Topic 9 science education. Science and education

Russian Academy of Education. Center for Distance Education "Eidos" 11th All-Russian Competition 2009 Laureate Tkach Kristina, 8 years old International competition for schoolchildren in mathematics on the Internet. The first mathematical Olympiad “Socrates” for schoolchildren in grades 5-6 Diploma of the 2nd degree Platonov Peter (5a grade) International competition for schoolchildren in mathematics on the Internet. The first mathematical Olympiad "Socrates" for schoolchildren in grades 4-5 Diploma of the 1st degree Maria Golobotovskaya International competition for schoolchildren in mathematics on the Internet. The first mathematical Olympiad “Socrates” for schoolchildren of grades 5-6 Diploma of the 2nd degree Alexander Shlapak (5th grade) International competition for schoolchildren in mathematics on the Internet. The first mathematical Olympiad “Socrates” for schoolchildren in grades 4-5 Diploma of the 1st degree Malinin Pavel International competition for schoolchildren in mathematics on the Internet. The first mathematical Olympiad “Socrates” for schoolchildren in grades 5-6 Diploma of the 1st degree Zhupanov Vlad

Education In the highly developed countries of Western Europe in the 19th century. widespread education began. The growth of wealth and material well-being of people The need of industrial civilization for skilled workers Widespread education Literacy level of the population of Western Europe at the end of the 19th century. (men)

The French scientist Louis Pasteur () laid the foundations of modern microbiology (the science of microorganisms) and immunology (the science of the protective properties of the body), which made it possible to begin the successful fight against infectious diseases. In 1895, the German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen () discovered X-ray technology. special rays (named in his honor), which immediately began to be used in medicine and technology. Science

The names of such outstanding physicists as M. Sklodowska-Curie (Poland), P. Curie (France), N. Bohr (Denmark), E. Rutherford (England) are associated with the discovery of radioactivity and research in the field of area of ​​the atomic nucleus. Science M. Sklodowska-Curie P. Curie N. Bohr E. Rutherford

Darwin’s teachings embodied the theory of the evolution of species through natural selection. He argued that man was not created by God, but originated from a once-existing creature similar to a monkey. Darwin's teachings and the formation of a new picture of the world Charles Darwin ()

The creation of large-scale machine production constitutes the content of the second period of the New Age. The invention gave a powerful impetus to the mechanization of production at the end of the 18th century. steam engine. Almost simultaneously, a process for producing iron and steel from cast iron was developed. A new branch of production emerged - mechanical engineering. Mass production of various machines has returned. Steam plants began to be used in various industries and agriculture. It is no coincidence that contemporaries characterized the 19th century. as "the age of steam and iron." The Scotsman J. Watt created a steam engine in 1782, which powered machines and mechanisms in factories. Revolution in technology

The creation of steam transport brought enormous changes to life. The first steamship was a river ship built in the USA in 1807. The invention of the steam locomotive and the construction of railways brought about a real revolution in transport. In 1814, Englishman George Stephenson built the first steam locomotive, the Blucher. Development of transport On September 27, 1825, D. Stephenson’s steam locomotive “Locomoshen” (“Movement”) carried a train along the railway at a speed of 20 km/h. This day is considered the “birthday” of railway transport. In 1823, D. Stephenson was the chief engineer of the company for the construction of the first railway for general use. It connected Stockton and Darlington. Steam locomotive "Motion" J. Stephenson

The construction of canals played a major role in the development of transport. In 1869, the Suez Canal was opened, shortening the sea route from Europe to the countries of Southeast Asia by almost 13 thousand km. In 1914, the construction of the Panama Canal, connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean, was completed. Development of transport Opening of the Panama Canal Construction of the Suez Canal Suez Canal

Scientific discoveries and technical inventions were closely related. Some scientists put forward ideas, while others, through experiments, identified areas of their practical application. This is what happened, for example, with the study of electricity. Special contributions to this field of science were made by the Englishman Michael Faraday and the Scotsman James Maxwell. The science of electricity led to the creation of the electrical industry. The era of electricity began: the electric motor was invented, electric lighting appeared, etc. The connection between science and practice Michael Faraday James Maxwell

Outstanding Achievement late XIX V. was the invention of the phonograph and cinema. An apparatus for recording and reproducing sound was proposed in 1877 by Thomas Edison. And the brothers Louis and Auguste Lumières invented in 1895 an apparatus for shooting and projecting “moving photographs” (this is how cinematography appeared). In 1836, the American Samuel Morse invented the telegraph, and in 1876 the telephone was invented. At the turn of the twentieth century. radio appeared. Communication means T. Edison and his phonograph Telephone ladies Lithograph 1904

Why is the number of scientific disciplines in the twentieth century. has it increased a lot? What is the essence, the meaning of the triangle: science - technology - technology? What does the phrase A.s. mean? Pushkin: “ enlightenment to be on par with the century”?

Since childhood, everyone knows the words in the title of the paragraph. Daily life inseparable from science. A TV, an airplane, a car, a refrigerator and much more that we use constantly are all derivatives of successful scientific research, multiplied by technological achievements. You are schoolchildren, therefore, education is the main thing in your activity, the basis of education is the achievements of science.


The calling of science is to obtain new knowledge. To do this, you need daring, desire and the ability to break out of the captivity of established ideas, you need “high aspiration of thought.”

Science is a creative activity aimed at achieving it main goal and the main result: obtaining, substantiating and systematizing new knowledge (concepts, laws, theories) about nature, society, and man. Examples are known: Newton's laws, periodic table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, theory of evolution organic world C. Darwin, etc. The concept of “science” also means the totality of systematized knowledge in any branch of science, for example, mathematical science, chemical science.

So, science is a system of knowledge. Remember that a system is a collection of elements connected to each other and forming a certain integrity. The main task of science, its “own task,” scientists note, is the production of new true knowledge, methods of its creation and evaluation. (Think about the contents of this paragraph, discuss the provisions about science as a system, about what its “own task” is, true knowledge and methods for obtaining it." Most researchers believe that science in the modern sense of the word can be talked about starting from the XVII-XVIII centuries. In this era, major works on astronomy, physics, mathematics were developed, methods of observation and experiment were developed. Subsequently, the importance of science increased, and its penetration into technology began. and technology “betrothed to each other and walk together.” Thus, science began to realize its two main functions: cognitive (theoretical insight into the essence of real phenomena) and practical-effective (participation in the transformative activities of man and society). Division was adopted in accordance with these functions. existing sciences into fundamental and applied.

The state and public recognition of science was evidenced by the emergence in the second half of the 17th century. the first academies of sciences: the Royal Society of London, the Paris Academy of Sciences. At the beginning of the 15th and 1st centuries. The St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was established, later called the Russian Academy.

Scientific work turned into a profession, research activity into a stable social and cultural tradition, and science into social institution. The comprehensive development of science dates back to the twentieth century, to modern times. Scientists characterize the term “big science”, which has come into global use, as a new vast area of ​​scientific and scientific-technical activity, theoretical and applied research and development. The involvement of scientists in production laboratories and design departments of enterprises and firms is becoming widespread, where they solve specific problems dictated by the needs of the time, which are constant source new ideas indicating the path of scientific and technological progress (NTP). STP is a unified, interdependent progressive development of science and technology. (Based on your knowledge of a number of subjects, discuss the impact of scientific and technical progress on modern social development.)

Let us present some data characterizing modern science. At the beginning of the twentieth century. there were 100 thousand scientists in the world, at the end of the century - over 5 million. In developed countries, the number of scientists doubles in 7-10 years. Such high rates have led to the fact that about 90% of all scientists who have ever lived on Earth are our contemporaries.

World scientific information in the twentieth century. doubled in 10-15 years. Several hundred thousand magazines are constantly published (about 10 thousand in 1900), 90% of all objects created by man and surrounding us were invented in the twentieth century. The volume of world industrial production at the end of the twentieth century. was 20 times higher than at the beginning of the century.

Research by scientists provides grounds to highlight the significant features of modern science. This is, first of all, versatility. Society receives verified, substantiated, systematized knowledge about everything that is being studied: natural phenomena on Earth and in the galaxy in their constant development and change; the main stages of the emergence and development of a person, the functioning of his psyche; the role of the economy in the life of society, demographic and other social problems, history of peoples, their culture; creativity and destinies of people; the development of science itself, its interaction with other areas of culture.

Science studies human activity in all areas public life. (Based on knowledge of various subjects and your life experience, discuss with the ghost specific examples the influence of science on the spiritual, economic, social and political spheres of society.)

Another feature of science is its limitlessness. “Science,” said the natural scientist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences K. M. Baer, ​​“is eternal in its source, not limited in its activities by either time or space, immeasurable in its volume, infinite in its task.”

Awareness of the incompleteness of science contributes to the emergence of various scientific schools, public and secret competition for effective and rapid research.

The productive development of science requires an optimal combination of individual research and the activities of large creative teams. New fundamental problems often solved alone by major scientists (for example, A. Einstein’s theory of relativity), 8 sometimes by a small group of researchers. The initiative of the scientist and his insight are especially important here. The search for something new, combined with talent, is an important factor in advancement in science. But the vast majority scientific research The modern era requires the creation of large teams and thoughtful coordination of all ongoing research.

Recognized center Russian science is the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). Its scientific departments employ over 110 thousand people. There is not a single sphere of human life to which the RAS would not make a very tangible contribution - technical, economic and humanitarian.

NTP is largely based on the achievements of research and production centers, such as the Kurchatov Institute, which studies nuclear energy problems, Rubin, which deals with the construction of a submarine fleet, etc.

Modern science combines differentiation and integration of research; it now includes about 15 thousand disciplines. This is explained by the variety of phenomena studied by science in the real world, the growth of information, the specialization of scientists in narrowing research areas, and the requirements of scientific and technological progress for differentiated research in various significantly different industries. “The spreading of the river of knowledge is inevitable,” wrote a prominent Russian scientist, academician N.N. Moiseev, “it is dictated by the need for high professionalism, detailed knowledge...” But integral research is no less necessary, since “a comprehensive, diverse analysis is required, based on on data from various sciences, requiring a synthesis of knowledge."

The most important feature of great science is its close convergence with the needs of a developing society. Only science can satisfy these needs, which is capable, in the words of the poet, of “hearing the call of life.” This is how society gives an impetus, an incentive to certain scientific activities.

As an example, let's call research solutions important issues post-industrial society. Discoveries in electronics, optics, chemistry, printing business, artistic creativity made it possible to create and develop a powerful system of printed electronic media that have a profound impact (positive and negative) on the minds and feelings of the individual, on the life of mankind. Relatively recently, few people knew the word “laser”. But after the discoveries made by Nobel Prize laureates A. M. Prokhorov and N. G. Basov, it became known to many. The development of problems associated with the laser, its diverse applications in biology, astronomy, communications and other fields, required a transition to completely new technologies that had not previously existed in any country in the world.

Society's need for energy resources is also known. Here scientific research can lead to fantastic results. Corn instead of oil - this is a bold and feasible idea. The United States has already developed biotechnology for producing fuel alcohol from corn stalks that farmers previously burned. This technology is not only cheap, but, according to its creators, it allows us to hope that in 25 years a quarter of the US chemical industry can be converted to plant raw materials. (Based on my knowledge of a number of educational subjects, name the discoveries of the last quarter of the twentieth century that had a serious impact on industrial and agricultural production, on improving the quality of life of people.)

The fusion of high moral categories - goodness and conscience - formed a new quality - conscientiousness, which has become one of the primary requirements for scientific work.

Conscientiousness is demonstrated by:
- careful thought and impeccably accurate conduct of all stages of the study;
- in the evidence of new scientific knowledge, in their repeated verification;
- in scientific honesty and objectivity - in the pursuit of truth, a scientist cannot take into account either his likes and dislikes, or any other circumstances, but must be guided by Aristotle’s saying: “Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer”;
- not to introduce hasty, unfounded innovations into science.

Respect for the creators of science of the past, relying in their activities on the results they obtained is the norm of ethics developed by scientists. Physicist and philosopher I. Newton said that everything he scientific achievements were made thanks to the fact that he stood on the shoulders of giants - his predecessors.

Outstanding achievements of big science of the 20th - 21st centuries. led to an increase in both the humanizing influence of science and the social responsibility of scientists for their actions. Scientific progress enriches the world not only with discoveries, but also with troubles, since often the fruits scientific discoveries can cause harm to people. For example, scientific and technical progress is one of the main causes of the environmental crisis, and the development of some branches of military production is dangerous to human life. To the credit of scientists, they were the first to not only express concern, but also actively involved in professional and mass environmental movements, and were the first to talk about the need to stop the arms race and the danger of a thermonuclear catastrophe. Social responsibility, an active position in protecting people and the planet, is an integral part of the ethics of science.

Scientists prove that the use of scientific achievements for the benefit of all people is possible only in a democratic society. Academician A.D. Sakharov emphasized: “Freedom of belief, along with other civil liberties, is the basis of scientific and technological progress and a guarantee against the use of its achievements to the detriment of humanity.”


Of all areas of spiritual culture, science and education are the most closely interconnected and interdependent. Science cannot carry out its functions without good educated people; Education without science is an empty phrase. Ensuring competitiveness with new technologies requires not only fundamental research, but also the participation in it of fundamentally trained research and engineering people who are able to move mobile to new frontiers. The promotion and implementation of new ideas in the humanitarian sector of science, the development of the principles of the new Russian economy, ways to create a civil society and the rule of law, obtaining reliable information about the past of the Motherland and the world require a significant number of educated economists, lawyers, and historians. Thus, science and education create the national wealth of the country and themselves act as one of the values, without which the development of society and the formation of personality is impossible.

At the beginning of the 21st century. In Russia, a national educational policy is being formulated, the primary task of which is to achieve modern quality of education, its compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society, and state. This policy, reflecting national interests, also takes into account general trends in world development:

The acceleration of the pace of development of society and its democratization determine the need to prepare people for life in a rapidly changing situation;
- during the period of transition to a post-industrial society, the expansion of intercultural interaction, the factors of sociability and tolerance acquire particular importance;
- possibility of solution global problems Only cooperation within the international community requires the formation of modern thinking among the younger generation;
- the dynamic development of the economy, increased competition, and the reduction in the scope of unskilled and low-skilled labor create a constant need for increased professional qualifications and retraining of workers.

State educational policy is based on the definition given in the Law “On Education”: education - goal-oriented process education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state. This focus is:

In the gradual, accessible to students of various ages, formation of a system of scientific knowledge about the most important phenomena of the real world, as well as skills and abilities of cognitive and practical activities;
- in preparing not only educated, but also moral people. Let us remember the words of the Russian scientist, compiler
« Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" by V. I. Dal: "Education is the education of the mind and the education of morality";
- in the transfer and formation of experience creative activity, which assumes, in particular, dynamism, constructiveness, the ability to make decisions in a situation of choice;
- in the formation of civil responsibility, legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, a sense of love for the Motherland, responsibility for its fate.

Science and education are communicating vessels that have a common source for the current and future needs of society. Exactly social development, the rapid increase in the scientific wealth of the planet requires periodic modernization of education, characteristic of all its levels.

The folk wisdom “live and learn” is being confirmed hourly in the emerging post-industrial era, when science, technology, technology, and culture are being updated with unprecedented speed. But education, first of all, should be oriented toward the future and meet the needs of not only today. In these conditions, continuous education throughout life - from childhood to old age - is especially important. Among the functions of lifelong education, there are compensatory (filling gaps in basic education), adaptive (operational training and retraining in a changing social and industrial situation), developmental (satisfying the spiritual needs of the individual, the needs of creative growth).

An essential element of lifelong education is self-education: purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself, the acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life etc. Self-education is based on a person’s direct personal interest, combined with self-study material. The main form of self-education is studying literature, listening to lectures, reports, concerts, visiting museums and exhibitions.

Domestic science and education are an important factor in preserving Russia’s place among the leading countries of the world and its international prestige as a country with a high level of culture.


1 Show interest in new achievements in science and technology. This will help you navigate life, will have a positive impact on your work, cultural level, and will contribute to self-education.

2 When choosing a profession or post-school education, try to learn more about those areas of science, technology, and the humanities in which you are interested. Familiarize yourself with popular literature (teachers and librarians will help you choose it), learn how to work with the catalog yourself. Read biographies of scientists, for example books from the “Lives of Remarkable People” series.

3 If you are planning to devote your activities to scientific work, remember the words of the ancients: “There is no royal path in science.” This means that you will have to work a lot and often in difficult conditions. But if you have weighed everything and decided to become a scientist, do not leave the distance.

4 Self-education is your constant companion, contributing to the development of life guidelines. It should not be haphazard or one-sided. It is useful to create a personal self-education plan aimed at improving your professional and general cultural level.


From the speech of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu. S. Osipov at the general meeting of the Academy on November 12, 2001.

Russia will have to build a new economy that can become the foundation of public welfare and defense power. This requires an advanced scientific and technological sphere. A huge resource of the Russian economy is the scientific potential accumulated by the country. ...One of the tasks is to create a competitive high-tech sector in Russia, capable of acting as the locomotive of the country's industrial development. Moreover, such development is aimed at conquering, maintaining and expanding economically and strategically favorable positions in the world market. Solving this problem is one of the main goals of the national security strategy. It is time for our society to realize that the security and technological independence of the country in the 21st century will be determined by its scientific and technological potential.

Science is based on basic research, they create the foundations modern technologies, and also determine the quality of education. It is a developed system of fundamental knowledge that underlies the solution to the problem of technological development and national security.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. Why are ensuring public welfare and defense power put forward as the most important tasks?
2. Based on your existing knowledge, try to explain what content is included in the terms “advanced scientific and technological sphere”, “scientific and technical potential”, “technological independence”. Why does scientific and technical potential determine the security and technological independence of a country?
3. Argue the position that fundamental research creates the foundations of modern technologies and determines the quality of education. Prove that high technologies are the “locomotive of the country’s industrial development.”


1. What is science, what are its main tasks and goals?
2. What are the main features of big science?
Z. Why is it necessary for the development of science to combine individual creativity and the activities of large scientific teams?
4. Name examples that characterize the modern rapprochement of science with the needs of society.
5. Why is science the “locomotive” of scientific and technological progress?
6. What are the main provisions of the ethics of scientists?
7. What is the relationship between science and education?
8. Why is education the national wealth of a country?
9. Why is self-education an indispensable condition for successful professional activity and mastery of culture?


1. The division of science into fundamental and applied is accepted. How do you see the interdependence and interconnection of these sciences? Are scientists right who believe that this division is conditional?

The parameters of economic growth and their dynamics are widely used to characterize the development of national economies and in state regulation of the economy.

The population evaluates the activities of the highest economic and political bodies of a particular country (for example, parliament, the President, the Government of the Russian Federation) primarily based on consideration of indicators of the dynamics of economic growth and the dynamics of living standards.

Economic growth, its pace, quality and other indicators depend not only on the potential of the national economy, but to a large extent on foreign economic and foreign policy factors.

Economic growth is one of the most important parts of the economic development of society, as well as socio-cultural, political, etc.

Economic growth makes sense only when it is combined with social stability. Such growth presupposes the achievement of a number of balanced social objectives: increasing life expectancy, raising the level of education and culture, rationalizing consumption, etc.

Russia currently faces an urgent need to increase the rate of economic growth. Finding ways to achieve it is one of the priority problems for our country.

IN modern world Scientific knowledge is becoming increasingly important. Only those countries where education and science are developing dynamically can lay claim to a worthy place in the world. In advanced countries, science has already become the main productive force. The annual turnover on the global market for high technologies and knowledge-intensive products is several times higher than the turnover of the raw materials market. Every dollar invested in science in the West produces several tens of dollars in net profit. Dynamically developing science constantly accelerates all economic processes. In developed countries, science and education are the main source and factor of economic growth and high living standards

Of course, caring for the education of the population is one of the most important strategic tasks of the state. IN lately Russian authorities seriously concerned that many domestic graduates are working outside their specialty, the system Russian education does not meet international standards, financing high school does not quite follow market laws, and the system of remuneration for teachers and professors clearly leaves much to be desired.

In the next few years, serious changes are expected in Russia related to the modernization of the education system: bringing Russian standards in accordance with European standards, the transition to bachelor's and master's degrees, the introduction of funding for universities on the principle of “money follows the student,” the wider introduction of the Unified State Exam and much more. It is expected that a package of laws providing a legislative basis for the reforms will be submitted to the State Duma this spring session. Most likely, the passage of the bills will not be easy: deputies, like their voters, are quite wary of changes associated with education reform, and, probably, parliamentarians, like society, will be divided into two camps - supporters and opponents of modernization. All of the above factors determined relevance our research.

Target lectures – analyze science and education as a factor of economic growth in Russia

In accordance with the set goal, the following were decided main tasks:

Consider the essence and main indicators of the level of economic development;

Give the concept of economic development and economic growth;

Study the reform of the education system in Russia;

Analyze the development of the education system at this stage;

Study the results of socio-economic development of Russia;

Consider the strategy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of science and innovation for the period up to 2010-2015.