Top most harmful achievements of civilization. Harmful achievements of civilization

Global scientific progress is the most driving force for the development of the planet. However, few people have thought about the fact that some achievements of civilization can be not only useless, but also harmful. This is exactly what we want to tell you about. Not long ago, a survey of the Russian population was conducted about what, in their opinion, are the most harmful achievements of civilization in the world. given time. A maximum of three answer options could be selected. The results were quite interesting.

So, genetically modified products are in first place. As many as 65% of respondents answered this way. This is understandable; no one else will take care of their own health except themselves.

Cloning, nuclear energy

Cloning took second place. 35% of people chose this option, citing the fact that nature is unified system and there is no need to change anything in it.

33% opposed nuclear energy. Of course, this type of energy production in the event of a radiation leak causes irreparable harm to the entire planet; this was a fairly predictable option.

Plastic surgery was also not to the taste of Russians - there were 13% of people who recognized only natural beauty.

11% were against television. At the same time, respondents most often justified their choice with program names such as “Dom-2” and various names of other television shows.

Baby diapers, cars and other inventions

Our compatriots have not forgotten about loans. 10% of respondents consider them almost the most central evil, because after the start of the crisis, many fell into a serious credit hole.

8% considered baby diapers a harmful achievement.

4% of Russians spoke out against cars, the main reason being environmental pollution.

And finally, 2% and 3% scored Internet and computer.

As can be seen from this survey, the overwhelming majority of Russian residents love nature, naturalness and purity. If Russian citizens think about this, this is already the first step towards solving problems.

Alexander Ozerov, Samogo.Net

If you look closely at our time, you can see that a wonderful future has already arrived a long time ago - a smartphone that fits in your pocket replaces an entire computer, the Internet allows you to get any information in just a couple of seconds, and an automatic hand dryer in a public toilet is turned on with one movement of the hand.

But if you take an even closer look at our time, it becomes clear that many of the modern conveniences do not make life better, but only harm, even if this is not noticeable during their daily use. Here are five examples that apply to everyone.

The “Nap for 5 more minutes” button disrupts your sleep pattern

An achievement of civilization in recent years - the “Sleep for another 5 minutes” button, which postpones the alarm - teaches a person an extremely harmful thing called procrastination. This word means putting off until later an extremely unpleasant task that you really don’t want to do. In this case, getting up in the morning.

But psychology is not so bad. The button affects your body at a physiological level. Every cell in your body contains a protein called PERIOD (PER), which rises and falls in concentration every 24 hours. This protein is responsible for your circadian rhythm, so if you always go to bed and get up at the same time, your body gradually learns to increase the concentration of this protein strictly at certain hours so that you wake up. For example, this happens to those who regularly get up seconds before the alarm clock rings - their body is perfectly synchronized with the rhythm of life.

But if you don't stick to a schedule (and let's face it, most of us don't), your body will never learn when it needs to wake up. In this case, you have to rely on the alarm to wake you up. This way of getting up is extremely unpleasant and even irritable, which is why the desire to press the treasured button and sleep for another five minutes is always so great.

Your brain knows how difficult it is to get out of bed, so it increases the amount of dopamine in your blood and decreases the concentration of serotonin, which allows your body to wake up faster. But if you give yourself a chance to sleep another five minutes, and then another five, and another, until you finally get up, then this does not have the best effect on your condition. Because of this “dopamine-serotonin roller coaster,” your brain turns out to be slow and “bruised” in the morning, like after a stormy night.

Automatic hand dryers spread bacteria throughout your body

Many of us are so accustomed to automatic hand dryers in public restrooms that even the presence of paper towels instead of these machines can be a little confusing. However, if you're not the type who wipes your wet hands on your pants anyway, we've got some bad news for you—from a hygiene standpoint, there's nothing worse than an air dryer.

Research shows that after drying your hands with a jet of hot air, the number of bacteria on the skin increases by an average of 255%. True, it is not so much the dryers themselves that are to blame for this, but the environment where they are located. The toilet, with its damp, warm and not the most hygienic conditions, is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria. And the dryer just nobly scatters them over your skin with a stream of air, acting as a “microbial bazooka.” Therefore, if possible, it is better to use paper towels - with them, bacteria from your hands will fly into the trash can, where they belong.

A Popular Painkiller Dulls Your Emotions

When you have a fever or an unbearable headache, toothache or something else, one remedy immediately comes to mind - paracetamol. In addition to the fact that this medicine is popular in pure form, it is also found in a ton of antipyretic and pain relievers sold under various brands. Paracetamol is without a doubt one of the most popular drugs on Earth, so its effects have been very well studied. And it's far from safe.

For example, taking it can have negative effects on the liver and kidneys, so it should not be mixed with alcohol. But paracetamol also has side effects that cannot be avoided.

Only relatively recently have scientists discovered that paracetamol significantly dulls human emotions. First, scientists discovered the strange effect of paracetamol, which was expressed in the suppression of not only physical pain, but also emotional pain - the substance literally reduced negative emotions from the individual’s experience of social rejection. But don't rush to the pharmacy the next time your new avatar is ignored by all your friends on the social network.

In a classic experiment, scientists found that the action of paracetamol dulls emotions across the entire spectrum - both good and bad. To do this, they forced the experiment participants to view pictures of different emotional content in a normal state and under the influence of paracetamol. Measuring the reaction of the subjects showed a clear decrease in their emotional response to both joyful and sad or annoying pictures.

Moreover, it later turned out that paracetamol also dulls such a fundamental feeling as the fear of death. So if you suddenly have an unbearable desire to go to fight in some hot spot for the interests of the ruling class, you shouldn’t blame the TV for everything; perhaps the government is simply pouring paracetamol into the tap water and nothing more.

Synthetic clothes make you stink

So, you finally decided to fulfill your New Year's resolution and signed up for the gym. But you can’t go there in a stretched T-shirt and old shorts, after all? So you run to the sports store to buy the latest from one of the trendy sportswear brands that not only ventilates your body, but also reduces sweating, increasing your performance (or whatever they usually say in commercials). True, what any manufacturer always keeps silent about is that in such clothes you begin to stink like a dead fish.

This has been proven scientific research. The researchers took several samples of clothing from different fabrics, soaked them in the sweat of people working out in the gym, placed them in bags for 24 hours, and then, with the help of a specially trained assistant (yes, there are such professions), forced them to determine the level of stinkiness of each of them. Synthetics won by a huge margin - not a single fabric stank so much.

A more in-depth study showed that synthetic fibers (for example, polyester) are most favorable for the growth of bacteria responsible for stink. For example, the Micrococcus bacterium thrives in such tissue, breaking down the fatty acids in our sweat into molecules that create an unpleasant odor.

Of course, clothing manufacturers didn’t just leave it like that - many of them today add various antimicrobial components to the fabric, such as silver nanoparticles. But this creates another problem, which environmentalists are already dissatisfied with - such antimicrobial agents have an extremely adverse effect on environment when these things are thrown into a landfill.

Your cell phone distracts you...even when you're not using it

The fact that people are becoming more distracted because of their phones will not surprise anyone. But something else will surprise you - it turns out that you don’t even have to use a phone to lose your cognitive abilities.

This result was shown by an experiment in which students taking a math test were accidentally distracted by a professor with various things left on the table - a book, glasses, a telephone, and so on. It turned out that the mere presence of a phone in front of students had a negative impact on test results, unlike all other things. Your brain refuses to think when it remembers that there are actually more interesting things to do - scroll through your news feed or look at updates on a social network.

This result was not a coincidence - other studies have confirmed that simply having a phone in sight or having another person talk on the phone negatively affects an individual's cognitive abilities. Moreover, various technologies that allow, for example, less distraction while driving a car, do not solve the problem at all.

Statistically, more accidents occur while talking on a cell phone using a headset than while texting. Moreover, even voice control of the phone does not help - studies show that this function, which many of us still associate with science fiction films of the past, has an even greater impact on a person’s lack of attention.

Of course, science is one of the most important forms of culture in society, and its development is the most important factor in the renewal of all spheres of human life. Modern science shapes a person’s worldview and is closely related to technical progress, helps create forecasts for the development of society and develop programs to solve problems facing humanity. But is science always safe for humanity? I believe that this issue will forever remain unresolved.

Today we can say that science is modern society plays an important role in many industries and areas of people's lives. The level of development of science serves as one of the main indicators of the development of society, and it is also an indicator modern development states. Everything around a person is an achievement of science. Therefore, the goal of the project is to study the influence of science in many industries and spheres of life in modern society.

Today, teachers are trying to convey the basics of science to children through the global network - the Internet. Preference is beginning to be given to “invisible colleges” distance learning, virtual institutions. Live direct communication between teacher and student is lost. The role of the teacher is diminishing, there is no education of children by living example, and in this I see only negative consequences for future generations. The 20th century was remarkable in terms of technological development. Without any exaggeration, we can say that in 100 years no less discoveries have been made than in the entire previous history of mankind. The contribution that science made in the twentieth century to the development of mankind is enormous. But if you add up the funds that humanity has spent on fundamental scientific research throughout its history, the amount will be incomparable to any budget of any developed country. States are losing a huge amount of funds that could be used to fight hunger and disease, and other problems facing heads of state.

Modern science has amazing capabilities. Back in 1904, Nikola Tesla claimed that one day a person would be able to send his thoughts to the farthest distances. A century later this became possible. The informatization of society has reached such a high level that now a person can find almost any information on the Internet. Every home and office now has both a computer and the Internet. They have become so commonplace that people forget about the dangers associated with their use. A computer is a source of several types of radiation and fields. Cathode ray tube monitors of desktop computers and laptops create ionizing radiation. Like any other electrical device, a computer produces electromagnetic radiation. All devices and auxiliary electrical equipment included in the computer form a complex electromagnetic field. Most current research on the effects electromagnetic radiation they talk about its harm to health.

The latest scientific developments, in addition to undoubted benefits, also carry potential dangers. Producing huge amounts of energy, thermal power plants emit millions of tons of ash and gases into the atmosphere, polluting the environment and destroying ozone layer planets. Accidents at nuclear power plants and enterprises using radioactive materials lead to catastrophic consequences. One such example is the disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Genetically modified products, which are increasingly being sold on store shelves, can, in principle, prove dangerous to humans. Harmoniously fit technology and scientific achievements into natural processes is one of the urgent tasks of scientists of the coming century. Only by solving this difficult problem can we ensure not just survival, but a decent life for future generations. Science is usually viewed as a highly specialized activity for the production of objective knowledge about the world, including man himself. But is it ethical to conduct scientific research, even extremely interesting research, the fruits of which may become dangerous to people?

What achievements of civilization do you consider the most harmful? Class students. The answers were distributed as follows: mobile communications - 6% television - 6% cloning - 22% plastic surgery -13% genetically modified products - 72% personal computer - 2% Internet - 1% cars - 7% nuclear energy -19% other – 6% difficult to answer – 7%

Conclusion: Based on the survey results, we can conclude that food products containing genetically modified ingredients are considered to be the most harmful. achievements of civilization 65% of respondents. “The effect of them has not been fully studied; it is unknown how this will affect future generations”; “This is a human invasion into an area that affects future generations in an unknown way.” Approximately 36% of respondents are convinced that the most dangerous achievement is cloning: “There is no need to imitate nature and try to replace it, because it is genius in itself. Maybe scientists are trying to create clones to save human lives, but this is unlikely to be beneficial, because the clone will also be alive and its destruction for the sake of another life will be violence against life. The same as genetically modified products. What is not natural is harmful; A third of respondents (33%) believe that nuclear energy is the most dangerous for humanity: “humanity is following the wrong path, thinking that nuclear energy can be a safe way to obtain energy”; “But not everyone knows the consequences of playing with atoms. Chernobyl, I think, explained this not only to us, but to the whole world.” Television is an undoubted evil and claims to be the most harmful achievement of civilization, according to 11% of respondents: “They believe that it can have a strong influence on public consciousness, and The lowest percentages in our “harmfulness rating” were cars (4%), the Internet (3%) and personal computers (2%).

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Today we all live in fairly comfortable conditions, thanks to the achievements of civilization and enjoy its benefits, which we have received as a result of numerous discoveries and inventions of mankind. We are accustomed to such a convenient, modern life and perceive all these achievements as an integral part of our daily life.

Of course, we are grateful to all those who filled our lives with discoveries and inventions, thereby making it much easier, more comfortable, and more interesting. Today, the possibilities of choice for a person are enormous, both in means of transport, means of communication, and in various multimedia media. We cannot imagine our life without mobile phones, computers, televisions and other benefits. But due to the fact that lately More and more often, humanity is being warned about the downside of all these super-achievement, I started thinking: how safe are they?

Purpose This study was to identify the most harmful achievements of civilization.

Object research are students of grades 7 - 11 of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary secondary school No. 5" of the city of Nizhnyaya Salda.

The author conducted the research through questionnaires and interviews using the inductive method. Students were surveyed about what, in their opinion, are the most harmful achievements of civilization at this time. A maximum of three answer options could be selected. The respondents were 55 students in grades 7-11.

The implementation of this goal seems possible by solving the following tasks:

1. Study the literature, statistical data on this study.

2. Provide basic information about the dangers of civilizational achievements.

3. Analyze the results of questionnaires and interviews.

Research methods: questionnaires and interviews, quantitative and qualitative analysis of research data.

Experimental research base: Municipal budget educational institution“Secondary school No. 5” in the city of Nizhnyaya Salda.

The study was conducted in the form of a written questionnaire.

Sources of information: materials from Internet resources, media, encyclopedic literature. Also, in the process of working on the project, the results of various surveys on this topic among students at their school were used.

Scientific and practical significance of the study:

Development of a kind of instructions on the use of these useful, familiar to us, but at the same time dangerous modern inventions.

The results of the study can be used for further scientific research.

Chapter 1. The role of inventions in human life

The entire history of mankind testifies that man is endowed with the gift of invention, and his desire to invent is immeasurable. Human inventions include such impressive things as the airplane, the computer, and the telephone, which have significantly changed the world as well as introduced principles and techniques successfully used in everyday life.

The man's inventive gift stopped at nothing. The concept of “invention” has a social, universal value. After all, who needs useless, meaningless inventions, even if they demonstrate unprecedented power.

Researchers and scientists do not skimp on conducting all kinds of studies, and each time the results published can plunge the faint of heart into shock.

We also decided to conduct a survey. The respondents were asked the following question: What achievements of civilization do you consider the most harmful? (choose no more than three answers). The respondents' answers were distributed as follows:

As can be seen from the survey results, according to teenagers. The most dangerous achievements for society today are such achievements of civilization as nuclear weapons (on a global scale) and drugs, alcohol and cigarettes (on the scale of each person).

To find out for yourself how to handle these achievements, you need to learn about them and others in more detail.

Chapter 2. Achievements of civilization that influenced the development of the modern world community.

On September 3, 1864, perhaps one of the most significant explosions in human history occurred in one of the laboratories in Stockholm. The incident occurred during experiments on nitroglycerin conducted by Alfred Nobel. Nevertheless, Alfred found the strength to continue experiments on the explosive substance. For three years the scientist tried to stabilize this easily explosive substance. The resulting mixture was patented by Alfred Nobel on November 25, 1867 under the name “dynamite.” In my opinion, it was this event that marked the beginning of rapid scientific and technological development.

2.1.Nuclear weapons.

It will surprise no one that we started our list with nuclear weapons. World countries that have not abandoned it use it as a way to intimidate opponents. However, if one day several countries decide to apply it simultaneously, then the worst scenario is the split of the planet (and this is not a figurative expression), the best is a climate catastrophe, destruction of the ozone layer, the death of all living things. Of course, humanity, in its entire history, has not yet created weapons more powerful and deadly than atomic bomb. Thus, nuclear war will not be able to resolve interstate problems, it will simply become the cause of a climate catastrophe (cold weather, massive fires), an increase in cancer in surviving people and, in the future, the death of all living things.

2.2.Drugs, alcohol and cigarettes .

Enterprising people build their super-profitable business on human weaknesses. Someone is trying to escape from reality, causing irreparable harm to their body and replenishing the wallets of others. There is no need to say anything more when so much has already been written about it. Warnings are even placed on cigarette packaging; it’s bad that not everyone takes them seriously.

2.3. Nuclear energy.

The next point is again nuclear technology. How often have we heard about the peaceful atom, about how cheap nuclear energy costs us, and that when well-functioning, nuclear power plants do not harm the environment. But who can guarantee their uninterrupted operation? Currently, experts from all over the world are raising the question of the unsafety of nuclear power plants. Many countries around the world are discussing the topic of abandoning this type of energy, because accidents at nuclear power plants always threaten global environmental disasters. A striking example of this is the accident in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and in 2011 at the Japanese Fukushima-1 plant. The only benefit of nuclear energy is that such electricity is very cheap. Despite the fact that one nuclear reactor produces a million kilowatt-hours per hour electrical energy, while not burning organic fuel, the nuclear power plant still produces waste that is much more dangerous - radioactive. The half-life of some of them is several billion years. And once accumulated in the human body, many of them are no longer excreted 1 .

2.4. Chemical fertilizers .

The foundation of agrochemistry was laid in the 30s and 40s years XIX century Frenchman Jean Baptiste Boussingault and German Justus Liebig, but mass production of chemical fertilizers began in the 20th century. IN recent years their consumption reaches 160 million tons; the most common are nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. Of course, this is an effective and quick way to increase the amount of food that is constantly in short supply for the entire population of the planet. Meanwhile, their constant use disrupts the biological cycle of plants, leads to soil erosion, and the destruction of microorganisms and insects in it. Fertilizers enter water bodies through groundwater and cause the death of fish and other animals. Phosphorus, nitrogen and other fertilizers harm flora, fauna, incl. negatively affect people's health and contribute to the occurrence of serious diseases.

2.5. Oil production.

But the prey itself is only part of the overall danger. The oil produced from the drilling platform still needs to be transported to shore using huge tankers. The world's first oil-loading steam tanker was built in 1877 in Sweden by order of the Nobel Brothers Partnership. Nowadays, more than 4 thousand tankers ply the seas and oceans, transporting more than 2 billion tons of oil per year. At the same time, they became regular environmental disasters, called by these vessels. One of the largest was the spill of 220 thousand tons of oil from the American tanker Amoco Cadiz in 1978, which led to the pollution of 360 km of the French coast. The ecological balance in the region is still disturbed.

2.6. Internal combustion engines.

The operation of these engines is ensured by gasoline and diesel fuels, the combustion of which releases millions of tons of toxic substances into the atmosphere annually. Environmentalists have long considered internal combustion engines to be one of the most dangerous inventions of mankind. Their harm, for example, unlike nuclear weapons, lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself immediately. These engines emit heavy metals into the atmosphere, which burn atmospheric oxygen, poison people with carbon monoxide, and contribute to the creation of the greenhouse effect (climate warming, drought).

2.7. Freon.

Freon was synthesized in 1928 by American chemist Thomas Midgley Jr. Since this gas has high thermodynamic properties, it soon became widely used in the production of air conditioners, refrigerators, as well as aerosols and perfumes. Only in the 80s, scientists proved that, when decomposing in the atmosphere with the release of chlorine, freon destroys the ozone layer, and if the gas is heated above 250°C, very toxic products are formed that can be a strong poison. At the same time, the greenhouse activity of freon is 1300-8500 times higher than the similar properties of carbon dioxide. Since we are talking about the thinning of the ozone layer, how can we not recall freon, invented in 1928. This gas was used in refrigeration equipment and perfumes for quite a long time before they realized how dangerous it is for the environment.

2.8. Genetic engineering .

Genetically modified organisms were developed by American scientists in the early 1980s. In 1988, the first transgenic cereals were planted in the United States. Currently, crops with modified genes occupy more than 100 million hectares in the world. Meanwhile, the question of the safety of GMO products remains open. After analyzing the respondents’ answers and getting acquainted with the achievements of civilization listed above, the author wondered: Why did the respondents not mention various gadgets (mobile phone, computer, tablet, etc.)? Can they be considered harmless? Therefore, the author of the work further turned to studying how modern teenagers relate to various means of communication and gadgets (the author intends to pay especially close attention to mobile phones and computers, as well as television).

2.9. Communications.

2.9.1.Mobile phone.

"Voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on humans" 2

Researchers and scientists do not skimp on conducting all kinds of studies, and each time the results published can plunge the faint of heart into shock. It turns out that “deadly” dangers lie in wait for a person in the most unexpected places. These are, for example, mobile phones. Today they are an integral part of the life of a modern person; it is difficult to imagine how just recently people managed without this very convenient, useful thing. A mobile phone is always dangerous when it is turned on. At the same time, the danger of mobile phones also lies in the fact that the phone turns out to be the dirtiest household item. In terms of the number of bacteria, including dangerous ones, it was ahead of the keyboard, door handles, shoe soles and even the toilet. It's time to think about disinfecting our main means of communication.

Question 1. How much time a day do you spend talking on the phone?

Question 2. How much time a day do you spend playing games on the phone?

Question 3. How much time a day do you spend communicating online by phone?

The responses received from the survey were overwhelming. It turned out that teenagers not only talk on the phone (from 1 to 2 hours a day on average - 36% of respondents, the rest - less than 6 minutes on average a day), but also communicate by phone online, using SMS (from 2 to 3 hours on average per day - 24%, more than 3 hours - 66%). This result suggests that teenagers very quickly develop a dependence on the phone, which, in turn, cannot but worry.

2.9.2. Computer .

Electronic computer technology has long been firmly established in all areas of our lives. The computer is a source of necessary information. The computer thinks, decides, draws, draws, plays, designs, teaches, registers, etc. The unprecedented speed of receiving and transmitting visual information to the recipient, and, consequently, the possibility of the most effective practical use of this information - these are the main reasons for universal computerization. However, prolonged exposure to a computer screen without following the necessary rules is not harmless to health. In the process of working on this topic, I conducted a short survey “Your attitude towards the computer” among students in my (7B) class. The analysis yielded the following results:

    The majority noted a positive attitude towards the computer (76%).

    To the question: Have you ever thought about the impact of a computer on human health? the majority answered that they had not thought about it (78%)

These results prompted us to conduct another mini-survey on how the well-being of those who spend a long time at the computer changes. As a result, the author came to the following conclusions:

    67% of students, when asked if they experience fatigue or any other negative sensations after working on a computer for a long time, answered positively, with some citing as negative impact some general lethargy (17%), pain in the eyes (43%), back (27%), and even memory impairment (16%).

    To the question “Are you tired of working on the computer?” 26% answered “yes”, 60% - “no”, 13% - “I don’t know”.

In the history of computer development, there are cases when the computer causes the most serious disorders, in particular mental disorders.

I would like to note another small disadvantage of the computer - the occurrence of computer addiction. Indeed, prolonged work at the computer, surfing the Internet and computer games can cause such mental disorders. Working at a computer often absorbs all the attention of a working person and therefore such people often neglect normal nutrition and work from hand to mouth all day.

With all this, to the survey question: “Is a computer necessary in a person’s life?” 87% of students answered “yes”, 2% answered “no”, 11% - “only for work”.

It follows from this that, after all, a computer is necessary in our lives today, and to refuse it means to deprive oneself of the most important achievement of modern civilization. The positive and negative aspects of a computer are approximately in balance.

2.9.3. TV.

Another invention of mankind, which has recently been increasingly criticized, and, first of all, not because of its harmful effects on human health, but as a factor influencing the psychology of the viewer. This is television that is well known to everyone. According to the doctor psychological sciences V.I. Lebedeva, it is children who turn out to be the most vulnerable group to hypnotic influence, due to the insecurity of their psyche with self-awareness. If previously parents or close relatives were responsible for upbringing the individual, now television has taken over these functions. Unlike parents, television never distances itself from young viewers, satisfies their spiritual needs and instructs them in life. It is scary that children, due to their lack of full awareness of the boundaries of reality, perceive all the events that happen before their eyes as real. Murder and violence do not evoke feelings of fear or disgust in them, because as a result of getting used to such television programs, what they see on the screen becomes not only real, but also natural for children.

Unfortunately, modern man does not even allow the thought of not watching TV at all. He is afraid of “falling behind life,” of not being aware of all events, of narrowing his horizons...


The results obtained in the course of my small research make it possible to once again be convinced that truly important inventions in various spheres of human life make it more comfortable, convenient and interesting, but it is the analysis of the results obtained that reveals the downside of these inventions with a “minus” sign. .

After analyzing the respondents’ answers and getting acquainted with the achievements of civilization listed above, the author wondered: Why did the respondents not mention various gadgets (mobile phone, computer, tablet, etc.)? Can they be considered harmless?

Therefore, the author of the work further turned to studying how modern teenagers relate to various means of communication and gadgets (the author intends to pay especially close attention to mobile phones and computers, as well as television).

The responses received from the survey were overwhelming. It turned out that teenagers do not so much talk on the phone as they communicate on the phone online, using SMS. This result suggests that teenagers very quickly develop a dependence on the phone, which, in turn, cannot but worry.

Further, having studied the relationship between a teenager and a computer, the author made the following conclusion: after all, a computer is necessary in our lives today, and to refuse it means to deprive oneself of the most important achievement of modern civilization. The positive and negative aspects of a computer are approximately in balance.

Another invention of mankind, which has recently been increasingly criticized, and, first of all, not because of its harmful effects on human health, but as a factor influencing the psychology of the viewer. This is television that is well known to everyone.

A very important issue when considering the influence of television on the masses is its influence on children.

What should I do? Refuse? Resign yourself?

Most likely, you just need to understand that when used wisely and within reasonable limits, any inventions are useful, that without the above achievements there is no development, and modern life is impossible, even without diapers, modern life would be complicated, all discoveries contribute to the progress of civilization, it has always been so , starting from ancient times: even with a digging stick you could move it on the head, and you could dig out the root. There are no harmful inventions, there are only unwise people. The achievements of civilization in themselves can be neither harmful nor beneficial. All of the above are useful when used correctly.

So, the data obtained during the study did not so much allow us to assess the impact of the above achievements of civilization on modern teenager, but also to identify others, even more important issues, namely: the influence of the Internet and especially social networks on the psyche and health of a teenager.

Therefore this one important question The author of the work identified it as a priority for the next study. Thus, for 2017-18 academic year and the topic of work for the future was determined - “The influence of the World Wide Web on the psyche and health of a modern teenager.” To achieve this, the author plans to involve in joint activities as scientific supervisors computer science teacher and school educational psychologist.

List of sources used.

    TSB. Ed. 3rd. M., Sov. encyclopedia, 1970.T. 3

    Vasilevskaya M. The era of the robot or the era of man?: The future of civilization from the perspective of global problems, development scenarios // Science and religion.-1997.

    Voytyuk T.Yu. "Problems of nuclear energy development." Minsk 2002

    Voronin A.A. The myth of technology. M., Nauka, 2004

    Ermakova I.V. Genetically modified organisms. Sochi 2010

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    Orzak M., Computer Dependency Services. 1996-2003.

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    According to one version, the Nobel Prize fund was formed because Alfred Nobel wanted his name to be associated with him, and not with the dynamite he invented. Throughout the history of mankind, many scientists regretted their discoveries, and some simply did not understand that their inventions were dangerous for both the environment and humans. Let's look at the list of 15 dangerous inventions. We formed it on the basis of the majority opinion, if it were based on subjective opinion author, then a few more items would be added, for example, serial films and Coca-Cola. So let's get serious.

    It will surprise no one that we started our list with nuclear weapons. World countries that have not abandoned it use it as a way to intimidate opponents. However, if one day several countries decide to apply it simultaneously, then the worst scenario is the split of the planet (and this is not a figurative expression), the best is a climate catastrophe, destruction of the ozone layer, the death of all living things.

    The next point is again nuclear technology. How often have we heard about the peaceful atom, about how cheap nuclear energy costs us, and that when well-functioning, nuclear power plants do not harm the environment. But who can guarantee their uninterrupted operation?

    The consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred in 1986, are still felt today. Another problem is radioactive waste, which we pass on to our descendants.

    Another weapon of mass destruction, involving the use of the toxic properties of certain substances that produce a poisonous effect. We know how destructive this is from history textbooks (used during world wars) and from news stories (modern civil wars).

    In the 40s of the twentieth century, the development of chemical fertilizers began, and a few decades later their mass production began. Of course, this is an effective and quick way to increase the amount of food that is constantly in short supply for the entire population of the planet.

    But phosphorus, nitrogen and other fertilizers harm flora, fauna, incl. negatively affect people's health and contribute to the occurrence of serious diseases.

    One more chemical, which helps to increase the yield while preserving it, are pesticides used to control pests, weeds, plant diseases. They harm the ecosystem as a whole, in particular causing great damage to birds. Can cause allergic reactions and diathesis in humans.

    Everyone knows how harmful internal combustion engines cause us. Thanks to them, there is an excessive concentration in the air heavy metals. The inventor of such an engine is also responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer.

    Since we are talking about the thinning of the ozone layer, how can we not recall freon, invented in 1928. This gas was used in refrigeration equipment and perfumes for quite a long time before they realized how dangerous it is for the environment.

    And again, hunger gave rise to a new discovery - genetically modified foods that are more resistant to external influences. However, many scientists agree that this is a “time bomb”; the consequences of their use can be serious diseases and mutations.

    The problem is not in the technology itself, but in the fact that again accidents cannot be ruled out, the consequences of which for the environment are catastrophic. For example, in 1978, as a result of an accident on an American tanker, 220 thousand tons of oil were spilled, and the ecology in that area has not recovered to this day.

    Toxic fluorine, nitrogen and carbon oxide, sulfur dioxide– all these are by-products of aluminum production by electrolysis. These toxic substances negatively affect vegetation (especially fluoride) and human health (bronchitis and other respiratory diseases develop).

    When burned, polyethylene waste releases a toxic substance, and does not decompose in the soil, but contributes to the proliferation of harmful organisms. Draw your own conclusions.

    Antibiotics cannot be called harmful; we owe much of our considerable life expectancy to the discovery of penicillin. The dangerous thing is that they are sold without a prescription, and most people consider them a magic pill for everything. In practice, they poison the entire body, harming the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Using them for other purposes may lead to negative consequences.

    13. Drugs

    14. Alcohol

    15. Cigarettes

    Let's comment on the last three points in general. Enterprising people build their super-profitable business on human weaknesses. Someone is trying to escape from reality, causing irreparable harm to their body and replenishing the wallets of others. There is no need to say anything more when so much has already been written about it. Warnings are even placed on cigarette packaging; it’s bad that not everyone takes them seriously.