Russian folk tale “Daughter and stepdaughter. Russian folk tale

A widower with a daughter married a widow, also with a daughter, and they had two stepdaughters. The stepmother was hateful; does not give the old man any rest: “Take your daughter to the forest, to the dugout! She’ll be more tense there.” What to do! The man listened to the woman, took his daughter to the dugout and gave her a flint, a cream, some labor, and a bag of cereals and said: “Here’s a little light for you; Don’t turn off the light, cook the porridge, and just sit there and spin your hair, and put up the hut.”

Night has come. The girl lit the stove, brewed porridge, and out of nowhere a mouse came and said: “Maiden, maiden, give me a spoonful of porridge.” - “Oh, my little mouse! Break up my boredom; I’ll give you more than one spoonful of porridge, but I’ll feed you to the full.” The mouse ate its fill and left. At night a bear broke in. “Come on, girl,” he says, “put out the lights, let’s play blind man’s buff.”

The mouse ran up onto the girl’s shoulder and whispered in her ear: “Don’t be afraid, girl! Say: come on! Put out the fire yourself and crawl under the stove, and I’ll start running around and ringing the bell.” And so it happened. A bear chases a mouse but doesn’t catch it; began to roar and throw logs; He threw and threw, but didn’t hit, he got tired and said: “You’re a master at playing blind man’s buff, little girl!” For this I will send you a herd of horses and a cart of goods in the morning.”

The next morning the wife says: “Go, old man, check on your daughter - what did she do that night?” The old man has left, and the woman sits and waits: one day he will bring his daughter’s bones! Here’s the dog: “Tuff, bang, bang! My daughter rides with the old man, drives a herd of horses, and brings a cartload of goods.” - “You’re lying, shafurka 3! It’s in the back of the car that the bones are rattling and rattling.” The gates creaked, the horses ran into the yard, and the daughter and father were sitting on the cart: the cart was full of goodness! The woman’s eyes are burning with greed. “What importance! - shouts. - Take my daughter to the forest for the night; my daughter will drive two herds of horses and bring two carts of goods.”

The man and the woman’s daughter took her to the dugout and also equipped her with food and fire. In the evening she made porridge. A mouse came out and asked Natasha for porridge. And Natasha shouts: “Look, what a bastard!” - and threw a spoon at her. The mouse ran away; and Natasha eats some porridge, ate it, turned off the lights and took a nap in the corner.

Midnight came - a bear broke in and said: “Hey, where are you, girl? Let's play blind man's buff." The girl is silent, only chattering her teeth in fear. “Oh, there you are! Run to the bell, and I’ll catch it.” She took the bell, her hand trembles, the bell rings endlessly, and the mouse responds: “The evil girl will not be alive!”

The next morning the woman sends the old man into the forest: “Go! My daughter will bring two carts and drive two herds.” The man left, and the woman was waiting outside the gate. Here’s the dog: “Tuff, bang, bang! The owner’s daughter is driving along, rattling bones in the back, and the old man is sitting on an empty cart.” - “You’re lying, mongrel! My daughter drives the herds and pulls the carts.” Lo and behold, the old man at the gate is handing the body to his wife; the woman opened the box, looked at the bones and howled, and became so angry that she died of grief and anger the next day; but the old man and his daughter lived out their lives well and welcomed their noble son-in-law into their house.

1 Tinder ( Red.).

2 Talk.

3 Shafurka - troublemaker, gossip ( Red.).

A widower with a daughter married a widow, also with a daughter, and they had two stepdaughters. The stepmother was hateful; does not give the old man rest:

- Take your daughter to the forest, to the dugout! She will be more tense there.

What to do! The man listened to the woman, took his daughter to the dugout and gave her a flint, a flint, some labor and a bag of cereals and said:

- Here's a little light for you; Don’t turn off the light, cook the porridge, and just sit there, spin your hair, and secure the hut.

Night has come. The girl lit the stove and made porridge; out of nowhere a mouse comes and says:

- Girl, girl, give me a spoonful of porridge.

- Oh, my little mouse! Beat my boredom; I’ll give you more than one spoonful of porridge, but I’ll feed you to the full. The mouse ate its fill and left. At night a bear broke in:

“Come on, girl,” she says, “put out the lights, let’s play blind man’s buff.” The mouse ran up onto the girl’s shoulder and whispered in her ear:

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- Don't be afraid, girl! Say: “Come on!” - Put out the fire yourself and crawl under the stove, and I’ll start running and ringing the bell.

And so it happened. A bear chases a mouse but doesn’t catch it; began to roar and throw logs; threw, threw, but didn’t hit, got tired and said:

- You are a master at playing blind man's buff, girl! For that, I will send you a herd of horses and a cart of goods in the morning. The next morning the wife says:

- Go, old man, check on your daughter - what did she do that night? The old man has left, and the woman sits and waits: one day he will bring his daughter’s bones! Here's the dog:

- Bang, bang, bang! The daughter rides with the old man, drives a herd of horses, and carries a cartload of goods.

- You're lying, shafurka! It's in the back of the car that the bones rattle and rattle. The gates creaked, the horses ran into the yard, and the daughter and father were sitting on the cart: the cart was full of goodness! The woman’s eyes are burning with greed.

- What importance! - shouts. - Take my daughter to the forest for the night;

my daughter will drive two herds of horses and bring two carts of goods.

The man and the woman’s daughter took her to the dugout and also equipped her with food and fire. In the evening she made porridge. A mouse came out and asked Natasha for porridge. And Natasha shouts:

- Look, what a bastard! - and threw a spoon at her. The mouse ran away; and Natasha eats some porridge, ate it, turned off the lights and took a nap in the corner.

Midnight came - the bear broke in and said:

- Hey, where are you, girl? Let's play blind man's buff. The girl is silent, only chattering her teeth in fear.

- Oh, there you are! Run to the bell, and I will catch it. She took the bell, her hand trembled, the bell rang endlessly, and the mouse responded:

- The evil girl will not be alive! The next morning the woman sends the old man to the forest:

- Go! My daughter will bring two carts and drive two herds. The man left, and the woman was waiting outside the gate. Here's the dog:

- Bang, bang, bang! The owner's daughter is driving along, rattling bones in the back, and the old man is sitting on an empty cart.

- You're lying, little girl! My daughter drives herds and carries carts. Lo and behold, the old man at the gate is handing the body to his wife; the woman opened the box, looked at the bones and howled, and became so angry that she died of grief and anger the next day; but the old man and his daughter lived out their lives well and welcomed their noble son-in-law into their house.

The fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter contains folk ideas about virtue and justice. We invite you to re-read it online with your children to help them gain the seeds of goodness and humanity.

Fairy tale Daughter and stepdaughter read

Who is the author of the fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter

This is not the author's, but folk tale, although there are several literary fairy tales with a similar plot. The plot of the fairy tale is also common among many peoples. The fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter in Afanasyev's adaptation stands out with its special Russian folk flavor among other similar ones.

The stepmother did not like her stepdaughter. She ordered the old man to leave the poor girl in the forest dugout and ordered the yarn to be spun. A hard-working and friendly girl made friends with a mouse and fed it porridge. The grateful mouse saved the girl from certain death. She taught how to play blind man's buff with a bear in order to outwit him. The bear was pleased and rewarded his stepdaughter with a cartload of silver. When the old man brought his daughter home, the stepmother was envy and angry. She couldn’t wait to send her own daughter to the forest to get gifts. But Natasha was rude, greedy and lazy. She offended the mouse, which did not help her. The woman's daughter did not return home with gifts; a bear tore her to pieces in the forest. The stepmother died from grief and anger. You can read the fairy tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter

In a fairy tale, good is opposed to evil. Main idea fairy tales: a kind person attracts goodness to to an evil person evil returns. What does the fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter teach? The fairy tale teaches you to be kind, sympathetic, and not to despair in a difficult life situation.

Daughter and Stepdaughter is an instructive Russian folk tale about good, evil and justice, where everyone got what they deserved. The fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter can be read online or download the text from doc format and PDF. Here you will find full text, summary and thematic proverbs for the fairy tale.
Fairy tale characters Daughter and stepdaughter
real characters found in many everyday folk tales: a man who married a widow with an evil character, her own daughter and the man’s daughter. The stepdaughter turned out to be both smart and beautiful, but her stepmother disliked her and forced her to do backbreaking work, while on the contrary, she groomed and cherished her daughter in every possible way. One day, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter into the forest, supposedly to pick up strawberries, but it is clear that she is going to certain death. Thanks to her kindness, the girl manages to avoid misfortune, and even return home with a reward. The envious stepmother could not believe her eyes and decided to send her own daughter to the forest in the hope that she would bring even more wealth. But that was not the case, instead of wealth they brought her bones from the forest. The evil woman lost her own daughter, and she herself died of anger.
Read the fairy tale Daughter and Stepdaughter not only very interesting, but also instructive, its main idea convey to the reader that kindness, hard work, and politeness will be rewarded, and laziness, rudeness and disrespect will be punished. A tale about a daughter and stepdaughter clear example such proverbs: When the sun is warm, when mother is kind, What is the work, such is the reward, As it comes around, so it responds, Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils, The world is not without good people.