X-ray and gammagraphy flaw detector. X-ray and gamma flaw detector Coal industry facilities

The issue was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and social issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)

X-ray and gammagraphy flaw detector

§ 57. Flaw detector for x-ray and gammagraphy (2nd category)

Characteristics of work. X-raying of products under the guidance of a flaw detectorist is more than highly qualified. Preparing products for candling. Marking and marking of areas when scanning products according to specified control parameters. Developing and fixing X-ray film.

Must know: operating principle of X-ray installations and equipment for gamma flaw detection; types and sources of radiation and their nature; passage of radiation through substances; properties of various types of x-ray film and methods for checking their quality; ways to charge cassettes.

Examples of work

1. Samples of plates - examination during certification for the category of welders.

2. Butt joints - transmission.

3. Longitudinal seams of cylinders and conical shells - translucent.

§ 58. X-ray and gammagraphy flaw detector (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Transillumination of simple products. X-raying of critical pipelines under the guidance of a more highly qualified flaw detector, ionization and scintillation testing of simple and medium-complex products. Selection of necessary radiation sources and determination of exposure. Determination of the activity of a radioactive isotope. Reviewing images to determine their quality. Regulation of X-ray and gammagraphic equipment.

Must know: the principle of operation of X-ray installations of accelerator technology, equipment for gammagraphy, ionization and scintillation control; fundamentals of electrical engineering and metallurgy; technology of casting and various types of metal welding; types of welded joints and their welding technology; influence of defects on the quality of welds; requirements for welds; fundamentals of dosimetry; weakening properties of materials when radiation passes through them; properties and characteristics of metals used for x-ray and gammagraphy; methods for selecting radiation sources, transmission parameters and required exposures.

Examples of work

1. Cast products - translucent.

2. T-joints and strip-bulb joints - translucent.

3. Welded pipes - X-raying.

4. Pipes, helicopter main rotor bushings - x-ray.

5. Annular seams of cylinders and cylinders - translucent.

§ 59. Flaw detector for x-ray and gammagraphy (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Translucent products of medium complexity. Ionization and scintillation testing of complex products. Transillumination of products using accelerator technology and gamma installations. X-raying of critical pipelines. Work on xerographic installations. Current repair and adjustment of X-ray and radiographic equipment. Charging and recharging of radiation sources. Interpretation of radiographs.

Must know: electrical circuits of X-ray and radiographic equipment for ionization and scintillation monitoring; interaction of high-energy radiation with translucent matter; basics of xerography; calculation of permissible radiation doses, distances from sources and time spent at given distances from sources; basic information about the design of various accelerators.

Examples of work

1. Welds in cylindrical and spherical surfaces - translucency.

2. Aircraft engine fuel manifold - X-ray examination and interpretation of X-ray images.

3. Working containers - recharging with isotopes.

4. Metal and charge for metallurgical shops - transillumination.

§ 60. Flaw detector for x-ray and gammagraphy (5th category)

Characteristics of work. Illumination of products of complex configuration using stationary and mobile radiation sources. Adjustment of equipment used for X-ray, gamma flaw detection, ionization and scintillation testing. Assessment of the suitability of tested samples, parts and assemblies in accordance with technical specifications and issuing conclusions. Development of sketches of devices and equipment for control. Work on X-ray television installations.

(as amended by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated December 18, 1989 N 416/25-35)

Must know: diagrams and operation of all equipment used for transmission testing, principles of obtaining various types of radiation and their interaction with the substance being scanned; calculation of radiation protection; procedure for obtaining and storing radioactive sources operating at the enterprise.

Examples of work

1. Automation units and nozzles of gas turbine engines - x-ray scanning and interpretation of radiographs.

2. Propellers - x-ray scanning and interpretation of radiographs.

3. Casings of mines and air heaters of blast furnaces - scanning of welds.

4. Shock-absorbing landing gear struts - x-ray scanning and interpretation of radiographs.

5. Helicopter swashplate - x-ray scanning and interpretation of radiographs.

6. Pipelines and gas pipelines - scanning of welds.

§ 61. Flaw detector for x-ray and gammagraphy (6th category)

Characteristics of work. Illumination of particularly complex products under various conditions using stationary and mobile radiation sources. Deciphering X-ray films. Conducting experimental work to determine the transmission modes of incoming parts. Processing and presentation of the results obtained. Issuing conclusions and drawing up reports. Development of technological documentation. Determination of the nature of the malfunction and repair of equipment used for X-ray, gamma flaw detection, ionization and scintillation testing. Commissioning work on accelerators.

Must know: basics of electrical engineering; theory and principle of obtaining various types of radiation and their interaction with substances; installation of equipment used for x-ray and gammagraphy; types of defects of metallurgical, technological, operational origin and welds; acceptable standards metal defects; principles for selecting various counters and equipment for ionization and scintillation monitoring.

Secondary specialized education required.

Examples of work

1. Turbine crankcase and aircraft engine gearbox - x-ray examination and interpretation of radiographs.

2. Spars, joints between the fuselage and the center section, mounting angles of aircraft engines - x-ray and gamma graphing.

§ 61a. X-ray and gammagraphy flaw detector (7th category)

(introduced by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2008 N 577)

Characteristics of work. X-ray examination of special products, installations and welds of pipelines operating in aggressive and radioactive environments. X-raying of especially complex products using introscopes with automatic system management. Configuring X-ray television introscopes for control mode. Interpretation of X-ray films, processing and presentation of transillumination results.

Must know: methods for producing various types of radiation and their interaction with the translucent material of special products; operating principle of introscopes with an automatic control system; rules for processing X-ray results; rules for working with special products operating in aggressive and radioactive environments.

Secondary vocational education required.

Examples of work

1. Special products - transillumination using an analyzer for proton composition.

2. Pipelines and equipment of nuclear and thermal power plants made of heat-resistant steels - x-ray.

3. Installations for processing radioactive materials - transillumination.

Non-destructive testing (NDT)- this is technological control by a specialist in non-destructive testing of the reliability of the parameters of an object or its elements. During its implementation, the object under study is not taken out of operation or dismantled.

Non-destructive testing is used for diagnostics of buildings and structures, as well as for complex technological equipment. Non-destructive testing technology is safe and is an essential element of industrial safety expertise. Thanks to non-destructive testing, technical safety is ensured at any facility.

Who is a flaw detectorist (who is this flaw detectorist)?

Flaw detectorist is a non-destructive testing specialist. The duties of a flaw detectorist include diagnosing objects, as well as their parts (assemblies), to identify various defects. The name of the profession alone suggests that the profession of a flaw detector is very responsible, multidisciplinary, and difficult. A non-destructive testing specialist must confidently work with expensive and complex equipment, have extensive technical knowledge, know the standards, norms of flaw detectors, regulations and various types of documentation.

Certification of flaw detectors

Certification of flaw detectors (personnel certification) for non-destructive testing methods at I, II and III levels of qualification passes in accordance with the requirements.

To find out how much certification of flaw detectorists costs, you need to select the methods and objects for which you need to be trained.

Basic methods and objects of non-destructive testing (NDT)

Flaw detection methods:

  • - is based on a phenomenon called acoustic emission. When acoustic waves arise and propagate during the deformation of a stressed material or the outflow of gases and other processes, elastic vibrations of acoustic waves arise, the data of which are used to determine the formation of defects at the initial stage of structural destruction. Thanks to the movement of the medium, it is possible to use AE for diagnostics of processes and materials, such as the criterion of material integrity;
  • - based on the study of the process of propagation of ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 0.5 - 25 MHz in controlled products using special equipment - an ultrasonic flaw detector;
  • Magnetic (MK)- based on interaction analysis magnetic field with a controlled object;
  • Electric (EC)- based on parameter registration electric field, interacting with a controlled object or arising in a controlled object as a result of external influence;
  • Eddy current (VC)- based on the analysis of the interaction of the external electromagnetic field of the eddy current transducer with the electromagnetic field of eddy currents induced in the controlled object;
  • Radio wave (RVK)- based on recording parameter changes electromagnetic waves radio range interacting with the controlled object;
  • Thermal (TC)- based on recording changes in thermal or temperature fields of controlled objects caused by defects;
  • Optical (OK)- based on recording the parameters of optical radiation interacting with the controlled object;
  • - based on registration and analysis of penetrating ionizing radiation after interaction with a controlled object. The word “radiation” can be replaced by a word denoting a specific type of ionizing radiation, for example, x-ray, neutron, etc.;
  • Penetrating substances- based on the penetration of substances into the defect cavities of the controlled object. There are several types of this method, for example, “capillary (PVC)” or “leak detection (PVT)”, which is used to identify through defects;
  • - based on visual inspection and quality control of welding seams, preparation and assembly of workpieces for welding. The purpose of this inspection is to identify dents, burrs, rust, burns, sagging and other visible defects. This method precedes other flaw detection methods and is basic;
  • Vibordiagnostic (VD) – based on the analysis of the vibration parameters that occur during the operation of the controlled object. Vibration diagnostics is aimed at troubleshooting and assessing the technical condition of an object under vibration diagnostic control.

Flaw detection objects:

1. Boiler inspection objects

  • 1.1. Steam and hot water boilers
  • 1.2. Electric boilers
  • 1.3. Vessels operating under pressure above 0.07 MPa
  • 1.4. Steam and hot water pipelines with a working steam pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and a water temperature of more than 115°C
  • 1.5. Pressure chambers

2. Gas supply systems (gas distribution)

  • 2.1. External gas pipelines
  • 2.1.1. External steel gas pipelines
  • 2.1.2. External gas pipelines made of polyethylene
  • 2.2. Steel internal gas pipelines
  • 2.3. Parts and components, gas equipment

3. Lifting structures

  • 3.1. Lifting cranes
  • 3.2. Lifts (towers)
  • 3.3. Cable cars
  • 3.4. Funiculars
  • 3.5. Escalators
  • 3.6. ee
  • 3.7. Pipe laying cranes
  • 3.8. Loader cranes
  • 3.9. Lifting platforms for disabled people
  • 3.10. Crane tracks

4. Mining facilities

  • 4.1. Buildings and structures of surface complexes of mines, processing plants, pelletizing plants and sinter plants
  • 4.2. Mine hoisting machines
  • 4.3. Mining, transport and mining equipment

5. Coal industry facilities

  • 5.1. Mine hoisting machines
  • 5.2. Main ventilation fans
  • 5.3. Mining, transport and coal processing equipment

6. Oil and gas industry equipment

  • 6.1. Well drilling equipment
  • 6.2. Well operation equipment
  • 6.3. Equipment for well development and repair
  • 6.4. Equipment for gas and oil pumping stations
  • 6.5. Gas and oil product pipelines
  • 6.6. Tanks for oil and petroleum products

7. Metallurgical industry equipment

  • 7.1. Metal structures of technical devices, buildings and structures
  • 7.2. Process gas pipelines
  • 7.3. Trunnions of iron carriers, steel ladles, metal-pouring ladles

8. Equipment for explosion-, fire- and chemically hazardous industries

  • 8.1. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining plants operating under pressure up to 16 MPa
  • 8.2. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining plants operating under pressure over 16 MPa
  • 8.3. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining plants operating under vacuum
  • 8.4. Tanks for storing explosive and fire hazardous and toxic substances
  • 8.5. Isothermal storage facilities
  • 8.6. Cryogenic equipment
  • 8.7. Equipment for ammonia refrigeration units
  • 8.8. Furnaces
  • 8.9. Compressor and pumping equipment
  • 8.10. Centrifuges, separators
  • 8.11. Tanks, containers (barrels), cylinders for explosive and fire toxic substances
  • 8.12. Process pipelines, steam and hot water pipelines

9. Grain storage and processing facilities:

  • 9.1. Blower machines (air turbocompressors, turboblowers).
  • 9.2. Fans (centrifugal, radial, VVD).
  • 9.3. Hammer crushers, roller machines, entolators.

10. Buildings and structures (construction sites)

  • 10.1. Metal structures
  • 10.2. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • 10.3. Stone and reinforced stone structures

Learn to become a flaw detector

Of course, the work of a flaw detector should be based on extensive knowledge, which can be obtained by taking courses for flaw detectors. Training in the profession of flaw detector in Moscow is carried out by special independent bodies for certification of personnel of the non-destructive testing system. Having received the education, a flaw detectorist is certified, based on the results of which a certificate of a flaw detector engineer is issued. Our company will help you and your employees learn to be a flaw detector various types, such as flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing, etc. without interruption from production.

Why is certification of flaw detectors needed?

According to , all non-destructive testing specialists (flaw detectors) must undergo certification when conducting testing using the methods established in clause 17 at the facilities established by Appendix 1.

Enterprises and organizations carrying out non-destructive testing activities during technical diagnostics, repair, reconstruction of buildings and structures, as well as their parts and technical devices at production facilities associated with increased danger, must conduct certification of their specialists. Also, organizations engaged in training and advanced training of personnel must undergo certification by special independent bodies for certification of personnel of the non-destructive testing system.

3 levels of qualification of flaw detector:

I qualification level- NDT specialist with skills, knowledge and skills in accordance with clause 1.2 of Appendix 4.

An NDT specialist of qualification level I can perform non-destructive testing by a certain NDT method of certain objects, according to instructions, strictly observing the NDT technology and methodology and under the supervision of personnel with a qualification level higher than his.

The responsibilities of a level I flaw detector include:

  • setting up the equipment that is used to carry out NDT using the appropriate method;
  • performing NDT using a certified method;
  • description of the results of observation and control.

Specialist of I qualification level can't carry out independent selection of the NDT method, equipment, technology and control mode, and evaluate the control results.

II qualification level- NDT specialist with knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with clauses 2.2 and 2.3 of Appendix 4.

An NDT specialist of level II qualification can perform work on non-destructive testing, has sufficient qualifications to manage NDT in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation, to select a control method, and limit the scope of application of the method. Sets up equipment, assesses the quality of an object or element in accordance with documents, documents the results obtained, develops instructions and various documents for specific products in the field of its certification, prepares and manages Level I specialists. An NDT specialist of level II qualification makes a choice of technology and control means, makes a conclusion based on the results of control, which is carried out by himself or by a Level I NDT specialist.

III level of qualification- NDT specialist with knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with clause 3 of Appendix 4.

An NDT specialist of the third qualification level has the qualifications necessary to manage any operations using the NDT method for which he is certified, and independently selects NDT methods and methods, personnel and equipment. Supervises the work of level I and II personnel and performs work that is the responsibility of these levels. Controls and coordinates technological documentation developed by Level II specialists. Engaged in the development of methodological documents and technical regulations on NDT, as well as the assessment and interpretation of control results. Participates in the training and certification of personnel at levels I, II, III, if authorized by the Independent Body. Inspects work performed by I and level personnel, selects technology and means of control, draws a conclusion based on its results, which he performed himself, or by a level I specialist under his supervision.

There are also various ranks of flaw detectorists, which they receive directly from the enterprises where they work.

You can take the training no matter what qualification you currently have. If you already have work experience in your profession and you want to upgrade your status to a 6th category flaw detectorist, you need to undergo advanced training for flaw detectorists. For specialists with insufficient experience and knowledge, there are courses where vocational training flaw detectorists, where you can learn to become a flaw detectorist from scratch.


In order to engage in non-destructive testing activities, an employee it is necessary to obtain a doctor's opinion therapist and ophthalmologist, about the state of health.

Validity period Certification of flaw detector level I, II - 3 years, level III - 5 years from the date of certification.

Priceflaw detector certificates is from 25,000 rubles. and is calculated only upon application, based on what works and types of activities will be certified!

A flaw detector is a specialist who is engaged in identifying defects, mechanical damage and defects in production. For example, a flaw detection engineer at a carriage depot checks the wheelsets of a railway train for cracks and damage during operation.

To work, people in this profession need special measuring instruments. Flaw detectors working on railway tracks, are identified using flaw detection trolleys or a wagon.

The profession of a flaw detector is the most important and responsible in metallurgical production. Products produced at the plant are necessarily carefully checked by specialists for hidden defects, which cannot be noticed without the presence of ultrasonic equipment.

What a flaw detector should know

A flaw detector engineer is a rather complex and responsible job. He is responsible for the quality of products produced at the plant, for the life and safety of passengers when working in the railway transportation industry. It is not surprising that employers have a number of requirements for applicants for this position. The flaw detector must know the following:

  • regulations relating to occupational safety and methodological acts state system measurements;
  • types of possible defects, design features of the test object, potential danger during measurements;
  • methods and technical documentation for non-destructive testing;
  • rules for selecting and checking the quality of materials;
  • types of defects, their classification, signs by which a defective part is identified.

Responsibilities of a flaw detector

Many people ask the following question: “Who is this flaw detectorist? What does he do?” A flaw detection engineer has a number of job responsibilities in the workplace, which are listed below:

  • carrying out work related to non-destructive testing and diagnostics of tested products;
  • planning the work and carrying out quality control during its implementation;
  • checking the quality of measurements taken by subordinates;
  • drawing up a report on the quality of the test sample;
  • ensuring the safety and operability of measuring equipment;
  • monitoring of simple and complex parts in their configuration on stationary and mobile devices (flaw detectors);
  • eddy current testing of cylindrical parts;
  • adjustment, if necessary, of ultrasonic and electromagnetic type;
  • preparation of magnetic suspensions;
  • checking parts for the presence of delaminations, recording the boundaries of delamination if detected using a special device;
  • keeping records of work performed.


The position of flaw detection engineer is in high demand in our country. There is no shortage of qualified specialists in this field on the labor market. According to data received from the Russian Ministry of Labor, in January 2016, the vacancy of a flaw detector (non-destructive testing specialist) was included in the list of the most in-demand professions.

Training to become a flaw detector consists of acquiring knowledge regarding the principle of operation of a flaw detector, its main purpose, and the functions of controlling the device. Students will also take courses on the topic “Basic concepts of electrical engineering.”

After successful completion of training, the flaw detector operator receives the following professional skills:

  1. Checking the quality of welding using magnetic equipment.
  2. Fixation of permeability in austenitic steels depending on the amount of ferrite.
  3. Diagnostics and identification of surface defects, calculation of their coordinates and area.
  4. Diagnostics of the equipment used, namely flaw detectors, depth gauges and converters.
  5. Quality control of welds and rolled low-alloy carbon steel using an ultrasonic device.

Career Opportunities

Flaw detector equipment

Many people are interested in the question: “Who is this flaw detectorist? What functions does it perform? To answer this question, a flaw detector is needed.

The word “flaw detector” came to us from the ancient Greek and Latin languages, and literally translated means “I observe a defect.” This device is designed to detect defects in products made from various materials. In this case, the non-destructive testing method is used. These defects include:

  1. Heterogeneous structure of the part.
  2. Violation of continuity.
  3. Deviation from specified dimensions.
  4. Change in chemical composition.
  5. Corrosion damage.

Where are flaw detectors used?

To answer the question: “Who is this flaw detector?” - you should know where the device is used to detect defects. Flaw detectors are necessary for vehicle inspection, for production control at machine-building plants, in the chemical industry, construction, energy, in scientific laboratories and in many other industries.

Equipment for detecting defects is used to control the quality of parts, workpieces, welded, adhesive and soldered joints. Some instruments are capable of inspecting products that move at high speed, such as during pipe rolling. Also, some flaw detectors are capable of operating while moving at high speed, for example, wagons or carts equipped with the necessary equipment. Metallurgical plants often use flaw detectors that can inspect parts heated to high temperatures.

History of the creation of the flaw detector

To understand who flaw detectors are and what they do, it’s worth knowing a little historical facts about the history of the creation of the flaw detector. The Curie brothers first noticed the reversible effect of piezoelectric pulses in 1880. This discovery made it possible to use quartz to transform electrical vibrations into sound.

The first flaw detector was created thanks to D. Lachinov at the end of 1880. Its main purpose is to detect a break in the electrical circuit.

But more modern flaw detectors, operating using echo-pulse signals, were assembled in 1943 by two companies almost simultaneously: the American Sperry Products and the English Kelvin and Hughes.