What is hardcore. "Godfathers of Hardcore"

If you studied foreign languages, you have come across words that cannot be translated into Russian: they describe things that everyone understands, but there is no equivalent for them in Russian. One of these wonderful words - English word hardcore. This word is used to describe almost any hard thing. Or rude. Or heavy. We told you about - why isn't hardcore for you?

We explain what hardcore is today

In general, this is a polysemantic word. The vast majority of it is used in relation to music: both instrumental and electronic. Also, oddly enough, it is often used in the porn industry. And, of course, just like that - to describe any tough thing. Like: “That was a hardcore party!” So, today we will tell you in detail what it is eaten with. Let's start with something decent - with music. And then, so to speak, for dessert, let's move on to porn.

Let's start with hardcore punk. The word "punk" is familiar to you. What changed about it in the late seventies and when did it appear? Remember three key words: faster, harder, shorter. The track could last less than one minute, no long extreme solos, no choruses several times. A couple of verses - and it's done. Hardcore soon separated from punk culture and became a separate cultural medium. The beginning of this trend is unthinkable without groups such as Black Flag, Bad Brians and Minor Threat.

Remember: you don't know what hardcore is if you don't know about DIY. The DIY ethic is one of the pillars on which punk/hardcore culture rests. DIY principles (do it yourself) - do everything yourself. Don't be a consumer of music, but play music yourself. Don't record on major labels, but make records on your own with the help of friends. Consume less, create more - this is the basic idea of ​​DIY.

Perhaps the first group playing in this style was Black Flag, who appeared back in 1976. Everything is as written: short, quick songs, social themes. A year later, Bad Brains appeared, mixing hardcore with reggae, and three years later, the legendary Minor Threat, who became the founders of straight edge - a culture of abstinence, refusal to drink alcohol, nicotine, drugs and promiscuity. It was a real revolution in protest culture. Today, hardcore punk is alive and well, there are a lot of bands: both famous around the world and local ones. We are sure: in your city there are them too, and more than one. As for famous performers, we can name you Have Heart, Ten Yard Fight, Anchor - the list is long and truly impressive.

As for the music, that's not all. If you know what hardcore is, you've heard of hardcore techno. This is also something cool - for real men. As you already understood from the second part of the name, hardcore techno is a genre of electronic music. If you scroll up a little and refresh your knowledge, the situation becomes clearer: this techno is harder than usual, and, like hardcore punk, faster than its progenitor. The tempo is really fast, really fast - up to 300 beats per minute (but this is already terror, it is for crazy people). If you've heard Angerfist, you've heard hardcore techno at its best. In general, he has a lot of, so to speak, styles: good gabber from Holland, and terribly fast speedcore and terror, and intellectual breakcore with broken rhythms: choose - I don’t want, and cheerful happy with pitched vocals (remember the carbonic Scooter?). All this is hardcore techno, great and terrible.

Well, for dessert we’ll tell you about hardcore porn. Although there is nothing special to tell, the main thing here is to know the fundamental difference. Again, scroll up and see the words: hard and rough. This is what hardcore porn is - hard and rough.

Carrying out golden rule“be honest with your readers”, I declare that before writing this article I did not have the slightest idea what hardcore is and what it is eaten with. My ignorance fueled my interest in getting to the bottom of the truth and finding out more about such a mysterious concept.

Hardcore punk appeared in the USA and Great Britain in the late 70s and sang themes of freedom, anarchy, and human will. If we compare this movement with punk rock, then the tracks here become shorter, however, heavier. Externally, the performers looked something like this: a T-shirt or checkered shirt, sneakers, tattoos, piercings (the latter came into use relatively recently).

But it is necessary to distinguish between what hardcore is in Britain and America. Of course, the styles are similar, but they also have their own characteristics. Street punk, d-beat (here dominated by hard guitar playing and terrifying, roaring vocals), grindcore, and crust punk appeared in the UK.

The next direction, which is also called hardcore, is rap hardcore. This musical movement is characterized by a heavy beat and chaotic sound recording.

Hardcore techno appears in the 90s in the Netherlands, Germany, England; A distinctive feature is the experiments carried out at the speed of music.

Every self-respecting musician working in this environment knows what hardcore is, but no one knows all the styles. The fact is that there are countless of them, and new directions appear periodically. Of course, only a few take root, but once upon a time even the familiar ones were now new and unknown to anyone, but they conquered the planet and won the hearts of millions of fans.

I would like to list the most popular styles:

1. Gabber is one of the most “trash” types.

2. Happy are distinguished by notes of fun and lightness, which are present quite rarely in such music; here aggression is reduced to a minimum; a piano playing, for example, or a clipping from a famous pop song is inserted in an original way.

3. Industrial hardcore - a very heavy direction in which the sound literally presses on the head, there is almost no melody, so it is almost impossible for an unprepared listener to master at least one track.

4. And I would also like to mention speedcore - the fastest style, in which the speed reaches three hundred beats per minute!

Some countries were mentioned, but we also need to talk about Russian hardcore. It appeared in 1994, and DJ Digger is recognized as its founder. Then, developing this direction, they came to the creation of the “Orbital Radio Station” brand, which organized various parties, which were attended by MC Pate, Or-Beat, Digger, Shark and others. Friendly battles held between musicians have become a tradition.

In 1998, Russian hardcore underwent dramatic changes associated with the departure of DJ Or-Beat to Canada. After this event, the program was transferred to the hands of other presenters, but after a short period of action it was closed.

Now on the Russian stage there are hundreds of performers who adhere to a wide variety of styles.

But what is hardcore if you don't take the music into account? It turns out that the mode of the popular game “Fallout: New Vegas", which is considered more complex than the usual one. At the same time, hardcore is also a reward intended for those who master such a difficult mode and completely complete the game.

Surely many have heard about hardcore in everyday life is a term used to designate something hard, rough and heavy. As we say in some situations: “in hardcore mode.”

Thus, three options for defining the concept of “hardcore” were considered here, but no one guarantees that in the near future this category cannot be interpreted differently, in accordance with the times. But the old meaning is changing, like everything around, and, most likely, new styles of music will not make fans languish for long in anticipation of a miracle.

1) Hardcore- a subculture that grew out of the neo-punk movement, preaching healthy image life, including strict vegetarianism (veganism), animal protection, abstinence from alcohol, drugs, smoking, and sexual intercourse.

2) Hardcore- a branch of punk rock, characterized by fast tempo, simplified harmony, harsh text style, often with a social orientation.

3) Hardcore- heavier and tougher punk rock that appeared in the USA and Great Britain in the late 70s. The sound, compared to the traditional sound of punk rock, became faster, heavier, the compositions became shorter - one and a half to two minutes. The main themes of the songs are personal freedom, anarchy, politics, social aspects, straight edge, veganism, violence, pacifism. According to Brendan Mullen, founder of the Los Angeles punk club The Masque, the Damned's first tour with their "uptempo" sound compared to traditional punk rock created a "sensation" among punk fans. rock and local musicians, which gave impetus to the development of the first wave of hardcore on the West Coast of the United States. The most notable local scenes in the first half of the 1980s existed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Washington, and New York.


a subculture that grew out of the neo-punk movement, preaching a healthy lifestyle, including strict vegetarianism (veganism), animal protection, abstinence from alcohol, drugs, smoking, and sexual intercourse.

a branch of punk rock, characterized by fast tempo, simplified harmony, harsh textual style, often with a social orientation.

heavier and tougher punk rock that appeared in the US and UK in the late 70s. The sound, compared to the traditional sound of punk rock, became faster, heavier, the compositions became shorter - one and a half to two minutes. The main themes of the songs are personal freedom, anarchy, politics, social aspects, straight edge, veganism, violence, pacifism. According to Brendan Mullen, founder of the Los Angeles punk club The Masque, the Damned's first tour with their "uptempo" sound compared to traditional punk rock created a "sensation" among punk fans. rock and local musicians, which gave impetus to the development of the first wave of hardcore on the West Coast of the United States. The most notable local scenes in the first half of the 1980s existed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Washington, and New York.

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A feature of which is sexual acts shown extremely frankly. The term was coined in the late twentieth century to distinguish hardcore from softcore pornography. soft, softcore). May be expressed in the form of photographs, often in magazines, or videos, but can also be cartoons. English concept hardcore roughly corresponds to the meaning of the term “pornography” in Russian, whereas softcore corresponds to eroticism.


Hardcore porn was banned in many countries until the second half of the twentieth century, when many liberal democracies around the world, following changes in sexual and social norms, allowed limited access to it. Initially, access to such products was regulated, that is, an age limit was established. However, now such porn can be quite easily downloaded from the Internet without serious restrictions. Minors' access to hardcore porn is generally prohibited.

Often attempts at legalization are met with vigorous opposition (the anti-pornography movement). In the United States, the legal status of pornography under the constitutional right of free speech varies from one state to another, and from one city to another.


United Kingdom

In 2006, The Independent reported that more than 9 million British adults used online porn services. The study also showed an increase in the number of women interested in such sites by one third, from 1.05 million to 1.38. A 2003 study found that a third of all internet users in the UK had viewed hardcore pornography.


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The words "hardcore".

To understand the meaning of this word, you need to know where it came from in the language. The word “hardcore,” which is so often used in the speech of teenagers and members of informal subcultures, actually comes from the English “hardcore,” which appeared in the language relatively recently.

It consists of two bases: “hard” - hard, strong, strong, powerful and “core” - body, core, core, deep essence, essence of something.

Thus, verbatim will not give positive results. You will most likely need to provide specific ones.

For example, in a political context, "hardcore socialist" will mean that this or that person is a socialist to the core and bones.

Participants political parties can be called “hardcore party members,” which will mean “the core of the party,” that is, its most active participants, participants without whom it is difficult to imagine the functioning of the party.

It is worth noting that in Russian, unlike English, this word is used only as a noun. When they want to use a semantic adjective, they say “hardcore”.

For example, in one of Lana Del Rey’s songs there is the following line: “If you love me hardcore, then don”t walk away,” which translates as “If you love me “hardcore,” i.e. “very strongly,” then don’t go.” Here this word is used as an adverb.

Who else says "hardcore"?

The scope of use of this word in English is not limited: politicians and 16-year-old punk rockers can express themselves this way. In turn, some representatives of the adult and conscious population of Russia have no idea about such a word.

In the music industry, “hardcore” is understood primarily as a corresponding musical style, the distinctive feature of which is primitive vocals (most often screams and roars) and aggressive music, very similar to punk rock.

In politics, as previously stated, the word is used to denote the "inveterate" political views or "activity" of a party member.

In engineering, the word “hardcore” refers to a hardware core, the loss of which makes it impossible to recover information.

In English, this word is also used as an adjective: hardcore terrorist - inveterate terrorist, hardcore poverty - deep poverty.

In the porn industry, the word hardcore denotes a certain style of films, which are characterized by maximum frankness of intercourse scenes.

Although in Russia this word is not yet “on the tongue” of people, in the USA and other English-speaking countries it is very common.