Where is the Plekhanov State University. Russian Economic Academy named after


Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov was founded in 1907. Over a period of more than 100 years, the university has always been closely linked to the national economy: the development of commerce and food production technology at the beginning of the 20th century, then the emergence of commodity science, the growth of the cooperative movement, the creation of state economic statistics and planning systems, the economic reforms of 1965-1970, macroeconomic and sectoral research in the 1980s, and the promotion of the formation of market structures in the 1990s. The scientific school of the university (academicians L. Abalkin, A. Aganbegyan, V. Maevsky, L. Grinberg, V. Makarov, P. Bunich, V. Ivanter, V. Kuleshov, corresponding member R. Grinberg) has long been the core of the academic economic community of Russia. The high practical orientation of education and its connection with the realities of the economic situation in the country have been a unique characteristic of the university for many years. In 2012-2015, the PRUE was enlarged by joining the Saratov State Socio-Economic University, the Russian State University of Trade and Economics and the Moscow state university economics, statistics and informatics.

Currently in REU them. G.V. Plekhanov training is carried out across the spectrum educational programs: from secondary general education to the training of graduate students and doctoral students.

Training at the Russian Economic University is organized in Moscow and 22 branches located in the cities Russian Federation and abroad.​ Over 50,000 students and 780 graduate students study at REU under higher education programs, 2,500 teachers work, including more than 20,000 students and 580 graduate students at the head university, 1,200 teachers work. In the PRUE under the programs of secondary vocational education 8,400 students study and over 400 teachers work, including 3,500 students and 150 teachers at the head university.

Attraction of highly qualified faculty, development and implementation of innovative educational programs, including double and triple degree programs with leading foreign universities, and the use of modern educational technologies ensure the training of highly qualified specialists who are in demand by the professional community in Russia and the world.

Mission PRUE - promoting the sustainable socio-economic development of Russia through the formation of human and intellectual capital.

strategic goal PRUE for the period is to build an effective multi-level system of continuous education in the field of economics and related fields of knowledge that meets the needs of the state, society and the individual, the formation of a university whose educational and research activities have wide international and national recognition and provide a resource base for its further sustainable development.

Specificity PRUE is that it preserves the traditions of domestic education in the field of economics, updating them based on the requirements of the real economy and modern international standards. One of strengths domestic economic school is the use of economic-mathematical and economic-statistical (econometric) methods of substantiation of economic theories and solutions.

Advantage the current educational model of the PRUE - a combination of economic and management education, focused on practice, strong mathematical (statistical) and legal training and the use of information technology. Orientation towards practice is ensured, among other things, due to the presence of natural science departments and the backlog of expertise in the field of trade, commodity science, economics and enterprise management, as well as related specialties. In-depth mathematical training is provided by a high proportion of disciplines that actively use the economic and statistical apparatus and information technology.

Since 2012, REU has been a member of world ranking universities​​​ QS World University Rankings​. Over the past two years, PRUE has been improving its position in regional rankings (QS University Rankings: BRICS, QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe & Central Asia), in international Internet rankings, 4ICU . Since 2015, the PRUE has been providing information for participation in the rating.

International accreditations of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

REU them. G.V. Plekhanov was accredited by the European Council for Business Education (ECBE).

International Association of MBA Programs - Association of MBAs.

Royal Institute of Marketing UK - The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

Royal Institute of Management Accountants - Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).

European Organization for Quality - European Organization for Quality (EOQ).

Opportunities of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

PRUE students have the opportunity to receive a double or triple diploma in the framework of joint international educational programs. 14 universities from around the world, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Austria, are already participating in this project.

The university is of interest, first of all, to those foreign students who want to know the Russian economy more deeply. The university provides an opportunity to study in detail the most important economic processes, to establish the necessary business contacts in Russia.

Scientific life of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

A powerful scientific infrastructure has been developed on the basis of the University, which ensures regular improvement of competencies scientific work teaching staff and scientific schools. The University is working on solving fundamental and applied problems of the socio-economic and scientific and technological development of Russia.

The university provides support in the publication of monographs and scientific articles in the RSCI and Scopus systems. The achievements of the scientists of the University are presented in numerous publications and at international scientific forums.

On the basis of the University, the Situational Center for the Socio-Economic Development of Russia and the Regions of the Russian Federation operates on a modern information and technological basis, which provides breakthrough opportunities for innovative development educational activities and increasing the effectiveness of scientific work.

Distinctive features of the Situational Center of the PRUE are its functional capabilities for visualization of initial and settlement-analytical information distributed over the levels of administrative-territorial administration.

The Center actively cooperates with public authorities in the direction of the practical use and improvement of the "Operational monitoring" system. The main goal of the monitoring is to fulfill the functional tasks of the departments of the ministry, including providing an advanced assessment of the achievement of the target parameters of the strategic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the creation of an operational base for the electronic passport of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the typology of regions and the reasonable allocation of zones of advanced development, improving the system of territorial planning and a number of other tasks.

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  • eBook
  • IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates, Undergraduates and Young Scientists "Theory and Practice of Management: Responses to the Challenges of Innovative Development", Team of authors. This collection contains the works of students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists who took part in the Fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, undergraduates, ...

Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov was founded in 1907. Over a period of more than 100 years, the university has always been closely linked to the national economy: the development of commerce and food production technology at the beginning of the 20th century, then the emergence of commodity science, the growth of the cooperative movement, the creation of state economic statistics and planning systems, the economic reforms of 1965-1970, macroeconomic and sectoral research in the 1980s, and the promotion of the formation of market structures in the 1990s. The scientific school of the university (academicians L. Abalkin, A. Aganbegyan, V. Maevsky, L. Grinberg, V. Makarov, P. Bunich, V. Ivanter, V. Kuleshov, corresponding member R. Grinberg) has long been the core of the academic economic community of Russia. The high practical orientation of education and its connection with the realities of the economic situation in the country have been a unique characteristic of the university for many years. In 2012-2015, the PRUE was enlarged by joining the Saratov State Socio-Economic University, the Russian State University of Trade and Economics and the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.

Currently at the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, training is carried out across the entire spectrum of educational programs: from secondary general education to the training of graduate students and doctoral students. Training at the PRUE is organized in Moscow and 22 branches located in the cities of the Russian Federation and abroad. More than 50,000 students and 780 graduate students study at the REU under higher education programs, 2,500 teachers work, including more than 20,000 students and 580 graduate students at the head university, 1,200 teachers work. 8,400 students and over 400 teachers work at the PRUE under the programs of secondary vocational education, including 3,500 students and 150 teachers at the head university.

Attraction of highly qualified teaching staff, development and implementation of innovative educational programs, including double and triple degree programs with leading foreign universities, and the use of modern educational technologies ensure the training of highly qualified specialists who are in demand by the professional community in Russia and the world.

The mission of the Russian Economic University is to promote the sustainable socio-economic development of Russia through the formation of human and intellectual capital.

The strategic goal of the PRUE for the period is to build an effective multi-level system of continuous education in the field of economics and related fields of knowledge that meets the needs of the state, society and the individual, the formation of a university whose educational and research activities have wide international and national recognition and provide a resource base for its further sustainable development.

The specificity of the PRUE is that it preserves the traditions of domestic education in the field of economics, updating them based on the requirements of the real economy and modern international standards. One of the strengths of the national economic school is the use of economic-mathematical and economic-statistical (econometric) methods for substantiating economic theories and solutions.

The advantage of the current educational model of the PRUE is a combination of economic and management education, focused on practice, strong mathematical (statistical) and legal training and the use of information technology. Orientation towards practice is ensured, among other things, due to the presence of natural science departments and the backlog of expertise in the field of trade, commodity science, economics and enterprise management, as well as related specialties. In-depth mathematical training is provided by a high proportion of disciplines that actively use the economic and statistical apparatus and information technology.

Since 2012, PRUE has been included in the QS World University Rankings. Over the past two years, PRUE has been improving its position in regional rankings (QS University Rankings: BRICS, QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe & Central Asia), in international Internet rankings Webometrics, Alexa, 4ICU. Since 2015, the PRUE has been providing information for participation in the THE WUR rating.

report Attention! Due to the epidemic, Open Days may be cancelled. Please check with the university before visiting.


Open Day


Special project A day in the life of a student

From 10:00 Stremyanny lane, 36

Admissions Committee of the Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanova

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

Latest reviews of PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanova

Rosalina Ganieva 14:49 10.05.2017

Hello. With all due respect to the university, a huge request, when organizing competitions on an All-Russian scale, a huge simply human request, that the organizers of the competitions be more responsible for their "organizational work". Participants of Our History contest reacted with responsibility and came from all corners of our country. Poorly organized work, from check-in to food. If we knew that it was so disorganized, we would have made ourselves accommodation and food. Slave...

Irina Kovaleva 17:08 03.05.2016

Currently, my sister is studying at this university. From the very beginning we knew that education here is at the highest level, but now we can say with confidence that the university trains highly qualified specialists! Many thanks to the teachers for the special attention to each student!

Gallery of the Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanova

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov"

Branches of PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Colleges of PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Smolensk
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Perm
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Bryansk
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Krasnodar
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Kemerovo
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Ivanovo
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Voronezh
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Volgograd
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Saratov
  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov - in Yaroslavl


No. 01789 is valid Indefinitely from 11/30/2015


No. 01615 valid from 30.12.2015

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 7 7 7 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education77.13 73.03 71.86 79.86 69.96 75.64
Average USE score credited to the budget91.7 87.88 84.48 83.54 84.41 87.91
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis74.06 68.96 66.72 76.45 62.16 69.35
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department54.1 51.46 50.07 55.65 49.26 50.64
Number of students17787 19107 20512 22881 19581 16401
full-time department13108 13807 14572 14849 13064 11524
Part-time department3819 3652 3358 3645 3683 3614
Extramural860 1648 2582 4387 2834 1263
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is compiled on the basis of data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

TOP-5 universities in Moscow with the highest and lowest passing score of the Unified State Exam for the direction of study "Jurisprudence" in 2013. The cost of paid education.

The results of the 2013 admission campaign to specialized economic universities in Moscow. Budget places, USE passing score, tuition fees. Economist training profiles.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow in terms of the number of students from the monitoring of the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics began its work in 1907 as a Commercial Institute, and acquired the status of a university only in 2010. But, nevertheless, PRUE them. G. V. Plekhanov has already become one of the largest educational and scientific centers for the training and retraining of highly qualified specialists in the field of engineering, economics, technology and commodity science.

University education

The university includes:

  • faculties where you can get higher professional education - engineering and economics, commodity science and trade, stock exchange and taxation, marketing, finance, banking and insurance, management, economics and mathematics, political science and law, general economic and international economic relations;
  • faculty distance education where can i get higher education without attending a university, for this you only need a computer and Internet access to study in your chosen specialty;
  • International Business School, which provides education in all disciplines exclusively in English;
  • Higher School of Sports Industry, where students develop their sports qualities and then participate in various sports competitions;
  • Intersectoral Institute for Advanced Studies, where specialists improve their skills in accordance with the ever-increasing requirements of the labor market;
  • educational and scientific center for retraining and advanced training of employees of higher education.

At the moment, PRUE them. G. V. Plekhanov is one of the largest economic universities in the country, especially since in 2012 the Saratov State Socio-Economic University and the Russian State Trade and Economic University were attached to it. Thus, now the university with its 34 branches is a huge scientific and educational network in which students receive only the highest quality education.

In addition to traditional bachelor's, specialist's and master's degree programs, PRUE offers postgraduate and doctoral studies. The preparation of students at the university is carried out by a highly qualified teaching staff of 1200 people, while 260 of them are doctors of science, 180 are professors, about 600 are candidates of science and 420 are associate professors.

University structure

Over the years of its existence, the university has acquired a complex structure, where each component plays a significant role in the education of the student. There is:

  • department for informatization, the purpose of which is the introduction of new information technologies in educational process students and the constant updating of the equipment and technologies available at the university;
  • Center for Humanitarian Training, which organizes various meetings, conferences, round tables and competitions on history, psychology, political science, foreign languages and sociology, which contributes to the development of students' desire to become more familiar with these disciplines;
  • publishing center, established in 2011, thanks to which the PRUE. G. V. Plekhanova is engaged in the production of educational literature, scientific and methodological manuals and other literature, which contributes to improving the quality of education of students;
  • Scientific and Information Library Center named after Academician L.I. Abalkin, where there are more than 500 thousand books, while 7000 of them are old editions - both Russian and English;
  • Career Development Center, whose employees organize practice and internships for students, so that from their student days they learn to apply the knowledge gained at the university in practice;
  • a hostel for non-resident students, which is located a three-minute walk from the university and where there is everything a student needs for a full life and recreation - a gym, an apparatus through which students can drink free coffee, free wi-fi in the lounges;
  • a sanatorium-dispensary, where both students and employees can receive good medical care at any time;
  • Association of university graduates, which organizes meetings of graduates who can help future graduates of the university with employment.

Organization of leisure for students of the REU. G. V. Plekhanova

The university administration believes that for the full development of the personality of students, in addition to lectures and practical classes, he should have a choice of what he wants to do in his spare time. For these purposes, the University has a House of Culture of the University "Congress Center", where students can participate in a pop vocal group, in which they will develop their vocal talents, or in the Student Song Club "Me and My Guitar", where you can learn to play this musical instrument and try yourself as an author and performer of beautiful songs. In addition, the DC "Congress Center" has its own literary association, where lovers of prose and poetry gather and share discussions of their favorite works, and also has its own dance group "Helikon", participating in which the guys show their dancing and acting talents.

The university has its own sports club, which contributes to the improvement of the students of the PRUE. G. V. Plekhanov with the help physical education and sports. It has its own billiards club, a fitness room, a fight club where students go in for boxing, karate and kickboxing, as well as sections where children can play volleyball, football, table tennis, rugby, hockey and basketball. And the girls of the university will be able to perfectly prove themselves in the SABOTAGE cheerleading team, traveling together with the sports teams of the university to interuniversity competitions in various sports.

In the summer, students can go to the Anapa sports and recreation center, located on the Black Sea coast. Here the guys have a great vacation, relax, swim in the sea, dance at discos, participate in various competitions and become a big friendly family.

    RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF ECONOMY them. G. V. Plekhanov (Moscow) was established in 1991 on the basis of the Institute National economy(leads history from the Commercial Institute founded in 1907). Training in economic, commodity, technological and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF ECONOMY them. G.V. PLEKHANOV- (Russian Academy of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov) - a state institution of higher professional education. Founded in 1907 as the Commercial Institute of the Moscow Society for the Promotion of Commercial Education, in 1919 it was renamed the Moscow Institute ... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Stremyanny pereulok, 36), the country's oldest and largest economic university, trains personnel in 22 specialties. Founded in 1907 as a Commercial Institute on the basis of the courses of the same name (1903) the first in Russia educational institution, which gave the highest ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    Named after G. V. Plekhanov (Moscow), established in 1991 on the basis of the Institute of National Economy (traces its history from the Commercial Institute founded in 1907). Training in economic, merchandising, technological and other specialties. In 1998… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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