Official enrollment in the Department of Continuing Medical Education. Perm State Medical University named after

Today Perm State medical university named after academician E.A. Wagner - a major, generally recognized science center higher medical education and research work, one of the leading medical universities in the Russian Federation.

They work at the university 569 highly qualified teachers, including 143 doctors And 354 candidates medical sciences . Among them are laureates State Prize, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers high school of the Russian Federation, honored doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the regional prize named after the outstanding scientist of the Perm region, Professor P.A. Yasnitsky, holders of honorary diplomas from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, recipients of state scientific scholarships for outstanding scientists and talented young people Russian scientists, scholarship holders of the Perm region. 87,7% full-time university teachers have an academic degree. This is the highest figure among universities Perm region and one of the highest among medical universities in the country.

PSMU scientists are successfully developing scientific problems, relevant both for Perm healthcare and for healthcare of the Russian Federation: in cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dentistry, epidemiology and other areas.

Every year the university leads in the number of patents received for inventions and utility models among higher education institutions educational institutions region.

The university is given main role in the implementation of national projects in healthcare and education in the Perm region.

The university has a center for practical skills and abilities, an electronic reading room, and modern computer classes. Internet technologies, electronic information systems and interactive multimedia solutions are deployed. There is a preparatory department for applicants and foreign students and a distance learning center.

Every year the university provides training for more than 3,400 students. Are being trained 365 clinical interns- By 22 specialties, 264 clinical residents- By 40 specialties,94 graduate students- By 20 specialties. Within a year they improve their professional qualifications by over 2,000 doctors- more than 80 specialties. The university annually graduates over 500 highly qualified doctors different profiles and 50 open source specialists.

The university operates 4 dissertation councils with the right to award scientific degree candidate and doctor of medical sciences.

Since 1992, the university has had an international student exchange program within the framework of IFMSA. During this time, over 100 specialists have been trained who successfully work in foreign medical institutions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The university provides training to foreign citizens under pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs. Currently, foreign students are studying at the university. citizens from 21 neighboring countries and far abroad.

In context Bologna process and expansion of international relations, the number of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences on the basis of the university and with the participation of PSMU employees increases every year.

Since 1997, Perm Medical University has been a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

In 2006, the university was named after the outstanding scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the first academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in the Urals - Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner.

In 2007, for many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities, Perm State Medical University was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the university was awarded a diploma of honor with inclusion in the All-Russian National Register “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” under the heading “Education Elite of Russia” for outstanding professional achievements and a significant contribution to the development of education, education and spiritual and moral education of young people.

In 2010, the university received a certificate of compliance with the quality management system in relation to educational activities in the field of healthcare, GOST requirements. Became a laureate of the competition « Best university Volga Federal District".

In 2014, the Academy was awarded the status of a University.

On April 20, 1971, by order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, a faculty of specialization and advanced training for doctors was opened at the Perm Medical Institute. The average annual number of student doctors was initially 150 people, and the teaching staff was 5 people. Assoc. Prof. was appointed dean of FUV. P.A. Podluzhny, who headed the work of the faculty for more than 20 years. During this time, 9 independent departments and 4 courses were opened under other departments. Including: departments of social medicine and healthcare organization, therapy, surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, physiotherapy and balneology, occupational hygiene, occupational pathology, neuropathology.

Then from 1995 to 2005 postgraduate training doctors and interns were headed by the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education and Medical Work, Professor A.S. Denisov, Professor B.V. worked as the dean of the faculty all these years. Golovskaya. During this period, the contingent of teaching staff on the budget reached 2000-2500 people. per year, training of personnel from other regions began actively, including on-site cycles. The main departments and courses of the faculty were formed, work was organized and carried out on the certification of healthcare specialists. Later, Professor L.E. served as vice-rector. Leonova.

Currently, this direction is headed by Professor V.M. Ladeyshchikov, who was appointed to the post of vice-rector for postgraduate education in December 2007. Professor Ya. B. Khovaeva was elected to the post of dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education in 2006 and is currently working.

The number of doctors studying has steadily increased since 1971. So, if in 1971 the graduation rate of cadets was only 106 people, then in the mid-80s it was 580 people, and in the 90s – already 1700 people a year.

Currently, using federal budget funds, we train more than 3,000 doctors annually.

Now FDPO unites eighteen structural divisions.

Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Today Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner is a large, generally recognized scientific center for higher medical education and research work, one of the leading medical universities in the Russian Federation.

They work at the university 569 highly qualified teachers, including 143 doctors And 354 candidates of medical sciences. Among them are laureates of the State Prize, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the Regional Prize named after the outstanding scientist of the Perm region, Professor P.A. Yasnitsky, holders of honorary diplomas from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, scholarship holders of state scientific scholarships for outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, scholarship holders of the Perm region. 87,7% full-time university teachers have an academic degree. This is the highest figure among universities in the Perm region and one of the highest among medical universities in the country.

Scientists from Perm State Medical University successfully develop scientific problems that are relevant both for Perm healthcare and for healthcare of the Russian Federation: in cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dentistry, epidemiology and other areas.

Every year the university leads in the number of patents received for inventions and utility models among higher educational institutions in the region.

The university plays a major role in the implementation of national projects in healthcare and education in the Perm region.

The university has a center for practical skills and abilities, an electronic reading room, and modern computer classes. Internet technologies, electronic information systems are being actively introduced and interactive multimedia solutions are being deployed. There is a preparatory department for applicants and foreign students and a distance learning center.

Every year the university provides training for more than 3,400 students. Are being trained 365 clinical interns- By 22 specialties, 264 clinical residents- By 40 specialties, 94 graduate students- By 20 specialties. Within a year they improve their professional qualifications by over 2,000 doctors- more than 80 specialties. The university annually graduates over 500 highly qualified doctors different profiles and 50 open source specialists.

The university operates 4 dissertation councils with the right to award the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of medical sciences.

Since 1992, the university has had an international student exchange program within the framework of IFMSA. During this time, over 100 specialists have been trained who successfully work in foreign medical institutions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The university provides training to foreign citizens under pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs. Currently, foreign students are studying at the university. citizens from 21 neighboring countries and far abroad.

In the context of the Bologna process and the expansion of international relations, the number of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences at the university and with the participation of PSMU employees increases every year.

Since 1997, Perm Medical University has been a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

In 2006, the university was named after the outstanding scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the first academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in the Urals - Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner.

In 2007, for many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities, Perm State Medical University was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the university was awarded a diploma of honor and included in the All-Russian National Register “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” under the heading “Education Elite of Russia” for outstanding professional achievements and significant contribution to the development of education, education and spiritual and moral education of youth.

In 2010, the university received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system in relation to educational activities in the field of healthcare with the requirements of GOST. Became a laureate of the competition "The best university in the Volga Federal District".

In 2014, the Academy was awarded the status of a University.


Since 1997 Perm Medical University is a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

In 2006- on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, the university was named after Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner.

In 2007 For many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities, Perm State Medical University was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2008 The university was awarded a diploma of honor and included in the All-Russian National Register “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” under the heading “Education Elite of Russia.”

In 2010 Became a laureate of the competition “Best University of the Volga Federal District”.

In 2014 The Academy was given the status of a University.

Perm State Medical University (PSMU) named after. Academician E. A. Wagner- higher medical educational institution in the city of Perm.

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    Higher medical education in the Western Urals dates back to 1916, when it was opened in Perm state university. It was originally medical department as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. It was here that the largest number of applicants were accepted: doctors made up 43% of all students. This was due to the fact that Russia was in dire need of medical personnel. Therefore, already in 1917, the department became an independent medical faculty, and on February 23, 1931, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, it became the Perm Medical Institute.

    The first rector (director, as this position was called then) was assistant to the department of skin and venereal diseases N. F. Bolshakov. Over the years, the institute was headed by: military doctor, associate professor P. P. Sumbaev (1935–1950), professor of the department of normal anatomy A. F. Mamoiko (1951–1952), I. I. Kositsyn (1953–1960 .), Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology T. V. Ivanovskaya (1961–1969), Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery E. A. Wagner (1970–1994). Since 1995, the rector of the institute is head. Department of Hospital Surgery, Professor V. A. Cherkasov. From 2005 to the present, the rector of the institute is Doctor of Medical Sciences (1992), Professor (1993) I. P. Koryukina.

    At first, students were trained at general departments of the university. As the medical faculty developed, and then the institute created its own departments. The first clinical departments were opened in 1920, the departments of faculty therapy and surgery, diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

    The first intake of students was carried out in seven faculties: treatment and prevention, sanitary and hygienic, maternal and infant health, on-the-job training of paramedics, workers' faculty, higher medical personnel, chemical and pharmaceutical. Subsequently, some of them, taking into account the new requirements put forward by developing healthcare, were closed, others were transformed.

    Considering the difficult times and the fact that many scientists were temporarily sent to work in Perm, the institute was faced with the task of training its own personnel. And it was successfully resolved. Scientists worked here highly qualified with extensive experience in educational, clinical, research work. These are professors B.V. Verigo, V.K. Schmidt, A.A. Zavarzin, V.F. Simonovich, A.S. Lebedev, V.N. Parin, V.P. Pervushin, P.I. Pichugin , P.I. Chistyakov, K.N. Shapshev and many others. They began to develop the best traditions inherent in Russian medicine.

    Already in the early 30s. A research sector was created at the educational part of the institute. More than 150 topics were developed under his leadership. TO scientific work Students began to become more actively involved: they studied in circles at departments and made presentations. And in 1937–1938 academic year In order to independently develop topics and assist teachers in scientific research, a student scientific society (SSS) was created.

    The institute grew and developed and by the early 40s. has become a major center of higher medical education and research, capable of solving global problems. During the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) the responsible work of training doctors for the front, organizing evacuation hospitals and qualified assistance to the population fell on the shoulders of the university. Already in the first days of the war, 92 scientists and many students went to the front. In difficult conditions, the institute continued to train military doctors. In 1941 alone, 730 doctors were graduated, and in total during the war - 1,540 doctors.

    As the country developed, the requirements for specialists changed, and opportunities for improving the level of training of doctors improved. The institute began to actively form scientific and practical schools in the main areas - therapy, surgery, obstetrics, and pediatrics.

    In the 60s - 70s. The university has reached its peak. Many specialists with high titles and degrees have already worked here. At this time, practical healthcare began to develop quite dynamically, the construction of large medical and preventive institutions, educational buildings, and student dormitories was underway. A Central Research Laboratory was organized, equipped with modern equipment, which made it possible to begin comprehensive research based on cooperation between various departments within the institute, as well as with other universities and research institutes.

    The institute has identified 11 scientific directions. The creative potential of scientists was aimed at implementing industry-specific union and republican programs and solving problems relevant to Perm and the Perm region. Scientists of the institute began to take part in forums on an international scale, and connections with foreign specialists significantly expanded.

    Since the mid-70s. a patent and licensing group was created, and when planning scientific research Patent information search has become mandatory. Active inventive and rationalization work began.

    Each stage of healthcare development had its own characteristics and requirements, its own difficulties and problems, but all generations of leading Perm medical scientists have always been united by dedication to their work, high responsibility and selfless work, even in the most difficult conditions.

    And today, university scientists sacredly honor and continue the traditions laid down by their predecessors, whose names have become pride national medicine. Drawing on the best from their accumulated experience, they do the most important thing, as at all times, - they train highly qualified doctors.

    In 1994, by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for higher education Permian medical school renamed Perm State Medical Academy.

    In 1994, by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, the Perm Medical Institute was renamed the Perm State Medical Academy.

    In 2014, the academy was awarded university status. The order (No. 666) was signed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2014.

    Heads of the university

    • Koryukina Irina Petrovna (2005 - present) - Russian medical scientist, rector of Perm State Medical University. Academician E.A. Wagner. Doctor of Medical Sciences (1992), Professor (1993). Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
    • Cherkasov Vladimir Aristarkhovich (1995 - 2005) - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy Natural Sciences RF. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
    • Evgeniy Antonovich Vagner (1970 - 1995) - surgeon, rector of the Perm State Medical Academy, co-founder of the Kirov State Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.
    • Ivanovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna (1960 - 1969) - Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology.
    • Kositsin Ivan Ivanovich (1953 - 1959) - professor, head of the department of normal anatomy.
    • Mamoiko Sergey Fedorovich (1951 - 1952) - professor, head of the department of normal anatomy.
    • Sumbaev Petr Petrovich (1935 - 1950) - associate professor, head of the department of military medical training.
    • Bolshakov Nikolay Filippovich (1931 - 1934)
    • Stoychev Stepan Anatolyevich (1930 - 1931) - People's Commissar of Health of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Stepan Anatolyevich Stoychev, associate professor of the department of Russian literature.
    • Sedykh Semyon Nikolaevich (1924 - 1926) - teacher of history at the VKB. The first rector is a communist (“red rector”).
    • Schmidt Viktor Karlovich (1923 - 1924) - professor of the department of anatomy, head of the department of histology. Richter Andrey Aleksandrovich (1922 - 1923) - professor, head of the department of anatomy and physiology of plants. In 1932 he was elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
    • Ottokar Nikolai Petrovich (1920 - 1922) - professor of the department of general history. Pokrovsky Konstantin Dermedontovich (1916 - 1918) - professor of the department of astronomy and geodesy. Arrived in Perm from Yuryev (Tartu).

    University today

    Today, Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner is a large, generally recognized scientific center of higher medical education and research work.

    They work at the university 607 highly qualified teachers, including 147 doctors And 365 candidates of medical sciences. Among them are laureates of the State Prize, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the regional award named after the outstanding scientist of the Perm region, Professor P. A. Yasnitsky, holders of honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, scholarship holders of state scientific scholarships for outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, scholarship holders of the Perm region. 80% full-time university teachers have an academic degree. This is the highest figure among universities in the Perm region and one of the highest among medical universities in the country. Scientists from Perm State Medical University successfully develop scientific problems that are relevant both for Perm healthcare and for healthcare of the Russian Federation: in cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dentistry, epidemiology and other areas.

    Every year the university leads in the number of patents received for inventions and utility models among higher educational institutions in the region.

    The university plays a major role in the implementation of national projects in healthcare and education in the Perm region.

    The university has an electronic reading room and 11 modern computer classes. Internet technologies, electronic information systems are being actively introduced and interactive multimedia solutions are being deployed. There is a preparatory department for applicants and foreign students and a distance learning center.

    Every year the university provides training for more than 3,400 students. Are being trained 482 clinical interns- By 22 specialties, 303 clinical residents- By 36 specialties, 149 graduate students- By 25 specialties. Within a year they improve their professional qualifications by over 2,000 doctors- more than 80 specialties. The university annually graduates over 500 doctors different profiles.

    The university operates 4 dissertation councils with the right to award the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of medical sciences.

    Since 1992, the university has had an international student exchange program within the framework of IFMSA. During this time, over 100 specialists have been trained who successfully work in foreign medical institutions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

    The university provides training to foreign citizens under pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs. Currently, foreign students are studying at the university. citizens from 21 neighboring countries and far abroad.

    In the context of the Bologna process and the expansion of international relations, the number of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences at the university and with the participation of PSMU employees increases every year.

    Since 1997, Perm Medical University has been a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).