Presentation of ecology problems and solutions. Presentation on the topic "environmental problems"

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Global environmental problems

What are global problems? One of the definitions refers to global as “problems that arise as a result of the objective development of society, create threats to all of humanity and require the united efforts of the entire world community to be solved.” The correctness of this definition depends on which problems are classified as global. If this is a narrow circle of higher, planetary problems, then it is entirely true. If we add here problems such as natural disasters (it is global only in the sense of the possibility of manifestation in the region), then this definition turns out to be narrow and limiting, which is its meaning.

What are global problems? Yuri Gladky made an interesting attempt to classify global problems, identifying three main groups: 1. Problems of a political and socio-economic nature. 2. Problems of a natural and economic nature 3. Problems of a social nature.

Major global problems. Destruction natural environment. At all stages of his development, man was closely connected with the world around him. But since the emergence of a highly industrialized society, dangerous human intervention in nature has sharply increased, the scope of this intervention has expanded, it has become more diverse and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity. The consumption of non-renewable raw materials is increasing, more and more arable land is leaving the economy as cities and factories are built on it. Man has to intervene more and more in the biosphere - that part of our planet in which life exists. The Earth's biosphere is currently subject to increasing anthropogenic impact.

Major global problems. Destruction of the natural environment. The most widespread and significant is chemical pollution of the environment with substances unusual for it. chemical nature. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin. Oil pollution of this size can cause significant disruptions in gas and water exchange between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem.

Air pollution. The main air pollutants today are carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. It is now generally accepted that industrial production produces the most air pollution. Sources of pollution are thermal power plants, which, along with smoke, emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the air; metallurgical enterprises, especially non-ferrous metallurgy, which emit nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, phosphorus compounds, particles and compounds of mercury and arsenic into the air; chemical and cement plants. Harmful gases enter the air as a result of burning fuel for industrial needs, heating homes, operating transport, burning and processing household and industrial waste.

Information about some sources of technogenic dust is given below: PRODUCTION PROCESS DUST EMISSION, MILLION TONS/YEAR 1. Coal combustion 93.60 2. Iron smelting 20.21 3. Copper smelting (without purification) 6.23 4. Zinc smelting 0 .18 5. Tin smelting (without purification) 0.004 6. Lead smelting 0.13 7. Cement production 53.37

Soil pollution. The Earth's soil cover is the most important component of the Earth's biosphere. It is the soil shell that determines many of the processes occurring in the biosphere. Almost all pollutants that are initially released into the atmosphere eventually end up on the surface of land and water. Settling aerosols may contain toxic heavy metals - lead, mercury, copper, vanadium, cobalt, nickel. They are usually inactive and accumulate in the soil. But acids also enter the soil with rain. By combining with it, metals can transform into soluble compounds available to plants. Substances that are constantly present in the soil also turn into soluble forms, which sometimes leads to the death of plants.

Water pollution. The third, no less important than the sky above your head and the earth under your feet, factor in the existence of civilization is the planet’s water resources. Humanity uses mainly fresh water for its needs. Their volume is slightly more than 2% of the hydrosphere, and the distribution of water resources around the globe is extremely uneven. Europe and Asia, where 70% of the world's population lives, contain only 39% of river waters. The total consumption of river waters is increasing from year to year in all regions of the world. It is known, for example, that since the beginning of this century, fresh water consumption has increased 6 times, and in the next few decades it will increase by at least 1.5 times. The lack of water is aggravated by the deterioration of its quality. Water used in industry, agriculture and everyday life returns to water bodies in the form of poorly treated or completely untreated wastewater. Thus, pollution of the hydrosphere occurs primarily as a result of the discharge of industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewater into rivers, lakes and seas. According to scientists' calculations, at the end of the twentieth century, diluting this same wastewater may require 25 thousand km 3 of fresh water, or almost all the actually available resources of such runoff! It is not difficult to guess that this, and not the increase in direct water intake, is the main reason for the worsening fresh water problem.

Water pollution. Currently, many rivers are heavily polluted - the Rhine, Danube, Seine, Ohio, Volga, Dnieper, Dniester, etc. Pollution of the World Ocean is growing. Moreover, not only wastewater pollution plays a significant role here, but also the release of large quantities of petroleum products into the waters of the seas and oceans. In general, the most polluted inland seas are the Mediterranean, Northern, Baltic, Inland Japan, Java, as well as the Biscay, Persian and Mexican Gulfs. One of the main sanitary requirements for water quality is the content of the required amount of oxygen in it. All contaminants that, in one way or another, contribute to a decrease in the oxygen content in water have a harmful effect. Increasing pollution of water bodies and drains is observed in all industrial countries. Information about the contents of some organic matter in industrial wastewater is provided below: POLLUTANTS QUANTITY IN GLOBAL RUNOFF MILLION TON/YEAR 1. Petroleum products 26.563 2. Phenols 0.460 3. Waste from synthetic fiber production 5.500 4. Plant organic residues 0.170 5. Total 33.273

The problem of the ozone layer. The environmental problem of the ozone layer is no less scientifically complex. As is known, life on Earth appeared only after the protective ozone layer of the planet was formed, covering it from harsh ultraviolet radiation. For many centuries there were no signs of trouble. However, in recent decades, intensive destruction of this layer has been noticed. The problem of the ozone layer arose in 1982, when a probe launched from a British station in Antarctica discovered a sharp decrease in ozone levels at an altitude of 25 - 30 kilometers. Since then, an ozone “hole” of varying shapes and sizes has been continuously recorded over Antarctica. According to the latest data for 1992, it is equal to 23 million square kilometers, that is, an area equal to the entire North America. Later, the same “hole” was discovered over the Canadian Arctic archipelago, over Spitsbergen, and then in different places in Eurasia, in particular over Voronezh.

The problem of acid precipitation. Acid rain not only causes acidification of surface waters and upper soil horizons. Acidity with downward flows of water spreads across the entire soil profile and causes significant acidification of groundwater. Acid rain occurs as a result economic activity humans, accompanied by the emission of colossal amounts of oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon. These oxides, entering the atmosphere, are transported over long distances, interact with water and turn into solutions of a mixture of sulfuric, sulfuric, nitrous, nitric and carbonic acids, which fall in the form of “acid rain” on land, interacting with plants, soils, and waters. One of the reasons for the death of forests in many regions of the world is acid rain. To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the volume of systematic measurements of compounds of air pollutants over large areas.

Energy problem. As we have already seen, it is closely connected with the environmental problem. Environmental well-being greatly depends on the reasonable development of the Earth's energy sector, since half of all gases that cause the "greenhouse effect" are created in the energy sector. The fuel and energy balance of the planet consists mainly of “pollutants” – oil (40.3%), coal (31.2%), gas (23.7%). In total, they account for the overwhelming majority of energy resource use – 95.2%. “Pure” types – hydropower and nuclear energy – account for less than 5% in total, and the “softest” (non-polluting) types – wind, solar, geothermal – account for fractions of a percent.

Energy problem. It is clear that the global task is to increase the share of “clean” and especially “soft” types of energy. First, let's consider the possibility of increasing the share of "soft" types of energy. In the coming years, “soft” types of energy will not be able to significantly change the fuel and energy balance of the Earth. It will take some time until their economic indicators become close to “traditional” types of energy. In addition, their environmental capacity is measured not only by the reduction of CO2 emissions; there are also other factors, in particular the territory alienated for their development.

Raw materials problem. The issues of providing raw materials and energy are the most important and multifaceted global problem. The most important because, even in the age of scientific and technological revolution, minerals remain the fundamental basis for almost the rest of the economy, and fuel is its circulatory system. Multifaceted because a whole knot of “sub-problems” is woven together here: * resource provision on a global and regional scale; * economic aspects of the problem (increasing production costs, fluctuations in world prices for raw materials and fuel, dependence on imports); * geopolitical aspects of the problem (struggle for sources of raw materials and fuel; * environmental aspects of the problem (damage from the mining industry itself, energy supply issues, regeneration of raw materials, choice of energy strategies, and so on).

Raw materials problem. The scale of resource use has increased dramatically in recent decades. Only since 1950, the volume of mineral extraction has increased 3 times, ? of all minerals mined in the 20th century were mined after 1960. One of the key issues of any global models has become the provision of resources and energy. And many of the things that until recently were considered endless, inexhaustible and “free” have become resources - territory, water, oxygen...

Ways to solve environmental problems. The main thing, however, is not the completeness of the list of these problems, but in understanding the reasons for their occurrence, their nature and, most importantly, in identifying effective ways and means of resolving them. The true prospect of overcoming the environmental crisis lies in changing human production activities, his lifestyle, and his consciousness. Scientific and technological progress not only creates “overloads” for nature; In the most advanced technologies, it provides a means of preventing negative impacts and creates opportunities for environmentally friendly production. Not only an urgent need has arisen, but also an opportunity to change the essence of technological civilization and give it an environmental character. One of the directions of such development is the creation of safe production facilities. Using the achievements of science, technological progress can be organized in such a way that production waste does not pollute the environment, but returns to the production cycle as secondary raw materials. An example is provided by nature itself: carbon dioxide released by animals is absorbed by plants, which release oxygen necessary for animal respiration.

Ways to solve environmental problems. Waste-free production is a production in which all raw materials are ultimately transformed into one or another product. If we consider that modern industry converts 98% of raw materials into waste, then the need for the task of creating waste-free production becomes clear. Calculations show that 80% of waste from the thermal power, mining, and coke-chemical industries is suitable for use. At the same time, the products obtained from them often surpass in quality products made from primary raw materials. For example, ash from thermal power plants, used as an additive in the production of aerated concrete, approximately doubles the strength of building panels and blocks. Of great importance is the development of environmental restoration industries (forestry, water management, fisheries), the development and implementation of material-saving and energy-saving technologies.

Ways to solve environmental problems. The environmental situation makes it necessary to assess the consequences of any activity related to interference with the natural environment. An environmental assessment of all technical projects is required. F. Joliot-Curie also warned: “We cannot allow people to direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer.” Time doesn't wait. Our task is to stimulate by all available methods any initiative and entrepreneurship aimed at creating and implementing latest technologies, contributing to the solution of any environmental problems. Promote the creation of a large number of control bodies consisting of highly qualified specialists, based on clearly developed legislation in accordance with international agreements on environmental issues. Constantly convey information to all states and peoples on ecology through radio, television and the press, thereby raising the environmental consciousness of people and promoting their spiritual and moral revival in accordance with the requirements of the era.

Conclusion. For thousands of years, man lived, worked, developed, but he did not suspect that perhaps the day would come when it would become difficult, and perhaps impossible, to breathe clean air, drink clean water, grow anything on the ground, since the air is polluted , water is poisoned, soil is contaminated with radiation or other chemicals. But a lot has changed since then. Humanity has come to understand that further development technical progress impossible without assessing the impact of new technologies on the environmental situation. New connections created by man must be closed in order to ensure the invariance of those basic parameters of the planet Earth system that affect its ecological stability. Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. Time and again we hear about the dangers threatening the environment, but many of us still consider them an unpleasant but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have arisen. However, human impact on the environment has reached alarming proportions. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and effective policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, reasonable knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if we develop new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to Nature by Man.

Conclusion. Nature, untouched by civilization, must remain a reserve, which over time, when most of the globe will serve industrial, aesthetic and scientific purposes, will begin to acquire increasing importance as a standard, a criterion, in particular an aesthetic one; in the future, other currently unknown values ​​may appear these zones. Therefore, a rational, scientifically based approach to the practice of expanding areas of virgin nature and reserves is necessary, especially since as the scientific and technological revolution develops, the volume negative influences on natural aesthetically valuable objects increases so much that cultural activities aimed at compensating for the damage caused sometimes fail to cope with their tasks. Therefore, there is a need, firstly, to create a system of environmental measures, secondly, scientific justification and inclusion in this system of criteria for the aesthetic assessment of nature, thirdly, the development of the system environmental education, improvement of all types of artistic creativity related to nature. Every person must realize that Humanity is on the verge of destruction, and will we survive or not? the merit of each of us.

Conducted by a chemistry and biology teacher

MAOU V(S)OSH No. 13 of the city of Tyumen

Pyatykh T.V.

Environmental problem is a change in the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic influences, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature.

Problem. Air pollution that exceeds sanitary and hygienic standards by more than 200 populated areas and affects half of the country's population. The largest “contribution” to pollution comes from emissions from energy and industrial enterprises and road transport.

Problem. Deterioration of water quality in most water bodies in Russia, where high levels of pollution are recorded due to wastewater discharges, overload and low efficiency of treatment facilities. Eutrophication occurs (the process of deterioration in water quality due to the excessive intake of so-called “biogenic elements” into the reservoir, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) of most water bodies and some inland seas - the Azov, northern Caspian and Baltic seas.

Problem. The unsatisfactory condition of a significant part of Russian lands used in agriculture, 60% of which is degrading due to soil erosion, decreased fertility, and accumulation of harmful substances.

Problem. A widespread reduction in the diversity of ecosystems, the number of plant and animal species, which leads to environmental destabilization and irreparable losses of the gene pool.

Problem. Weakening the protection of unique natural sites, including nature reserves and national parks, for the development of which the necessary funds are not allocated.

Problem. Unresolved problems of storage and disposal of nuclear, hazardous toxic industrial and household waste against the background of trends towards the use of Russian territory as a place for processing and disposal of environmentally hazardous waste, materials and substances, including from third countries.

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Presentation on the topic: Ways to solve environmental problems

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Environmental problem solving and environmental education All-Russian Conference on Environmental Education Moscow, October 21, 2009 Speaker: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Board of the International Ecological public organization“GREENLIGHT” V.A.GRACHEV

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The average temperature is rising, permafrost is receding, various manifestations of climatic instability are observed (snow in the United Arab Emirates, abnormal peaks of positive and negative temperatures, storms, hurricanes, floods, etc.). Damage from major natural disasters, billion dollars. According to the companies MUNICH RE and SWISS RE (2005), standard deviations values ​​taken as of December 20, 2005 3

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5 Biosphere degradation: destruction of 2/3 of forests; 2/3 of agricultural soils have been lost; the biological resources of oceans, seas and rivers are depleted; Biodiversity is under threat (110 vertebrate species have disappeared); humanity consumes about 40% of the biota (10% is used, 30% is destroyed). Water problems: in 2000, 1.1 billion people (18% of the world's population) were not provided with water. By 2050 2.5 billion people will suffer from water shortages; according to IAEA estimates, 5 million people die annually from diseases associated with the consumption of poor-quality water; Water will be the scarcest resource in the near future. Environmental pollution, megacities lack clean air; humanity produces organic waste 2000 times faster than the entire biosphere; Pollution of water, soil and air leads to the spread of diseases, epidemics and deterioration in the health of the planet's population.

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In 2006, 65 million people. lived in 206 cities where the annual average concentrations of one or more substances exceeded the MPC. During the reporting period, the annual average concentrations of suspended substances were above the MPC in 64 cities, benzo(a)pyrene - in 160 cities, nitrogen dioxide - in 102 cities, formaldehyde - in 125 cities. In Russia as a whole, 38% of the urban population lives in areas where air pollution monitoring is not carried out, and 55% (58.2 million people) live in cities with high and very high levels of air pollution. 6

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List of cities with maximum concentrations of pollutants 10 MAC or more in atmospheric air in 2006 City Pollutant Max. conc., MPC* City Pollutant Max. concentration, maximum permissible concentration* Bratsk Formaldehyde*** 25.7 Pervouralsk Benz(a)pyrene*** 10.3 Vladimir Phenol 11 Samara Ethylbenzene 13 Ekaterinburg Benz(a)pyrene*** 12 Hydrogen sulfide 14 Irkutsk Formaldehyde*** 12, 7 St. Petersburg Ethylbenzene 14 Kazan Formaldehyde 87 Sterlitamak Ethylbenzene 15 Karabash Lead*** 29.8 Ulan-Ude Suspended substances 11 Korsakov Suspended substances ** 20 Ufa Ethylbenzene 12 Krasnoturinsk Benz(a)pyrene*** 14 Hydrogen sulfide 13 Kurgan Benz(a)pyrene*** 40 Chelyabinsk Benz(a)pyrene*** 16 Magnitogorsk Benz(a)pyrene*** 22 Cherepovets Hydrogen sulfide 12.6 Mirny Hydrogen sulfide 51 Chita Suspended solids 45 Nizhny Tagil Benz(a) )pyrene*** 12 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Carbon monoxide 10.4 Novo-Alexandrovsk Nitrogen dioxide 13 Soot 35 Soot 12 Formaldehyde 21 Carbon monoxide 13 Suspended solids ** 11 Novorossiysk Formaldehyde 27 Yasnaya Polyana Methanol**** 39.6

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Main indicators of water use in Russian river basins in 2006, million m3 Discharge of wastewater by metallurgical, petrochemical and chemical complexes into water bodies with chronically high water pollution aggravates ecological state water bodies. 8

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9 River basin, lake Wastewater discharge, total, including without treatment, insufficiently treated, standardly treated Northern Dvina 804.59 71.37 533.41 12.05 Pechora 351.63 2.31 13.33 74.71 Neva 656.02 341 .86 110.53 0.01 Lake Ladoga 1411.69 32.35 209.55 0.76 Dnieper 330.02 12.91 182.68 25.84 Don 3652.69 89.12 561.30 162.66 Kuban 2538 .30 295.32 220.22 9.15 Volga 16303.29 581.84 6568.65 787.89 Ural 1843.59 40.87 254.36 0.04 Terek 932.99 15.33 123.58 4.42 Ob 7035.62 488.20 1961.65 671.63 Yenisei 2702.08 196.48 943.85 53.77 Lena 222.86 16.30 69.88 28.56 Amur 742.05 112.82 300.36 25 .03 Lake Baikal 362.29 3.10 87.46 6.77

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In accordance with state statistical monitoring of disturbed lands, removal and use of fertile soil layer, as of January 1, 2007, the area of ​​disturbed lands for all years amounted to 1135.0 thousand hectares, which is 18.3 thousand hectares more than in previous year. More than half of the disturbed lands (55%) were formed as a result of: development of mineral deposits and geological exploration, 20% - peat mining, 12% - construction. At enterprises and organizations agriculture there are 116.8 thousand hectares of disturbed land, non-ferrous metallurgy - 110.4 thousand hectares, coal industry– 105.1 thousand hectares, on land plots whose ownership is not documented – 124.4 thousand hectares and on reserve lands – 100.7 thousand hectares. 10

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Decrepit fixed production assets that do not meet environmental requirements by any standards; The desire of entrepreneurs to squeeze profit out of production at any cost and without investing in the reconstruction of fixed production assets; Collapse of public discipline; Rampant corruption; Irresponsibility and impunity; Low ecological culture. 11

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1. Concern of the world community: - Framework Convention on Climate Change; - Kyoto Protocol. 2. Search for an alternative to the anthropogenic extraction of carbon from the depths, where it was “stored” by nature millions of years ago when leaving the initial greenhouse period: - refusal of energy consumption is unacceptable; - energy saving and refusal to burn organic matter is necessary. 3. Ways to solve local environmental problems. 3.1.Restoration of public discipline. And above all, a change in the entire structure and regulatory documentation in the supervisory authorities (the army of extortionists is essentially in collusion with environmental offenders). 3.2. Clear definition and implementation of the STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY (not to buy football clubs, but to reconstruct production). 3.3. Economic responsibility: - those who do not exceed the standards do not pay anything; - the one who exceeds pays 20-25 times more than now. 12

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It is enough to simply list the laws that have not been adopted over the past 10 years, despite numerous attempts by deputies. ABOUT drinking water and water supply. On the greening of vehicles. About environmental safety. About the fee negative impact on the environment. On the use of associated petroleum gas. About ecological culture and environmental education. About environmental audit. About environmental insurance. On production and consumption waste (changes to combat the theft of scrap metals). It is impossible to do without the personal will of the top officials, because all efforts from below have been blocked over the past 10 years by departments not interested in adopting laws limiting the rights of those who were and are the source, i.e. business, whose interests these departments protect. 13

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sustainable development, which provides equal attention to its economic, social and environmental components, and recognition of the impossibility of the development of human society with the degradation of nature; the priority for society of the life-supporting functions of the biosphere in relation to the direct use of its resources; fair distribution of income from use natural resources and access to them; prevention of negative environmental consequences as a result of economic activities, taking into account long-term environmental consequences; 15a

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refusal of economic and other projects related to the impact on natural systems if their consequences are unpredictable for the environment; use of natural resources on a paid basis and compensation to the population and the environment for damage caused as a result of violation of environmental legislation; openness of environmental information; participation of civil society, self-government bodies and business circles in the preparation, discussion, adoption and implementation of decisions in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. 15b

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1. Recovery effective system public administration environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety. We need to move from conversations and a “single body” to a clear distribution of duties and responsibilities. 2. Improving legislative support: it is necessary to adopt laws on standardization of environmental quality, on payment for negative impact and on the responsibility of both business and government structures for the environmental condition of Russia in addition to the Forestry and Water Codes and the Code of Subsoil Laws. It is necessary to review all regulatory and administrative documents of regulatory authorities to identify and eliminate elements of corruption. Public discipline in ecology must be strict both for business and for its controllers. 16 16a

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Introduction of economic mechanisms: effective payment for negative impact on the environment. The main principle is that those who apply the best existing technologies pay nothing. Anyone who deliberately violates pays according to the principle “it doesn’t seem enough.” Environmental awareness, education and the formation of environmental culture are the main tasks of all levels of government and civil society institutions. The development of civil society institutions in the field of ecology should be constructive, and not left-wing populist, obviously unfeasible. Effective environmental control, environmental assessment as a preventive environmental tool, environmental monitoring of the state of the environment and environmental awareness of the population. 12 16b

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A reasonable and effective combination of federal, regional and local powers in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management. International cooperation on all conventions in the field of ecology and consistent advocacy of the position that Russia is a global environmental donor, and we are ready to receive the corresponding for this, i.e. dominant position, recognition of us as a World Ecological Power. 12 16v

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August 1, 2009 Chairman of the Government Russian Federation V.V. Putin held a meeting on environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety. “Prudent use of natural resources, the ability to create comfortable and safe environment for people’s lives, of course, today are among the most important indicators of the competitiveness of any modern state,” said V. Putin. The existing environmental control system in Russia is outdated and does not meet internationally accepted standards. Therefore, the Government is faced with the task in the near future to develop and implement new mechanisms that encourage businesses to implement environmentally friendly technologies, as well as strengthen responsibility for environmental pollution. Strict environmental requirements are pushing businesses to introduce new technologies, reduce costs, and save resources. In addition, compliance with environmental standards today is a prerequisite for entering the markets of developed countries - “that is, precisely the most profitable and capacious markets.” “Ecological issues and the implementation of environmental programs are given the closest attention in key strategic documents adopted by the government - the Concept of Long-Term Development until 2020, the Main Directions of Government Activities until 2012.” We are talking about improving legislation, measures to reduce industrial emissions, developing a waste disposal system, restoration of contaminated areas,” explained V. Putin. But the traditions of a “residual” approach to ecology are still strong, which is extremely expensive for the state, since it affects the health of citizens. “Another danger that we are faced with is the fact that almost “free” use environment corrupts the economy and business participants, preserves backward “dirty” technologies and wasteful production.” 20

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Almost all developed countries today closely monitor how much water, gas and oil is spent per unit of GDP, as well as how much environmental pollution occurs per unit of production. According to criteria such as emissions into the atmosphere and water bodies, waste generation, Russian enterprises are inferior to their foreign counterparts. Russian environmental and economic mechanisms, many of which were put in place in the Soviet Union and are still in effect, have long been outdated. “The existing environmental control system often does not meet internationally accepted standards,” the Prime Minister noted. “There are no effective incentives that would encourage enterprises to introduce environmentally friendly technologies and reduce pollutant emissions.” The Head of Government set the task of developing and implementing such mechanisms in the near future, as well as working on the issue of strengthening liability measures for environmental pollution. There are more than enough arguments in favor of the need for an effective and efficient policy in the field of ecology and nature conservation, V. Putin noted. He recalled that leading experts confidently predict the growing influence of environmental factors in world politics. The state should expand interaction with public environmental organizations. 21 And not a word about environmental education

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The country's entry into the top five world powers in terms of the most important indicators is associated with the solution of global environmental problems that concern all the leading countries of the world (global climate change, degradation of the biosphere, conservation of resources and their rational use), as well as with the social and environmental responsibility of business. 23

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The transition from an energy-based economy to an innovative model is associated with the solution of specific environmental problems in all sectors of the economy, and this is based on a high environmental culture and socio-ecological discipline. It is especially important to solve environmental problems: in the mining and coal industries; in metallurgy; in oil production and oil refining; in the chemical industry; on transport. 24

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Environmental education is the process, means and result of obtaining and mastering environmental knowledge, skills and abilities, purposefully organized and systematically carried out in educational organizations, education and training or independently. Triad environmental education Enlightenment Upbringing Education Stages of environmental education 1. Preparatory – the foundations of an ecological worldview in the system of additional education; 2. General – school, technical school, university; 3. Specialized (bio, geo, agro, chemistry faculties); 4. Special – training of ecologists; 5. Higher – defense of a dissertation. 26

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27 Directions Organizational forms Qualification 1. Ecological proper (bioecology) Biological and environmental faculties of universities Ecologist (bioecologist) 2. Geoecological (geoecology) Geographical, soil, geological, mining universities and faculties Geoecologist (geographer-ecologist, etc.) 3. Agroecological ( agroecologist) Agricultural universities and faculties Agroecologist 4. Chemical-ecological (chemical ecology) Chemical and chemical-technological universities and faculties Chemist-ecologist 5. Technical, technological (industrial ecology) Environmental faculties and departments of technical universities Industrial ecologist 6. Socio- and economic -ecological (socioecology, economics of environmental management) Economic, sociological, legal and other universities and faculties Economist – ecologist, socioecologist

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Activities of public environmental organizations in our country, on the one hand, is positive, because contributes to the identification and elimination of environmental deficiencies in economic activities. On the other hand, being an instrument of political struggle, certain “ecological” organizations are used by the enemies of our country to slow down the development of the economy. This is especially felt when implementing large projects and programs for economic development and, in particular, large-scale development nuclear energy, construction of gas and oil pipelines, implementation of large territorial industrial complexes. At the same time, environmental organizations, often financed from abroad, organize protests for far-fetched reasons without sufficient grounds and real environmental danger, write numerous appeals, taking advantage of the poor awareness of the population. There are numerous cases of atomic-radiation “hype” without sufficient reasons and grounds, unreasonable demands for the transfer of certain fuel and energy facilities, etc., which actually causes damage to the country’s economy. At the same time, there are many environmental organizations that deal with real environmental problems and help solve environmental problems facing society and the state. 28

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1. Under no circumstances should you “sort” environmental organizations. There are no “ours” and “not ours”: ALL OURS. 2. Focus on: creating an environmental culture; development of ways to raise the socio-ecological discipline. 3. Change the paradigm of obtaining funds for subsistence: do not beg for grants abroad, playing on the difficulties of development; earn money by participating in solving specific environmental problems. 4. Create an All-Russian organization “Non-profit partnership of environmental organizations” to coordinate the activities of environmental organizations. Ecology as well foreign policy must consolidate all political forces, although it is possible that there are different views on solving certain problems. TRUTH IS BORN IN DISPUTES. 29

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The environmental cause movement has been involved in many important concrete causes. V.A.Grachev 02/20/2002 visited President V.V. Putin on the creation of a circulating water supply system. ESPO Ecologist Day In September, the BPPM stopped discharging into Baikal. BPPM 30

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Environmental problems and their solutions
student of class 11A
Naumenko Evgeniya

This term, first used in 1866 by the German biologist E. Haeckel (1834-1919), refers to the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. The scientist believed that new science will deal only with the relationship of animals and plants with their habitat. This term firmly entered our lives in the 70s of the 20th century. However, today we actually talk about environmental problems as social ecology - a science that studies the problems of interaction between society and the environment.
What is ecology?

Throughout the history of development, environmental problems have never arisen on our planet. These problems began to appear at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. The emergence of these problems is associated with an intensive increase in the human population, with the need to use a huge amount of natural resources, with the problem of waste disposal, with the development of the automobile industry, processing plants, etc. One of the most significant environmental problems is the destruction of the biosphere. For their needs, people cut down an increasing amount forests, which leads to the disappearance of many species of flora and fauna. As a result, soil degradation and desertification occurs. The combustion of various fuels by industrial enterprises and the release of huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere contributes to the development of the greenhouse effect and the destruction of the ozone layer.
Ecological situation on the planet

The most widespread and significant is chemical pollution of the environment with substances of a chemical nature that are unusual for it. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. The further development of this process will strengthen the undesirable trend towards an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet. Environmentalists are also concerned about the ongoing pollution of the World Ocean with oil and petroleum products, which has already reached 1/5 of its total surface. Oil pollution of this size can cause significant disruptions in gas and water exchange between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. In general, all the factors considered that can be attributed to the polluting effect have a noticeable impact on the processes occurring in the biosphere.

Air pollution
The high rate of industrial development in developing countries is causing a sharp increase in air pollution. The low quality of technology and the lack of financial resources for modern treatment facilities lead to a large number of emissions. Also one of the most important reasons is the use of low-quality fuel. The ecological situation in urban areas is at a critical level, since the peculiarity of these countries is the concentration of the population in a small number of large cities. After a significant increase in the standard of living and material income of residents, the number of vehicles has increased, which has created a recently unknown problem of exhaust gases. This situation is worsening due to the inability of most residents to purchase modern, technologically advanced cars. Also, the use of used cars is associated with the phenomenon of noise pollution. The lack of air purification facilities can lead to dire consequences. Currently, the countries of Europe and America are carrying out air purification, but it will be possible to restore the level of cleanliness as it was before only after centuries...

Acid rain
During the operation of automobile engines, thermal power plants, and other plants and factories, nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released into the air in large quantities. These gases enter into various chemical reactions and as a result, droplets of acids are formed, which fall out as acid rain or are transported in the form of fog.  Acid precipitation causes soil erosion, inhibits the growth of vegetation and reduces its biodiversity. When acidity in the aquatic environment increases, the animals living there die. In humans, acid precipitation can cause respiratory and eye diseases. In addition, they are catalysts for the destruction of architectural structures, and thus cause significant environmental and economic damage.  Acid rain is observed in the USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and other countries. Economic losses from acid precipitation, for example in the United States, amount to more than $12 million annually.

The most common are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers. Of these, the main pollutants groundwater are nitrates. Currently, groundwater under over-fertilized soil contains nitrates in concentrations of more than 1000 mg/l. This is much more than normal and can be dangerous for humans. Nitrates absorbed by plants, which we in turn eat, can cause severe poisoning in large quantities. Irrational use of mineral fertilizers can cause soil erosion.
Mineral fertilizers

Water pollution
The most common pollutants include oil and petroleum products. They cover the surface of the water with a thin film, preventing gas and moisture exchange between water and near-aquatic organisms. Oil extraction from the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans poses a serious threat to the cleanliness of water bodies. Serious water pollution is caused by sudden releases of oil at the final stage of drilling wells at the bottom of reservoirs.
Another source of water pollution is accidents with oil tankers. Oil enters the sea when hoses rupture, when oil pipeline couplings leak, when it is pumped into coastal oil storage facilities, and when tankers are washed.
Surfactants, including synthetic detergents (SDCs), are becoming increasingly important (as pollutants of water bodies). The widespread use of these compounds in everyday life and industry leads to an increase in their concentration in wastewater. They are poorly removed by treatment facilities, supplied to water bodies, including household and drinking water, and from there into tap water. The presence of SMS in water gives it an unpleasant taste and smell.
Dangerous pollutants of water bodies are salts heavy metals– lead, iron, copper, mercury. The greatest supply of their water is associated with industrial centers located near the coast. Heavy metal ions absorb aquatic plants: along tropical chains they reach herbivores, and then carnivores. Water containing household waste and agricultural runoff serve as sources of many infectious diseases(paratyphoid fever, dysentery, viral hepatitis, cholera, etc.). The spread of cholera vibrios by contaminated waters, lakes, and reservoirs is widely known.

The greenhouse effect, as some scientists believe, is a modern physical and chemical process of disrupting the thermal balance of the planet with an accelerating rise in temperature on it. It is generally accepted that this effect is caused by the accumulation of “greenhouse gases” in the Earth’s atmosphere, formed mainly during the combustion of fossil fuels. Infrared (thermal) radiation from the Earth's surface does not go into outer space, but is absorbed by the molecules of these gases, and its energy remains in the Earth's atmosphere. Over the past hundred years, the average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased by 0.8 ° C. In the Alps and the Caucasus, glaciers have decreased in volume half, on Mount Kilimanjaro - by 73%, and the level of the World Ocean has risen by at least 10 cm. According to the World Meteorological Service, by 2050 the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere will increase to 0.05%, and the average temperature on the planet will increase will be 2-3.5° C. The results of such a process are not accurately predicted. It is expected that the level of the World Ocean will rise by 15-95 cm with the flooding of densely populated areas of river deltas in Western Europe and Southeast Asia, shifts in climate zones, changes in the direction of winds, ocean currents (including the Gulf Stream) and precipitation.
Greenhouse effect and ozone holes