History of origin and interpretation of the name Argentina. Argentine female names The most common male name in Argentina

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Argentine female names

Argentina(Argentina) is a large state in South America. Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the South American mainland, the eastern part of the Tierra del Fuego island and the nearby Estados islands, etc.

It borders on the west with Chile, on the north with Bolivia and Paraguay, on the northeast with Brazil and Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The nature of Argentina is diverse due to the large extent of the country from north to south and differences in relief.

The official language is Spanish.

The capital is Buenos Aires.

The state religion is Catholicism.

The currency is the Argentine Peso.

Since Argentina is a Spanish-speaking country, names in Argentina are mostly of Spanish origin.

The names in the list are not listed in alphabetical order, but by popularity (in descending order).

Argentine female names

Argentine female names

Argentine female names (Russian)



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Argentine female names

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Every name, male or female, has its own story. It is almost impossible to determine exactly where and under what circumstances children first began to be called by one name or another. Each has a history, dating back to ancient myths and legends. Most likely, most names simply indicate a character trait that they want to instill in a child.

But why do new names appear? There are different reasons: wars, geographical or scientific discoveries, emigration and immigration of the population.

If you look at the document of a Spanish citizen, you can see no more than 2 names and 2 surnames, despite the fact that in most European countries their number is unlimited. This is due to the fact that the state takes this issue seriously enough to avoid numerous confusions. When baptizing babies, you can assign any names allowed (approved) by the church in unlimited quantities. Typically this is done like this:

  • The eldest son receives the first name of his father, the second - his grandfather on the male line;
  • The eldest daughter first takes the name of her mother, and then the name of her maternal grandmother.

In general, a Spanish name consists of three main elements: a personal name ( nombre) and two surnames ( apellido): father ( apellido paterno or primer apellido) and mother ( apellido maternoorsegundo apellido).

The Spaniards are practicing Catholics; they attach great importance to the church in their lives, and therefore most of the names have their roots in Catholic saints. Spaniards do not like unusual and extravagant names and do not accept them in their lives. There are cases when the state refused to receive foreigners due to the fact that their names were quite unusual (for example, it is impossible to determine the gender of the bearer).

Many people associate Latin American countries with Spain, since in these territories Spanish is official, and when learning Spanish, the teacher can emphasize differences between cultures and pronunciations. When it comes to names, there are also very big differences, despite the fact that Latinos use Spanish names. The only difference is that they can name the child whatever they want. Children are called English, American or even Russian names if the parents like it, and this will not be punishable by the state.

We can take the terrorist from Venezuela as an example. His name was Ilyich, and his brothers were Lenin and Vladimir Ramirez Sanchez. The staunch communist father reflected his views on life through the names of his children.

But such exceptions are extremely rare, although modernity has no boundaries or stereotypes. In Spain, simple and classic names with complex meanings remain at the peak of popularity, for example, Juan, Juanita, Julio, Julia, Maria, Diego, etc.

Separately, I would like to highlight the names and their origin (female):

  • Biblical names: Anna, Mary, Martha, Magdalena, Isabel;
  • Latin and greek names: Barbora, Veronica, Elena, Paola;
  • Germanic: Erica, Motilda, Caroline, Louise, Frida.
  • Biblical names: Miguel, Jose, Thomas, David, Daniel, Adan, Juan;
  • Greek and Latin names: Sergio, Andres, Alejandro, Hector, Pablo, Nicholas;
  • German: Alonso, Alfonso, Luis, Carlos, Raymond, Fernando, Enrique, Ernesto, Raul, Rodrigue, Roberto.

Spanish female names and their meanings

  • Agata – good
  • Adelita (Adelita), Alicia (Alicia) Adela, Adelia (Adela) – noble
  • Adora - adored
  • Alondra – protector of humanity
  • Alba – dawn, dawn
  • Alta - high
  • Angelina, Angel, Angelica - angel, angelic, messenger
  • Anita – diminutive of Ana – benefit
  • Ariadna – perfect, pure, immaculate
  • Arcelia (Arcelia) Araceli, Aracelis (Aracelis) – wanderer, traveler
  • Benita – blessed
  • Bernardita – bear
  • Blanca – clean, white
  • Benita – blessed
  • Valencia – domineering
  • Veronica – victorious
  • Gertrudis, Gertrudis – spear strength
  • Gracia – graceful, graceful
  • Jesusa - saved
  • Juana, Juanita – merciful
  • Dorotea – God's gift
  • Elena – moon, torch
  • Josefina - rewarder
  • Ibby, Isabel (Isabel) – oath to God
  • Inés – innocent, chaste
  • Candelaria – candle
  • Carla, Carolina – human
  • Carmela and Carmelita - name in honor of Our Lady of Carmel
  • Constancia – constant
  • Consuela - Consoler, the name is given in honor of Our Lady of Consolation (Nuestra Señora del Consuelo)
  • Conchita - diminutive of Concepción - derived from the Latin concepto - “to become pregnant, to conceive.” The name is given in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Inmaculada Concepción)
  • Cristina – Christian
  • Cruz - cross, pectoral cross
  • Camila - servant of the gods, priestess
  • Catalina – pure soul
  • Leticia – joyful, happy
  • Laura – laurel, (“crowned with laurel”)
  • Luisa, Luisita – warrior
  • Marita – diminutive of Maria – desired, beloved
  • Marta – mistress of the house
  • Mercedes - merciful, all-merciful (in honor of the Virgin Mary - María de las Mercedes)
  • Maribel – fierce
  • Nina – baby
  • Ophelia - assistant
  • Pepita – God will give another son
  • Perla, Perlita – pearl
  • Pilar, Pili – pillar, column
  • Paloma - dove
  • Ramona – wise protector
  • Rebeca – alluring on the net
  • Reina – queen, queen
  • Renata – reborn
  • Sarita (diminutive of Sara) - noble woman, mistress
  • Sofia - wise
  • Susana – water lily
  • Trinidad – Trinity
  • Francisca - free
  • Chiquita is a diminutive name meaning little girl.
  • Abigaíl – joy for father
  • Evita – diminutive of Eva – lively, lively
  • Elvira – friendly
  • Esmeralda - emerald
  • Estela (derived from Estrella) – star

Spanish male names and their meanings

  • Agustin - great
  • Alberto, Alonso, Alfonso - noble
  • Alfredo – elf
  • Amado – favorite
  • Andrés – warrior
  • Antonio (Antonio) – flower
  • Armando – strong, brave
  • Aurelio – golden
  • Basilio – regal
  • Benito - blessed
  • Berenguer, Bernardino, Bernardo – the strength and courage of a bear
  • Valentin – healthy, strong
  • Victor, Victorino, Vincente – winner and conqueror,
  • Gaspar – teacher, master
  • Gustavo - staff, support
  • Horatio – excellent eyesight
  • Damian - to tame, to subdue
  • Desi - desired
  • Herman (German) – brother
  • Gilberto – light
  • Diego – doctrine, teaching
  • Jesus (Jesús) - named after Jesus, diminutives: Chucho, Chuy, Chuza, Chuchi, Chus, Chuso and others.
  • Ignacio – fire
  • Yousef - God will give another son
  • Carlos – man, husband
  • Christian (Cristian) – Christian
  • Leandro – lion man
  • Lucio - light
  • Mario - man
  • Marcos, Marcelino, Marcelo, Marcial, Martin - names derived from the name of the Roman God of War - Mars, warlike
  • Mateo – gift from Yahweh
  • Mauricio – dark-skinned, Moor
  • Modesto - modest, moderate, sober
  • Maximino (Maximino), Maximo (Máximo) – great
  • Nicholas (Nicolás) – victory of the people
  • Osvaldo (Osvaldo) – owning, having power
  • Pablo – baby
  • Paco – free
  • Pasqual – child of Easter
  • Pastor – shepherd
  • Patricio – noble, of noble origin
  • Pio (Pío) – pious, virtuous
  • Rafael – divine healing
  • Ricardo, Rico – strong, persistent
  • Rodolfo, Raúl – wolf
  • Rodrigo – ruler, leader
  • Rolando - famous land
  • Raynaldo - sage - ruler
  • Sal, diminutive of Salvador - savior
  • Sancho, Santos – saint
  • Severino, Severo – strict, stern
  • Sergio – servant
  • Silvestre, Silvio – forest
  • Salomón – peaceful
  • Tadeo – grateful
  • Teobaldo - a brave man
  • Thomas (Tomás) – twin
  • Tristan – rebel, rebel
  • Fabricio – artisan
  • Fausto – lucky guy
  • Felipe – horse lover
  • Fernando – brave, courageous
  • Fidel - the most devoted, faithful
  • Flavio – golden-haired
  • Francisco (Francisco) - free
  • Juan, Juanito – good God
  • Julian, Julio - curly
  • Edmundo – prosperous, protector
  • Emilio – rival
  • Enrique – powerful ruler
  • Ernesto – diligent, diligent
  • Esteban - name means crown
  • Yusbayo, Yusebio - devout

The most popular names among adults:

  • Jose (José)
  • Antonio
  • Juan
  • Manuel
  • Francisco

Among newborn babies:

  • Daniel
  • Alejandro
  • Pablo
  • David
  • Adrian

If we return to female names, the following names are now popular among women:

  • Maria
  • Carmen
  • Ana
  • Isabel (Isabel)
  • Dolores

And among girls, that is, recently born children:

  • Lucia
  • Maria
  • Paula
  • Sarah (Zara)
  • Carla

As you noticed, it is very important for Spaniards that their names are easily understood, refusing rare and unusual options, which significantly affects the reduction of the language barrier with foreign citizens.

Sometimes the connection between a full and a diminutive name is almost impossible to determine by ear: for example, at home little Francisco can be called Paco, Pancho and even Curro, Alfonso - Honcho, Eduardo - Lalo, Jesus - Chucho, Chuy or Chus, Anunciación - Chon or Chonita. In the same way, it is difficult for foreigners to understand why we call Alexander Shurik :)

Almost all Spanish names are simple but beautiful. We hope that getting to know them will make it easier for you to communicate with native Spanish speakers, because now you know a little more about the Spaniards!

Those with the name Argentina, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” That's how it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Argentina, manifestation of love

Argentina, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of “friend to all”. You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

Argentina is a country whose history is closely intertwined with the history of Spain. The official language of Argentina is Spanish, which has transferred most of the national Spanish names into the Argentine name book.

Argentine female names comprise several groups according to meaning and origin:

  1. The main group of names is national, borrowed from Spanish(“Conchita”, “Frederica”, “Louise”) and expressing the personal qualities of a woman.
  2. The second group includes Indian names(before Spanish colonization in the 19th century indigenous people Argentina was composed of Indians). By the end of the 19th century, Indian names had almost completely ceased to be used by the population that migrated to Argentina, half of which were Spanish and the other half Italian.
  3. The third group of names consists of Italian names adapted into Spanish(in the 21st century, a significant part of the Argentine population has Italian roots).
  4. The next group of names consists of borrowed– pronounced migration of the population led to the appearance in Argentina of American, French, German, Czech and other European, as well as Slavic names.
  5. A special group consists of ancient catholic names, which are of Latin or Greek origin and have now almost lost their relevance.

How to choose?

A girl can receive one (usually two) personal names, which will be registered in official documents. In believing Catholic families, the girl is given a canonical name at baptism, and the second chooses a name of their own choosing.

The most popular are short names with meanings associated with flowers, beauty or spiritual qualities. Extravagant names, as well as two long names, are rarely chosen in Argentina.

The choice of name is also influenced by its sound - it should make it easy to determine the gender of the bearer. Traditionally, the first daughter of a family was named after her mother, and the second daughter after her grandmother. In many families this custom is still observed.

List of options in Russian alphabetically from A to Z, their meaning, brief interpretation

The most popular among the national Argentine names are simple classic names - Marta, Ivetti, Suzanna, Sofia. Borrowed female names are formed by adding the endings “-ita” and “-ika” to the stem. One of the most popular female names is the name "Maria", which most often acts as a first personal name.

  • Abigail- “Father’s joy.” She grows up cheerful and active, but unyielding.
  • Agata (Agueda)- “Good.” Agatha has strong character combined with bright femininity and charm.
  • Adelaide- “Noble appearance.” She is distinguished by sensitivity and prudence, soft, but has a strong core.
  • Adelita- “Noble.” Characterized by a calm disposition, absent-mindedness, and slowness.
  • Adonsia- "Sweet". Capricious and impatient, picky about others and executive.
  • Adora- “Adored”, “Desired”. Adora is unyielding and stubborn, but vulnerable and emotional.
  • Adriana- “Woman from Adria.” Charming and good-natured, loves children, the life of the party.
  • Alicia- “Noble.” Lucky, frivolous, devotes her life to music or acting.
  • Alta- “The highest.” Alta is prudent, has great intelligence, but is proud and secretive.
  • Ampero- “Refuge.” Characterized by a gentle disposition, helpfulness, politeness, and taciturnity.
  • Amerenta- “Eternal.” She has a passionate nature and ardent temperament, loyal and jealous.
  • Angelita (Angelika)- “Little Angel.” A playful girl with a great imagination, she thinks originally, and cannot stand routine.
  • Antonitta- “Priceless.” She is friendly and smiling, quickly makes friends.
  • Areselis- “Heavenly Altar”. Obedient and diligent, efficient and responsible.
  • Beatrice- “Traveller.” Beatrice is prone to loneliness, self-sufficient, but sensual and vulnerable.
  • Benita- “Blessed.” She has an agile mind and wit, is agile, and appreciates beauty and comfort.
  • Bernardita- “Bold as a bear.” Responsible and diligent, kind, slow.
  • Bonita- “Satisfied.” She has a good imagination, an inspirer with the character of a leader.
  • Brunnhilde- “Woman Warrior.” Characterized by good memory, receptivity, emotionality, and a desire for independence.
  • Valencia- “Powerful.” She grows up willful, has her own opinion on everything, but easily makes contact and is sociable.
  • Gracia- “Pleasant.” She is responsive and diligent, brings everything to completion, and achieves a high social position.
  • Deborah- “Bee.” She grows into a bright personality, talented and restless, always full of strength and energy.
  • Deiphilia- “God's daughter.” Shy and sensitive, strives to earn respect and approval.
  • Jacinta- “Hyacinth.” He is distinguished by his love for exact sciences and great diligence.
  • Juanita - "Grace of God." Kind-hearted and talkative, but unyielding and proud.
  • Dolores- “Sadness.” She is modest, rarely proactive, and hardworking.
  • Dulce- “Sweetness.” Playful and artistic, she loves to entertain others, but never loses her head.
  • Zerita- "Princess". Zerita is silent and melancholic, economical.
  • Yvette- “Yew tree.” Charming, sometimes superficial, quick-witted.
  • Isabel- “God is my oath.” Hardworking and gentle, it takes a long time to get used to people.
  • Imelda- “Invincible.” Characterized by fairness, a sense of style, and arrogance.
  • Inessa- “Chaste.” Has great strength spirit, perseverance, determination, secrecy.
  • Carmelita (Carmen)- “Vineyard”. Tireless and obedient, she grows up to be a good helper, but can be forgetful.
  • Caroline- "Human". She has an explosive character and ambition, she is ambitious.
  • Consuela- “Comforter.” Modest, attentive to others, compliant.
  • Conchita- “Permanent.” Characterized by a masculine mentality, strength and independence.
  • Christina- “Follower of Christ.” Open, sincere and straightforward.
  • Cruzita- “Reciprocity.” Willful, independent and inquisitive.
  • Camila- “Keeper.” She has developed intuition, is practical and kind.
  • Leocadia- “Clear.” Characterized by responsiveness, honesty, and vulnerability.
  • Leonor- “Foreigner.” Elegant and well-groomed, feminine and capricious.
  • Leticia- “Bringing happiness.” She is sociable, talkative, has creative inclinations, and is hardworking.
  • Louise (Louisina)- “Warrior”. Louise has the qualities of a leader, caring, and responsive.
  • Lucia- “Easy.” She has an innate creativity and good taste, she is calm and reasonable.
  • Macerena- “Blessed.” Slow, generous, often connects life with religion.
  • Maria- “Holy”, “Pure”. She is active and smart, caring, sometimes obsessive.
  • Martha- “Lady.” She is active and full of energy, has a good character, and is intelligent.
  • Matilda- “Powerful.” Balanced, always in a good mood.
  • Melestina- “Heavenly.” Brave, open, kind, but does not forget insults.
  • Manolith- “God is with us.” Tender and sensitive, introverted, timid.
  • Maribel- “Beloved”, “Beautiful”. Maribel has a bright personality, good memory and charisma.
  • Nicholas- “Victory of the people.” Frivolous, connoisseur of beauty, needs communication and constant support.
  • Noelia- "Christmas". Soft-hearted, malleable and naive.
  • Odelis- “Rich.” A demonstrative personality, always strives to be in the center of events.
  • Olalla- “Courteous.” Smiling, distinguished by altruism, may be too stubborn.
  • Ophelia- "Help". She grows up gentle and sensitive towards others, but is strict with herself.
  • Pippi- “Permanent.” An attentive girl who devotes her life to self-development and culture.
  • Perlite- “Pearl.” Possesses good health, grows responsive and honest.
  • Perpetua- “Permanent.” Silent and principled, she has strong views on life.
  • Rebecca- “Captivating.” Rebecca is witty, energetic, independent and always full of energy.
  • Rosita- "Rose". She is noble, has a good character, and is honest.
  • Sofia- “Wisdom.” Sofia is distinguished by calmness and resourcefulness, developed intelligence.
  • Suelo- “Comforted.” Suelo is a sporty and active girl, interested in everything new and attentive to others.
  • Susana- “Lily.” Characterized by modesty, taciturnity and femininity.
  • Theresa- “Reaper.” Soft and helpful, often has low self-esteem.
  • Felippa- “Loving horses.” Self-sufficient, independent and calm, a good friend.
  • Fidelia- “Devoted.” Fidelia is distinguished by her independence, responsibility, and hard work.
  • Philomena- “Strong love.” Creative personality, likes to be alone for a long time.
  • Fortuneta- “Lucky.” She tends to go with the flow and not finish what she starts, she is good-natured and sincere.
  • Francesca- “Free.” She is growing up as an initiative, active, interested girl and has many talents.
  • Chiquita- “Small.” Cheerful, optimistic, self-confident.
  • Evita- “Alive.” Evita is wise and affectionate, you can always rely on her.
  • Edelmira- “Noble.” Pedantic, neat and polite.
  • Eliza- “Healthy.” Cheerful, learns easily and with interest, talented.
  • Encarnita- “Incarnate.” Independent, characterized by a hot temperament and quick temper.
  • Enricueta- “Housekeeper.” He has an active life position and a contradictory character.
  • Esmeralda- "Emerald". A bright personality, tactful, authoritative.
  • Esperanza- “Hope”. Strong, quick-witted, feels the need to dominate those close to her.
  • Estela (Esterella)- “Star”. Growing up as a domestic child, she can be spoiled and intolerant.

Argentine female names have a unique beauty and soft sound, are easy to remember and are able to accurately reflect the temperament, warmth and ambition of their owners. Most of them are distributed far beyond Argentina - in Italy, Spain, England, and are increasingly found in Russian-speaking countries.

Reveal the secret of the name ARGENTINA(in Latin transliteration ARGENTINA) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter A of the name ARGENTINA tells about the character

A combination of tenderness and... aggressiveness. People whose name begins with this letter are leaders in love. But they must constantly be fed by stimuli and impressions; routine in relationships is not for them, otherwise “leaving on the other side” is possible. The same can happen under the influence of their inherent egoism, so they need to cultivate tolerance and attention to their partner.

Characteristics of the name ARGENTINA

  • power
  • comfort
  • attention to detail
  • good faith
  • mystery
  • talkativeness
  • vitality
  • insight
  • passion
  • emotionality
  • vigor of self-expression
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • dogmaticity
  • constant voltage
  • self-confidence
  • search for an ideal
  • sensitive creative personality

ARGENTINA: number of interaction with the world “9”

The vibrations of the number nine make people strive for excellence and work on themselves throughout their lives. “Niners” are very strong and multifaceted people, sometimes not very pleasant to communicate with: they are just as demanding of others as they are of themselves, can be harsh in their language and do not always know the limit in criticism. Words - best weapon people are nines, but it is not always used in the best way; Often, anger or resentment forces a “nine-year student” to say something completely different from what he thinks, and this becomes the cause of serious problems, sometimes dragging on for a long time. The shortcomings of people of the Nine are numerous and varied, but they are certainly surmountable - if only there was a desire. A “nine-man” can change his character, habits and manners, but will be severely punished if he does this not for himself, but only in order to please another.

For Nine people, it is very important not to withdraw into themselves: they need to see the world, be interested in the affairs of others, and comprehend science for self-development and spiritual comfort. No matter how difficult “niners” may sometimes seem to communicate - they are carried away, fickle, sometimes forgetting about compromises and a sense of tact - a positive principle predominates in their character, and it quickly becomes obvious to everyone. However, a person of nine does not need company too much and, left alone, does not lament his fate. He always has a lot to do, interests and reasons to think, and around him there are people who need help, support and love.

The “nine” is able to completely dissolve in love and enjoys it, even if it does not receive reciprocity. He needs little and gives much; neither one’s own strengths nor material factors have much value in his eyes, therefore they do not particularly strive for comfort or wealth. For Nine people, it is much more important to ensure that their lives are rich and interesting. That is why they usually prefer the city to the countryside and do not get joy from passive, inactive recreation.

It is also necessary to remember that the character of a “nine” is influenced by the vibrations of all numbers, so to many the behavior of such a person may seem unpredictable. Logic and rational judgment are not the best helpers in the matter called “understanding a person of nine.” Here, intuition will most likely be useful, and trust will not be superfluous - it must be admitted that in most cases the “nine” does the right thing and, if he is not interfered with, solves problems in the best possible way.

ARGENTINA: number of spiritual aspirations “9”

The category of people whose number of spiritual aspirations is nine is characterized by imbalance and inconsistency. Their main desire is to improve the quality of life (both their own and that of others), which they try to bring to life solely in accordance with their own ideas. Nature has endowed the “niners” with a super-strong sense of responsibility and inflated demands on others, and only attachment to loved ones makes them indulgent.

Despite the fact that “nines” are quite ambitious, excessive daydreaming and lack of vital energy do not allow them to reach great heights. Failures can turn such people into grumpy losers who are embittered towards the whole world, but more often than not, “nines” perceive defeat philosophically and continue to look for new ways for development.

“Niners” are attracted to everything beautiful. Distinguished by a heightened sense of harmony, such people always stand out “in the crowd”: with extravagant outfits, unusual activities, and artistry. They need everyone's attention like air, while the feeling of uselessness causes bitter resentment. The dream of “nines” is to make everyone around them happy.

But most often they fail to do this, because they do not want to go into detail about finding out the essence of happiness for a particular person, and therefore they either remain inactive or do something wrong, subsequently not wanting to admit their mistakes.

People - “nines” constantly live in a world of illusions that they care for and cherish. At the same time, facing the worst manifestations of reality for them is serious stress, causing suffering and even depression. Already in adulthood, “nines” are distinguished by frivolity, impracticality, inability to adapt to life and youthful idealism.

Meanwhile, sometimes they still have common sense and prudence. In a familiar and comfortable environment, “niners” relax, become charming and pleasant interlocutors. Their personal life is very rich, full of emotions and deep experiences. Due to the fact that “nines” are able to subtly sense the desires of others, as well as create a harmonious ensemble of “internal” and “external”, they often become talented designers.

ARGENTINA: number of true features "9"

People who are influenced by this number are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice and a desire to harmonize the world around them. As a rule, they have their own code of honor, and they are much more demanding of themselves than of others. Due to their reluctance to give up their principles, “Niners” can sometimes even miss the opportunity to arrange their destiny.

These people do not accept lies, no matter how beautifully packaged they are. It is unlikely that a person whose destiny is influenced by the number 9 will communicate with a liar. But if someone honestly tries to deal with their weaknesses and shortcomings, they can always count on the help of the “niners”, because they show more leniency towards other people than towards themselves.

The life of a person under the influence of 9 is full of various events. He usually has a flexible mind and a broad outlook. This determines the interest in a variety of areas of knowledge.

Another feature of such people is the ability to support and guide others. The “Niner” will be happy to give you advice in any life situation, but will not impose his will.

In addition, people are very interesting conversationalists. With them, any ordinary conversation can turn into a fascinating discussion, and their arguments and conclusions can be extremely non-trivial. However, they do not seek to convince their interlocutor that they are right at any cost; rather, their opponent himself will agree with the arguments presented, because they are so confident in themselves that this works better than any arguments.

“Niners” do not like to sit in one place; they are constantly in search of adventure. They often strive for big cities with their varied opportunities. At the same time, it is worth saying that people 9 are attracted primarily not by money, but by the opportunities for their own realization. They often want so much to benefit all of humanity that they may not notice the problems of those around them. Therefore, “nine-year” students are often not very close to their family.

The most difficult thing for a person under the influence of the number 9 is the desire to take everything very seriously. If a nine-year-old learns to allow himself some frivolity, his life will become much happier.