Possibility of decarboxylation of dicarboxylic acids. Decarboxylation of aromatic carboxylic acids as an electrophilic substitution reaction

Lecture No. 12



1. Methods of obtaining.

2. Chemical properties.

2.1. Acidic properties.

2.3. Reactions by a -carbon atom.

2.5. Recovery.

2.6. Dicarboxylic acids.

Lecture No. 12



1. Methods of obtaining.

2. Chemical properties.

2.1. Acidic properties.

2.2. Nucleophilic substitution reactions.
Functional derivatives carboxylic acids.

2.3. Reactions by a -carbon atom.

2.5. Recovery.

2.6. Dicarboxylic acids.

1. Methods of obtaining

2. Chemical

Carboxylic acids contain a carboxyl group in which they are directly linked
a carbonyl group and a hydroxyl. Their mutual influence determines a new
complex of properties other than properties carbonyl compounds And
hydroxyl derivatives. Reactions involving carboxylic acids proceed according to
the following main directions.

    1. Substitution of hydrogen of the COOH group under
      action of grounds ( acidic properties).
    2. Interaction with nucleophilic reagents
      at the carbonyl carbon atom ( formation of functional derivatives and
    3. Reactions by a -carbon atom
    4. Decaboxylation

2.1. Acidic

Carboxylic acids are among the strongest organic acids. Their water
solutions are acidic.

RCOOH + H 2 O = RCOO - +

Reasons for the high acidity of carboxylic acids and
its dependence on the nature of substituents in the hydrocarbon radical was
discussed earlier (see lecture No. 4).

Carboxylic acids form salts when
interaction with active metals and most reasons.

When interacting with strong inorganic
acids, carboxylic acids can exhibit basic properties by adding
proton on the carbonyl oxygen atom.

Protonation of carboxylic acids is used
to activate the carboxyl group in nucleophilic substitution reactions.

Due to the presence in the molecule at the same time
acidic and basic centers, carboxylic acids form intermolecular
hydrogen bonds and exist mainly in the form of dimers (see lecture No. 2).

2.2. Nucleophilic substitution reactions.
Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids.

The main type of reactions of carboxylic acids is
interaction with nucleophiles to form functional derivatives.
Interconversions linking carboxylic acids and their functional
derivatives are shown in the diagram.

The connections shown in the diagram contain
acyl group During
their mutual transformations, it passes unchanged from one compound to
the other by combining with a nucleophile. Such processes are called acylation,
and carboxylic acids and their functional derivatives – acylating
. IN general view the acylation process can be represented
the following diagram.

Thus, acylation is
the process of nucleophilic substitution at the carbonyl carbon atom.

Let us consider the reaction mechanism in general form and
compare it with Ad N -reactions
aldehydes and ketones. As with carbonyl compounds, the reaction begins
from a nucleophile attack on the carbonyl carbon atom bearing an effective
positive charge. At the same time it breaks
p -carbon-oxygen bond is formed tetrahedral
. Paths for further transformation of the intermediate at carbonyl and
acyl compounds are different. If carbonyl compounds give the product accession, then acyl compounds eliminate group X and give the product substitutions.

The reason for the different behavior of acyl and
carbonyl compounds - in different stability of the potential leaving group X.
In the case of aldehydes and ketones, this is the hydride anion H — or carbonanion R, which, due to their high basicity, are
extremely poor leaving groups. In the case of acyl compounds X
much more stable leaving group (Cl
— ,
RCOO - , RO - , NH 2 - ), which makes it possible to eliminate it in the form of an anion
or conjugate acid

Reactivity towards
carboxylic acids and their functional derivatives have less nucleophiles than
aldehydes and ketones, since the effective positive charge on the carbonyl
their carbon atom is lower due to the + M- effect of the X group.

The activity of the acyl group increases under conditions
acid catalysis, since protonation increases the effective
positive charge on the carbon atom and makes it easier to attack

According to the acylating ability of derivatives
carboxylic acids are arranged in the next row in accordance with the decrease
+M-effect of group X.

In this series, the previous terms can be obtained from
subsequent acylation of the corresponding nucleophile. The process of getting more
There are practically no active acylating reagents from less active ones due to
unfavorable equilibrium position due to higher basicity
leaving group compared to the attacking nucleophile. All functional
derivatives can be obtained directly from acids and are converted into them
during hydrolysis.

Acid chlorides and anhydrides

Receipt methods

Acid chlorides are prepared by reacting
carboxylic acids with phosphorus and sulfur halides.

RCOOH + SOCl 2 ® RCOOCl + SO 2 +

RCOOH + PCl 5 ® RCOOH + POCl 3 +

Anhydrides are formed from carboxylic acids under
action of phosphorus oxide (V).

Mixed anhydrides can be prepared
acylation of carboxylic acid salts with acid chlorides.

acid chlorides and anhydrides.

X acid chlorides and anhydrides are the most reactive derivatives
carboxylic acids. Their reactions with nucleophiles occur under mild conditions, without
catalyst and is practically irreversible.

When using mixed anhydrides with
the nucleophile connects the residue of a weaker acid, and the anion of a stronger one
acid plays the role of a leaving group.

mixed anhydrides play an important role in biochemical acylation reactions
carboxylic acids and phosphoric acid - acyl phosphates and substituted acyl phosphates. WITH
a nucleophile combines with an organic acid residue, and the acylphosphate anion
acts as a good leaving group.


Receipt methods

RCOO— Na+ + R Cl ® RCOOR + NaCl The most important method for preparing esters is esterification reaction. The reaction proceeds as a nucleophilic substitution in
carboxyl group.

Carboxylic acids are weak acylating
reagents due to the significant +M effect of the OH group. Using strengths
nucleophiles, which are also strong bases (for example,
main catalysis), in this case is impossible, since they convert carbon
acids into even less reactive salts of carboxylic acids. The reaction is carried out
under conditions of acid catalysis. The role of the acid catalyst is, as already
said to increase the effective positive charge on the carbon atom
carboxyl group, and, in addition, protonation of the OH group at the stage
elimination turns it into a good leaving group - H 2 O.

All stages of the esterification reaction
reversible. To shift the equilibrium towards the esterification process, use
excess of one of the reactants or removal of products from the reaction sphere.

Nucleophilic substitution reactions in
alkoxycarbonyl group.

Esters are weaker acylating agents.
reagents than anhydrides and acid chlorides. S N -reactions in the alkoxycarbonyl group proceed in more
harsh conditions and require acid or base catalysis. The most important
reactions of this type are hydrolysis, aminolysis and


Esters hydrolyze to form carboxylic acids under the influence of
acids or alkalis.

Acid hydrolysis of esters is the reverse reaction of esterification.

The mechanism of acid hydrolysis includes the same stages as
and the esterification process, but in reverse order.

Alkaline hydrolysis of esters requires
equimolar amounts of alkali and proceeds irreversibly.

RCOOR + NaOH ® RCOO - Na + + R OH

The essence of alkaline catalysis is to use
instead of a weak nucleophile - water, a stronger nucleophile -
hydroxide ion.

Irreversibility of the process
ensured by low reactivity towards nucleophiles
hydrolysis product – carboxylate anion.


The role of the nucleophile in the transesterification reaction
performed by an alcohol molecule. The process is catalyzed by acids or

The reaction mechanism is similar to the hydrolysis of complex
ethers. Transesterification is a reversible process. To shift balance to the right
it is necessary to use a large excess of the starting alcohol. Reaction
transesterification is used to produce fatty acid esters
from triacylglycerides (see lec. 18)


Esters acylate ammonia and amines with
formation of amides of carboxylic acids.

Amides of carboxylic acids

Structure of the amide group

A the mid group is found in many biologically important compounds,
primarily in peptides and proteins (peptide bond). Her electronic and
spatial structure largely determines their biological

The amide group is p-p - the conjugate system in which it occurs
additional overlap of the p-orbital of the nitrogen atom with
p -communication orbital

This electron density distribution
leads to an increase in the energy barrier of rotation around C-N connections up to 60 –
90 kJ/mol. As a result, the amide bond has a flat structure, and the bond lengths
C-N and C=O have values ​​less and more than their usual values, respectively.

No free rotation around C-N connections
leads to the existence of amides cis- And trance-isomers. For
most amides, it is preferred trance-configuration.

The peptide bond also has trance-configuration in which the side radicals of amino acid residues
most distant from each other

Receipt methods

Nucleophilic substitution reactions in
carboxamide group.

Amides are the least reactive derivatives of carboxylic acids. For them
hydrolysis reactions are known that occur under harsh conditions under the influence of
aqueous solutions of acids or alkalis.

The reaction mechanisms are similar to the hydrolysis of complex
ethers. However, unlike ester hydrolysis, acid and alkaline hydrolysis
amides proceed irreversibly.

2.3. Reactions by a -carbon

Carboxylic acids containing a -hydrogen atoms,
react with bromine in the presence of phosphorus to form exclusively
a -bromo derivatives
(Gell–Forhald–Zelinsky reaction

Halogen in a -halogenated acids are easily replaced by
action of nucleophilic reagents. That's why
a -halogenated acids
are starting materials in the synthesis of a wide range of substituted compounds
a -position
acids, including
a -amino- and a -hydroxy acids.


Decarboxylation is the elimination of CO 2 from carboxylic acids or their salts. Decarboxylation
carried out by heating in the presence of acids or bases. At the same time, how
As a rule, the carboxyl group is replaced by a hydrogen atom.

Unsubstituted monocarboxylic acids
decarboxylate under harsh conditions.

Decarboxylation is facilitated by the presence of
electron-withdrawing substituents in a-position.

Enzymatic is important
decarboxylation of keto-, amino- and hydroxy acids in the body (see lecture No. 14 and

Decarboxylation by heating (dry
distillation) of calcium and barium salts of carboxylic acids - method of obtaining


Carboxylic acids, acid chlorides, anhydrides and esters
are reduced by LiAlH 4 to primary

Acid chlorides can be reduced to
aldehydes (see lecture No. 11).

When reducing amides of carboxylic acids
amines are formed.

3. Dicarboxylic acids

Dicarboxylic acids contain two carboxyl groups. Most accessible
are acids of linear structure containing from 2 to 6 carbon atoms. Their
the structure and methods of preparation are presented in Table 9. bacteria

Chemical properties dicarboxylic acids V
basically similar to the properties of monocarboxylic acids. They give all the reactions
characteristic of a carboxyl group. In this case, it can be obtained
functional derivatives (acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters, amides) as
one or both carboxyl
groups. Dicarboxylic acids are more acidic than monocarboxylic acids.
due to the –I effect of the carboxyl group. As the distance between
carboxyl groups, the acidity of dicarboxylic acids decreases (see table.

In addition, dicarboxylic acids have a number of
specific properties that are determined by the presence in the molecule of two
carboxyl groups.

The ratio of dicarboxylic acids to

Transformations of dicarboxylic acids when heated
depend on the length of the chain separating the carboxyl groups and are determined
the possibility of forming thermodynamically stable five- and six-membered

When heating oxalic and malonic acids
decarboxylation occurs.

Succinic, glutaric and maleic acids at
when heated, water is easily split off to form five- and six-membered cyclic

Adipic acid when heated
decarboxylates to form a cyclic ketone, cyclopentanone.

Polycondensation reactions

D icarboxylic acids react with diamines and diols with
formation of polyamides and polyesters, respectively, which are used in
production of synthetic fibers.

Biologically important dicarbonates

Oxalic acid forms sparingly soluble salts, for example,
calcium oxalate, which are deposited as stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Succinic acid participates in metabolic processes occurring in
body. It is an intermediate compound in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

Fumaric acid, unlike maleic , widespread in nature, participates in the process
metabolism, in particular in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

Author: Chemical Encyclopedia I.L. Knunyants

DECARBOXYLATION, elimination of CO 2 from the carboxylic group of carboxylic acids or the carboxylate group of their salts. This is usually carried out by heating in the presence of acids or bases. DECARBOXYLATION of saturated monocarboxylic acids usually occurs under harsh conditions. Thus, calcination of Na acetate with an excess of soda lime leads to the elimination of CO 2 and the formation of methane: CH 3 COONa + NaOH CH 4 + Na 2 CO 3 . DECARBOXYLATION is facilitated for acids containing a -position of electronegative groups. Easy DECARBOXYLATION of acetoacetic (formula I) and nitroacetic acids (II) is due to the occurrence of a cyclic transition state:

D. homologues of nitro acetic acid- preparative method for obtaining nitroalkanes. Naib. DECARBOXYLATION of acids is easily carried out, the carboxyl group of which is directly bonded to another electroph. in groups. For example, heating pyruvic acid with conc. H 2 SO 4 easily leads to acetaldehyde:

When DECARBOXYLATION oxalic acid under the same conditions, in addition to CO 2, H 2 O and CO are formed. D. is also facilitated if the carboxyl group is connected to an unsaturated C atom; Thus, DECARBOXYLATION of the monopotassium salt of acetylenedicarboxylic acid is a convenient method for the synthesis of propiolic acid:

D. acetylenecarboxylic acid is carried out at room temperature in presence Cu salts: HCCCOOH HC=CH + CO 2 . Aromatic acids are decarboxylated, as a rule, under harsh conditions, for example, when heated in quinoline in the presence of a metallic acid. powders By this method, in the presence of Cu, furan is obtained from pyroslitic acid. DECARBOXYLATION aromatic acids facilitated by the presence of electroph. substituents, for example, trinitrobenzoic acid is decarboxylated when heated to 40-45 °C. D. vapors of carboxylic acids over heated catalysts (Ca and Ba carbonates, Al 2 O 3, etc.) - one of the methods for the synthesis of ketones: 2RCOOH: RCOR + H 2 O + CO 2. When DECARBOXYLATING a mixture of two acids, a mixture of unsymmetrical and symmetrical ketones is formed. DECARBOXYLATION of sodium salts of carboxylic acids during electrolysis of their conc. aqueous solutions (see Kolbe reactions) are an important method for the preparation of alkanes. DECARBOXYLATION reactions that have preparative significance include halogen decarboxylation - the replacement of a carboxyl group in a molecule with a halogen. The reaction occurs under the influence of LiCl (or N-bromosuccinimide) and Pb tetraacetate on carboxylic acids, as well as free halogens (Cl 2, Br 2, I 2) on salts of carboxylic acids, for example: RCOOM RHal (M = Ag, K, Hg, T1). Silver salts of dicarboxylic acids under the influence of I 2 are easily converted into lactones:

Oxidation also plays an important role. DECARBOXYLATION - elimination of CO 2 from carboxylic acids, accompanied by oxidation. Depending on the oxidizing agent used, such DECARBOXYLATION leads to alkenes, esters, and other products. Thus, during DECARBOXYLATION of phenylacetic acid in the presence of pyridine-N-oxide, benzaldehyde is formed:

Similar to DECARBOXYLATION of salts of carboxylic acids, DECARBOXYLATION of organoelement derivatives and esters occurs, for example:

The degeneration of esters is also carried out under the action of bases (alcoholates, amines, etc.) in an alcohol (aqueous) solution or Li and Na chlorides in DMSO. Enzymatic DECARBOXYLATION is of great importance in various metabolic processes. There are two types of such reactions: simple DECARBOXYLATION (reversible reaction) and oxidative DECARBOXYLATION, in which first DECARBOXYLATION occurs and then dehydrogenation of the substrate. According to the latter type, enzymatic DECARBOXYLATION of pyruvic and a -ketoglutaric acids are intermediate products of the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins (see Tricarboxylic acid cycle). Enzymatic DECARBOXYLATION of amino acids in bacteria and animals is also widespread.

Chemical encyclopedia. Volume 2 >>

Hydrocarbons of different classes (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkadienes, arenes) can be obtained in various ways.

Preparation of alkanes

Cracking of alkanes from initially b O longer chain length

The process used in industry takes place in the temperature range 450-500 o C in the presence of a catalyst and at a temperature of 500-700 o C in the absence of a catalyst:

The importance of the industrial cracking process lies in the fact that it allows increasing the yield of gasoline from heavy fractions of oil, which are not of significant value in themselves.

Hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons

  • alkenes:
  • alkynes and alkadienes:

Coal gasification

in the presence of a nickel catalyst at elevated temperatures and pressures can be used to produce methane:

Fischer-Tropsch process

Using this method it is possible to obtain saturated hydrocarbons normal structure, i.e. alkanes. The synthesis of alkanes is carried out using synthesis gas (a mixture of carbon monoxide CO and hydrogen H2), which is passed through catalysts at high temperature and pressure:

Wurtz reaction

Using this reaction, hydrocarbons with b O higher number of carbon atoms in the chain than in the parent hydrocarbons. The reaction occurs when metallic sodium acts on haloalkanes:

Decarboxylation of carboxylic acid salts

Fusion of solid salts of carboxylic acids with alkalis leads to a decarboxylation reaction, which produces a hydrocarbon with a smaller number of carbon atoms and a metal carbonate (Dumas reaction):

Hydrolysis of aluminum carbide

The interaction of aluminum carbide with water, as well as non-oxidizing acids, leads to the formation of methane:

Al 4 C 3 + 12H 2 O = 4Al(OH) 3 + 3CH 4

Al 4 C 3 + 12HCl = 4AlCl 3 + 3CH 4

Preparation of alkenes

Cracking of alkanes

The reaction in general form has already been discussed above (production of alkanes). Example of a cracking reaction:

Dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes

Dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes occurs when they are exposed to an alcoholic alkali solution:

Dehydration of alcohols

This process takes place in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid and heating to a temperature of more than 140 o C:

Please note that in both the case of dehydration and dehydrohalogenation, the elimination of the low molecular weight product (water or hydrogen halide) occurs according to Zaitsev's rule: hydrogen is eliminated from the less hydrogenated carbon atom.

Dehalogenation of vicinal dihaloalkanes

Vicinal dihaloalkanes are those derivatives of hydrocarbons in which chlorine atoms are attached to adjacent atoms of the carbon chain.

Dehydrohalogenation of vicinal haloalkanes can be accomplished using zinc or magnesium:

Dehydrogenation of alkanes

Passing alkanes over a catalyst (Ni, Pt, Pd, Al 2 O 3 or Cr 2 O 3) at high temperature (400-600 o C) leads to the formation of the corresponding alkenes:

Preparation of alkadienes

Dehydrogenation of butane and butene-1

Currently, the main method for the production of butadiene-1,3 (divinyl) is the catalytic dehydrogenation of butane, as well as butene-1 contained in gases from secondary oil refining. The process is carried out in the presence of a catalyst based on chromium (III) oxide at 500-650°C:

The action of high temperatures in the presence of catalysts on isopentane (2-methylbutane) produces an industrially important product - isoprene (the starting material for the production of so-called “natural” rubber):

Lebedev method

Previously (in the Soviet Union) butadiene-1,3 was obtained using the Lebedev method from ethanol:

Dehydrohalogenation of dihalogenated alkanes

It is carried out by the action of an alcoholic alkali solution on halogen derivatives:

Preparation of alkynes

Acetylene production

Methane pyrolysis

When heated to a temperature of 1200-1500 o C, methane undergoes a dehydrogenation reaction with simultaneous doubling of the carbon chain - acetylene and hydrogen are formed:

Hydrolysis of alkali and alkaline earth metal carbides

Acetylene is produced in the laboratory by reacting carbides of alkali and alkaline earth metals with water or non-oxidizing acids. The cheapest and, as a result, the most accessible for use is calcium carbide:

Dehydrohalogenation of dihaloalkanes

Preparation of acetylene homologues

Dehydrohalogenation of dihaloalkanes:

Dehydrogenation of alkanes and alkenes:

Preparation of aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes)

Decarboxylation of salts of aromatic carboxylic acids

By fusing salts of aromatic carboxylic acids with alkalis, it is possible to obtain aromatic hydrocarbons with fewer carbon atoms in the molecule compared to the original salt:

Trimerization of acetylene

When passing acetylene at a temperature of 400°C over activated carbon, benzene is formed in good yield:

In a similar way, symmetrical trialkyl-substituted benzenes can be prepared from acetylene homologues. For example:

Dehydrogenation of cyclohexane homologues

When cycloalkanes with 6 carbon atoms are exposed to a high temperature cycle in the presence of platinum, dehydrogenation occurs with the formation of the corresponding aromatic hydrocarbon:


It is also possible to receive aromatic hydrocarbons from hydrocarbons of a non-cyclic structure in the presence of a carbon chain with a length of 6 or more carbon atoms (dehydrocyclization). The process is carried out at high temperatures in the presence of platinum or any other hydrogenation-dehydrogenation catalyst (Pd, Ni):


Preparation of benzene homologues by alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons with chlorinated alkanes, alkenes or alcohols.

Reactions of carboxylic acids can be divided into several large groups:

1) Reduction of carboxylic acids

2) Decarboxylation reactions

3) Substitution reactions at the -carbon atom of carboxylic acids

4) Nucleophilic substitution reactions at the acyl carbon atom.

We will consider each of these groups of reactions one by one.

18.3.1. Reduction of carboxylic acids

Carboxylic acids are reduced to primary alcohols using lithium aluminum hydride. Reduction occurs under more severe conditions than are required for the reduction of aldehydes and ketones. Reduction is usually carried out by boiling in a solution of tetrahydrofuran.

Diborane B 2 H 6 also reduces carboxylic acids to primary alcohols. The reduction of the carboxyl group to CH 2 OH by the action of diborane in THF is carried out under very mild conditions and does not affect some functional groups (NO 2 ; CN;
), so this method is preferable in some cases.

18.3.2. Decarboxylation

This term combines a whole group of diverse reactions in which CO 2 is eliminated and the resulting compounds contain one carbon atom less than the original acid.

The most important of the decarboxylation reactions in organic synthesis is the Borodin-Hunsdicker reaction, in which the silver salt of a carboxylic acid, when heated with a solution of bromine in CCl 4, is converted into an alkyl halide.

To successfully carry out this reaction, it is necessary to use carefully dried silver salts of carboxylic acids, and the yield of alkyl halide varies widely depending on the degree of purification and dehydration of the salt. The modification, where mercury salts are used instead of silver, does not have this drawback. The mercury salt of a carboxylic acid is not isolated in individual form, but a mixture of carboxylic acid, yellow mercuric oxide and halogen is heated in an indifferent solvent. This method generally results in higher and more reproducible yield.

A chain radical mechanism has been established for the Borodin-Hunsdicker reaction. The acylhypobromite formed in the first stage undergoes homolytic cleavage with the formation of a carboxyl radical and a bromine atom. The carboxyl radical loses CO 2 and becomes an alkyl radical, which then regenerates the chain by eliminating a bromine atom from the acyl hypobromite.

Chain initiation:

Chain development:

The original method of oxidative decarboxylation of carboxylic acids was proposed by J. Kochi in 1965. Carboxylic acids are oxidized with lead tetraacetate, during which decarboxylation occurs and alkanes, alkenes or acetic acid esters are obtained as reaction products, depending on the conditions. The mechanism of this reaction has not been established in detail; the following sequence of transformations is assumed:

The alkene and ester appear to be formed from the carbocation, respectively, by proton abstraction or acetate ion capture. The introduction of a halide ion into the reaction mixture almost completely suppresses both of these processes and leads to the formation of alkyl halides.

These two decarboxylation methods complement each other well. Decarboxylation of Ag or Hg salts gives the best results for carboxylic acids with a primary radical, while during oxidation with lead tetraacetate in the presence of lithium chloride, the highest yields of alkyl halides are observed for carboxylic acids with a secondary radical.

Another reaction of decarboxylation of carboxylic acids, which has an important preparative value, is the electrolytic condensation of salts of carboxylic acids, discovered in 1849 by G. Kolbe. He carried out electrolysis of an aqueous solution of potassium acetate in the hope of obtaining the free radical CH 3, but instead ethane was obtained at the anode. Similarly, by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of the sodium salt of valeric acid, n.octane was obtained instead of the butyl radical. Electrochemical oxidation of carboxylate ions turned out to be historically the first general method for the synthesis of saturated hydrocarbons. During the electrolysis of sodium or potassium salts of saturated aliphatic acids in methanol or aqueous methanol in an electrolyzer with platinum electrodes at 0-20°C and with a sufficiently high current density, alkanes are formed with a yield of 50-90%.

However, in the presence of an alkyl group in the -position, the yields decrease sharply and rarely exceed 10%.

This reaction has proven to be particularly useful for the synthesis of diesters of dicarboxylic acids ROOC(CH 2) n COOR with n from 2 to 34 during the electrolysis of alkaline salts of half-esters of dicarboxylic acids.

In modern organic electrosynthesis, cross-electrolytic condensation is widely used, which consists of the electrolysis of a mixture of carboxylic acid salts and dicarboxylic acid monoester.

Electrolysis of a solution of these two salts results in the formation of a mixture of three very different reaction products, which can be easily separated by distillation into their individual components. This method allows you to lengthen the carbon skeleton of a carboxylic acid by any number of carbon atoms in almost one operation.

Electrolytic condensation is limited to salts of carboxylic acids with a straight radical and salts of half-esters of dicarboxylic acids. Salts of ,- and ,-unsaturated acids do not undergo electrochemical condensation.

For the Kolbe reaction, a radical mechanism was proposed, including three successive stages: 1) oxidation of carboxylate ions at the anode to carboxylate radicals
; 2) decarboxylation of these radicals to alkyl radicals and carbon dioxide; 3) recombination of alkyl radicals.

At high current densities, a high concentration of alkyl radicals at the anode promotes their dimerization; at low current densities, alkyl radicals either disproportionate to form an alkene or alkane or abstract a hydrogen atom from the solvent.

Salts of carboxylic acids also undergo decarboxylation during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis of calcium or barium salts of carboxylic acids was once the main method for producing ketones. In the 19th century, “dry distillation” of calcium acetate was the main method for producing acetone.

Subsequently, the method was improved in such a way that it eliminates the stage of obtaining salts. Carboxylic acid vapors are passed over a catalyst - oxides of manganese, thorium or zirconium at 380-400 0. The most effective and expensive catalyst is thorium dioxide.

In the simplest cases, acids with a number of carbon atoms from two to ten are converted into symmetrical ketones with a yield of about 80% when boiled with powdered iron at 250-300 . This method is used in industry. The most successful pyrolytic method is currently used for the synthesis of five- and six-membered cyclic ketones from dibasic acids. For example, from a mixture of adipic acid and barium hydroxide (5%) at 285-295°C, cyclopentanone is obtained with a yield of 75-85%. Cyclooctanone is formed from azelaic acid when heated with ThO 2 with a yield of no more than 20%; this method is of little use for the preparation of cycloalkanones with a large number of carbon atoms.


The decarboxylation reaction of carboxylic acids consists of the removal of a carboxylic group from a carboxylic acid molecule, proceeding according to the following general scheme:

R-C(O)OH --> R-H + CO 2

The best known reactions are the decarboxylation of acetic and benzoic acids, which are carried out by heating a mixture of a carboxylic acid salt and an alkali to a high temperature:

H 3 C-C(O)ONa + NaOH --> CH 4 + Na 2 CO 3

Ph-C(O)ONa + NaOH --> PhH + Na 2 CO 3

A number of acids decarboxylate very easily with slight heating; in general, the presence of electroacceptor substituents in the organic radical of a carboxylic acid facilitates the decarboxylation reaction, for example, nitromethane and trinitrobenzene are obtained from nitroacetic and trinitrobenzoic acids, respectively:

O 2 N-CH 2 -C(O)OH --> O 2 N-CH 3 + CO 2

2,4,6-(NO 2) 3 C 6 H 2 -C(O)OH ---> 1,3,5-(NO 2) 3 C 6 H 3 + CO 2 .

Decarboxylation at relatively low temperatures is a feature of aromatic carboxylic acids, in the aromatic ring of which there are hydroxyl groups in the ortho- or para-position; for example, gallic acid, with slight heating, easily transforms into a triatomic phenol - pyrogallol.

Acetoacetic and malonic acids are very easily decarboxylated:

H 3 C-C(O)-CH 2 -C(O)OH --> H 3 C-C(O)-CH 3 + CO 2

HO-C(O)-CH 2 -C(O)OH --> H 3 C-C(O)OH + CO 2

The latter reaction is the basis of convenient preparative synthesis methods, called “Synthesis based on malonic and acetoacetic esters.”

Decarboxylation of dicarboxylic acids is used to obtain cyclic ketones, for example, heating adipic acid with a small amount of barium oxide allows one to obtain cyclopentanone in good yield:

HO-C(O)-(CH 2) 4 -C(O)OH --> cyclo-C 4 H 8 C=O + CO 2

The decarboxylation reaction is a key step in reactions such as the Kolbe (electrolysis of carboxylic acid salts), Simonini, Markwald, Deikin-West and Borodin-Hunsdieker reactions.

Oxidative decarboxylation. When heated to 260-300 o C, the copper salt of benzoic acid decomposes to form phenyl benzoate, carbon dioxide and copper:

2 Cu --> C 6 H 5 -C(O)O-C ​​6 H 5 + CO 2 + Cu

The reaction proceeds through a cyclic intermediate state. One option for oxidative decarboxylation is the reaction of carboxylic acids with lead tetraacetate (oxidizing agent) in the presence of calcium or lithium chloride (a source of chloride anions). The reaction takes place in boiling benzene and leads to the formation of halogenated hydrocarbons:

R-C(O)-OH + Pb 4 + 2 LiCl --> R-Cl + Pb 2 + CH 3 C(O)OLi + CH 3 C(O)OH

Decarboxylation reactions are integral and important stages of such biochemical processes as alcoholic fermentation and the tricarboxylic acid cycle.



  • K. V. Vatsuro, Mishchenko “Name reactions in organic chemistry”, M.: Chemistry, 1976.
  • J. J. Lee, Nominal reactions. Mechanisms organic reactions, M.: Binom., 2006.

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See what “Decarboxylation” is in other dictionaries:

    The removal of CO2 from the carboxyl group of carboxylic acids. Enzymatic digestion can be reversible (for example, digestion of oxaloacetate with the formation of pyruvate) and irreversible (for example, oxidative digestion of amino acids, catalyzed by decarboxylases, coenzyme, etc.) Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    The elimination of CO2 from the carboxyl group of carboxylic acids is usually carried out with the participation of decarboxylase enzymes. Enzymatic digestion can be reversible (digestion of oxaloacetate to pyruvate) and irreversible (oxidative digestion of amino acids). Special significance in a cage... ... Dictionary of microbiology

    - [de... + lat. carbo charcoal + gr. acidic] – elimination of the COOH group from organic acids; is essential in the process of metabolism and decay Big dictionary foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 detachment (8) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    The process of removing carbon dioxide from the carboxyl group (see Carboxyl) of acids. In the absence of other non-hydrocarbon gr. in the D. molecule leads to the formation of hydrocarbons. Many hypotheses of the origin of oil attach great importance to participation in... ... Geological encyclopedia

    decarboxylation- The reaction of elimination of the CO2 group from the carboxylic group of carboxylic acids or the carboxylate group of their salts. [Arefyev V.A., Lisovenko L.A. English Russian explanatory dictionary genetic terms 1995 407 pp.] Topics genetics EN decarboxylation ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Decarboxylation- * decarbaxylation * decarboxylation the movement or loss by organic compounds of carboxyl groups from which CO2 is formed. D. occurs under the action of decarboxylase enzymes, which catalyze the conversion of 51 positions to deoxyribose instead of... ... Genetics. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Decarboxylation decarboxylation. The reaction of elimination of the CO2 group from the carboxylic group of carboxylic acids or the carboxylate group of their salts. (