygen atoms.
9. There are currently 114 different types of atoms known.
10. Oxygen is part of water.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Job number

Simple substance

Chemical element

IV. Coefficient and index

1. Shows the number of atoms in a molecule.
2. The number before the chemical formula or symbol of a chemical element.
3. In the molecules of most simple gaseous substances it is equal to 2.
4. Place in accordance with the valence in the formula of the complex substance.
5. Placed when the number of atoms on the left and right sides of a chemical equation is equalized.
6. 7H, 5O.
7. There are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in a water molecule.
8. B chemical formulas ax of metals is equal to 1.
9. In a molecule of iron sulfide the sum is 2.
10. 5FeS.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Job number


V. Simple substance and complex substance

1. Molecules consist of atoms of the same type.
2. Molecules are made up of different types of atoms.
3. They do not decompose during chemical reactions to form other substances.
4. They decompose during chemical reactions to form other substances.
5. Characterized by constant physical properties: melting point, boiling point, color, density, etc.
6. Destroyed during chemical reactions, but preserved during physical phenomena.
7. The composition is constant.
8. The composition varies over a fairly wide range.
9. Does not have permanent properties.
10. The molecule consists of two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen atom.
11. Can exist in three states of aggregation: gaseous, liquid, solid.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Job number

Simple substance

Complex substance

VI. Chemical phenomena and physical phenomena

1. Molecules are preserved.
2. Molecules are destroyed.
3. Change in state of aggregation.
4. Change color and odor, heat is released, and sediment forms.
5. Atoms are not destroyed, but regrouped.
6. Can be expressed using a chemical equation.
7. Melting of glass when water freezes.
8. Fuel combustion, rotting organic matter.
9. Grinding chalk.
10. Rusting of iron, souring of milk.
11. Release of copper on an iron nail in a solution of copper chloride.
12. Burning alcohol.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Chemical phenomena

Physical phenomena

VII. Types of chemical reactions

1. The starting substance is one complex one.
2. The starting substance is two or more simple ones.
3. The starting substance is one simple and one complex.
4. Reaction products – two or more simple substances.
5. Reaction products - two or more complex substances.
6. The reaction products are one complex substance.
7. Reaction products – simple and complex substances.
8. Reaction products are two or more simple or complex substances.
9. The reaction products are two complex substances.
10. The reaction products are two simple substances.
11. Decomposition of malachite.
12. Combustion of sulfur.
13. Interaction of zinc with hydrochloric acid.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Compound reaction

Decomposition reaction

Substitution reaction

Exchange reaction

VIII. Hydrogen and oxygen

1. Dissolves in water.
2. Poorly soluble in water.
3. Light gas.
4. Heavy gas.
5. Flammable gas.
6. Gas that supports combustion.
7. Burns in chlorine.
8. Is a reducing agent.
9. When mixed with oxygen, it forms an explosive mixture.
10. Collected by air displacement.
11. Collect in a vessel turned upside down.
12. Collect in a vessel placed at the bottom.
13. Collected by displacing water.
14. Interact with copper oxide when heated.
15. Used as environmentally friendly fuel.
16. Used in rocket engines.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.


IX. Metals and non-metals

1. Simple substances have a metallic luster, are good conductors of heat and electricity, and are malleable.
2. Simple substances - solid, liquid or gaseous, mostly do not have a metallic luster and do not conduct electric current well.
3. The highest oxygen valence is I–II.
4. Higher oxides have basic properties.
5. Form volatile hydrogen compounds.
6. The highest oxygen valency is IV –VII.
7. Higher oxides have acidic properties.
8. Do not form volatile hydrogen compounds.
9. Form hydroxides with basic properties.
10. Form hydroxides with acidic properties.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Job number


X. Group and period

(In a group, changes are considered from top to bottom, in a period – from left to right)
1. Not metallic properties are intensifying.
2. Non-metallic properties weaken.
3. Metallic properties are enhanced.
4. Metallic properties weaken.
5. Elements contain the same number of electrons in their outermost electronic level.
6. Elements contain the same number of electronic levels.
7. The number of electronic levels increases.
8. The radius of atoms decreases.
9. The radius of atoms increases.
10. Gradual increase in the number of electrons at the external level.
11. Identical structure of the external electronic level.
12. The attraction of outer electrons to the nucleus increases.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

XI. Alkali metals. (lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium)

1. The metal is silvery-white.
2. Metals with a density less than 1.
3. Metals with a density greater than 1.
4. The lightest metal.
5. The heaviest metal.
6. A metal with a melting point below human body temperature.
7. Metals that form basic oxides during oxidation.
8. Metals with oxygen valency equal to 1.
9. Metals that ignite at normal temperatures.
10. Metals that ignite only when heated.
11. Metals that react with water to form alkali.
12. The most active metal.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

XII. Halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine)

1. Gaseous substance.
2. Liquid substance.
3. Solid matter.
4. Boiling point below 0o C.
5. Boiling point above 0o C.
6. Halogen is dark gray in color.
7. Halogen is red-brown in color.
8. Reacts with hydrogen to form volatile hydrogen compounds.
9. Reacts with metals to form salts.
10. The valency of hydrogen is 1.
11. Valence of oxygen is 7.
12. Possible valency 1. 3. 5. 7.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

XIII. Chlorine and hydrogen chloride

  1. Colorless gas
  2. The gas is yellow-green in color.
  3. A gas with a pungent odor and smokes in humid air.
  4. A gas with a pungent and suffocating odor.
  5. It dissolves well in water.
  6. It is poorly soluble in water.
  7. The oxidation state of chlorine is 0.
  8. The oxidation state of chlorine is – 1.
  9. In a molecule there are covalent polar bonds between atoms.
  10. In a molecule, there are covalent nonpolar bonds between atoms.
  11. Interacts with hydrogen in light.
  12. Under normal conditions, it reacts with metals.
  13. Used to produce hydrochloric acid.
  14. Stored and transported in steel cylinders.
  15. The gas is 2.5 times heavier than air.
  16. Gas is slightly heavier than air.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Hydrogen chloride

XIV. Nitrogen and ammonia

1. Gaseous under normal conditions.
2. Odorless.
3. Has a pungent odor.
4. has no color.
5. Slightly soluble in water.
6. Well soluble in water.
7. Easily liquefied.
8. The oxidation state of nitrogen is – 3.
9. The oxidation state of nitrogen is 0.
10. In a molecule there are covalent polar bonds between atoms.
11. In a molecule, there are covalent nonpolar bonds between atoms.
12. Does not burn in air.
13. Reacts with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.
14. Burns in oxygen.
15. Interacts with water.
16. Reacts with acids to form salts.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

XV. Carbon(II) monoxide and carbon(IV) monoxide

1. Gas, practically insoluble in water.
2. The gas is noticeably soluble in water.
3. Gaseous under normal conditions.
4. Odorless.
5. Does not liquefy.
6. It liquefies and hardens easily.
7. Poisonous gas.
8. Non-toxic gas.
9. The oxidation state of carbon is +2.
10. The oxidation state of carbon is +4.
11. Flammable.
12. Doesn't light up.
13. In a molecule, there are covalent polar bonds between atoms.
14. Gas is lighter than air.
15. Gas is heavier than air.
16. Non-salt-forming oxide.
17. Acid oxide.
18. Reacts with metal oxides to form carbon monoxide (IV).
19. When passed through lime water, cloudiness is observed.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Carbon monoxide (IV)

XVI. Carbon(IV) monoxide and silicon(IV) oxide

1. Colorless gas, 1.5 times heavier than air.
2. Solid crystalline substance.
3. Substance with a molecular crystal lattice.
4. Substance with an atomic crystal lattice.
5. Dissolves in water.
6. Practically insoluble in water.
7. Is an acidic oxide.
8. Odorless.
9. It liquefies and hardens easily.
10. The oxidation state of the element is +4.
11. Has a low melting point.
12. Has a high melting point.
13. Reacts with basic oxides.
14. Reacts with alkalis.
15. Does not react chemically with water.
16. At elevated temperatures, it displaces other, more volatile acid oxides from salts.
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Carbon monoxide (IV)

XVII. Hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid

1. Oily, viscous liquid.
2. Colorless liquid.
3. “Smoke” in humid air.
4. It is hygroscopic.
5. Concentrated. Irritating to the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.
6. At normal temperatures it is non-volatile and odorless.
7. Carbonizes sugar, paper, wood, fibers.
8. Forms hydrates when dissolved in water.
9. Used for drying gases.
10. Can be stored in iron containers and transported in steel tanks.
11. Stored and transported in rubberized tanks and barrels.
12. Used in batteries
Key “+” if “yes”, key “–” if “no”.

Hydrochloric acid

CHEMISTRY , 1 COURSE, base 9 classes.

Teacher: Arkanova Elena Ivanovna

Conditions for completing the task: test tasks are completed in the classroom; time is allocated for answering questions of at least 2.5 academic hours (80 questions * 2 minutes). The tasks are completed on answer sheets.

Option 1


Type A tasks

    Eight electrons in the outer electron layer

a) S b) Si

c) O d) Ne

    Number of orbitals at f-sublevel:

a) 1 b) 3

c) 5 d) 7.

3. Number of valence electrons on a chromium atom

a) 1 b) 2

c) 4 d) 6.

4. Covalent nature of bonds in a series of compounds

LiF - BeF 2 - BF 3 - CF 4 - NF 3 - OF 2 - F 2:

d) does not change

5. An electron is...

a) a section of a circuit consisting of elements connected in series

b) charge of an atom of an element


6. It is unusual for substances with a metal crystal lattice to:

a) low boiling point b) fragility

c) thermal conductivity d) plasticity

7. Does not undergo hydrolysis:

a) sodium acetate b) zinc chloride c) ethanol d) fat.

8. With the highest speed at room temperature magnesium reacts with:

a) 1% HCl solution b) 5% HCl solution

c) 10% HCl solution d) 15% HCl solution.

9. Most strong acid is

a) silicon b) sulfur c) orthophosphoric d) chlorine

10. Provide a formula for determining the mass fraction of a substance

a) = m / V b) M = m /  .

V) = V / V m g)ω = A r: M r

11. Specify the molecular weight of Cl 2 O 7

a) 183 b) 105 c) 224 d) 97

12. Specify the mass fraction S VSO 2

a) 20.13% b) 17.5% c) 22.43% d) 97%

13. As the area of ​​the reactant increases, the reaction rate

a) will increase b) will decrease

a) gram per liter c) mole

b) gram d) quantity n

A) K 2 MnO 4 : K +1 , Mn +4 , O -2 ;

b) Ba(ClO 3 ) 2 :Ba +2 , Cl +5 , O -2 ;

V)F 2 O: F -2 , O +2 ;

16. Give the equation for the oxidation reaction sodium sulfite to sulfate


a) 5Nа 2 SO 3 + 2КМnО 4 + ЗН 2 SO 4 = 5Nа 2 SO 4 + К 2 SO 4 + 2МnSO 4 + ЗН 2 О.

b) Na 2 SO 3 + KMnO 4 = Na 2 O + K 2 O + MnSO 3

17. Determine the mass of 5 mol CO2:




18. Indicate which compound is a strong electrolyte:

a) Mg OH c) Zn SO 3

b) H 2 S d) Ba (NO 3 )2

19. Complete the reaction equation:Ca(H2 P.O.4 ) 2 + HCl =

a) CaCl 2 + 2H 3 PO 4;

b) CaOH + 2H 3 PO 4;

c) Ca (OH)2 + 2H 3 PO 4 ;

20. Indicate how hydrolysis of Cr occurs 2 (SO 4 ) 3 :

A ) Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2H 2 S = 2Cr(OH)SO 3

b) Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2H 2 O = 2Cr(OH)SO 4

reaction scheme:

a) 2 Al + 6NaOH + 6H 2 O = 2Na 3

b ) 3Al + 9NaOH + 9H 2 O = 3Na 3

22. What is the nature of the reaction of an aqueous solution of nitric acid?

a) Alkaline, HN O 3 = NO 3 + + OH - ;

b) Sour, HN O 3 = H + + N O 3 - ;

23. Indicate what is formed in oxygen and air during the combustion of acetylene?

a) ammonia and carbon dioxide;

b) water and ethylene;

c) water and carbon dioxide;

24. For the majority inorganic substances Are the reactions typical?

A) combustion;

b) connections;

V) decomposition;

25. In the transformation scheme FeCl 3 X 1 X 2 Fe (OH) 3

a) Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 and Fe 2 O 3

b) FePO 4 and Fe 3 O 4

c) Fe(NO 3) 3 and Fe 2 O 3

d) Fe(OH) 3 and Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3

26. Indicate the type of hybridization of key carbon atoms in the molecule:

CH 2 CH CH 3

a) sp 3 b) sp c) sp 2

27. The angle between the axes of the carbon atom for sp-hybrid orbitals is equal to:

a) 109 28 b) 120 c) 180

28. In sp 2 -hybridization does not involve the orbitals of the second energy level of the atom

carbon in quantity:

a) one b) two c) three

29. The class of alkenes includes hydrocarbons with the general formula:

a) C n H 2n+2 b) C n H 2n c) C n H 2n-2

30. Compounds with a closed chain of carbon atoms in a molecule are called:

a) acyclic b) carbocyclic

31. All alcohols have a suffix in their name:

a) -en b) - ol c) -al

32. Isomers have the same:

a) number of atoms b) structure of molecules c) properties

33.Substances CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 And CH 3 CH CH 3 are:

a) homologues b) isomers c) neither homologues nor isomers

34. Potassium permanganate solution discolors:

a) ethylene b) ethane c) 2-methylpropane d) 3,3-dimethylpentane.

CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 2 CH 2 + H 2 O , refers to


a) substitution b) addition c) elimination.

36. The reaction whose equation is given above is the reaction:

a) dehydrogenation b) dehydration c) dehydrochlorination.

37. Corresponds to alkanes general formula:

38. Homologues are:

a) ethane and ethylene b) propane and ethane c) butane and isobutane d) methane and ethene

a) ethylene b) pentane c) 2-methylbutane d) hexene-1

40. Carbon atoms in the state of sp 3 hybridization are present in the molecule:

a) pentane b) ethylene c) 2-methylbutane d) n-heptane

41. The most typical type of reaction for alkenes:

a) elimination b) isomerization c) addition d) substitution

42. Alkanes are characterized by isomerism:

a) position of the functional group b) carbon skeleton

c) positions of the double bond d) geometric

43. Main part natural gas is:

a) ethane b) propane c) hexane d) methane

44. Cracking of petroleum products is...

a) separation of oil hydrocarbons into fractions

b) transformation saturated hydrocarbons oils to aromatics

c) thermal decomposition of petroleum products, leading to the formation

hydrocarbons with fewer carbon atoms per molecule

d) transformation aromatic hydrocarbons oil to the limit

45. There are no multiple bonds in the hydrocarbon molecule:

a) cyclopropanab) butadiene-1,3 c) propine d) benzene

46. ​​An aromatic ring is contained in a molecule:

a) hexane b) cyclohexane c) hexene d) 1,4-dimethylbenzene.

47. The polymerization reaction is possible for...

a) butadiene-1,3b) propane c) chloroethane d) benzene.

48. Reaction of addition of water to unsaturated hydrocarbons called...

a) hydrogenation b) halogenation c) hydration d) hydrohalogenation.

49. A substance whose formula is CH 3 CH 2 OH belongs to...

a) monohydric alcoholsb) phenols

CH 3 CH CH CH CO, has a name:

CH 3 H

a) 4-methylpentanal b) 2-methylpentanal

c) 2-methylpentene-3-alg) hexanal

51. Formation of bright blue complex compound with copper(II) hydroxide

a) aldehydes b) polyhydric alcohols c) phenols d) ketones

52. The “silver mirror” reaction gives:

a) ethanol b) ethanediol-1,2 c) propanetriol-1,2,3 d) ethanal .

53.Carboxylic acids include a substance whose formula...

a) CH 3 COOH b) CH 3 COOH c) CH 3 O CH 3 d) CH 3 COOCH 3

54. A substance whose formula CH 3 SOOS 2 H 5 has a name...

a) di ethyl ether b) methyl acetate

c) ethyl acetate d) ethyl ester of formic acid.

55. Soap is...

A ) sodium salt of higher carboxylic acid

b) glycerol ester

c) ester of a higher carboxylic acid

d) a mixture of higher carboxylic acids.

56. The basis for the production of margarine is the reaction:

a) hydrolysis of fats b) esterification

c) saponification of fats d) hydrogenation of liquid fats.

57. Is a polymer:

a) glucose b) cellulose c) sucrose d) fructose

58. The reaction of the “silver mirror” involves...

a) glucose b) fructose c) sucrose d) starch

59. The following reaction is not typical for glucose:

a) alcoholic fermentation b) hydrolysis c) oxidation d) reduction

60. The following statement is true...

a) As a result of polycondensation of amino acids, peptides are formed;

b) Synthetic carboxylic acids are obtained from amino acids;

c) Amino acids do not change the color of indicators;

d) Proteins are a mixture of amino acids linked together

intermolecular bonds.


In questions 61 to 65, establish the correspondence between the law, electrical quantity and their concept. Fill out the provided response forms.

1. Periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev a) Under the influence of electric current, positively charged ions of the dissolved substance move to the cathode, negatively charged to the anode.

2. Theory of chemical structure

organic substances Butlerova A.M b)

3. Electrolytic theory

dissociation c) Carbon atoms connecting in a chain form a certain sequence in accordance with valence, on which their properties depend

4. Atomic-molecular science d) The properties of simple bodies and compounds of elements periodically depend on the value of their atomic masses.

1 - … 2 - … 3 - … 4 -…

1) = a) =m /

2) = b) =V / Vm

3) ω = c) = A r n/M r ;

4) M= d) =m / V

1 -…. 2 - …. 3 - …. 4 - ….

    alkanes – a) C n H 2 n . 2G

    alkenes and cycloalkanes – b) C n H 2 n + 1G

    alkynes and alkadienes – c) C n H 2 n – 6

    arenas – d) C n H 2 n – 2

    monohaloalkanes – e) C n H 2 n

    dihaloalkanes – e) C n H 2n+2

    amino acids g) C n H 2 n (N.H. 2 ) COOH

scheme :

1) N A) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 2 ,

2) Si b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 6 ,

3) F e V) 1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 3 .

1 -…. 2 - … 3 - …

1) Li 2 O + S EO 3 A) K 2 CO 3,

2) CO 2 + K 2 ABOUTb) Sa(NABOUT 3 ) 2

3) N 2 O 5 + CaO V)Li 2 Se O 4,

1 -…. 2 - … 3- …


In tasks 66 to 75, complete the phrase you started or insert words

66. Expressing a reaction using chemicals formulas are called...

67. The properties of elements and their compounds are in ...

depending on the nuclear charge

68. Thermal effect - the amount of heat that...

69. Chemical equilibrium- state…

70. Hydrolysis is the process of exchange interaction between salt and water, accompanied by the formation of...

71. A catalyst is a substance that accelerates a reaction, not…

72. Solvation is the process of interaction between molecules and ions of a dissolved substance...

73. Redox reactions consist of two processes: ... and ...

74. Electrolysis is the process of synthesis or decomposition of substances using...


In type B tasks from 75 to 80, solve the problem and offer the correct answer

Type B tasks

75. Calculate the mass of oxygen that reacted with organic

substance weighing 33.3 g. As a result of the reaction,

the following substances:

I) carbon dioxide - (CO 2) weighing 52.8 g;

2) carbon monoxide – (CO) weighing 11.2 g;

3) soot (C) weighing 2.4 g;

4) water weighing 40.5 g.

76. Determine the formula of a chemical compound if mass

the shares of its constituent elements are equal: H - 2.04%, S - 32.65%,

O - 65.31%.

77. What is the volume of oxygen released from one mole?

each of the substances: KClO 3, KMn O 4, KN O 3, Hg O according to the data below


2 KClO 3 = 2KSl+ ZO 2 ,

2KMnABOUT 4 = K 2 MnABOUT 4 + MnABOUT 2 + O 2 ,

2KNO 3 = 2KNABOUT 2 + O 2 ,

2HgO = 2Hg + O 2.


1) AlWITHl 3 + CON (izb.)

2) AlWITHl 3 + NN 3(izb.)+ N 2 About →

3) Al( NABOUT 3 ) 3 + NA 2 S+ N 2 About →

4) Na[Al(HE) 4 ] + CO 2


the following transformations:

M g → MgS O 4 → Mg (N O 3) 2 → Mg O → (CH 3 COO) 2 Mg.

80. Write the structural formula of 2,2,5,5-tetramethylhexane.

Write the formula of its isomer

Option 2


In tasks 1 to 60, indicate the only correct answer

1. Electronic configuration 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 1 has an element atom

a) K b) Ca c) Ba d) Na.

2. Number of orbitals at the d-sublevel:

a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7.

3. Number of valence electrons in a strontium atom

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 10.

4. Ionic nature of bonds in a series of compounds

Li 2 O - Na 2 O - K 2 O - Rb 2 O

a) decreases; b) increases;

c) first increases, then decreases; d) does not change

5. Electron orbital- This …

a) the section of the path that the elements of matter connected together take

b) the conventional path along which an electron moves around the nucleus of an element

V ) negatively charged particle

6. What changes when the sequence of atoms in a molecule changes:

a) quantity and volume of the substance,
b) quantitative composition and density of the substance,
c) molecular mass and geometric shape.
G) Chemical structure and properties

7. Which aqueous solution is alkaline?:

a) sodium acetate b) copper (II) nitrate

c) potassium chloride d) aluminum sulfate.

8. The reaction will proceed at the highest speed at room temperature:

a) zinc with sulfuric acid

b) sodium with phenol

c) iron with oxygen

d) solutions of copper (II) sulfate and potassium hydroxide.

9. Of the listed metals, the most fusible is

a) copper b) mercury c) tin d) sodium.

10. Provide the formula to determinemolar mass substances

A) = m / V b) M = m /  . V)= V / V m G) ω = A r: M r

11. Specify the mass fraction S VSO 2

a) 20.13% b) 17.5% c) 22.43% G) 97%

12. Specify the molecular weight of Cl 2 O 7

a) 183b) 105 c) 224 d) 97

13. As the density of the reactant increases, the reaction rate

a) will increase b) will decrease

b) will not change d) will become equal to zero

14. Specify the units of measurement for molar mass

a) gram per liter c) mole

b) gram d) quantity n

15. Indicate where the oxidation states are correctly placed

A ) Ca(NO 2 ) 2 :Ca +2 , N +2 , O -2 ;

b) H 2 SiF 2 : H +1 , Si +3 , F -1 ;

V) Cr 2 (SO 4) 3: Cr +3, S +6, O -2.

16. State the reaction equation for the oxidation of iron (II) disulfide with concentrated nitric acid.

a) FeS 2 + 18H N O 3 (conc) = F e (N O 3) 3 + 2H 2 SO 4 + 15NO 2 + 7H 2 O.

b) F e (SO 4) 3 + HN O 3 (conc) = F e (N O 3) 3 + H 2 SO 4 + NO 2 + H 2 O.

17. Determine the mass of 9 molS ABOUT2 :




18. Indicate which compound is not a strong electrolyte:

a) HJ c) KOH

b) H 2 S d) Ba (NO 3 )2

19. Specify the missing substance:P2 O5 +...= Ca3 (P.O.4 ) 2 + H2 O

A) Ca N;

b)Ca OH;

V) Ca(OH) 2 ;

20. Indicate how hydrolysis occurs R2 S3 :

A) P 2 S 3 + 6H 2 O = 2H 3 PO 3 + 3H 2 S

b) R 2 SABOUT 3 + 6H = 2H 3 P.O. 3 + 3H 2 SABOUT 3

21. Indicate, correctly adjusted by the electronic balance method,

reaction scheme:

a) 3Na + 2H 2 O = 4 NaOH + H 2

b) 2Na + H 2 O = 2NaOH + H 2

22. What is the nature of the reaction of an ammonia aqueous solution?

A) Alkaline, NH 3 + H 2 O = NH 4 + + OH - ;

b)Sour, N.H. 3 +H 2 O=NH 3 + +OH - +H - ; ;

23. Indicate the correct empirical formula of the substance, consisting of:

Na - 32.8%, Al - 12.9%, F - 54.3%.

A) Na 2 Al3 F;

b) Na 3 AlF;

V) NaAlF;

24. Are reactions typical for most organic substances?


b) connections;

V) decomposition;

25. In the transformation scheme Al (OH) 3

substances “X 1” and “X 2” can be, respectively:

a) K 2 SO 4 and KOH

b) NaCl and HCl

c) Na 2 SO 4 and H 2 SO 4

d) HNO 3 and NaOH

26.Type of hybridization of carbon atoms in a molecule CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3

a) sp 2 b) sp 3 c) sp

27. The angle between the axes of the carbon atom for sp 3 - hybrid orbitals is equal to:

a) 109, 28 b) 120 c) 180

28. Orbitals of the second energy do not participate in sp-hybridization

level of carbon atom in quantity:

a) one b) two c) three

29. The class of alcohols includes substances with a functional group...

a) CO b) -OH c) SONON

30. Compounds with an open chain of atoms in a molecule are called:

a) acyclic

b) carbocyclic

31. All alcohols have a suffix in their name...

a) -en b) -ol c) -al

32.Isomers differ from each other...

a) number of atoms

b) molecular structure and properties

33.Substances CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 And CH 3 CH 2 CHCH 3 are:

a) homologues b) isomers c) neither homologues nor isomers.

34. A solution of potassium permanganate does not discolor the substance with the formula...

a) CH 3 CH 3 b) CH 2 CH CH 3

c) H 3 CH CH CH 3 d) CH 2 CH 2

35. Reaction whose equation is CH 3 CHCH 2 + H 2 CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 , refers

to reactions:

a) substitution b) addition c) elimination.

36. The reaction whose equation is given above is the reaction...

a) hydrogenation b) halogenation c) polymerization

37. Alkenes correspond to the general formula:

a) Сn Н 2n b) Сn Н 2n+2 c) Сn Н 2n-2 d) Сn Н 2n - 6

38. Homologues are:

a) methane and chloromethane b) propene and ethene

c) ethylene and butane d) 2-methylbutane and butane.

39. Hydrocarbons do not have isomers:

a) butene-1 b) propane c) n-heptane d) 2-methylpentene-2

40. ¶- there is no bond in the molecule...

a) propene b) 2-methylhexane c) 2-methylhexene-2 ​​d) ethylene.

41. The most characteristic type of reaction for alkanes...

a) elimination b) isomerization

c) accession d) substitution

42. Alkenes are characterized by isomerism...

a) positions of the functional group

b) carbon skeleton

c) positions of the double bond, geometric

43. Oil in its composition is...

a) simple substance

b) a complex substance of the alkene class

c) a mixture of hydrocarbons, the basis of which is linear and linear alkanes

branched structure

d) a mixture of alkenes.

44.Oil distillation is carried out in order to obtain...

a) only methane and benzene

b) only gasoline and methane

c) various petroleum products

d) only aromatic hydrocarbons.

45.Butadiene contains...

a) one double bond

b) two double bonds

c) one triple bond

d) two triple bonds.

46. ​​Weak acidic properties are exhibited by:

a) alkenes b) alkynes c) alkadienes d) arenes.

47. Reaction of addition of hydrogen to unsaturated hydrocarbons


a) hydrogenation b) halogenation

c) hydration d) hydrohalogenation.

48. The process of producing rubber from rubber is called:

a) polymerization b) vulcanization

c) rectification d) hydration.

49. A substance whose formula CH 3 COOH, refers to...

a) monohydric alcohols b) phenols

c) aldehydes d) polyhydric alcohols

50. A substance whose formula is CH 3 CH CH 2 CH CH 3, has a name


OH C 2 H 5

a) 2-ethylpentanol-5 b) 4-ethylpentanol-2

c) 3-methylhexanol-5 d) 4-methylhexanol-2

51. Formation of a violet complex compound with iron(III) chloride

is qualitative reactions on...

a) phenolb) aldehyde c) monohydric alcohol d) polyhydric alcohol.

52. Thanks to Kucherov’s reaction, you can get:

a) ethanal b) ethanol c) glycerol d) phenol.

53.Esters include a substance whose formula is:

a) CH 3 COOH

b) CH 3 CH

c) CH 3 O CH 3

d) CH 3 COOSH 3

54. Liquid fats differ from solid fats in that they contain...

a) free hydroxyl groups

b) residues of aromatic carboxylic acids

c) esters of higher carboxylic acids and ethylene glycol

d) residues of unsaturated carboxylic acids.

55. A substance whose formula CH 3 CH 3 CCH 2 COCH 3 OH has a name:

a) 3-methylbutanoic acid b) 2,2-dimethylbutanoic acid

c) 3,3-dimethylbutanoic acidd) hexanoic acid

56. Esters are obtained using the reaction:

a) hydration b) esterification c) polymerization d) saponification.

57. Glucose in its chemical properties is...

A) polyhydric alcohol b) aldehyde

c) aldehyde alcohol d) acid

58. Blue staining with iodine solution gives:

a) glucose b) starch c) cellulose d) sucrose

59. The following statements are incorrect:

a) amino acids are highly soluble in water;

b) amino acids are obtained industrially using the Zinin reaction;

c) amino acids exhibit amphoteric properties;

d) amino acids enter into esterification reactions.

60.Aniline, in contrast to phenol:

a) reacts with bromine

b) poorly soluble in water

c) reacts with hydrochloric acid

d) burns.


In tasks 61 to 65, match and fill out the proposed answer form

61. Establish a correspondence between the law, theory and their formulation:

1. Law of conservation of mass of matter a) Under the influence of electric current, positively charged ions of the dissolved substance move towards the cathode, negatively charged ones move towards the anode.

2. Avogadro's Law

b) Bodies consist of molecules and atoms that are in continuous motion, subject to the forces of repulsion and attraction.

3. Electrolytic theory

dissociation V)NA = 6,02 . 10 23 particles of matter. Equal volumes of any gas contain an equal number of molecules.

4. Atomic-molecular science d)The mass of substances entering into a chemical reaction is equal to the mass of substances formed as a result of the reaction

1 - … 2 - … 3 - … 4 -…

62. Establish a correspondence between a quantity and its formula

1) = a) =m /

2) = b) =V / Vm

3) ω = c) =A r n/M r ;

4) M= d) =m / V

1 -…. 2 - …. 3 - …. 4 - ….

63. Establish a correspondence between a substance and its formula

    phenols – a) C n H 2 n – 7 OH

    alcohols – b) R 1 – NH – R 2

    carboxylic acids – c) C n H 2 n + 1 N.H. 2 , R – NH 2

    esters – d) C n H 2 n + 1 COOHR –COOH

    primary amines – e) C n H 2 n + 1 OH, R–COH

    secondary amines – e) R 1 –COOR 2

7. tertiary amines g) R 1 N–R 2

R 3

1 -…. 2 - … 3 - … 4 - … 5- … 6- … 7- …

64. Establish a correspondence between a substance and its electronic graphic


1) TOr A) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 3p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 4 ,

2) Those b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 3p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 6 6s 2 4f 14 5d 4 .

3) WV)1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s 2 3 d 10 3 p 6 ,

1 -…. 2 - … 3 - …

65. Establish a correspondence between a chemical reaction and the reaction product:

1) CO 2 + NN 3 + N 2 ABOUTA)2 NaNSABOUT 3 .

2) SABOUT 2 + Na 2 SABOUT 3 + N 2 ABOUTb)NN 4 NSO 3 .


1 -…. 2 - … 3- …


In tasks 66 to 74, finish the phrase you started.

66. If two elements form several chemical compounds with each other, then the masses of one of the elements are related to each other as small integers - this is the law...

67. The properties of substances are determined by their... and...

68. Thermal effect - the amount of heat that...

69 . Chemical equilibrium is a state...

70. Hydrolysis is a process of exchange interaction between salt and water, accompanied by the formation of...

71 . A catalyst is a substance that accelerates a reaction, not...

72. Oxidation of aldehydes with an ammonia solution of silver oxide...

73. Common name monohydric alcohols - …

74. The reaction of formation of esters as a result of interaction

alcohols with acids...


In tasks type B from 75 to 80 solve the problem and indicate the correct answer

Quests type B

1. Calculate the mass fractions of hydrogen and oxygen in peroxide

hydrogen H 2 O 2 .

2. The reaction proceeds according to the equation: ZBa 2 + + 2PO 4 3- = Ba 3 (PO 4) 2 ↓

Write two different equations in molecular form,

corresponding to this reaction.

3 . Give examples of salt formation: a) from two simple

substances; b) from two complex substances; c) from simple and

complex substance.

4 . Write complete equations for the following reactions:

1) FeSO 4 + KClO 3 + N 2 SO 4 → ...

2) FeSO 4 + KClO 3 + KON → ...

3) I 2 + INA(HE) 2 → ...

4) HFr+ KBrO 3 + N 2 SO 4 → ...

5 . Write the reaction equations that allow you to carry out

the following transformations: N aCl → N a → N aH → N aOH → N aHS O 3 .

6 . Write the structural formulas of 2.2-dimethylpentane and


Outcome Indicators mastering the discipline "Chemistry"

Assessing students' knowledge and skills within a discipline section

Excellent rating

91-100% correct answers

163 - 179


Rated "good"

76-90% correct answers

136 - 162 points

Rating "satisfactory"

61-75% correct answers

109 – 135 points

Rating "unsatisfactory"

60% or less correct answers

108 points or less

Number of options:

Test tasks consist of 2 options of 80 questions each.

lead time test task:

- 160 min

Scores are announced on the day of the event.

Answer form

(score sheet)

Student _________________ group _________ option___ 1

















Total for the test


Student ______________


Checked ____________/

Answer form

(score sheet)

Student _________________ group _________ option ___2

For questions 1 to 60, indicate the only correct answer.









In tasks 61 to 65, match and fill out the form provided.









Total for the test


Student ______________


Checked ____________/

Final test for inorganic chemistry

The final test contains tasks on main topics school course chemistry: “Structure of the atom”, “Periodic law and periodic table chemical elements DI. Mendeleev”, “Structure of matter”, “Chemical reactions”, “Basic patterns of chemical reactions”, “Solutions. Theory of electrolytic dissociation”, “Redox reactions”, “Classification of substances”, “Main classes of inorganic and organic compounds”.

Assignments are worth 1 point. The maximum score is 20.

Points received for correctly completed tasks are converted into traditional marks on the scale:

“5” - 18-20 points,

“4” - 15-17 points,

“3” - 12-14 points,

“2” - 11 points or less.

option 1

A1. The number of electrons contained in a carbon atom is: 1) 6; 2) 12; 3) 8

A2. The electronic formula of the atom is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 2. Chemical symbol of this element: 1) C; 2) O; 3) Si

A3. The radii of atoms of chemical elements in the series: chlorine, phosphorus, aluminum, sodium: 1) increase; 2) decrease; 3) do not change.

A4. Chemical bond in a water molecule: 1) ionic; 2) covalent polar; 3) covalent nonpolar.

A5. Formulas of acid oxides: 1) CO 2 and CaO; 2) CO 2 and SO 3; 3) K 2 O and Al 2 O 3

A6. Formula of hydrosulfide acid: 1) H 2 S; 2) H 2 SO 4; 3) H 2 SO 3

A7. Exchange reactions include:

1) CaO + H 2 OCa(OH) 2 ; 2) WITH u(OH) 2 CuO+H 2 O; 3) KOH + HNO 3 KNO 3 +H 2 O

A8. Electrolytes, upon dissociation of which metal cations and anions of the acid residue are formed, are called: 1) acids; 2) salts; 3) reasons.

A9. Abbreviated ionic equation reactions H+ + OH - H 2 O corresponds to the interaction in solution: 1) potassium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid; 2) copper hydroxide (II) and hydrochloric acid; 3) copper hydroxide (II) and silicic acid

A10. The precipitate is formed by the interaction in a solution of iron (II) chloride and: 1) hydrochloric acid; 2) potassium hydroxide; 3) copper (II) nitrate.

A11. The presence of acid in a solution can be proven using: 1) litmus; 2) phenolphthalein; 3) alkali.

A12. The coefficient in front of the reducing agent formula in the equation for the reaction of aluminum with oxygen is: 1) 5; 2) 8; 3) 4.

A13. Dissolving chalk in hydrochloric acid will slow down with: 1) increasing acid concentration; 2) grinding chalk; 3) diluting the acid.

A14. Chemical equilibrium in the system FeO (s) + H 2 (g)<==>Fe (s) + H 2 O (l) + Q will shift towards the formation of reaction products with: 1) increasing pressure; 2) increase in temperature; 3) decrease in pressure.

A15. A solution of hydrochloric acid cannot react: 1) with sodium hydroxide; 2) with carbon dioxide; 3) with calcium.

A16. Sulfur oxide (IV) reacts: 1) with water; 2) with carbonic acid; 3) with calcium.

A17. Phosphoric acid does not react: 1) with potassium hydroxide; 2) with magnesium; 3) with hydrogen.

A18. Carbonic acid reacts: 1) with calcium oxide; 2) with sodium nitrate; 3) with silicon oxide (IV)

A19. The sum of all coefficients in the equation for the reaction of calcium with phosphoric acid is equal to: 1) 5; 2) 7; 3) 9.

A20. After evaporating 40 g of solution to dryness, 10 g of salt remained. The mass fraction of salt in the original solution was equal to: 1) 5%, 2) 15%; 3) 25%.

option 2

A1. The number of neutrons contained in an oxygen atom is: 1) 6; 2) 12; 3) 8.

A2. Formula higher oxide an element whose electronic formula is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 3: 1) N 2 O 5; 2) P 2 O 5; 3) B 2 O 3 .

A3. The most pronounced non-metallic properties are exhibited by: 1) phosphorus; 2) sulfur; 3) silicon.

A4. Formula of a substance with a covalent polar bond: 1) H 2 O; 2) O 2; 3) CaCl 2

A5. The formula of the base and acid, respectively: 1) Ca (OH) 2 and Be (OH) 2;

2) NaOH and KHSO 4; 3) Al(OH) 3 and HNO 3

A6. Formula of sodium sulfite: 1) Na 2 SO 4; 2) Na 2 SO 3; 3) Na2S

A7. Substitution reactions include: 1)Ca + H 2 SO 4 CaSO 4 + H 2 ;

2) WITH u(OH) 2 CuO+H 2 O; 3) KOH + HNO 3 KNO 3 +H 2 O

A8. Electrolytes, upon dissociation of which metal cations and hydroxide ions are formed, are called: 1) salts; 2) acids; 3) reasons.

A9. Abbreviated ionic reaction equationBa 2+ + SO 4 2- BaSO 4 corresponds to the interaction in solution: 1) barium carbonate and sodium sulfate; 2) barium nitrate and sulfuric acid; 3) barium hydroxide and sulfur oxide (VI).

A10. Water is formed by the interaction in a solution of hydrochloric acid and: 1) calcium hydroxide; 2) calcium; 3) calcium silicate.

A11. The presence of alkali in a solution can be proven using: 1) litmus; 2) phenolphthalein; 3) acids.

A12. The coefficient in front of the oxidizing agent formula in the equation for the reaction of aluminum with sulfur is equal to: 1) 8; 2) 2; 3) 3.

A13. The dissolution of zinc in hydrochloric acid will accelerate with: 1) increasing acid concentration; 2) when cooling the reagents; 3) when adding water.

A14. Chemical equilibrium in the system CO 2 (g) + C (t)<==>2 CO (g) - Q will shift towards the formation of the reaction product with: 1) increasing pressure; 2) increase in temperature; 3) lowering the temperature

A15. A solution of hydrochloric acid can interact: 1) with copper; 2) with carbon dioxide; 3) with magnesium.

A16. Sulfuric acid reacts: 1) with water; 2) with calcium oxide; 3) with carbon dioxide.

A17. Phosphorus oxide (V) does not react: 1) with copper hydroxide (II); 2) with water; 3) with potassium hydroxide.

A18. Silicic acid is formed by the interaction of: 1) silicon with water; 2) silicon oxide (IV) with water; 3) sodium silicate with hydrochloric acid.

A19. In the equation for the reaction of iron with chlorine to form iron (III) chloride, the coefficient in front of the salt formula is equal to: 1) 1; 2) 2; 3) 3.

A20. 20 grams of salt were dissolved in 30 grams of water. The mass fraction of salt in the solution is: 1) 40%; 2) 50%; 3) 60%.

option 3

A1. The number of protons contained in a nitrogen atom is: 1) 14; 2) 7; 3) 5.

A2. Electronic formula for the outer energy level of a carbon atom:

1) 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 ; 2) 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 2 ; 3) 2s 2 2p 2 .

A3. The most pronounced metallic properties are exhibited by: 1) magnesium;

2) calcium; 3) barium.

A4. Chemical bond in an oxygen molecule: 1) ionic; 2) covalent polar;

3) covalent nonpolar.

A5. Formulas of the main oxides: 1) CO 2 and SO 3; 2) K 2 O and CaO; 3) CO 2 and Al 2 O 3.

A6. Formula of iron (III) hydroxide: 1) Fe (OH) 2; 2) Fe(OH) 3; 3) Fe 2 O 3.

A7. The reactions of the compound include: 1)KOH + HNO 3 KNO 3 + H 2 O;

2) WITH u(OH) 2 CuO+H 2 O; 3) CaO + H 2 OCa(OH) 2

A8. When a substance dissociates into aqueous solution ions K + , H + and CO 3 2- were formed. This substance is: 1) an acidic salt; 2) medium salt; 3) alkali.

A9. Abbreviated ionic equation for reaction 2H + + SiO 3 2- H 2 SiO 3 corresponds to the interaction in solution: 1) carbonic acid and aluminum silicate; 2) hydrochloric acid and potassium silicate; 3) silicic acid and calcium carbonate.

A10. The gas is formed by the interaction in a solution of sulfuric acid and:

1) zinc; 2) zinc oxide; 3) zinc hydroxide

A11. The presence of carbon dioxide can be proven using: 1) phenolphthalein;

2) lime water; 3) hydrochloric acid.

A12. The coefficient in front of the formula of the reducing agent in the equation for the reaction of aluminum with sulfuric acid is equal to: 1) 4; 2) 6; 3) 2.

A13. The dissolution of magnesium in hydrochloric acid will accelerate when:

1) adding a catalyst; 2) adding water; 3) adding an inhibitor.

A14. Chemical equilibrium in system 2SO 2(g) + O 2(g) 2 SO 3(g) + Qwill shift towards the formation of the reaction product with: 1) an increase in temperature; 2) lowering the temperature; 3) decrease in pressure.

A15. A solution of hydrochloric acid can react with: 1) sulfuric acid; 2) carbon monoxide; 3) sodium.

A16. Sulfur oxide (VI) reacts with: 1) hydrogen; 2) potassium hydroxide; 3) nitrogen.

A17. Nitric acid reacts with: 1) nitrogen; 2) water; 3) sodium.

A18. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, the following occurs: 1) clouding of the solution; 2) gas formation; 3) color change.

A19. The sum of all coefficients in the equation for the reaction of potassium with water is equal to: 1) 3; 2) 5; 3) 7.

A20. To prepare 400 grams of a 2% salt solution, you need to take salt whose mass is equal to: 1) 6 g; 2) 8 g 3) 10 g.


option 1

option 2

option 3





















List of used literature

    Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry: textbook. for students prof. textbook establishments / O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov. – M., 2005.

    Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry in tests, tasks, exercises: textbook. aid for students avg. prof. educational institutions/ O.S. Gabrielyan, G.G. Lysova - M., 2006.

    Erokhin Yu.M., Frolov V.I. Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry (with didactic material): textbook allowance for students average. prof. manager – M., 2004.