Pavlov Ivan Petrovich brief thoughts and statements. Sayings and aphorisms by Pavlov I

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Nervous activity Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Work for Pavlova

It was a difficult time: he experienced a change of power, a war.

Despite this, his achievements determined the vector of science for many years to come.

Years to come. Here are some of his sayings that will help

Understand what kind of person he was.

My whole life consisted of experiments. Our government

Also an experimenter, only incomparably more high category.

I long to live to see this come to a victorious conclusion.

Moscow Kremlin at the reception of delegates of the XV International

Physiological Congress).

I was, am and will remain a Russian person, a son of the Motherland, its

First of all, I am interested in life, I live in its interests,

I strengthen my dignity with dignity... Only then will I

I felt to what extent all my activities - at least in terms of

Its essence is international - to what extent is it connected with

The dignity and interests of the Motherland (1923 - introductory lecture

To the course of physiology at the Military Medical Academy).

- difficult times, full of persistent sorrow for those who think and

For those who feel, who feel humanly, there is only one life left

Support - fulfillment to the best of one’s ability of one’s assumed duty (from a letter

Ivan Petrovich V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, Archbishop Luke).

My work unfolds on a large scale. I have

Many workers have gathered and I am not able to receive everyone

Those who wish (From a letter to student B.P. Babkin).

The instinct for freedom is tenacious<...>it cannot be eradicated completely by any means

Dumas on the topic “Several applications of new brain physiology to

Revolution for me is really something terrible

Cruelty and violence, violence even against science (from a letter


In my deep conviction, persecution by our government

Religions and patronage of militant atheism are a big and

Harmful consequences state error. I'm conscious

An atheist is a rationalist and therefore cannot be suspected of any

Whatever professional passion<...>There is religion

The most important protective instinct formed when an animal

Turned into a human<...>and having a huge life

Meaning (From a letter to G.N. Kaminsky).

Be passionate in your work and your pursuits (From a letter to


Remember that science demands from a person his entire life. And if

If you had two lives, they would not be enough for you (From a letter to


Never take on the next one without mastering the previous one...

Learn the basics of science before attempting to climb its heights (From

Letters to youth).

Nobel Prize Laureate

"All real science consists only in knowing: what is good

What is bad, and what should and should not be done in order to

Live well. Everything that helps this knowledge is all science, and

Anything that does not help this is not science, but mere nonsense." -

L.N. Tolstoy

Will you be deceived or not - that is the question!
If you are deceived, you will be destroyed
If you know the truth you will live
Nazim Hikmet

The right goals. Bronnikov
A person should live 162 years. Bronnikov
A person should not grow old and die. Bronnikov

Medicine from a position of truth. Boris Bolotov 2005

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - creator of space medicine

About the dangers of medicine. V. Rogozhkin in the radio program "TIME FOR CHANGE"

Nikolay Levashov about modern medicine
I like 2
20 minutes ago|Reply


Hello, dear Viktor Nekrasov!
I, Perepelkin Viktor Dmitrievich, from Omsk.
My ancestor - grandfather Artemy, was born in Biserti,
- this is where the Ural plant was.
My last name is Perepelkin,
- happened with the light hand of General Nekrasov,
quartered with his military army in Russian
average village estate, somewhere
between Volga and Don,
Moreover, having a love for theatrical performances,
started his own theater, recruiting village women and girls there.
After some time, leaving their habitual places,
the population began to increase in the village,
and to all those born again,
assigned the same surname,
organizer and director of the theater,
in the world called Perepelkin.
This was the preface to my response to your review...
Thank you for your valuable review.
Moreover, I have, what can I say,
in defense of the real scientist, academician, physiologist Pavlov.
It seems to me that one should not call an academician and a scientist
who makes his own science and teaches others,
the main features of scientific activity,
in the field of research in the physiology of organisms,
in a word - a fan!
I interpret it in the following way:
- the word fan - has at its root foreign word FAN,
used for over a hundred years,
all over the world, - to designate people - OBSERVERS,
having nothing to do with the business process,
but only recording in their observations
separate, interesting moments only for them,
understood by them according to their intelligence and abilities,
which don't have to exist.
- nowadays sports observers are called fans,
who do not participate, but only observe, sporting events,
and it seems to them, and not only to them, that the result of competitions in the sports arena greatly depends on their behavior.
- from this comes another word - FANATIC.
Religious fanatics have performed a lot of "miracles"
especially in MEDIEVAL times, destroying witches or
in general, dealing with people of other faiths.
This is how you can define people, among the BOLSHEVIKS,
revolutionaries to whom must be attributed
Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky,
honorary loader - title,
officially assigned to him by the revolutionary authorities,
in due time, but why do I think so?
In a book describing the life of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky,
you can find a place where it says,
that - he did not complete a single grade of school,
because the priest, who read the Law of God to first-graders,
Dzerzhinsky F.E. - expelled from the first grade of school,
after that, the whole family had to leave for another place of residence.
Although, he learned to read and write on his own.
And, - I read all the news greedily.
Thank you for your review.
Sincerely, Victor Dmitrievich, from Omsk.


Born in Ryazan into a family of clergy. He graduated from the Ryazan Theological Seminary, then the natural sciences department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University. He made a number of discoveries in the field of reflexes for the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices. Created modern physiology of digestion. In 1903, he made a report at the international physiological congress in Madrid, where he first formulated the principles of higher physiology nervous activity, and in next year became the first Russian Nobel Prize laureate for his research into the functions of the main digestive glands.

In 1919–20, enduring poverty, lack of funding scientific research, refused the invitation of the Swedish Academy of Sciences to move to Sweden, where he was promised to create the most favorable conditions for life and scientific research, which was followed by a decree of the Soviet government, according to which the scientist was built the Institute of Physiology in Koltushi, near Leningrad, where he worked until his death .

Aphorisms of Ivan Pavlov

  • War, in essence, is an animal way of solving life's difficulties, a method unworthy of the human mind with its immeasurable resources.
  • All my life I have loved and love mental and physical work, and, perhaps, even more than the second. And he felt especially satisfied when he added some good guess to the latter, that is, he connected his head with his hands.
  • Any business does not work without real passion and love.
  • Genius is the supreme ability to concentrate attention on the subject being studied.
  • If you don’t have ideas in your head, you won’t see facts.
  • If excessive and exclusive passion for food is animality, then arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as everywhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but pay due attention.
  • If I reason logically, it only means that I am not crazy, but it does not at all prove that I am right.
  • Life is only wonderful for those who strive for a goal that is constantly achieved, but never achieved.
  • Every time I start difficult work, never rush, give time, depending on the work, to get into this complex work, to mobilize in an orderly manner, and not senselessly, fussily.
  • My faith is the belief that the progress of science will bring happiness to humanity.
  • We live in a society where the state is everything and the individual is nothing, and such a society has no future.
  • We lived and live under an unrelenting regime of terror and violence... Spare the homeland and us!
  • Observation is a completely sufficient method for studying only simpler phenomena. Observation collects what nature offers it. Experience takes from nature what it wants.
  • Science demands from a person his whole life. And if you had two lives, they would not be enough for you. Science requires great effort and great passion from a person.
  • There is nothing more powerful in the life of the human body than rhythm.
  • Never think that you already know everything. And no matter how highly they rate you, always have the courage to say to yourself: I am ignorant. Don't let pride take over you. Because of it you will persist where you need to agree, because of it you will refuse useful advice and friendly assistance, because of it you will lose a measure of objectivity.
  • Never try to cover up the shortcomings of your knowledge with even the most daring guesses and hypotheses. No matter how much this soap bubble pleases your gaze with its overflows, it will inevitably burst, and you will be left with nothing but embarrassment.
  • Rest is a change of activity.
  • Joy, making a person more and more sensitive to every beat of life, strengthens the body.
  • The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working.
  • Human happiness is somewhere between freedom and discipline. Freedom alone without strict discipline and rules without a sense of freedom cannot create a full-fledged human personality.
  • Only empty people do not experience a wonderful and sublime feeling of homeland.
  • Anyone who wants to develop their will must learn to overcome obstacles.
  • Physical labor under certain conditions is “muscular joy.”
  • Man is the highest product of earthly nature. Man is the most complex and subtle system. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and smart.
  • A person can live up to a hundred years. We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our disgraceful treatment of our own body, reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.

Quotes from Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, an outstanding scientist whom his contemporaries called pride national science and the first physiologist of the world

Alcohol causes much more grief than joy to all of humanity, although it is used for the sake of joy. How many talented and strong people have died and are dying because of him.

Any business does not work without real passion and love.

If excessive and exclusive passion for food is animality, then arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as everywhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but pay due attention.

If I reason logically, it only means that I am not crazy, but it does not at all prove that I am right.

My faith is the belief that the progress of science will bring happiness to humanity.

We live in a society where the state is everything, and the person is nothing, and such a society has no future, despite any Volkhov construction and Dnieper hydroelectric power stations.

We lived and live under an unrelenting regime of terror and violence. I see most of all the similarities between our life and the life of ancient Asian despotisms. Spare your homeland and us.

Science moves in spurts depending on the successes achieved by the methodology.

Science demands from a person his whole life. And if you had two lives, they would not be enough for you. Science requires great effort and great passion from a person.

There is nothing more powerful in the life of the human body than rhythm. Any function, especially the autonomic one, has a constant tendency to switch to the regime imposed on it.

Never think that you already know everything. And no matter how highly they rate you, always have the courage to say to yourself: I am ignorant. Don't let pride take over you. Because of it, you will persist where you need to agree, because of it, you will refuse useful advice and friendly assistance, because of it, you will lose a measure of objectivity.

Never try to cover up the shortcomings of your knowledge with even the most daring guesses and hypotheses. No matter how much this soap bubble pleases your gaze with its overflows, it will inevitably burst, and you will be left with nothing but embarrassment.

You need to learn to be happy in moments of relaxation, when you remember that you are alive, and not in moments of hectic life, when you forget about it.

Losing a goal means losing connections with life.

Joy, making a person more sensitive to every beat of life, strengthens the body.

The goal reflex is the basic form of vital energy of each of us. Life is only beautiful and strong for those who strive throughout their lives for a goal that is constantly achieved and never achieved. All life, all its improvements, all its culture is made by people striving for the goal they have set in life.

The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working.

The most powerful irritants are people.

Human happiness is somewhere between freedom and discipline.

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland.

Anyone who wants to develop their will must learn to overcome obstacles.

  • Every time you start complex work, never rush, give time, depending on the work, to get into this complex work, to mobilize in an orderly manner, and not senselessly, fussily.
  • Any business does not work without real passion and love.
  • All my life I have loved and love mental work and physical work, and, perhaps, even more than the second... physical work serves as the greatest remedy in case of disorder of higher nervous activity.
  • Only empty people do not experience a wonderful and sublime feeling of homeland.
  • Joy, making a person more sensitive to every beat of life, strengthens the body.
  • If excessive and exclusive passion for food is animality, then arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as everywhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but pay due attention.
  • There is nothing more powerful in the life of the human body than rhythm. Any function, especially the autonomic one, has a constant tendency to switch to the regime imposed on it.
  • A person can live up to 100 years. We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our disgraceful treatment of our own body, reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.
  • Man is the highest product of earthly nature. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and smart.
  • Don’t drink wine, don’t sadden your heart with tobacco, and you will live as long as Titian lived.
  • Alcohol causes much more grief than joy to all of humanity, although it is used for the sake of joy. How many talented and strong people have died and are dying because of him.
  • Rest is a change of activity.