How USE scores differ by region: student results and regional inequality. Why does Rosobrnadzor hide the official Unified State Exam results in specialized mathematics? Average score according to exam results

Average score The Unified State Examination in all subjects is information that is interesting to many, but which is very difficult to find on the Internet.

The reason for this situation is unclear.

The average Unified State Exam 2017 scores can only be judged from individual materials published on official websites, for example on the websites of Rosobrnadzor and FIPI.

Average USE scores 2017-2016 in all subjects

Item Link to page
Mathematics - profile level matematika-profilnyj-uroven
Mathematics - basic level matematika-bazovyj-uroven
Russian language russkij-yazyk
Social science obshchestvoznanie
Physics fizika
Literature literature
Informatics information
Biology biology
Foreign language inostrannyj-yazyk
Geography geography

We tried to find information from official sources, but as you can see, not all subjects were able to establish the average Unified State Exam score.

When conducting a state examination in Unified State Examination form(except for the Unified State Examination in mathematics basic level) a hundred-point rating system is used.

For each USE subject installed minimum quantity points, overcoming which confirms mastery educational program average general education.

Upon completion of the check exam papers The chairman of the State Examination Committee reviews the Unified State Examination results for each academic subject and makes a decision on their approval, modification and (or) cancellation.
The results of the Unified State Examination are approved within 1 working day from the moment the results of checking the examination papers are received.

After approval, the Unified State Exam results are sent to the educational organizations, as well as organs local government who carry out management in the field of education, founders and foreign institutions to familiarize students and graduates of previous years with the results of the Unified State Exam approved by the chairman of the State Examination Committee.


If a Unified State Examination participant (current year graduate) receives a result below the established minimum number of points in one of the required educational subjects, he has the right to re-take it in additional periods provided for by the unified schedule.

If a USE participant (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of USE points in elective subjects, retaking the USE for such USE participants is provided only after a year.

Rosobrnadzor summed up the main and additional stage of the Unified State Exam 2017. In general, statistics show that this year's graduates completed the exams more successfully than last year. About 620 thousand people took part in the Unified State Exam.

The number of poor students has halved. This, for example, happened during the history exam. In other subjects, the figures vary, but there have actually been fewer unsatisfactory papers: in biology - by 0.3%, in chemistry - by 1.1%, in literature - by 1.5%, in physics - by 2%, in social studies - by 4%, according to foreign languages- by 25%.

The number of participants who scored from 80 to 100 points in the 2017 Unified State Exam increased by 2%.

Rosobrnadzor does not lose sight of talented graduates who managed to score the highest score in three subjects at once. This year there were six such guys: two from Yekaterinburg and one each from St. Petersburg, Penza, Perm and Kurgan. In 2016, there were only three three-hundred-pointers: from Olenegorsk (Murmansk region), Kemerovo and Kirov.

The number of violations related to cheating has decreased by a quarter compared to last year. However, it “goes” not only to graduates, but also to teachers. Thus, in Ingushetia, a school director was fired for trying to help students take the Unified State Exam. In all regions, teachers are being targeted for firing for accidentally ringing the phone during conducting the Unified State Exam, and also for the fact that they “overlooked” the students who brought their phones to the exam. Such cases of demonstrative reprisals (even against honored teachers with twenty years of experience) sometimes cause bewilderment.

But as for scandals, this year they occurred not at the time of passing the exam, but during appeals. All over the country, Unified State Examination participants are complaining about gross non-compliance with appeal rules.

In some regions, the conflict commission made a decision to change the points even before the start of the procedure itself, and notified the graduates after the fact (without the right to appeal, since all the points were already included in the final document; naturally, there was no talk of the graduate’s signature next to the final grade and speech didn't work). In other cases, the organizers prevented both the filing of an appeal and the personal presence of the Unified State Examination participant at the meeting (for example, by “forgetting” to name the date or deliberately preventing the signing of documents necessary for attendance). Graduates also complained that their arguments were not taken into account, and the written justification for the appeal was refused to be filed with the case. The experts tried their best to maintain the original score, citing non-existent assessment criteria and finding fault with little things that do not affect the scoring at all. All this caused a wave of indignation among graduates and their loved ones. An appeal to the Unified State Exam hotline also did not bring results, since at the opposite end the upset parents were told that “the order of the meeting of the conflict commission will not be disputed.”

The blatant injustice towards the appellants, as well as negligence in the initial verification of the papers, is what we will remember about the USE 2017.

19.06.2017 10:06

For the first time since the Unified State Examination, the final exam data in specialized mathematics have not been published on the Rosobrnadzor website. Are officials really that shocked by the final Unified State Exam data?

Education| For the first time during the Unified State Examination, the final Unified State Exam data on specialized mathematics

Tamara Gashimova

At the moment, in the news feed of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science there is only a message that “processing of the results has been completed first Unified State Exam 2017: in computer science, geography and basic level mathematics.” It is dated the ninth of June. It gives exact figures: how many 100-salary and high-scoring students there are. It is also proudly stated that “the number of participants in the first Unified State Exam 2017 who did not overcome the minimum thresholds has decreased compared to last year.” The picture is more than optimistic.

But at this time, a scandal erupts regarding the petition of 2017 graduates. In it, schoolchildren complain to Russian President Vladimir Putin about very difficult assignments and demand a reduction in the minimum number of points required for admission to universities. “We demand a review of the transfer criteria primary points in secondary USE in mathematics (profile) due to the incredibly high level of complexity of the tasks in part C and the inconsistency of most of the tasks in part B typical tasks provided by FIPI in Internet resources and methodological materials in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Students should have the opportunity to enroll in a university based on school education, which level of tasks in the mathematics exam was not provided,” the petition says. To date, it has been signed by over 70 thousand graduates from all over the country, including Voronezh residents.

In response, the head of the Federal Commission for the Development of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics, Ivan Yashchenko, states that everything Unified State Exam assignments correspond school curriculum that the first part, which can earn over 60 points if solved correctly, is publicly available on the Internet.

On June 14, information appears on the Rosobrnadzor website under the heading “Graduates of 2017 did a better job on the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics than their predecessors the year before.”

“Preliminary exam results indicate that participants performed the tasks better this year,” it says. And further: “The average score of the participants increased by almost one point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to meet the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by one percent.”

Then the words of the head of this department, Sergei Kravtsov, are quoted: “The level of complexity of the Unified State Exam in mathematics at the profile level did not change in 2017. Preliminary exam results indicate that participants performed the tasks better this year. We can also state a more informed choice Unified State Exam level in mathematics by graduates: fewer participants signed up for both exams at once, profile Unified State Exam chosen mainly by graduates who need mathematics to enter university.

And the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region assured: “The information that schoolchildren after passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics complained about the excessive complexity of the KIM tasks and their inconsistency with the topics test tasks, according to which they were preparing to take exams, were not received either by the educational department or by the “hotline” of the Unified State Exam of the Voronezh Region.”

On Friday, June 16, exactly two weeks after the exam was written, official data did not appear either on the website of Rosobrnadzor or on the website of the regional educational department. Of course, “Commune” could not ignore the current situation of silence around the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics and contacted the press service of the regional department. Soon I received the following data: “In total, 7,425 people came to the exam reception centers in the Voronezh region. Only one student scored 100 points. Over 85 points – 55 people.” All.

And this is where the graduates, their parents, and relatives of current tenth-graders became seriously alarmed. No wonder people say: “The absence of information is also information.” For thought. It turns out it’s not in vain that 70 thousand Russian eleventh-graders in 2017 signed a petition to the President asking him to review the exam results?

Even with such meager data, it is possible to carry out comparative analysis results of this and last years. Which is what was done.

Thus, in 2016, according to data published on the website of the Department of Education, four people out of 8,173 who took this exam scored 100 points in specialized mathematics in the Voronezh region. 2.52 percent of 2016 graduates were able to score over 81 points. 58.42 percent scored from 27 to 60 points, 19.17 percent scored from 61 to 70, and 9.65 percent scored from 71 to 80. 836 exam participants did not pass the minimum threshold. The following is the average score - 48.26 for the Voronezh region versus 46.30 for Russia as a whole. With results in basic mathematics Voronezh region in 2016 it looked somewhat worse. The average score in our region then was 3.86 points against 4.14 all-Russian. But here, as they say, the main thing is to get a certificate.

So: one hundred-point scorer now versus four last year. Last year, 205 people scored more than 80 points. In this year, 55 graduates passed the “85” mark. All these indicators were published last summer as they were received on the home page of the regional department. As this was done repeatedly in other subjects in the same 2016 and throughout previous years. Of course, similar information was published on the Rosobrnadzor website.

As we see, no one made a secret of the Unified State Exam results. So why is everything hidden now? Are officials from Rosobrnadzor really so shocked by the final Unified State Exam data in specialized mathematics that they decided not to make them public?

Ahead is the summing up of the results of the Russian language exam. Second compulsory subject required to obtain a certificate of completion high school. Will Rosobrnadzor remain silent in this case too?

On June 23, graduation ceremonies will be held across the country. How many eleventh-graders who are confident in their knowledge, who have been tutoring for years, but who still fail the profile will not receive the coveted “crusts” that evening? For them, those who have not overcome the minimum threshold or are not satisfied with the result obtained, the caring state has provided two more attempts - at the end of June and at the beginning of September.