Correlation between primary and test scores. What is the primary and test score of the Unified State Exam? How are the Unified State Exam results assessed?

Every graduate who wants to become a student at one of the Russian universities in 2018 faces a difficult task - to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, as well as to choose the right educational institution and faculty for submitting documents. Most 11th graders and their parents are faced with the final exam grading system for the first time and often find it difficult to find answers to the questions that arise. Therefore, we decided to shed light on important points.

In 2017-2018, the basic rules for passing the Unified State Exam will not be significantly changed. This means that the 100-point assessment system for final tests will still be relevant for graduates.

How is everything going?

During the inspection exam papers For each correctly completed task, the graduate receives so-called “primary points”, which upon completion of the work check are summed up and converted into a “test score”, which is indicated in the Unified State Examination certificate.

Important! Since 2009, the scale for converting the primary and test scores of the Unified State Exam into the traditional five-point grades for schools has not been officially used, because in 2017 and 2018 the final exams are not included in the certificate.

Work verification is performed in two ways:

  • automatically (using special programs and technical means);
  • manually (the correctness of detailed answers is checked by two independent experts).

It is quite difficult to challenge the result of an automatic check. If the basic rules were not followed when filling out the answer table, the computer may not protect the result, and only the graduate himself will be to blame for this, for not following a number of mandatory rules.

If controversial issues arise during an expert review, a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

When can I expect results?

The following time frames apply by law:

  • data processing (for compulsory subjects) in the RCIO should not last longer than 6 calendar days;
  • RCIO is given 4 days to process data (elective subjects);
  • verification at the Federal Testing Center should take no more than 5 working days;
  • approval of results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days for distribution of results to Unified State Exam participants.

In practice, from the moment of passing the exam to receiving the official result, it can take from 8 to 14 days.

Converting Unified State Examination points into grades

Despite the fact that in 2018 the scale for converting points in Unified State Examination subjects into a five-point grade is not officially used, many still want to interpret their results in a more familiar “school” system. To do this, you can use special tables or online calculators.

Table for converting OGE test scores into grades

Russian language



Social science

Foreign languages




The second method is a little simpler and more convenient than searching for the required values ​​in the cells of a huge table. You just need to choose a subject (mathematics, Russian language, chemistry, physics, history, English language, social studies... and other subjects), enter data and get the desired result in a matter of seconds.

We invite you to try how simple and convenient it is to use online calculators for the Unified State Exam score and its conversion into a 5-point score in practice.

Transferring points from primary to test

Converting Unified State Examination points into grades

Internet systems for applicants

The 2017-2018 academic year is completed, the exam has been passed, the results are known and even an interactive transfer scale primary points showed that the Unified State Examination result was in a fairly good range... But is this enough to enter the desired university?

Assess the real chances of admission based on test scores and the minimum passing threshold set by the university.

Important! The minimum passing score is determined by the university itself. It will directly depend on the scores of applicants who apply in 2018. The more popular the specialty, the higher the passing score.

Often at TOP faculties, even 100-point results are not enough for admission to the budget. Only Olympiad winners who provide significant additional points have a chance to see their name on the list of applicants for such majors.

In 2018, the most popular services for selecting a university and monitoring the entrance score threshold for various specialties will be:

  2. Apply online
  3. Calculator High school economy
  5. Typical applicant

These services are very easy to find. Just enter their name into any search engine.

Correspondence between the 2018 Unified State Exam primary scores and test scores for all academic subjects Rosobrnadzor documents determine the 100-point assessment system.

Scale for converting USE 2018 points into a 100-point system

To confirm mastery educational program average general education for each academic subject, except for the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, it is established minimum quantity Unified State Examination points according to a 100-point grading system.

There is also a minimum number of points for each USE subject required for admission to universities. Below this level, universities do not have the right to establish their own minimum scores, with which applicants will be accepted.

But higher - they can. Therefore, you should build on these scores (and not rely on them) if you decide to pursue higher education.

There is a difference in the minimum scores for obtaining a certificate and entering a university only in the Russian language.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

It's understandable to want to know your results right away, but you should wait a little. On average, papers are checked within one to two weeks, depending on the number of people taking the exam. For example, a large number of children take the Unified State Exam in Russian, on average about 700 thousand people annually.

This is a large exam, so results will be available in about two weeks. And results from the literature can be obtained much faster. The deadline for issuing results to participants is determined by Rosobrnadzor and published on the portal

At school, our knowledge was assessed using a five-point system. With the advent of the Unified State Exam, everything changed. Now the success of final exams is determined on a 100-point scale, with primary and test scores. It is not easy to understand this system the first time.

Upon completion of final exams in various general education subjects, schoolchildren will not immediately learn their Unified State Examination results. When checking their work, the examination committee first assigns so-called primary points.

Primary Unified State Exam scores are calculated for each subject separately, depending on the structure of the exam and the complexity of the tasks completed. After determining the initial points, the commission transfers them to test points - those that are subsequently entered into the database and reflected in the Unified State Examination certificate.

To convert primary scores into test scores, the so-called score conversion table is used. The correspondence between the primary and test scores is established annually by order of Rosobrnadzor. This correspondence is different for each subject. For example, 10 primary points correspond to 10 points in foreign languages, 23 - in social studies, 38 - in physics, 50 - in specialized level mathematics.

A reasonable question arises: why use primary scores if you can immediately calculate test scores? In fact, it is very difficult to evaluate work in all subjects on a 100-point scale - taking into account the structure and complexity of the tasks (and this can change). It is also necessary to take into account the level of preparation of students: in different educational institutions it varies greatly.

For each subject, the minimum and maximum primary scores are established: PB1 and PB2. The minimum initial score indicates that the exam participant has mastered the basic concepts of the subject. The maximum primary score is assigned to a student who has demonstrated a high degree of mastery of a specific subject. If the exam (its difficulty, structure, etc.) has not changed compared to last year, PB1 and PB2 remain the same.

According to the Unified State Exam assessment system, each task is graded on a scale from 1 to 24. The maximum number of primary points for all tasks according to different subjects ranges from 32 to 100. There is also a minimum number of test points that an exam participant can score. The methodology and table for converting points are posted on the official website of the Unified State Examination.

For a general understanding, you can convert the number of Unified State Exam points into the usual school grade. For example, 72 points scored in the Russian language correspond to a grade of 5 (“excellent”), 58–71 - “four”, 36–57 - “three”. 0–35 points scored is a school “failure.” These data are calculated using a special online calculator.

However, high school students who have already decided on their choice of university are guided by Unified State Exam data- passing scores set by universities, as well as last year’s passing score in the competition for budget place(if it exists). It is worth noting that the passing score set by the university and the passing score for a budget place can differ significantly (at least by a factor of two).

Correspondence between the minimum primary scores and the minimum test scores according to the hundred-point assessment system, confirming the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education in compulsory academic subjects

Subject Minimum primary score Minimum test score Russian language 10 24 Mathematics of the profile level 6 27 Correspondence between the minimum primary scores and the minimum test scores in academic subjects according to a hundred-point assessment system, confirming the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education in all general education subjects, and necessary for admission to educational organizations higher education for undergraduate and specialist programs

Subject Minimum primary score Minimum test score Russian language 16 36 Profile level mathematics 6 27 Social studies 19 42 History 9 32 Physics 9 36 Chemistry 13 36 Biology 16 36 Geography 11 37 Computer science and ICT 6 40 Foreign languages ​​22 22 Literature 8 32 Correspondence between primary ny points and test scores of a single state exam in Russian in 2018

Primary score Test score 0 0 1 3 2 5 3 8 4 10 5 12 6 15 7 17 8 20 9 22 10 24 11 26 12 28 13 30 14 32 15 34 16 36 17 38 18 39 19 40 20 41 21 43 22 44 23 45 24 46 25 48 26 49 27 50 28 51 29 53 30 54 31 55 32 56 33 57 34 59 35 60 36 61 37 62 38 64 39 65 40 66 41 67 42 69 43 70 44 71 45 72 46 73 47 76 48 78 49 80 50 82 51 85 52 87 53 89 54 91 55 94 56 96 57 98 58 100

Future graduates, not to mention their concerned parents, are following all the changes that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation generously showers on the Unified State Exam every year. Schoolchildren naturally think about a difficult but eternal question - who to become? - and, for the most part, they already know the direction in which they will step on the path to their desired profession.

This is extremely important, because by focusing on specialized subjects (future doctors should focus on chemistry and biology, those who dream of becoming translators into a foreign language, etc.), boys and girls will be able to get a higher overall score.

At passing the Unified State Exam special place assigned to the threshold of knowledge in the Unified State Exam scores. It is on the basis of overcoming the minimum score that the Unified State Examination certificate is issued. We can say that these are the Unified State Exam scores in compulsory subjects that correspond to the “satisfactory” mark.

If a student receives a score below the threshold in elective subjects, nothing is added to the certificate. At the moment, every future graduate is interested in minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores in all subjects.

Some changes in the Unified State Exam in 2017

Changes in the conduct and the Unified State Exam 2017 itself are almost the most pressing topic for many. Every year, eleventh grade graduates expect news about some innovations, innovations and corrections in the Unified State Examination, sometimes not in a positive direction.

So, in 2017, a third will be added to the two mandatory exams. In addition to mathematics and the Russian language, eleventh graders will need to take another mandatory exam. There is no final decision yet on what the subject selected for the Unified State Exam will be, however, according to unconfirmed data, it is most likely that it will be history.

According to education officials, and due to the fact that it is in this discipline that students show low knowledge, making history mandatory would be the best option. It is expected that schoolchildren will take a stronger grip on learning the basics of this science.

In addition, even the form of the history exam (if this subject is included in the list of mandatory ones for the annual test of graduates’ knowledge) will be changed: oral part will become significantly larger, while the test part of the exam is planned to be significantly reduced.

An oral block will be added to the Russian language exam. This is done to test the communication abilities of graduates. The changes will also affect essays - if previously a student could receive a “pass” or “fail” for a written essay, then when passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language in 2017, they plan to give grades for the final essay.

Provided that the third compulsory subject will be history, students will be offered the following disciplines to choose from, and they will only need to choose one:

  • Informatics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Physics;
  • Geography;
  • Biology;
  • Social science;
  • Literature;
  • Foreign language (English, Spanish, German or French).

Minimum passing scores for the Unified State Exam in 2017

Upon admission to the university, all graduates high school are required to provide admissions committee, in addition to the certificate, there is also a certificate with the results of the Unified State Exam. According to the latest data, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not intend to change the threshold Unified State Exam scores for now.

The minimum scores of the Unified State Exam in all disciplines in 2017 were formed as follows:

  • Russian language – 24 points;
  • Mathematics, profile level– 27 points (this result is accepted at universities);
  • Mathematics basic level– 3 points (this result entitles you to receive a certificate, but is not accepted by universities);
  • Physics – 36 points;
  • Social studies – 42 points;
  • Biology – 36 points;
  • Geography – 37 points;
  • Chemistry – 36 points;
  • Computer Science – 40 points;
  • Foreign language – 22 points;
  • Literature – 32 points.

It is gratifying that the results that a graduate will receive at the Unified State Exam can be used within three years.

Upon admission, an applicant may be given an additional 10 points for an excellent certificate and special academic achievements ( scientific competitions, Olympics, etc.), as well as for high achievements in the field of sports.

It may be interesting for graduates to familiarize themselves with the statistics of passing Unified State Exam scores in all disciplines over the past years.

Item Minimum threshold Unified State Exam score
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Russian language 37 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 24 points 36 points 36 points
Mathematics 21 points 21 points 24 points 24 points 24 points 20 points 27 points 27 points (P)
3 points (B)
Physics 32 points 34 points 33 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Social science 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 42 points 42 points
Biology 35 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Geography 34 points 35 points 35 points 37 points 37 points 37 points 37 points 37 points
Chemistry 33 points 33 points 32 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Informatics 36 points 41 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points
Foreign language 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 22 points
Literature 30 points 29 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points

In case of an unsatisfactory USE result, the student has the right to retake the exam twice. Even if the threshold score is exceeded, the graduate can take the opportunity to improve his grade in order to gain the required score for admission to the chosen university.

Modern exams are assessed not on a five-point, but on a hundred-point system. This means that we don’t have to talk about the usual grades: twos, threes, fours, fives. An exam is considered to have been failed if the threshold set for that exam is not passed. Moreover, for each object this boundary is different. You can get an acceptable final score, but fail the exam, losing the opportunity to enter a higher educational institution.

What are the primary USE scores?

Each exam has its own structure. The Unified State Exam in different subjects differs in the total number of tasks, the format of the test part, and the complexity of tasks with a detailed answer. Assignments may be worth different amounts of points. This also applies test tasks different types: the easiest ones can get one point, the most difficult ones can get up to four or five points. We are talking about primary points.

Primary scores are the scores used to evaluate the student's answers. If you can get up to two points for correctly completing a task, these are not the two points that, together with others, ultimately add up to one hundred points. The number of primary points is different everywhere and depends only on the structure of the exam, but this figure is always less than one hundred. By the way, the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​is an exception - there is no scale for converting scores and other subtleties, which means that the primary score can be considered the final score.

How many primary points are there in the Unified State Exam in Russian?

Test part of the Russian language exam - 33 primary points.

The written part of the Russian language exam - 24 primary points.

The Unified State Examination in Russian language has 57 primary points. Moreover, each point (as in any other exam Unified State Exam format) has equal "value". It doesn’t matter in which part you earned points: this is not taken into account when converting to the hundred-point system.

What are secondary (test) Unified State Examination scores?

It is no coincidence that the website contains a scale for converting scores into the Russian language. With its help, primary points become secondary. And this happens very simply: using a special table, the primary scores are converted into test scores - a hundred-point system. - a document whose requirements must be met. It is not people who do the transfer of points: the required value is calculated by a computer.

Secondary (test) points are points in a hundred-point evaluation system. It is based on them that the fact of passing the exam (passing the threshold) is determined. Based on test scores, applicants are admitted to universities. Secondary points are directly dependent on the primary ones - the more primary points scored, the higher the final result.

How to convert primary points into secondary ones?

As mentioned above, for this you need to use. You can’t do without it: a difference of one primary point can raise or lower the final grade by one or more points. It all depends on the number of primary points scored: different parts Table "price" of the primary score varies.

To receive the maximum score - 100 points - for the Russian language exam, you must complete all tasks without errors. This is the translation scale. But in a math exam, you may not complete all the tasks correctly, but still get the highest grade.