Electronic library of esoterics "puzzles". Electronic library of esoterics "puzzles" Electronic library puzzles

Mysticism, magic, astrology, numerology - for many, these words are as attractive as “pirates” and “fairies” were in childhood. However, modern esoteric libraries are a much broader concept than just a collection of books about the mysterious. Electronic repositories consider it their duty to “place on the shelves” not only books on yoga and meditation, but also psychological literature, philosophy and religion, flavored with the latest works from the field of management and business. UFOs coexist with channeling, and martial arts coexist with indigo children. How can you find something that will point you in the right direction on the path of self-improvement or simply cure a toothache?

To help the seeker, of course, there are always Yandex, Google and other search engines. However, they often provide such a huge number of links that, having pulled seven tufts of hair out of their head, the surfer often abandons his idea of ​​self-development. Let us immediately note that in Google it is possible to refine search queries specifically for books. For example, if you enter the following query in the search bar: -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" +(doc|djvu|chm|pdf|rar) +"Name of the author or title of the book", then you can find texts in very unexpected places.
If standard search methods do not help you, use a wonderful search engine aimed directly at literature!!! His name is Eboogle (http://www.ebdb.ru/) and he copes with his task quite well.
In addition, some enthusiasts themselves “set up” search engines, telling them which libraries to search in. For example, http://ezoterica.flexum.ru/ searches for books among three dozen libraries of esoteric, psychological and philosophical orientation.

But what about the esoteric libraries themselves? What is the superiority of one over the other?!
Today we can distinguish seven of the largest libraries on the topics that interest us. Let's look at each of them in a few words:

· Electronic library“Kub” (http://www.koob.ru/) - almost five thousand books, divided into clear and understandable categories, ranging from gender relations to literature on proper investment. Daily updates by readers themselves make the library the most dynamic on the web. Perhaps the best esoteric library on the Runet today. The only drawback is that readers add books in various formats (and not everyone knows how to read djvu open chm), in addition, often the texts are completely unreadable and clumsily formatted. However, this will not scare off the inquisitive user.

· Enormous in volume " Universal Library"(http://www.universalinternetlibrary.ru/) can upset only one thing: all the texts in it are laid out in html format, and even divided into chapters. That is, it is possible to read books almost only online, which is not always suitable for everyone. The advantages of the library, in addition to its volume, are a high-quality cataloger and a good search on the site.

· The Lotus Library (http://book.ariom.ru/) will delight fans with both the scale and accessibility of the search, as well as the opportunity to get recommendations and discuss books on the forum.

· Library of esotericism “Puzzles” (http://www.e-puzzle.ru) is more of a warehouse than a library. The books here are not divided by topic or interest; you need to come here knowing what exactly you want to find. But at your service there is a good search on the site, in addition, almost all the books have been proofread and listed in general doc format, which is so convenient to convert yourself to the desired font size and print it out for reading on the way home...

· The esoteric section of the Lib.Ru library (http://lib.ru/URIKOVA/) is perhaps the oldest repository of books of all the listed libraries and for this reason alone is worthy of mention

· “Large Library of Esoteric Texts” (http://lib.hsgm.ru/) – also created back in 1999 and contains texts both in rtf format, which makes them much more “heavy”, and in traditional html .

· Finally, it is worth mentioning the library of the book guide site “Sovetnik” (http://www.1-sovetnik.com/). The beauty of this, albeit not very large, book depository is in the detailed annotations to most of the texts and a good selection of them.

Of course, there are many narrowly focused libraries (Roerich movement, Yoga, Christianity, Apocrypha, followers of Castaneda, etc., etc.), which often contain more full lists literature than in the “general esoteric” text repositories presented above, but this is a topic for a completely, completely separate article...

Library of Esoteric Literature 6, Yoga


Yoga classes library of esoteric literature kundalini hatha yoga. The site is in test mode! There may be typos and blots here. Everything will be settled soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is a private library (not an organization) and I am not responsible for any future use of the information posted here. If you are the owner of the rights to any work posted on this site and do not want to see it in this electronic library, please write about it at. Six O...

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Politics is the art of lulling the minds of the uninitiated. The end of the world is in full swing →. The flu is not as scary as its vaccine! Translation from English: Paul Bondarovski 2009. We live in desperate times, but we shouldn't panic. Before reacting to what is happening, you need to calmly and carefully comprehend it. Fear, panic and purely emotional reactions have plunged us into the current chaos and will in no way help us get out of it. We must also realize... The total population of the planet. Swine virus...


Esoteric Encyclopedia "Esoteca"


Elena Topolova's blog: 04/11/12


Hello my dear readers, my name is Elena Topolova. I come from the city of Petropavlovsk, which is located on the banks of the Ishim River, Northern Kazakhstan, and I live in the glorious city of Tyumen, which stands on the Tura River, a tributary of the Tobol and is the first Russian city in Western Siberia. Distance to Moscow 2144 km. Founded on July 29, 1586, Russia. True stories about cats, poems. My poems for children. True stories about cats, poems. True stories about cats; poetry. Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Elena Topolova's blog: 08/28/12


Hello my dear readers, my name is Elena Topolova. I come from the city of Petropavlovsk, which is located on the banks of the Ishim River, Northern Kazakhstan, and I live in the glorious city of Tyumen, which stands on the Tura River, a tributary of the Tobol and is the first Russian city in Western Siberia. Distance to Moscow 2144 km. Founded on July 29, 1586, Russia. True stories about cats, poems. My poems for children. True stories about cats, poems. True stories about cats; poetry. Licks his paw, rubs his nose.

By studying the microcosm in its fallen state, we will be dealing with the realities that define our daily life. For we are all inhabitants of a fallen world, although many traditions tend to call it the best of worlds. And now it is important to point out that all the “tools” necessary for studying subtle material manifestations in our world are always at hand. This is our own consciousness. Strange as it may sound, a person can solve almost all the riddles of the Universe by paying attention to the functioning of his Self.

We were all born here to undergo training at the Earth School. We appeared on this planet to learn to be spiritual beings in physical bodies, to realize our higher purpose. The meaning of life on Earth is to study the art of controlling one’s power. And therefore, this book is one of the disciplines of the Earth School, teaching how to manage personal power, so that with its help we can grow spiritually ourselves and help the evolution of those around us - and the soul of the entire Universe.
Concern for others and efforts devoted to the benefit of loved ones or strangers are closely related to our physical health. To be healthy, the human spirit needs to develop generosity and compassion. We need to be sensitive to the concerns of others as we resolve ours. own problems and self-healing. Developing empathy and compassion for others and doing good deeds has a beneficial effect on our physical and spiritual health.

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