The ABCs of winter safety. Rules of conduct in winter on open reservoirs

Garipova Fluza Rafitovna
Presentation “Winter Safety”

Today, life itself has proven the need to teach not only adults, but also children the basics life safety. A child’s natural curiosity about the world around him can become unsafe for him.

This amazing world nature: a world of colors, transformations and surprises! Preschool age is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to the occurrence of traumatic situations. The child is absolutely interested All: he wants to try, touch, feel, see, hear. How to distinguish between dangerous and safe, useful and necessary, therapeutic and simple? Adult task (teachers and parents) is to form a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and security of others, cultivate readiness for effective, reasonable actions in inadequate situations.

Special responsibility for skills development safe behavior in environment is entrusted to preschool teachers, because it is in this early age basic knowledge is laid for the child’s further behavior in adult life. Also significant is the problem of creating conditions in preschool educational institutions that allow the child to systematically accumulate experience safe behavior.

Target: to form a culture in children safe behavior on the street winter time period.


Give children basic knowledge of the rules safe behavior in nature winter period.

Develop the skills of a conscious attitude towards following the rules safe winter behavior outside.

Introduce children to the rules safe behavior during winter games.

To develop children's ability to anticipate possible danger.

Develop children’s ability to seek help from adults.

Develop children's interest in their own security.

To involve parents in the problem of forming elementary ideas about safety in winter.

Publications on the topic:

Child safety while walking in winter Child safety while walking in winter (memo for parents) Winter walks always bring great joy to children. Many.

Safety of preschoolers in the summer Safety of preschoolers in summer period Summer is not only a time for travel, but also the most favorable time for relaxation, hardening, etc.

Child safety in winter. Memo for parents Child safety while walking in winter. (memo for parents) Clothing for a winter walk. Getting ready for a walk.

Report “Children's safety in summer” Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 9, Kamyshevatskaya village, Yeisk district Report on.

One of the main priorities kindergarten is to protect the life and health of children, organize their safe life.

Consultation for parents “Children’s safety in winter” Consultation for parents Child safety in winter: what to pay attention to to avoid unpleasant incidents? Avoid going for a walk.

Memo for parents “Child safety while walking in winter”

Memo for parents “Child safety in winter. Child safety while walking in winter" Winter walks always bring great joy to children. In the fall, many children begin to look forward to the snow so they can go sledding.

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REMINDER to students about personal safety measures in the spring 1. Do not walk under the roofs of buildings from which icicles hang or snow may melt. 2. When spring comes, do not rush to take off your hat - spring weather can be treacherous, and the warm wind can be deceptive. 3. Wear comfortable, waterproof shoes with non-slip soles - it is very slippery in spring. 4. Remember that viruses spread faster in warm and humid weather than in cold weather - use oxolinic ointment and other preventive measures. Carry a mask in the pocket of your bag that you can use in a room where there is a sneezing or coughing person.

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And also... Be very careful on the road, cross it only at a pedestrian crossing and only when you see that a car is slowing down to let you pass. Be polite to drivers. Pay attention to stray animals, avoid them if possible; in the spring, animals' instincts become more acute. Always be careful when interacting with strangers, never leave with a stranger. Do not advertise the presence of a telephone or expensive jewelry. Be careful while walking near the river! Remember that spring is the most dangerous time on the river! Do not cross a river, pond, or lake on ice in spring. Pay close attention to special signs. Remember, the river current strongly erodes the steep banks. Collapses are possible. Beware of admiring the spring ice drift from steep banks. In spring it is dangerous to approach dams and ponds. Since they can be unexpectedly torn off by the pressure of ice. Do not go near ice jams under any circumstances.

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Safety measures on ice in the spring during floods and ice drift There is, perhaps, no person who would not rejoice at the awakening of nature, spring birdsong, and the gentle spring sun. “All ice lives until it gets warm,” says the proverb. However, spring is not always a joy for those who do not follow the rules of behavior on the water during flood periods and when the ice is fragile. Ice drift is a very exciting spectacle that attracts many people. The period of high water requires order, caution and compliance with safety rules on ice and water.

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REMEMBER: Ice on rivers during spring floods becomes loose, “eaten up” from above by the sun, melt water, and undermined by the current from below. It is very dangerous to walk on it: at any moment it can crumble under your feet and close over your head, although outwardly it looks strong. Such ice is not capable of supporting the weight of a person. Therefore, you should remember: - on spring ice easy to fail; - the fastest process of ice disintegration occurs near the coast; - spring ice covered with snow quickly turns into a loose mass.

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During the period of spring floods and ice drift, it is prohibited to: - go out to water bodies in the spring; - cross the river during the period of ice drift; - come close to the river in places where ice is jammed, - stand on a steep bank that is subject to spills and collapses; - approach ice jams, - push ice floes from the shores, - measure the depth of a river or any body of water, - walk on ice floes and ride on them

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When you are watching ice drift from a bridge or pier embankment, you must not lean over railings or other barriers. If the ice breaks under you and there is no one nearby, do not panic, spread your arms wide, lean on the edge of the hole and, slowly lying down on your stomach or back, get out onto the strong ice in the direction from which you came. If you witness an accident on a river or lake, then do not get lost, do not run home, but call loudly for help, adults will hear and will be able to help you out of trouble. If you provide assistance yourself, then you must lie down on the ice, give the victim a stick, pole, belt or scarf, etc., to help him get out of the water. Then take the victim to a warm room, rub him dry, change clothes, and give him hot tea. If necessary, consult a doctor. Don't go out on the ice during spring floods. Don't put your life in danger

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Remember! Beware of icicles and snow falling from roofs! Due to warming, there is a possibility of snow and ice falling off the roofs of houses. Warming leads to the fact that compacted snow cover becomes three times heavier under the influence of humidity.

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The release of snow and ice accumulated on the roof is very dangerous! Remember: most often icicles form above gutters, so these areas of house facades can be especially dangerous. They must be avoided. Be careful and, if possible, do not go close to the walls of buildings. If you hear a suspicious noise upstairs, you should not stop, raise your head and examine what happened there. Perhaps this is a melting of snow or ice block. You can't run away from the building either. You need to press yourself against the wall as quickly as possible, the roof canopy will serve as shelter. Always pay attention to fenced areas of sidewalks and never enter dangerous areas. To avoid injury, parents need to teach their children to follow the rules of staying near residential buildings and buildings, buildings and structures from snow in order to prevent the formation of ice.

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Be attentive and careful, when driving on the streets, stay away from houses, do not park vehicles near buildings.

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Be careful, ice!

The first ice only looks strong, but in fact it is thin, weak and cannot withstand the weight of not only an adult, but also a child. Therefore, do not rush to go out on the thin ice of reservoirs. It is necessary to wait until the ice becomes thicker and stronger under the influence of frost.

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Failure to follow this advice may result in failure on the ice. Unfortunately, help for those in trouble on the water sometimes comes too late and the incident ends tragically. To prevent this from happening, you must remember that going out on the autumn ice is only possible as a last resort and with the utmost caution.

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In all cases, before leaving the shore on the ice, you must carefully look around, outline your route, choosing safe places.

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You should be wary of places where the ice is covered with snow: ice grows slower under snow. Sometimes it happens that throughout the entire body of water the thickness open ice- 10 cm, and under the snow only 3 cm.

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You need to know this! Ice with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters in fresh water and 15 centimeters in salt water is considered safe for humans. The strength of ice can be determined visually: blue ice is strong, white ice is 2 times less strong, grey, matte white or with a yellowish tint, ice is usually spongy and porous and unreliable. Such ice collapses without a warning crack.

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Required Ice Thickness

Single pedestrian - at least 5 cm Single pedestrian with a load - at least 7 cm Group of people (distance between people at least 6m) - at least 7-9 cm Bus (without passengers) - at least 40-60 cm Tractor - more than 60 cm

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It's dangerous to walk

On ice covered with snow (snow falling on newly formed ice, in addition to masking polynyas, slows down the growth of the ice cover) Ice is thinner in currents, especially fast ones, in deep and windy places Above shady and peaty bottoms In swampy areas shores In places where underwater springs emerge Under bridges

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In narrow channels Near places where warm and hot waters of industrial and municipal enterprises are discharged into reservoirs In places where reeds, reeds and others grow aquatic plants the ice is thinner. Ice in the downstream of the dam, where even in severe frosts, short-term releases of water from the reservoir can drain the ice and form dangerous gullies in it. If the air temperature remains above 0 degrees for more than three days, then the ice strength decreases by 25%.

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Crossing the pond safely

On transparent ice with a greenish or bluish tint and a thickness of at least 7 cm. Before moving on the ice, you need to make sure that it is strong. To do this you need to use a hard stick.

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When moving on a frozen body of water, with a pole (stick) you hit the ice in front and on both sides of yourself several times in the same place. If after 2-3 blows no water appears, then the ice is reliable. If the ice breaks through and water appears on it, you need to immediately stop and turn back, but without rushing and trying to walk without lifting your feet from the ice (sliding steps). When moving back, continue to check the ice with a pole.

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Strictly prohibited! Test the strength of ice by hitting the ice with your foot - in this case you can immediately fall into the water. It is not allowed to cross the pond alone, because... If you fall through the ice, you can’t expect help from anyone. It is also undesirable to walk on ice in the dark. Skating, sledding, and playing hockey on thin, fragile ice is strictly prohibited. Preparing ice for skating must be done very carefully. The thickness of the ice must be at least 12 cm, and for mass skating - at least 25 cm. It is not recommended to skate on frozen ice alone.

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Rules of conduct on ice Under no circumstances should you go out on the ice at night or in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain). When crossing the river, use ice crossings

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Rules of conduct on ice When forced to cross a body of water, it is safest to stick to the beaten paths or follow an already laid ski track. But if they are not there, before going down onto the ice, you need to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route. When crossing a pond in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 5-6 m from each other.

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Rules of conduct on ice It is better to cross a frozen river (lake) on skis, in this case: unfasten the ski fastenings in order to quickly remove them if necessary; Hold ski poles in your hands without looping them around your hands, so that in case of danger you can immediately throw them away. If you have a backpack, hang it on one shoulder; this will make it easy to free yourself from the load in case the ice collapses under you.

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Rules of conduct on ice When going to a frozen body of water, you must take with you a strong rope 20–25 meters long with a large blind loop at the end and a weight. The weight will help to throw a rope to a comrade who has fallen into the water; the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more securely by threading it under the arms. Do not let children go on the ice (fishing, skiing or skating) without supervision.

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Rules of conduct on ice It is very dangerous to slide onto ice from steep banks in an unfamiliar place. For skating, skiing and sledding, you need to choose places with solid ice cover that have been inspected by adults. Particular care must be taken on ice if there is a thaw during winter days. Where just a few days ago it was possible to skate on ice without danger, during the thaw days it is very dangerous to do so.

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What to do if you fall into cold water:

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If your help is needed: Arm yourself with any long stick, board, pole or rope. You can tie scarves, belts or clothes together. You should crawl, spreading your arms and legs wide apart and pushing the life-saving equipment in front of you, and carefully move towards the ice hole.

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If your help is needed: Stop a few meters away from the person in the water, throw him a rope, a piece of clothing, or give him a stick or pole. It is unsafe to give a hand to the victim, since by approaching the ice hole, you will increase the load on the ice and not only will not help, but you yourself risk falling through. Carefully pull the victim onto the ice, and together crawl out of the danger zone. Without sudden movements, crawl away in the direction from which you came.

Be careful and remember: strict adherence to the rules of behavior and safety measures on ice will save your life!

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The presentation on the topic “Safety in the pre-spring period” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: life safety. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Safety rules

In the pre-spring period

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REMINDER to students about personal safety measures in the spring

1. Do not walk under the roofs of buildings from which icicles hang or snow may melt. 2. When spring comes, do not rush to take off your hat - spring weather can be treacherous, and the warm wind can be deceptive. 3. Wear comfortable, waterproof shoes with non-slip soles - it is very slippery in spring. 4. Remember that viruses spread faster in warm and humid weather than in cold weather - use oxolinic ointment and other preventive measures. Carry a mask in the pocket of your bag that you can use in a room where there is a sneezing or coughing person.

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Be very careful on the road, cross it only at a pedestrian crossing and only when you see that a car is slowing down to let you pass. Be polite to drivers. Pay attention to stray animals, avoid them if possible; in the spring, animals' instincts become more acute. Always be careful when interacting with strangers, never leave with a stranger. Do not advertise the presence of a telephone or expensive jewelry. Be careful while walking near the river! Remember that spring is the most dangerous time on the river! Do not cross a river, pond, or lake on ice in spring. Pay close attention to special signs. Remember, the river current strongly erodes the steep banks. Collapses are possible. Beware of admiring the spring ice drift from steep banks. In spring it is dangerous to approach dams and ponds. Since they can be unexpectedly torn off by the pressure of ice. Do not go near ice jams under any circumstances.

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Safety measures on ice in spring during floods and ice drift

There is, perhaps, no person who would not rejoice at the awakening of nature, the spring birdsong, the gentle spring sun. “All ice lives until it gets warm,” says the proverb. However, spring is not always a joy for those who do not follow the rules of behavior on the water during flood periods and when the ice is fragile. Ice drift is a very exciting spectacle that attracts many people. The period of high water requires order, caution and compliance with safety rules on ice and water.

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Ice on rivers during spring floods becomes loose, “eaten up” from above by the sun and melt water, and undermined by the current from below. It is very dangerous to walk on it: at any moment it can crumble under your feet and close over your head, although outwardly it looks strong. Such ice is not capable of supporting the weight of a person. Therefore, you should remember: - it is easy to fall through on spring ice; - the fastest process of ice disintegration occurs near the coast; - spring ice covered with snow quickly turns into a loose mass.

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During the period of spring flood and ice drift it is prohibited:

Go out to bodies of water in the spring; - cross the river during the period of ice drift; - come close to the river in places where ice is jammed, - stand on a steep bank that is subject to spills and collapses; - approach ice jams, - push ice floes from the shores, - measure the depth of a river or any body of water, - walk on ice floes and ride on them

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When you are watching ice drift from a bridge or pier embankment, you must not lean over railings or other barriers. If the ice breaks under you and there is no one nearby, do not panic, spread your arms wide, lean on the edge of the hole and, slowly lying down on your stomach or back, get out onto the strong ice in the direction from which you came. If you witness an accident on a river or lake, then do not get lost, do not run home, but call loudly for help, adults will hear and will be able to help you out of trouble. If you provide assistance yourself, then you must lie down on the ice, give the victim a stick, pole, belt or scarf, etc., to help him get out of the water. Then take the victim to a warm room, rub him dry, change clothes, and give him hot tea. If necessary, consult a doctor. Don't go out on the ice during spring floods. Don't put your life in danger

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Beware of icicles and snow falling from roofs! Due to warming, there is a possibility of snow and ice falling off the roofs of houses. Warming leads to the fact that compacted snow cover becomes three times heavier under the influence of humidity.

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The release of snow and ice accumulated on the roof is very dangerous!

Remember: most often icicles form above gutters, so these areas of house facades can be especially dangerous. They must be avoided. Be careful and, if possible, do not go close to the walls of buildings. If you hear a suspicious noise upstairs, you should not stop, raise your head and examine what happened there. Perhaps this is a melting of snow or ice block. You can't run away from the building either. You need to press yourself against the wall as quickly as possible, the roof canopy will serve as shelter. Always pay attention to fenced areas of sidewalks and never enter dangerous areas. To avoid injury, parents need to teach their children to follow the rules of staying near residential buildings and buildings, buildings and structures from snow in order to prevent the formation of ice.

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

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Winter holidays

Hooray! Holidays! We're on vacation!
From morning to night you can have many, many days
Ride down the slide and play hockey on the ice!
We have studied a lot of topics in half a year,
Cell structure and solving theorems!
The names of rivers according to geography have passed
And now the happy holidays have come!
We are celebrating the New Year on vacation!
And with the Snow Maiden we dance in a round dance!
A fairy tale comes and Santa Claus comes!
And near the Christmas tree we laugh until we cry!
Hooray holidays! Holidays hooray!

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Winter has come. The frost is crackling.
And it stings your ears, cheeks, and nose.
Better dress warmly
So that you don't get too cold.

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Safe riding

If you like to ride wildly with the breeze,
You're often behind cars
Do you like to get hooked?
So you taught poorly
ABC of the road.
It's so easy to break arms and legs.

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When you go fast on a sled
Straight down from a high mountain,
You may not notice your friend
And, of course, a cast awaits you.

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It's so wonderful to ride down the hill,
But the roads are always dangerous.
Racing along the roads
Fast cars.
Can you get there?
Directly to them under the tires.

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Don't go under the roof -
There is snow and ice on the roof.
Icicles may fall
When someone is walking.

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When the frost is minus twenty,
You go for a walk with friends.
But before we play in the snow,
Remember, you can’t throw ice!

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Ski poles are sharp,
Don't wave them too much.
You could hurt your friend
Black out one of his eyes.

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Ice rink

If you went to the skating rink,
Play hockey once.
Be careful, don't rush
Don't hit your friends with your skate!

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You're going to the skating rink without a friend,
Don't go riding alone.
So as not to hit the ice,
We need to hold hands.

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Rules for safe behavior in winter

The guys dug caves in the snow,
They played the game "bear cubs"
They dug a deep tunnel
But they couldn’t find a way out.

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If there's a snowstorm outside,
You go to bed quickly.
And don't leave the house,
Wait out the bad weather.

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The snow is flying and spinning,
And it falls under our feet.
Don't put it in your mouth
He's all dirty from the inside.
Dirt is harmful, it is dangerous,
There are microbes in it - that's clear.