General properties of non-metals briefly. General characteristics of non-metals


non-metals- chemical elements, the atoms of which accept electrons to complete the external energy level, forming negatively charged ions.

Electronic configuration of valence electrons of nonmetals in general view- ns 2 np 1−5 The exceptions are hydrogen (1s 1) and helium (1s 2), which are also considered as non-metals.

Nonmetals generally have a wide range of oxidation states in their compounds. The greater number of electrons in the external energy level compared to metals determines their greater ability to attach electrons and display high oxidative activity.

If you mentally draw a diagonal from beryllium to astatine in the Periodic system, then in the upper right corner of the table there will be non-metal elements. Among non-metals there is an s-element - hydrogen; p-elements boron; carbon, silicon; nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, halogens and astatine. Group VIII elements are inert (noble) gases that have a fully completed external energy level and cannot be attributed to either metals or non-metals.

Non-metals have high values ​​of electron affinity, electronegativity and redox potential.

Chemical properties of non-metals

The main chemical properties of non-metals (common to all) are:

- interaction with metals

2Na + Cl 2 \u003d 2NaCl

6Li + N 2 = 2Li 3 N

2Ca + O 2 \u003d 2CaO

- interaction with other non-metals

3H 2 + N 2 \u003d 2NH 3

H 2 + Br 2 \u003d 2HBr

4P + 5O 2 \u003d 2P 2 O 5

2F2 + O2 = 2OF2

S + 3F 2 \u003d SF 6,

C + 2Cl 2 = CCl 4

Each non-metal has specific chemical properties that are characteristic only for it, which are considered in detail when studying each non-metal separately.

Physical properties of non-metals

Fluorine, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and inert gases are gaseous substances, iodine, astatine, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, phosphorus, arsenic, carbon, silicon, boron are solid substances; bromine is a liquid.

Non-metals are found in the earth's crust (mostly oxygen and silicon - 76% of the mass of the earth's crust, as well as As, Se, I, Te, but in very small quantities), in the air (nitrogen and oxygen), as part of the plant mass (98 .5% - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen), as well as in the basis of the mass of a person (97.6% - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen). Hydrogen and helium are part of space objects, including the Sun. Most often in nature, non-metals occur in the form of compounds.

Obtaining non-metals

The variety of non-metals has given rise to a variety of ways to obtain them, so hydrogen is obtained as laboratory methods, for example, the interaction of metals with acids (1), and industrial ways, for example, the conversion of methane (2).

Zn + 2HCl \u003d ZnCl 2 + H 2

CH 4 + H 2 O \u003d CO + 3H 2 (temperature 900C)

The production of halogens is carried out mainly by the oxidation of hydrohalic acids:

MnO 2 + 4HCl \u003d MnCl 2 + Cl 2 + 2H 2 O

K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 14HCl \u003d 3Cl 2 + 2KCl + 2CrCl 3 + 7H 2 O

2KMnO 4 + 16HCl \u003d 2 MnCl 2 + 5Cl 2 + 8H 2 O + 2KCl

To obtain oxygen, the reactions of thermal decomposition of complex substances are used:

2KMnO 4 \u003d K 2 MnO 4 + MnO 2 + O 2

4K 2 Cr 2 O 7 \u003d 4K 2 CrO 4 + 2Cr 2 O 3 + 3O 2

Sulfur is obtained by partial oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (1) or by the Wakenroder reaction (2):

H 2 S + O 2 \u003d 2S + 2H 2 O (1)

2H 2 S + SO 2 \u003d 3S ↓ + 2H 2 O (2)

To obtain nitrogen, the decomposition reaction of ammonium nitrite is used:

NaNO 2 +NH 4 Cl \u003d N 2 + NaCl + 2H 2 O

The main way to obtain phosphorus is from calcium phosphate:

Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 + 3SiO 2 + 5C \u003d 3CaSiO 3 + 5CO + 2P

Examples of problem solving


Exercise What volume of carbon monoxide (IV) (n.a.) will be obtained from the decomposition of limestone weighing 500 g containing 20% ​​impurities?
Solution Let's write the reaction equation:

CaCO 3 \u003d CaO + CO 2

Find the mass of pure (without impurities) calcium carbonate:

m(CaCO 3) = m(limestone) × (1-ω admixture)

m (CaCO 3) \u003d 500 × (1-0.2) \u003d 400 g

Find the amount of substance CaCO 3:

v (CaCO 3) \u003d m (CaCO 3) / M (CaCO 3)

v(CaCO 3) \u003d 400/ 100 \u003d 4 mol

According to the equation

v (CaCO 3) \u003d v (CO 2) \u003d 4 mol

Then the amount of carbon dioxide




(Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ca, Sr, Ba) → with alkali and alkaline earth metals, when heated, forms solid unstable substances hydrides, other metals do not react.

2K + H₂ = 2KH (potassium hydride)

Ca + H₂ = CaH₂


with oxygen, halogens under normal conditions, when heated, it reacts with phosphorus, silicon and carbon, with nitrogen under pressure and a catalyst.

2Н₂ + O₂ = 2Н₂O Н₂ + Cl₂ = 2HCl

3Н₂ + N₂↔ 2NH₃ H₂ + S = H₂S


Does not react with water


Reduces oxides of metals (inactive) and non-metals to simple substances:

CuO + H₂ = Cu + H₂O 2NO + 2H₂ = N₂ + 2H₂O

SiO₂ + H₂ = Si + H₂O


Does not react with acids


Does not react with alkalis


Restores inactive metals from salts

CuCl₂ + H₂ = Cu + 2HCl



With alkali metals under normal conditions - oxides and peroxides (lithium - oxide, sodium - peroxide, potassium, cesium, rubidium - superoxide

4Li + O2 = 2Li2O (oxide)

2Na + O2 = Na2O2 (peroxide)

K+O2=KO2 (superoxide)

With the rest of the metals of the main subgroups, under normal conditions, it forms oxides with an oxidation state equal to the group number


4Al + O2 = 2Al2O3


With metals of secondary subgroups, under normal conditions and when heated, it forms oxides of various degrees of oxidation, and with iron, iron scaleFe3 O4 ( FeOFe2 O3)

3Fe + 2O2 = Fe3O4 4Cu + O₂ = 2Cu₂⁺¹O (red);

2Cu + O₂ = 2Cu⁺²O (black); 2Zn + O₂ = ZnO

4Cr + 3О2 = 2Cr2⁺³О3

forms oxides - often of an intermediate oxidation state

C + O₂(ex)=CO₂; C+ O₂ (week) =CO

S + O₂ = SO₂N₂ + O₂ = 2NO - Q


Does not react with water


Oxidizes lower oxides to oxides with a higher oxidation state

Fe⁺²O + O2 = Fe2⁺³O3; C⁺²O + O2 = C⁺⁴O2


Anhydrous anoxic acids (binary compounds) burn in an oxygen atmosphere

2H2S + O2 = 2S + 2H2O 2H2S + 3O2 = 2SO2 + 2H2O

In oxygen-containing, it increases the degree of oxidation of the non-metal.

2HN⁺³O2 + O2 = 2HN⁺⁵O3


Oxidizes unstable hydroxides in aqueous solutions to a higher oxidation state

4Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 2H2O = 4Fe(OH)3


Enters into combustion reactions.

4FeS2 +11O2 = 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2

CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O

4NH3 + 3O2 = 2N2 + 6H2O

catalytic oxidation

NH3 + O2 = NO + H2O



With alkaline under normal conditions, withF, Cl, Brignite:

2 Na + Cl2 = 2 NaCl(chloride)

Alkaline earth and aluminum react under normal conditions:

WITHa+Cl2=WITHaCl2 2Al+3Cl2 = 2AlCl3

Metals of secondary subgroups at elevated temperatures

Cu + Cl₂ = Cu⁺²Cl₂

2Cu + I₂ = 2Cu⁺¹I (there is no copper (II) iodide!)

2Fe + ЗС12 = 2Fe⁺³Cl3 iron (III) chloride

Fluorine reacts with metals (often explosively), including gold and platinum.

2Au + 3F₂ = 2AuF


They do not directly interact with oxygen (except for F₂), they react with sulfur, phosphorus, silicon. The chemical activity of bromine and iodine is less pronounced than that of fluorine and chlorine:

H2 +F2 = 2NF ; Si + 2 F2 = SiF4.; 2 P + 3 Cl2 = 2 P⁺³ Cl3; 2 P + 5 Cl2 = 2 P⁺⁵ Cl5; S + 3 F2 = S⁺⁶ F6;

S + Cl2 = S⁺²Cl2


Reacts with oxygen:F2 + O2 = O⁺² F2

Reacts with other halogens:Cl₂ + F₂ = 2 Cl⁺¹ F¯¹

Reacts even with inert gases 2F₂ + Xe= Xe⁺⁸ F₄¯¹.


Fluorine under normal conditions forms hydrofluoric acid + + O₂

2F2 + 2H2O → 4HF + O2

Chlorine, when the temperature rises, forms hydrochloric acid + O₂,

2Сl₂ + 2H₂O → 4HCl + O₂

at n.o. - "chlorine water"

Сl2 + Н2О ↔ НCl + НClO (hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids)

Bromine under normal conditions forms "bromine water"

Br2 + H2O ↔ HBr + HBrO (hydrobromic and hypobromous acids

Iodine → no reaction

I2 + H₂O ≠


Only fluorine F₂ REACTS, displacing oxygen from the oxide, forming fluorides

SiO2‾² + 2F2⁰ = SiF4‾¹ + O2⁰


react with oxygen-free acids, displacing less active non-metals.

H2S‾² + I2⁰ → S⁰↓+ 2HI‾


Fluorine forms fluoride + oxygen and water

2F2 + 4NaOH = 4NaF¯¹ + O2 + 2H2O

Chlorine, when heated, forms chloride, chlorate and water.

3 Cl₂ + 6 KOH = 5 KCl¯¹ + KCl⁺⁵ O3 + 3 H2 O

In the cold, chloride, hypochlorate and water, with calcium hydroxide bleach and water

Cl2 + 2KOH-(cold)= KCl¯¹ + KCl⁺¹O + H2O

Cl2 + Ca(OH) 2 = CaOCl2 (bleach - mixture of chloride, hypochlorite and hydroxide) + H2O

Bromine when heated → bromide, bromate and and water

3Br2 + 6KOH =5KBr¯¹ + KBr ⁺⁵O3 + 3H2O

Iodine when heated → iodide, iodate and water

3I2 + 6NaOH = 5NaI¯¹ + NaI ⁺⁵O3 + 3H2O


Displacement of less active halogens from salts

2KBr + Cl2 → 2KCl + Br2
2KCl + Br2 ≠
2KCl + F2 → 2KF + Cl2
2KBr + J2≠

Oxidize non-metals in salts to a higher oxidation state

2Fe⁺²Cl2 + Cl2⁰ → 2Fe⁺³Cl 3 ‾¹

Na2S⁺⁴O3 + Br2⁰ + 2H2O →Na2S⁺⁶O4 + 2HBr‾



reacts when heated even with alkali metals, with mercury under normal conditions: with sulfur - sulfides:

2K + S = K2S

2Cr + 3S = Cr2⁺³S3 Fe + S = Fe⁺²S


When heated with hydrogen,coxygen (sulfur dioxide)chalogens (except iodine), with carbon, nitrogen and silicon and does not react

S + Cl₂ = S⁺²Cl₂ ; S + O₂ =S⁺⁴O₂

H₂ + S = H₂S¯² ; 2P + 3S = P₂S₃¯²

WITH+ 3S = CS₂¯²




Oxidized by sulfuric acid when heated to sulfur dioxide and water

2H2SO4 (conc) = 2H2O + 3S⁺⁴O2

Nitric acid when heated to sulfuric acid, nitric oxide (+4) and water

S + 6HNO3(conc) =H2SO4 + 6N⁺⁴O2 + 2H2O


Forms sulfite when heated, sulfide + water

3S + 6KOH = K2SO3 + 2K2S + 3H2O



reactions proceed when heated (exception: lithium with nitrogen under normal conditions):

With nitrogen - nitrides

6Li + N2 = 3Li2N (lithium nitride) (n.o.) 3Mg + N2 = Mg3N2 (magnesium nitride) 2Cr + N2 = 2CrN

Iron in these compounds has an oxidation state of +2


(due to the triple bond, nitrogen is very inactive). Under normal conditions, it does not react with oxygen. Reacts with oxygen only at high temperatures (electric arc), in nature - during a thunderstorm

N2+O2=2NO (email. arc, 3000 0C)

With hydrogen at high pressure, elevated temperature and in the presence of a catalyst:


3N2+3H2 ↔ 2NH3





reactions proceed when heated with phosphorus - phosphides

3Ca + 2P = K3P2, Iron in these compounds has an oxidation state of +2


Combustion in oxygen

4P + 5O₂ = 2P₂⁺⁵O₅ 4P + 3O₂ = 2P₂⁺³O₃

With halogens and sulfur when heated

2P + 3Cl₂ = 2P⁺³Cl₃ 2P + 5Cl₂ = 2P⁺⁵Cl₅; 2P + 5S = P₂⁺⁵S₅

Does not interact directly with hydrogen, carbon, silicon




With concentrated nitric acid nitric oxide (+4), with dilute nitric oxide (+2) and phosphoric acid

3P + 5HNO₃(conc) =3H₃PO₄ + 5N⁺⁴O₂

3P + 5HNO₃ + 2H₂O = 3H₃PO₄ + 5N⁺²O

With concentrated sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfur oxide (+4) and water are formed

3P + 5H₂SO₄(conc.) =3H₃PO₄ + 5S⁺⁴O₂+ 2H₂O


Forms phosphine and hypophosphite with alkali solutions

4P⁰ + 3NaOH + 3H2O = P¯³H 3 + 3NaH 2 P ⁺1O 2



With strong oxidizing agents, exhibiting reducing properties

3P⁰ + 5NaN⁺⁵O₃ = 5NaN⁺³O₂ + P₂⁺⁵O₅



reactions take place when heated

Metals - d-elements form with carbon compounds of non-stoichiometric composition such as solid solutions: WC, ZnC, TiC - are used to obtain superhard steels

with carbon carbides 2Li + 2C = Li2C2,

Ca + 2C = CaC2


Of the halogens, it directly reacts only with fluorine, with the rest when heated.

С + 2F₂ = CF₄.

Interaction with oxygen:

2C + O₂ (lack) \u003d 2C⁺²O (carbon monoxide),

С + О₂(ex) = С⁺⁴О₂(carbon dioxide).

Interaction with other non-metals at elevated temperature, does not interact with phosphorus

C + Si = SiC¯⁴ ; C + N₂ = C₂⁺⁴N₂ ;

C + 2H₂ = C¯⁴H₄ ; C + 2S = C⁺⁴S₂;


The passage of water vapor through hot coal - carbon monoxide and hydrogen are formed (synthesis gas

C + H₂O = CO + H₂



2ZnO + C = 2Zn + CO; 4WITH+ Fe₃O₄ = 3Fe + 4CO;

P₂O₅ + C = 2P + 5CO; 2WITH+ SiO₂ = Si + 2CO;

WITH+ C⁺⁴O₂ = 2C⁺²O


Oxidized by concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids to carbon dioxide

C +2H2SO4(conc)=C⁺⁴O2+ 2S⁺⁴O2+ 2H2O; C+4HNO3 (conc) = C⁺⁴O2 + 4N⁺⁴O2 + 2H2O.





reactions proceed when heated: active metals react with silicon - silicides

4Cs + Si = Cs4Si,


From halogens directly only with fluorine.

Reacts with chlorine when heated

Si + 2F2 = SiF4; Si + 2Cl2 = SiCl4;

Si + O₂ = SiO₂; Si+C=SiC; 3Si + 2N₂ = Si₃N;

Does not interact with hydrogen


interacts only with a mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids, forming hexafluorosilicic acid

3Si + 4HNO₃ + 18HF = 3H₂ + 4NO + 8H₂O

Interaction with hydrogen halides (these are not acids) - displaces hydrogen, silicon halides and hydrogen are formed

Reacts with hydrogen fluoride under normal conditions.

Si + 4HF = SiF₄ + 2H₂


It dissolves when heated in alkalis, forming silicate and hydrogen:

Si + 2NaOH + H₂O = Na₂SiO₃ + 2H₂



1. Basic chemical properties of non-metals.

2. Oxides of non-metallic elements.

3. Distribution of non-metallic elements in nature.

4. Application of non-metals.

1. Basic chemical properties of non-metals

Non-metals (with the exception of inert gases) chemically active substances.

In reactions with metals, atoms of non-metallic elements add electrons, and in reactions with non-metals, they form joint electron pairs.

To find out which atom shared electron pairs are shifted to, the electronegativity series helps:

F, O, N, Cl, Br, I, S, C, Se, H, P, As, B, Si

electronegativity decreases

  1. Interaction of non-metals with metals:

2Mg + O2 = 2MgO (magnesium oxide)

6Li + N 2 = 2Li 3 N (lithium nitride)

2Al + 3Cl 2 = 2AlCl 3 (aluminum chloride)

Ca + H 2 \u003d CaH 2 (calcium hydride)

Fe + S = FeS (ferum(II) sulfide)

When non-metals interact with metals, binary compounds with ionic chemical bonds are formed.

2 . Interaction of non-metals with oxygen:

C + O 2 \u003d CO 2 (carbon(IV) oxide)

S + O 2 \u003d SO 2 (c ulfur (IV) oxide)

The products of the interaction of non-metals with oxygen are binary compounds with a covalent polar bond oxides , in which oxygen has an oxidation state- 2.

3. Interaction of non-metals with hydrogen:

H 2 + Cl 2 = 2HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrogen chloride)

H 2 + S = H 2 S (hydrogen sulfide or hydrogen sulfide)

When non-metals interact with hydrogen, volatile (gaseous or liquid) binary compounds with a covalent polar bond are formed.

4. Interaction of nonmetals with other nonmetals:

C + 2S = CS 2 (carbon(IV) sulfide)

Si + 2Cl 2 \u003d SiCl 4 (silicon(IV) chloride)

The products of the interaction of two non-metals are substances with a different state of aggregation, which have a covalent type of chemical bond.

  1. Oxides of non-metallic elements

Oxides of non-metallic elements are divided into:

a) salt-forming (most of them) and

b) non-salt-forming(CO, NO, N 2 O, H 2 O).

Among the oxides there are gaseous substances (CO, CO 2, SO2 ), solids (P 2 O 5 ), liquids (H 2 O, Cl 2 O 7 ).

In all oxides, without exception, the atoms of non-metallic elements, combined with oxygen, havepositive oxidation states.

Most oxides of non-metallic elements acidic . They interact:

  • with water with the formation of acids
  • with basic and amphoteric oxideswith the formation of salts,
  • with bases and amphoteric hydroxideswith the formation of salts and water.
  1. Distribution of non-metallic elements in nature

non-metals more commonin nature than metals.

The composition of air includes: nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases.

Deposits of native sulfur in the Carpathians are one of the largest in the world.

An industrial graphite deposit in Ukraine is the Zavalyevskoye deposit, the raw material of which is used by the Mariupol graphite plant.

In the Zhytomyr region, in Volyn, deposits of rocks were discovered that may contain diamonds, however industrial deposits are not yet open.

Atoms of non-metallic elements form various complex substances, among which oxides and salts dominate.

  1. The use of non-metals


breathing processes,


metabolism and energy,

Metal production.


ammonia production,

chloride acid,


Turning liquid fats into solid ones

Welding and cutting of refractory metals,

Recovery of metals from ores.


Getting sulfate acid,

Making rubber from rubber

match production,

black powder,

Manufacturing of medicines.


Component of neutron absorbing materials of nuclear reactors,

Protection of surfaces of steel products from corrosion,

in semiconductor technology,

Manufacture of converters of thermal energy into electrical energy.



For the production of ammonia,

To create an inert atmosphere when welding metals,

In vacuum plants,

electric lamps,

Liquid :

As a refrigerant in freezers,



White - for the production of red phosphorus,

Red - for the production of matches.


IN electronics and electrical engineeringfor the manufacture of:





for the manufacture of alloys.


Production of perchloric acid,

organic solvents,


Monomers for the production of plastics,


Like a disinfectant.



Manufacture of tools for drilling and cutting,

abrasive material,



Foundry, metallurgical, radio engineering production,

battery manufacturing,

In the oil and gas industry for drilling operations,

Production of anti-corrosion coatings,

Putties that reduce the force of friction,


Adsorption the ability of some substances (in particular carbon) to hold particles of other substances (gas or dissolved substance) on its surface.

Its use in medicine for medicinal purposes is based on the adsorption capacity of carbon - these are tablets or capsules of activated carbon. They are used orally for poisoning.

Heating is sufficient to restore the adsorbent's ability to adsorb and remove the adsorbed substance.

The adsorption capacity of carbon was used by M.D. Zelinsky in the coal gas mask invented by him in 1915, a means of individual protection of the respiratory organs, face and eyes of a person from the effects of harmful substances. In 1916, the industrial production of gas masks was launched, which saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers during the First World War. An improved gas mask is still used today.


Write the reactions of interaction: a) silicon with oxygen; b) silicon with hydrogen; c) zinc with chlorine; d) phosphorus with chlorine. Name the resulting compounds.

If most of the metal elements are not colored, with the exception of only copper and gold, then almost all non-metals have their own color: fluorine - orange-yellow, chlorine - greenish-yellow, bromine - brick red, iodine - purple, sulfur - yellow, phosphorus can be white, red and black, and liquid oxygen - blue.

All non-metals do not conduct heat and electric current, since they do not have free charge carriers - electrons, they are all used to form chemical bonds. Non-metal crystals are non-plastic and brittle, since any deformation leads to the destruction of chemical bonds. Most of the non-metals do not have a metallic sheen.

The physical properties of non-metals are varied and are determined by different type crystal lattices.

1.4.1 Allotropy

ALLOTROPY - the existence of chemical elements in two or more molecular or crystalline forms. For example, allotropes are ordinary oxygen O 2 and ozone O 3; in this case, allotropy is due to the formation of molecules with different numbers of atoms. Most often, allotropy is associated with the formation of crystals of various modifications. Carbon exists in two distinct crystalline allotropic forms: diamond and graphite. Previously, it was believed that the so-called. amorphous forms of carbon, charcoal and soot, are also its allotropic modifications, but it turned out that they have the same crystalline structure as graphite. Sulfur occurs in two crystalline modifications: rhombic (a-S) and monoclinic (b-S); at least three of its non-crystalline forms are known: l-S, m-S and violet. For phosphorus, white and red modifications have been well studied; black phosphorus has also been described; at temperatures below -77 ° C, there is another kind of white phosphorus. Allotropic modifications of As, Sn, Sb, Se, and at high temperatures of iron and many other elements have been found.

1.5. Chemical properties of non-metals

Non-metal chemical elements can exhibit both oxidizing and reducing properties, depending on the chemical transformation in which they take part.

The atoms of the most electronegative element - fluorine - are not able to donate electrons, it always exhibits only oxidizing properties, other elements can also exhibit reducing properties, although to a much lesser extent than metals. The strongest oxidizing agents are fluorine, oxygen and chlorine, hydrogen, boron, carbon, silicon, phosphorus, arsenic and tellurium exhibit predominantly reducing properties. Intermediate redox properties have nitrogen, sulfur, iodine.

Interaction with simple substances

Interaction with metals:

2Na + Cl 2 \u003d 2NaCl,

6Li + N 2 \u003d 2Li 3 N,

2Ca + O 2 \u003d 2CaO

in these cases, non-metals exhibit oxidizing properties, they accept electrons, forming negatively charged particles.

Interaction with other non-metals:

Interacting with hydrogen, most non-metals exhibit oxidizing properties, forming volatile hydrogen compounds - covalent hydrides:

3H 2 + N 2 \u003d 2NH 3,

H 2 + Br 2 = 2HBr;

Interacting with oxygen, all non-metals, except for fluorine, exhibit reducing properties:

S + O 2 \u003d SO 2,

4P + 5O 2 \u003d 2P 2 O 5;

When interacting with fluorine, fluorine is an oxidizing agent, and oxygen is a reducing agent:

2F 2 + O 2 \u003d 2OF 2;

Non-metals interact with each other, a more electronegative metal plays the role of an oxidizing agent, a less electronegative one - the role of a reducing agent:

S + 3F 2 \u003d SF 6,

Chemical elements - non-metals

There are only 16 non-metal chemical elements, but two of them, oxygen and silicon, make up 76% of the mass of the earth's crust. Non-metals make up 98.5% of the mass of plants and 97.6% of the mass of a person. All the most important organic substances are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen; they are the elements of life. Hydrogen and helium are the main elements of the Universe, all space objects, including our Sun, consist of them. It is impossible to imagine our life without non-metal compounds, especially if we remember that the vital chemical compound Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

If we draw a diagonal from beryllium to astatine in the Periodic system, then non-metal elements will be on the diagonal upwards to the right, and metals will be on the bottom left, they also include elements of all secondary subgroups, lanthanides and actinides. Elements located near the diagonal, for example, beryllium, aluminum, titanium, germanium, antimony, have a dual character and are metalloids. Non-metal elements: s-element - hydrogen; p-elements of group 13 - boron; 14 groups - carbon and silicon; 15 groups - nitrogen, phosphorus and arsenic, 16 groups - oxygen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium and all elements of group 17 - fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine. Elements of group 18 - inert gases, occupy a special position, they have a completely completed outer electron layer and occupy an intermediate position between metals and non-metals. They are sometimes referred to as non-metals, but formally, according to physical characteristics.

non-metals- these are chemical elements whose atoms accept electrons to complete the external energy level, thus forming negatively charged ions.

In the outer electron layer of non-metal atoms, there are from three to eight electrons.

Almost all non-metals have relatively small radii and a large number of electrons in the external energy level from 4 to 7, they are characterized by high electronegativity and oxidizing properties. Therefore, compared with metal atoms, non-metals are characterized by:

Smaller atomic radius

four or more electrons in the outer energy level;

Hence such an important property of non-metal atoms - the tendency to receive missing up to 8 electrons, i.e. oxidizing properties. A qualitative characteristic of non-metal atoms, i.e. a kind of measure of their non-metallicity, can serve as electronegativity, i.e. the property of atoms of chemical elements to polarize a chemical bond, to attract common electron pairs;

The very first scientific classification of chemical elements was their division into metals and non-metals. This classification has not lost its significance at the present time. Non-metals are chemical elements whose atoms are characterized by the ability to accept electrons before the completion of the outer layer due to the presence, as a rule, of four or more electrons on the outer electron layer and the small radius of atoms compared to metal atoms.

This definition leaves aside the elements of group VIII of the main subgroup - inert, or noble, gases, the atoms of which have a completed outer electron layer. The electronic configuration of the atoms of these elements is such that they cannot be attributed to either metals or non-metals. They are those objects that separate elements into metals and non-metals, occupying a boundary position between them. Inert, or noble, gases ("nobility" is expressed in inertia) are sometimes referred to as non-metals, but only formally, according to physical characteristics. These substances retain their gaseous state down to very low temperatures. Thus, helium does not go into a liquid state at t° = -268.9°C.

The chemical inertness of these elements is relative. For xenon and krypton, compounds with fluorine and oxygen are known: KrF 2 , XeF 2 , XeF 4 and others. Undoubtedly, in the formation of these compounds, inert gases acted as reducing agents. From the definition of non-metals, it follows that their atoms are characterized by high values ​​of electronegativity. It varies from 2 to 4. Non-metals are elements of the main subgroups, mainly p-elements, with the exception of hydrogen - an s-element.

All non-metal elements (except hydrogen) occupy the upper right corner in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements of D. I. Mendeleev, forming a triangle, the apex of which is fluorine F, and the base is the diagonal B - At. However, special attention should be paid to the dual position of hydrogen in the Periodic system: in the main subgroups of groups I and VII. This is no coincidence. On the one hand, the hydrogen atom, like alkali metal atoms, has one electron on the outer (and the only one for it) electron layer ( electronic configuration 1s 1), which he is able to give, showing the properties of a reducing agent.

In most of its compounds, hydrogen, like the alkali metals, exhibits an oxidation state of +1. But the release of an electron by a hydrogen atom is more difficult than that of alkali metal atoms. On the other hand, the hydrogen atom, like the halogen atoms, lacks one electron to complete the outer electron layer, so the hydrogen atom can accept one electron, showing the properties of an oxidizing agent and the oxidation state characteristic of the halogen -1 in hydrides (compounds with metals, similar to metal compounds with halogens - halides). But the attachment of one electron to a hydrogen atom is more difficult than with halogens.

Under normal conditions, hydrogen H 2 is a gas. Its molecule, like halogens, is diatomic. The atoms of non-metals are dominated by oxidizing properties, i.e., the ability to attach electrons. This ability characterizes the value of electronegativity, which naturally changes in periods and subgroups. Fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent, its atoms in chemical reactions are not able to donate electrons, i.e., exhibit reducing properties. Other non-metals can exhibit reducing properties, although to a much weaker extent compared to metals; in periods and subgroups, their reducing ability changes in the reverse order compared to the oxidizing one.

  • Non-metal elements are located in the main subgroups III–VIII of groups of PS D.I. Mendeleev, occupying its upper right corner.
  • There are from 3 to 8 electrons on the outer electron layer of atoms of non-metal elements.
  • The non-metallic properties of elements increase in periods and weaken in subgroups with an increase in the ordinal number of the element.
  • Higher oxygen compounds of non-metals are acidic in nature (acid oxides and hydroxides).
  • Atoms of non-metal elements are capable of both accepting electrons, exhibiting oxidizing functions, and giving them away, exhibiting reducing functions.

The structure and physical properties of non-metals

In simple substances, non-metal atoms are bonded covalent non-polar bond. Due to this, a more stable electronic system is formed than that of isolated atoms. In this case, single (for example, in hydrogen molecules H 2, halogens F 2, Br 2, I 2), double (for example, in sulfur molecules S 2), triple (for example, in nitrogen molecules N 2) covalent bonds are formed.

  • No malleability
  • There is no glitter
  • Thermal conductivity (graphite only)
  • Color varied: yellow, yellowish-green, red-brown.
  • Electrical Conductivity (Graphite and Black Phosphorus only.)

State of aggregation:

  • liquid - Br 2;

Unlike metals, non-metals are simple substances, are characterized by a wide variety of properties. Non-metals have a different state of aggregation under normal conditions:

  • gases - H 2, O 2, O 3, N 2, F 2, Cl 2;
  • liquid - Br 2;
  • solids - modifications of sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, carbon, etc.

Non-metals also have a much richer spectrum of colors: red - for phosphorus, red-brown - for bromine, yellow - for sulfur, yellow-green - for chlorine, violet - for iodine vapor. Elements - non-metals are more capable, in comparison with metals, of allotropy.

The ability of atoms of one chemical element to form several simple substances is called allotropy, and these simple substances are called allotropic modifications.

Simple substances - non-metals can have:

1. Molecular structure. Under normal conditions, most of these substances are gases (H 2, N 2, O 2, F 2, Cl 2, O 3) or solids (I 2, P 4, S 8), and only one single bromine (Br 2) is a liquid. All these substances have a molecular structure, therefore they are volatile. In the solid state, they are fusible due to the weak intermolecular interaction that keeps their molecules in the crystal, and are capable of sublimation.

2. Atomic structure. These substances are formed by long chains of atoms (C n , B n , Si n , Se n , Te n). Due to the high strength of covalent bonds, they, as a rule, have high hardness, and any changes associated with the destruction of the covalent bond in their crystals (melting, evaporation) are performed with a large expenditure of energy. Many of these substances have high melting and boiling points, and their volatility is very low.

Many non-metal elements form several simple substances - allotropic modifications. This property of atoms is called allotropy. Allotropy can also be associated with a different composition of molecules (O 2, O 3), and with a different structure of crystals. Allotropic modifications of carbon are graphite, diamond, carbine, fullerene. To reveal the properties characteristic of all non-metals, it is necessary to pay attention to their location in the periodic system of elements and determine the configuration of the outer electronic layer.

In the period:

  • the nuclear charge increases;
  • the radius of the atom decreases;
  • the number of electrons in the outer layer increases;
  • electronegativity increases;
  • oxidizing properties are enhanced;
  • non-metallic properties are enhanced.

In the main subgroup:

  • the nuclear charge increases;
  • the radius of the atom increases;
  • the number of electrons on the outer layer does not change;
  • electronegativity decreases;
  • oxidizing properties weaken;
  • non-metallic properties are weakened.

Most metals, with rare exceptions (gold, copper, and some others), are characterized by a silvery-white color. But for simple substances - non-metals, the range of colors is much more diverse: P, Se - yellow; B - brown; O 2 (g) - blue; Si, As (met) - gray; P 4 - pale yellow; I - purple-black with a metallic sheen; Br 2(g) - brown liquid; C1 2(d) - yellow-green; F 2 (r) - pale green; S 8 (tv) - yellow. Non-metal crystals are non-plastic, and any deformation causes the destruction of covalent bonds. Most non-metals do not have a metallic sheen.

There are only 16 chemical elements-non-metals! Quite a bit, considering that 114 elements are known. Two non-metal elements make up 76% of the mass of the earth's crust. These are oxygen (49%) and silicon (27%). The atmosphere contains 0.03% of the mass of oxygen in the earth's crust. Non-metals make up 98.5% of the mass of plants, 97.6% of the mass of the human body. Non-metals C, H, O, N, S are biogenic elements that form the most important organic substances of a living cell: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids. The composition of the air we breathe includes simple and complex substances, also formed by non-metal elements (oxygen O 2, nitrogen N 2, carbon dioxide CO 2, water vapor H 2 O, etc.)

Oxidizing properties of simple substances - non-metals

For atoms of non-metals, and consequently, for the simple substances formed by them, they are characterized as oxidative, and restorative properties.

1. Oxidizing properties of non-metals appear first when interacting with metals(metals are always reducing agents):

The oxidizing properties of chlorine Cl 2 are more pronounced than those of sulfur, therefore, the Fe metal, which has stable oxidation states of +2 and +3 in compounds, is oxidized by it to a higher oxidation state.

1. Most non-metals exhibit oxidizing properties when interacting with hydrogen. As a result, volatile hydrogen compounds are formed.

2. Any non-metal acts as an oxidizing agent in reactions with those non-metals that have a lower electronegativity value:

The electronegativity of sulfur is greater than that of phosphorus, so it exhibits oxidizing properties here.

The electronegativity of fluorine is greater than that of all other chemical elements, so it exhibits the properties of an oxidizing agent. Fluorine F 2 is the strongest non-metal oxidizing agent, it exhibits only oxidizing properties in reactions.

3. Non-metals also exhibit oxidizing properties in reactions with some complex substances..

First of all, we note the oxidizing properties of the non-metal oxygen in reactions with complex substances:

Not only oxygen, but also other non-metals can also be oxidizing agents in reactions with complex substances.- inorganic (1, 2) and organic (3, 4):

The strong oxidizing agent chlorine Cl 2 oxidizes iron (II) chloride to iron (III) chloride;

Chlorine Cl 2 as a stronger oxidizing agent displaces free iodine I 2 from a solution of potassium iodide;

Methane halogenation is a characteristic reaction for alkanes;

A qualitative reaction to unsaturated compounds is their discoloration of bromine water.

Reducing properties of simple substances - non-metals

By revising reactions of non-metals with each other that, depending on the value of their electronegativity, one of them exhibits the properties of an oxidizing agent, and the other - the properties of a reducing agent.

1. In relation to fluorine, all non-metals (even oxygen) exhibit reducing properties.

2. Of course, non-metals, except for fluorine, serve as reducing agents when interacting with oxygen.

As a result of the reactions, non-metal oxides: non-salt-forming and salt-forming acid. And although halogens do not combine directly with oxygen, their oxides are known: Cl 2 +1 O -2, Cl 2 +4 O 2 -2, Cl 2 +7 O 7 -2, Br 2 +1 O -2, Br +4 O 2 -2, I 2 +5 O 5 -2, etc., which are obtained indirectly.

3. Many non-metals can act as a reducing agent in reactions with complex substances - oxidizing agents:

There are also reactions in which the same non-metal is both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent. These are autoxidation-self-healing (disproportionation) reactions:

Thus, most non-metals can act in chemical reactions both as an oxidizing agent and as a reducing agent (reductive properties are not inherent only in fluorine F 2).

Hydrogen compounds of non-metals

Unlike metals, non-metals form gaseous hydrogen compounds. Their composition depends on the degree of oxidation of non-metals.

RH 4 → RH 3 → H 2 R → HR

Common property of all non-metals is the formation of volatile hydrogen compounds, in most of which the non-metal has the lowest oxidation state. Among the given formulas of substances, there are many those whose properties, application and preparation you studied earlier: CH 4, NH 3, H 2 O, H 2 S, HCl.

It is known that these compounds can be obtained most simply directly. interaction of a non-metal with hydrogen, that is, by synthesizing:

All hydrogen compounds of non-metals are formed by covalent polar bonds, have a molecular structure and under normal conditions are gases, except for water (liquid). Hydrogen compounds of non-metals are characterized by a different relationship to water. Methane and silane are practically insoluble in it. Ammonia, when dissolved in water, forms a weak base NH 3 H 2 O. When hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen selenide, hydrogen telluride, and hydrogen halides are dissolved in water, acids are formed with the same formula as the hydrogen compounds themselves: H 2 S, H 2 Se, H 2 Te, HF, HCl, HBr, HI.

If we compare the acid-base properties of hydrogen compounds formed by non-metals of one period, for example, the second (NH 3, H 2 O, HF) or the third (PH 3, H 2 S, HCl), then we can conclude that their acidic properties naturally increase and, accordingly, the weakening of the main ones. This is obviously due to the fact that the polarity increases E-N communications(where E is a non-metal).

The acid-base properties of hydrogen compounds of non-metals of the same subgroup also differ. For example, in the series of hydrogen halides HF, HCl, HBr, HI, the strength of the E-H bond decreases, since the bond length increases. In solutions of HCl, HBr, HI dissociate almost completely - these are strong acids, and their strength increases from HF to HI. At the same time, HF refers to weak acids, which is due to another factor - intermolecular interaction, the formation of hydrogen bonds …H-F…H-F… . Hydrogen atoms are bonded to fluorine atoms F not only of their own molecule, but also of the neighboring one.

Summarizing the comparative characteristics of the acid-base properties of hydrogen compounds of non-metals, we conclude that the acidic and weakening of the basic properties of these substances are enhanced by periods and main subgroups with an increase in the atomic numbers of the elements that form them.

According to the period in the PS of chemical elements, with an increase in the serial number of the element - non-metal, the acidic nature of the hydrogen compound increases.

SiH 4 → PH 3 → H 2 S → HCl

In addition to the considered properties, hydrogen compounds of non-metals in redox reactions always exhibit the properties of reducing agents, because in them the non-metal has the lowest oxidation state.


Hydrogen is the main element of the Universe. Many space objects (gas clouds, stars, including the Sun) are more than half made up of hydrogen. On Earth, it, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, is only 0.88%. But this is by mass, and the atomic mass of hydrogen is very small. Therefore, its small content is only apparent, and out of every 100 atoms on Earth, 17 are hydrogen atoms.

In the free state, hydrogen exists in the form of H 2 molecules, the atoms are bound into a molecule covalent non-polar bond.

Hydrogen (H 2) is the lightest of all gaseous substances. It has the highest thermal conductivity and the lowest boiling point (after helium). Slightly soluble in water. At a temperature of -252.8 °C and atmospheric pressure, hydrogen passes into a liquid state.

1. The hydrogen molecule is very strong, which makes it inactive:

H 2 \u003d 2H - 432 kJ

2. At ordinary temperatures, hydrogen reacts with active metals:

Ca + H 2 \u003d CaH 2,

forming calcium hydride, and with F 2, forming hydrogen fluoride:

F 2 + H 2 \u003d 2HF

3. At high temperatures get ammonia:

N 2 + 3H 2 \u003d 2NH 3

and titanium hydride (metal in powder):

Ti + H 2 \u003d TiH 2

4. When ignited, hydrogen reacts with oxygen:

2H 2 + O 2 \u003d 2H 2 O + 484 kJ

5. Hydrogen has a restorative ability:

CuO + H 2 \u003d Cu + H 2 O

Elements of the main subgroup of group VII of the periodic system, united under a common name halogens, fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Bg), iodine (I), astatine (At) (rarely found in nature) are typical non-metals. This is understandable, because their atoms contain outer energy level has seven electrons, and they only need one electron to complete it. The atoms of these elements, when interacting with metals, accept an electron from metal atoms. In this case, an ionic bond occurs and salts are formed. Hence the common name "halogens", i.e. "giving birth to salts."

very strong oxidizers. Fluorine in chemical reactions exhibits only oxidizing properties, and it is characterized by an oxidation state of -1. The remaining halogens can also exhibit reducing properties when interacting with more electronegative elements - fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen, while their oxidation states can take on the values ​​+1, +3, +5, +7. The reducing properties of halogens increase from chlorine to iodine, which is associated with an increase in the radii of their atoms: there are about half as many chlorine atoms as those of iodine.

Halogens are simple substances

All halogens exist in the free state as diatomic molecules with a covalent non-polar chemical bond between the atoms. In the solid state, F 2, Cl 2, Br 2, I 2 have molecular crystal lattices, which is confirmed by their physical properties.

With an increase in the molecular weight of halogens, the melting and boiling points increase, and the density increases: bromine is a liquid, iodine is a solid, fluorine and chlorine are gases. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the size of atoms and molecules of halogens, the forces of intermolecular interaction between them increase. From F 2 to I 2, the color intensity of the halogens increases.

The chemical activity of halogens, as non-metals, weakens from fluorine to iodine, the iodine crystals have a metallic sheen. Each halogen is the strongest oxidizing agent in its period.. The oxidizing properties of halogens are clearly manifested when they interact with metals. This forms salts. So, fluorine already under normal conditions reacts with most metals, and when heated, with gold, silver, platinum, known for their chemical passivity. Aluminum and zinc ignite in a fluorine atmosphere:

Other halogens react with metals when heated.. Heated iron powder also ignites when interacting with chlorine. The experiment can be carried out as with antimony, but only iron filings must first be heated in an iron spoon, and then poured in small portions into a flask with chlorine. Since chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent, iron (III) chloride is formed as a result of the reaction:

In bromine vapor burning hot copper wire:

Iodine oxidizes metals more slowly, but in the presence of water, which is a catalyst, the reaction of iodine with aluminum powder proceeds very rapidly:

The reaction is accompanied by the evolution of violet vapors of iodine.

On the decrease in oxidizing and increasing the reducing properties of halogens from fluorine to iodine can be judged by their ability to displace each other from solutions of their salts, and it is also clearly manifested when they interact with hydrogen. The equation for this reaction can be written in general form as follows:

If fluorine interacts with hydrogen under any conditions with an explosion, then a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen reacts only when ignited or irradiated with direct sunlight, bromine interacts with hydrogen when heated and without an explosion. These reactions are exothermic. The reaction of the combination of iodine with hydrogen is weakly endothermic, it proceeds slowly even when heated.

As a result of these reactions, hydrogen fluoride HF, hydrogen chloride HCl, hydrogen bromide HBr and hydrogen iodine HI are formed, respectively.

Chemical properties chlorine in tables

Obtaining halogens

Fluorine and chlorine are obtained by electrolysis of melts or solutions of their salts. For example, the process of electrolysis of a sodium chloride melt can be reflected by the equation:

When chlorine is obtained by electrolysis of a sodium chloride solution, in addition to chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide are also formed:

Oxygen (O)- the ancestor of the main subgroup of group VI of the Periodic system of elements. The elements of this subgroup - oxygen O, sulfur S, selenium Se, tellurium Te, polonium Po - have the common name "chalcogens", which means "giving birth to ores".

Oxygen is the most abundant element on our planet. It is part of the water (88.9%), and yet it covers 2/3 of the surface of the globe, forming its water shell - the hydrosphere. Oxygen is the second in quantity and the first in importance for life component of the air shell of the Earth - the atmosphere, where it accounts for 21% (by volume) and 23.15% (by mass). Oxygen is part of numerous minerals in the hard shell of the earth's crust - the lithosphere: out of every 100 atoms of the earth's crust, 58 atoms fall to the fraction of oxygen.

Ordinary oxygen exists in the form of O 2 . It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. In the liquid state it has a light blue color, in the solid state it is blue. Gaseous oxygen is more soluble in water than nitrogen and hydrogen.

Oxygen interacts with almost all simple substances, except halogens, noble gases, gold and platinum metals. The reactions of non-metals with oxygen proceed very often with the release of a large amount of heat and are accompanied by ignition - combustion reactions. For example, the combustion of sulfur with the formation of SO 2, phosphorus - with the formation of P 2 O 5 or coal - with the formation of CO 2. Almost all reactions involving oxygen are exothermic. An exception is the interaction of nitrogen with oxygen: this is an endothermic reaction that occurs at temperatures above 1200 ° C or during an electrical discharge:

Oxygen vigorously oxidizes not only simple, but also many complex substances, while oxides of the elements from which they are built are formed:

The high oxidizing power of oxygen underlies the combustion of all fuels.

Oxygen is also involved in the processes of slow oxidation of various substances at ordinary temperatures. The role of oxygen in the process of respiration of humans and animals is extremely important. Plants also absorb atmospheric oxygen. But if only the process of oxygen absorption by plants takes place in the dark, then another opposite process proceeds in the light - photosynthesis, as a result of which plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

In industry, oxygen is obtained from liquid air, and in the laboratory - by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of manganese dioxide catalyst MnO 2 :

and decomposition of potassium permanganate KMnO 4 when heated:

Chemical properties of oxygen in tables

Application of oxygen

Oxygen is used in the metallurgical and chemical industries to accelerate (intensify) production processes. Pure oxygen is also used to obtain high temperatures, for example, in gas welding and metal cutting. In medicine, oxygen is used in cases of temporary difficulty in breathing associated with certain diseases. Oxygen is also used in metallurgy as an oxidizing agent for rocket fuel, in aviation for breathing, for cutting metals, for welding metals, and during blasting. Oxygen is stored in blue-painted steel cylinders at a pressure of 150 atm. Under laboratory conditions, oxygen is stored in glass devices - gasometers.

atoms sulfur (S), like the atoms of oxygen and all other elements of the main subgroup of group VI, contain on the external energy level 6 electrons, of which two unpaired electrons. However, compared with oxygen atoms, sulfur atoms have a larger radius, a lower electronegativity value, therefore, they exhibit pronounced reducing properties, forming compounds with oxidation states +2, +4, +6. In relation to less negative elements (hydrogen, metals), sulfur exhibits oxidizing properties and acquires an oxidation state -2 .

Sulfur is a simple substance

Sulfur, like oxygen, is characterized by allotropy. There are many modifications of sulfur with a cyclic or linear structure of molecules of various compositions.

The most stable modification is known as rhombic sulfur, consisting of S 8 molecules. Its crystals look like octahedrons with cut corners. They are lemon yellow and translucent, melting point 112.8 °C. All other modifications are converted into this modification at room temperature. During crystallization from the melt, monoclinic sulfur is first obtained (acicular crystals, melting point 119.3 ° C), which then passes into rhombic sulfur. When sulfur pieces are heated in a test tube, it melts, turning into a yellow liquid. At a temperature of about 160 ° C, liquid sulfur begins to darken, becomes thick and viscous, does not pour out of the test tube, and upon further heating turns into a highly mobile liquid, but retains its former dark brown color. If it is poured into cold water, it solidifies into a transparent rubbery mass. This is plastic sulfur. It can also be obtained in the form of threads. After a few days, it also turns into rhombic sulfur.

Sulfur does not dissolve in water. Sulfur crystals sink in water, but the powder floats on the surface of the water, because small sulfur crystals are not wetted by water and are kept afloat by small air bubbles. This is the flotation process. Sulfur is sparingly soluble in ethyl alcohol and diethyl ether, it is readily soluble in carbon disulfide.

Under normal conditions sulfur reacts with all alkali and alkaline earth metals, copper, mercury, silver, For example:

This reaction underlies the removal and neutralization of spilled mercury, for example, from a broken thermometer. Visible droplets of mercury can be collected on a piece of paper or copper plastic. The mercury that got into the cracks must be covered with sulfur powder. This process is called demercurization.

When heated, sulfur also reacts with other metals (Zn, Al, Fe), and only gold does not interact with it under any conditions. Sulfur also exhibits oxidizing properties with hydrogen, with which it reacts when heated:

Of the non-metals, only nitrogen, iodine and noble gases do not react with sulfur. Sulfur burns with a bluish flame, forming sulfur oxide (IV):

This compound is commonly known as sulfur dioxide.

Chemical properties of sulfur in tables

Sulfur is one of the most common elements: the earth's crust contains 4.7 10-2% sulfur by mass (15th place among other elements), and the Earth as a whole is much more (0.7%). The main mass of sulfur is found in the depths of the earth, in its mantle layer, located between the earth's crust and the earth's core. Here, at a depth of about 1200-3000 km, there is a thick layer of sulfides and metal oxides. In the earth's crust, sulfur occurs both in the free state (native), and mainly in the form of compounds of sulfides and sulfates. Of the sulfides in the earth's crust, the most common are pyrite FeS2, chalcopyrite FeCuS2, lead luster (galena) PbS, zinc blende (sphalerite) ZnS. Large amounts of sulfur are found in the earth's crust in the form of sparingly soluble sulfates - gypsum CaSO4 2H2O, barite BaSO4, magnesium, sodium and potassium sulfates are common in sea water.

It is interesting that in ancient times of the geological history of the Earth (about 800 million years ago) there were no sulfates in nature. They were formed as products of the oxidation of sulfides when an oxygen atmosphere appeared as a result of the vital activity of plants. Hydrogen sulfide H2S and sulfur dioxide SO2 are found in volcanic gases. therefore, native sulfur found in areas close to active volcanoes (Sicily, Japan) could be formed by the interaction of these two gases:

2H 2 S + SO 2 \u003d 3S + 2H 2 O.

Other deposits of native sulfur are associated with the vital activity of microorganisms.

Microorganisms are involved in many chemical processes, which generally make up the sulfur cycle in nature. With their assistance, sulfides are oxidized to sulfates, sulfates are absorbed by living organisms, where sulfur is reduced and is part of proteins and other vital substances. When the dead remains of organisms rot, proteins are destroyed, and hydrogen sulfide is released, which is then oxidized either to elemental sulfur (this is how sulfur deposits are formed) or to sulfates. Interestingly, bacteria and algae that oxidize hydrogen sulfide to sulfur collect it in their cells. The cells of such microorganisms can be 95% pure sulfur.

The origin of sulfur can be determined by the presence of its analogue, selenium: if selenium is found in native sulfur, then sulfur is of volcanic origin, if not, of biogenic origin, since microorganisms avoid including selenium in their life cycle, and biogenic sulfur also contains more the heavier 34S.

The biological significance of sulfur

Vital chemical element. It is part of proteins - one of the main chemical components of the cells of all living organisms. Especially a lot of sulfur in the proteins of hair, horns, wool. In addition, sulfur is an integral part of the biologically active substances of the body: vitamins and hormones (for example, insulin). Sulfur is involved in the redox processes of the body. With a lack of sulfur in the body, fragility and fragility of bones and hair loss are observed.

Sulfur is rich in legumes (peas, lentils), oatmeal, eggs.

Sulfur application

Sulfur is used in the manufacture of matches and paper, rubber and paint, explosives and drugs, plastics and cosmetics. In agriculture, it is used to control plant pests. However, the main consumer of sulfur is the chemical industry. About half of the sulfur produced in the world goes to the production of sulfuric acid.


Nitrogen (N)- the first representative of the main subgroup of group V of the Periodic system. Its atoms contain five electrons at the outer energy level, of which three electrons are unpaired. It follows that the atoms of these elements can add three electrons, completing the outer energy level.

Nitrogen atoms can donate their outer electrons to more electronegative elements (fluorine, oxygen) and acquire oxidation states +3 and +5. Nitrogen atoms also exhibit reducing properties in oxidation states +1, +2, +4.

In the free state, nitrogen exists in water of the diatomic molecule N 2 . In this molecule, two N atoms are linked by a very strong triple covalent bond, these bonds can be denoted as follows:

Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas.

Under normal conditions nitrogen interacts only with lithium, forming Li nitride 3 N:

It interacts with other metals only at high temperatures.

Also at high temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst, nitrogen reacts with hydrogen to form ammonia:

At the temperature of the electric arc, it combines with oxygen to form nitric oxide (II):

Chemical properties of nitrogen in tables

Application of nitrogen

Nitrogen obtained by distillation of liquid air is used in industry for the synthesis of ammonia and the production of nitric acid. In medicine, pure nitrogen is used as an inert medium for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, and liquid nitrogen is used in the treatment of diseases of the spine, joints, etc.


The chemical element phosphorus forms several allotropic modifications. Two of them are simple substances: white phosphorus and red phosphorus. White phosphorus has a molecular crystal lattice consisting of P 4 molecules. Insoluble in water, readily soluble in carbon disulfide. It oxidizes easily in air, and even ignites in a powdered state. White phosphorus is highly toxic. A special property is the ability to glow in the dark due to oxidation. Store it under water. Red phosphorus is a dark crimson powder. It does not dissolve in water or carbon disulfide. It oxidizes slowly in air and does not ignite spontaneously. Non-poisonous and does not glow in the dark. When red phosphorus is heated in a test tube, it turns into white phosphorus (concentrated vapors).

The chemical properties of red and white phosphorus are similar, but white phosphorus is more chemically active. So, both of them interact with metals, forming phosphides:

White phosphorus ignites spontaneously in air, while red phosphorus burns when ignited. In both cases, phosphorus oxide (V) is formed, which is released in the form of thick white smoke:

Phosphorus does not directly react with hydrogen, phosphine PH 3 can be obtained indirectly, for example, from phosphides:

Phosphine is a highly toxic gas with an unpleasant odor. Easily ignites in air. This property of phosphine explains the appearance of swamp wandering lights.

Chemical properties of phosphorus in tables

The use of phosphorus

Phosphorus is the most important biogenic element and at the same time is very widely used in industry. Red phosphorus is used in the manufacture of matches. It, together with finely ground glass and glue, is applied to the side surface of the box. When a match head is rubbed, which includes potassium chlorate and sulfur, ignition occurs.

Perhaps the first property of phosphorus, which man put to his service, is flammability. The combustibility of phosphorus is very high and depends on the allotropic modification.

White ("yellow") phosphorus is the most chemically active, toxic and flammable, and therefore it is very often used (in incendiary bombs, etc.).

Red phosphorus is the main modification produced and consumed by industry. It is used in the manufacture of matches, explosives, incendiary compositions, various types of fuels, as well as extreme pressure lubricants, as a getter in the manufacture of incandescent lamps.

Phosphorus (in the form of phosphates) is one of the three most important biogenic elements involved in the synthesis of ATP. Most of the phosphoric acid produced is used to obtain phosphate fertilizers - superphosphate, precipitate, ammophoska, etc.

Phosphates are widely used:

  • as complexing agents (water softeners),
  • in the composition of metal surface passivators (corrosion protection, for example, the so-called “mazhef” composition).

The ability of phosphates to form a strong three-dimensional polymer network is used to make phosphate and aluminophosphate binders.


Carbon (C)- the first element of the main subgroup of group VI of the Periodic system. Its atoms contain 4 electrons at the outer level, so they can accept four electrons, while acquiring an oxidation state -4 , i.e., exhibit oxidizing properties and donate their electrons to more electronegative elements, i.e., exhibit reducing properties, while acquiring an oxidation state +4.

Carbon is a simple substance

Carbon forms allotropic modifications diamond and graphite. Diamond is a transparent crystalline substance, the hardest of all natural substances. It serves as a standard of hardness, which, according to a ten-point system, is estimated at the highest score of 10. Such hardness of diamond is due to the special structure of its atomic crystal lattice. In it, each carbon atom is surrounded by the same atoms located at the vertices of a regular tetrahedron.

Diamond crystals are usually colorless, but come in blue, blue, red, and black. They have a very strong luster due to their high light refraction and light reflectivity. And due to their exceptionally high hardness, they are used for the manufacture of drills, drills, grinding tools, glass cutting.

The largest diamond deposits are located in South Africa, and in Russia they are mined in Yakutia.

Graphite is a dark gray, greasy to the touch crystalline substance with a metallic sheen. Unlike diamond, graphite is soft (leaves a mark on paper) and opaque, it conducts heat and electric current well. The softness of graphite is due to the layered structure. In the crystal lattice of graphite, carbon atoms lying in the same plane are firmly bound into regular hexagons. The bonds between the layers are weak. He is very tough. Graphite is used to make electrodes, solid lubricants, neutron moderators in nuclear reactors, and pencil leads. At high temperatures and pressure, artificial diamonds are obtained from graphite, which are widely used in technology.

Soot and charcoal have a structure similar to graphite. Charcoal is obtained by dry distillation of wood. This coal, due to its porous surface, has a remarkable ability to absorb gases and dissolved substances. This property is called adsorption. The greater the porosity of the charcoal, the more efficient the adsorption. To increase the absorption capacity, charcoal is treated with hot water vapor. The carbon processed in this way is called activated or active. In pharmacies, it is sold in the form of black tablets of carbolene.

Chemical properties of carbon

Diamond and graphite combine with oxygen at very high temperatures. Soot and coal interact with oxygen much more easily, burning in it. But in any case, the result of such an interaction is the same - carbon dioxide is formed:

When heated with metals, carbon forms carbides:

aluminum carbide- light yellow transparent crystals. Calcium carbide CaC 2 is known in the form of gray pieces. It is used by gas welders to produce acetylene:

Acetylene used for cutting and welding metals, burning it with oxygen in special burners.

If you act on aluminum carbide with water, you get another gas - methane CH 4 :


Silicon (Si) - the second element of the main subgroup of group IV periodic system. In nature, silicon is the second most abundant chemical element after oxygen. More than a quarter of the earth's crust consists of its compounds. The most common silicon compound is its dioxide SiO 2 - silica. In nature, it forms the mineral quartz and many varieties, such as rock crystal and its famous purple form - amethyst, as well as agate, opal, jasper, chalcedony, carnelian. Silicon dioxide is also common and quartz sand. The second type of natural silicon compounds are silicates. Among them, the most common are aluminosilicates - granite, various types of clays, mica. An aluminium-free silicate is, for example, asbestos. Silicon oxide is essential for plant and animal life. It gives strength to the stems of plants and the protective covers of animals. Silicon gives smoothness and strength to human bones. Silicon is part of the lower living organisms - diatoms and radiolarians.

Chemical properties of silicon

Silicon burns in oxygen forming silicon dioxide or silicon (IV) oxide:

Being a non-metal, when heated, it combines with metals to form silicides:

Silicides are easily decomposed by water or acids, and a gaseous hydrogen compound of silicon is released - silane:

4HCl + Mg 2 Si → SiH 4 + 2MgCl 2

Unlike hydrocarbons, silane ignites spontaneously in air. and burns to form silicon dioxide and water:

The increased reactivity of silane compared to methane CH 4 is explained by the fact that silicon has a larger atom than carbon, so the Si-H chemical bonds are weaker than the C-H bonds.

Silicon interacts with concentrated aqueous solutions of alkali, forming silicates and hydrogen:

Silicon is obtained by restoring it from magnesium dioxide or carbon:

Silicon oxide (IV), or silicon dioxide, or silica SiO 2, like CO 2, is acid oxide. However, unlike CO 2, it has not a molecular, but an atomic crystal lattice. Therefore, SiO 2 is a solid and refractory substance. It does not dissolve in water and acids, except hydrofluoric, but interacts at high temperatures with alkalis to form salts of silicic acid - silicates:

Silicates can also be obtained by fusing silicon dioxide with metal oxides or carbonates:

Silicates of sodium and potassium are called soluble glass. Their aqueous solutions is a well-known silicate adhesive. Of the solutions of silicates, the effect on them is more strong acids- hydrochloric, sulfuric, acetic and even coal - silicic acid is obtained H 2 SiO 3 :

Hence, H 2 SiO 3 - very weak acid. It is insoluble in water and precipitates from the reaction mixture in the form of a gelatinous precipitate, sometimes compactly filling the entire volume of the solution, turning it into a semi-solid mass, similar to jelly, jelly. When this mass dries, a highly porous substance is formed - silica gel, which is widely used as an adsorbent - an absorber of other substances.

Reference material for passing the test:

Mendeleev table

Solubility table

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