According to Leonov's text. In those distant former times, at approximately the same level of the collapse of civilizations... (Unified State Examination arguments)

What is loneliness? How should a person deal with this feeling? For what reasons do people become lonely? These and other questions are addressed in the text by the famous publicist B.P. Ekimova. However, the author examines the problem of loneliness in more detail.

To better understand this pressing issue, B.P. Ekimov analyzes the reasons why a person experiences a feeling of loneliness. The author refers to the dialogue between Maryana and father and son. The nanny lived out her lonely days in a nursing home without complaining about life: “In general, she was cheerful with all her might and clearly tried to convince us how good and wonderful her life was. "The prose writer involves readers in the circle of experiences of his hero, describing him internal state. Maryana felt lonely in this house, but she pretended that she felt good: “It felt like if we offered her now to leave this wonderful shelter with a wonderful, well-established life and go home with us, she would go to the car without hesitation. »

The position of the author of the text is expressed clearly and unambiguously. The publicist makes very convincing arguments in favor of the need to take care of lonely people and help them so that there are more positive moments in their lives.

It is difficult to disagree with the author's opinion. It is unlikely that anyone will deny that a lonely person needs support. You need to think more often about the people around you, because maybe among them there are lonely people who need help.

My agreement with the author’s position can be justified by the following literary example. Let us recall the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." Those who for some reason do not accept society, the laws of life, etc. usually become lonely. Pechorin is extraordinary, so he is always lonely. They cannot understand him, which is why he tries to isolate himself from the whole world. Pechorin tries to realize himself, but these attempts turn into suffering and loss.

An excellent example of the problem of human loneliness is F. M. Dostoevsky’s story “White Nights”. The writer tells the story of a lonely Dreamer, whose happiness never materialized. The hero meets a girl, Nastenka, in whom he finds salvation from loneliness and truly falls in love with her. However, Nastya leaves the dreamer, but apologizes for the betrayal in a letter. Main character forgives her and still continues to love her, remaining alone in a cold city that does not understand him.

I read the text by B.P. Ekimov with interest, and I believe that readers will think about the problem raised by the author and understand how important it is to sympathize with people who experience loneliness.

OPTION 8 Unified State Exam 2015

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, a word, a phrase or sequence of words, numbers . Write the answer in the answer field in the body of the work, and then transfer

in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3.

(1) Art as a science studies the world around us. (2), unlike the scientist, who strives to openly explore the objective laws of nature and society, independent of his will, the artist, by reproducing the forms and phenomena of the visible world, expresses, first of all, his attitude and state of mind. (3) And in a work of art, unlike a scientific work, each person sees something of his own and becomes a co-author.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveysHOME information contained in the text?

1) Only an artist is capable of understanding the world around him, while conveying and expressing his worldview and state of mind, leaving something unsolved in a work of art.

2) Science and art are similar in many ways; they require a person to perceive the world around him.

3) Unlike the author of a scientific work, which reveals the objective laws of the surrounding world, the author of a work of art conveys his worldview and state of mind, and therefore every person sees in artistic image something of its own that makes the process of perceiving a work a process of co-creation.

4) Each era and each person perceives works of art in their own way, because only an artist is able to discover and explore the objective laws of nature that do not depend on his will.

5) artwork, which conveys the author’s attitude and state of mind, differs from a scientific work that reveals the objective laws of the surrounding world; In an artistic image, each person sees something different, which makes the process of perceiving a work a process of co-creation.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

However, for example, in other words, firstly, even


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word ESSAY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1) What is composed, an artistic, scientific work.Collected works of Mayakovsky. Musical village

2) Type of writing school work– applying your thoughts and knowledge to a given topic.Cool s. Homemade s.

3) In grammar: a combination of several word forms or simple sentences according to the method of coordinating communication.S. and subordination of sentences.


4. In one of the words below there is an error in the emphasis:WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.

Bent self-interest burst into citizenship


5. In one of the sentences belowWRONG the highlighted word is used.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

The dazzling snow DRESSED all the mountains in white fluffy coats, thereby transforming the entire area beyond recognition.

This area has long been known for its STONE soil, which is completely unsuitable for agriculture and generally for growing any crops.

Oddly enough, the speech of the editor-in-chief of a popular magazine, known for its scandalous articles, turned out to be extremely DIPLOMATIC.

It is curious that many consider tea tree oil to be a particularly effective means of treating the inner surface of shoes.

Most of the negative heroes of N.V. Gogol can be collected into a SINGLE image of vulgarity.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.


profitable CONTRACTS are longer TOTAL a lot of APPLES


7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) While working on the final version of the manuscript, nothing inspired me more than the future success of my book.

B) Those who turned to the poetry of B. Pasternak were stunned by unexpected metaphors, the expressiveness of antitheses, and the cohesion of antonyms.

C) The new film will be shown in the Salyute and Severe cinemas.

D) Schoolchildren from our village willingly helped a group of archaeologists who came from Novgorod.

D) Thanks to society's attention to this problem, today it is the most pressing.



8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

land surveyor .sunset..looks up..upstart..prestige dissipates..lays


9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..stop, pr..full of..embarrassed, go away

warm..warm, pr..nourish, igniting, descending..walking


10. AND .

burn..grow glossy..root..howl weaken..find..w


11. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gapE .

found out..restricted..believed..heard..reassured..reassured


12. Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the wordFULL . Open the brackets and write down this word.

(NOT) FAR from the river there are elite sanatoriums and simpler camp sites.

At first I thought they were being secretive, but then I realized that I was far (WRONG) RIGHT.

Some strange feeling, hitherto (UN) EXPERIENCED, suddenly came over me.

He led a Spartan life, but at the same time he was (NOT) A RECLUSIVE, but a sociable person.

(NOT)HAPPINESS ensures success in the exam, but good knowledge of the subject.


13. Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are writtenFULL . Open the brackets and write down these two words.

We settled down HERE, by the fire, and I, (NOT) LOOKING at the cold, soon fell asleep in the deepest sleep.

Sometimes at the market some lady would give Vanyusha her basket and pay him a nickel FOR the fact that he (B) carried this basket after her for an hour.

Once you read AT LEAST a few lines from your favorite book, you’ll want to write THAT one yourself.

(OVER CENTURIES, people have tried to invent aircraft WHAT (WOULD) rise up.

(DUE TO track repairs, YES) trains have been cancelled.


14. Indicate all the numbers that are replaced by one letterN .

Everywhere he was an invited guest, but often refused invitations, leaning (2) on a beautiful (3) cane with a silver (4) knob.


15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of the proposals in which you need to putONE comma.

1) Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both ancient forests and cozy seaside towns.

2) The forest rustled, sometimes soothingly and melodiously, sometimes impetuously and alarmingly.

3) The individuality of each writer is manifested primarily in the preference for one or another color epithet.

4) And under the Balkan stars we remember for a reason the Yaroslavl, Ryazan and Smolensk places.

5) Everyone is as young as ten years ago.


16. Place punctuation marks

For several minutes (1) Anna stood at the door (2) absolutely not moving (3) as if reliving (4) everything she had seen.


17. Place punctuation marks : indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

During the snowstorm, the wind climbed into the empty rooms, and the old house (1) suddenly (2) came alive with sounds. Here (3) it seems (4) as if something in the white hall sighed deeply, intermittently, sadly.


18. Place punctuation marks : indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Three days later I was given a notice (1) which (2) stated the need to immediately pay (3) for my tuition.


19. Place punctuation marks : indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Many remained in the firm conviction (1) that (2) if the garrison had shown more courage and haste (3) then two dozen (4) predators would have remained in place.


Read the text and complete tasks 20 – 25.

(1) In those distant former times, at approximately the same level of collapse of civilizations as we observe now, stern, denouncing prophets arose among the people, and then barefoot, bare-haired ideas angrily, with a sword and a torch in their hands, burst into reality to produce the necessary sanitary cleaning. (2) Nature has spent too much hope and effort on man to let him die so easily and like a dog. (3) For the last century, the machine of civilization has been operating at critical speeds with the risk of fatal overload. (4) The dust of moral wear and tear suspended in the air burned my breath more and more.

(5) It would seem that our contemporaries have no reason for special pessimism.

(6) After all, everything moves around so systematically. (7) Progress is in good health and is rushing forward at full speed. (8) Shop windows overflowing with goods sparkle, streams of passers-by, tourists, and all sorts of modern cars move through the streets. (9) Airliners cover distances in 24 hours that took Marco Polo and Afanasy Nikitin three years to cover. (10) The whole world is covered with fascinating posters, calling for the help of various means to quietly while away the boredom of life. (11) Museums are no longer enough for advanced works of art, and inquisitive sciences with extraordinary efficiency are probing the surrounding unknown in order to extract benefit from it for further pleasures. (12) Everyone has in their hands strange devices that allow them to communicate almost with the North Pole, which would have terrified our ancestors, who knew nothing about technology.

(13) But look how the arrows of the pressure gauges that determine the spiritual well-being in the world tremble, how the burnt child spreads from overheated, overstressed wires underfoot, how the excessively hot air burns your face, what suspicious rumbles creep across the earth not only from the awakening of continents or the emergence of innovative ideas, but also from something else... (14) You experience something similar in a dream, when, creeping up to the door, you hear behind it the hidden, bated breath of some indescribable creature, which is just waiting for the moment to insert its knee, A small crack will open slightly, and you will burst into a warm, lived-in home.

(15) It seems that humanity has approached the end of the modest eternity allotted to it. (16) And science, having rushed through the zero phase of time and physical existence, will burst into another, not yet mastered, mathematical space with the transfer there of the intellectual capital of the universe.

(17) The now obvious collapse of yesterday’s era will end with an inevitable revision of the sadly unjustified pairing of Good and Evil.

(18)3 knowledge helps to look into the abyss, but does not contain instructions on how not to fall into it. (19) Progress itself should be likened to the burning of a fuse: our happiness lies in the fact that it is not visible how little is left before the charge. (According to L.M. Leonov*)

* Leonid Maksimovich Leonov (1899-1994) – Russian Soviet writer.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Human society has made significant progress in its moral development in recent centuries.

2) Knowledge alone is not enough for people to avoid falling into the abyss of oblivion.

3) New ideas emerging in the depths of civilization produce a kind of sanitary cleaning in society.

4) Spiritual well-being in the world has not been achieved.

5) Knowledge always gives specific guidelines on how to avoid mistakes in life.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-4 present the reasoning.

2) Propositions 8-12 contain examples illustrating the statement made in sentence 7.

3) Sentence 13 contains a descriptive element.

4) Proposition 16 contains an argument to the thesis expressed in sentence 15.

5) Sentences 18-19 present the narrative.


22. From sentence 17, write down the antonyms (antonymic pair).


23. Among sentences 14-17, find one that is connected to the previous one using a conjunction. Write the number of this offer.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

“Prose by L.M. Leonov amazes with its rich imagery and alarming intonation. The writer uses the following tropes: (A)__________ (for example, “the machine of civilization” in sentence 3, “dust of moral wear and tear” in sentence 4) and (B)__________ (for example, “the whole world is papered over...” in sentence 10), with with which lexical means are organically combined: (B) __________ (“zero phase” in sentence 16, “bickford cord” in sentence 19). And a trope like __________ (G) (“the indescribable creature” in sentence 14) helps convey the writer’s anxiety.

List of terms:

1) comparative turnover

2) metaphors

3) hyperbole

4) phraseological units

5) terms

6) lexical repetition

7) opposition

8) series of homogeneous members

9) epithet



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.


OPTION 8 Unified State Exam 2015

to the tasks of part 1


dobrazla spitefuldobrozlo evil



Approximate range of problems

(1) In those distant former times, at approximately the same level of collapse of civilizations as we observe now, stern, denouncing prophets arose among the people, and then barefoot, bare-haired ideas angrily, with a sword and a torch in their hands, burst into reality to produce the necessary sanitary cleaning. (2) Nature has spent too much hope and effort on man to let him die so easily and like a dog. (3) For the last century, the machine of civilization has been operating at critical speeds with the risk of fatal overload. (4) The dust of moral wear and tear suspended in the air burned my breath more and more.

(5) It would seem that our contemporaries have no reason for special pessimism. (6) After all, everything moves around so systematically. (7) Progress is in good health and is rushing forward at full speed. (8) Shop windows overflowing with goods sparkle, streams of passers-by, tourists, and all sorts of modern cars move through the streets. (9) Airliners cover distances in 24 hours that took Marco Polo and Afanasy Nikitin three years to cover. (10) The whole world is covered with fascinating posters, calling for the help of various means to quietly while away the boredom of life. (11) Museums are no longer enough for advanced works of art, and inquisitive sciences with extraordinary efficiency are probing the surrounding unknown in order to extract benefit from it for further pleasures. (12) Everyone has in their hands strange devices that allow them to communicate almost with the North Pole, which would have terrified our ancestors, who knew nothing about technology.

(13) But look how the arrows of the pressure gauges that determine the spiritual well-being in the world tremble, how the burnt child spreads from overheated, overstressed wires underfoot, how the excessively hot air burns your face, what suspicious rumbles creep across the earth not only from the awakening of continents or the emergence of innovative ideas, but also from something else... (14) You experience something similar in a dream, when, creeping up to the door, you hear behind it the hidden, bated breath of some indescribable creature, which is just waiting for the moment to insert its knee, A small crack will open slightly, and you will burst into a warm, lived-in home.

(15) It seems that humanity has approached the end of the modest eternity allotted to it. (16) And science, having rushed through the zero phase of time and physical existence, will burst into another, not yet mastered, mathematical space with the transfer there of the intellectual capital of the universe.

(17) The now obvious collapse of yesterday’s era will end with an inevitable revision of the sadly unjustified pairing of Good and Evil.

(18)3 knowledge helps to look into the abyss, but does not contain instructions on how not to fall into it. (19) Progress itself should be likened to the burning of a fuse: our happiness lies in the fact that it is not visible how little is left before the charge.

(According to L.M. Leonov*)

* Leonid Maksimovich Leonov (1899-1994) - Russian Soviet writer.

Show full text

How does progress affect the spiritual well-being of the world? This is the problem raised by L.M. Leonov in the text. Of course, this problem is very important and relevant. The author describes all the “benefits” that have become available to man thanks to progress: a variety of goods, the ability to quickly move from one point globe on the other, the opportunity to communicate “almost not with north pole " However, all this does not help to achieve spiritual well-being. “Wire fumes”, “excessively hot air”, “suspicious hums”, b udto warns humanity about the threat of death looming over it. Indeed, progress is capable of bringing vital conveniences to humanity and making our existence comfortable. But in the endless race for new achievements in science and art, we forget about the state of our soul. People become indifferent to others, materialistic, and sometimes even cruel. And if we don’t come to our senses now, then in the near future we will completely lose our human appearance and turn into soulless robots. The author's position on this issue is obvious. L

Essay on the text: “ In those distant former times, at approximately the same level of collapse of civilizations as we see now... Leonov L.M.

It is known that every coin has two sides. What is the danger of scientific technical progress and the development of human knowledge? The writer L. Leonov reflects on this topical problem.

The text is striking in its alarming intonation. The author does not share the calm of those who are confident that everything is moving according to plan and there is no reason for pessimism. According to Leonov, “the machine of civilization operates at critical speeds with the risk of fatal overload.” He is depressing by the degree of moral deterioration of modern society, when the development of science is not consecrated by lofty goals, but is associated with the pursuit of pleasure. Leonov sees the danger of such a trend in a terrible denouement: a revision of the “pairing of Good and Evil,” and he calls progress a burning fuse.

The writer states: “Knowledge helps to look into the abyss, but does not contain instructions on how not to fall into it.”

Thus, inexhaustible sources of atomic energy open up enormous opportunities for humanity. However, whether the atom will be peaceful, giving light and warmth, or bringing death, depends primarily on people, on their moral principles. Only clear moral guidelines will prevent you from straying from the right course and save the world from disaster.

I remember Professor Preobrazhensky, the hero of M. Bulgakov’s story “ Heart of a Dog" Driven by the desire to improve the human race, he crossed that cherished line that cannot be crossed with impunity. And the results of his daring experiment were very disastrous: from smart dog The ball turned into a brainless and soulless monster...

Thus, the prosperity of society is associated with the development of human knowledge with strict adherence to the eternal and unchangeable laws of morality.

Searched here:

  • in those distant former times, the essay was at approximately the same level
  • example Unified State Exam essays in Russian according to the text by L Leonov The problem of human responsibility for what is happening on Earth In those distant former times, approximately at the same level of the collapse of civilizations

The journalistic article by L. M. Leonov raises the problem of the influence of technological progress on modern society. How do the latest inventions affect human moral life?

Leonov draws the reader's attention to the fragility and critical instability of man's position in modern world. Describing numerous achievements of science, technology, economics and art, the author not only does not express admiration for their power, but also compares them with an “indescribable creature”, with an unknown monster from nightmares that will burst into our comfortable and familiar world as soon as we cross death line.

The limitless possibilities that the machine of progress, heated to the limit, provide are frightening in their scale - a person gets the opportunity to “look into the abyss,” but does not fully realize the danger of falling into it, of losing the remnants of morality and moral principles in the mathematical space. Leonov has a presentiment that there are only a few days, hours, minutes left before the catastrophe. He calls on humanity to shake itself up, to realize the inviolability of concepts

“good” and “evil” and stop your worship of progress.

This position is found in many works of Russian and foreign literature at the beginning of the 20th century - a period of scientific and technological revolution. It was at this time that this became very popular literary direction like a dystopia.

Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin’s “We” depicts a progressive communist society, the result of a worldwide technical and moral revolution. The main character of the novel - D-503 - is confident in justice, greatness and perfection One State. However, having met I-330, a young girl disillusioned with the principles of the State and dreaming of being freed from its obsessive yoke, the hero experiences for the first time true love, forgets about his attachment to harmonious mathematical formulas, rebels against the cruel policy of depersonalization and becomes ill with his “soul.” The ending of the work shows that individuality, sincerity and free-thinking are unthinkable in a totalitarian state: the hero voluntarily agrees to an operation to remove the fantasy, after which he without hesitation betrays his beloved and all her associates.

The novel by the English writer Aldous Huxley also depicts a society built on advanced biotechnological principles: people are produced in factories, divided into castes from birth, predetermined by their needs, thoughts, desires and destinies. Their whole life is aimed at “consuming goods” produced by the state. Ford becomes their god, and they worship him, devoid of feelings, thoughts, despising their past. John, a resident of the reservation, who read Shakespeare, dreams of love and justice, finding himself in the world of progress, receives the ironic nickname “Savage.” Misunderstanding, vulgarity and baseness of modern humanity, its inconsistency with Shakespearean ideals destroy all of John's dreams and, unable to bear the disappointment, at the end of the novel he kills himself.

Thus, the worship of progress is destructive for humanity, it hinders the development of human relationships, kills individuality at its very root and leads to the robotization of consciousness.

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