Memorial complex height of Marshal Konev. Memorial complex "Marshal Konev Height" near Kharkov

Finally, there was a window in the rains and personal matters, and O.G. and I. And evgesha_z1 burst into operational space. The target was the Marshal Konev Heights memorial complex, east of Kharkov. Despite the distance from the city, the complex is really good, but even more remarkable is its location - in a small saddle between two hills, from which a panorama of the village of Solonitsevka is visible.

So what is it? Height 197.3 in August 1943 was a command and observation post where the staff elite of the Red Army Steppe Front worked. And this place was later named after the Konev Height by the name of the general-regiment. Konev, who commanded this front.

It was here, on this high-rise, that the decision was made to storm Kharkov, which ended with the final liberation of the city. The Steppe Front at that time was still a fairly young combat unit (created in July 1943).

The entire complex now consists of a museum, an obelisk, a bas-relief, several samples of deactivated military equipment and an open area with in different parts this technique (the running wheel of an IS tank, for example).

At first the museum was called "Kharkivshchina during the Great Vietnamese War of 1941-1945". But then Ukraine could not decide for whom it was fighting and revised the name, replacing it with “Kharkivshchina in Another World War.” If anyone doesn’t know, the wording “Great Patriotic War” is now prohibited in Ukraine (type of democracy). And I think the name is crazy because the war really touched the Kharkov region only in 1941 and all these “liberation campaigns” at least did not touch the region. The battles at Khalkhin Gol could have brought the same success to the Kharkov region. Well, what - they fought...

T-34-85 with S-53 cannon. By the way, you can take a photo in it, although the price of “entrance” to the narrow commander’s hatch (on top of the tower) is 50 UAH (as of 2017).

A memorial sign on the site of the command post of I.S. Koneva.

In addition to the tank, there are ZIS-2, ZIS-3 guns, a 160 mm mortar mod. 1943, a ship's anti-aircraft gun and also a truck of an unknown brand to me (well, I don't look into them... It's a shame...).

Sculptural elements appeared at the height back in 1980, and a year later the complex was included in the register of monuments.

Having spent our time exploring the high-rise and having tested the patience of my friends with many, many attempts to talk about technology, we set off to the museum itself.

The museum is located under a dome and the exhibition goes down in a spiral - a very good idea. As for the exposition, it is very good. Some things, of course, will only impress a specialist, but overall the museum leaves a good impression. As they say, made with love.

Forty-five - contrary to the opinion of armchair historians, the weapon was quite formidable in the first period of the war. And then, in 1943, a light gun with a compact crew could be successfully used as part of assault groups.

The interior of the observation post is a dugout.

Various types of shells, bombs, mortars and anti-tank mines.

A certain part of the exhibition is dedicated to modern conflicts. And of course - ATO.

The ATO exhibit is quite typical. Like any war that has not yet ended, the ATO fills these halls with exploding mines, ATGMs, photographs of people and objects that served those who no longer exist.

And your world doesn’t remember anything... The demolition of monuments to liberators in Poland, vandalism in Ukraine, nationalist and even Nazi movements throughout Europe are an indicator that Europe and Asia, and even more so America, have long moved away from memories of gas chambers and executions for political reasons. , race and nationality. So for now this beautiful slogan is nothing more than words of hope. Alas...

Chapel of John the Warrior - erected in 2003.

I don’t know what it is, in all likelihood either a security room or a souvenir shop.

And on the site behind the museum there lives this German Pak 40 gun (correct me if I’m wrong). Nearby there is all sorts of tank mince that is not included in the exhibition - T-34 rollers, IS running wheel. Judging by the size of the site, the museum will expand.

The mood is complemented by small planes that take off from Korotich airport, which is 6 kilometers to the south. The sky is filled with their buzzing and for some reason this makes it feel especially good.

So, to sum it up. The height of Konev is worth driving here for several hours with a transfer. Perhaps this complex will not be able to compete with the Kyiv Museum of Ukraine in the Second World War, but it is definitely among the top ten similar places in Ukraine. Let me not say that the price of visiting the museum is not cheap, and the area, even without taking into account the museum and the site with the equipment, is very attractive.

And Solonitsevka, at an altitude of 197.3, in August 1943, there were observation posts of the commander of the troops of the Steppe Front, Colonel General I. S. Konev, the commander of the 53rd Army, Major General I. M. Managarov, and the commander of the 252nd Infantry Division, General -Major G.I. Anisimov. From here the operational command of the troops was carried out during the fierce battles of the final stage of the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation (August 3-23, 1943). In the evening, August 22, 1943, I. S. Konev gave the order to the armies of the Steppe Front for a night assault on Kharkov. By 12 o'clock on August 23, 1943, troops of the 69th, 7th Guards and 53rd Armies finally liberated the city from German troops.

On the same day, the capital of the USSR, Moscow, saluted the liberators of Kharkov with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns, and ten divisions of the Steppe Front (15th, 28th, 89th, 93rd Guards Rifle, 84th, 116th -I, 183rd, 252nd, 299th, 375th Rifle) by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief were awarded the honorary title of “Kharkovsky”.

After the war

Memorial complex "Height of Marshal I. S. Konev"

In the post-war period, the location of the former command post of the Steppe Front became the venue for mass events dedicated to Victory Day. On May 9, 1965, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Victory, a solemn public meeting was held for the first time at an altitude of 197.3. In 1968, I. S. Konev visited his command post.

In 1980, according to the design of sculptor D. Sova and architect N. Krasnolobov, an obelisk (h - 18.6 m) with a decorative stele (3x2.3 m) was built at the top of the height.

By decision of the Kharkov Regional Executive Committee dated January 12, 1981 No. 13, the object was given the status of a historical monument of local significance with inclusion in the State Register of Monuments of Archaeology, History and Monumental Art of Kharkov and the Kharkov Region as “Memorable place of the command post of I. S. Konev, commander Steppe Front" (settlement Solonitsevka, 2 km north of the village, at an altitude of 197.3; security number 1663).

In 2003, in pursuance of Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 26, 2003 No. 276/2003 “On the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory and memorable events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” reconstruction began at the height with the aim of creating the Memorial complex “The Height of Marshal I . S. Koneva".

In August 2003, reconstruction was carried out at the memorial complex according to the project of the Honored Architect of Ukraine P. G. Chechelnitsky and A. V. Tkachenko. During the work at the height, a chapel of Ivan the Warrior, a retaining wall with memorial plaques, a parking lot, a security room were built, an obelisk, a decorative stele, the main steps, access roads and a lighting system were reconstructed.

In August 2003, in commemoration of the “60th anniversary of the liberation of the Kharkov region from Nazi invaders» celebratory events were held at the complex with the participation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine V.F. Yanukovych.

By decision of the Kharkov regional council No. 368 - V dated September 6, 2007, the museum “Kharkiv region in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" was included in the facilities of the Regional Communal Institution "Memorial Complex "Height of Marshal I.S. Konev".

By Decree of the President of Ukraine V.A. Yushchenko on May 14, 2008, the memorial complex was given national status.

Solonitsevka, Dergachevsky district, Kharkov region.


It was here, not far from the villages of Gavrilovka and Solonitsevka, at an altitude of 197.3, in August 1943, that the observation posts of the commander of the Steppe Front troops, Colonel General I. S. Konev, the commander of the 53rd Army, Major General I. M. Managarov, and commander of the 252nd Infantry Division, Major General G.I. Anisimov. From here the operational command of the troops was carried out during the fierce battles of the final stage of the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation (August 3-23, 1943). In the evening, August 22, 1943, I. S. Konev gave the order to the armies of the Steppe Front for a night assault on Kharkov. By 12 o'clock on August 23, 1943, troops of the 69th, 7th Guards and 53rd Armies finally liberated the city from the Nazi invaders.

On the same day, the capital of the USSR, Moscow, saluted the liberators of Kharkov with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns, and ten divisions of the Steppe Front (15th, 28th, 89th, 93rd Guards Rifle, 84th, 116th -I, 183rd, 252nd, 299th, 375th Rifle) by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief were awarded the honorary title of “Kharkovsky”.

After the war

Memorial complex "Height of Marshal I. S. Konev"

In the post-war period, the location of the former command post of the Steppe Front became the venue for mass events dedicated to Victory Day. On May 9, 1965, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Victory, a solemn public meeting was held for the first time at an altitude of 197.3. In 1968, I. S. Konev visited his command post.

In 1980, according to the design of sculptor D. Sova and architect N. Krasnolobov, an obelisk (h - 18.6 m) with a decorative stele (3x2.3 m) was built at the top of the height.

By decision of the Kharkov Regional Executive Committee dated January 12, 1981 No. 13, the object was given the status of a historical monument of local significance with inclusion in the State Register of Monuments of Archaeology, History and Monumental Art of Kharkov and the Kharkov Region as “Memorable place of the command post of I. S. Konev, commander Steppe Front" (settlement Solonitsevka, 2 km north of the village, at an altitude of 197.3; security number 1663).

In 2003, in pursuance of Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 26, 2003 No. 276/2003 “On the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory and memorable events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” reconstruction began at the height with the aim of creating the Memorial complex “The Height of Marshal I . S. Koneva".

In August 2003, reconstruction was carried out at the memorial complex according to the project of the Honored Architect of Ukraine P. G. Chechelnitsky and A. V. Tkachenko. During the work at the height, a chapel of Ivan the Warrior, a retaining wall with memorial plaques, a parking lot, a security room were built, an obelisk, a decorative stele, the main steps, access roads and a lighting system were reconstructed.

In August 2003, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Kharkov region from the Nazi invaders, festive events were held at the complex with the participation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine V.F. Yanukovych.

By decision of the Kharkov Regional Council No. 368 - V dated September 6, 2007, the museum “Kharkov region in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” was included in the objects of the Regional communal institution “Memorial complex “Height of Marshal I. S. Konev”. This reorganization gave the Memorial completeness and worthily perpetuated the memory of fellow countrymen who fought and gave their lives on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, became victims of fascist terror, and died during the Nazi occupation of 1941-1943.

By decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 14, 2008, the memorial complex was given national status.

See also

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An excerpt characterizing the height of Marshal Konev

What was Count Rastopchin’s fear of public peace in Moscow based on in 1812? What reason was there for supposing there was a tendency towards indignation in the city? Residents left, troops, retreating, filled Moscow. Why should the people rebel as a result of this?
Not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, when the enemy entered, nothing resembling indignation occurred. On September 1st and 2nd, more than ten thousand people remained in Moscow, and, apart from the crowd that had gathered in the courtyard of the commander-in-chief and attracted by him, there was nothing. Obviously, it would be even less necessary to expect unrest among the people if after the Battle of Borodino, when the abandonment of Moscow became obvious, or, at least, probably, if then, instead of agitating the people with the distribution of weapons and posters, Rostopchin took measures to the removal of all sacred objects, gunpowder, charges and money, and would directly announce to the people that the city was being abandoned.
Rastopchin, an ardent, sanguine man, who always moved in the highest circles of the administration, although with a patriotic feeling, had no the slightest idea about the people he thought of governing. From the very beginning of the enemy’s entry into Smolensk, Rostopchin imagined for himself the role of leader of the people’s feelings - the heart of Russia. It not only seemed to him (as it seems to every administrator) that he controlled the external actions of the inhabitants of Moscow, but it seemed to him that he controlled their mood through his proclamations and posters, written in that ironic language that the people in their midst despise and which they do not understands when he hears it from above. Rostopchin liked the beautiful role of the leader of popular feeling so much, he got used to it so much that the need to get out of this role, the need to leave Moscow without any heroic effect, took him by surprise, and he suddenly lost from under his feet the ground on which he stood, he absolutely did not know what should he do? Although he knew, he did not believe with all his soul in leaving Moscow until the last minute and did nothing for this purpose. Residents moved out against his wishes. If public places were removed, it was only at the request of officials, with whom the count reluctantly agreed. He himself was occupied only with the role that he made for himself. As often happens with people gifted with an ardent imagination, he knew for a long time that Moscow would be abandoned, but he knew only by reasoning, but with all his soul he did not believe in it, and was not transported by his imagination to this new situation.
All his activities, diligent and energetic (how useful it was and reflected on the people is another question), all his activities were aimed only at arousing in the residents the feeling that he himself experienced - patriotic hatred of the French and confidence in yourself.
But when the event took on its real, historical dimensions, when it turned out to be insufficient to express one’s hatred of the French in words alone, when it was impossible even to express this hatred through battle, when self-confidence turned out to be useless in relation to one issue of Moscow, when the entire population, like one person, , abandoning their property, flowed out of Moscow, showing with this negative action the full strength of their national feeling - then the role chosen by Rostopchin suddenly turned out to be meaningless. He suddenly felt lonely, weak and ridiculous, without any ground under his feet.
Having received, awakened from sleep, a cold and imperative note from Kutuzov, Rostopchin felt the more irritated, the more guilty he felt. In Moscow there remained everything that had been entrusted to him, everything that was government property that he was supposed to take out. It was not possible to take everything out.
“Who is to blame for this, who allowed this to happen? - he thought. - Of course, not me. I had everything ready, I held Moscow like this! And this is what they have brought it to! Scoundrels, traitors! - he thought, not clearly defining who these scoundrels and traitors were, but feeling the need to hate these traitors who were to blame for the false and ridiculous situation in which he found himself.
All that night Count Rastopchin gave orders, for which people came to him from all sides of Moscow. Those close to him had never seen the count so gloomy and irritated.
“Your Excellency, they came from the patrimonial department, from the director for orders... From the consistory, from the Senate, from the university, from the orphanage, the vicar sent... asks... What do you order about the fire brigade? The warden from the prison... the warden from the yellow house..." - they reported to the count all night, without stopping.
To all these questions the count gave short and angry answers, showing that his orders were no longer needed, that all the work he had carefully prepared had now been ruined by someone, and that this someone would bear full responsibility for everything that would happen now.

Today I want to talk about one historical memorial that is located in Ukraine. In the first capital of Ukraine, the city of Kharkov. The “Height of Marshal Konev” memorial, very well known to city residents, is located in the village of Solonitsevka. Once you have been there, you fall in love with this place and want to return there again and again. It fascinates with its beauty and originality. But in our time, many, having been there, do not even know who the great I.S. Konev is. But this is our history, and every self-respecting citizen should know and remember this.

Ivan Stepanovich Konev is a hero of the Soviet Union, a commander. He was a participant in the First Great Patriotic War. In the first war he participated as a military man, and in the second as the commander of the Nineteenth Army. For successful fighting he was awarded the rank of Colonel General. The number of I. S. Konev’s awards cannot be counted on two hands.

Briefly about the village of Solonitsevka - an urban-type village in the Kharkov region. Located on the banks of the Uda River.

Marshal Konev Height is a very memorable place in the history of Ukraine. In 1943, not far from the specified village, Soviet troops were stationed, who were preparing to liberate Kharkov from the invaders. In August, on the 22nd of I.S. Konev gives the order for the attack, as a result about 5,000,000 thousand soldiers died, but on August 23 the city was liberated. This was precisely the beginning of liberation...

At the height of Marshal Konev there is a museum “Kharkiv region in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945”, a stele whose height is 17.5 meters. And several exhibits of military equipment of those times. And the most interesting thing is that there is a room in the museum in which the marshal’s command post is exactly reproduced.

The memorial amazes with its majesty; from the territory of the memorial, the city of Kharkov is in full view. Entrance to the memorial is always free, but is guarded. People come here both on excursions and just to enjoy the silence and beauty of this place. In the evening, the memorial is not inferior to the beauty of the day, the lights of the city come on, and the memorial acquires a special mystery. The memorial itself is at a height; to get up you need to walk at least 100 steps. The entire territory of the memorial is planted with flowers, which gives a special charm to this place.

This place is ideal for those who want to retire, to be alone with themselves and their thoughts. After all, if you come to this place in the evening there are practically no people there. There is an opportunity to sit and listen to yourself, merge with nature and think a little about the history of this place and how significant it is for us. After all, who else but we should remember and thank the people thanks to whom we are “liberated”.

You can book a tour to the memorial. Nowadays, many companies provide excursions to the Marshal Konev Height. It is possible to order a guide who will tell and show more about this unique place.

How little many of us know about our history. But someone wants to know her, and someone is not even interested in this. Not all residents of Kharkov have heard about what Marshal Konev’s Height is and who I.S. is. Konev. But this is our history, the history of the liberation of Kharkov from the Nazi invaders. The travel agency “Savages” invites everyone to get to know this unique place better and invites you on a tour.

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In order to piece together the puzzle and fully understand historical significance“Konev Heights”, you need to familiarize yourself with some facts. Short.

Ivan Stepanovich Konev(1897-1973) - hero Soviet Union(twice hero), commander. Participant of the First and Great Patriotic Wars. In the first war he participated as a military commissar, in the second - as commander of the 19th Army.

Solonitsevka- a town located in the Kharkov region in the Dergachevsky district. In 2001, the population according to the census was 13,153 people. Located on the banks of the Uda River. In the north of the village there used to be populated areas Gavrilovka and Chervonoye. Now Gavrilovka- This is part of Solonitsevka.

To clearly see where the memorial complex is located, we offer a map of the area, kindly provided by Google.

In August 193, several observation points were located near the indicated villages Soviet troops. They were preparing for the liberation of Kharkov from the invaders. In addition to I.S. Konev’s army was led by I.M. Managarov and G.I. Anisimov. Both had the rank of major general. On August 22, Ivan Stepanovich gave the order to attack. By lunchtime on August 23, the city was liberated. As a result of the operation, about 500,000 soldiers died. This was the beginning of liberation...

What's at the top?

On the territory of the complex there are: a stele (17.5 m high), a museum “Kharkov region in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45”, a chapel, an exhibition of military equipment. One of the most interesting places— one of the rooms in the museum, where the marshal’s command post is reproduced in detail. All this together is a unique monument to our history, which, of course, it is advisable to know.

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Would you like to go with us on an excursion to the “Height of Marshal Konev” (Kharkov - Solonitsevka)? Our travel agency will be happy to introduce you more closely to our heritage, to our heroes, to what reminds us of the heroic past of our defenders.

We conduct both private (by car) and general bus excursions. To find out the cost of the trip, contact us at any of the numbers listed.