Presentation on the topic of banks and banking system. Presentation "Modern banking system of Russia"

"Bank." Banking system."

Lesson Objectives:

· consider the types of banks and their main functions in the modern economy, the role of the Central Bank in regulating the monetary system;

· find out the essence of the credit issue.

Lesson objectives:

· features of a two-tier banking system;

· the main functions of the Central and commercial banks, and their role in the economy;

· classification of commercial banks, types of banking operations and types of deposits;

· basic principles of lending;

· purpose of creation and types of bank reserves;

· give an idea of ​​credit emission and bank multiplier.


· ability to work with additional literature, search for necessary information on the Internet;

· ability to solve problems;

· skills in choosing a more profitable bank for cooperation.

Basic concepts of the lesson: bank, banking system, Central Bank, assets, bank liabilities, credit, issue, deposits, collateral, margin.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: projector, interactive board, presentation for the lesson “Banking system”



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Origin of banks The word “bank” comes from the Italian “banco” and means “table”, “bench”. The predecessors of banks were medieval money changers - representatives of monetary and commercial capital; they accepted money from merchants and specialized in exchanging money from various cities and countries. Over time, money changers began to use these deposits, as well as their own funds, to issue loans and collect interest, which meant turning the money changers into bankers. In England, the capitalist banking system arose in the 16th century, and bankers came from among either goldsmiths or merchants.

But as soon as bags of treasures appeared in the vaults of ancient banks, the eyes of local entrepreneurs, merchants and artisans turned in their direction. They had a completely reasonable question: is it possible to temporarily use other people’s savings to expand the scale of their operations? Of course, for a fee! This is how the interests of two most important participants in the economy intersected - the owner of savings and the businessman in need of capital to expand his activities. This is precisely what banks owe their birth to.

A bank is a financial organization whose main function is to receive monetary resources from those people from whom they are temporarily released and present them to those who now need them.

Central bank Non-bank credit organizations Central bank Banks

Banking system of Russia Vneshtorgbank Sberbank Commercial banks Central Bank of the Russian Federation - Bank of Russia The first stage of the banking system reform dates back to 1988-1990. (preparatory). The main result of stage I is the creation of a two-tier banking system. Stage II of the banking system reform begins in 1991.

The central bank is the main bank of the country, which has the exclusive right to issue national currency and controls the activities of other banks 7 Bank of Russia, Moscow

Functions of the Central Bank: issuing national currency, regulating the amount of money in the country; maintaining the stability of the national currency; general supervision over the activities of the country's financial institutions and the implementation of financial legislation; providing loans to commercial banks; issue and redemption of government securities; management of government accounts, execution of foreign financial transactions.

A commercial bank is a company that is engaged in attracting savings from households and other firms for deposits and issuing loans.

COMMERCIAL BANK OPERATIONS passive are aimed at mobilizing money active are aimed at making money work bank loans; purchase of securities; reserves. own capital; deposits.

The term “credit” comes from the Latin “creditum” - loan, debt. Credit is of a monetary nature. The bank, as an intermediary, accumulates temporarily available funds, forming loan capital, and makes it available for temporary use to those persons who feel the need to attract additional financial resources under certain conditions . Credit is a form of movement of loan capital. The essence of credit

urgency repayment fee security of the loan intended use Principles of lending

By collateral: Unsecured (blank) Collateral Guaranteed Insured By loan terms: On demand Short-term (up to 1 year) Medium-term (from 1 year to 3 years) Long-term (over 3 years) By repayment methods: In installments (in parts, shares) With lump sum repayment (at a certain date) Classification of loans

By type of loan accounts Simple accounts. (regular) Special Contractual Overdraft By main groups of borrowers Individuals Legal entities Industry focus Organizational and legal form Classification of loans

Penalty - penalty - fine Pledge of Movable property Real estate Property rights Bank guarantee Surety Legal entities Individuals Forms of loan security

The price of a loan (loan interest rate) is determined by the ratio of demand for credit resources and supply; Naturally, taking into account the monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Lending is carried out on a contractual basis, the obligations of the lender and borrower have real legal force Transition from lending to an object - a state-owned enterprise - to lending to a subject of credit relations - the borrower Principles modern system lending in Russia

demonopolization of the unified loan fund, credit resources are formed by each bank independently The Bank of Russia can have an indirect impact on the amount of resources by establishing economic standards instead of lending limits Principles of the modern lending system in Russia

Problem solving. Task No. 1. The borrower takes out a loan from the bank in the amount of 10 thousand rubles at 100% per annum for a period of 2 years. How much will he pay to the bank at the end of this period as payment for the loan? Task No. 2. Accrue interest on a loan issued for 2 years and seven months at 12% per annum. Use the rules of normal banking practice.

Homework: Textbook I.V. Lipsitsa, chapter 6. 1-3 tasks.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Presentation on the topic: “Banking system Russian Federation» Completed by a student of group E-31: Alina Khusnutdinova Project leader: Teacher: Liliya Grigorievna Serazutdinova

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Bank and banking system Types of banks and banking operations Bank – financial enterprise, which concentrates temporarily available funds in order to provide financial services to the government, enterprises, citizens and other banks. The Central Bank is the main link in the banking system of any state. Bank and banking system Types of banks and banking operations A bank is a financial enterprise that concentrates temporarily available funds in order to provide financial services to the government, enterprises, citizens and other banks. The Central Bank is the main link in the banking system of any state

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1) Carrying out monetary regulation; 2) Carrying out the issue of banks (additional issue of banknotes); 3) Government funding; 4) Supervision of the activities of other banks; 5) Storage of reserves of commercial banks. Main functions of the central bank Main functions of the central bank 1) Carrying out monetary regulation; 2) Carrying out the issue of banks (additional issue of banknotes); 3) Government funding; 4) Supervision of the activities of other banks; 5) Storage of reserves of commercial banks.

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Commercial banks are the most universal type of banks, performing a wide range of operations in the financial and credit sector on a commercial basis; Savings banks – attract and store available funds, paying interest that increases depending on the storage period; Mortgage banks – provide loans secured by property; Investment banks – provide lending to innovations, implementation of scientific and technical developments. Types of banks Types of banks Commercial banks are the most universal type of banks, performing a wide range of operations in the financial and credit sector on a commercial basis; Savings banks – attract and store available funds, paying interest that increases depending on the storage period; Mortgage banks – provide loans secured by property; Investment banks – provide lending for innovations, implementation of scientific and technical developments.

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The banking system in Russia includes: - Central Bank; - Commercial banks; - Government branches of foreign banks. Banking system of the Russian Federation Central Bank of the Russian Federation Banking system of the Russian Federation Central Bank of the Russian Federation The banking system in Russia includes: - Central Bank; - Commercial banks; - Government branches of foreign banks.

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1. Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble; 2. Development and strengthening of the banking system; 3. Ensuring the efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the settlement system. Goals of the Central Bank Goals of the Central Bank 1. Protect and ensure the stability of the ruble; 2. Development and strengthening of the banking system; 3. Ensuring the efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the settlement system.

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Commercial banks in Russia operate on the basis of licenses issued by the Central Bank. Commercial banks of Russia their functions, types of banking operations Commercial banks of Russia their functions, types of banking operations Commercial banks of Russia they operate on the basis of licenses issued by the Central Bank.

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Deposits are regulated depending on: 1) term: - demand deposits; - term deposits. 2) depositor: - accounts of individuals; - accounts of local authorities; - company accounts; - accounts of foreign depositors; - government accounts. 3) conditions for depositing funds (withdrawal) 4) interest paid 5) the possibility of obtaining benefits on active operations of the bank A deposit is cash or securities transferred to the bank for storage, subject to return upon maturity and certain conditions. A deposit is money or securities transferred to a bank for storage, subject to return upon maturity and certain conditions. Deposits are regulated depending on: term: - demand deposits; - term deposits. 2) depositor: accounts of individuals; - accounts of local authorities; - company accounts; - accounts of foreign depositors; - government accounts. 3) conditions for depositing funds (withdrawal) 4) interest paid 5) the possibility of receiving benefits for active bank operations

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A current account is a single account from which all settlement and credit transactions between the client and the bank are made. Types of current account: * Passive - If the client has funds * Active - If the client does not have funds Commercial banks also carry out commission transactions, i.e. carry out orders from clients at their expense and transactions for individuals and legal entities (trust). Trust operations – managing the capital of your clients in a certain mode. A current account is a single account from which all settlement and credit transactions between the client and the bank are made. Types of current account: * Passive - If the client has funds * Active - If the client does not have funds Commercial banks also carry out commission transactions, i.e. carry out orders from clients at their expense and transactions for individuals and legal entities (trust). Trust operations – managing the capital of your clients in a certain mode.

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Leasing is the provision of long-term lease (buildings, machines, structures) from a month to several years and with subsequent purchase. Operating leasing – short-term rental up to 1 year vehicles and construction equipment. After operation, the leased funds are returned to their owners in leasing form. Renting is a short-term property lease from 1 day to 1 year without the right of subsequent purchase by the tenant. Hiring – medium-term lease from 1 to 3 years. Non-traditional operations of banks Non-traditional operations of banks Leasing - provision of long-term lease (buildings, machines, structures) from a month to several years and with subsequent purchase. Operating leasing – short-term rental of vehicles and construction equipment for up to 1 year. After operation, the leased funds are returned to their owners in leasing form. Renting is a short-term property lease from 1 day to 1 year without the right of subsequent purchase by the tenant. Hiring – medium-term lease from 1 to 3 years.

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In case of leaseback, the former owner and the lessee are one and the same person. Compensatory (Bai-Beg) - the tenant supplies goods produced on leased machines and equipment as an exchange payment. Factoring is a financing system according to which the supplier of goods assigns short-term claims on commodity transactions, having carried out collection for a certain fee. Forfaiting is an operation whereby a financial agent (forfaiter) acquires a commercial obligation of a borrower (buyer, importer) to a creditor (seller, exporter). Overdraft is a form of short-term lending, carried out by writing off funds from a client’s account in excess of the balance on it. Features of the second type include: payment during the lease period of the same amount of cash equal to the full cost of depreciation and a share of profit from the use of the property. Features of the second type include: payment during the lease period of the same amount of cash equal to the full cost of depreciation and a share of profit from the use of the property. In case of leaseback, the former owner and the lessee are one and the same person. Compensatory (Bai-Beg) - the tenant supplies goods produced on leased machines and equipment as an exchange payment. Factoring is a financing system according to which the supplier of goods assigns short-term claims on commodity transactions, having carried out collection for a certain fee. Forfaiting is an operation whereby a financial agent (forfaiter) acquires a commercial obligation of a borrower (buyer, importer) to a creditor (seller, exporter). Overdraft is a form of short-term lending, carried out by writing off funds from a client’s account in excess of the balance on it.

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Lesson questions. Both you and your parents have probably wondered one of the
questions: where to get a loan? Where to place
free funds? How to transfer money
money from inflation? Should I use credit?
card? All these questions are somehow related to
functioning of the banking system, because it is
services to its clients. In this lesson we
Let's figure out what a bank is, what banking is
system and what services are provided by commercial

Banks. Banking system

Financial literacy.
Friendship with finances.

Origin of banks

is happening
Italian “banco” and means “table”,
"bench". The predecessors of banks were
medieval money changers - representatives
monetary and trade
accepted money from merchants and
specialized in money exchange
various cities and countries. Over time
money changers began to use these deposits, and
also own funds for
issuing loans and receiving interest, which
meant the transformation of money changers into bankers.
In England capitalist banking
the system arose in the 16th century, and bankers
came from an environment of either goldsmiths
craftsmen or merchants.

But barely in the vaults of ancient banks
bags of treasures appeared, as in their
turned his gaze
artisans. They had quite
reasonable question: is it possible to temporarily
take advantage of someone else's savings
operations? Of course, for a fee!
crossed paths
the most important participants in the economy -
owner of savings and businessman,
expanding its activities. Exactly
Banks owe their birth to this.

A bank is a financial organization whose main function is
which is the receipt of monetary resources from those
people in whom they are temporarily released, and
present them to those who need them now.

The banking system is a set of operating
country of banks, credit institutions and individual
economic organizations performing banking

Central Bank
Non-bank credit

Stage I of banking reform
systems date back to 1988-1990. (preparatory).
The main result of stage I is the creation
two-tier banking
Central Bank of the Russian Federation - Bank
Commercial banks
Stage II of the banking system reform begins in 1991.

Central Bank

the main bank of the country,
who has the exclusive right to
national emissions
currency and controls the activities of other banks
Bank of Russia, Moscow

Functions of the Central Bank
issue of national currency, regulation of the quantity
money in the country;
maintaining the stability of the national currency;
general supervision over the activities of financial institutions
institutions of the country and the execution of financial
providing loans to commercial banks;
issue and redemption of government securities;
management of government accounts, execution of foreign
financial transactions.

Commercial bank
bank) is a company that attracts savings from households and other firms for
deposits and issuance of loans.

Banking operations

Active Operations
Passive Operations
Providing loans
Mobilization of funds
income and savings and their
Banking services
Carrying out cash and
non-cash payments, issue and
custody of securities, trust
(trust) transactions

Financial institutions - commercial institutions
carrying out financial transactions

FINANCE – monetary
funds, securities and other
monetary obligations
states, enterprises, families
FINANCE – totality
monetary relations,
organized by the state, in
the process of which is carried out
formation, use
national funds,
funds for
implementation of economic,
social and political objectives

Financial institution,
carrying out activities in:
accepting deposits;
Providing loans;
Organization of settlements;
Purchase and sale of securities
Insurance company
services providing
life insurance, health insurance,
property, liability

Created by private and
state companies,
enterprises fund for payment
pensions and benefits to persons contributing
pension contributions to this fund
Financial and credit organization.
Acts as an intermediary
between the borrower and the private
investor, expressing interests

An organized market where
transactions with valuables are carried out
securities and other financial

World Bank
currency board
Institute dedicated to
financing and lending
different countries, promoting global
trade, providing assistance in
stabilization of the financial system
developing countries
European Bank
reconstruction and development

The main purpose of financial institutions
– organization of mediation, i.e. effective
movement of funds from savers to
to borrowers


Why do you and I need a banking system?
How do banks help us in our lives?
How does the banking system influence development
