National Bank of Kazakhstan National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: structure and functions

The structure of the National Bank of Kazakhstan includes:

central apparatus, consisting of 10 departments, 10 independent departments (one department in Astana) and 1 independent department

16 territorial branches and one branch in Almaty - Center for cash transactions and storage of valuables

Representative office of the National Bank in the Russian Federation

5 subordinate organizations:

Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Center for Interbank Settlements of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Banking Service Bureau of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Mint of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Banknote Factory of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Republican state enterprise on the right operational management(state enterprise) "Center for supporting the activities of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

The National Bank is the founder of joint stock companies:

"Kazakhstan Deposit Guarantee Fund"

"Insurance Payment Guarantee Fund"

"Kazakhstan Mortgage Loan Guarantee Fund"

"Kazakhstan Actuarial Center"

The National Bank is also one of the founders of the joint-stock company "National Processing Center".

The National Bank is one of the shareholders of the joint stock company Accumulative Pension Fund SAPF.

The governing bodies of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are the Management Board and the Board of Directors (Directorate).

The supreme governing body of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is the Board. The Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan consists of nine people. The Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan includes: the Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, his four deputies and the head of the accounting service of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, one representative from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and two representatives from the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Members of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Bank of Kazakhstan are appointed and dismissed, respectively, by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

The functions of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan include:

development of state monetary policy;

approval of regulations developed by the National Bank of Kazakhstan relating to the activities of banks;

determination of the nominal value and design of banknotes and coins based on the concept approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

establishment of a centralized refinancing rate for operations of the National Bank of Kazakhstan with banks and the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

making decisions on issuing permission to open banks and revoking them;

making decisions on issuing licenses to conduct certain types of banking operations, suspending their validity and canceling them;

approval of reserve requirements for banks;

approval of the types of external assets that can be held in external reserves;

approval of the procedure for determining the exchange rate of the currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

annual approval of the strategy for managing gold and foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Kazakhstan;

annual approval of the accounting policy;

making decisions on the introduction and abolition of the regime of mandatory sale of proceeds in foreign currency from the export of goods (works, services);

consideration, adoption and submission for approval of the President of the annual report on the work of the National Bank of Kazakhstan;

review and approval of the annual consolidated balance sheet banking system Republic of Kazakhstan, income statement;

approval of the Regulations on the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the structure of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, appointment and dismissal of department directors, heads of regional departments and others structural divisions National Bank of Kazakhstan;

approval of prudential standards for banks;

determination and approval of working conditions, the system and amount of remuneration, social security for employees of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and its divisions;

approval of the procedure and amount of funds placed by banks with foreign participation in domestic assets;

approval of the procedure for licensing banking operations;

approval of requirements for bank premises and equipment;

making decisions on mothballing banks;

Meetings of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are held as necessary, but at least once a month. Extraordinary meetings of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are convened at the request of the Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan or three members of the Board. Members of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are promptly notified of the appointment of a meeting of the Board and 10 days before the appointed date are provided with materials of the meeting of the Board.

The Board of Directors of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is located in the city of Almaty.

The Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is appointed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the consent of Parliament for a period of 6 years. The Chairman acts on behalf of and represents without a power of attorney the National Bank of Kazakhstan in relations with government agencies, banks, credit, international, foreign and other organizations. The Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan has the right to resign by submitting a written statement to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan two months before resigning. The Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is dismissed from office by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is responsible for the activities of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

The legal status and functions of the Bank are defined in the laws “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “On Banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In accordance with the law “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the independence of the National Bank from administrative and executive authorities, its accountability only to the Supreme Council and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is noted, it also states that it is the central bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and represents the top level of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan »

The main goal of the National Bank is to ensure price stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To achieve the main goal, the National Bank is assigned the following tasks:

  • development and implementation of state monetary policy
  • ensuring the functioning of payment systems
  • implementation of currency regulation and currency control
  • promoting the stability of the financial system.

The National Bank, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following main functions:

  • implementation of state monetary policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • carrying out the issue of banknotes and coins on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • performing the functions of a bank of banks;
  • performing the functions of a bank, financial advisor, agent of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other services for the Government and others government agencies by agreement with them;
  • organization of the functioning of payment systems;
  • implementation of currency regulation and currency control in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • management of gold and foreign exchange assets of the National Bank;
  • control and supervision of activities financial organizations, as well as regulation of their activities on issues within the competence of the National Bank, etc.
  • implementation of trust management of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Management structure

The National Bank is accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but within the limits of the powers granted to it by law, it is independent in its activities.

The National Bank coordinates its activities with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, takes into account the economic policy of the Government in its activities and promotes its implementation, if this does not contradict the performance of its main functions and the implementation of monetary policy.

The supreme governing body of the National Bank is the Board, and the operational management body is the Board of Directors.

The structure of the National Bank of Kazakhstan includes:

  • central apparatus, consisting of 11 departments (one department in Astana), 10 independent departments and 1 independent department
  • 16 territorial branches and two branches in the city of Almaty: Center for Cash Operations and Storage of Valuables and Center for Supporting the Operations of the National Bank
  • Representative office of the National Bank in the Russian Federation
  • 4 reporting organizations:
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Center for Interbank Settlements of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management “Banking Service Bureau of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Mint of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Banknote Factory of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"


  • In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Republic.
  • On December 7, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities in the Kazakh SSR”
  • On June 20, 1991, a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR “On the Charter of the National State Bank of the Kazakh SSR” was adopted. In accordance with the Resolution, the National State Bank became the property of the republic and became the Central Bank.
  • April 13, 1993 in accordance with the Law “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, National Bank of the Kazakh SSR renamed to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

See also

External links

  • National Bank of Moldova
  • National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

See what the “National Bank of Kazakhstan” is in other dictionaries:

    National Bank of Kazakhstan- (National Bank of Kazakhstan) Information about the national bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, functions and tasks of the National Bank Information about the national bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, functions and tasks of the National Bank, history of the creation of the bank Contents... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan- National Bank of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Ұlttyk Banks Location… Wikipedia

    National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan- (Kazakhstan Ulttyk Banki) central bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contents 1 Functions 2 Management structure 3 History ... Wikipedia

    National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan- This term has other meanings, see National Trust. National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan (National Fund) The state fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a set of financial assets concentrated in the account ... ... Wikipedia

    Commemorative coins of Kazakhstan- The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan issues commemorative, anniversary and investment coins that reflect the life, culture, ethnic characteristics, telling about the flora and fauna of the country. Commemorative coins are issued from precious and... ... Wikipedia

The main law defining the activities of the National Bank is the law “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. According to the law, the National Bank is at the top level of the banking system and is the central bank of Kazakhstan. The law also defines its goals, objectives and functions. The main goal is to ensure the stability of the monetary currency (tenge) in the republic. To fulfill the assigned purpose, the central bank issues monetary units, currency regulation, control over financial organizations of Kazakhstan, and also manages gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Reports directly to the President, who appoints and dismisses the chairman of the national bank and his deputies, approves the structure, number, annual reports of the bank and the design of monetary units.

In August 2015, the National Bank announced the transition to a floating exchange rate, in which the price of the currency is determined by the foreign exchange market. In the same month, the tenge devalued.

In February 2016, Chairman Daniyar Akishev stated that the international reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan amount to more than $90 billion.

The legal status and functions of the Bank are defined in the laws “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “On Banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In accordance with the law “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the independence of the National Bank from administrative and executive authorities, its accountability only to the Supreme Council and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is noted, it also states that it is the central bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and represents the top level of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan »

The main goal of the National Bank is to ensure price stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To achieve the main goal, the National Bank is assigned the following tasks:

  • development and implementation of state monetary policy
  • ensuring the functioning of payment systems
  • implementation of currency regulation and currency control
  • promoting the stability of the financial system.

The National Bank, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following main functions:

  • implementation of state monetary policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • carrying out the issue of banknotes and coins on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • performing the functions of a bank of banks;
  • performing the functions of a bank, financial advisor, agent of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other services for the Government and other government bodies by agreement with them;
  • organization of the functioning of payment systems;
  • implementation of currency regulation and currency control in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • management of gold and foreign exchange assets of the National Bank;
  • exercising control and supervision over the activities of financial organizations, as well as regulating their activities on issues within the competence of the National Bank, etc.
  • implementation of trust management of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Management structure

The National Bank is accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but within the limits of the powers granted to it by law, it is independent in its activities.

The National Bank coordinates its activities with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, takes into account the economic policy of the Government in its activities and promotes its implementation, if this does not contradict the performance of its main functions and the implementation of monetary policy.

The supreme governing body of the National Bank is the Board, and the operational management body is the Board of Directors.

The structure of the National Bank of Kazakhstan includes:

  • central apparatus, consisting of 11 departments (one department in Astana), 10 independent departments and 1 independent department
  • 16 territorial branches and two branches in the city of Almaty: Center for Cash Operations and Storage of Valuables and Center for Supporting the Operations of the National Bank
  • Representative office of the National Bank in the Russian Federation
  • 4 reporting organizations:
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Center for Interbank Settlements of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management “Banking Service Bureau of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Mint of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Banknote Factory of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"


  • In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Republic.
  • On December 7, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities in the Kazakh SSR”
  • On June 20, 1991, a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR “On the Charter of the National State Bank of the Kazakh SSR” was adopted. In accordance with the Resolution, the National State Bank became the property of the republic and became the Central Bank.
  • April 13, 1993 in accordance with the Law “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, National Bank of the Kazakh SSR renamed to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

See also

External links

  • National Bank of Moldova
  • National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

See what the “National Bank of Kazakhstan” is in other dictionaries:

    National Bank of Kazakhstan- (National Bank of Kazakhstan) Information about the national bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, functions and tasks of the National Bank Information about the national bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, functions and tasks of the National Bank, history of the creation of the bank Contents... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan- National Bank of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Ұlttyk Banks Location… Wikipedia

    National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan- (Kazakhstan Ulttyk Banki) central bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contents 1 Functions 2 Management structure 3 History ... Wikipedia

    National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan- This term has other meanings, see National Trust. National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan (National Fund) The state fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a set of financial assets concentrated in the account ... ... Wikipedia

    Commemorative coins of Kazakhstan- The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan issues commemorative, anniversary and investment coins that reflect the life, culture, ethnic characteristics, telling about the flora and fauna of the country. Commemorative coins are issued from precious and... ... Wikipedia

Republic of Kazakhstan.


The legal status and functions of the bank are determined by the laws “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “On Banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In accordance with the law “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, its accountability to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is established; It also states that the National Bank is:

  • the central bank of the republic and represents the upper level of the banking system (Article 1 of the law);
  • a government body ensuring the development and implementation of the state's monetary policy, the functioning of payment systems, carrying out currency regulation and control, state regulation, control and supervision financial market and financial organizations, state regulation of the functioning of the regional financial center of Almaty, helping to ensure the stability of the financial system and conducting state statistics (Article 2 of the law).

Accountability to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with Art. 3 of the Law “On the National Bank” means:

  • appointment by the President, with the consent of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the Chairman of the National Bank; his dismissal from office;
  • appointment and dismissal by the President of Deputy Chairmen of the National Bank on the recommendation of the Chairman of the National Bank;
  • approval by the President of the structure and total staffing levels, the remuneration system of the National Bank;
  • approval by the President of the Regulations on the National Bank;
  • approval by the President of the annual report of the National Bank;
  • approval by the President of the concept of design of banknotes and coins of the national currency - the Kazakhstani tenge;
  • submission by the National Bank on issues of its competence of information requested by the President.

The main goal of the National Bank is to ensure price stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To achieve the main goal, the National Bank is assigned the following tasks:

  • development and implementation of state monetary policy
  • ensuring the functioning of payment systems
  • implementation of currency regulation and currency control
  • promoting the stability of the financial system.

The National Bank, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following main functions:

  • implementation of state monetary policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • carrying out the issue of banknotes and coins on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • performing the functions of a bank of banks;
  • performing the functions of a bank, financial advisor, agent of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other services for the Government and other government bodies by agreement with them;
  • organization of the functioning of payment systems;
  • implementation of currency regulation and currency control in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • management of gold and foreign exchange assets of the National Bank;
  • exercising control and supervision over the activities of financial organizations, as well as regulating their activities on issues within the competence of the National Bank, etc.
  • implementation of trust management of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Management structure

The National Bank is accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but within the limits of the powers granted to it by law, it is independent in its activities.

The National Bank coordinates its activities with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, takes into account the economic policy of the Government in its activities and facilitates its implementation, if this does not contradict the performance of its main functions and the implementation of monetary policy.

The supreme governing body of the National Bank is the Board, and the operational management body is the Board of Directors. The board consists of 9 people. The Board consists of the Chairman of the National Bank and four officials of the National Bank (deputy chairmen), one representative from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, two representatives from the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the chairman of the Committee for Control and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations of the National Bank.

The structure of the National Bank of Kazakhstan includes:

  • central apparatus, consisting of 11 departments (one department in Astana), 10 independent departments and 1 independent department
  • 16 territorial branches and one branch in Almaty: Center for cash transactions and storage of valuables
  • Representative office of the National Bank in the Russian Federation
  • 5 reporting organizations:
    • Joint Stock Company "Center for Supporting the Activities of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Center for Interbank Settlements of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Banking Service Bureau of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhstan Mint of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Banknote Factory of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan"


The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan holds shares in the following companies.