The meaning of hexagram 51. Fortune telling without cards

The 51st hexagram is one of the graphic symbols from the Chinese Book of Changes.

I Ching: Chinese Book of Changes

The I Ching is one of the earliest Chinese philosophical texts. While not inherently religious, the treatise includes elements of cosmology, fortune telling and a description of the mechanism of spiritual development of the individual.

The earliest records (canonical part), dating back to the 7th century BC, represent 64 hexagrams - symbols consisting of solid and broken lines, and used to predict the future. Some researchers consider the Book of Changes to be the oldest recorded divination system that has survived to this day.

To obtain a prediction, three special coins of happiness were used, on one side of which 4 hieroglyphs were depicted, symbolizing the male energy of Yang, and on the other side - 2 hieroglyphs, indicating the female energy of Yin. The coins were tossed 6 times. When most coins fell out, a solid line was drawn with the Yang side, and a broken line with the Yin side. The result was one of the I Ching hexagrams. The second part of the treatise (“Shi i” - “Ten Wings”) consists of commentary texts that allow one to interpret the resulting symbol.

The origins of the Canon of Change are shrouded in mystery. There are two versions of the authorship of texts: traditional and modern.

Modern version

Traditional version

According to another version, the canon was written by three legendary personalities Chinese history: the first emperor of China Fu Xi, the founder of the Zhou dynasty Wen-wan and his son. The interpretation of the canonical part (“Shi Yi”) was created by the great Chinese philosopher Confucius.

Interpretation of hexagrams according to the Book of Changes

The Canon of Change has long crossed the borders of China and is being studied by hundreds of researchers around the world. Interest in ancient philosophical texts was shown by the domestic philologist Academician V.M. Alekseev, doctor philological sciences Yu. K. Shchutsky, outstanding Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. The newest step-by-step guide to fortune telling based on the book of the I Ching was created by Roger Green.

Hexagram 51

The 51st hexagram (Zhen) from the Book of Changes, according to Roger Green, is a positive omen. In his book of predictions, the researcher insists that unexpected and disturbing events, personified by the Zhen sign, have positive potential if a person is ready to accept the challenge of fate. Sudden changes give an exciting shake-up, the necessary charge of energy to destroy everything old and unnecessary. So no matter how frightening the events of the 51st hexagram may seem, they happen for the better.

Another researcher Vera Sklyarova believes that 51 hexagrams correspond to the 16th major arcana. The destroyed building in the map image symbolizes rebirth, a radical renewal after crisis events. In other words, “there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.”

Key concepts: thunder, lightning, fright, shock, danger, excitement, insight, response to provocation, speed.

In the Book of Changes, the interpretation of the hexagram sounds like this.

  • Lightning comes, and you exclaim in fear: “Wow!” And it will pass, and you will laugh: “Ha-ha!”

Unforeseen events are usually scary, even though they may present the possibility of positive change. If a person does not allow fear to cloud his vision, he will be able to use the unfolding situation to his advantage.

  • You can lose your wealth hundreds of times, but you will rise to the ninth height.

Now it seems that everything you hold dear is lost. But don't worry about that. Don't look back with regret at the past. Even greater acquisitions await you ahead. But to get everything you deserve, you need to free yourself from old attachments. Look how dependent you are on things, people, your own habits. Instead of the desired progress, they drag you deeper and deeper into the quagmire of monotony and cause dullness. Part with what is leaving with joy.

  • Act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

In anticipation of the new and unknown, it is normal to feel confused. But you can't let doubts get the better of you. The success of your business depends on the speed of your decisions.

  • Lightning strikes the mud.

It seems like your actions are getting you nowhere. But that's not true. The consequences will manifest themselves later. Don't leave things undone.

  • Lightning goes and comes. You won't lose your ability to act.

Even if you have failed in the past, don't be afraid to start over. Despite the danger of the current situation, you now have enough experience and knowledge to successfully get out of a difficult situation.

  • A hike means trouble. But lightning does not affect you, only your neighbors.

The effect of post-traumatic syndrome on the face. When a person falls into confusion and fear, despite the fact that he is no longer in danger. Naturally, in such a state he can make many wrong actions. Therefore, the sixth line of the hexagram calls for inaction.

Interpretation of the symbol when divining health: traumatic period; making a frightening diagnosis.

For businessmen: force majeure, financial crisis, risk of ruin. Unexpected actions on the part of partners. A reorganization of the company, a search for new markets and partners is required.

The meaning of the hexagram in career matters: loss of position is possible. To remain in demand in your field, you need to be flexible, adapt to modern computer technologies, and improve your approach to work. You may have to learn a completely new craft.

Hexagram 51 and its interpretation in love

Pay attention! The interpretation of the 51st hexagram in love fortune telling is ambiguous.

The symbol indicates an exciting and exciting shake-up that will destroy everything old and unnecessary. This is a turning point for favorable changes.

Your success is closer than ever before, but someone is bothering you and making efforts to prevent you from achieving it.

Don't be upset or sad about this. What you so strived to achieve and considered necessary for yourself will in fact turn out to be useless and not as necessary as you initially thought. Concede this to your opponent boldly and with a calm soul; the situation will not get any worse for you.

Also, an unpleasant event that unexpectedly happens to you soon will not cause you any significant harm.

Now is the time for reflection and relaxation. Take a break and calmly think about the situation. Don't be nervous about the circumstances around you that turn out this way and not otherwise.

Better times will come soon, and a little later fate will smile on you.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 51. Awakening

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Zhen - Awakening (excitement, lightning, thunder).

The hieroglyph depicts the sign of excitement and rain in combination.

Shake, wake up; excite, inspire. Shock, awe, fear. Lightning strike, thunder, earthquake. To begin, to set in motion; majestic, terrifying. To influence, to influence; act, work; sprout from a bud, hatch from a cocoon.

Semantic connections of hexagram 51.Zhen

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be imagined as symbolizing a burst of violent energy and a shake-up that brings new love and life. Things are awakening to action. The shaking destroys everything unnecessary and old. The shock may seem scary at first, but it will pass and laughter and fun will follow. This is a decisive and turning point for change for the better. Do not be influenced by momentary emotions and focus on gratitude to the Spirits. Your offerings to the Spirits and all other actions should be a reflection of your highest aspirations.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-first hexagram.

[(Excitement.) Accomplishment.

Lightning comes and (you exclaim) - wow! (and it will pass, and) you will laugh: ha-ha!

Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away, but it won’t knock over even a spoonful of sacrificial wine!]

I. At the beginning there is nine.

Lightning comes... wow! And you will pass and laugh: ha-ha!

- Happiness!

II. Six second.

When lightning comes, it is terrible.

[You can] lose your wealth a hundred thousand times, but you will rise to the ninth height.

- Don't chase! In seven days [and so] you will receive it!

III. Six third.

You'll be confused by lightning! But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble!

IV. Nine fourth.

Lightning strikes the mud.

V. Six fifth.

Lightning goes and comes. Terrible!

Even if I came for the hundred thousandth time, you will not lose the ability to act.

VI. Six at the top.

(If) Lightning causes you to lose your composure and [you will] look around fearfully.

- Hiking is unlucky.

If it does not concern you yet, but only your neighbors, then there will be no blasphemy.

“Even about marriage there will be talk.”

The Zhen hexagram predicts that success will await you very soon, and the kind that you have been waiting for for a long time, but, unfortunately, someone really wants to prevent this, so you should gather your strength and be extremely careful in order to be able to recognize the threat in time and adequately respond to it react.

In the very near future, a certain event will happen in your life that will become a reporting point for the beginning of success. The main thing is not to miss it, that is, to have time to react properly - without giving in to the temptation to intensify it, but also not to fall back into endless thoughts “what if...”. Now, more than ever, you just need to respond to a new chance of fortune in the best way you can.

Please note that approaching events can be very abrupt, it is not for nothing that the semantic name of this hexagram is “lightning”, “thunder”, which indicates not only its suddenness, but also that the events will be accompanied by “thunder”, noise and crackling sounds, that is, there will be no easy period. But everything, one way or another, will lead to success.

The closer and faster you approach success, the more active your enemies and envious people become. Moreover, even those whom you have long considered friends may turn out to be such. Therefore, it is worth showing maximum caution to everyone without exception. As they say, it is better to doubt once again than to reproach yourself for the rest of your life for being too gullible. A true friend will not be offended by your wariness and will understand everything, and those who harbor revenge in their hearts will quickly give themselves away.

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to neutralize all the intrigues that ailments have in store for you, but this is not a reason to be upset. If you are optimistic about the future and do everything in your power, you will still win and still come to your happiness. The main thing is not to give up, to be brave and attentive. Luck is on your side in any case, you should just help it a little.

A shock, a necessary shake-up; to excite, stir, awaken; spring return of life and love.


Zhen (Excitement/Lightning): excite, inspire; wake up, shake; shock, fright, awe; thunder, lightning, earthquake; set in motion, begin; awesome, majestic; also: influence, influence; work, act; hatch from a cocoon, sprout from a bud. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign of excitement.

Figurative series

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”

Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away.
But she will not knock over even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

This is an exciting and exciting shake-up, a burst of violent energy. He brings new life and love. Awaken things to action. Let the shake-up destroy the old and unnecessary. When the shock hits, it may seem scary at first, but then fun and laughter follow. This is a turning point. Don't get carried away by momentary emotions. Focus on feeling grateful and making offerings to the spirits who have brought about change for the better. Your actions should be a mirror of your highest aspirations.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Thunder and Thunder

Turbulent energy rushes from below, exciting and encouraging new growth.

Hidden opportunity:

Violent activity contains the hidden possibility of recreating a difficult situation.


Heaven responds to the sacrifice made. Awareness of this allows you to use excitement.


Excitement implies confusion.


Thunder booms twice. Excitation.
A noble person uses fear and anxiety to test himself.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”
And it will pass, and you will laugh: “Ha-ha!”

At first you are afraid, then you are happy. The shake-up had a beneficial effect on you. The way is open.

Six second

When lightning comes, it is terrible.
You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times,
But you will rise to the ninth height.
Don’t rush, you’ll get it in seven days.

Shock takes away everything you once valued. It seems like everything is lost. Do not be afraid and do not chase after what you have lost. Rise steadily. After a certain period of time everything will return.

Six third

Lightning will make you confused.
But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

You are taken by surprise. The main thing now is not to change your plans and steadily move forward. A lot depends on the speed of your decisions.

Nine fourth

Lightning strikes the mud.

There seems to be no resistance, but your actions are mired in a quagmire. Stop and try to understand what's going on.

Six fifth

Lightning goes and comes. Terrible.
At least for the hundred thousandth time you will not lose the ability to act.

The shock comes and goes. You are in danger, the roots of which are in the past. Stay committed to your goal and don't be afraid to start over: the skills will stay with you.

There's a six at the top

Lightning will cause you to lose your composure and you will look around fearfully.
Hiking is unlucky.
But lightning does not touch you, only your neighbors.
There will be no blasphemy.
But even about marriage there will be talk.

Excitation. Thunder

Fear is the anxiety of the soul at the thought of future evil that is likely to befall you.
John Locke



Since the sign ZHEN corresponds to the foot as a part of the body, it seems necessary to say a few words about the foot or leg.

Leg. Presence

In art and customs, footprints, shoes, shoes symbolize a real presence; numerous images of sandals on African funerary ceramics express hope for the resurrection of the deceased, who, having risen from the dead, will put on shoes and take three steps in a new incarnation: birth, life, death.

At first, an allegorical step or shoes meant the rebirth of the Sun god during the winter solstice, and shoes near the hearth in which the fire burns (where the hearth is like the Sun) are a relic of the solar cult.

A lotus is sometimes depicted on the arch of the foot - a symbol of solar life, the abode of the Sun. On the heel and toes, two sexual symbols, the lingam and the yoni, are drawn, as well as a swastika - a sign of prosperity and happiness, the movement of life.

The feet are the points of contact of a holy person with the earth, easily conducting his fluids, which disappear when the foot touches the soil. Therefore, God and his earthly incarnation are forbidden to touch the earth: for example, the Persian Shah, leaving the palace, immediately mounted a horse or chariot. The king of Uganda and his entourage traveled outside their fortress only on stretchers, which were carried by men from the Buffalo clan.

In China during the Song Dynasty, there were many stories about tiny shoe prints, Golden Lilies, an essential attribute of female beauty, so beautiful that feet were considered the main sign of sexuality. Women's legs were strictly taboo, they could not be exposed, and a man could only touch them during lovemaking before sexual intercourse. The leg, according to some ideas, is a symbol of the strength of the soul, the weakness of which is manifested in lameness - remember, for example, Hephaestus or Achilles (the legend of the Achilles heel).


Pulse. Push. Hit. Shake. Setting in motion. Shock.

Structure explanation

Thunder excites and frightens, but also educates and improves.

Composition of both gua



Huge losses in material terms.


“Saddling” rigidity brings threat and loss.


Thunder is terrifying, but for those walking during thunder there is no danger, that is, the brave are out of danger.



Lightning strikes the mud, fears in vain.


The excitement goes away, but the threat remains.


Lightning does not strike you, but your neighbor.

The main thing in gua

The push brings trepidation, anxiety. Thunder roars and people shake in fear.

Main thesis

Excitement scares hundreds of li spaces. Fright is near.

Divinatory aspect

The arrival of a negative situation associated with force majeure circumstances.
Neighboring firms and enterprises will go bankrupt, and then it’s your turn.
Exercise caution when conducting any business.
What is lost cannot be restored, it cannot be returned.
Deception, false fame, cunning are possible.
Problems with childbirth, caesarean section.
A dubious marriage that causes gossip.

Correspondence with Tarot

Arcana XVI, Tower and Minor Arcana, Ace of Swords.

Sword. Battle

A sacred and ritual object, which is the embodiment of courage, strength, it symbolizes internal struggle. The sparkling sword of the Bodhisattva provides knowledge and the release of desires, the Sword of Vishnu - absolute knowledge and the destruction of ignorance, its scabbard is a symbol of darkness, blindness.

In the Christian and knightly traditions, the sword is a luminous weapon, an axis of light that pierces opposites and revives unity. The knight's sword is double-edged: with one end it strikes infidels, and with the other - thieves and murderers. The Heavenly Sword, located in the tail of the Great Dragon, forms, together with the Mirror and Jewels, the treasures of the Japanese throne, which are identified with knowledge, glory, and mercy.

And finally, Arcanum XVI, the Tower, - Thunder from heaven, destruction, the end, the House of the Lord, victory of the spirit. The tower in Arcana XVI, beheaded by lightning, is an exact copy of the Tower of Babel, its origin is the parable of the dream of Jacob, who rested with a stone under his head, called Bethel, or the House of God. This Tower symbolizes human society, and the Arcanum warns us of the danger of the emotional demands of the self, the chimeras of life, for that which is unreasonable will be destroyed. The cough of materiality is very fragile, and the world is full of surprises and dangers.

Objects cannot move endlessly, so this is accepted through the sign GEN, RESTRAINT.

Resume. Interpretation for fortune telling

1. Social status, politics.

Negative situations, ruin, bankruptcy, force majeure. In a political career - a breakdown, in a social career - a fall from office and high position. Failures. Excessive hardness. Intransigence creates big problems.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Huge losses in material terms, losses that cannot be restored, ruin of related firms and enterprises. Your enterprise is the next in this sad series. On the part of partners - deception, lies, misappropriation of funds. Possible lawsuits not in favor of the fortuneteller, imprisonment for up to six years.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

A dubious relationship that does not stand up to any criticism, even one’s own. Relationships can lead to dangerous situations. It is recommended to interrupt them and stay alone until better times.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Other relationships are no good either. In a family there is misfortune after misfortune, the possible loss of a child, most likely a son. The wife had a very difficult birth, caesarean section, followed by blood loss.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Oncology. Danger. Please exercise caution.

6. Trend.

There is no escape from the Heavenly Thunder. Wait it out.


Worst Arcana Tarot. Jupiter - Capricorn - punishment, failure, loss of control over the situation, disasters, cataclysms, force majeure (revelry of the elements).

Interpretation for fortune telling: practicality, complacency, chasing chimeras, megalomania, limited dogmatism. There is only one way out of the situation - to show strength of spirit and will. Will is, first of all, concentration, the ability to gather all the strength to achieve a goal, to create the best (in any circumstances) conditions for overcoming difficulties. Patience is one of the components of will - this is the ability to maintain concentration until it brings results, as well as firmness and consistency of character, which helps a person cope with the negative tendencies of fate, with all his misfortunes.

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"