V All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education. Fifth All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education Schoolchildren speaking at the 5th All-Russian Environmental Conference

The RosEcology company offers a full range of research in the field of environmental analytical monitoring and control environment. We conduct environmental studies on various parameters, identifying harmful factors, the content of organic and inorganic compounds. An environmental assessment is the only way to verify safety or confirm the presence of harmful factors. Based on the results, effective and prompt measures can be taken.

Our work is to provide the following services:

  • conducting environmental studies and measurements;
  • provision of legally binding test reports;
  • providing recommendations that solve customer problems.

We have an environmental laboratory with modern equipment. The employees have extensive experience and specialized education; they immerse themselves in the work process as much as possible. Environmental analysis is carried out in compliance with current standards and methods. Thanks to accreditation and compliance with the necessary stages of work, the results are used to provide regulatory authorities or as evidence in legal proceedings.

A timely examination helps solve a complex problem, clean soil, water or air from harmful impurities. Laboratory research allows you to select a site with optimal parameters for agricultural, personal or industrial needs.

When performing environmental analysis, the RosEcology company is guided by the following features:

  1. Research of any complexity is carried out. Employees cope with multi-stage checks thanks to extensive experience and technological equipment.
  2. We advise on environmental problems. When you call, you will receive advice from an expert, not an operator. The results can be clarified; environmental studies are accompanied by detailed recommendations.
  3. No approximate or intermediate results are provided. The exact data is indicated in the final protocol without changes and only after completion of the verification stages.
  4. For urgent orders, results are possible on the same day if the check is carried out by minimum quantity indicators, and the sample is provided correctly.
  5. Experts solve customer problems. They have deep knowledge of solving complex problems. Not only the absence or presence of harmful factors is checked, but also soil indicators are identified to increase productivity.

Our environmental laboratory contains modern equipment and test systems necessary for inspections of any complexity. We have the necessary permits and accreditation from the Federal Accreditation Service. Environmental studies are carried out in the laboratory according to any parameters.

Full support is provided in the judiciary. If a trial is planned in which an expert opinion is needed, protocols are provided in accordance with all registration rules. Additional research is promptly carried out if the judge requests new information. This allows you not to delay the process and provide only objective information.
When conducting environmental studies, a full-scale inspection is provided. If necessary, the sample can be tested for a single indicator or for a wide range of substances. We will analyze the composition of water, air and soil.

Regular inspections are especially important in manufacturing plants, where the environmental and work environment is not always good. This is necessary not only for the products produced, but also for the safety of employees, as well as passing the appropriate checks. In this case, environmental assessment in the laboratory is the main stage. It is performed on the basis of a service agreement and includes predetermined checks.

After identifying harmful factors, additional checks are carried out. They are also required when moving to a new place of residence to ensure health safety. THIS is important both when buying an apartment in a new building, and when moving to a house where other people previously lived. Harmful finishing materials or chemicals that act over a long period of time could have been used.

By contacting RosEcology, you will receive a full environmental analysis depending on the task and legal requirements. The company works with individuals and enterprises of various levels to assess working conditions. The service is provided both in residential premises and in enterprises with complex equipment. The work depends on the goal set by the client. If a substance is known that can have negative consequences, testing is carried out in relation to it. But a full check is more effective, as it allows you to identify additional impacts.

To get started, send a preliminary application or contact an employee to clarify the details of the work. With cooperation, you can hope for reliable results and minimal deadlines. Environmental analysis in the laboratory is the key to complete reliability and accurate measurements.

If you need accurate and reliable research results at a reasonable price, we will be glad to see you among our clients!

The RosEcology company offers a full range of research in the field of eco-analytical monitoring and environmental control. We conduct environmental studies on various parameters, identifying harmful factors, the content of organic and inorganic compounds. An environmental assessment is the only way to verify safety or confirm the presence of harmful factors. Based on the results, effective and prompt measures can be taken.

Our work is to provide the following services:

  • conducting environmental studies and measurements;
  • provision of legally binding test reports;
  • providing recommendations that solve customer problems.

We have an environmental laboratory with modern equipment. The employees have extensive experience and specialized education; they immerse themselves in the work process as much as possible. Environmental analysis is carried out in compliance with current standards and methods. Thanks to accreditation and compliance with the necessary stages of work, the results are used to provide regulatory authorities or as evidence in legal proceedings.

A timely examination helps solve a complex problem, clean soil, water or air from harmful impurities. Laboratory research allows you to select a site with optimal parameters for agricultural, personal or industrial needs.

When performing environmental analysis, the RosEcology company is guided by the following features:

  1. Research of any complexity is carried out. Employees cope with multi-stage checks thanks to extensive experience and technological equipment.
  2. We consult on environmental issues. When you call, you will receive advice from an expert, not an operator. The results can be clarified; environmental studies are accompanied by detailed recommendations.
  3. No approximate or intermediate results are provided. The exact data is indicated in the final protocol without changes and only after completion of the verification stages.
  4. For urgent orders, results are possible on the same day if the verification is carried out according to a minimum number of indicators and the sample is provided correctly.
  5. Experts solve customer problems. They have deep knowledge of solving complex problems. Not only the absence or presence of harmful factors is checked, but also soil indicators are identified to increase productivity.

Our environmental laboratory contains modern equipment and test systems necessary for inspections of any complexity. We have the necessary permits and accreditation from the Federal Accreditation Service. Environmental studies are carried out in the laboratory according to any parameters.

Full support is provided in the judiciary. If a trial is planned in which an expert opinion is needed, protocols are provided in accordance with all registration rules. Additional research is promptly carried out if the judge requests new information. This allows you not to delay the process and provide only objective information.
When conducting environmental studies, a full-scale inspection is provided. If necessary, the sample can be tested for a single indicator or for a wide range of substances. We will analyze the composition of water, air and soil.

Regular inspections are especially important in manufacturing plants, where the environmental and work environment is not always good. This is necessary not only for the products produced, but also for the safety of employees, as well as passing the appropriate checks. In this case, environmental assessment in the laboratory is the main stage. It is performed on the basis of a service agreement and includes predetermined checks.

After identifying harmful factors, additional checks are carried out. They are also required when moving to a new place of residence to ensure health safety. THIS is important both when buying an apartment in a new building, and when moving to a house where other people previously lived. Harmful finishing materials or chemicals that act over a long period of time could have been used.

By contacting RosEcology, you will receive a full environmental analysis depending on the task and legal requirements. The company works with individuals and enterprises of various levels to assess working conditions. The service is provided both in residential premises and in enterprises with complex equipment. The work depends on the goal set by the client. If a substance is known that can have negative consequences, testing is carried out in relation to it. But a full check is more effective, as it allows you to identify additional impacts.

To get started, send a preliminary application or contact an employee to clarify the details of the work. With cooperation, you can hope for reliable results and minimal deadlines. Environmental analysis in the laboratory is the key to complete reliability and accurate measurements.

If you need accurate and reliable research results at a reasonable price, we will be glad to see you among our clients!

On November 20-21, the V All-Russian Conference “Environmental Education Today. A Look into the Future”, where the Department of ISO presented a presentation of the laboratory “Geoinformation systems and ecology” of the school-technopark in Kudrovo.

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On November 20, 2017, a plenary meeting of the V All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education “Environmental Education Today. A look into the future" (hereinafter referred to as the Conference).

Thematic sections of the plenary session of the Conference: “Continuity of the general cultural environmental component for sustainable development in general and vocational education" and "Changes in legislation in the field of environmental protection, adaptation of enterprises' activities in accordance with new requirements."

On November 21, 2017 in Moscow at school No. 446, section No. 3 was devoted to the topic “Environmental education in the system of preschool and general education».

Within the framework of section No. 3, Irina Vladimirovna Vezhenkova (deputy head of the Department of ISOS for educational work) and Maria Stepanova (2nd year master’s degree) made a presentation of the laboratory “Geoinformation systems and ecology” of the school-technopark in Kudrovo. They told the Conference participants about the importance of conscious choice of profession and the successful implementation of early vocational guidance schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".

At the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin held section No. 4 “Interaction of organizations of higher and secondary specialized education with industrial enterprises in solving personnel problems».

Section No. 5 was held at the Russian State Youth Library on the topic: “Interaction of state, public and youth organizations in environmental education of the population of Russia.”

Within the framework of the Conference, proposals were discussed for the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, data based on the results of the meeting of the State Council on the issue “On environmental development Russian Federation in the interests of future generations."

In 2017, the non-governmental environmental foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky together with the Scientific Council on Environmental Education Russian Academy Education coordinates and organizes the International Marathon on Environmental Education in Russia in the interests of sustainable development of Russia within the framework of the Year of Ecology. The goal of the International Marathon is to consolidate the efforts of scientists and practitioners in the field of solving general cultural problems of education in the interests of environmentally sustainable development of Russia.

Within the framework of the Marathon in different regions, as well as in countries near and far abroad, more than 30 scientific and practical events (conferences, sections, forums, round tables, negotiation platforms) are planned on various aspects of the formation ecological culture, development of environmental education, discussion of the conceptual foundations of modern environmental education in the interests of sustainable development. The V All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education is the final stage of the annual International Marathon. The Conference will sum up the results of the International Marathon on Environmental Education in the interests of sustainable development of Russia.

11.10.2017 10:08

Organizer: Non-governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky and others Dates: November 20, 2017 – November 21, 2017 Application deadline: October 20, 2017 Official website: http://www.vernadsky.ru/news/news/?ELEMENT_ID=811

In 2017, the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky, together with the Scientific Council on Environmental Education of the Russian Academy of Education, coordinates and organizes the International Marathon on Environmental Education in Russia in the interests of sustainable development of Russia. The goal of the International Marathon is to consolidate the efforts of scientists and practitioners in the field of solving general cultural problems of education in the interests of environmentally sustainable development of Russia.

The Fifth All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education is the final stage of the annual International Marathon.

The program of the Fifth All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education includes a plenary session, thematic sections and discussion round tables.


  • Non-governmental environmental foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky;
  • Interregional environmental public organization"GREENLIF"
  • Research Institute of Ecological Problems;
  • Russian Ecological Academy;
  • Interregional environmental public organization "Greenlight".

Supported by:

  • Ministries natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Scientific Council on Problems of Environmental Education of the Russian Academy of Education;
  • Russian University friendship of peoples;
  • Russian state library for youth;
  • State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia.

Within the framework of the Fifth All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education it is planned to:

  • discuss proposals for the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation given following the meeting of the State Council on the issue “On the environmental development of the Russian Federation in the interests of future generations”
  • discuss proposals to amend the federal government educational standards(Federal State Educational Standard) of general education on issues of their environmental component;
  • discuss issues of ensuring the continuity of environmental education, upbringing and enlightenment in accordance with the prospects for socio-economic development of Russia and the interests of sustainable development;
  • sum up the results of the International Marathon on Environmental Education in the interests of sustainable development of Russia, taking place within the framework of the Year of Ecology;
  • develop models of interaction between enterprises, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions on training environmental specialists to solve practical problems of enterprises using natural resources;
  • discuss changes in legislation in the field of environmental protection and ways to adapt the activities of enterprises to new requirements;
  • disseminate innovative experience in improving the quality of environmental education.

The Conference will include a plenary session “Environmental education today. Looking into the future" and thematic sections:

  • Section No. 1 “Continuity of the general cultural environmental component for sustainable development in general and vocational education.”
  • Section No. 2 “Changes in legislation in the field of environmental protection, adaptation of enterprises’ activities in accordance with new requirements.”
  • Section No. 3 “Environmental education in the system of preschool and general education.”
  • Section No. 4 “Interaction of higher and secondary specialized education organizations with industrial enterprises in solving personnel problems.”
  • Section No. 5 “Interaction of state, public and youth organizations in environmental education of the population of Russia.”

Participation in the Conference does not include a registration fee.

Everyone who took part in the event receives a certificate confirming participation in the Conference.

Following the results of the Conference, a collection of reports will be published.

Participation in the conference includes both face-to-face and correspondence form.

For questions regarding participation in the Conference and presentations, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee:

Volynskaya Alla Markovna, tel.: (495) 953−73−49.

Email address mail: [email protected]

On November 20-21, 2017, the Fifth All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education was held in Moscow, in which Galina Andreevna Kretinina, Deputy Director for ERM of the MBUDO “Center “Raduga”” in Volgodonsk, took part. This conference is the final stage of the annual International Marathon, the purpose of which was to consolidate the efforts of scientists and practitioners in the field of solving general cultural problems of education in the interests of environmental sustainable development of Russia. The conference included a plenary session and thematic sections. Plenary session “Environmental education today. A Look into the Future” was conducted by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Grachev, President of the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky, President of the Russian Ecological Academy, scientific supervisor Center for Global Ecology, Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, moderator. Welcoming speeches and presentations were made by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergei Efimovich Donskoy, Alexander Ivanovich Bedritsky - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on climate issues, Vladimir Vladimirovich Burmatov - Chairman of the Committee State Duma on ecology and environmental protection and many other government officials and Russian science. On the second day there were three thematic sections. Galina Andreevna took part in the work of the section “Environmental education in the system of preschool, general and additional education", got acquainted with the speeches of scientists, teaching staff organizations from various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which reflected issues in their reports social partnership educational organizations as a factor in the development of environmental education opportunities for the population; conservation cultural heritage as the basis for environmental sustainable development of Russia. At the department of teachers of preschool, general and additional education of the section, those present were presented with the experience of Russian educational institutions in implementing the tasks of environmental education for students.

In addition to summing up the results of the International Marathon, the conference discussed proposals: on the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, given following the results of the meeting of the State Council on the issue “On the environmental development of the Russian Federation in the interests of future generations; introducing amendments to the documents of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education on issues of its environmental component.

There is a big and very important work on environmental education and enlightenment of citizens of the Russian Federation!