Presentation on traffic rules for older schoolchildren. Presentations on the topic of traffic rules, traffic rules, road signs, rules of conduct on the road for class time Download presentation of traffic rules

Traffic rules Traffic Laws. Road map. NEW in legislation. Traffic rules for children. Traffic rules game “What. Traffic rules for children. Traffic rules for schoolchildren. Road ABC. Traffic regulations for cyclists. About traffic rules. Questions about traffic. Traffic rules for preschoolers.

Know the rules of the road. Compliance with traffic rules. History of traffic rules. Careful road. History of traffic rules. Legislation in the field of road traffic. We study the rules of the road. The rules of the road are the rules of life. We study the rules of the road. TEMPLATE “Road Rules”.

Traffic rules for kids. Current issues of legislation. What are traffic rules and why are they needed? Do you know the rules of the road. Traffic rules for kids. From the history of traffic rules. Do we know the rules of the road? “The traffic rules are worthy of respect. The history of the emergence of traffic rules.

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Every child needs a basic understanding of traffic rules in order to save their life. When driving to school or to see your friends, it is important to follow the laws of the road to help ensure your safety. Dry conversation on this topic has no effect. A colorful new presentation on traffic rules “Road Traffic” for schoolchildren, which can be used in class or any extracurricular activity, will help you quickly figure out how to behave on the road. Learn complex rules traffic presentation, filled with animation accompanied by your favorite cartoon characters, helps in a matter of minutes, and download any development class hour possible on our website.

Cars will no longer seem like terrible enemies to children if the teacher shows and tells them how to avoid danger on the roads, and only a presentation on the topic “Road Rules (TRAF)” will help with this.

There is no need to teach children rules of behavior on the road based on the mistakes of their classmates who were injured. If a teacher from the 1st grade begins to talk about the secrets of traffic lights, and at the same time a presentation on traffic rules and road safety is shown, little schoolchildren will be able to unobtrusively remember the tips and use them on the roads, walking with their parents or alone.

Teach schoolchildren safety through exciting games and quizzes, and the almighty presentations on traffic rules at school, in the yard, on the street and outside the city will also help with this. With middle school students, a presentation of a project on traffic rules, which schoolchildren prepare at home with their parents, using ready-made Powerpoin templates available in the proposed developments, will help consolidate the knowledge acquired in class.

As a child grows up, sometimes he loses his vigilance on the road. What they told the kids seems like fairy tales or horror stories. The presentation on traffic rules 2014 will arouse great interest among high school students and will make them reconsider their attitude towards the road. As an adult, you don’t have to behave irresponsibly on the road. Now you can introduce children not only to traffic rules, but also to road markings, groups of signs installed along roads, and the rights of pedestrians and drivers.

We have collected in one place a huge number of event scenarios and presentations on traffic rules for primary school and high school, so the teacher or educator just has to download the material he likes from the link and use it in his class.

Materials on traffic rules

CHOU-SOSH “New Path”


· Deepen students' knowledge of traffic rules.

· Activate children's knowledge of traffic rules, develop attention and intelligence.

· To develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior for students on the street and road, in order to prevent children from road traffic injuries.

1Slide: Opening of "SDA"

2Slide:Automobile. Road. Pedestrian

· Every year, more than 50 million people around the world are killed or injured as a result of road accidents. According to the World Bank, global economic losses amount to more than $500 billion a year.

· The World Health Organization indicates that road accidents account for more than 30% of deaths from all accidents.

· In the twentieth century, the car caused the death of about 30 million people.

· In Russia, losses associated with road accidents are several times higher than losses from railway accidents, fires and other types of accidents. The scale of road accidents threatens national security. (From the report of the working group of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation).

3 SlideDiscipline on the street is the key to safety

I walk down the street and try not to rush. I know this science, how to walk down the street.

4 Slide..Traffic Laws

The need to observe the elementary order of movement arose after a person ceased to be content with walking and moved to a horse, and then, with the invention of the wheel, to a cart.

5 Slide

Sometimes they took rather curious forms, for example, there was a requirement that a boy should run in front of the car, loudly shouting to announce the approach of the carriage, so that respectable townspeople would not faint from horror when a vehicle appeared on the road at a terrible speed of 12 versts per hour stinking monster.

6SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

Conflicts that arise between crews and pedestrians during traffic have led to the need for supervision and control, and in some cases, punishment for persistent violators. It is known, for example, that in Ancient Rome, where chariots were one of the means of transportation, one-way traffic was introduced on the streets, and compliance with the rules was monitored by people specially allocated for this.

7 SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

Over time, the state was forced to take over the functions of monitoring road safety. During the reign of Ivan III in Rus' (15th century), the general rules for using postal routes were known, which made it possible to travel long distances quite quickly on carriage horses.

8 SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

Peter I issued a direct order prohibiting riding without a driver and on unbridled horses. At that time, there were frequent cases of injuries to townspeople from carriages and horsemen. According to one traveler, “... these people are so stubborn that, having met, they would rather break each other’s wheels than turn off the road, if the oncoming rider is not a nobleman.”

9 SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

In 1718, control over compliance with established traffic rules in St. Petersburg was entrusted to the police. It should be noted that the state established not only rules, but also punishment for their violation. For example, Tsarina Anna Ioannovna ordered that only bridled horses be ridden “with all fear and caution, at attention,” and those who disobeyed should be “beaten with a whip and sent to hard labor.”

10 SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

Over time, the Traffic Rules became more detailed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, when the number of automobile and horse-drawn transport continued to grow, city governors ordered a limit on driving speed, first to 12 versts per hour, and in 1907 to 20.

In 1908, Moskovskie Vedomosti wrote: “The following innovation has been made in the St. Petersburg police: police officers at some posts on busier streets have been assigned short white canes to regulate the traffic and safety of pedestrians. If necessary, a policeman can stop a carriage or an entire a number of carriages raise the cane upward in the direction of the stopped movement. All drivers at this sign immediately and unquestioningly stop and continue moving when the cane is lowered in St. Petersburg and the car drivers of electric trams, drivers of cars and cyclists. Later, the short white cane received its striped coloring in order to be more noticeable.

11 SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

First in history normative document, specifically dedicated to road safety, was the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated June 10, 1920 "On motor traffic in Moscow and its environs (rules)." It sets out the requirements for cars, describes the rules for their registration, use, obtaining license plates, and specifies the requirements for drivers (they have a driver's license and travel tickets). Speed ​​limits were set: for cars and motorcycles - no more than 25 versts/hour, for trucks - no more than 15. The circle of persons who were responsible for violating traffic rules was determined.

12 SlideTraffic rules appeared a long time ago

The first full-fledged Rules in the Union had a long name - “Rules for the movement of automobile and horse-drawn transport on the roads of the USSR” (remember, this document was approved in May 33rd). It is interesting that almost all sections have been preserved to this day; only their “fullness” has increased and the requirements have been tightened.

"Rules for driving on city streets, settlements and roads of the USSR", which were based on the International Convention of 1949, were introduced in 1961.

Then, after some revision, these Rules were re-approved in 1965.

And on January 1, 1973, the Road Traffic Regulations were introduced, based on the Conventions “On Road Traffic” and “On Road Signs and Signals” and the European Agreements supplementing them

From a brief excursion into the past, it becomes clear that the movement of people, no matter by what means it is carried out, requires certain rules. And since there are rules, then there is a need for someone to monitor their compliance.

Government Russian Federation decides:

The Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the traffic rules, which provide new designations, road signs and technical means for road users. The changes will affect not only drivers, but also pedestrians and cyclists.

1. Diagonal pedestrian crossings

The government decree will formalize the use of diagonal pedestrian crossings in the country. This method of crossing the road is actively used in large cities at large intersections and can significantly increase pedestrian throughput by reducing the time spent waiting for a green traffic light.

2. New parking markings

Now, in the parking zone, road markings will not indicate each parking space separately, but only the entire zone at once, that is, its beginning and end.

15 SlideChanges in traffic rules April 15, 20153. "Safety Island"

A new concept will also appear in the traffic rules - “safety island”. According to the text of the resolution, this is an element of the road arrangement that separates traffic lanes in opposite directions (including lanes for cyclists),

5. Changes for cyclists

Cyclists are now allowed to use dedicated lanes for public transit vehicles.

In addition, a new sign 5.14.2 “Lane for cyclists” is being introduced. This is due to the fact that the currently incorrectly used sign 4.4.1 “Cycle path or lane for cyclists” serves to designate both a bicycle path and a lane for cyclists, despite the fact that they have different traffic modes.

6. New design of traffic lights

“To inform drivers about the presence of a functional additional section, it is allowed to mark the outline of the section with a red light signal at the moment when the arrow is turned off, which also means that movement in the direction regulated by this section is prohibited,” the text of the government decree says.

We are talking about the use of bright red diode signals, which will allow motorists to see from afar whether there is a turn in one direction or another at the intersection or not.

“The decisions taken will improve the organization of traffic and will have a positive impact on road safety,” the resolution notes. The changes come into force on April 7.


1. What is the name of any person on the road? (Face).

2. What is the name of a device designed to transport people, goods and equipment? (Vehicle).

3. What is the name of the person who drives a vehicle? (Driver).

4. What is the name of the person other than the driver who is in or on a vehicle? (Passenger)

5. What is the name of the strip of land with the surface of an artificial structure used for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians? (Road)

6. What is the name of the person who is outside vehicle on the road and not doing work on it? (Pedestrian).

7. What is the name of a person moving in wheelchair without an engine on the road? (Pedestrian)

8. What non-motorized vehicle can a person drive with his hands along the road to be treated like a pedestrian? (Bike)

9. What kind of motor vehicle can be driven on the road by a person so that it can be equated to a pedestrian? (Motorbike)

10. What device can a pedestrian use on the road to transport cargo on their own? (Cart)

11. What device can a pedestrian use to transport children and persons with disabilities in warm weather? disabilities? (Stroller)

12. What is the name of a person who is duly empowered to regulate traffic with the help of signals established by the Traffic Rules and who directly carries out the said regulation? (Adjuster).

13. Show what sign indicates the front and rear of a vehicle used for transporting children. (Children)

“Drawing up the alphabet of streets and roads.” I name the letters of the alphabet, and for each letter you must name words related to the car and traffic rules.

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Presentation - Safety and traffic rules

Text of this presentation


Prohibition signs:
Warning signs:
Railway crossing without barrier
"Men at work"
“Falling stones” A section of the road where landslides, landslides, and falling stones are possible.
“Other hazards” A section of road that contains hazards that are not indicated by other warning signs.
"Bicycles are prohibited"
"No Pedestrians"
“Danger” The further movement of all vehicles without exception is prohibited due to a traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

Special instructions signs:
"Bus and/or trolleybus stopping place."
"Tram stop location."

"Pedestrian crossing".
“Pedestrian zone” The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where only pedestrian traffic is allowed.

Service marks:
"First aid station"
"Food station"

All vehicle traffic is PROHIBITED in all directions. Pedestrians are NOT allowed to cross the roadway.

When you walk down the street, you are a pedestrian. You are allowed to walk on the street only on sidewalks, keeping to right side so as not to interfere with the movement of oncoming pedestrians. If there is no sidewalk, walk toward traffic on the shoulder or edge of the road. Then not only does the driver see you from a distance, but you also see the approaching car.

In order to cross to the other side of the street, there are certain places and they are called pedestrian crossings. They are marked with "Pedestrian Crossing" road signs and white zebra lines. If there is no designated pedestrian crossing, you can cross the street at intersections along the lines of sidewalks or curbs.
Make sure it is completely safe before crossing the road. Stop at the edge of the roadway, listen, look to the left and, if there are no cars, walk to the middle of the roadway. Look to the right again, and if there is no traffic, complete the crossing. The road must be crossed at right angles and in places where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

If there is a traffic light at a crosswalk or intersection, it will show you when to walk and when to stand and wait. Red light for pedestrians - stop, yellow - wait, green - go. Never cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby. As soon as the light turns green, do not “throw” from the sidewalk onto the road. It happens that the car's brakes are faulty, and it can unexpectedly drive into a pedestrian crossing. Therefore, you need to cross the road calmly. Cross, don't run across!

A smart pedestrian will never run out onto the road, even if it is a crossing point. He will walk calmly, because for a driver a person jumping out onto the road is always a surprise, and it is unknown whether the driver will be able to cope with this surprise. It is dangerous to play near the road: riding a bicycle in summer or sledding in winter. Know the rules of pedestrian safety, don’t break them, learn to apply them in life!
The main rule safe behavior- foresee danger. Slow down, listen when you approach an arch, a corner of a house - in general, any place where a car might unexpectedly drive out.

“Vehicle” is a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads.
“Road participant” is a person directly involved in the traffic process as a driver, pedestrian, or passenger of a vehicle.
Look carefully at the following slides and answer the questions.

Name the road users. Name the vehicles.

Find pedestrians in the photo. Find the vehicles in the photo.

Indicate the vehicles in the photos. Show road users.

Typical road "traps".
1. The main danger is a stationary car! A stationary car is dangerous: it can block another car that is moving at high speed, making it difficult to notice the danger in time. You cannot go out onto the road because of parked cars. As a last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

2. Do not go around a stationary bus, either in front or behind! A stationary bus covers a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

3. Know how to anticipate hidden dangers! A car may unexpectedly drive out from behind a stationary car, house, fence, bushes, etc. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. As a last resort, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

4. The car is approaching slowly, but you still need to let it pass. A slow moving car can hide behind a car going at high speed. A pedestrian is often unaware that another car may be hidden behind one car.

5. And at a traffic light you can encounter danger. Today on city roads we are constantly faced with the fact that car drivers violate traffic rules: they rush at high speed, ignoring traffic lights and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to focus on the green traffic light; you need to make sure that there is no danger. Pedestrians often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through.” They are wrong.

6. Children often run across a “deserted” street without looking. On a street where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road without first inspecting it and get hit by a car. Develop the habit of always stopping before going out onto the road, looking around, listening - and only then crossing the street.

7. When standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind you! Having reached the center line and stopping, pedestrians usually only look out for cars moving on the right side and forget about the cars passing behind them. Frightened, a person can take a step back - right under the wheels of a car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you must be extremely careful and not make a single move without making sure it is safe.

8. Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger! In large cities, places of increased danger are arches through which cars exit from courtyards onto the roadway.

Find dangers for pedestrians:

Try to understand the traffic situations suggested on the following slides and give advice to pedestrians.

Situation 1. A passenger got off the bus (or trolleybus) onto a landing site located on the sidewalk or side of the road. There is a pedestrian crossing not far from the stop.
What to do?

Situation 1. What if the pedestrian crossing is located before the stop?

Situation 2. The passenger has stepped onto the side of the road or sidewalk, he needs to cross to the other side of the road, but there is no pedestrian crossing nearby
What to do?

Situation 3. At stopping points equipped with raised landing platforms (located in the middle of the road), passengers alighted from stopped trams moving in opposite directions and decided to cross to opposite sides of the road. Trams A and B stopped opposite each other. At the same time, tram A ended up behind a pedestrian crossing, and tram B was a little short of reaching this pedestrian crossing.

Situation 4. Two pedestrians exit oncoming trams at stopping points equipped with raised landing platforms located in the middle of the road. Both trams did not reach the pedestrian crossing, which is adjacent to the landing areas. Both pedestrians decided to cross the tram tracks and head to the opposite side of the road.

Situation 5. Pedestrians got off the trams at boarding points that were not equipped with raised boarding platforms. Boarding points are located in the middle of the road

Thank you for participating! See you again!

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