Third preparatory health group. Exemption from physical education physical education groups

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


One of the main school subjects responsible for a child’s health is, as you know, physical education. Without it, the full physical development of our children is impossible - especially in a school environment, where children spend most of their time motionless at their desks.

As a rule, the whole class is “expelled” to physical education, offering exercises that, according to the development program, are “prescribed” for all healthy children. And few people today remember that there are 3 medical groups for physical education, and not all children end up in the main – healthy one.

How many physical education health groups do schoolchildren have - principles of division into health groups

First of all, it should be understood that health groups and health groups for physical education are not the same thing.

  1. Under health groups understand the 5 groups into which children are enrolled, according to an assessment of their health.
  2. Regarding medical health groups for physical education– there are 3 of them.

They are important when a child participates in school physical education lessons:

  • Main. Healthy children who do not have serious health problems and meet developmental standards.
  • Preparatory. Children with minor health problems.
  • Special (A, B). Children with serious disorders in the functioning of the main body systems and with chronic diseases.

Many parents (and even teachers) do not know, but each physical education health group has its own contraindications, indications, set of classes and even the time allotted for these classes.

Not everyone understands that special medical groups differ from regular exercise therapy. And the difference is simple: exercise therapy is conducted by doctors, while physical education classes for medical groups are conducted by teachers, but taking into account optimal training methods.

What else do you need to know about physical health groups?

  1. The choice of a group for physical education is carried out before entering school - and must be indicated in the medical record.
  2. The child’s condition is assessed exclusively by the pediatrician (or therapist, adolescent specialist). It is he who determines the child after examination into one of 3 groups. When enrolling in a special group, the doctor is obliged not only to indicate the diagnosis, but to establish the degree of disturbance in the functioning of the body. In certain cases, a medical commission's opinion may be required.
  3. The health group must be confirmed annually.
  4. The health group can be changed if the annual examination reveals that the child’s condition has improved or worsened.

Children from the first 2 medical physical education groups usually work out together, but for children from the preparatory group, both the volume of the load and its intensity are reduced.

As for the composition of the special group, it is formed by order of the school director and based on the conclusion of a visiting team of specialists. Classes for this group are held at school twice a week or three times, but for half an hour.

Physical education health groups for schoolchildren in Russia - statistics

Basic 1st health group of school students in Russia

The main physical health group includes healthy children with health groups 1 and 2:

  • Having no health problems.
  • Those with mild disabilities that do not entail a developmental lag from their peers. For example, excess weight, VSD, dyskinesia or mild allergies.

Children from this group are allowed to…

  1. Passing the GTO standards.
  2. Full training sessions.
  3. Passing standards.
  4. Training in sports sections.
  5. Participation in competitions, tournaments, olympiads.
  6. Participation in hiking trips.
  7. Classes at Youth Sports School and Children's Sports School.

Of course, it is also important to remember, when allowing children to play sports, about relative contraindications.

In particular:

  • If you have a round back, boxing, rowing and cycling will be contraindicated.
  • For astigmatism and myopia - diving, boxing, motorsports and weightlifting, alpine skiing.
  • In case of perforation of the eardrum - any kind of water sports.

Preparatory health group for schoolchildren in physical education

The preparatory physical education group includes children with health group 2 (statistically, more than 10% of all students in Russian schools):

  • Poorly prepared physically.
  • With morphofunctional health disorders.
  • Those at risk for certain diseases.
  • Those with chronic diseases in remission, which lasts about 3-5 years.

Children from this group are allowed to:

  1. Classes follow the usual program, but with the exception of certain types of training and exercises.
  2. Passing the GTO, tests and regular control tests, participation in sports events - only with the special permission of a specialist.

Children from this physical education group are not allowed to participate in sports competitions.

They are also prohibited:

  • Large volumes of high-intensity physical activity.
  • Long run.
  • A large number of repetitions of exercises.

The teacher is obliged to choose a special set of exercises for children, in accordance with the medical record, which lists all contraindications.

The medical certificate must also indicate the deadline for transferring the child to the main group.

  1. Alternating complex exercises with special breathing exercises.
  2. Replacing running with walking.
  3. Carrying out calm games without sudden movements.
  4. Increasing rest breaks.

A commission conclusion is not required to assign a child to this group - just a certificate from the local pediatrician is sufficient, which must be attended by:

  • Stamp and signature.
  • Recommendations based on the recommendations of a specialized specialist, as well as specific limitations.
  • Diagnosis.
  • As well as the period for which the child is assigned to the preparatory group.

Special children's health group for physical education at school - are physical education lessons conducted for children of special groups “A” and “B”?

This physical education group is divided into two more - A and B.

Children with health group 3 are enrolled in special physical education group A:

  • Those with chronic diseases, developmental defects, etc.
  • With developmental disorders that require mandatory limitation of physical activity.
  • Those who have serious disorders in the functioning of the body that do not interfere with their studies, but are contraindications for physical education.

Children from special group A are allowed to:

  1. Classes according to a specially developed program.
  2. Separate types of classes school curriculum with a mandatory reduction in standards.

The following exercises are mandatory:

  • Acrobatic.
  • Power.
  • Express.
  • Moderately intense outdoor games.


  1. Participation in competitions.
  2. Participation in mass physical education events.
  3. Visiting sports sections.
  4. Passing standards.

Children from special group A do not study with other children - separate lessons should be held for them, which should be taught by specially trained instructors in special programs.

Children with the 4th health group are enrolled in special physical education group B:

  • Those with chronic diseases without significant signs of impairment in general well-being.

That is, children from this group are admitted to general theoretical classes, but are generally exempt from physical education at school.

Children from special group B are allowed to:

  1. Exercise therapy classes.
  2. Classes on comprehensive special program, developed by a specialist - at home, independently.

A child can be assigned to this group only by the decision of a medical commission, and the certificate is issued exclusively for a certain period, after which it must be re-issued with a commission and examination of the child.

One of compulsory subjects The school curriculum includes physical education. It is necessary for the full physical development of children. This item helps kids maintain their health while constantly sitting at a desk during lessons, when the body is forced to remain in a static position most of the time. For most healthy children, physical education is completely safe, but there are certain groups of schoolchildren who are not recommended to perform certain types of physical activity. Therefore, all children attending school undergo a mandatory examination by a pediatrician, where they may be assigned to a certain medical group for classes physical culture.

Principles of separation

Do not confuse health groups, which are mainly needed by doctors, with medical groups for physical education visits. Health groups are determined in infancy and can be adjusted as the child grows. Medical groups for physical education are usually determined before entering school and require annual confirmation or refutation. In most schools, teachers cannot accurately determine the meaning of a special medical group and do not know how the classes of such children differ from exercise therapy. However, therapeutic physical education is carried out only by specialist doctors, while a regular physical education lesson for children from a special group is conducted by a teacher who is able to select the most optimal training methods.

All schoolchildren at the beginning academic year, or shortly before it, depending on the anamnesis, are divided into exactly three groups, namely basic, preparatory, and special. The doctor who carries out the distribution takes into account the health and functional state of the body. If the question of a special group is raised, the doctor must make a diagnosis and indicate the degree of impairment of the functional activity of the body. Let's talk in more detail about health groups in physical education at school, and describe them in more detail.

Main group

Thus, the main medical group for physical education includes children belonging to the first health group, as well as a certain number of representatives of the second health group, if the existing illness does not limit the motor mode in any way. Such schoolchildren are characterized by the absence of deviations in their health and physical development. They have an excellent functional state and physical fitness that is fully appropriate for their age. Also included in the main health group are those children who have minor, mostly functional, deviations. At the same time, such schoolchildren do not differ at all from their peers in terms of physical development and physical training.

Such children can complete physical education classes in full, which corresponds to the educational program, and also take tests on individual physical training. In addition, such schoolchildren are allowed to attend sports sections, clubs, etc., as well as participate in various kinds of competitions, sports holidays etc.

Preparatory group

This group includes children who have some delay in physical development, lack of physical fitness or minor deviations in health. These are representatives of the second health group.

The special goals of physical education for such schoolchildren are to increase their level of physical fitness to normal.

A weakened state of health is often recorded as a residual phenomenon after various acute illnesses, as well as during their transition to the stage of a chronic disease. In addition, this situation is also observed in chronic forms of diseases at the stage of compensation. Such schoolchildren need to comply with certain restrictions and special methodological rules, and also not perform significant norms of physical activity with high intensity.

Special group

This group includes those schoolchildren whose health condition requires classes in accordance with a separate program that takes into account their health status. However, such children do not need to be completely exempted from physical education, although this is often practiced. This group of schoolchildren especially needs properly organized physical activity.

The special group may include children with temporary or permanent health problems, who are strongly recommended to attend a physical education course according to a specialized program in a regular school under the guidance of a teacher. Such schoolchildren have subgroup A.

In addition, the special group includes children who suffer from quite serious health problems. Such children need to significantly limit the volume and intensity of various types of physical activity. They belong to subgroup B. In this case, physical education classes should be carried out under the supervision of not only a teacher, but also a qualified doctor. Most often, such events are carried out in a clinic, a special dispensary, or in an educational institution according to an individual program.

Transfer from one group to another is quite possible after a medical examination and pedagogical testing have been carried out. Most often this becomes possible at the end of a quarter, semester or academic year.

There is nothing to be afraid of. This does not mean that the child is sick or disabled. This group is prescribed if doctors suspect that the health of a particular child is weaker than standard.

The standards for the preparatory group in physical education are somewhat lower than for others. For example, if the whole group must run a long distance in a limited time period, then for children to whom restrictive standards are applied, it is important to simply cope with the distance, and sometimes its duration is reduced.

The physical education preparatory group in the kindergarten also requires a special attitude towards children: teachers must ensure that the child does not overexert himself. Education that would be detrimental and cause damage to health is unacceptable.

What are we talking about

Most often, the restriction on physical education is preparatory group. But this is not the only option. There are several types of exemptions, differing from each other in their features. However, to understand the essence of the restrictions, you first need to consider the subject. In relation to what is the preparatory group for physical education being introduced?

Education and culture in this aspect represent an element of the school curriculum that is necessarily included in the strategy of raising children, regardless of the focus or specialization of the educational institution. Having graduated from school and entered the university, a young man who had limitations in the past will again receive a preparatory group in physical education, because universities also have such a point in the educational program. It is also typical for institutions middle stage, professional - in a word, it is used anywhere and everywhere.

Is it necessary?

Statistics show that in lately There are more and more students in the preparatory physical education group. Children themselves are often not at all happy about this subject of the educational program, and even parents have doubts about it. This became the reason for considering the initiative to abolish discipline. Having examined the issue from different angles, legislators came to the conclusion that at the moment physical education is necessary, and it would be unreasonable to abolish it.

As experts say, you should not expect the subject to be excluded in the future. If a preparatory group for physical education is appointed at a preschool educational institution, school, or university, you will have to follow the rules: mastering the program is necessary if there are no contraindications to this. It is worth noting that inclusion in the group in which reduced standards apply is not due to contraindications to sports activity, but only possible danger at increased loads. At the same time, certain regular training is necessary for the full development of the child’s body.

Is it possible or not?

How to get into a preparatory group for physical education according to the Federal State Educational Standard or get a certificate about the impossibility of playing sports as part of the educational process? This is only available after undergoing a specialized examination in a public hospital. Doctors, having examined the child’s health, determine the level of physical activity acceptable for him. If the indicators are below the norm, a decision is made to be assigned to a special or preparatory group. Physical education in kindergarten, school, and university is organized by educators and teachers in such a way that no one in the group, regardless of the characteristics of the body, feels disadvantaged.

A conclusion on the state of health is drawn up by a doctor or health worker employed in an educational institution. The doctor issues a certificate intended to be provided at the place of study, indicating the justification for inclusion in a special or preparatory group. Physical education in kindergarten, school, vocational and higher educational institutions will be taught to this child in accordance with medical indications.

What is more common?

For a fairly large percentage of children, doctors recommend physical education classes in the preparatory group, but being classified as a special group is much less common. Such a medical certificate is not a reason to completely exclude physical education from the educational program for a child, but only a basis for applying reduced standards to him, while the classes themselves remain the same as for everyone else. The exception is specific features of the body, regarding which the doctor clearly states in the medical certificate: this cannot be done. Then physical education classes in the preparatory group are subject to medical instructions.

In addition to special and preparatory groups, the legislation also introduced basic and exercise therapy groups. The first includes all students who have no restrictions regarding sports activity, and the second is given to children for whom physical education is prohibited. Such patients have to regularly visit the clinic, where, under the supervision of doctors, they engage in some type of physical activity. In an educational institution, a student who has the appropriate certificate is immediately given credit for the discipline.

Is there a difference?

When planning physical education for the preparatory group, the teacher takes into account that there are very few differences for such students in comparison with those classified in the main category. There are concessions regarding tests and standards: you don’t have to take them. But all other classes, that is, training, the participants of such a group undergo on the same basis as absolutely healthy children.

As practice shows, the division into four groups is not taken into account in all educational institutions. With exercise therapy, this is quite easy to explain: there are very few children belonging to this category, and the grounds for inclusion are serious. Not every school, middle or higher level institution has people assigned to exercise therapy. But regarding preparatory and special, they often do not make any distinctions; they divide students into only two categories: the main group and the one to which special requirements must be applied. And it turns out that the teacher, taking into account what is not allowed for the preparatory group in physical education, applies to this category not only the restrictions inherent to it, but also those indicated for the special category, that is, more serious.

How to evaluate?

What should a preparatory physical education group not do? First of all, pass the standards at a generally accepted level. This rightly gives rise to doubts: how then to evaluate the activities of students? After all, groups are groups, and you still have to give a pass or fail, the final grade for a quarter, half a year or a year.

At the moment, the specifics of this issue are discussed in a letter issued by the Ministry of Education, issued in 2003. It indicates the presence of a basic, preparatory, special category, and mentions differences in educational programs, variety of lesson structure and volume limitations. Lawmakers paid special attention to the level of program development and methods for assessing this fact.

And what is said?

In accordance with this letter, it is customary to include children who are physically insufficiently well developed, as well as those with poor training and health deviations, but not significant, into the preparatory group. The training program for this category of trainees corresponds to the basic one. Restrictions are imposed only on the intensity and volume of loads. In some cases, such restrictions are introduced for a short period of time.

To assess performance, it is necessary to apply general principles, that is, those that apply to the main group. The teacher’s task is to ensure that students do not make movements contraindicated by doctors. When forming estimated indicators for the reporting time period, a decision is made based on current marks. The most important are the grades obtained based on the results of mastering a certain topic. The assessment for the year is made by analyzing the indicators of six months and quarters.

If the doctor said so, it’s necessary

When a doctor issues a certificate to a child confirming his enrollment in a preparatory physical education group, he indicates what should not be done in the document and explains in words in more detail and intelligibly. Surprisingly, not only children, but also their parents, as well as teachers, do not always pay enough attention to this. You should be aware: if doctors have noted contraindications, restrictions, and the time allowed for classes, you must follow these rules so as not to encounter a deterioration in the child’s condition. The groups should not be confused: whichever is stated in the certificate is the same. Preparatory education is indicated - this is not a reason to panic and completely prohibit the child from appearing in physical education, because the lack of thematic education negatively affects health, future opportunities and even self-awareness.

The selection of the optimal group for the physical education program is carried out before the start of training at the institution. Every modern child has a personal card in the clinic to which he is assigned. The document indicates which group it is assigned to.

How do they find out?

Assignment to a specific group is possible only after examining the child by a qualified pediatrician. The doctor evaluates the medical history, current health indicators, studies the general condition, on the basis of which he formulates conclusions about assignment to a certain group. When making a decision in favor of a special one, it is necessary to immediately describe the rationale, indicate the diagnosis that provoked such a conclusion, and also describe the disturbances in the functioning of the body, characterizing them on a generally accepted scale of degrees. Some special cases require a medical committee to make the final decision.

From year to year, the task of the child and parents is to undergo confirmatory measures to extend the received status or adjust it in favor of a more relevant current status. They change the group if regular examinations show deterioration or improvement in health.

Papers and rules

As stated above, the preparatory and main groups study together. The difference between these children is only in the standards applied to them and the obligations to fulfill them, and the intensity of classes and volume are also adjusted.

When assigned to a special group, the child and his parents must know what is required for such a category. By the way, the very process of debugging the physical education system in relation to a special group requires the issuance of an internal school order signed by the director. It regulates who is included in the special group. Additionally, it is possible to form a team of specialists who travel to determine the composition of a group of students studying in a separate program. For this category, it is necessary to organize 2-3 half-hour classes weekly. The teacher’s task is to prevent any loads that are prohibited for a particular student.

Who goes where: main group

In order to understand on what grounds they can be assigned to different groups, and also to determine how correct the assignment to a specific one was, it is worth taking a closer look at what the conditions for inclusion in all categories are. For example, the main one includes children characterized by:

  • absence of health problems;
  • mild violations.

The latter usually include:

  • extra pounds;
  • dyskinesia;
  • mild allergic reactions;

What is possible?

Based on being assigned to the main category, the child will have to pass the standards required by the program and participate in the physical education program, completing it in full. Additionally, you can engage in sports sections, take part in competitive events, including Olympiads, tournaments, and hikes. Children belonging to the main group can take part in the program additional education in specialized institutions: Children's and Youth Sports School.

Some health characteristics impose restrictions on specific types of activity, but are not a contraindication for inclusion in the main group for the school physical education program. For example, water sports are prohibited for those suffering from a perforated eardrum, while rowing, cycling, and boxing are prohibited for those with a round back. Myopia and astigmatism are considered contraindications for boxing, mountain skiing, motorcycle riding, as well as weightlifting and diving. As a rule, the child and his parents are aware of the developmental pathology or health problem, and the doctor formulates recommendations regarding physical activity that is prohibited in a particular case.

It seems possible, but it seems not

Preparatory school includes children classified in the second group due to health reasons. Statistics show that currently every tenth student belongs to this category, and often the frequency is even higher. If a child is physically weak, his health is characterized by morphofunctional abnormalities, and there is a risk of developing specific pathologies, it is necessary to undergo a simplified physical education program. Children who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases during a period of remission are considered preparatory. Duration - up to five years (usually).

Enrollment in the preparatory group allows classes in accordance with the regular physical education program, but some exercises and types of training will have to be excluded. For some children, specialists may allow them to pass standards and take part in events. In the absence of such permission, such physical activity is prohibited.

It is forbidden!

If a child is assigned to the preparatory group, he or she cannot participate in competitions unless specifically instructed by a doctor. A categorical ban is imposed on long runs, numerous repetitions exercises, high intensity loads.

The teacher is required to select a set of exercises for students assigned to the preparatory group. It is important to take into account the specifics of each specific case, based on information from the medical record, which indicates possible contraindications. The doctor, when issuing a certificate for enrollment in the preparatory group, indicates in the document the time frame within which the child can be transferred to the main group.

What is possible?

You need to understand that in the absence of physical education, the child’s development can also go wrong. Based on this, recommendations have been developed regarding constant activity for those assigned to the preparatory group. Open classes in physical education and regular lessons are associated with the need to provide the following elements of classes:

  • walking (instead of running);
  • alternating breathing exercises and complex exercises;
  • calm games that do not involve sudden movements;
  • long pauses to allow you to rest.


on the organization of classes in the subject “Physical Education”

students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons or exempted from physical activity in the classroom

1. General provisions.

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the following regulations and legal acts:

    Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation”;

    Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated June 15, 1987 No. 105/33-24 “On the direction methodological recommendations“Organization of physical education classes for schoolchildren assigned to a special medical group”;

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003 No. 13-51-263/123 “On the assessment and certification of students classified for health reasons in a special medical group for physical education”;

    By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation and Russian Academy Education dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715/227/166/19 “On improving the process of physical education in educational institutions of the Russian Federation”;

1.2. For the purpose of a differentiated approach to the organization of physical education lessons, all students of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 4, depending on their health status, are divided into three groups: basic, preparatory and special medical group. Classes in these groups differ in curriculum, volume and structure of physical activity, as well as requirements for the level of mastery of educational material.

TO main medical group include students who have a satisfactory state of health.

TO preparatory medical group include students with insufficient physical development and low physical fitness or with minor deviations in health. This category of students is allowed to engage in physical education according to the program for the main group, taking into account some restrictions on the volume and intensity of physical activity (including temporary).

TO special medical group These include students who, based on a medical report on their state of health, cannot engage in physical education according to the program for the main group.

Physical education classes in this group are conducted according to special training programs. Transfer from a special medical group to a preparatory group is made either during an annual medical examination or after an additional medical examination.

When determining a medical group for students with health problems, it is necessary to provide for the availability of physical activity, as well as the creation of optimal conditions for recovery and prevention of exacerbation of diseases.

1.3. Work in the special medical group is aimed at:

    improving health, improving physical development, hardening the body;

    expanding the range of functional capabilities of the body’s main physiological systems responsible for energy supply;

    increasing the body's defenses and resistance;

    mastering basic motor skills and qualities;

    nurturing moral and volitional qualities and interest in regular independent physical education;

    clarification of meaning healthy image life, principles of hygiene, proper work and rest regime, rational nutrition, exposure to the air;

    prevention of maladaptation of students in general educational institution.

2. Organization and functioning of special medical groups.

2.1. A special medical group with a population of 10 - 12 people is organized for students in grades 1 - 11. Groups are completed either by parallel or by morbidity. If the number of students is not enough to complete the group, then a group of different ages is formed.

Groups of students assigned to a special medical group are recruited for physical education based on the conclusion of the medical commission and the application of parents (legal representatives), formalized by order of the director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 4 at the beginning of the school year.

In the health sheet of the class magazine medical worker The educational institution, together with the physical education teacher, makes a note next to the student’s last name: “special medical group, order No....... dated ......”.

2.2. The movement of students into health groups during the academic year (from a special medical group to a preparatory group, then to the main group and vice versa) is carried out on the basis of a certificate from a medical commission and an application from parents (legal representatives). Based on these documents, the director of Municipal Budget Educational Institution Lyceum No. 4 issues an order to transfer the student to another health group. The lyceum medical worker, together with the class teacher and the physical education teacher, makes a note in the class register’s health sheet opposite the student’s last name: “based on the order dated…….№……. transferred to ..... group."

2.3. The attendance and progress of students in a special medical health group and their completion of program material are recorded in a journal for special medical groups, which is filled out by the teacher leading classes in the special medical group. In the class journal on the subject page “Physical Education” opposite the name of the student assigned to a special medical health group, quarterly (semi-annual) and annual grades are transferred from the journal of the special medical group.

3. Organization of the educational process in a special medical group.

3.1. Educational process in a special medical group is regulated by the class schedule. Training sessions with students assigned to a special medical group are planned separately from the main schedule.

3.2. Attendance at classes for students assigned to a special medical health group is mandatory. During physical education lessons as scheduled training sessions These students are with the group in the lyceum gym or on the sports ground.

3.3. Responsibility for students attending physical education lessons and classes of a special medical group rests with the teacher leading the classes in the group, and class teacher, is controlled by the deputy director of the lyceum for water management and the lyceum’s medical worker.

4. Personnel and financial support for special medical groups.

Special medical groups are staffed by teachers who have experience working in an educational institution.

Teachers are remunerated for work in special medical groups within the limits of the educational institution’s wage fund.

5. Functions of the deputy director of the lyceum for water management, a teacher working in a special medical group.

5.1. The Deputy Director for Water Resources ensures the creation necessary conditions for the work of special medical groups, monitors its work, is responsible for its recruitment, provides systematic organizational and methodological assistance to the teacher in determining the directions and planning the work of the special medical group, and analyzes the results of training.

5.2. Teachers working in special medical groups must:

    know the anatomical and physiological characteristics of students of different age groups;

    know the methods of conducting physical therapy for various diseases;

    know the indications and contraindications for physical therapy;

    know sanitary and hygienic standards when conducting classes and safety and labor protection rules;

    carry out systematic work with students in order to identify their individual capabilities and determine the directions of development work, record the dynamics of student development;

    Conduct systematic monitoring of students’ reactions to the proposed loads based on external signs of fatigue;

    have the following documentation: work program by subject; calendar - thematic planning; class schedule; Journal of student progress and attendance.

6. System for assessing the achievements of students in special medical groups.

6.1. When assigning a current mark to a student who has a special health group, it is necessary to observe special tact, be as attentive as possible, and use the mark in such a way that it contributes to his development and stimulates him to further engage in physical education.

6.2. The final grade in physical education for students of a special medical group is set taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills, abilities to carry out physical education and sports activities), as well as taking into account the dynamics physical fitness and diligence.

6.3. Students in subgroups “A” and “B” of the special medical health group cannot compare with healthy children in their motor abilities. The total volume of physical activity and intensity of physical activity for students in special medical groups should be reduced compared to the volume of exercise for students in the main and preparatory groups. In addition, each student in a special medical group has his own choice of restrictions on physical activity, which is determined by the form and severity of his disease. Such restrictions inevitably leave an imprint on the degree of development of motor skills and qualities.

6.4. The current grade for a student in a special medical health group is assigned according to a five-point system.

6.5. A positive mark in physical education is given taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities, abilities to carry out physical education and sports and recreational activities). The main emphasis should be placed on the persistent motivation of students to engage in physical exercises and the dynamics of their physical capabilities. A positive mark should also be given to a student who has not demonstrated significant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and the development of physical qualities, but regularly attended classes, diligently completed the teacher’s tasks, mastered the skills available to him for independent practice of health-improving and corrective gymnastics, and the necessary knowledge in the field of physical education .

6.6. The student is given:

Mark “2” (unsatisfactory), depending on the following specific conditions:

    does not have a sports uniform in accordance with weather conditions;

    does not comply with safety and labor protection requirements during physical education lessons;

    the student does not have pronounced deviations in health, and does not have a strong motivation to engage in physical exercise, there are no positive changes in the student’s physical capabilities that should be noticed by the physical education teacher;

    did not demonstrate significant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and in the development of physical, moral and volitional qualities;

    did not complete the theoretical or other tasks of the teacher, did not master the skills available to him for independent practice of health-improving or corrective gymnastics, the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of physical education.

Mark “3” (satisfactory), depending on the following specific conditions:

    complies with all safety requirements and rules of conduct in the gym and stadium. Complies with hygiene requirements and labor protection when performing sports exercises;

    a student who has pronounced deviations in health status is diligent, motivated to engage in physical exercise, there are minor but positive changes in the student’s physical capabilities that can be noticed by a physical education teacher;

    demonstrated insignificant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and development of physical, moral and volitional qualities over the course of six months;

    partially fulfills all theoretical and other tasks of the teacher, has mastered the skills available to him for independent practice of health-improving or corrective gymnastics, and the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of physical education.

Mark “4” (good), depending on the following specific conditions:

    a student who has significant health problems is motivated to engage in physical exercise. There are positive changes in the physical abilities of students that are noticed by the teacher;

    constantly in the classroom demonstrates significant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and development of physical, moral and volitional qualities over the course of a quarter or half a year. Successfully passes the physical education standard for his age in classes;

    performs all the theoretical or other tasks of the teacher, has mastered the skills available to him for independent practice of health-improving or corrective gymnastics, providing all possible assistance in refereeing or organizing a lesson, as well as the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of physical education.

Mark “5” (excellent), depending on the following specific conditions:

    has with him a sports uniform in full accordance with the weather conditions, type of sports activity or lesson;

    complies with all safety requirements and rules of conduct in the gym and stadium. Complies with hygiene requirements and labor protection when performing sports exercises in classes;

    a student who has pronounced deviations in health status is persistently motivated to engage in physical exercise. There are significant positive changes in the physical abilities of students, which are noticed by the teacher. Works independently in the sports section, has sports ranks or sports successes in competitions of any rank;

    constantly in lessons demonstrates significant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and in the development of physical or moral-volitional qualities over the course of a quarter or half a year. Successfully passes or confirms all physical education standards required in lessons for his age;

    performs all theoretical or other tasks of the teacher, has mastered the skills available to him for independent practice of recreational or corrective gymnastics, providing all possible assistance in judging school competitions between classes or organizing class sports events, as well as the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of physical education.

6.7. When issuing a quarterly (semi-annual) or annual grade in physical education, diligence, diligence in working on oneself and following all recommendations of the physical education teacher are taken into account.

7. Organization educational process students freed from physical activity in physical education lessons.

7.1. In exceptional cases, based on an appropriate medical report, students are exempted from physical activity during physical education lessons.

7.2. To exempt a student from physical activity in physical education lessons, parents (legal representatives) provide to MBOU Lyceum No. 4 a conclusion from the medical commission of the clinic (hospital) and an application for exemption of the student from physical activity in physical education lessons.

If a student is exempt from physical activity in physical education lessons for more than a month:

    the educational institution issues an order on physical activity in physical education lessons by the beginning of the school year or during the school year immediately after submitting a certificate and application;

    in the class register, the school medical worker, together with the physical education teacher, makes a note next to the student’s name: “exempt from physical activity, order No.……. from …….. g.”;

If, according to a medical report, staying in the gym is associated with a danger to the life and health of a student exempt from physical activity, or at the request of parents (legal representatives), the administration of the educational institution determines his location during physical education classes ( library, canteen, etc.).

Mass sports, its goals and objectives.

Mass sports provide an opportunity for millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve their health and prolong creative longevity, and therefore resist the unwanted effects on the body of modern production and the conditions of everyday life.

The purpose of practicing various types of mass sports is to improve health, improve physical development, preparedness and actively relax. This is associated with solving a number of particular problems: increasing the functionality of individual body systems, adjusting physical development and physique, increasing general and professional performance, mastering vital skills and abilities, spending leisure time pleasantly and usefully, and achieving physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports largely repeat the tasks of physical culture, but are implemented through the sports orientation of regular classes and training. A significant part of young people become involved in the elements of mass sports during their school years, and in some sports even in preschool age. It is mass sports that are most widespread among student groups.

As practice has shown, usually in non-physical education universities in the country in the field of mass sports, from 10 to 25% of students engage in regular training outside of class hours. The current program for academic discipline“Physical education” for higher education students educational institutions allows almost every healthy student of any university to join mass sports. This can be done not only in free time, but also educational. Moreover, the type of sport or system of physical exercises is chosen by the student himself. We will look at this in more detail a little later.

Students of colleges, universities, and universities, depending on their physical development, health status and functional training, are divided into 3 groups: basic, preparatory and special. Students who have health problems, usually chronic diseases or damage to the musculoskeletal system, study in special medical groups.

The groups are staffed by a doctor. The main criterion for inclusion in a special medical group is a particular disease, level of physical fitness, and foci of chronic infection. Groups are formed according to nosology (morbidity). Thus, students with diseases of the cardiorespiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems constitute one group; students with injuries (diseases) of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system- another; those with hearing or vision impairments - third; those with deviations from the central nervous system (neuroses, etc.) - fourth.

Students in such groups are usually characterized by poor physical development and low functional state. They were usually exempt from physical education lessons at school. Students are poorly organized, cannot perform many physical exercises, games, and, as a rule, do not know how to swim, etc. And if the schools where they studied did not have classes in a special medical group, then their physical and functional condition is completely unenviable. They often have colds, and autumn-winter period their aggravation occurs.

The leaders of special medical groups of students are faced with the following tasks: improving the functional state and preventing the progression of the disease; increasing physical and mental performance, adaptation to external factors; relieving fatigue and increasing adaptive capabilities; nurturing the need for hardening and health-improving physical education.

Medical contraindications to physical activity (physical education) there are absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications: circulatory failure of II-III degree; acute myocardial infarction; active phase of rheumatism, myocarditis; angina at rest; pulmonary embolism; transmural infarction; aortic aneurysm; acute infectious disease; thrombophlebitis and heart failure; resting tachycardia, extrasystole and other rhythm disturbances; stenosis of the aorta and renal artery; myopia (myopia) more than 7 diopters.

Relative contraindications: supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias; myopia (myopia) more than -5; systemic or pulmonary hypertension; moderately severe aortic stenosis; uncontrolled metabolic diseases (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, etc.); severe stenosis of the tricuspid heart valve; toxicosis of pregnant women; grade II-III hypertension, grade III retinopathy; heart defects with severe cyanosis; severe anemia; significantly expressed obesity (III degree), occurring with shortness of breath; renal and liver failure; diseases of the musculoskeletal system that limit physical activity; blood diseases (erythremia, lymphogranulomatosis, etc.).

Physical education lessons in special medical groups are conducted for the following diseases: diseases of the circulatory system; joint diseases; respiratory diseases; diseases of the digestive system; kidney and urinary tract diseases; endocrine and metabolic diseases; women's diseases; nervous and mental illnesses; surgical diseases; traumatology and orthopedics; eye diseases and ENT organs; skin diseases.

The rehabilitation system includes physical education lessons, preferably in the fresh air, exercise therapy, health path, skiing, cycling, etc. Cyclic sports are preferable, especially for heart disease, lung disease, obesity, etc.

Preparation should be as comprehensive as possible, including general developmental, breathing, relaxation exercises, outdoor games, etc., and for diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems - exercises in walking, running (in combination of walking and running), skiing, ice skating, etc.

When conducting classes with students who have changes (diseases) in the musculoskeletal system, preventive measures are important, aimed primarily at giving the student correct posture and normalizing the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and preventing contractures. Excessive loads should not be allowed (especially in a standing position, lifting heavy objects, performing exercises on machines, etc.). Exercises with dumbbells, balls and on exercise machines should be performed only in a spine-friendly manner, lying down and including stretching and relaxation exercises at the end of the session.

Classes in special medical groups are conducted according to the physical education program for higher educational institutions. It contains a section " Educational material for a special department", which indicates the tasks of physical education of students of special medical groups, means of physical education and approximate credit requirements.

The special medical groups program limits speed, strength, and endurance exercises. Depending on the disease, cyclic sports are included (skiing, running combined with walking, swimming, skating, cycling, etc.), breathing exercises and relaxation exercises for diseases of the cardiorespiratory system, and for postural disorders (scoliosis) exercises are included to strengthen the abdominal and torso muscles (that is, create a muscle corset), and develop correct posture. Exercises with dumbbells and weights in a standing position are excluded.

An integral part of physical education is medical supervision, which is carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on medical supervision of physical education population" (approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 986 of 1977). First of all, these are annual in-depth medical examinations (IME) of students. The medical commission includes doctors of various specialties: therapist, traumatologist-surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist, gynecologist, otolaryngologist and others specialists conduct anthropometric and morphological studies (examinations of all students), fluorography (or radiography of the lungs and heart), electrocardiography (ECG), clinical blood tests, urine tests and testing. In addition, preventive examinations of all students are carried out annually (quarterly or semesterly). courses.

The combination of physical activity with hardening is especially important for students with health problems, since such exercises increase the overall fitness of the body, help normalize metabolic processes, functional state, and also lead to increased hardening and prevent colds.

Optimal physical activity (training) helps normalize functional state, sleep, metabolic processes, etc.

The ability to perceive physical activity among students of special medical groups is different.

The physical education teacher should remember that patients’ ability to adapt (adapt) and perform physical activity is reduced. And if physical activity is not adequate to a person’s capabilities, then serious complications may arise; physical education will cause harm instead of benefit. Classes should not include complex movements for coordination, exercises with straining, lifting weights, and others that are difficult for a student to master and perform due to reduced physical performance and health.

A physical education teacher must have special training, knowledge of the basics of pathology and the effect of physical activity on a sick body. He is obliged to follow the instructions of the doctor who made the diagnosis and the recommended means of physical education, dosage, frequency and duration of exercise, and also take into account contraindications to the use of certain means of physical education and hardening procedures. The duty of the teacher is to constantly monitor (pulse, breathing rate, external signs of fatigue, etc.) the load tolerance of the students. Difficulties in dosing loads arise when groups of students are heterogeneous in the nature of their diseases. Therefore, individual or small group lessons should be conducted.