Tvkultura polyglot English in 16 hours. Polyglot

This section contains episodes of the video course "Polyglot English in 16 hours from scratch." These English courses for beginners are provided by the Kultura television channel and the popular polyglot Dmitry Petrov.

The video course consists of 16 video lessons of 40 minutes each ( full version) and 15 min (shortened version), each of which is accompanied by explanations and exercises for each lesson. This bundle is ideal for those who were looking for good English lessons for beginners from scratch.

Lesson #1

Verb scheme

IN elementary lesson Dmitry Petrov gets acquainted with the project participants and explains exactly what his methodology is based on, and also gives advice to beginners in learning languages. In the first lesson, the basic basic diagram of the three simple tenses is shown and students begin to construct phrases based on it. The first lesson is the most important, since it provides the basics and a basic table of verbs for the entire English course in 16 hours.

Lesson #2


In lesson 2 you will expand the phrases from the first lesson and begin to build more complex sentences combining them with possessive adjectives. In the second lesson, the same verb scheme is used, but here we use pronouns in the 2nd form, as well as question words and prepositions of direction.

Lesson #3

Verb To Be

The third lesson from Petrov’s method is devoted to the verb to be. Lesson 3 covers the features of the verb to be and its use in English. For this lesson, the author of the polyglot course compiles his own table, which has some differences from the basic diagram, but the basic principles of tenses and sentence forms remain the same.

Lesson #4

talking about yourself

The fourth lesson is a review of the basic structures for constructing sentences that were used in previous lessons. In addition, we are talking about the correct use of English articles and prepositions, and students also begin to talk about themselves.

Lesson #5

Adjectives and degrees of comparison

The fifth lesson examines adjectives and their degrees of comparison. You will also become familiar with the parameters of time, learn the names of the days of the week and months, and also learn to use prepositions with tenses

Lesson #7

Construction English sentences

The seventh lesson from the Polyglot course consists mostly of a repetition of the basic structures that are used in constructing English sentences, and the lessons will also touch upon the imperative mood Let's

How Petrov's video lessons are built

These 16 video lessons are ideal for beginners learning English. The classes are structured in such a way that already in the first lesson you will begin to compose simple phrases in English using a table of verbs.

Petrov’s video lessons are structured in such a way that they do not cause difficulties and are understandable from the first minutes of viewing. If you are just starting to learn English, then you are unlikely to find more understandable and well-structured classes online.

(video material)

English language in 16 hours online with Dmitry Petrov

All languages

"Polyglot. English course"– the first season of an intellectual reality show on TV channel "Russia - Culture" broadcast from January 16 to February 9, 2012. Dmitry Petrov's program, broadcast on one of the main television channels in the country, teaches all viewers and participants to quickly master the language, which can be used immediately after the first lesson.
Dmitry Petrov- an expert in more than 30 languages ​​of the world, an excellent psycholinguist, simultaneous translator, and methodologist for quickly introducing language into students’ heads. His book “The Magic of the Word” has long broken circulation records for educational books. His technique really gives excellent results in a short time. Comfortable learning a new language for Dmitry Petrov is the main priority in the presentation of material. He teaches common expressions and words, and then reinforces complex figures of speech foreign language.
There are 8 students in the group. All students either do not know the language they are studying at all, or, at best, they have vague memories of school curriculum. Already in the first lesson they begin to communicate in the language. With mistakes, with long pauses, with tension, but progress is noticeable immediately. Anyone can watch lessons and learn - like a child who goes to primary classes, and a pensioner sitting at home.
Your main task for yourself Dmitry Petrov considers not only machine learning, but also memorization for many years.
The program consists of 16 episodes, each episode lasts about 45 minutes - that’s quite long time for the lesson, so it is necessary to pay very close attention to every minute of this precious and intelligent show. TV viewers notice progress literally from the second or third program. Each subsequent lesson reinforces the material covered and gradually moves on to new grammatical and lexical material.
Program “Polyglot. Let's learn English in 16 hours!” It is very useful in our difficult times, when foreign language lessons are quite expensive for the average person, and not everyone is able to study independently correctly.
Dmitry Petrov about the success of his students: “During the intensive course that I offer, I try to create in students a fireproof stock of knowledge, which, at the maximum, can serve as a good basis for continuing studies, and at a minimum will ensure that the language will never again be perceived as foreign , will evoke positive emotions and, if you return to it even after some time, you will not have to start learning it again from scratch. But, of course, to use it effectively, additional regular training will be required.”
Watch and learn at home and for free.

The intellectual reality show of the Kultura TV channel is an intensive course in learning English. The teacher is a real polyglot, who speaks more than 30 languages. This is teacher Dmitry Petrov - psycholinguist, simultaneous interpreter, teacher, author of the book “The Magic of the Word”. There are 8 people in the group of students.

Participants: actors Vladimir Epifantsev, Anna Litkens, Daria Ekamasova, Alexandra Rebenok, Anastasia Vvedenskaya; jeweler-designer Mikhail Milyutin; art critic Alisa Gorlova; writer, screenwriter and presenter of the "Cinema Magic" program Oleg Shishkin.

Here's what Petrov himself says about this interactive course:

“To master the English language perfectly, even a lifetime is not enough. To learn to speak professionally, you also need to spend a lot of time, effort and energy. But in order to simply learn to understand people, to be understood, and most importantly to get rid of the fear that for many inhibits any desire and opportunity to explain themselves in language, this requires no more than a few days.

What I offer you, I have experienced on myself and on quite a large number of people. I am a professional translator, linguist, I do professional translation in a number of languages, and I teach it to others. And, gradually, a certain approach and mechanism was developed. It must be said that there is such a progression - each subsequent language requires less effort and time.

A week is enough for any language. What is language? – Language is a new look at the world, the surrounding reality. It's the ability to switch, to make a click. And just like in a receiver, we change one program to another, tune in to a different wave.

What is required on your part is motivation (the desire to travel, something related to the profession, learning and communication, it could be friendship or love)"

At each lesson, what has been learned is consolidated and new grammatical and lexical material is introduced. By the end, students have mastered basic grammatical patterns and can use them fluently in their speech.

Dmitry Petrov's method is not to start the language, but to penetrate it, to feel comfortable in the new language environment.

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Lesson #1

Participants in the show begin a course of 16 lessons. Everyone's goal is to learn to speak English. To master a language perfectly, even a lifetime is not enough. But it only takes a few days to simply learn to understand people and to be understood, Dmitry Petrov is sure.

Lesson #2

The verb in every language is the stem. The list of verbs that every person constantly uses does not exceed 50-60 words. There are, of course, thousands of others, but they are used in only 10% of speech. We can talk about the present, the future, the past. We can affirm, deny, or ask something. The result is a table of 9 cells: tic-tac-toe.

Lesson #3

Most of us know a huge amount English words. Consciously or on a subconscious level. English words are everywhere. But they can be compared to a scattering of beads, which themselves are scattered, but the systems are not. The lack of a system prevents them from being used effectively, so one of the basic principles our system - to create a thread, a rod, where you can string all these beads.

Lesson #4

List of the most important verbs most often used in English speech, Dmitry Petrov suggests working it out using a basic scheme and bringing it to automaticity. This is the first step that needs to be taken in order to reach the level of fluent, relaxed language proficiency during the course.

Lesson #5

Do you think it is possible to learn 50,000 words in a minute? Each of you can make a bet with those who do not know what is possible. The situation is simple. In English, Russian and a number of other languages ​​there are a large number of words with the same ending. Thus, in the Russian language, about 50 thousand words end in -tsia or -siya. In English, most of these words have the same root and end in -tion or -sion. According to statistics, there are several tens of thousands of such words.

Lesson #6

Dmitry Petrov's students, using the structures and tables obtained in previous classes, begin to communicate in the language. With mistakes, with long pauses, but progress is noticeable. The main thing is to relax and remove the psychological barrier.

Lesson #7

Dmitry Petrov's method is not to cram the language, but to penetrate it in order to feel comfortable in the new language environment. Probably for this reason, the show participants decided to master professional vocabulary. Six of them are media persons - actors, directors, TV presenters.

Lesson #8

Dmitry Petrov and the show participants analyze the system of prepositions. First, students make sentences about the position of objects in space. Petrov then explains that some prepositions are added to verbs, and so-called phrasal verbs arise.

Lesson #9

One must speak without hesitation, with pleasure, figuratively, believes Dmitry Petrov. If you pay attention exclusively to grammatical structures and the number of words learned, then success is hardly possible. And if the language is perceived not as a textbook or dictionary, but as something living, changeable, filled with vivid images, these barriers disappear. This is exactly the approach Petrov follows when working with students in the studio.

Lesson #10

In the tenth lesson, project participants continue free and creative communication on topics that interest them. Of course, they don’t do everything accurately and correctly, but Dmitry Petrov is in no hurry to correct the grammatical mistakes of his students: he wants them to learn to enjoy speaking English, and they can always polish their speech. The main thing is to have something to polish.

Lesson #11

At the 11th lesson, the group conducts a kind of revision of the acquired knowledge - repeats the grammatical patterns studied in the first lessons. Daria Ekamasova talks about how she went on an internship. At the end of the lesson, students continue to develop their communication skills.

Lesson #12

Dmitry Petrov tells what principle is best to form the basis of a language and explains with what mechanisms to gain the necessary vocabulary. Students describe the image they associate with learning English and eagerly wait for the teacher to reveal to them all 30 “magic” verbs with which they can talk about everything.

Dmitry Petrov strongly recommends keeping the table from this lesson in your head, running verbs through this basic pattern as often as possible. By bringing the rules from this table to automaticity, you will no longer have difficulty composing English phrases.

To better assimilate the material of the first lesson, we advise you to practice using the exercises that we have prepared for you below. This unique one will speed up the learning process and help you consolidate Petrov’s table.

Often some people already have some knowledge. They have a relatively large vocabulary of English words and expressions, no matter even on a subconscious level, but they are completely unable to apply them in practice.

For beginners, this happens due to the lack of any system, which prevents them from effectively using them in everyday communication with English-speaking people. Therefore, one of the main principles of Dmitry Petrov’s method is: “to create a thread or a kind of rod where you can string all these beads.”
The author of the English in 16 hours method is sure that: “... any student of English will have 5-10 minutes of free time in order to repeat certain structures from the lesson 2-3 times a day.” These basic structures, in his opinion, are the most important in the English language.
Practice the basic pattern from Lesson 1 as often as possible. As soon as you bring the table of these 16 lessons to automaticity, you will be able to express your thoughts in English without experiencing any difficulties during conversation and without time to think about the phrase.
According to Dmitry Petrov, in order to effectively start learning English from scratch, you need maximum immersion in the learning process. It is worth remembering this basic rule for learning any foreign language; English is no exception.
You need to practice it as often as possible during the day, and it will be much better than doing it once a day, but spending a long period of time on it. Take a couple of minutes to run through the basic English language patterns we covered in the first lesson.

Words to remember

love - to love

live - live

like - like

open - open

close - close